The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 03, 1890, Image 4

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'T$? ?tale o? the Caucus. ??The elephant now gote round, goce round, ' : The b?i,od begvw to play, Ao? the little boye under toe monk'?y cage Had better get oat of the way." Which is a correct statement of the po sitios. , , The caocus elephant is unchained and tramping ?roaod io the ring, ?od meo cad brethren who, are outside it will get sud will presently Sod massive retolcasly apoe them, er ash tag he their vitals, political aspira jaem. it is o goody big, strong, earnest el? lj trimmed - : aod died with ? handsome little pagoda os his $?ck w&ereie the elect ?hall rid? with what ease they may aod gase with e^sipre or teso, nymphette opon the braised masses, below-?apparently a <|?cilera?iaial tikewfce, noi tb anywise dangerous to those atop Bot the boys whe jhavex?ome io to feok?the boys woo bave paid their, money and walked ?ke mea, loe boys^ who same tate and entered the Tilintan circas ground only after a trade with the door keeper, the boys who crawled in ander the tent -maoy> n^aojp boys who toted.water elephant aod hay for the horses, sweated op^)c?4T?ed llowed^iast aod whooped it? the _ sultry days of Aogost-^th? caewe elephant goes by end plan ts a fpot.upon .them and they are gone ! Taey carae, they saw. they ??at?i : Some of them were here to day aad tlseir crashed t?malos wilt be Above others the -axe are hints beco now that the eaoeos system is to be continued throughout the session and is to be applied to all important legislation. It is a cari?os condition of affairs. I do not knovr who is shaping and g aid ing-to? Schaan plan of administration eo far as4t has developed, bat whoever ito'has evidently no parp?se of eoo c?iation aod continuing faith in the rale of thecaucna and the iron hand. The lines were drawn to-day and last night as rigidly as if there were two opposing parties ta the Legislatore. ' The TiIIman men of both- houses met in caucus, io their respective chambers and made a clean sweep. Of coarse it was right tbatahe-inajority should elect its speaker , bat for the changes in the of the houses- there was oo reason, so far as I am informed, except thai; the places fiUed^fy faithful aad honest Democrats were coveted fey Democrats of another faction so Car untried. 1 Colonel Sloan, clerk of the House, heid that position before the war.. The first official act of the Wallace House to?er.the e?eetion of iti speaker in 1876 was to elect John T. Sloan, who bad beeen dismissed by the Radicals, as its .clerk: \Hs has bees re-elected eyery .?jear^ .since and- has been ani versal ly recognised as a model officer. Mr. Browne, sergeaot-at-rrms, filled that position in the Wallace House aod has been ro elected at every session since If there was any State House ring these meti surely were not in it. If Ib?re has been corruption or an oligarchy >or any of the other things which ! Capt. Tii?sao promised to show us, they are. not responsible. They have been re elected by Farmers' Movement Houses , ?ad:e?ery other kind. They have done ' tnefr doty faithfuP.y and unobtrusively aod earned what they got. It U likely that in open session they _ would have beea re-elected. The caucus was brought to bear on tbem and tbey have The two Houses will rith new. aad, inexperienced m .bead to bottom and if they ! _ being sadly tangled somewhere j ila the rash of business wheu it begins it will be next to a miracle. The two Houses appear to be com : posed of good, solid, honest imber, bat ibe balk of the members appear to me to be of the kind who will be rarely beard 00 the floor, who will be a little alow in seeing points aod reaching con ci usions and ti id in anqoooeiogytbem, who will be led and moulded and guided this way aad that by a few young, bright, aggressive leaders. . There * m*j he[ sowever, in the ;body of the i membership. some of the slow going. i bard headed kind who will not accept guidanoe easily, who have the faculty of telling rad?-; truths distinctly and who will command' bearing and impede any - mah in a wrong direction. -. Let o?s hope so. The start made ap pears to me toJ>e a bad. ooe. It tends tio Grivrtb? ftf???v? tbi party-further . apart/ . It does?-^nat go at all in the directioo of peace. It keeps, alive all ~t?? animosities of the last campaign. The caucus system declares in effect ? that Democrats. who opposed Tillmeo's Domination are to have no part io the Jcond.act of the State's affairs. Charles low anil BSohlaitd counties voted for - ^Uma?>agaic>t Haske?. Tbc .Demo* ?rats of Sose counties nelped the eleo . tion of , the .regular nominees. Yet loose I)e^noerat8 had virtually no part lini tie organisation of either House or Senate to-day. They had seen fit to eject Bepreseetatives and Senators who ' opposed Capt. Ti Uaeo's nomination by the party, end wace puniiaed for it by \ virtual disfraec% isement. That ? not right ia? e?ery fair minded man who reads this fcnows it is not right. It is not right in principle <er wise in politics. After the election every Democrat? certatolfy every Democrat who voted the party's ticket?ought to be counted as good as any other aod ought to have the same rights sts any other. Fighting before' the nominations and coming to gether afterwards is the .doctrine of every party man. The policy here now appears to be to carry the fight inde finitely, to hold open the branch and widen it, to prevent the possibility of getting together by ruling the defeated ?conloo oot sod keeping it ont. Talk of on oligarchy and a ring With, coan y caucuses nominating legislative candidates, with legislative caceases electing legislative officiais aod United State Senators and shaping legislative action, with convention eaoeases choosing State officers, where will the voice, power and ioflaence of the people be felt ?Greenville Daily The Race question. The. "short and easy way" of saying H?tt the government ought to protect jsvefy voter ta the right of votiog does sot dispose of the race question in the .Southern States. Two recent practical movements in those States throw a great deal of light opon it. In the fate election Judge Haskell, as an - dependent Democrat candidate for the #overnorehip ta Sooth Carolina against the regalar Democratic candidate, invi ted the-apport of the colored voters which hie competitor repelled. Tbel itepublicari committee advised the sap x>rt of Jadge H ask el!, as a step toward he practical recognition of the right jnffrage among the colored citisene.. ' - Judge-H ositeli was defeated, bat Hie ?andidacy illustrates the truth that the jolation of the difficulty lies in the legitimate division of the white vote at the polls, which carries with it naturally the division of the colored vote, and makes it the interest of a11 sides -O have that vote freely cast, which was the theory of the reconstruction bills. The problem is to opeo a clinched band. A force hiU I :is a vise - whioht holds it | clinched mora firmly. Congress has the constitutional right, we. believe,, to | pass a national election, bill, as it has right to declare war with Ko gland. But tbe existence of such a right is not an argument for its exercise, ?olii it shown in both cases that its exercise may be reasonably expected io predace the resalt sought. f. S Io Mississippi the new Coast it ulioo, which went into effect oo the 1st of November,- requires as. a qualification for voting that the voter must pay all taxes which -have beeblegacy demand ed of him for the two preceding years, aud a poll tax-of two dorjamfer the sop port of schools, aod that be mast '4be able to read any section m th? Con i ti ta tion of this State, or he shall be able t? understand the s;une v?ben read to hi?, tr give a reasonable interpretation ohereof.** These are not unreasonable requirements, aod they are described as "the first effort of a deliberati re body to eolve the race qaestioo.**?Barpert Weekly. -: Secretary of State's Bep? ru A LASGF. NTJ3?BER OP NEW ENTER PRISES AUTHORIZED DURING THE" YEAR?THE CONFEDERATE FLAGS. .The following extractsfrora the an-; troal report of Secretary of State J. Q, Marshall.are-of public, interest :. 'With the piosperity of the State has corne an increased demand iar private, charters. The number ap plied for and issued from this office during the fiscal year far exceed that of any previous year: fOne hundred and seventeen certi ficates of charter have been granted, and seventy-five commissions of in corporations,, to which returns have; not yet been made, which ar? classi fied ; as follows : One engineering: stevedore company,, one iroa find steel company, one teachers* assem bly ot South Carolina, one street rail way company,, oiie. |?ultry and pet stock- company, onewfcarf company, four loan and investment companies, eight canning companies, three con struction comp?pies, one Southern school shorthand company, one auto-, m a tic time stock feeder company,, one electropoise company, two ice com panies, one erster and fi^h company, one. fibre company, one exporting and shipping .company^ two spoke and handle companies, four hotel com panies, two telegraph " companies, three com press companies, four col lege companies, five steam laundry companies, fo ur newspaper publishing companies, one pharmacy company, thirty-four manufacturing companies, one signal lock and target, company, two cotton manufacturing companies^ three water-works and lighting com* panie?, ten banking companies, one coal and building supply company, four phosphate companies, one car coupling company, one opera com pany, one cotton gin company, one tobacco manufacturing company, four mercautile companies, one agri cultural and mechanical, company, three ware bouse companies, nineteen land improvement companies, fifteen cotton seed oil and fertilizer compa nies, ten 'building and loan associa tions, one granite construction , com pany, two insurance companies, one transportation company^ six furni ture and lamber -companies, , four electric light companies, twelve Farmers' Alliance companies, one cleaning and upholstering company. CASE FOR CONFEDERATE FLAGS. *In accordance with t?e concur rent resolution authorizing the Sec retary ol State to purchase a glass casein which to~place the Confed?r ate flags (Hat have been" presented to the State and such aa may hereafter be given. I found that the appropria tion of $200 was not sufficient for this purpose. The lowest estimate I could get was $250. I had a hand some gjas^ case made at that price? tfe^overnor supplying the difference of $50 from his civil contingent fund. Th?. case has been placed in the library and the flags that have come info my custody h?ve been placed therein.** E ilio t? is the Congressman. The State board of cauvassers met in the Secretary of State's office at noon to-day, aod in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court, they at once took op the Miller Elliott contest, aod decided to give the certificate to Col Elliott. The certificate of elec tion was theo made out, and Col. Elliott appeared and it was given him. - The board theo adjourned sine die, and with that adjournment it became fanetoe officio. Col. Elliott placed his certificate io his pocket, aod this afternoon he left for h's home. He is naturally much pleased with bis eucceas and says he will not gc to Washington uotil Congress r?assembles. ?Columbia Record, Nov 28. Absolutely Pure. A .cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all ?o leavening strength.?U.S. Govern ment ??port, ?ug. 17, 1889. Nov. 12. DO YOU KEEP B EES If so, eeud your name and address for a Fres Sample of the AXBXtCAM SEB JOUUJTJ?b Weekly? 2 pages- One Dollar a year. USHERS' 24eE*it^adieou8tree^ CHICAGO. XI& Don't irritate roar lange with a stubborn cough when a pleasant and eSectire remed*" may be found in Dr. J. H. McLean's Tai Wine Long Balm ! vloct The qaaltty of the blood depends much upon good or bad digestion and assimilation. To make the the blood rich in life and strength giving constituents ose Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparille. It will nourish the properties of the blood, from which the elemente of vitality are drawn. rloct For rheumatic and neuralgic pains, rub in Dr. J. H. Mclean'8 Volcanic Oil Liniment, and take Dr. J. B. McLean's Sarsaparilla. Toa will cot suffer long, but will be gratified with a speedy and effective care. vloct Many Persons are biom flown from overwork or household carts. : Brown's Iron Bitters Bebnfldt th* intem, aids digestion, Temoves excess aflifia, and cures tp^**4*- Get the genuina. San* Mttle focnmaal?a?ab?*t? read* a? -work f?T *a?, by -Ann? T?K?, Aoatim, kTaxaa, ? Jno.*onn. Tolede.OWo. <m cut. Otbon at*dotala*wellL Why 1 7 Svtno rtra tutHim* ? .jn'lh. Ton c?r?do lha*o*and lira ^tlioo^wberereryeeerti.- Erenb? fr?aarn mt ??? . ?amia? from 8* to Sie a d?y. jM*a.-W?ah ow 70a fc*W eod ?tart *. ?kv' work hi ?para tima or all ihc'rime. B?? moo* y for work w. - FaBnr? woSbajig ?oSgOrm. _ NEW and wfccdarroL, rVrHroUri free. Your WHEAT Your^ry^by the "Fly" by sto HcTMrwemr-w?th m* JA CKEBAUTB? Oso bag per acre will largely increase the > : , ?ieW of grato as? straw. BOTKIK, C ABM ER & CO., Baltimore, Md. Nov 26?3m State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF S?MTJSR, By T. V. ffahk, Esq.,Probate Judge. WHEREAS, F. A. FOLSOM made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration, of the Estate and Effects of THOMAS R. FOLSOM, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Thomas R Folsom, iateof said Conn ty and State, .deceased, that they be and ap pear before me, in the Court of Probate, to bef held at Sumter C. H., on Dec. 11th, 1890, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock inj the forenoon, to shew, cause, if any they ha vie, j why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2Gth day of November. Anno Domini, 1890. T. V. WALSH, [L. S.J i Judge of Probate Sumter Co. Nov. 26-2t NOTICE. AMEETING OF-THE. STOCKHOLDERS of the Sumter Ice Manufacturing Com pany is hereby called, to meet at the office of said company, on the 22d day of December,, ?B90,in the city of. Sumter,. to consider the queetion of increasing the capital stock of said company from $10,000 to $20,000. J.J. H?RBT. Not. 19 '90--4t. : ?? : President. . FERTILIZERS! [ FERTILIZERS ? FERTILIZERS ? Having bought largely, fob cash, s full as sortment of, . ! ertilizers, Acids ami?tter taj We are prepared to fill orders for each at low figur?s' and ' on reasonable terms. C: WULBERN & CO.. ?. .Wholesale Grocers, 171 and 173 East Bay, Nov. 19. Charleston, S. C. STOVE FOR SALE. '.k - ' LARGE bbxi; wood-borning Store, XX suitable for heating a large room, store or Church. Price $12.00, piping complete. Apply at this office. fkesh oystebs, Served in every style. Meals at all Hours -AT AVANTS t??ST?UR?ISrT, Liberty St., 2nd Door East of Main, (solomoss building,) SUMTER, S. C. I t i Use of Coniectignwy and Fruit H. T. AVANT, i Nov. 12?2ra. Dr. T. W. BOOKHART? DENTAL SURGEON. Office over Bultman & Bro.'e Shoe Store. s TRANCE ON MAIK 8TRKET. SUMTER, S. C. Office Hours?9 to 1:30 ; 2:30 to 5. * i April 17?o G. W. DICK, D. D. & Office over Bogi 'e New 'Store, irrsAVOs oh'kaix eraser, SUMTER, S. C. Office Ho?rs.?9 t? 1:30 ; 2:30 to 5. Sept 8 WBIGHT^S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. -?o- . THIS NEW AND ELEGANT BOUSE with all modern improvemeats, is now open for the reception of guests. S. L. WRIGHT * SON, Proprietors. REMOVAL --AND To accommodate niy largely increased and increasing busi ness, ? have removed to the handsome and commodious new Brick Store next to John Raid's, opposite my old stand, where I can now be found with a stock of ! DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, SPECTACLES, Ac, surpassing in brilliancy, extent and variety any stock of the kind ever shown in this city, with daily additions of new a> tractions. Thanking my friends sod the publie generally for the very liberai patronage bestowed oo meat my old stand, I hope to merit a continuance of the same, and I hereby extend to ail a cordial invitar tion to pay me a visit at my oew stand, where, with a larger stock and i creased facilities in every way I am better pre pared thao ever to eater to heir wants. Don't forget the place, REID'S BLOCK, A ST., suiuter, s, c. Yours, antious to please, L. W. FOLSOM. Everything :n the ljns Qf repairing done as herilofore. Oct 8 1 NOTIGE. A Fine Lot of m HORSES JUST ARRIVED. Will 1*5 Sold at the SALE AND LIVERY STABLES ?OF? J. E. HAYES, At Figures to Suit the Times. ?ALSO? Wagons, Buggies and Carts. Maveiville, 8, C , Not. 12-4m IWBIIIal I ownl?f*lltW,wb^er?-th?7Hrt. Any W. ftiwiifc rmrytklMf, W? yon. 5? risk. TM4W ?Urvta jo?r spua imrmbu, or *U joat ?b? to tb? work. ThU i* w -oat*^o^l*4j?<tM?taWo*4WJU ???.??wTiiwXn. ?fi pmfM f?f lo iW pwwtd?tBd ?yonHaj 1 ?i after mjUUt QjPggiSo?. Wo ?w?Sj?Ma yon th< ?a. ! ? md Iwc? Vo? raxK. Ko nocoto ospiti? fcoiw. Futi UfocnuOion MUm. TJtUE A CO^ AtCClTA, KAIM. A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. Fully Abreast with the Times. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Faovfly, School,, or Professional Library. . . The Autheutio. Webster'? Una bridged IMotionarr, comprising the Issues or* 18 4, ? *84? property of ike tuidersitned, is now Thorc-aghly Revised and Enlarged, andas as ?asttagirieblwg title, bears the name of Webster's Intern? fienai Dictionary. Editorial irork upon this revision has been, in ?a?tt?w' progresa fer ovar Tea Toan* Kot less than One Hun dred paid ?ditorial laborers have been engaged npon ito Ove 5300,000 expended in its preparation before the Arat ?opy I ~CrmeeXeosaparieon with aar other IHctlonaryisinwited. Get the Best.. G. A C 3T?R&I?M A CO., Publisher?, . Soriani*, Maes^?.?. A. 6old by all Bcoke&nef*. Illustrated pampblet froe. We have received our fall stock of . . . \.' . .. Notions, Clothing, SHOES ^?ND fi?TS. a?id are prepared to offer spe cial inducements to buyers. Our line of ( DRY GOODS have never been as large and complete as this season. Our -li?eof:'pli^'ai?d?figured Wors es and Flannels are very neat aad are offered at ROCK BOTT?M PRICES. jgfLet us show you before buy fog and we will sell you, that is, If prices and quality are any indux^ment. We have an immense line of I Gents' and Ladies7 TJNDERVESTS, ranging in price from 20c to $1.25 each* Our shirts for men at 50c. will equal if not surpass anything on the market at 65c. In our SHOE STOCK we hav? . manyr bargains in men's women's and children's shoes. Our leader for ladies' at $1.75. and men for $2.00 can't be duplicated within 25 to 50a per pair. We can save you from $1.00 to $2.50 a suit on CLOTHING if you will give us the oppor tunity. All we ask is for you to look through our stock and get our prices. In PLAIN AN? FANCY GROCERIES we are the leaders. We sell nothing if not of the first qual ity and our prices are the lowest. Our stock is fresh and well selected. We have every kind of canned Meats, Vege tables and fruits, all fresh goods of this seasons' pack. We give special prices on can goods by the dozen. You will find oar salesmen pleasant and attentive to all customers?perfect ly willing to show goods at all times. All goods delivered to any part of the city promptly and free of charge. Full weight Gaaranteed. Kingman & Co. October 1 Obtained, ami ail PATENT PVsiNktS at tended to for MODERA TE FEE* Our office Is opposite tbe'l1. S. l'aient Office, and we can-oh .i*ijj..l>t?!i.ip*< ti;ne than tji?av.munte from WASHINGTON. $kn? H?DEL. DK A WING of PHOTO of invention. We ndvixe a* to patent ability free of charge and we make NO UiAKGE VltLksS J>A 'SENT, IS SEVV&Elh For circuler, ad ie^ terme sud. references to actual cliente hrynnroirn sut*. Omni'tY. <'m? of Tpwn, wrjlp to C,A SNOW . ^ > I . Qppnxic Fdfiil Ojia, ^hingion, V G LEADERS OP FASHION AND, STYLE. The Latest Novelties in Dress Goods and Triffiffitegs CAN ALWAYS BE POUND AT THE s ?mDori m OUB GOODS AM ALL MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, AND WE SELL WITH ONI PRICE TO ALL: ?CU Exclusive Carpet Department. h We are occnpjing this season the entire 2nd story of our betiding. The same has been thoroughly renorated and converted into one of the 7 handsomest carpet rooms in the south. We have all the ve newest patterns that are made, and say unhwi leticgly that oar stock is three times larger, than ever before brought to this city. ' We can furnish every thing that can be found in any First Class Carpet and Upholstery Department. Our prices are lower than have heretofore been seen. Tapestry Brussels at 50c., 65c., 75c., 85c., 90c. and $1.00. Ingrains and Three Plys at 15c., 20c, 25c., 33c., 35c, 40c. 45c, 50c, 55c, 65c. and 75c. Napier Matting at 30c. and 37c, former price 40c. and 45e. Hemp Carpeting at 12$c. and I5cts. Straw Mattings from 15 cts. up. Oit Cloth, 1 and 2 yards wide at 35c. and 65c. Large assortment of Art Squares. Also beautiful line of Rugs from 45c. np, in Smyrna. All the newest styles in Ponge and other drap eries and fringes. Scrims at 7 and 8 cents. Full assortment of LACE CURTAINS, from 60 cents a pair up. Gall in and let as show yoa through this depart ment, whether yoo wish to boy or not, we will take great pleasure in doing so, and we are sore yoo won't regret the visit. Oar dis play is worth seeing. Our New Cloak Boom. , This season we are better prepared than heretofore to furnish t&f radies with all the latest things ih Cloaks. < --. ' We bavs added this season .to our handsome 'gfor* e?;e*kSbtJtw Cloak Room 16 24 feet, which is fitted up and tilled wfth ?a'?arge variety of garments as can be found in any city. And the pri?es to this department will truly surprise you * "... " " 100 Ladies' Black Diagonal Jackets, all wool, at $2 00, wertfrei 50. 250 Children's Cloaks at $1.50. $2.00, $2.50and*$3:50, worth doubl?, Ladies' Plush Garments in Reefers, Elatere (with adjaatabk vests) and long and short jackets, ranging in prices from $8.00 to $40.00. Afeo fafge fine of loose and tight fitting New' Markets," Coaiinmraa, and the popular Directoire Cloaks. In fitting this department we did not forget our Infant IMeMs, sa4 have the largest lice of Cashmere Cloaks in long 4 short ever exbifc? i ted in this city. Pnces from $1.50 to $12.09. We have also the largest line of ever seen in Sumter. to match. In the new styfc right-fitting Gapes t*4 Mfr lo ASTKACHA?f, CAPE SEAL, FRENCH CONEY, RED FOX, ANGORA, and BLACK B4$E. AH io the nobby cots sed at popular prices. Call so nod let at show yoa through this department. Dress Goods and Trimmings our Great Specialty. To commence, we will quote some of our Leaders in this department : 80 different shades to double-fold, all wool Tricots at 25cts. 25 pieces 36 inch Plaid Flannels in beautiful colorings at 25cte. 100 pieces single-width Dress Goods (wool ailing) at lOcts. 35 pieces 36-inch Cashmeres at 15 and 20c. 3 worth 20 and 25cts. Io Henriettas, we have all the very newest shades out, ranging io price from 25c. to $1.00 a yard. Then we have all the newest novelties io Fancy Weaves, and Robes. We still bandle Priestly ?s Blsok Goods, which gare sto* anireraafyatisfaetioB, .AH of the very latest styles in above now in stock. Black Cashmeres and Henriettas, 36-ioches wide, from 20c. op. We deem it an necessary to mention our Trimmings. As the ladies all know, we have the newest styles, and in buying a suit from as can ?feel confident ah e will get the very latest styles in Trimmings. Our Millinery Parlor is Filled with all tlie Newest Shapes in Hats. Hate foroished to match all suits, Millinery and Dress-Making a specialty. We will be pleased to bave yoa call. Yours truly, SCHWARTZ BROTHERS, October 1 Palace Dry Goods Emporium. -AT THE STJMTER TEA ANO COFFEE EMPORIUM. CHOICE SUGAR-CURED MEATS. Picnic Hams at 10 cents. F. A. Ferris k Co. Hams at 17 cts. Ferris k Co. Strips at 15 cts. . W. P. Harvey k Co. Hams at 16 cents. W. P. Harvey k Co. Stripe at 14 cents. W. P. Harrej k Co. Smoked Tongues at 17 cents. NEW FISH: MACKEREL AND SALMON. We are receiving regalar shipments of tbe finest Mackerel we bare erer offered, and would invite special attention to our Bloater mess Mackerel, large and fat, in kits or at re tail. 10 lb. kits fi oest mess Mackerel at $2.00. 10 lb. kite family Mackerel at $1.50. Mustard Sardines f lb. cans at 10c. per box. NEW FLOUR. "Cui tie Pastry," finest Patent, in 12and 24 lb. sacks, at 50c. and $1.00. Heckere Self rising, in packages at 15 aod 25 cts Heckere Blue Brand, Loose, at 5c. lb. Heckers Buck Wheat Flour, Looee, at 5c. lb. Heckere Buck Wheat Self rising io pkge. at 20c. lb. Heckers Yellow Corn Griddle Cake flour something nice, in pkge. at 20c. lb. Heckers and Leggetts Cat Llakes in pkgs at 20c. Ib. Leggetts Oat Meal and Graham Flour at 5c. lb. and 6 lb. sacks at 30 cts. MOLASSES. Golden Drips, something new and select, at 1 OO. New Orleans Syrup, choicest at 75cts. New Orleans Molasses at 50cts. New Orleans, a choice article at 35cte. GELATINE. Swinboones Sbreded Gelatine at 15c a pkg. JELLIES, PRESERVES, &c Quince Preserves, loose, at 15cts. Canton Ginger, ? pots, at 65cts. New French Prunes at 15c. per Ib. Plain Pickles in brine, just received. Jalisco Coffee, something new, 35ct8. Gautamala Peaherry Coffee 35cts. Layguara, Mocha and other Coffees and Teas in every variety. TEAS: TEAS: AND COFFEE : We lead on same. If you really want a fine Tomato try our Rob Soy : Holmes k Cou us Crackers in end lese variety, they are the finest Crackers made, CONFECTIONERY. Our Stock jn this department is complete. We also carry a full Hue of Crockery, Glassr w-?re and Tinware. Send for monthly price list to CURTIS, Mqnaghap Block, Main Strpcr, Oct. 25. Sumter. S. C. A S. ?> ?* W.A, SUMTER. IS GROWING ?ND OUR BUSINESS IS GROWING TOO. More commodious quarters became a Necessity, And we found them at the old stand of A.. A.. SOLOMONS, CORNER OF MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS* Where, in accordance with the demand made upon us, we are opening up the Largest and Bdst assorted 8tock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE ever offered in this community, embracing LADIES DRESS GOODS in endless variety, from fine silks, down to the coarsest Domestics, Standard Goods of all shades and quality. Our stock of Ladies9, Gents' and Children's Shoes cannot be surpassed in this market, and we defy competition in Ladies' Cloaks, Dress Trimmings, Flannels, Ladies0 and Gents' Underwear, Gents' and Boys' Clothing, We have on hand, also, a remnant of the stock of A? A. Solomons which is fast disappearing in consequence of the great bargains offered therefrom. These are not offered to our customers as new goods, but as just what they are with the prices marked down Below New York Cost* LADIES' CLOAKS AT 25 PER CENT. LESS THAN NEW YORK COST. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS LOW DOWN. Don't purchase until you see them. Polite and gentlemanly salesmen will greet you as you enter, entertain y ^ite you remain and charge nothing for showing to you our goods. October 1,