WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18. ??W ADVERTISEMENTS. Tb Rent. R.W . M ?.no?Bone Cutter. J. B. Roacb?New Lumber Yard. Brown? & Purdy?New Arrivais. Wanted?Green Glaze CoUard Seed. ft*?, jE. G?hland* o.-N*w D?g Stoi* A. Schwerin ?vCo.? Disjoint km Not ire. ^ Browa * Chandler? Washington Crossing the Dein ware. Personal. r Jla. Wo. Dorant, of Sbi?ok is very ill with typhoid fever. Mr. A. B. Gonzales, of Columbia, was in the city on Friday. Mis* Jennie Rast, of Darlington, is visiting Miss Lillian Hoy t. Miss Vaodegrift, of Charlottesville, Va., is visiting Mise Emmie Sanders. M its Kirk, of Columbia, has been visiting ^ family of Mr. Ph?ip Finn. - Mr. Ross A. Sanih, the chicken man of Charleston, was in the city yesterday. Uhm Emma Witlianmo, of Darlington, is in the city on a visit to Miss Belle Sanders. * JI?X? Amy Burgess, xff Statebarg, was in the city last week visiting X?. R. I. Manning. Mt. end StoWwweht to Char letcon yesterday, and Mrs. S. did not return. Mr. B. F. Epperson bas removed his family back to Su m ter, ?od bas taken a situation with Mr~V Peebles, a younger brother of Ik^itSTv^B. ?epfcs was severely -injured recently by falling from a loaded wagon and beiog run over by the wheels. We are pleas ed to learn that he is now considered out of danger and is improving rapidly. Boa. A. Moses, Grand Vice Chancellor, 3. p. Wilson, Esq., Thos. E. Richardson and Cotf*. M. Wallace, are the delegates ap pointed from Game Cock Lodge, No. 17, to attend the annual meeting of Knights of Pythias, at Spartanburg. They left on Tues day nsoruing and, we are informed, are hav ing a big time. Miss Mamie and Miss Marshall Eknore, ac .r.a by Mrs. Albert Ehnore and Mr. S. .,_.__[, all of Montgomery, were in tha r daring the Carnival visiting: Mr. D. B. ?utoa?y. O. Tmts-Dcnocrc?. Col and Mrs W. B. Kedmond and Mt. D. B. Anderson gave a theatre party at the French Opera House, on last Thursday evening ' KW and SOI.11). Full particular* FKKE. Addrea? at, J2. C ALLEX. ISox 43Q, Align?t?, Main?>. If you are going west AND WANT LOW RATES To Arkan3?s, Texas, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon and C?\i fortim. or any point WEST or NORTH WEST? IT WILL PAY YOU To write to me. FRED D. BUSH, D. P. A., L ? N. R. R. Nov. 5.?x 38 Wall St., Atlanta, Ga MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS AT LESS THAN NEW YORE GOST. Having bought out Mr. D. J. Winn, we will sell the re mainder of his stock, consisting of Men's and Boys' Suits, Coats and Vests, Odd Coats, Odd Tests, Odd Pants, OVERCOATS, Etc., AT LESS THAW ?. Y. COST. All of the goods bought from Mr. Winn will be kept on separate tables and sold at a great sacrifice. Our new stock of Men's, Boys5 and Children's Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods will be ready for inspection within the next few days. No house in the city will show better or cheaper goods. Respectfully, CHANDLER, SHAW & GO. February 4._______ NEW ARRIVALS -AT A. A. SOLOMONS' STANO. ATTENTION GENTLEMEN! CRUSH HATS. The above cut by no means represents a Crush Eat, but the satisfaction arising from wearing one of our $1.00 Silk-lined Crush Hats is so gratifying that it adds style to your ap pearance, which is enhanced by extraordinary comfort ) and the quality of our * 50c. and 75c. Crush Hats will commend them to every hat-wearer in quest of something good for a little money. And if you will examine our nice line of Genfs SCARFS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR & SUSPENDERS we think 'twill interest you as well as ourselves. Black Suspenders, yes, they are here and you can suit with them also, for 50c. or 75 cents. Negligee Shirts, 50 cents to $2.00. Gent's narrow pleat Dress Shirts, 65 cents, and best unlaundried Shirts at $1.00. Gent's fine dress Shirts, $1.50. Gent's Undershirts for spring, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Shoes, Shoes for men and boys, many styles and various prices. We haven't forgotten the ladies and they are cordially invited to call on us early and often. Several hundred tons Cotton Seed Meal, Ammoniated Fertilizers, Acid and Kainit at lowest cash prices. Very Respectfully BROWNS & PURDY. February 18 LOW PRICES Will be made on TtLBOTT & SONS' ENGINES AND BOILERS. Special estimates on machin ery generally at bottom figures. Saw Mills, $200 to $500. Corn Mills, $115 to $375. Planers and Matchers, $200 to $1,500. I sell the most complete line of wood-working machinery in the State. V. C. BADHAM, General Agent, Columbia. S, C. Buy the Talbott Engine, it Ls the best. Jan. 28. HO! JANUARY! What January? Why, the January trade in Horses and Mules ! I have now on hand quite a large sup ply of both kinds and will continue to keep on hand during that month an as sortment that will supply the wants of all classes of customers. XT. HARBY. Sumter, S. C, December 26, 1890. N. B.?Fresh arrivals on every train.] THE STJMTER TEA AND COFFEE EMPORIUM. Finest Variety Christ mas Delicacies. JUST RECEIVING: " Maple Syrup, in out glass decanters, 65 cents. Godilot French Sardines, finest ar ticle, 20 cents. Roullord French Sardines, choice ar ticle, 15 cents. Preserves, Thurber's Gold Cap, in glass, delicious. 75 cents. Preserves, Thnrber's Gold Cap, in glass, delicious, 50 cents. Mince Meat, Tburber's, loose, per lb., m. taker's Broma, \ lb. boxes, 30. Baker's Cocoa, \ lb. boxes, 30. Baisons, an elegant article for cake, per Ib., 15. Evaporated Apricots and Peaches, per lb., 30. Olives, loose, per quart, 50. Olives in boules at 15, 20, 25, and 50c. each. Evaporated Apples, something fine, per lb., 20c. Dried Apples, something fine, per lb., 15 cents. Pickled Salmon, Vl\ cents. Mackerel, Thnrber's, Sea Coast, in 5 lb., tins at 95 cents. Mackerel, in tubs 10 lb., $1 50 to $1.75. Mackerel, large and fat mess, each 15 cents. Mackerel, mediums, a nice article, per dos., 40 cents. Salmon steak in cans, Cook's celebrat ed, 25 cents. Teas, Teas, Teas. Remember we are headquarters and do not sell common grades. Oar prices are,from 50c. to $1.00. Coffees, Coffees. We also lead on and keep every variety Rios, raw, per lb., 28 to 30c. Mocha, raw, 35 cents. Laguayra, raw, per lb., 30 cents Marioabo, per lb., 30 cents. Flours. Curtis' Pastry, finest patent flour, all kinds of, with graham, oat meal, oat flakes, &c, &c. Confectionery. This department iscomplete. We want no disappointed sweet hearts and have carefully considered their interest in oar selections. Crockery. We have now on road novelties in this direction, remember we keep the best (W KT B ) Last bat not least, dont forget us on the celebrated Ferris meats, hams and breakfast strips, which we pride ourselves on. Send for monthly price list. T B CURTIS, Moaaghan Block, Main Street, Dec* 10. Sumter S. C. We have received our fall stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, SHOES AND ??ATS, and are prepared to offer spe cial inducements to buj-ers. Our line of DRY GOODS have never been as large and complete as this season. Our line of plain and figured Wors teds and Flannels are very neat and are offered at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Let us show you before buy ing and we will sell you, that is, if prices and quality are any inducement. We have an immense line ot Gents* and Ladies7 UNDERVESTS, ranging in price from 20c. to $1.25 each. Our shirts for men at 50c. will equal if not surpass anything on the market at 65c. In our SHOE STOCK we have many bargains in men's women's and children's shoes. Our leader for ladies' at $1.75, and men for $2.00 can't be duplicated within 25 to 50c. per pair. We can save you from $1.00 to $2.50 a suit on CLOTHING if you will give us the oppor tunity. All we ask is for you to look through our stock and get our prices. In PLAIN AND FANCY GROCERIES we are the leaders. We sell nothing if not of the first ut! ity and our prices an he lowest. Our stock is fresh and well selected. We have eveiy kind of canned Meats, Vege tables and fruits, all fresh goods of this seasons' pack. We give special prices on can goods by the dozen. You will find oar salesmen pleasant and attentive to all customers?perfect ly willing to show goods at all times. All goods delivered to any part of the city promptly and free of charge. Full weight Guaranteed. Kingman & Co October 1