^ - - -1 sa? webkeSday, s?pp. i47-*e2. India's Enemies. What the Native Population Has to Contend Against. FlUENDof t?ine bad a summer ros?deaoe aboot ?lae iaile*frora Lucknow, and I accepted his in v i V?ti ou to e|iOnd a few wecke with him. Ho had about 800 acres of land, a large part of which was forest and thicket, with a creek running across a portion of the estate. ^2^. The idea tu ^ India is to keep oaol Therefore, 5^ every house is belli with this idea, being provided with as many windows as pass*" -1?, and si ways surrounded with verandas. Iliad neve* seen a cobra, except in zoological gardens, when I went out there, eut I was fated tichave an adventure almost as QoonfasTarrKed. My-bedroom was at a oo?neri of tbe^econd story of the bun^a^o^ an?jrca^ias^threo windows, ;| These were screened wit-h wire and the sashes taken out. A hammock was slung to hooks in the coiling, and the room was fairly comfortable oven on a very hot night. Oa the third morning, just at day breaks 1 was aroused from sleep by a noise on the veranda which ran along under my bedroom windows. My ham mock wa3 within two feet of one of the windows, and of course the wire cloth admitted every sound from the outsida As the grounds were guarded by two chowkadars. or watchmen, I had no fear of thieves, and therefore had no arms within reach. I lay facing the window, with my face not over thirty inches from the screen, and was wondering what had caused the noise, when a big cobra suddenly lifted ?is head against the outside or the wire, and his eyes looked into mina For half a minute it seemed as if my heart did not beat at alL Had the window be^n unguarded I could not have raised a ?ngor to ward off the at tack. The serpent hissed at me and moved his hideous head all over the screonv looking for some break in its surface. It bulged in as he pressed on it, and, knowing how slovenly work is done by Indian serrants, I expected it to give way at any instant After a couple of minutes the snake went to the second window, and then to the third, searching every square inch in hopes to find a way into the room. After he left the window directly in front of me I might have dropped out of the hamopock and got my revolver from the. bureau, but it occurred .to me that if I provoked the cobra be would he pretty sure to make a more vigorous at tack. I therefore lay perfectly quiet, closed my eyes so that I could Just peep at him, and after going over all the windows a second and third time, 1 heard him crawling around tbe veranda. I then dropped out, opened the door and called to my friend, 'and he seized a do?ble-barrer shotgun and passed through the hails until he found the serpent on the other side of the house. He had given up seeking an entrance by the windows, and was mounting to J the roof w?en a charge of buckshot fixed at close range through the screen cut bim ^almost 4%i?wo. No one '.vas at fill excited, 'ffce "incident scorned to have no more we^bt than the visit of a hat -\ ^ A w??k liter two of the servants ac companied me oa a hunt around tie neighborhood after birds. Neither was armed, and both were barefooted, barelegged and barearmcd. In tbe marshy ground"^a?ong- tbe rreek I shot severai V**ds of vtbe snipe species, and w-a#w*e -abon* to^roes it when one of ! the natives, who .was la the lead ithd following a psth,- ted, turned back, and cuietly said: 44We bad bettor ?o anothct way, "Uecaiwa thgwcrocodHo might do us harm." I advanced to the spot where ho had baited, and at once made out a bu^e His oTF.s loossd ::rro m?^s? Sa-irian lying in tbe creek right across .ho path, and evidently waiting tor some one to cross. This was not over a quarter of a rr:i?e from the bungalow, and the Syrian had evidently ooi;>e down the creek from a small lake about two miles away. 1 male ready to Sro at bim, but one of the natives touched my arm arid respectfully suid: "Please don't, .-uhih. If you anger him be will bring others to ma':e u3 trouble, " 'liut ho ou?ht to bo driven away or killed. - ,4Ycs, but when there are a thousand more in the lake what would you or air.?" He seemed so earnest about It that I turned away. That night anumber of tbe servants crossed tbe creek to attend so re e sort of a party, and in the morn ing a young re an was missing. After considerable inquiry it was decided that the crocodile bad seized him as he at tempted to cress the path. J said to the native who had restrained my lire: "Now you see what you did. Had I killed tbe reptile the youn^ man would have been with us thi^j ruornin^.'* "Ah, sahib, l?ut you- might not have kilied him, and then bo would havo taken two of us." About sis mTTes below Patna, on tbe Ganges, in the Bengalee district, a couple of English officers with whom I was acquainted had a shooting box. and I went up with a party to enjoy some sport It was a wiid strip of country along the stream, and although so near to a village this fact did not render game any less abundant A dozen tigers, three or four panthers and a J score of hyenas had been tagged thero within two years, hut it still remained i a favorite lurking ground for big game. Ai a matter of curiosity I bunted up ; the returns made to the Government ; fron? this pla?a, and found that the average of natives bitten by serpents, devoured by crocodiles, or slain by .viid beasts was over three per week the year round. These wero the figures re Dortod, but only one loss in three is re ported >*y th? na?ves?. 4s they persist 1 i believing that tho blanks sent in by .plficiais are somehow coiincctrd with taxation or official surveillance. Two days before we started a native camo in to"the civil authorities to report a caso. He said: "Wo were going to see cur father and mother at Mugador (a village seven miles away), my brother and L Wo were in a pith crossing tho forest to save distance. ?le was ahead. It was abont two hours after daylight Wo were very happy, and he was tolling mo a story which his wife had told him, when a tiger suddenly sprang upon him. I stopped. Tho liger stood over bina, with both paws upon his breast, ar?d looked at me and growled and switched h la tafi 1 could do nothing. I walked backward la tho path, and the tiger seized my brother by the shoulder, ga-ve him a half whirl, end then trotted a way into tho tbioket I havo been told that it is my duty to report this." We had been at the shooting box three days, and had killed a dozen hy enas, a panther, and a couple of big snakes. There were four whito men of us in tbo party, and we had eight or ten native trackers and servants. On tho fourth morning; before breakfast, 1 ran a thorn into my foot, and was advised to lie quiet during the day. The boose was divided into two rooms, each about twelve feet square, and each having" two baxnmoolas in It. The first room was oeed to store provisi^ms in. The TUB TIGER STOOD OVEH HIM. door between the two was a frame cov ered with wire cloth. There was only one window in each room, ami that was provided with a sliding sash, with wire cloth tacked over the outside. The out side door was also a screen, but this was left standing open during the day. After breakfast one of the natives fixed a poultice of loaves for my wound, and I lay down in a hammock in tho inner room. The three other white men went oil up the river, accompanied by all tho natives except two, one to attend mo and the other to see to the cooking. I lay facing the doors, and had a view of the fire and a strip of country beyond It At nino o'clock we beard tbo reports of rifles far away. Half * an hoar later, just as I was ele vating my head so that I could read a book which was at hand, 1 saw a tiger spring upon the two men. They xvero not at the fire, but a few feet eway, under a tree, and their faces v.'ero toward ma The animal had therefore approached traseen. He knocked both down, and struck them after they wore down, and then stool over their pros trate bodies, and looked at the 'orest This was hardly ten feet from the open door. It was so sudden that ? lost half a minute, and by tbo ond of that time the tiger left tho men and came to tho door and looked in. lie probably j scented me, for he switched his tail and ! growled, and while he stood there I saw j blood on his neck. My hammock had ceased swinging, | ond I kept very oulet in Lope? the brute would go away. He stood and j growled and stared for a minute, and then advanced to the inner door and \ pushed against It Had it- opened to- j ward mo b?e could have eatbrod, bu'iit opened tho other way. With his eyes j and nose against the wire he growled in j a way to send tbo chills ovor mo. but I j foared to movo a finger for fear he ] would make a da?h and come through j tho cloth, .lie did rake his teeth along j the surface, and aiso strike the wire ] two or three times with bis paw. Ile j must have bit the sharp ends of eomo j of the wires the last t'.me, for be ur- j tcred a yelp and drew back, and after i licking his paw for a moment retreated through the open door. As my rifle was i in tbo furtbor room I felt i: \ prudent to lie quiet for a .time, and < when I did ?et up the beast bad Cii.>rir>- ; peared. I found one of tbo natives dead, ! hi3 skull having been crushed by a j blow, while th'i other had received a bite in the shoulder, but was "playing dead" to deceive tho beast .Tu-s;t before noon tho party came In, and thon I learned that they had start- | ed a pair of tigers out of cover about a j mi*o above. The female bod been killed in a ?J of Zdlot* Impressions of the ?nger-tipe of idiots fiuve been fo*:r>d by Dr. d*Abundo to show very different markings from those of sane people. In a number of iiliots .the markings on the tip? of all the fingers of each hand were identical and in one idiot the tips of the thumbs had t-x. same markings as those- of the linger*. There rcas n noticeablo smoothness of the finger-tips in aii tdi< >ts. ? Ill IIMI> - The Bight Ring. B It. Tiiluvm is renominated for Governor ci So?th Carolina, and elect ed We say that he is clerked, because the veto uczt November could not be ui're conclusive of bis retention in : {T:ce than that which was ea&t in the Dem ?craric primary on Tuesday. To that primary his opponents in conven tion last March committed their case, pledging ihcmseivea ro abide by its decis ion; and a large majority of them, who voted r.g?ic^ him in (he primary, took an oath to support the nomm?e. As honorable men, there who thus commit ted themselves w:Ii aot.p tnetr cotisa tions, however repulsive, There will be no opposition i . Governor Tiiluiaa'a c ice-ion in Nov n.h.-r by those who rook p-irt in the C iuservative move ment.?The State. '! nm a democrat. I stand upon a ib." by deceiv- j iog vou, and if : ever d" prove recre- ; ant to my fru-t ? hop-i that :: lash wiii | be nut in the hands >' ev.rry honest . man te whip ms out o! the state '?. Maj. J. C C j?'.vk, candidate for con gress to the Tenth Georgia District. For Over Fifty Years. Mr3. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hai beea u?ed for children teething. ?: soother ih< child, softens th*v g unis, aliays'all pain, urea wind colic, -irxl ?? me b*?9t remedy for Diarrhoea. Tweoty-five cents -i bottle. s v Death of John G. Whittier. Hampton Falls, N H., Sept. 7. John G. Whirtier died at 4:o0 this morning, lie passed away peacefully. Iiis nearest relatives and Dr. Pouglass were at hi? bedside when death came, and he seemed to be conscious of his surrcuiidicgs to the last moment. The funeral will take place at Amesbury, >Ja>s., at 2:30 p. m Saturday next. John Greenleaf Whitticr was born DeoeaibtT- 17, 1807, at Haverbiil, Mass. He became a strong anti-sla very man, and was for two years the secretary of the American Anti-Slavery Society. In 1838 he removed to Phil adelphia and edited the Pennsylvania Freeman, doing this work with so much sincerity and vigor that the printing of?oe of his paper was eacked and burned. In 1810 ho became a resident cf Amesbury, Mass., where he resided during the remainder of his life. A Chinaman, discharged on account of the boycott, turned to his late em ployer with an air of genial and imper sonal regret. "0, yes; liishman as Melican man send away Chinaman. That all right. He go back to China pretty good. Bimeby liishman send Melican man away. Where you go ? A Pretty Surprise. A beautifully illustrated and charmingly bound edition of Longfellow's "Evangeline," the most popular long poem ever published by an American ?uthor, and one of the most famoo3 poems in the language, juat published, it a pretty surprise for booklovers. It is in Urge type, numerous and excellent illustra tions, very fine and heavy paper, gilt edges, remarkably handsome cloth binding, with gilt title and oranme^ts. No illustrated edition has ever before been published at less coat than Si 50, and that is about what you might gu^ss" the price of this to be, but it isn't? i sells for only 19 Cent8 ! plus^6 eeotsjfor postage, if by mail. This covers only about the actual cost cf manufacture by the 100,000 the publisher's object being, uot profit, but to show ?he book-loving militons what he can do. Hts publications are not sold by dealers, but only direct; catalogue, over 100 pagep, a literary curiosity in its way, is sent for a 2-cetii stamp. Every home in the land ooght to have copy of this Evangeline, so charmingly beautiful, as a poem, as a collec tion of artistic illustrations, and as a product of the book-making art. Address, Johk B. Ali>es: Publisher, 57 Rose St., New York, ?a ? The Cheap Excursions to Washing ton. The cheaper -ursions to Washington, D. C, by way of th.* Atlantic Coast Line, are creat ing a great deal of interest and the indi cations arc that a big crowd cf people in and around Yv?roi pton, and elsewhere on the ht:e, wiil ??ke advantage of the low rates to taker, trip to the National Capital and to Baltimore, Pbilndelphia, New York and other ! cities North. It has ahead y been announced j that the cheap rates are offered on account of the encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic at Washington, bat, of course, the excursion rates are offered to the general public as weil as G A (I. men. Tickets will be on sale from September 13th to 20th inclusive, and wiil be good returning until and including the 10'h of October. The rate for the round trip has been fixed at one fare, and as there bas "been some inqui ry in regard to the matter, we are authorized to state that passengers will have the privi lege to stop over at all points beyond Weldon and proceed on their journey at any time until the limn of the ticket expires. This will give a splendid opportunity to those who ilesire to stop over and visit the battlefields along the route, including the battlefields around Richmond and at Stoney Creek, Remos? Suiiuu, Five Forks, Hatchers1 Run, Graveiey Rur, Lee'- Mill, Mal ver a Kill, Sev en Pines, Fredericksbargi Chauctilorsville, the Wilderness and other historic sr>ots. T:ie cheap rates by the Coast Line, which i? the shortest and quickest route North, wiil afford a good opportunity to merchants for an economical trip to the Northern markets The service will be double daily with through Pullman pa?tre buffet sleeping cars, and the trip will be just as comfort*, hie as one could desire.? Wilmington HTcssmgzr. Sept. 2d. A Million Friends. A friend in np?-d :? a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just | stub a ftieud in I>r. King's New Discovery tor Coughs, nr:d Co-rls. ? if ;ro:i have uever used laid Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince von that tt has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lung*. Each bottle is guaranteed to do fill that is claimed or money will iw refunded Trial bottles free at J. F. W. DeLornVs Drug store. Large bott!es 50c. j end $1 00 1 j Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. ! l.i it not -wr-rth the ?rr.a!? price of 75c. to free yourself *?f every symptom of these dis tressing complaints, if you think so call at! our siore and get a bottle of S.??oh'8 Vi-j l&lizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee j on it, ur-e accordingly end if it does you no j good it will cc?t \cu nothing. Sold by Dr. A J. Chiaa. Su ni ter S. C. " 5 Pile? of people have piles, but De Witt's Witch t:?.zel Saive will cure tbem. J. S. Hug-b?oc ? Oo. if you are s.iff. ring from liver complaint, kid:;ey trouble, dyspepsia, sick headache or loss of appetite try Glenn Spring Water. You can get it through W. R. Delgar, Jr. It's n<;t very pleasant to cough and hack, To suffer pain in chest and back, Many people could slop it, for sure Hy simply using Une .Miuute Cough Cure. J. S. Hughscu t Co. Remove the malaria from your system, be fore going to the mountains, by drinking Gienu Springs Water. You can get it from W. R. Deigar, Jr. A gentleman of thi.? county who has excel lent judgment remarked to us the other day that ne knew of no pill so good for constipa tion, dyspepsia ;?.nd liver complaint as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. J. S. Bughsco ? Co. IF TOrjt? si ac fc AfUFS, Or you are all worn out, really good lornoth inc, i*. general debility. Try ISKOH>'fS in OS HSVT22?13. It v.?i cure you, cleanse y<;;:r liver, and give a good at petite. THE m ks .LAU R A A. B RO W N, hav // v.vA ing withdrawn from the Suinter '^ ^^ Institute, H. FRANK WILSON i "v^/f..^* i.^fs been associated with .Miss i x with meet tiieir collrge ex;?enses v*. ; :, tb?s very smail Th? r?ex? session t?egins the ?> 1 dav of Oc rober, 18i>2. J. A G A ? R W ELL, S< eretarv of Faculty. i/?ff.ryppn O'infro U?tnni? v'Vifiti nUiiUi.u Uyaup i'lulilg iMiflli, SPARTAN BU RG, S. C. j The S: vth S?*K?'OTi b^gij?s October od, j ! :"-?v- :;r-:?i-cd for Cotlege. Expenses: ] f i ,,. ,.^,.... A. G R?.MBER V, AM. V . Head M:ister The Prohibition "vote. Tbe following are the tots! figures by which the State has gone for Pro hibition, the figures for the counties of Georgetown and Beaufort only being estimated on no official returns. The total voto in the Prohibition boxes was 71.24C. For Prohibition 00,032, against Prohibition 20,452. Majority for Prohibition, 9,500?News aDd Cou rier. Deserving Praise. We desiro to say to our citizens, that fcr ' years wc bave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Lifo Fills, BuckJon's Arnica Salve and Elec tee Bitters, and bave never handled romedies '" ..t .sell as '.veil, cr that have giveu soch uni versa! satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we j-tand read}' to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not f"llow their use. These reiae. dies have won their great popularity purely on their merits, J. F. W. DeLorme, Druggist. 1 HI I II ? ? Hare tried almost every known remedy for Itching Piles without success, finally bought a box of DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, and it has cured me. C. D. Haskins, Peoria, 111. J. S. Hughson & Co. . We have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, canker mouth and head ache, in Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet breath. Price 50c. Sold by Dr. A. J. China, Sumter S. C. 5 Dyspepsia, distress after eating, ;our stom ach, poor appetite, bad taste, coat?d tongue and beartborn are cured by DeWitt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. J. Si H -ig h son & Co. Wby take all kinds of medicines for the hver, when Gleon Springs Water is a safe and pleasant remedy. For sale by W. R. Delgar, Jr. Died.?In this city of consumption. A familiar headline isn't it? It's pretty risky to neglect a cold or cough. Cue Minute Cough Cure is pleasant safe and suie. J. S. Hughson & Co. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she vras a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorf* BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility, WM MIXTURE ! WHAT is IT? THE PUREST AND BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD, jt builds up the system, it purifies the blood, it beautifies the complexion. TRY IT, AND HAVE NO OTHER. Only 50c. per bottle. For sale by all your Druggists. THE MURRAY DRUG SO,, Manufacturers and Proprietors. April 20. What shall ?t profit a rnr.n if he gain the I whole world and then has the dyspepsia so bad that he can't enjoy any of the goo:; things it contains? He wont hare dyspepsia it"he lakes DeWitt's Little Early Risers. J. S. Hugbsoo ? Co. If you can't take a summer vacation drink Glenn Springs water at Hugbson & Go's coin fountain. HOYT BROTHERS, MAIN STREET, S?MTER, S. C. Gold and Silver Watches, FINE DIAMONDS. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, MERIDEN BRITANIA SILVERWARE, &c. REPAIRING A SPECIAI/FY. Feb 1 RJC Mi**ed his Opportunity! BOX'T Miw Fis? "lours, Reader. The majority ne??oct their op portunities, and from that cause live hi poverty and die in ob?c::rity I Harrowing despair is the let of many, as they louk hack on lost, forever lost, opportuni?y. ?.I fei* pass ing! Keuch out. Bo up and doinr. Improve your opportu nity, and secure prosperity, prominence, poaco. It was said by a philosopher, that "riie <;odde?s of Fortu:.o ofTers a K??l? itunity to each pcrsun atsonifrpeiiod of lifo; embrace thechsn-jo, and r-heponrs ont her riches; fail to do so Mid s'no departs, never to return." How shall you find the COtnKS opportunity? investigate every clu?ico that r.ppoirs worthy, and of fair pron.^e; that is what all snc Ce-sfal :::en do. Hero i;: an opportunity, such r.s is not often within lite reach r>? laboring people. J:upr,>v<.d, itvill g:vo, at leii?t. a ^rsnd start in life. The <:?>:.:ikn opportunity for many is hero. Money to ho made rapidly and honorably by any indnstrio::spor;on of cithsr sex. All apes. You can do th? work and live at home. Tvti.jrever y:>n arc. Even be piuuers are easily earning fr.mi $3 to .*;iO per day. Yon can do as well if yon will wrrk. not too bard, but industri ously; and yon can increase your income as ynnjroon. You can viva rp.-iro ti:;ie only, er all y?nr tim* to :!.c work. Easy tnle:irn. Capital not required. W'z st:irt you. All is com pura;ivc!y now and re:iM.v Troadorrul. \Yo inutrnct and show yon how, frc?. Ksilnro i::-3;:!>iwr: rt!io?t?j-rr.r trork crs. No rcom to explain hero. Writs anil loam nil frve, bv return mail. Unwis? tu dchiy. A'W>tg*h :.t o-ico. II. 5'lcilett ri^^$ illf'?TPllI?Q I'JlftlYl?niiQI M; ff ?tl/M?/?? S/lcliMuM?D? ^Cy?^ Sterling Silver, Clocks, Optica Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Macliine Needles, &c. FOLSOM. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. l AfflES Aj^JjbAil & Uv* Diamonds, Jeweiry, Silverware, Specta cles, Drawing ?nstruments THS FINEST STOCK LS THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE 3 RICES. Watch Reoalrioo1 a snccTsHy. Chief Inspectors of W&U beis for 8oufh Caro ina ttaiiway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division oi Three Cs Kail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO.. muiuduuL Mer aft litte RE OHAS. S. KIM BALL, Receiver. _IN EFFECT JULY 17, 1892. daily except sunday Xo;:h Bound i No. lINo. 21!No. 3l!No. 33 Lv Charleston Lv Pregnall's Lv Har?eyville Lv Pecks Lv Holly Hill Lv Connors Lv Eutawville Lv Van ces Ar Vance3 Lv Snail's Lv Parlers Ar Harlin City Lv Merriam Lv St Paul Lv Su tamer ton Lv Silver Lv Packsville Lv Tindal Ar Sumter Lv Sumter Lv Oswego Lv St. Chnrles Lv Elliotts Lv Lamar Lv Syracuse Lv Darlington Lv~Mont Clare LvRobbins Neck Lv Maadeville Ar Bennettsville p. m. i a. m 5 30! 6 50 7 05 7 15j 7 29 7 32 #.* *\** < o i 7 44 7 45 8 00 8 16 8 46 8 53 9 15 9 28 9 47 8 28 8 38 48' 00 16 20 34 9 48 9 58 10 15 10 30! 10 45 11 01 11 11 11 26 11 40 p.m. 10j 10 15 22| 10 37 10 50 11 05 11 25 n 54 12 10 p.m. 10 15 8 00 10 35 8 16 10 48- 8 28 11 10? 8 44 a.m. p.m. daily except sunday. South Bound. | No. 2 jNo. 22|No. 32fNo. 34 Lv Bennettsville Lv Mandeville Lv Bobbins Neck Lv Mont Clare Lv Darlington Lv Syracuse Lv Lamar Lv Elliott Lv St. Charles Lv Oswego Ar Sumter Lv Sumter Lr Tindal Lv Packsville Lv Silver Lv Sumroerton Lv St Paul Lv Merriam Lv Harlin City Lv Parlers Lv Soell's Ar Van ces Lv Vances Lv Eutawville Lv Connore Lv Holly Hill Lv Pecks Lv Karleyville Lv Pregmtll's Ar Charleston a.m. 30 24 30 50 05 20 35 52 02 16 30 35 50 8 02 H 12 8 22 8 2S 8 40 p m. 55 OS 15 2l| 25; 40| 50 6 40 11 05 p.m. I a.m. 8 00 8 17 8 30 8 47 05 20 52 CO 32 8 50 10 20( p.m. i a.m. p.m. 5 25 5 47 6 00 6 20 p.m. POND BLUFF BRANCH. ISo. 43. 2 0 00 10 12 10 25 a. m. Lv Eutawville Ar Lv Belvidere Lv Ar Ferguson Lv No. 44. 7 55 7 42 7 30 a. ra. No's 1 and 2 make connection at Sumter with A C. L. to and from Columbia and points West. E D KYLE J. H. AVERILL, Geu'i Pass. Agent. General Manager. "OLD RELIABLE" LINS. South Carolina Railway AND LEASED LINES. D. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Receiver. Passenger Department?Condensed Schedule, lu fr?ect Jan. 17. 1802. ?AIN LINE. west?daily. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Charlesion. 6.00 0.50 5.00 6.15 " Summ-: ville. 6.50 7.3S 5.57 6.54 " PregnaiPs 7 30 7 58 6 39 7.25 " George's hvin 9 00 9.28 3.4! 10.00 11.02 11.15 11.50 B oU 3.35 Leave Augusta, * Graniteville " Aiken '? Blackville " Grahams " Bamberg Arrive Brancbville Leave Br&nehville, " Georges '* Pregnall's, " Summerville 10.25 Arrive Charleston, 11.05 COLUMBIA DIVISION S AST?DAILY. A.M. P.M. 8.00 8 36 8.50 10.00 10.20 10.31 10.59 11 00 11.3! 11.45 12.27 1.15 AND BRANCH. daily. 9.15 9.40 9 52 P.M. 4.30 5.05 5.25 6.28 6 48 7 00 7.30 7.40 8.15 8.28 9.07 9 50 . 27| L've Wilmington. Leave Marion. Arrive Florence.. p. M.j P. M ! A. M. * 6 25|*J0 loj 9 35t 12 4?j 10 25| 1 20 No. 5G| A M t A. M. Leave Florence. Ar've Sumter... Loave Sumter Ar'v? Columbia.! A. M *3 20 4 35 4 3 6 15 No 52 *9 43 10 55 No. 58 f7 57 9 20 See rotes for additional trains. No. 52 runs through from Charleston vi2 Ccntrul R. it. -caving La.no 8:32 A. M., Man ning 9.09. A. M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florente with No. 58. TRUSS GOING NORTH. jXo. 5IjNo. 53jNo. 59 Leave Columbia.?. Ar've Sumter. Leave Si rater... Arrive Florence. Leave Florence. Leave Marion. Arr. Wilmington. See notes for addition P M *10 45 A M 12 04 12 04 1 15 A M No. 78 * 5 00 5 44i 8 55[ tl trains P * 6 7 05 No. P M t 7 30 8 4& No 14 * 8 50 9 35 A M 12 20 *Dai)y. f Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C, via Central R. R., arriving Manning 8:00 P. M., Lanes 8:40 P. M., Charleston 10.H0 P. M. No. 59 connects at Florence with C. and D, train from Cheraw and Wadesborc. Nos? 78, and 14 make close connection at Wilmington with IT. & W. R. R. for ail points North. Trains on Florence R. R.. and Southern Di vision. Wilson and Fayetteville Branch, leave Pee Dee Junction 6.33 a. in , ar ivo Rowland 7:35 a. m., Fayettviile 9 20 a. m Returning leave Fayetteville 5.30 p. in., arrive Rowland 7.12 p. in., Pee Dee Junction S. 16 p.m. Daily except Sunday. Trains on Manchester i, Augusta R. R. leave Sumter daily except Sunday, 10:50 A. ar rive Rimini 1?.59. Returning le;iye Rimini 12:30, P. M., arrive Sumter ?:40 P. M Trains on Hr.rtsville R. R. leave JIartsvtlle daily except Sunday at 5 55 a. m . arriving Fl?yds 6.40 a. m. Returning leave Floyds 3.25 p. ib., arriving Ilartsville 4 05 v. m. Train? on Wilmington Chadb:?urn arid Con way railroad, leave Chadbourn 10.30 a. m. arrive ;it Conway 1.00 p. m., returning leave Conivay at 2.30 p. m., arrive Chad bourn 5 20 p.m. Leave Chadbourn 7 15a.m. and 5 50 p. m.| arrive Hub at SXO a. m. and 6 25 p. in. ketuming leave Hub 9 00 a. m. and 6.45 p. m. arrive at Chadb?nrn at 9 45 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Daily except Sunday. JOHN F. DIVINE, Oeneral Sup't. J. R KENLY, Gen'l .Mm*ger. T. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. Atlantic Coast Line. In r - - ~ - . ; - NORTH-EASTERN R. R. of S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Apr 24 '92] |No.27|No. 23| (No. 53 LeFl'nce " Kingst. Ar Lanes Le Lanes. Ar. Ch'n j 5 0 A. M Train on C. ? DTrTR ence with No. oi Train. couneets at Flor TRAINS GOING NORTH. I Le. Ch:r: ; I Ar L?se* j ! Le Lftr.cS j |"E:*gsrj i ArF!;neH j [No. 7HjNo. 14|No. 52 J j A. M .{ P. M .j A . M. : 0>>] *5 1C? *o 50 j j 3 25 7 05| 8 X i 3 25; 7 05! - ; j 3 431 7 24 I '.. A. M-j ?. M j A. M. * Daily, y Daily except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Columbir: via Central K R. of 6. C. No3. 73. and ?4 run solid to Wilmington, ! N. C, rnnking clos? connect'on with W. & W. j R. R. for all points north. " J. R. KENLY, J. F. DIVINE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'iSap't. T. M. EMgRgON, Traffic Manager. CHARLESTON & S?V?HN?H Schedule in effect July 12, 1892. Time at Charleston. 75lh Meridian. Time South of Charleston, 90th Meridian. SOUTHWARD. 35 27 P. M. A. M Lv. Charleston 3 15 Arv. Walterbo' 5 35 Arv. Yer/jMS2ee 4 40 Arv. Savannah 6 40 4 0? 5 04 6 44 NORTHWARD. 15 A. M. 7 00 10 45 8 25 10 20 P.M. 78 P.M. 8.43 10 07 A. M. 1 51 36 14 16 A.M. P.M. P.M. Lv.Savn'h C 50 12 39 Lv. Wait'bo 6 40 2 50 Lv. Yem'see 8 50 2 14 3 55 P. M. Av.Ch'let'n 12 20 5 06 7 20 Trains 35, 36, 15 and 16, stop at all sta tions. 27, 14 and 78, 15, 36, 22 and 35, daily. From 32 daily except Sunday. Connection for Walteiboro made by trains 15 and 35, daily except Sunday. Connec tion for Beaufort, S. C , made with P. P. & A. Ry., at YeniHssee by trains 15 daily, aud 35 daily except Suoday. L ?. McSFTNEY, C. S. Gadsdr??, D. P. A. Supt. Hrleii, Ciuati & Clap iM D. H. Chamber?an, Receiver. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Schedule in effect FEBRUARY 27, 1892. South daily 32. p ni 10 20 North daily 33. C 55 a m 9 00 a m 11 10 a m 12 49 p m 1 20 p pj 1 44 p m 2 20 p m 3 16pm Ar Lv Ohark-stou " Columbia " " Oamden " " L*ncat?ier 11 " Gatawba Jet. " 11 Rock Hill " " YorkviUe " Ar B';?t'k?ibur{r p m p m p m p in p m p m ; ; ru 7 37 5 00 3 41 3 il 2 55 2 20 1 10 Daily except Sunday. North No. 33. South No. 31. 4 00 p m Lv Rii?cksburg Ar p m 12 40 5 00 p m " Shelov " a m 11 40 6 50 p in 8 05 d m Rutherford ton " Marion 44 a m a m 9 10 7 30 Suoday Only. North No. 33. South No. 32. 4 uO p m Lv Biftcksburg Ar p m 12 4C 4 35 p m t: Sheiby *' p m 12 02 5 p 1.1 " Ruiherfordton " :. m 10 50 7 a m " Marion tL m m 9 40 .No. 32 connects with K. k L). R. r. at Rock il;!!. No. .'.3 ivaut-tis with R. & D. R. R. at Sl&cksUurg. C. M. Wako, (ten. Man. E. P WARRING. G. P.A. DRUGGIST. 1 v SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to Compounding Frescriptluns. j BEST AND CHEAPEST.' ALL GOODS ?iffiR?NTEED Estiisa?es furbished by return Mft.l. LASSE STOCK. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN MOULDING-, ?and? uSNEEAL BUILDER MATEEIAL Office and Salesrooms, 10 and 12 Hay ne St CHARLESTON, S. C. Jan 25 e COLUMBIA, S. C. DOORS, SASH & BLINDS, LATHS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, AND HAIR. icl?i?iei?iifMflf&l^ PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. GARTER WHITE LEAD5 Tlie Best ia the Market. Special Attention Given to Orders hy Mail. C. 0. BROWIST & BRO, Opposite Post Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 5-0_ A. WHITE & SOU, Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies: LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE, HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented, $75,000,000. Feb.12 OTTO F. WEITEKS, WHOLESALE Asul Liquor Dealer. OFFICE AND SALESROOM : 183 Sast Bay, Charleston, S< & Nov. 7 o m. f. STEFI?1 & SON, Established 1847. WHOLESALE GBOCERS, Auction and Commission Merchants and Liquor Dealers. agents for The Philip Best Brewing Co., Milwaukee Beer, and tbs "Best" Tonic, a concentrated liquid extract of Malt and Hop3. The Palest Brewing Ce., JH.wairtee Beer. 197 BAST BAY ahd 50 asi 52 STATB 8m, (Auction Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. C. Consignments Solicited. Jan. 23. 0 FERTILIZERS ! FERTILIZERS! FERTILIZERS? Having bought largely, for cash, a fnll as sortment ef, Man; M iff Suns. We are prcp^ :h a! terms. fill orders for such at low SjarW'and cd reasonable Nov. 19. C. W?LBERN & CO., Wboksaie Grocers, 171 and 173 East Bay.C Charleston, S. G WILLIAM KENNEDY Fashionable Barber. MAIN STREET, Nest door to Karle & Pardy's Law Office, S?MTER, S. C. IDESIRE TO iNFORM the cit'wens of Sumtcr and vicinity that I have opened business on my owp account at the above old stand, and that with competent and polite assistants, I will be pleased to serve them ia any branch of my business in the best style of the art. Give me a call. WM. KENNBDY. Oct. 19. Obfc?nwl, and m! I A JJM JilXiy&SS at tended to for MODERA TE FEES Our office is (.5?!> Jhf! U.S. i"::!?'!!f ? M?hv. and We chu ob tain {'?ton?s ?n ??ss rr.nethan ih;>se r??m?5e from W?StflXGTOi?. Send MODEJ* l'R?tt'Wt? ?r PHOTO of inveni?m. Wie advise as ;., patent ability freeof<4i>irt?eand wc wsfce AO cil All? S t'.V/..; ?.s- j'ATEXt IS S&U.'ftl I). For circular, advice, tc.-ms sud references to actual clients in ymir own s;st".t'*'??in;y. <"ity or Sown, write t'-> mm Opposite Potent Office, Washingum, D C i TYLER DESK CO., ST.LOUIS,MO : hir Mammoth Catalogue ol Baxk Couhteks, | Dksks, and other Office Fcbnitcke for | iS*?:J now ready. New Goods. New Styles I in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi- I r.ets, &c., ?-c.. and at mater?' ?ss prices, ? as above indicated. Our r*>ods are well- | known and sold freely in every country that/ I speaks English. Catalogues free. Postage 12c.. | V/ISia-HT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. -o nnSIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOUSS J_ with all modernimprovemeatSjie now oo?? for the receptionorguests. S. L. WRIGHT & SON, Proprietors. iiipans Tabules cure headache