The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, May 25, 1892, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 92. The Race For Congress. Who will represent South Carolina in the Fifty-third congress ? That is an interesting question that cannot be definitely answered until after the No* vember election, bet the matter has already taken such shape as to furnish aBlnoaat material for speculation. The First district is cow represented by Major William H. Brawley, of Charleston, who is serving his first torn Mr. Brawley made a strong speech in the present congress against the free coinage of silver, and for that reason, if for no other, he will meet with strong opposition wbea be seeks re-election. His district ia 'the most ragged and curiously shaped of all the ragged and cnrioasly shaped districts in the State. It takes in Beaufort and Charleston, triangular sections of Goliefton and Orangebarg, and si! of Lexington, extending fall two-thirds the length of the State, nod of coarse including a /large number of negroes, though the whites are probably in the majority. There will be three candi dates. Mr. Brawley, of Charleston, at 'one end of the district ; H. A. Meetse, of Lexington, at the other end; and and Dr. J Wm. Stokes to the centre. The fight will probably between Stokes and Brawley, MeetsVs rotes coming mainly off of the latter. In the Second district the race will fce especially lirely. The district is 'composed of Edge?eld, Aikeo, Barnwell " ad Hampton, and a part cf Colleton. "So far four candidates bare announced themselves. They are Geo. D. Till man, the present incombent, Robert Aldrich, Joho T. Gaston and W. J. Talbert. Till m an is as able a politician as the governor and is very popular. Aldrich is generally believed to have a big following,, and Talbert is known to be a hard fighter. The contest is likely to be between Tiilman and Talbert with the chances largely ia ?vor of the former. The Third district is another euri ?wsiy shaped affair, including Newber ry, Abbeville, Anderson, Pickens and Ocooee. There may be more, bat as yet only two candidates are ar nouncad. They are George Jobnstone, the pres ent incumbent and D. R. Norris. John ?tone beat Norris by only twenty-two votes in the last election, and Norris still believes that he is the best and most popular man. In the Fourth district, now represent ed by G. W. S bell, congressional matters have not yet taken very definite shape. It ia quite likely, however, that Mr. Shell's re-election will be vigerccsly opposed. In rsone of ike districts is the situa tion more w (creating than in the Fifth, composed ?f portions of Spartannorg and Unioa, and all of York, Chester, Lancaster, Kersbaw and Chesterfield. The present incombent, John J. Hemp bill, has been in the position for ten years, daring which time dozens cf aspirants have been trying to get his jib. Two years ago there was practi cally no opposition, but this year it is quite likely that there will be lots of it. Only one other candidate?John R. Jefferies. of Union?hao positively announced himself ; bat it is too early to say that there will be no more. There is talk of T. J Strait, of Lancas ter, becoming a candidate, and many individuals in this section think that Ira B Jones will alto be in the race, perhaps all four of the gentlemen named, as well as two or three more, will rnn, and perhaps the race will be altogether between Hemphili and Jef feries. It is not thooght that R T. Stack house, of the Sixth district, will have any opposition. He is very popular throng boat the entire district, and as it happens, his territory does ucl contain a politician with a sufficient amount of self conceit to make him think that be can get more votes than Suck boose. The contest in the Seventh, or Black district, will again be between Colonel Wm. ?. Klliott,aud Thos. ? Miller, col. The result, of course, will be doubt ful, and will, as osaal, depend on the complexion of the Fifty-third congress. It is not often that the result of an elec tion in this district is accepted without a contest. ?Yorkville Enquirer. mm - Prohibition Convention* Mention has already been made in these columns of the probable early calling of a Prohibition convention in this State. The matter has at last taken definite shape, and a fiual call has been oade for the assembling of the Convention. The call has nearly three hundred signatures, iuelding the names of many prominent citizen? of the State, and is aa follows: Whereas, the traffic in intoxicating beverages is one of the moat prolific causes of degradation and rain to the individual, poverty and wretchedness to the home, disorder, pauperism aod crime to the commonwealth and an enormous financial drain upon our already impov erished people; sod whereas the agita tion of last winter in the general assem bly bat? placed the issue squarely before the Democratic party in South Caroli Me Therefore, we, the undersigned, at the argent solicitation of a large num ber of the people, invite ail Democratic voters favoring the probibnon of the liquor traffic, to meet in Columbia, Tuesday, May 26. at 6 o'clock p oi. in the hall of tbe hou?e of representative*, there to form and adopt the best plan for presenting tbe question to the peo ple at tbe coming election through the regular Democratic organisation. It is & fixed und immutable law that to have good, sound health one must bave pure, rich and abundant blood. Tbere i? do shorter nor surer route than by a course of De Witt'sSarsaparilia. J. S. Hughson k Co. Specimen Ca?e*. S. H- Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled witb Neuralgia and Itheumatixn, hi* Stomach w*s disordered, hi? Liver wag affected to an alarming deg ee. appetite fell away, und he was terribly reduced in fle^ nnd streng;h. Three ? >ttles of BleetrH Bitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, ilarrisburg. III., had a running sore on bi.? leg of eight years' stand ing. Used three b<>ft!e? of Kl*.-!ric K tiers anil seven boxes of Buckien's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker. Catawba, U .had five large Fever gwres on his leg. doctors $aid he was incurable. One bottle Klecfric Bittere und one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entire;y. Sold by J. F. W. DaLorme's I>rug store. 3 Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint Is it net worth tbe small price of 75c to free yourseH of every symptom of these dis tressing complaints, if you think so call at our store and get a bottle of Shiiob's Vi talis*?, every bottle fans ? printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no irood it will cost you nothing. Sold by Dr. A. J. Chiu.-, Suiuter rf. C. 5 Builds co Warehouse, Commissioner Mason Says the Grovern ment is Not in the Busineti. i Washington, May 9 ? Some of the Farmers' AUiaccemeo in the South and ! West who are advocating the warehouse ' system for adoption by' the government, j hare been met with the argument thai it is not the profiles of the governmeot Ito ! build warehouses for any class of produ I cers, to which advocates of the warehouse I system hare replied that if the govern ment can baild warehouses in which to store whiskey there ought to be no reasonable objection to make to the construction of warehouses for grain and other products of the farmers. Senator Cockrell, who believed that this notion was an erroneous one, sent an inquiry to Internal Revenue Commissioner Mason, and baa received the following reply : Hon. M. F. Cockrell, U. S. Senate : "Sir: lam in receipt of your letter asking whether the United States government, out of government funds, has built any warehouses for the storage of liquors or distilled spirits, and, if sov the number of such warehouses, when built, the cost thereof and under what authority of law they were constructed If not, to explain who builds bonded warehouses for distillers, how they are bonded and upon what terms spirits are stored therein and revenue collected thereen. "In reply I would say that the United States does not now and has never built any warehoused for distillers for storage of their liquors and distilled spirits There is no law authorizing the ezpen diture of public money for this purpose ?U distilled spirits, with the exception of brandy distilled from apples, peaches and grapes, are deposited io warehouses provided by the distiller hiaself. Sec tion 3271 of the revised statutes provide that: ** 'Every distiller shall provide at his own expense a warehouse to be sit uated on and to constitute a part of his distillery premises and to be used only for storage of distilled spirits of his own manufacture until the tax thereon shall have been paid.9 "Distillers of brandy from apples, peaches, and grapes, exclusively, are exempt from the provisions of this statute. These distillers either pay a tax upon the spirits as soon as produced or the spirits are deposited in a bonded warehouse erected by a private indi vidual, and stored there until the tax becomes due, but in no case is the gov ernment liable for aoy expenses incurred in storing distilled spirits of any kied Before a distiller commences to operate his distillery, be executes a bond, the condition of which, among other things, is for the payment of tbe ta* upon spirits produced by him. When spirits are placed in a warehouse, which he is required to provide, an additional bond known as a warehousing bond is execu ted, for payment of the tax upon said spirits. In addition to this the distillery promises and apparatus are liable for tbe tax and the government has a first lien upon the spirits themselves for the tax due thereon. Until this taxis paid tbe government has custody of the spirits, by its officers, in these hooded warehouses. At the expiration of three years, or sooner, if the owner desires possession and use of tbe spirits, the internal revenue tax of 90 cents must be paid. Very respectfully, John W. Mason, Commissioner." If doll, spiritless and stupid ; if your blood is thick and sluggish ; if jour appelle te capricious and uncertain, jou need a Sarsa parilia. For fc st results take De Witt's. J. S. H ugh son k Co. ? Bocklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world fur Cots, Braises Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rhena. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns and ?1 Skin Eruptions, and positively cure* Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bj J. F. W. De> Lorme. o ? I > ea? It is a truth io medicine that the smallest dose that performs the cure is tbe best. De Witt's Little Early Risers are tue smallest pills, will perform the cure and are tbe best. J. S. Hugbson k Co. When Baby wag sick, we gare her Castorfs. When she was z. Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Gast?tt? 'Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home io the skies," But early to bed sod a "Little Early Riser/' the pill that makes life longer and better and better and wiser. J S. Huehson k Co. ^> ? If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS TREATMENT -BY INHALATION! 1529 Arch?St^Pbila. Penn. For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Headache, Debility, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, And all Chronic and Nervous Disorders. It has been in use for more than twenty years ; thousands of patients hare t?een treat ed, nnd over one thousand physicians have used it and recomiHexd it?a very r.gcificau t fact. It Is agreeable. There is no nauseous taste, nor after-taste, nor sickening smell. "Compound Gxygen?It Mode of Action and Results." is the title of a book of 200 paees, published l>y Drs. Starkey k Palen. which gives to all inquirers full information as to thi* rem.irkulile euratire agent, aud a record of surprising cures in a wide ranee of chronic cases?many of th*m after b?dnjj abandoned to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Drs. ST?RKET & PALEN, 1529 Arch St., Pniladelpnia, Penn. 120 S utter St., San'Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Dec. 9?. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THE UNDKRSSGNBD has established a Real Estate and Collection Agency in Sumter and desires property holders having property for sale or rent to list same with him. Tenants secured and rents collected promptly. Best references giver. Apr. 30. W. H. CUM M AND SR. To The Public, I AM STILL SELLING First Class Goods AT LIVING PRICES. It takes too much room to enumerate all the bargains I have to offer, but I must ! call your attention to our HANDSOME CHAMBER SETS Both in China and tin. BIG DRIVES IN 6LASSWARE SHOES That are solid and will wear. HAVE YOU TRIED MY Coffee at 20c. pr. lb AND Tea at 25a pr, lb.? If not, you are missing a genuine bar gain. It has long been a household word that you get nothing but good goods, and full value at ALTAMONT MOSES'. Oct. 6. INSURANCE. I cover everything in Insu rance. If it is your life, I give you a policy in the Intel Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK, Tbe oldest, richest and most liberal Company in tbe U. S. If on yonr Gin (loose. Dwelling, Stores, Barns, Furniture or Prodooe in tbe following companies, any of which are strong and reliable : THE NORWICH UNION, of England. THE QUEEN, of England. PHOENIX ASSURANCE, of England. THE CONTINENTAL, of New York. THE NIAGARA, of New York. THE NORTH AMERICAN. of Philadelphia, THE GIRARD, of Philadelphia. THE MERCHANTS, of Newark, N. J. MECHANICS & TRADERS, Of New Orleans. My companies are as good and my rates as low as any one. ALTAMONT MOSES. Gunsmith. rpHE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO I inform the public that he ia now pre pared to repair GUNS, PISTOLS, LOCKS, KEYS. TRUNKS, BICVLE3, SEWING MACHINES, Ac. He will make and fit keys to any kind of lock*, and is also prepared to do ElECTRO-PLATES IN SiLVER 6010, &C, Which he guarantees to be beautiful, durable aod at prices within the reach of all. Speci mens of his plating csn be seen at his ihop on South Washington Street, Second door Suutb of Dr. Mood's residence. R. S. BRADWELL, JR. Mch 16.?3m. * FIRST CUSS BOARDING HOUSE. MRS. M.a.epperson is prepared to entertain hoarders, both regular and transient with the best accommodations. Persons from the country spending any time in tbe city will be entertained in tbe best manner. Table supplied with tbe best the market affords. Liberty Street near St. Joseph's Academy. March 16?o. Drug Store. full ASSORTMENT of DRUGS, MEDICINES !?and? Fancy Articles, FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY. J. S. HUGHSON & CO., Monaghan Block. MAIN street, Mrh 30._su m ter. s ?. LIQUORS -AND Tobaccos at wholesale, AT PALACE SALOON, Strauss & Weinte Proprietors, Main St. SU M TER, S. C <e>cieuiiiiu H?jmzan Ajency for CAVEATS, r TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information end free Hart-Tboofc write to M?NK & CO.. Broabwav. .New Yoktc. Oldest bureau for ??curies patent? In America. Kvery patent taken out br us id broucht before the public oy a notice given free of chars a in the $tUnti?t ^mtmm Lareert circulation of any scientific pa?er In the world. Splendidly illustrated. Xo Intelligent man should be wttliout it. Wee*;v. ft'J.OO a yeur: *t50 **x montbs. AdftresvSrtW?J & CO., rUBusMtiu, SOI UroaUway, tfew York. Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brashes Tooth Brashes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Patty, Floor Stains, Kalsomiae, all colors for rooms, Artists* Paints and Brashes, Laster Paints, Convex Glasses. Niee line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wieks, Chimneys, &c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good," "Custom House," "Rebel Girl."' Sep 30 FRESH GARDEN SEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. SPRING ATTRACTIONS, A hundred pens could not tell of all the Choice Novelties of both Foreign and domestic Manufacture we are dis playing this season. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a season's business as at the present time. Our efforts have always been directed to maintain the leadership, j Success and Supremacy has crowned our efforts. Compare our goods with others and you will not wonder at our marvelous success. -IN OUR Dress Goods Department, We are showing all the new shades and colorings in Bedfords, Cr?pons, Fancy Weaves, Silk Warp, Sublime Taffetas, Grenadines, Glorias, China and India Silks, <fcc. In White Goods and Wash Fabrics, We show many exclusive styles confined to us in this market. In Laces, Embroideries, Fans, Parasols, Gloves and Hosiery, Ladies' Waists, &c., We have everything that is new and stylish. Our Shoe Department, | Is one of the leading features of our business. We are sole ; agents for some of the leading manufacturers, and no matter what grade or style 3rou want, we can please you. WE HAVE IMPORTED AxY IMMENSE LINE OF MATTINGS This season and are retailing same at Jobbers' prices. In our Clothing and Furnishing Department We are showing the finest line of Tailor Made Garments ever exhibited in this market. The styles this season are very handsome and an inspection of this stock will tempt yon to bny. All (he nobby shapes and Btocks in HATS All our hats shaped for customers FREE. - DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR Grocery Department. And supply yourself with all the choice goods to be had there. IN OUR JOBBING- DEPARTMENT, , We are offering some extra inducements to buyers. All mail orders will receive careful attention. Samples sent upon application. Respectfully, J. BATHE & SONS, Cor. Main and Liberty Sts., Sumter, S. C New York Office 84 West Broadway. J. F. W. DeLORME, Agent. -DEALER IN Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and all Kinds of Druggist's Sundries Usually Kept in a Thirst Class XMrus Store. Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, Garden Seeds, also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass Putty, &c, Dye Stuffs. Physician's Prescriptions carefolly compounded, and orders answered wrth'care and dispatch. Tbe public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of best quality. Call and see for yourselves. Night Calls Promptly Attended To. H. S. SIMPSON. A. 0. SIMPSON Crlenn Springs Hotel. ~ Spartanburg Co., S. C. Open to visitors MAY 1st. Accessible from the city of Spartanburg by a newly equipped line of comfortable convey ances which meet all trains. For rates of Board, what the mineral water will cure, or other particulars, address, SIMPSON & SIMPSON, Proprietors. May 1L Glenn Springs, S. C. Sumter, S. C, April 15, 1892. Horses and Mules for sale or hire. Special attention given to the Liv ery and Teaming branch of the business. Good teams and attentive Drivers. :o: Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts, Wagons and Harness. -:o:- # Corn9 Oats, Hay, Ship Stuff and Peas. All Lime, Cement, Plaster. Hair, Rosendale and Portland Cement, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, Flue Pipes, Hoods and Bottoms. FOR SALE BY Cor. Sumter and Liberty Sts. April 15. ESTABLISHED 1868. Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors. Machine Needles, &c. POLSOM. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES ALLAN & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta cles, Drawing Instruments THE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Watches for South Caro ina Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., Feb. 8 285 Kiofr St., Sign of Dram Clock. Charleston, S. C. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calf Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equal to other makes costing from $4 to $5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet The Best Shoe in the World for the Price. FOR GENTLEMEN. (tH 00 genuine hand 99 h sewed. It equals im? ported French shoes costing from $8 to $12, and cannot be duplicated at this price. _ &A OOhand-sewed Ac|i welt. The finest calf. stylish, comfortable and durable, and the best dress shoe in the country for the price; same grade as custom made shoes costing from $0 to $0. $3 50 police shoe, for s farmers, railroad men, ??c. liest calf, seamless, smooth inside, three heavy soles with extension edge. .One pair will do for a year. <fc*> 50 FINE CALF. No U)*?b better or more service able Shoe was ever of fered at this price. One trial will convince. <fc*i 25 and $2.00 WORK INGMAN'S Shoes. Equal those of other makes costing from $2.50 to $3.00, and are the best in the world for the price. SPECIAL. W. L. DOUGLAS* $1.75 BRO CAN. The best Brogaa for the. price ercr plated on the market. 8o?!d leather through out, very strongly made, and will not rip, CAUTION FOR SALE BY FOR LADIES. $2 AH flfl HAND-SEWED SHOE, V J UU is made of the best JjbJ. Dongola; stylish, durable and easy fitting* Equals imported French shoes costing front $4.00 to $6.00. lUft Rfl BEST DONGOLA, per V "I JU feet in every way. Ill/ B Success has attended onr ^mmm efforts to produce a first class shoe at this popular price. MLOW TS PRICE, but i not In quality* Ko m shoe at this price has giren 1 better satisfaction* f III A 7R FOR MISSES, combines VI J style with the hygienic Jj I - principles so necessary in the footwear of misses and young ladies. FOR BOYS. (0 00 and $1.751% mtk I a are made of the best mate IK rial throughout; will not rip, and will stand more hard usage than any other shoes sold at these prices. SPEci AT?. W. I .DOI GLAS' 82.OO CALF SHOE FOR LADIES and 91.75 CALF SHOE FOR GIRLS have just been perfected. They are made seamless, of selected calf, with kangaroo calf tops, and spe cially suitable for outdoor wear and school shoe*. Keep the feet dry* with out the mho of rubbers. ser TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES. These Shoes are made and guaranteed by the manufacturer to be price-worthy goods, and all have the price and name of W. L. DOUGLAS stamped on bottom. Be sura you are not deceived by inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom of each shoe for stamp b?fore purchasing. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SUMTES,, s. a BEST AND CHEAPEST* ALL GOODS GUARANTEES Estimates furnished by return Mail. LAR6E STOCK. PROMPT SHIPMENTS* Iii. I! & CO, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WBOLS* SALB DEALERS IN MOULDING, ?amd? GSNSEAL BUILDING MATSEIAL Office and Salesrooms, 10 and 12 HajotSt CHAR LEST ^ K ^ 0? C. Jao 25 o C. 0. UtOVK & HBO, COLUMBIA, S. a SASH & BLINDS, LATHS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. AND HAIR. Freud ai Mm f M?i Glas, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. CARTER WHITE LEAD, Tbe Best in tbe Market. Special Attention Given to Orden Mail. C. 0. BROWN k BRO, Opposite Post Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct S-o_ A. WHITE ft SO*, Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Compasies: LIVERPOOL k LONDON ? GLOW NORTH BRITISH k MERCANTILE. HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented, $75,000,009, Feb. 12_ OTTO F. WEITERS, WHOLESALE GROCER And Liquor Dealer. OFFICE AND SALESROOM: 183 East Bay, Charleston, S< ft Nov. 7 o_ GE?. wj?mson, Established 1847. WHOLESALE GBOGEBS, Auction and Commission Merchants and Liquor Dealers. agents fok The Philip Best Brewing Co., Milwaokee Beer, and tbe "Best" Tonic, a concentr?t^ liqnid extract of Malt and Hops. The Pulest Brewing Co., Milwaukee Beer. 197 EAST BAY and 50 ahd 52 STATS9fl* (Auction Room Stute Street,) CHARLESTON, & C. Consignments Solicited. Jan. 23._?_ FERTILIZERS! FERTILIZERS! FERTILIZERS S Having bought largely, kor cash, a fait a# sortment e?, Fertilizers, kit ai ?er Guam We are prepared to fill orders for ?och at low figures and on reasonable terms. C. WULBERN & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 171 and 173 East Bar, Nor. 19. Charleston, S. C WILLIAM KENNEDY Fashionable Barber. MAIN STREET, Next door to Earle k Purdy's Law Office* SUM TER, S. C. IDESIRE TO INFORM the citiseoa cJ Sumter and vicinity that I bare opened business on my own account at the above old stand, and that with competent and polite assistants, i w>H be pleased to serve tbem in any branch of my business in tbe beat style of tbe art. Give me a call WM. KENNEDY. Oct. 19_f SHAVING DONE BY ELECTRICITY ?AT? C C. REDIC'S. Next door to T. C. Scaffe. Jan 1 Obtained. nu<l nil l'A VA A.' tit->tystxf at? U-iuUil to f??r MO h KU A 77-.' FKKS Our office 1? opposite the t'.S. I'.-n.-nt itflkv. ?n?l ?r ran oh lain Patents in lives tittw* t?i?ti tli<?sr n mulf from II iSttlSttroX. Srifl MOtiKL J'K i H7A? or I'liOTo "f invention. We ?<l\ i-,- K-'ent abilitv fivcof Hiarc*an?l ?'? AO < liARbE I'yi.ksS PA TEST IS > / ' KV.lK K?>r rireiititr. mlviee. hints nu.l tvfrtenees te actual elicits in yoiirmvii St>it..<-<?n?iy nty or Tow a, wrote t? Opixmtc Pntent OtTirr. Waehrnoton, D C PLUMMER JOHNSON. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, SUMTER, S. C. IS PREPARED TO DO ALL WORK entrusted to his care, either in tbe make up of new work, or mending line and guaran tees satisfaction. Terms low. Call and fee me at Shop, next door to Moites k Lee's law offic. WRIGHT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. -o rrsms NEW AND ELEGANT HO?? |_ with all modern im pro venae* ts, is o pea for the reception of guests. ?. L. WRIGHT ? 80S, Proprrs**P