' ? ' ??? WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 22. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.-" J. K. Cousar?For Sale. T. B. Curtis?New Goods H. Harby?They Have Come. Brown & Chandler?Overcoats. R. P. Hayes?For Sale -ease. J. H. Enr?e? Re*! Er >r Saie. W. J. Andrews, and . ?rs?-Kotice. A. A. Solomons?Notice to Debtors. W. M. Graham?One Gar Load Horses. Stnckey & Green and C. C. Manning? Notice to Absent Defendant. Samter Book and Novelty Co.?School Supplies, Blank Books, *c. Personal. Miss Mamie DuBote is visiting the family of Mr. A. S. Brown. Mr. A. W. Clayton of the Columbia Record was in the ci t j on Friday. Miss Allen, of Colombia, is on a visit to her ; friend, Miss Lillian Uoy t. Mrs. ft. M. Poreber of Fort Motte is visiting ; Mrs. Holcombe of St&teburg. C. S. Nettles, Esq., attorney for the C. S. k N. R. R. was in the city yesterday. Miss. Marion Kersbaw returned on Monday from a visit to friends in Wilmington. Mrs. N. G. Osteeii returned on Saturday !" ej^niag last from her visit to Fa i rS eld. Mrs. Hasel Dick, and her sister Miss Swell, . have returned to the city from Wisacky. Mr. Lyles Miller of Lynch burg has accepted * poeition with Messrs. A. S. k W. A. Brown. Mr. Geo. P. McKagen has taken a position temporarily with Messrs. Brown k Chandler. Mr. Bay Iis Barle returned last week to Charleston to resume bis studies at the M?di rai College. B. G. Hayoswortb, EN? CCO0OC?O'O2S?2S?: sS * SB 5 IS3 ' ?-< TQ 3 ? 5 g B ? : ITi : o. * : ? to f? ? x: - 0 - . C a, p OB 11 5. ? 5 = : ? : _ * ' et : s : O S ,& S S? o 5 ? * ? "S ei S axa ? to? S S? E. M. Cooper. ,_ H.T.Abbott. c te ? to >- ~ ? ^g-frg ?g S 2 5 S S S 5 5 SSSSgS g S R. M. Pitts. _ Daniel Kee.s. : o cd o?_._ J. L. Parrot. ce rrr y : gy?ig g ^ S S S S 8 S S S fcS SS I "~ >.-. ? ,,. j. tO ??" CO tO Ci >JV ??' W. . CrbsweU. W. A. James, Jr. J. E. Du Pre. ? o: od cu ? ^ ^ ? co ? _ ?- ~ w ?.>.- -_ D. E. Keels. ? ?fegg S g 8-S? fe Peter Thoraas. "??! 00 CC w : co to fe te ?_! : j 5 I W.J.Barrett, ?a p * j>, ? : ? ;

-j ? ?tv *? co : ?tv to o a* ' ' j?. ? ce ? -ta! J.-'CO -tv to ta. : ta. ? te to : to : : e? c to -a ? .?: : : ? co-o Len E White. R. W. Chandler. G. A?den Brown. Geo. W. Rolline. : : ? ? | J. P. Wilson. te?-* ~? ?o *? w S w ? ?? to ? co * to co : ? ta. CO * ta" ta- CO a. : ca co ? to * ceto? ? ?tv CP 00 "? co ~ : j ? at to ?tv c& *o ?__5* . ^ . co J. D McElveen. J. K. Brown. Total. 00 00 CD o ***** ?i? ^ T -?! a^SS&Wr, ?- Pl?cc of Shepard Nm* who dKlintd J M Coopfr w?3 eohsthuted by ,he Exocoti? Commue,: ?3ou?ty S" ' ??1 t R Browo beine the onlv ooe recei?iog ?majority. Messrs. J. A. M. SS?Tm Saod?s J W?Ui, J M. Spears will be candidates for County Co "manner at the second primary. ,o be held ne? Samrd.y, Oct. 3o.h^ A CAED. Scmter, S- C, Oct. 13, 1890. Edifor Watchman and Southron : Our State Industriai Fair held last week, was a com plete success in every sense of the word. Through the medium of your valuable col umns 1 tender my hearty thanks to all who fo nobly contributed to the success of the enterprise. To me it is highly encouraging to see the disposition among our people to uni'.e in good deeds. For tbe third year we have had an increased attendance and deeper interest.. There is no good reason why a grand State Fuir on a larger scale should not he held. Exhibits came from Marlborough, Chesterfield, Darlington, Florence, Marion, Richlaud, Oraogeburg, Anderson Beaufort, Kershaw. Clarendon, Charleston and Sumter Counties. Excepting the live stock depart ment the preceding years have been surpassed in every way. "Let us have peace," and let us co-operate in this good work until every county in this State is represented at Sumter or elsewhere by the industry of the colored ueople of South Carolina. J. B. Middlrton President. INTERESTING NEWS. Prom Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, of Atlanta. Six mon the ago, at the request of a friend who was interested in the sale of Dr. King's Rovai Germeteur, I made a written statement of the benefits I had received from the use of that medicine. In that statement 1 expressed tbe belief that it would cure me entirely of Catarrh. Within tbe last two months I have received letters from every quarter of tbe Nation, calling on me for further information in regard to my health. It has beeo impossi ble for me to write privately to each person who has made this, request, and I am there fore under the necessity of making another public sta'ement. I am free from Catarrh. I believe that I could get a certificate to that effect from any competent physician. I have used no medi cine within the last six months except King's Royal Germetuer. My health is better than it has been in thirty years. I am in possession of information which warrants mein saying that the relief which I have experienced from the use of the medicine is not more certain and radical than that which it has brought to hun dreds of persone in Georgia and other states. I feel it to be my duty to say, also, that the effects of this remedy upon my wife bave been eveo. more signal and wonderful. She has been almost an invalid from nervous head ache, neuralgia and rheumatism. In a period of thirty years she has scarcely had a day's exemption from pain. She has been using Germetuer about two months. A more com plete transformation I have never witnessed. Every symptom of disease has disappeared. She appears to be twenty years younger, and is as happy and playful as a healthy child We have persuaded many of our friends to take the medicine, and the testimony of all of them is that it is a great remedy. J. Hawthorns. Pastor First Baptist Church, Rev. Sam. P. Junks talks out : We are in receipt of a letter from the above world-renowned evangelist, from which we take the following extract : "I returned from Tyler, Texas, on March 12th. I find my wife has been taking Royal Germetuer to tbe great upbuilding of her physical system. She is now almost free from tbe distressing headaches with which she has suffered for twenty years. Surely it has done wonders for her. I wish every poor suffering wife had access to that medicine." Later he writes: "My wife who has been nn invalid from nervous sick headache has been entirely cured by six weeks' ufe of Dr. King's Royal Germe tuer. Her health is ?perfect. In three weeks two of my children were cured completely of nasal catarrh. It is truly a great remedy." Dr. King's Royal Germetuer is a boon to women. It builds up their strength, increases their appetite, aids digestion, relieves them of the cause of disease, and insures healih. Gkneral James Longstreet, ?.he old war rior, heard from : I have suffered for months past from insomnia and indigestion, and, failing of relief, was induced by a friend to try Dr. King's Royal Germetuer. I am now relieved, and I hope permanently so. James Longstreet, Gainesville, Ga., June 27. 1890. Their Think-Pans Lighter. It ie not gallant to refer to it, perhaps, but ihe illustration is necessary. At birth an average female brain weighs 347 grammes, and the male brain 893. Tbe female brain begins to lose weight after the age of thirty ; that of a man not till ten or fifteen years later. The Medical Record tells us that there is just five ounces less amount of brain matter standing between women and idiocy than there is in the case of a man. It is very evident from this that our wives, mothers and sisters need to have a care of themselves. When debility, depressed spirits, enervate^ sensations, loss of appetite and dyspepsia make their appearance in the home circle, the ladies should, by all means, harp that universally accepted remedy, Dr. West morelands'e Calisaya Tonic, to insure a re turn of health, vigor and spirits. It is invai- j uable in malarial districes, and is a sure ariti- ; periodic. For sale by all druggists, and wholesale by Dr. A. J. China. If you are all run down?have no strength, no energy, and feel very tired all the time? take Dr. J. H. Mclean's S-?rsaparilla. It will impart strength and vitality to your system. yloct NOTICE ATAX OF TWO MILLS HAS BEEN levied upon all taxable property in the City of Sumter to defray the expenses of the School District of the said city, known as District No. 17. W. ALSTON PRINGLE, Jr., Oct. 14 Clerk of Bd. Sen. Com. REMOVAL -AND NEW GOODS. To accommodate my largely increased and increasing busi ness, I have removed to the handsome and commodious new Brick Store next to John Reid's, opposite my old stand, where I can now be found with a stock of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, SPECTACLES, &c. surpassing in brilliancy, extent and variety any stock of the kind ever shown in this city, with daily additions of new at tractions. Thanking my friends and the public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me at my old stand, I hope to merit a continuance of the same, and I hereby extend to all a cordial invita tion to pay me a visit at my new stand, where, with a larger stock and increased facilities ?d every way 1 am better pre pared than ever to cater to their wants. Don't forget the place, REID'S BLOCK. MAIN ST., SUMTER, S. C. Yours, anxious to please, L W. F?LS M. Everything in the line of repairing done as heretofore. Oct 8 w- L* Donar?an Shoes are vau 1 i vil warranted, and every pair bas his name aud price stamped on bottom. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grata. The excellence and wearing qualities of this shoe cannot be better shown than by the strong endorse mects of its thousands of constant wearers. Se.00 Genuine Ilanil-aewed. an elegant and o stylish dress Shoe which commends itself. Syl.OO liaml-Mewed Welt. A fine calf Shoe *? unequalled for style and durability. *3,B0 Goody?** Welt Is the standard dress Shoe, at a j>opular price. $0.50 Policeman's Shoo is especially adapted O for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES LADIES. have been most favorably received since introduced and the recent improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and if he cannot supply you scud direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. KOR SALE BY J. Eyttenberg & Sons, Agents, Jan. 1 SUMTER, S. C EUBBER STAMPS (NAME STAMPS FOR MARKIING CLOTHING with indellible iuk, or fur printing visiling cards, and STAMPS OF AX Y KIND for -tumping Bl'SINKSS CAKDS, ENVEL OPE? or anything el*e. Specimens of various iivles on hand, winch will i.esh..wn wi'h pleas ure. The l.oWKST PK10ES possible, and orders filled promptly. Call on C. P. OSTERN, At the Watchman and S??jrhron O :c ciutotcr S. C, MILLINERY. Our friends and patrons will find us this season on Republi can street at the stand to which we removed after the late fire, where we are prepared to serve them as heretofore. Our Stock consists of .HATS. BONNETS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, &c, of the latest styles and shades. ZEPHYRS IN ALL SHADES. Orders entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. All friends who have been indulged in the past are requested to call and settle their accounts. MRS. WHITE & MISS MILLER. Oct. 1 I. M. NICHOLES, Experienced Land Surveyor. -AND Civil Engineer. Solicits tbe patronage of the community general Ir, i>. 0-, SUM TER, S. C. Sept. 17. CE. SOLID WALNUT 4 ARLOR 1 5 ONIjY ftSO.OO. Tremendous Stock -A??D CH E A PEST PRICES. Durant & Belitzer. Oct 15 THEY HAVE COME! One Car Load Horses. One Car Load Collins Carts. Sumter, S. C, October 15th, '90. OVER 43 YEARS UNSULLIED RECORD. THE PENN MUTUAI Life Insurance Company, Of Philadelphia? i A purely Mutual Company conducted solely for members by members. Greatest Dividend paying ability. Unequal ed Security. The Perm Mutual com menced business on the 25th day of May, 1847 BAS over Twenty-eight Thousand Members. AS not a single unadjusted claim on its books. AS over Fifteen Millions of Dollars. AS distributed to members over $21,000,000. AS nearly $3,000,000 of Surplus. Its policies are incontestable and non forfeitable. Every Dollar paid the Company se cures the member full value in an equita ble form. For full information apply to A. C. PHELPS, Agt., SUMTER, S. Cor J. S. BEAN, Gen'l Agent, AUGUSTA, GA. Oct. 15_ -A. WHITE & ? INSURANCE AGENCY. CAPITAL REPRESENTED.?100,000,000. : Liverpool and London and Globe; North British and Mercantile; Northern Assurance Corporation ; Lancashire ; Home Insurance Co. of New York ; /E:na of Hartford ; Connecticut Insurance Co.; Springfield Fire and Matine; Hart ford Fire Insurance Co.; Fire Association of Philadelphia ; American of Phil a- ! delphia ; St. Paul of Minnesota ; Germania of New York ; Underwriters Agyncy, 1 New York ; Georgia Home Inpurance Co. ; United Underwriters; Suo Mutual j of New Orleans ; Southern of New Orleans. Insurance solicited on Cotton Gins, Merchandise, and Dwellings. Utlice lu uevy iwur?lorv stpr, corner t>l Main auJ Republican Strteis. Oct. 1 ? CAR LOAD OF FINE DRIVING HORSES. One Car Load Oid Hickory Wagons. CELEBRATED SPIRAL SPRING CORTLAND CARTS. Also, a few of the PAEEY CARTS. All kinds of CARRIAGES, Surrys, Buggies and Phaetons. HARNESS. A few hundred bushels of na tive Red Rust Proof Oats. WE I. AHAM. Ortoher 1 9 BIJLTMAM & RRO. PROPRIETORS OF The Sinnier Shoe Store, Have bought this space for a time, to inform the public that they are prepared to protect their lower extremities from the rain and frost of the coming season. The older citizens of Scruter know ibis OLD FIEM so well that commente to them are not neces sary, but the population of our city has in creased so rapidly, there are a great msny here now, who have not made their acquaintance and we do not think we wnnld be acting the part of the Good Samaritan, did we not advise them to go to BULTMANN & BKO-, when in need of SHOES, for they are better prepared to suit them in that line than any other House in the city, as they are Shoemakers of 40 years e2perienee and make the shoe business their sole study and occupation. Their present stork was manufactured before the advance in the Leather market and will be sold at former zero figures. By this one item they will Save y on from 15 to 25 Per Cent. on your shoe bill, and always give you solid Leather to walk on. In addition to their regular line, they sell the renowned WHIT SEWING MACHINE, and carry a complete stock of Fine Trunks and Valises, &c. Riiltmaiisi & Rro?9 Opposite Court House Square, Sumter, S. C. Sept 17 LTYCO HAL. D. G-REEN, Manager. We have tbe largest and most complete line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES, BLANK BOOKS, FINE STATIONERY, NOVELTIES, &C, in Sutntcr. We buy in large quantities direct, and sell as cheap as any house in the State. We keep all books used in tbe publii schools of both SUMTER and CLAR ENDON Counties. Give us a call and be couvinced. Main Street, opposite Court House, Sumter. S. G. Oct 22 MILLINERY. THE FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF MISS i?IcELIIOSE, carefully selected by herself in New York, challenges competition in the way of ELEGANCE, VARIETY, PRICES, Etc., and her patrons and the ladies generally aro invited to an examination of same. A full line of Hate and Ronuets in all the leading shapes and materials are uow on hand, together with a beautiful assortment of Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Bands, Etc. The latest novelties in Feathers, Wings, and Birds were sought for and ob? tained. Children's Caps in Velvet, Merino and Silk, always on hand. Special attention given to the selection or Corsets, with an eye to comfort and beauty of form. Orders solicited and prompt attcutiou given to same. Oct 15