w?D?xa??Y, AUGUST 20. attheP. Lee's family, Dr. Bookhart and Mr. G. A. Lemmon from Pnwleys Island Mrs. R. H. and Miss Duitie Moite from Blowing Rock, Mr. J. F. Pate and family from the mountains, and Mrs. W. A. Pringle, Jr., from Charleston. t Th? following is from the Orangeburg Ttmes and Democrat of August 13th. The young geotleman referred to is tbe oldest son of Mr. Ed. A. Andrews, formerly of this Gcranty, from the Bethel neighborhood and ho is a brother of Mr. Wei born J. Andrews : Mr. J. J. Andrews, of Charleston, has been elected first assistant teacher in the graded school by the trustees to fill the vacancy cre ated by (be resignation of Mr. H.G- Sheridan, Jr. Notices io vi ting applications for the po sition bad been published in the papers, and tbrthra>VKAK,l,NDRTKI,'.)PKOO::(;4\.Si}'?):-'><>:. i.!) ?V. Ataolntciy nnrailin? HO".K THh'AIMlKNT?Rendit* !n a dny. ?I<-n teitlfy from 60 State? and rorrlpn Couatrlea. V.rltr (hem. I?e?er1ptl?e Book, explanation and proof, n?lird (?.hI.M > free. Addnu ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, ti. Y. May 28. Main Street for For LOT-T or FAILING- Zi'AKHOOX); General and NERVOUS DEBILITY; Weakneea of Body and Mind Etfrc.t: of Errors er Er. '"sacs in OldcrYcnnsr. innn ?. _i ? _ c*. f?TT^TA?J w? Dorlas Shoes are liai) liUi? warranted, and every pair has hin name and price stamped on bottom. $3 SHOE gentlemen. Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and wearing qualities of this shoe cannot be better shown than by the strong endorse ments of its thousands of constant wearers. ? ff .00 Genuine Hand-sewed, an elegant and o stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. S Ji .00 Hand-sewed Welt. A fine calf Shoe fr unequalled for style and durability. SO.50 Goodyear Welt is the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. $0.50 Policeman h Shoe is especially adapted ? for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SH0ESlafd?i!s. have been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior to any shoes seid at these prices. Ask your Idealer, and if ne cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maes. FUR SALE BY J. Ryttenberg & Sons, Agents, Jan. 1_SU M TER, S. C. SHAVING DONE BY ELECTRICITY ?AT? ID'S, Next door to T. C. Scaffe. Jan I H. A. HOYT, Successor to C. I. HOYT & URO. Sold and Silver Watches, FIXE DIAMONDS. Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, U BRIDEN BRITANIA SILVERWARE, &c. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. _ Feh J_ HACKS -FROM Si Hi!! to G-ienn Sprinp, Six and One-Fourth Miles. FARE, BagjjHge included - - - - $1.00 D. M. LANCASTER, Jiilv 2J Proprietor. SUCCESSORS TO EDWARD E. REMBERT & CO., Are the men to call on WEEN YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE LINE OP WARE. AGENTS FOR Planet Jr. Cultivators and Horse Hoes. Write for Catalogue. Are pleased to call the attention of the public to the fact that they can buy of us Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, The genuine Red Star Lead, cheaper than in any other market Try Regal Ready-Mixed Paints and be convinced. PLASTICO?A substiute for Wall Paper and KaJsomine, Greatest Discovery of the age. BUY THE White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer. As the hot season approaches everyone wants an Ice Cream Cooler. Call and examine our stock. FISHING TACKLE, HAMMOCKS, FLY FANS. Stoves of every description. Oil Stoves from ?1.00 up. Tinware, Potware, Woodenware. We call special attention of the Carpenters to OUR LINE OF TOOLS. Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Bar Iron, Iron Pipe. DuP?Mt9? Chin Powder. Fuse Caps and Powder for Blasting purposes. AGENTS FOR Studebaker Wagons and Road Carts, Bug gies, Carriages and Phaetons. REPOSITORY ON MAIN ST. April 23. ^TlXXXtOr, SL O. F A C ^ WORTH REMEMBERING! THE MITT?AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. RICH'D A. HcCURDY, Pres. ASSETS LIABILITIES SURPLUS $136,401,328.02 126,744,079.58 $9,657,248.44 1843. 1890. When solicited to insure in other Companies remember that The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, is eutitled fo your riKST consideration, since it holds the foremost place among the Life Insurauce institutions of the world, atid offers superior advantages in ail the features of business, together with unequaled financial security. 1. ?It is the oldest active Life Insur ance Company in the country. 2. ?It is the largest Life Insurance Company in the world. 8 ?It is the strongest financial in stitution in the world, its assets amouoting to more than $136,000,000 shows economic management. 9. ?Its new policy is the most liberal ever offered by aoy insarance company. 10. ?It places no restrictions upon travel, occupation or residence after be ing two years in force. 11. ?Being practically non-forfeitable 4. ?It is the safest company in which { and incontestable, it provides a legacy to insure. j and not a lawsuit. 5. ?It is the cheapest company inj 12?It is the simplest and most com whicb to insure. Its large dividend j prebeosivc form of insurance contract returns reduce the fiual cost of insur- j ever issued. If the policy-holder pays ance to a minimum. j his premiums while be lives, the com Q?It is the best company in which j paDy will pay the full value of his policy to insure, as it combines all the ad- j when he dies. vantages of age. large and select mem- | 13.?All claims are paid immediately bership, financial strength, absolute j upon acceptance of proofs of death, security, aod the cheapest insurance I 14 ?The distribution policy of this that is honestly possible under any con- j company presents a most attractive in tract which has a deSuite value to the i vestment feature. It not only accumu bene?ciary. I ?ates the surplus arising from the preuii 7.?It has no stockholders to claim j urns over the cost of the insurance on any part of the profits. The assets and j each policy in force during the distri eurplus all belong to the insured. ; butiou period, but increases it by com S.?Its ratio of expenses to receipts j pound interest. ALTAMONT MOSES, Agent for Sumter. dward JL? Gernand, July 9 General Agent, Columbia, S. O. WILSOK & SPAN ?, INSURANCE AGENTS, SUMTE?, S. . Representing some of the best Fire Insurance Companies doing business in the United States, for Sumter, Clarendon and Williamsburg Couutics, we beg to solicit a share of the patronage of our friends in these counties. FRANK X. WILSON", Manning. J. M. SPANN, Sumter, S. C. July 10?I CITY LOTS AND FARMING LANOS FOR SALE. fE HAVE ON HAND more than 206 business, and residence lots, many of thf .alter improved, l'or suie ou easy terms. Those wanting lots would do well to consult us before buying, and those having property in ciU or country tor sale are requested to place same in our bands and we will fiud purchasers. W. A. BOWMAN, k W. H. IN G KAM, Mav 21 Real Estate Brokers A A cents. To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constl? pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S DRESSMAKING. A DIES' DRESSES CUT AND MADE j in the latest style, fit and work war ranted and satisfaction guaranteed, by Miss Adele Osteen, Republican street, opposite Harby Avenue. Prices as reasonable as good work can be done for. Feb 8 I Tso tiso SMALL Size (40 little T?cans to tho bottle). They ake the most convenient. S\?itnt>lo ior nil Ago*. Price of ?-ither size.25c.per Bottle. if 2 & CM'IS ?7.17.7#3iMitt? IMA I IB ts?Mailed for 4 cts. (copp.-rsor itaTpi). PAN?X SIZE. J.F.StilTH&CO.^cnof--B BEANS,"ST.UUIS M4*