";-"vn? at a dis tance. For the fow terms and rrroat advantages of tin* 01vl>r:it<', President. Sec. aud Treas. Aug. 13 CHILL AND FEVER TONIC CURES EVERT POP. ; One bottle guaranteed to cure any case of Malarial Fever or Neuralgia, or money refunded. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER BOTTLE. For sale by Dr. A. J\ China, and J. F. W. DeLorme. August 6?ly J ^5L- ?T. CHINA, City Drug Store* DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brashes. Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Stains, Kalsoroiue, all colors for rooms, Artiats' Paints and Brushes, Luster Paints, Convex Glasses. Nice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, ke. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good," "C-otom House," "Rebel Girt." June 4 FRESH GARDEN SEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. PURELY MUTUAL. INCORPORATED 184 THE FEM MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of ^j^adelphia. , $15,174078. Jannary M3 1890. SURPLUS, $2; THE COMING INVESTMENT. The matter of investment in life insurance is now attracting the South, as it has already absorbed the Northern savings. The matter for providing for one's family an immediate estate and accumulating a fund which will be available to one's self in cash when the working years of one's life have passed, is now recognized as a public blessing to all, and has proven a more, profitable investment than government or State bonds or savings banks, especially as the leading insurance policy embodies all the elements of a savings institution. Policies issued by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, have printed upon the second page a table showing the cash values of the policies every year, so that" the policy is always available. It was the first company in the world which went before the Legislature and petitioned for the non-forfeiture law of policies, which law has saved so many mil lion dollars to helpless widows and orphans. It issues every plan of insurance, from the term "insurance," that costs a man 30 years old $12 per ?1,000 up to the 6 per cent, guaranteed and annuity bonds. Terms and results of policies of any de? scription may be had on application. FEATURES OF PENN MUTUAL They are Incontestable. After two years from issue of policy there are no conditions, limitations or res* trictions. The insured may travel or reside where he likes ; he may engage IB any avocation, no matter bow hazardous; be may die from any cause or under any circumstances ; the only requirement is the payment of premium as stipu lated in the policy. They are Non-Forfeitable. Every dollar paid the Company secures the member fall valae, in an eqtii table form, after three payments (in most cases after two). The Company's plans for "Exteosiou" and "Paid-up" provide against loss ta members who discontinue their policies. Cash Surrender. Many forms of policies permit a member to withdraw at any period of five years, others at the end of longer periods, as selected, taking with bim in cash, the full reserve-value of bis policy, inclusive of all surplus accumulation. Cash Loans. Certain policies contain the agreement to lend the member upon their security sixty-six per cent, (being not less than $100.) of the reserve value ; thus guarding against their lapse, and enhancing their value as Marketable Collateral.. There is nothing which is safe and desirable in life insurance, no new and commendable feature, tbat is omitted from the revised forms aod plans of this well-tried and enduring institution. Are you insured by an iocontestible, non-forfeitable policy, with liberal feat ures such as the Penn Mutual issues? Is your estate secured, is your family safe were you to die ? Are your own later years provided for against want and care ? If not, get our plans?any form is open to you, and invest a few dollars with us annually, semi-aonually or quarterly, and you may safely enjoy the balance of your income. For information apply to, A. C. PHELPS & CO., Agents, June 18_ Sumter, S. O. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! RECEIVED DAILY. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST AND GOODS ALWAYS FRESH. Remember TEAS, TEAS, TEAS is my specialty, at 50c, 75c., $1.00. Buy the great "bit" of 1890. A delicious dessert prepared in 5 minutes, "Westmoreland' Eg.: Custard," with gift of beautiful imitation cut glassware m colored cartoons with paten screw cap glass jar. Price, 50 cents each. Try my "Delicious Relish," the finest Catsup made, 35c. And mj ?' red Cocoanut for Puddings, &c, ? and $ at 10 and 20 cents each. Also, p~ *red Cocoanut in pails, per lb.. 30c. Frs lerican Soups, assorted, per can, 25c. El Orange, Strawberry, Almond, Lemon and Vanilla at 15 to 25 cents. Succotash, (Corn and Beans, mixed) per can, 20c. Condensed Mince Meat in packages, fresh. This is something very fine and bandy at 15c. packages. COFFEES. COFFEES. COFFEES. Tburber's "Almeta," finest blend and large bean, at 35c. _ Rios raw, from 20 to 25c. Parched, in packages, called No. 34, at 30c. Leggett's Bullion Java, parched and ground, in pound packages, 25c. Rio, parched and grouud, by ourselves at 25c. PICNIC GOERS Will consult their interest by giving us a call before going elsewhere. Cross & Black rills Jams, assorted, 20c. each or 2 for 35 cents. Orange Marmalade, 15c. each or 2 for 25 cents. A good table butter at 20c. Tomatoes, 2-lb. cans, 75 to 95 per doz. 3-lb. cans, $1.25 per dozen. Tburber's 3-lb. cans sugared Apricots, Peaches, Pears and Plums at 40 cents. These goods are certainly the fiuest tbat were ever placed ou a market. Order one can and you will be convinced. Richard & Robins' assorted canned meats, also, Fairbanks' assorted meats, any price. Ginger Preserves, } pot reduced from 60 to 50e. Ferris' world renowwed "Bagged," best Ham on the market. Salmon, Columbia River, with key openers, 20c. Salmon, choice, 15c. Pineapples and Edam Cheeses reduced from 75 and 95c. to 50 and 75c. to close out. Mackerel, just received, very fine aud fat at 10 cents each. Remember we meet competition on every class of goods. T. B. CURTIS, May 14 Main Street, Sumter, S. C. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES ALLAN & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta cles, Drawing Instruments TIIE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Watches for South Caro io3 Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., g 285 King St., Sign of Drum Clock. Charleston, S. C.