WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22,1891. - Entered at the Post Offije at Sumter, S ..? - a Closing Exercises of Oakhurst School. The many friends of Mis3 Jessie Smith, daughter of Mr. W. P. Smith, of our city, will read with pleasure the following from a recent issue of the Lancaster Ledger: The charade last Friday night, the 27th. at Oakhurst school hou?e was indeed an en? joyable affair. The house was packed and every body seemed to enjoy themselves im? mensely. The acting was splendid and reflected credit on the accomplished teachei, Miss Jessie Smith, of Sumter. The following i$ a copy of the programme : Seng, "White wings'1 by the school ; Openiog address, by Clarence M obley ; Dia? logue, Marrying a poetess; Speech, "I'm a very little boy," by Andrew Cautben : Dia? logue, ''Polly Ann;'' Recitation, "Under the Curfew lei)," by Sallie Cssury : "The Little Mother, a doll party, by the little girls; Recitation, "The Lust Hymn." by Agnes Cauthcn; Dialogue, "The Train to M au rn ; "My First ?Speech, by Rollings Stover; Recitatiou, "A little girl's trouble," by Daisy Horton : Dialogue, "Aunt Jerusba's Mistake; Recitation, "Searching for the golden streets, by Cora Mobley ; Dialogue, "The letter;" Recitation, "Shall we know each other there," by Hattie Robertson ; Recitation, "Try, try pgain," by Hannah Mpbley ; Recitation, "Papa s ieuer," by Julia Mobley.; Dialogue, "The boys plot;" "Tiie Orator," by Blake Robertson: Dialogue. "Temptation resisted: Recitation, "Ups that touch liquor shall never touch mine," by I Minnie Mobley ; Dialogue, "An old country i aunt's visit to the city ;" Dialogue, "The colored lecture;" Song, "good-bje," by the j school. The doll party, acted by twelve little girls dressed itv white, each carrying a large ?loll was especially pretty. The public school is out. Miss Smith is ' visiting her home in Sumter this week She ? ?viii return ut xl week and begin a private tchou!. ? i Indisputable Fac?s. As our names did not appear on the list of "Merchants to close at six o'clock," (in last issue of Watchman and Soitthroit) and not wanting the public to have the impression that we refused to close, we cffer same, viz : We did not this season and have rever re? fused to close our place of business at 6 o'clock P. M. When the list was being car? ried around for the merchants' signatures and shown ns by Mr. Allan Flowers, we told him we were perfectly willing to close, but not to begin till May 13th (instead of May 1st, as list read) thinking it quite early enough, owing to our late Spring, and moreover the stores have never hereto tofore closed before the 10th of May. As for compassion and liberal hours accorded our salesmen we leave them to testify. We accede to the 'general demand in closing our store (from May 1st, at. six o'clock ) Our dress-making department will not close until May 15th, being impossible owing to rush of work and promised suits between now and above time. SCHWARTZ BRO?. Just opened, new fat mackerel, retailed No. 1-20c. y.ich. No. 2-5c each. No. 3 5c. each. At Ducker k Bultinan's. Transfers of Heal Estate. The following are some of the transfers of Real Estate sioce April 1st : Juo. B Carr to Lu kens and Reifsnyder Lot 200x168 feet, on Graham and Harvin Streets. Consideration $1.300. D. J. Winn to J. Wesley Bradford-two hirds of nn acre on Republican Street. Con lideration $350. Horace Harby to Matthew M. Geddis jots 3 and 4 on West Liberty Street. The greatest enemy to children is worm's Shriner's Indian Vermifuge will save them rom min. Only 25 centsa bottle. Try "t. TO CLOSE AT SH [TTE THE UNDERSIGNED MERCHANTS YV agree to close our stores on and after IA Y 1st, until SEPTEMBER 1st, at 6 o'clock, K M., Saturdays excepted. J. RYTYENBERG & SONS. BROWN'S k PURDV. ALTAMONT MOSES. LEVI BROS. DURANT k BELITZ ER. R. P. MONAGHAN. R. W. DURANT k SON. W. M. LENOIR. CHANDLER, SHAW k CO. DUCKER k BULTMAN. W. H. VATES. JOHN REID. SCHWERIN k CO. L. W. FOLSOM. BULTM AN & BRO. L. E. LEGRAND. B J BARNETT. BROWN k CHANDLER. O'DONNELL k CO. J. McELHOSE. CROSS WELL k CO. W. A. MASON. T. C. SCAFFE. J. FRANK PATE. L. W. JOVE. MISS CO RI KEN MILLER, April 15. SPECIAL NOTICE. WE THE CLERKS OF THE LEADING stores in the City of Sumter, do hereby ender to our magnanimous employees our incere thanks for the recreation accorded us luring the Summer months, and would re pectfully ask the ladies of our city, to abs'ain rora patronizing those "Cheap John" estab ishments whose names do not appear on the ist of merchants. M R Wilson, S Liles Miller, T M DeLorme, Julian T Flowers, L F Kennedy, Sam'1 Sanders, W M DeLorme, K H Rhame, S R Chandler, R K Wilder, W R Phillips, J J Barrett, Wm Moran, Mis3 S E McDonald, F B Grier, Mrs M L Boschett, D W Cuttino, Miss J A Foley, W J Anderson, Jr RC Dixon, Wm Yeadon, S R Venning, C B Yeadon, F M Beckham, Jr. F A Trad ewell, S W Stubbs, W B Peebles, W G Stubbs. W A Mclllwaine. Chas F McFadden, J F Reid, J N Corbett, ES Miller, C H Singleton, Bartow Walsh, B Randall, D M Richardson, E L Witherspoon, G A Leramon, W H Pate, C L Rhame, J N Spann, Jno T Green, Jr, A R Flowers, N P Lenoir, A D Moses, D M Dick, J A Fi xworth, J L McCalluro, E E Foxworth, J E Gaillard, W E M rms, F B Mortn, F A Bultraan, J W Wilder, H M Sanders, R G Murray, V H Phelps, :W E Bnrgrss, G L Bicker, Henry McKagen, T B Jenkins, J J Conyera, K W Hurst, J Cantey China, R S Hood, J Diggs Wilder, W B Murray, E O Ingram, J Z Mima, H B Stokes, J M Chandler. April 15, MASTER'S SALK State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER, IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLKAS. Samuel J. McFaddin, Assignee, Plain? tif, against Henry IV. Mackey William H. Mackey und others, Defendants. BY VIRTUE of a Decretal Order made in the above entitled cause and dated March loth, 1891, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the City of Sum? ter in said State, on Monday, 4th of May, 1891,-being Salesday-between the hours of il o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land sit? uate in the town (now city) of Sumter, in the County and State aforesaid, hounded on th-North by lot of Sa rah Durant; East by Manning Avenue or Road ; South by lots of James Sharpe and M Moise. Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for titles. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Anril 6, 1891. Master for Sumter Co. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF SUMTER. IN THB COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Gilbert Cantey, Assignee, Phi int iff against Joshua Cantey Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above stated case and dated March 14th, 1891, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the City of Sum? ter, in said State, on Monday, May 4lh, 1891,-being Salesday-bet ween the hours of 11 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises, lo wit: That piece, parcel or lot of land, lying Southeast of the city of Sumter, in the Comm? and State aforesaid, on the North side of a new cut road, leading ftotn said city to Mrs. Sarah Jane Vaughn's Und in Sumter Town? ship, containing one-fourth (.}) of an acre, more or less, and bounded on tbe North by land now or formerly of Mrs Susan E. Mci I wai n : on tb*- Rust by laud ?ow or formerly of J. R. Tarleton ; on the South by land now or formerly of J. Singleton ; and on the Southwest by land sold to L. Shannon, being more particularly represented by a plat of the same made by J. D. Mtll wain, I). S., dated 24th, of February, ?8B7 and attached to the deed ot said land, made by Susan E. Mcllwain, to Joshua E. Cantey, d itt?d 8^h March and recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyance for Sumter County tn lite said State, in Book Z. Ht |iage b'i'X the .?aid plat being recorded iu said ollice in Book Z Z at page ?28. Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchasers to pay for tit?es. JOHN S RICHARDSON, April 6 1S9I Master for Sumter Co. PLUMMER JOHNSON. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, SUMTER, S. C. IS PREPARED TO DO ALL WORK entrusted to his care, either in the make | up of new work, or mending line and guaran- j tees Bitisfaction. Terms low. ('all ?nd see roe at Shop, uexi door lo Moises k Lee'? law office. You all know the man whose trousers look a,s though they had been made for somebody sise. He isn't altogether to blame for it. rhe probabilities are that he spent as much for them as would have purchased a perfect it. The chances are that he couldn't tell ?rou just what's the matter with them-all ie knows is : that there is something wrong, [t's all a question of cut, and if the cutter loesn't know his business it's a moral cer :ainty that he will spoil the best material :hat ever left a factory. There is nothing the matter with our cut ind you'll find out just what we mean if you livest in a pair of our Perfect-Fitting Pants, Over one hundred styles to select from. For two dollars you can get a neat, service? able pair. The ones marked $3, $4, $5, $6 & $7, Would cost you from two to four dol? lars more made to order. We can fit almost any shaped man in the State. We carry a large line of knee and long pants for boys : Knee From 15c. to $1.50 Per pair. The ones at 15c. are hardly worth carrying out of the store, but the ones At 50c. 75c. and $1.00, We are confident will give entire satisfac? tion. Long pants for boys From 60c. to $4.00. CALL AND MAKE A SELECTION. Respectfully, DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries AND Cceneral Merchandise? New and seasonable attractions in all lines. We are show? ing beautiful new and sensible desig?s for Spring and Summer wear,, LINEN CHAMBRAY'S, GINGHAMS, OUTINGS, SUIT? INGS, WOOL AND LIGHT WEIGHT CH ALLI ES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, &c, Shoes, Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Black Embroidered, and Black Net Suits, Embroidered White Suits, plain and cross-bar Muslins. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Goods always fresh, prices low on each article consistent with good quality. Free and prompt delivery. SPECIAL, j VERY SPECIAL FLOUR, ' LEMONS, GRITS, J SHRED COCOANUT, * RAISINS, LARD, BACON. J FRENCH AND SUGAR, COFFER, V TURKISH PRUNES, ' CITK(>NT .MOLASSES, J CURRANTS, VINEGAR, > PRESERVES, J JELLIES, POTATOES, ' JAMS, ONIONS; ? PICKLES, CORN. PEAS, > SAUCES, REA NS, RICE. J CATSUP, BRAN, SALT. > MAPLE SYRUP, OLIVES, BAKING J POWDERS,V FRESH GOSHEN SODA', LYE, ? 3E3*Ul"?rfc?!K* PEARLINE. J SOAP, STARCH, ? AND CODFISH, * SALT FISH,; Ciieesc CHOCOLATE, J - ' COCOA,? ON ICE. BROMA, > CRACKERS, J FRENCH AND PLAIN BISCUITS, * . _ Rr - C ANDI E S. BUCKETS, ?? TUBS, J CUT CAKE, BASKETS, ? FANCY AND PLAIN CHURNS, J CRACKERS JUGS. / RECEIVED WEEKLY J Standing : SPECIALTIES, J PEACHES, * PEARS, APPLES, j CHERRIES. ? GREEN GAGES, J STRAWBERRIES, i DAMSONS, ?PINE APPLES, J TOMATOES, * SUCCOTASH, J BEANS, > SWEET CORN, J SALMON, * SARDINES, K HERRINGS. * OYSTERS, < SHRIMPS, / LOBSTERS, 'CHIP BEEF, > CORN BEEF, J TRIPE, BRAWN,