Cbt Utakbmn mit f$mikm WBPBTBSPAY, UOV. 16,1892. "Freaks* in Modern Fiction. It occurs to the Study sometimes, io turning over the pages of modern fiction?as one might walk through a world of distempered fancy?how the pages would appear if one could see the characters, as they are drawn, in visible ngores. The procession would startle anybody except the professional v> alienist. The very word 4'character" has come to mean an abnormal type, or ralbar specimen, of humanity. There bat never been a physical freak so fan tastilo ' as some of bese moral freaks ; but the production in fiction of a moral freak, if it is done with an air of scientific analysis, is regarded as a praiseworthy achievement. Analysis of actual human nature, or of the work ing of any mind, is quite another thing front the creation of a freak by a jumble of human qualities. This is, however, a deeper matter than the Study intended ..- to go into at this time. It was only . thinking, as a matter of art, what sort ?t pictures these morbid studies io aeetai anatomy, in moral deformity, would make, and how the reader would like te bave them before hia? eyes for bonra and days.. The mediaeval artists Used 't? attempt this sort of thing, and drew monsters which perhaps repre sented their ideas of human nature, if not total depravity. They did not help the world much, either as ideals or as mirrors in which poor humanity can see itself as it is. It is very difficult to eie tate one's ideals by a contemplation o? vice. Bat, again, this is going beyond ? subject. We must ba?e, of course, real life in literature. The Study sim ply had the whimsical fancy ?o imagine what would be the effect on the reader If many of the people the novelists offer as as companions could be visibly drawn for him as the freaks they are.? Charles Dudley Warner, in the Editor's Study, in Harper's Magazine for July. It has transpired that Bowden, of he Cotton Plajt, and the apostle in fhis State, of Third Partyiam smokes cigarettes and inhales them. After that fact has been ascertained no one wiil be *he slightest surprised in regard to his political course?Marion Star. -;- ? t^t** S? ' 7 Household Hints. Apples that take a long while to balie should always have a little water put in the pan. It is not generally known that large, tipe encumbers make a most excellent sweet pickle, but it is so. The nicest thing with w: ich to scour knives is a large cork dipped io water, then in bath brick. It is far better ?nana' rag. To restore black cashmere, wash it in bot ends with a little borax in the water ; rinse in Very strong boiling water, and iron while damp The best muci! -ge is made from gum tragacauth and water. When well dissolved, add a few drops of oil of cloves and a tiny piece of alum. Boiling starch is much improved by the addition of sperm or salt, or both, or a little gum arabio dissolved. Milk which has changed may be ren dered fit for ose again by stirring in a little soda. Fish may be scaled easier by first dipping them into boiling water for a minate. Frot? meat beginning to sour will sweeten if placed out of doors iu the air over night. . Kerosene will soften boo's and sbces that bave been, hardened by water and render them pliable as new. A tablespoon ful of turpentine boiled with your white clothes will aid the wbiieaieg process. Wetting the hair thoroughly once or twice with a solution of salt and water will keep it from falling out. Salt will curdle new milk ; in pre paring porridge, gravies ete,salt should not be added outil the dish is prepared Bam water and soep will remove machine grease from wa&hable fabrics. Charcoal is recommended as an absorber of gases in the milk-room where foul gases are present. It should be freshly powdered and kept there continually. For ivy poisoning paint the affected rte with s r ? woe a polishing iron, and your collars and cuffs will look like new MS ? - ? Good Looks. Good lo? ks are u ore than nkin deep, depend ing upon a health" condition of :i!l the viral ?>r gane. If the Liver be inactive, y<>u have ?i Bilious Look, if your stomach he disordered yoa have a Dvsp-ptic t?H k and ifvoer Kidney* be affected you have a pinched L'"k. secure g??od health andyou wiil have gd lu>>k.?. Electri< Bi tiers if &z great alterative and Tunic acts directly on these vital org;ir. s. Cur** Pimple-, Blotcnes, ?ioils and give* a good compi ??? ?. Sold at J. F. U". I>?Lorme's Drug store. 50c. per bottle. 4 me mmm ? Why take ail kinds of medicines for the liver, wben Glenn Springs Water is a s*fe aod pleasant remedy. Fur sale by W. R. Delgar, Jr. FOR SALE. AVALUABLE FARM KNOWN AS THE Estate of Dr. S. B. Miller, healthy lo cality, on public ro*d near Lynchburg, Sum ter County, 150 acres more or less, large 2 Story dwelling, 6 rr.oms, piHZZt on front and rear; large kitchen adjoii.ing ho;;se, staoles, barn, fodder and cotton houses, shed-mom for wagon, carriage and btrggy: smoke and poultry houses; 2 good welts of w*t*r. fine eak grove in fient, hog pasture on North end and cattle pasture on South end of farm. This parcei or tract of land is bounded on Korth and Knst by Opt W. J. McLeod's land; South by land formerly of Si rah A. Pigate, now Est. Lydia Wilson; Weit by Mary Welch's land. I will offer this farm for sale on Salesday in December, if not previous y ?oId. and in the mean time, 1 will rece.ve proposais for its saie at private s-.ie. R. HILLBR. Executor Lj ochburg, S C. Sot. !>? Above the Constitution There is no government in the civilized world, except possibly Russia, which is not to some extent under the domina tion of popular opinion. The present Emperor of Germany is the most virile monarch in Europe, but be dare not Oppose too grievously the will of his sub jects. If there is any written instru ment of government powerful beyond all other laws, it is our owu Constitu tion, it is the rule of action prescribed by the people for the guidance and control of their agents. But the history of the Federal power shows that there is a power above the Constitution, and that is the power of popular opinion. There have often been times wheu the Consti tution has not stood in the way of the people's will. Even the Supreme Court will change its mind if the people are persistent. It bas not been always necessary for popular opinion to demand tbe breaking au flexion of the Constitu ' tion; it is only necessary that it should approve what bas been done. The purchases of Louisiana and Alaska, and the many instances of executive and legislative acts during the war between the States that were clearly beyond the constitutional grants of power, are caaes in poiut which will occur to any one who is at all familiar with our constitu tional history ?Henry Loomis Nelson, in Harper's Magaiue. mm- ? The Force of Association. The name of T. C. Scnffs, when mentioned toa resident of Surnter County, inevitably suggests Stoves, Tinware, Crockery and kindred goods. This is an example of the force of association, and it is a worthy example. For about twenty years he has supplied the people cf Surnter with Stoves, urn us. China-ware, Toys, Ltrnps, etc., and his goods have been of such uniformly good quality tint he has soldom failed to satisfy. The stock purchased to supply the wants of his patrons during the full and winter of 92-93 is complete. It includes Chinaware in variety and latest styles, Dinner sets and single pieces. Vases, Mugs, Cups, and tojs. Lamps, both library and stand at alt prices. In Toilet and Chamber Sets, China and Tin bargains are offered. The Crockery ware stock is tbe largest ever in Sumtrr, Maddock's aud Meekens' makes, standnri goods, first class?no seconds. Stoves in variety?Cooking and Heating. Gasoline Stoves of the finest'make?something to save the housekeeper, who does her own cooking. Special attention inted to the cele brated Open Fire Stove?a very pretty grate ready to set in fire-place or room, and more ornamental than any grate, no bricks or dirt. The open Firelight, the best Franklin Stove ever made, still kept in stock. It uses IM least coal and gives better results thaji any other. Sca?Vs is headquarters for Lamp goods, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks and repairs of all kinds. A compietestock of Wood and Willowware, aod Tin Ware in great variety. In fact every thing pertaining to housekeeping supplies. Everybody knows Staffe and that his goods are first class. Inspect his goods before mak ing a bill elsewhere. Oct 19-41. The wind from the North blows s.-:arp and keen, end bad effects of colds are seen. One Minute Congh Cure so safe and sure, will quickly pet form a wondrous cure. J. S. Hughson & Oo. Eipans Tabu!es are of great value. L 0. JOHNSTON, ' SUMTER, S. C, -THE Practical Carpente^ Contracter AND BUILDER, TT70ULD RESPECTFULLY inform tbe f f citizens of Suinter and surrounding conntry that he is prepared to furnish plans, and estimates on brick and wooden buildings All work entrusted to him will be done first class. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Aug 19 o We receive fresh every week the most de lightful Roasted Coffee ever offered here. Kingman & Co. Sweet breath, sweet stomach, sweet temper, all result from tbe use of De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. J. S. Hughson & Co. If you can't take a summer vacation drink Glenn Springs water at Hughson & Co's soda fountain. For Instance, Mrs. Chas. Rogers, of Bay City, Mich.,accidentally spilled scalding water over her little boy. She promptly applied De Witt's Witch Hazel Sal ve, giving instant relief, It's a wonderfully good salve for boras, bruises, sores, and a sure cure for piles. J. S. .Hughson & Co. Remove tbe malaria from your system, be fore going to the .mountains, by drinking Glenn Springs Water.* You cao get it from W. R. Delgar, Jr. Headache is the direct result of indigestion and stomach disorders. Remedy these by using De Witt's Little Early Risers, and your headache disappears. The favorite little pills everywhere. J. S. Hughson & Co. . Glenn Springe water for sale at Baghson ? Co's drug store in any quantity wanted. Nothing so distressing as a backing Cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so-dangerous if allowed to continue. One minute Cough Cure gives immediate re lief. J. S. Hugh90u & Co. The Chicago Ledger Is twenty years old and has a circulation of 140,000 copies a week. It is a combined story and family paper, fully up to the times in pvery particular, and handsomely illoetratetr. There is a Fashion Department, and also a Young People's Department, rither of which alone is worth the subscription price of $2 0 per year, $1.00 for six months, or 50 cents for three months. Send for free specimeu copies and inducements for cluhs. Boys and girls everywhere are making money sellrng the Ledger to regular customers. Write for par ticulars. Address the publisher, W. D. Boyce, 113, 115 and 117 Fifth avenue, Chica go. Oct. 2&?4t. - wem ' i :-*mma? Small in size, great in results: De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best pills for Constipa tion. Best, for Sick Headache. Best for Sour Stomach. They never gripe. J. S. Hughson & Co. Eipans Tabules cure hives. GLENN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER A Safe, Pleasant Cure -FOR ALL DISEASES X)F THE LIVER KIDNEYS BLADDER AND BOWELS. FOR SALE BY Dr. A. .J. CHINA, Du J. F. W. DeLORME, -AND . W. R DELGAR, Agent. S?MTER, S. C. PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, Glenn Springs, S. C. Mch. 2. Ttfew Millinery Store miss s. e. McDonald at store formerly occupied by the Misses McElhose on Main St., lias just opened a handsome assortment of fine and medium grades Millinery Goods, Hats and Bonnets, of French and Domestic manufacture of the very latest shapes, styles and patterns. A fine assortment of Feather-Tips, Ribbons, and any goods to be found in a first class millinery establishment. Ladies will do well to ezamine our Goods before purchasing their Winter supplies. By honest dealing and moderate prices we hope to merit a liberal patron age. Positively no old stock. to the front. Cut Prices on Bagging and Ties TO CLOSE OUT. 1 3-4 lb. Bagg?ig, 6 1-2 cents per yard. 2 lb- Bagging, 7 1-4 cents per yard. 2 1-4 lb. Bagging, 7 3-4 cents r>er yard. Best Arrow Ties $1.12 1-2 per Bundle. FourOar-loads of Flour at Rock Bottom Prices. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CLOTHING, SHOES. ALL AT THE VSR Y LOWEST PRICES! A large line of Harness for saie at half prices. Call and ex amine before buying. REMBERT & MARSHALL. Nov 9 The first of the season ml mv* Loud of Horses, I jail kinds, at my stable, to arrive OCTOBER 2Tth. Suinter S. C, O?t. 21, 1*02. TRADE MARK.' SCHWARTZ ?;?? Dry Goods Eniporiu. Our establishmeat sparkles with the brightness ?f AUTUMN GOODS. Quantity, Quality and Good Values combine to produce an activity sur surpassing all previous records. ? We want to call jour attention this week to our^ DRESS GOODS, : - TRIMMINGS - -AND Millinery Department. Our display of French and German Novelties in Suit lengths (no two alike) surpasses in Quality and Richness all previous exhibits In fact we only carry the newest in all Dress Goods. Our designs are exclusive to us and can't be found elsewhere in the city*. Our Millinery Parlor Filled with new importations in PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS,; Beside the Creations of our own Millinery Artists, was th? admiration of all the ladies in attendance at our Opening on vthe 28th and 29th. There's Beauty and Brightness, Lightness and Grace, To satisfy Your inborn artistic taste. Hats and Bonnets made to match any and all Suits. We point with pride to our - ? DRESSMAKING Which is unequaled in the State. This is no experiment with us, but an established fact. Our work is our best advertisement. Be sure to look through our . . CLOAK DEPARTMENT The largest line of Ladies' Misses and Children's Cloaks in Suinter. Carpets, Hatting*, Oil Cloths, Portiers, Rugs, At the lowest possible price. When Ready to make your Fall purchases be considerate and give us credit for wishing to serve your interests as well as our own. Respectfully. Millinery and s cities. Dressmaking l . ?We have added a line of Ladies' Trunks. Everything new and fresh. ??. Prices right. mm J. We will make it to yourinterest to W * J^ ? ?/? S. Men's Suits from $2.50 to Boy's Long Pants Suits from Boy's Knee Pants Suits from Boy's Overcoats from Men's Overcoats from Boy's Knee Pants from Men's Pants from -ALSO $25 00 2.50 to 18.00 .75 to 1.00 to 1.50 to .25 to .50 to 10.00 12.00 20.00 1.50 800 A MAGNIFICENT LINE -OF HATS, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, COLLARS AND CUFFS, And* everything usually found in a First Class Clothing and Furnishing Goods Store, at prices as low as good goods can be sold at. Respectfully; Brown & Chandler. Corner Main and Liberty Streets, SUMTBR, S- O ,. . TEAESTED IN LOW PRICES? We offer a magnificent New Stock for Fall & Winter At prices the lowest yet named for strictly First Class Goods. High Grades in all Departments. True Merit in every article, Honest Quality everywhere, An Immense Assortment, Nothing Missing, Every thing the best, The Quality will tell it The Price will sell it. And that is the reason you should come early to get your bargain* from our splendid line of il o m 3 fa 5 ? o 0S We show all the very LATEST NOVELTIES in profusion. We keep the very finest selections in all standard styles, We make it a point to have every article in stock the IB EST O F" ITS KIONT?. The Dollar you spend with us goes farther, lasts longer and gets more style, gets more quality, gets more quantity and does you more good in service, worth and wear, than any money you spend. Our Goods and prices now waiting for your inspection will prove this. Our Dressmaking Department Opened October 1st, under the management of Miss McLean, an artist from New York. If you want nice fitting dresses we can make them. Give us a call. PTJRDY, SrJITER, S. C.