rj?D]XESDAY< OCTOEEK 15. Rallying tha J?egulars. . ?Columbia, October-10?Messrs. J. ? , L. M: Irby. H. A. Meetz and Wilie ^c-^> Jone?, of tbe campaign committee of the Till01 an State D?mocratie com mi t t|a^rt& C&pC Tilhnaa, Mr. E. B. { 0ary,^lr.R. Rrlej^ Dr. Sampson x Pope ara Mr. W. C. Beoet, assembled in tbe Carolina National Bank this morning at 10 o'clock and remained in conf?reuce several hour^ with closed door?, At??.30 a.recess was taken an til 3 P. M-J and si 4 30 P. &., the meeting v < x r-b^g^jel^.dv the following address. I^^-^P S^^^e' fcrfe as. ta I product thr?^ sessf?ff*r-: h 'was in the band writing of Mr. W. C. Bmet, who is aaderstoodLto bave been its author : TUB ADDRESS *to the Democratic Party of South Carolina: A grave crisis in the history of oar State confronts as." The life'of oar party is threatened. While en preiaacy in Sou:h Carolina is endan gered. What was predicted, bat hardly expe^ed, ties happened. An Inde pendent movement has been inaugurat ed? %B>Tudep*nd^^ ticket has been nominated, and for its success io the impending election a coalition has been I S??Ve^fefcd' Between the Republican party and the deserters from the ranks of the Decaocracy. A Vmatl gathering' of citizens catling ^beasejves StrarghtoUt1 Democrats, representing at best only a defeated minority of a defeated r?ority of the V" "Democrats of the State, have held a 'conference in Columbia, in defiance of the regularly constituted authorities of our party, have set at naught the action of the regular Democratic conventions held ml August and September, hare proclaimed war against our D?mocratie . ...... jeader? and_ nominees, and, to lead .Aem?~ro tljis- internecine strife, they have nominated a fall State ticket, with Judge?. Haskell at its head, as their no m?nee for 'Governor. &X tbt8:*?i?8ren their part, in op position t^'?he"actif?? of an overwhelm ing^^jority of tie Democrats of South Carolina,they h eve read themselves oafr. of th? ranks of the Democracy. By .oatfing upon ice the negro voters ,, ? to aS2 ; them in their fratricidal war ' aga1ast"tHeir whi fe: brethren, they have declared the mselves ready to join hands with tbe bla.ck man in pulling down and destroying the white man's govern ment, ana^ ready and willing to see Soo^ Carolina again ander the heel of the alientyrant and taeignorani negro. <\.V*"^hey-J?e? a few of them,, men,of ".. "bi^ 8oeisXsiding and of great'politi? ?i :e^i^aenee -and*experience; some of tbenijxren whom ?his State has deKgbted (> ^ %;to?iionar,~ and -wik?. . bave filled high positions in reward for their distin < ; go isned^.er vices as p.ztriots and .Demo-r crats. ft is therefore with feelings of ; regret and disappointment that we see them voluntarily departing from oar D?mocratie ranks and subjecting them- j s selves to th?'.oensafa bo 'w.e4l .expressed by Governor Hampton when, be said * that an Indept-ndeut is worse than a Radical. ' ' ' : i v. r Bat oarggiuty is clear.. The Demo ^tta^cratro-j>arty ?f South: 1 Carolina must defeat-this Independent movement. Ko ' ^%"?e%?cr?t can conscientiously vote > for the-Independent ticket. And wej call cpon you. the white men of the whole State, as patriots and as Detno *'crats, to be true to y^or*. country, trae! ? to yoa> ; party anfi' true to your races By alt that you hold dear, by your live, and. liberties, by y oar' homes and famb $ ~y$j8eaig by your wb?te civilisation and * ^riae^ef race, we appeal Wyo?r to quit yon, Hk'3 meo> like .Democrats, like SCarolinicns. ?if yea would prevent the ^ re^iu^oir of the ruinons rale under s* ' ? '; which our State lay helpless and pros . ; : , ; tr?te from 186.8 to 18T?,: if yoa, would ? " spare yourNrives and children tbe re enactment ofHhe scenes of those dark . - and terrible days,.- if .yoa would enjoy : "rprpepe?oas' days 'and peacefal nights, r /" yoa win not cast yoot ballots for the .' Independent ticket. . Much though you may admire and . -- esteem Judge Haskell and ; bis co-uou? nees, yon will, as faithfal Democrats and ' patriotic South Carolinians, vote for the regnlar Democratic ticket which was nominated Vy the,Democratic Con tention on the Itkh day of September A sbTid/ unbroken~Democracy is of far greater importance to this State than : : the a ccess of any man or any set of ( -meD? . I ' * K not deceived by the address * to * tb* p?op?e; not the Demberate of South ^^Darvlina^ whbh .w*^ -adopted by. the jj j,-Judepen dent Conference- Among other specious arguments it is sought therein to induce good Democrats to be disloyal to their party by telling them that it is vain to say that the action a' political party exempts the voter fr responsibility. This is a trap for the unwary, a prop for tbe unsteady. Such f -action ri% utterly an democrat ic. No ^ ''jwty^^eTe^,: ea!l?d io each County io this ^^?afe^^tSe ?dkrl l?oaiie^'thereo? on Monday, tbe 27tb day of October in stant, excepting Charleston and Colum " bia. where said meetings shall be held, in Colombia on Tuesday, the 28tb, and in Charleston on 29th day of October, and that Senators Hampton and Butler and t-he State nominees be invited to be - present and address the people at these . latter .places. That the Chairman of the executive committee of the different counties will be expected-to make arrangements cud provide speakers for their respective !t 4>oaotiee. Jn counties where it will be inconvenient to hold these meetings on the day designated, the county chair man will bold the same on a day to be designated by him. . By order of the campaign committee. J. L. M. Irby, Chairman. Wilie Jones, Secretary protein. It is understood that the object of these simultaneous meetings is to make u demonstration in force- which will dis* courage the Haskell supporters. It is an original idea in our State politics. Capt Tillman and several of his friends . left the ci'.y this afternoon. Others of the party remain over to-night. -iGrovern?r Richardson was to-day watted on by Col. Irby, who presented to him the following resolutions adopted by the campaign committee to-day ; * Whereas, the Democratic party of South Carolina did* in convention assembled, on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1890, make its nomination of State officers :.and 1 Whereas, an Independent movement ;feas been inaugurated for the purpose of defeating the nominees of said Demo cratic party; and , Whereas, at a conference of the sup porters of said Independent movement held in Columbia on the 9th day of October, 1890, nominations for State officers were made in opposition to the nominees of the Democratic party ; and .Whereas^ it appears that certain parties, heretofore appoioted by bis Excellency Governor Richardson as commissioners of ?lection, have takeb^ part in faid conference, and are sup porters of said Independent movement ; and Whereas, it is of vital importance to the Democratic party and essential to the preservation of white supremacy in this State that the commissioners of election should be Democratic; there fore be it Resolved, By the campaign commit tee of the Democratic party, iu view of this unforeseen emergency and grave , crisis, that relying upon Governor Richardson's fidelity to the Democratic party and his well-known advocacy of white supremacy in South Carolina, bis .Excellency be respectfully and earnestly requested to remove such commissioners of election as shall be shown to him to be in sympathy with said Independent movement, and to appoint . Democrats in their stead. the govekxor*s reply. Col. Irby ,reported to the committee -: that the Governor had received bim courteously, and had stated that should any"of the commissioners of election resign, a place on each board from which the resignation was wade should be given to the Tillmanitea.' :-~ Ii is.otherwise ascertained that the Governor informed Col. Irby that the appointments had not been made for the purpose of secaring unfair advantage to any party or faction, but to esure a fair election and.honest count.. It may be. regarded as settled .that the Governor will not.remove any. appointee except for just cause shown to htm. ?II f - The ijnalitj of the tlood depends much upon good or.bad digestion and assimilatioo. To make the the blood rich in Hfe and strength giving constituents ose Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will. nourish the properties of the blood, from which the elements of vitality are drawn. . vloct fe jTSe blood wastr b?.pnre for the body to he in.perfect c??dation. Dr.. J.' H. McLean's Sarsaparille, makes - pure blood and imparts the rich bloom of health aud vigor to the whole body. vloct 4t?t .goes right te spot," said an old man, who was rubbing in Dr. S.'E. McLean's ' Volcanic-Oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. vloct MASTER'S SALE, State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUM TER. Ik. the Court or Common Pleas. M&ry^&ozier Lee < Assignee?Plaiuii$< against.^ Waltet L. Wilson and Richard D. Lee?Defendants. BY VIRTUE of a decretal' order made in the above stated case and dated Mar-h l2tb, 1890, I will* sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the City of. Suin ter, in said State, on Monday, November 3rd. 1890;?being -iSatesdaj?between the hours of il o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in th? afternoon, tbe following premise*, to wit;. ] "All that plantation or tract of land, situate and being in Providence Township, in tbe County and State aforesaid, containing Four Hundred and Eighty-Six and one-b&lf acres, more or less, the same being on Rockey Bluff Swamp and .commonly known as "the jCorbett place," bounded on "the North by lands formerly of Col. George W. Lee, de ceased,-f.nd by unknown land* over Rockey Bluff; '.East by unknown land and lands formerly of tbe estate';of f. Ljee, deceased ; South n'y la?'ds formerly* of fheT estate of T. W. Lee, deceased. Hods of J. Durant, Joseph Cald*veli, and lands formerly of J. J. Knox and West by land formerly of J. J. Knox and of Col. iGeorge W. Lee, deceased. The said plantation beiug fully shown o*> * plat thereof made and certified by J. D. Meli wain, D. S., the 9th of November 1882 and recorded in the office of the.Register of Wespe Conveyance for Sumter County in Book "?** atpage 31?." Terms of Sale?Caan. Purchaser to pay for titles. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Oct. 7, 1890. Master for Saroter Co. MASTER'S SALE State ?fS?uth C?rolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER, . In the Court of Common Pleas. s - . ' < John ".?>. Richardson, as Master for Sumter County, in said State? Plaintiff, against Sarah J Smith Defendant.- \ BY VIRTUE of a Decretal Order made in the above entitled cause and dated March 12th, 18?(0, ;,i .will sell at public auction in front of theCourt Kouse in the City of Snm ter in said State, on Monday, November 3rd, ,1890,?being Salesd&v?between tbe hours of^l I o'etfick in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the after*?on, tbe following parcel or tract of land, to wit : "All JThat jrieee, parcel or tract of land, 1 contai rtiri^ one --hundred and fifteen acres, i ' more or Ies3, sftuate, being and lying in the said County and State, bounded on >be North by land of Sarah J. Smith aa? by land of Sfeftitf WiHiaWs ;^on the East by land ?f A. P. Floyd ; on the South by land of - ( Scott, and on the West .by the public road leading from Bishop vi! ie to Lynehburg, sepa- ! rating itfrora lands of Dr. C. L. Crane." 1 Terms of sale?For a sum not less than the amount of principal aud interest calculated to ! tbedjryof sale on the amounts-of principal' and interest now d?e and payable and to ' r become due aid payable on the bond and mortgage sued on in this action, together with the csts and expenses of this action and any amouat that may be due on or against said roor'gaged premises for taxes or assess l nients; thut so much of the proceeds of said sale as may be suffic ient to pay the said tuxes ' f?r a^seflisments, the costs and expend of thi* iction and the amount now due and payable ; do said bond and mortgage with snt-erest ihereon from the date of sa d Report, be paid j n cash, and the remainder of e:'.id proceed< of: sals to be secured by the bond of the pur chaser or purchasers, to *>e executed nnd de ivered to snid Master payable at such times tnd io sucb proportions is are ^et forth in he said Report, in reference to the shares A?d j >roportions of the bonds ??n-d on which wre j lot vet due and payable, with interest on Such >roportions respectively payante annually rom the day of sale until the whole he paid ; he deferred payments to be secured by the nortgage ?f the purchaser or purchasers of he premises-sold. I The purehttser to pay for paper3 and for ecording mortgage, i $OHN S. R?CHARDSON, I ' Oct. 7, 1890. Master for Sumter Co. J Taxe Swtft^ Sracmc in the Spring? r\tt on the vernal season attend When water-lillies blow. ' er t z& iz'XJ'.'A sense of hebetude, For health and happiness twill bring,. ; OManjnior; which al wars portena And cause the blood to flow ..- \ ;,. _. A thickening of t he blood. In joyous currents, pure and free This S. S. S. ne'er fails to cere, Through ev'ry vein and artery. The blood tomakehealthful ana pure. Cured by S. S. S. aftsr the Potash and Sarsaparilla Mixtures Tailed. I contracted a severe case of Blood Poison in 1883 and my physicians put me u ri der a mercurial treatment of three months without doing me "any good ; In iact 1 was gradually growing worse. I then consulted another physician, who tried me with Potash and Sarsaparilla, hut with no better result. I then became disgusted with doctors and their remedies, and commenced taking Swift's Specific (3. S. S.) After taking seven bottles I was entirely cured, and I have not had any symptoms of a return since. I have recommended S. S. 8. to others, who have used it wuh the same good results. J. C. NACE, Hobbyvilie, Green County, Ind. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Copyrighted by & && Co. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G a. WORTH REMEMBERING ! T H E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. RICH'D A. HtcCURDY,Pres. ASSETS - - - $136,401,328.02 LIABILITIES - - 126,744,079.58 SURPLUS - - - $9,657,248.44 1843. 1890. When solicited to insure in other Companies remember that The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of JSew York, is entitled to your fiusr consideration, since it holds the foremost place among the Life Insurance institutions of the world, and offers superior advantages in all the features of busioess, together with ?nequaled financial security. ; 1>?It is the oldest active Life Insur ance Company in the country. 2.?It cs the largest Life Insurance Company in the world. 3 ?It is the strongest financial in stitution in the world, its assets amounting to more than $136,000,000. A.?It is the safest company in which to insure. 5.?It is the cheapest oompany in which to insure. Its large dividend returns reduce the final' cost of insur ance to a minimum. 6 ?It is the bes? company in which to insure, as it combines all the ad vantages of age. large and select mem chows ?conomie management. 9. ?Its new policy kite most liberal ?ver offered by any insurance company. 10. ?It places oo restrictions upon travel, occupation or residence after be ing two years in force. 11. ?Being practically non-for fei table and incontestable, it provides a legacy and not a lawsuit. i 12 ?-It is the simplest and most com prehensive form of. insurance contract ever issued. If the policy-bolder pay? his premiums while he lives, the com pany will pay the full value of his policy when he dies. 13.?All claims are paid immediately hership, .financial strength, absolute j upon acceptance of proofs of death, security, and rue cheapest insurance^ 14?The distribution policy of this that is honestly possible under any con tract which has a definite value to the beneficiary, ' y . j lates the surplus arising from the prenii 7/?It has no stockholders to claim any part of the profits. The assets and sot-plus all -belong to the insured. ^"8 ?Its tSwo-of espeases To receipts j company presents a most attractive in vestment feature. It not only acenmu um8 over the cost of t&e insurance on ? each policy in force durktg the distri bution period, bat increases it by cote pound interest. ALT AMONT MOSES, Agent for Sumter. Edward L. demand; July9 -~ .General"Agent, Columbians. O. WILSON & SPANN, INSURANCE AGENTS, SUMTEJR, S. C. Representing some of the beet Fire Insurance Companies doing business in the United States, for 5umter, Clarendon and Williamsburg Counties, we b?g to solicit a share of the patronage of our friends in these counties. FRANK N."WILSON, Manning., J. M. SPANN, Sumter, S. C. Jbly IQ?X ____ _ . . Parties who contemplate moving to ARKANSAS, TEXAS,' MISSOURI, KANSAS/' NEBRASKA, COLORADO, CALIFORNIA. ' OR AN? OTHER P0RT?ON OF THE GREAT NORTH-WUST SHOULD WRITE TO A* A. Gallagher, Agent, rflnvori nnd Ho ni (in Tlnj^ 1 103 Head House., Chattanooga, Tenn., Who wili ?e?d Maps, Books; Pamphlet and other important descriptive matter Free of Charge, and cheerfully answer all inquiries as to Passenger and Freight. Rates, Piices of Land, &c. July 2. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES ALLAN & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta cles, Drawing Instruments rHE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a speoia-toy. Chief Inspectors otf Watches for South Caro na Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., Feb. 8 285 King St., Sign of Drum Clock. Charleston, S. C. m*. Um CHINA, City l>rng Store. DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Stainn, Kalsomiue, all colors for rooms, Artists' Paints and Brushes, Luster Pain's. Convex Glasses. ^ice lkie of Rating a-ud Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Ceep the following popular brand of Cigar? : "Plumb Good," "Custom Hons?,''* "'Rebel Cir?.." une 4 FRESH pA.R.D.E.X SEEP. Prescriptions carefully compounded. \ ATLANTA, CKATTANOOBA, KH0XV1LLE, % GINCIHKAT!, LOUISVILLE, ASHEVILLE, : AKD 8?MMEB RESORTS. MAY 3.1, 13BO. JjV Brunswick... Lv Jesup. Ar Macon. Lv Macon., Ar Atlnnta. Lv Atlanta. Ar Borne. Ar Chattanooga. Ar Louisville_ Ar Cincinnati .. 11:00 p.m. 1-20 a.m. 6:47 a.m. 7:02 a.m. 10-35 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:25 a.m. 6:40 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 4:35 p.m. 4:40 p.m. 8:10 p.m. ll:00p.m. 2-00 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 7:35 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Ar Knoxville.I 6:35 p.m. Ar Morristown. 8:10 p.m. Ar Hot Springs.10.10 p.m. Ar A?heville .tl2:35 a.m. 7:55 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 11 24 a. m. 1:42 p.m. Ar Bristol.il0:55p.m. Ar Glade Springs. 1:02 a.m. Ar W ytheville. 2:36 a.m. Ar Roanoke.! 5:2oa.m. 12:25 p.m. 2:40 p.m. 4:15 p.m. 7:05 p.m. Ar Natural Bridge..i 7:30 a.m. -8:32 p.m. Ar Lnray.|ll:53a.m. 12:37a.m. Ar Lynchburg Ar Petersburg. Ar Norfolk .... 7:20 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 9:20 p.m. Train leaving Brunswick at 11.00 p.m. carries Pullman Sleepers Brunswick to Atlanta and Pull man Bnffet Sleepers Jacksonville to Cincinnati, connecting at Rome with through Sleepers to Washington, and at Chattanooga with Pullman Sleepers for Memphis and the West. Train leaving Brunswick at 8.20 a.m. connects at Macon with Pullman SleeperforChattanoogaandat Atlanta with Pullman Sleeper for Knoxville where connections are made with Pullman Sleeper for Philadelphia and New York, and Hot Springs and Asheville._ SU M ME B EXCURSION TICKETS w??fbT^dat TWO CKNTS per mile travelled commencing May 15th. 1S90. good to Beturn before Not. 1st. >??-<*i?5 ??^antnreContract Tieftet?. Appiv to Ticket AgGnt&-0.c4o . ? FRANK M. JOLLY. District Passenger Ag?nt, No. 75 West Bay St.. Jacksonville, Fla. C. V. EIGHT, B. W. WRENN, Aw.. G?n'l Pass. A jetit, Cen'l Passenger Ageofe Atlanta, Ga. Sxoxyill?, Te.nb. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Pour Trips per Week Between detroit, mack.nac island Petoekey, Tha Soo, Marquette, and Lake Huron Ports. . . Every Evening Between. detroit and cleveland Sondsy Tripa darin? June. July, August tad September Only. Our illustrated Pamphlets, Bates and Excursion Ticket? will be farniahed by your Ticket Agent, or address e. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A., Ditroit, Mich., ft? DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. Obtained, and all l'A TEXT. lil'HINhSS at tended to fur MOhEUATE FEES Oiir office is oppos?e, tin.- U.S. I*?!ent Office, j?m? wc.mn ob tain?l?nfeiltsin less tkue. than :Ji?isc remote front WASH I.Y?7ON; S^ml )',<>1>E1.. />/:.! fr.".Y<;"or J'JIOTo of invention. Wo ixmjse as i<> patent ?lnl?tv free of charge and we make X'J C TIAliGE. l'y LESS PATENT IS SE/iU.'l?It. For circular, advice, terms j?:t:tl references to Act nul clients in v-*.' " "r5 thcrfcmce. AllyouhnTetodoin am i ?mm wi ' '^-i?*-r= thftsf-who?II?rour nrijrhr-crs v a r - ?. ? 3 'AlK. i - ar,? '??"?? a??nnd you. The be fc|?LMW?pJntjiflS ubleatzetele -<-op?..ii* i?r:^ ?. i.i ?..n'y ta carry. \V? wtiUi :.n .h;>w you iiowyn? ra? j-mkefroii ?S.-l :?.SlOaday at irait. :'roin the * tart.with oot-ckprriraee. I;-::- r write at oucr. U'r p.iv til vxj^r.-??cb?rs?t. */t/?.?*?. H. HAI.LKTT & CO.. Box MXO. Jt>KTLAXD, MiiXI. FENCE ? We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN W2RE FENCING Wire Rope Selvage. 60 INCHES HIGH AT 60 CENTS PER ROD. Lawn, Garden, Poultry and Stock Fencing, all sizes and widths. Gates tomatch. Priceslow. Sold ov dealers. Freight Paid. Send for circulars. rkK MeHTJIXEX WOVEN WIBE EESTCB CO., CHICAGO, ILL. P,S;-AJi-Stc?l LAWN and CEil?T??Y Fencer WILLIAM KENNEDY. Fashionable Barber-. MAIN STREET, Next doer to Earle & Purdj's Law Office. SUM TER, S. C. IDESIRE TO INFORM the citizens oi Suraier and vicinity that J have opened busiuess on ray o-w-n e ceo trat at the above old stand, a?id tbat with competent and polite assistants, I wiU be pleased to servs them ir ao-y branch of -my btwiness io the best stylt of the art. Give me a call. WM. KENNEDY. Oct. 19 f'?TT'PTAW w* -Doaclas Shoes nre vJWJ JLaVU veazranteci, and every pair has his name and price stamped on bottom. FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and wearing qualities of this she* jannot be better shown than by tlie strong endorse ments of its thousands of constant wearers. Se,00 Genuine Hand?s?wed, an elepact and 9 stylish dress Shoe which commends itself. $J? .00 Hand-sewed Wcl?. A tine calf Shoo fr unequalled for style and durability. S^.CO romptly. Best market prices paid for good Beekes, 9?rfc, Po?1try, Eggs and other country pro luce. Give Ji a call. WM J. ANDREWS, TEiOS. J. WILLIAMSON. Sept. 3 X ________ L B. STUCKE*. JOHN T. GREEN, ST?CKEY & GREEN. attorneys at Law. SU3ITEUf s. c. ilarcb 26