The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 25, 1890, Image 2

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Cjjt Stojmian m? j? outran WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. The Stouter Watchman was founded ia 1850 and the True Southron in 1866. Tho Watchman and Southron now has the combined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is mani festly the best advertising medium in Sumter. LOOK UPON THIS AND THEN UPON THAT. We h*7e laid before onr readers in this issue, the reply made at Green ville, by Capt. Tillman, to Commis sioner Butler's demand, the former having requested all the newspapers of the State publishing the Commis sioner's article to give publicity, also, to his reply. The omissions are immaterial to a clear understanding of tbe case. Any candid mind will readily understand the shifts and quibbles of Capt. Tillman ia this arraignment and the complete sod overwhelming refutation of these charges, so derogatory to tbe chief of the Agricultural Department of our State. If this defense does not set at rest the most fastidious questioner, and cover those with obloquy who attempted thus to traduce him then we are ready to exclaim : "Oh Justice thou art fled." THE CAMPAIGN. The week just past has been an inter esting and exciting one in the great po litical contest now agitating the State from mountain to seaboard. A trial by fire, as it were, and the lines are daily closing around the arch-political trick ster, who by the employment of his talents for producing discord and con fusion, threatens to throw back our be loved old commonwealth where, once before, she travailed in the throes of dissolution. The war-horses of the true Democ racy are close upon Tiilman's heels and winding him up slowly and steadily with telling efleet, all through the up country. General Bratton, in bis calm and masterly manner, is sounding the warning notes of alarm, that we can have no lawyer or doctor democracy or 11 any other, but one of the entire people, and reminds us that the Government of 1 the United States stands readj, still, to 1 farther concentrate its power over us. j But perhaps the clearest bugle-blast of ( the campaign, thus far, was Gen. Earle's very able effort at Union C. H. a Capt. Tillman evidently felt as though f his hour had come, when dodging the question and swinging aronnd corners would avail him nought. In the light of quiet and intelligent consideration it is passing strange, that E so large and respectable a following o should lend credence and their counte- I nance to such flimsy charges ; more es pecially, when the eloquent pleadings of Gen. Earle, oft repeated, have sig nally failed to wring from Capt. Till- t man and his party a word or a line of ( proof. But this darkness is giving ri place to the light of the morning. Fol lowing close in the wake of these fear less expositions on the part of our faith* fui champions is a steadily rising tide of inquiry and active organization that ^ muse and wilt sweep all before it on 0 election day. A eaase that will not stand the press- I j are of investigation does not deserve the support of any people. Gens. Earle and Bratton have bad to endure I ? many annoyances, while it would appear that with tbe boasted strength of the opposition, it ought to have power enough to insure them a respectful hearing. Taese discussions are healthful educators of the people and should by oo means be fettered. THE SHELL SECRET CIRCU LAR. ,2 i: b The following is a copy of this re-1l, markable campaign document: Lauekms, S. C, Jane 4, 1890. "Dbar Sir: The defeat of Kolb for L Governor of Alabama by a combination of c political tricksters should teach the frieods of Captain Tillman that 'eternal vigilance is tbe price of liberty." As they value their lives, liberty, homes and repytation, so should they be ready to guard against tbe insidious devices of 'be r opponents. "fiverr township and neighborhood to tbe State.should be thoroughly organized into Democratic c ubs. The officers should be truly loyal to the platform of principles enunciated by tbe March Convention. "Tbe battle cry of "anybody to beat Till man" must be kept constantly in view, and every voter must be at his post first, last and all the time lo controvert this hoped-for result and none must be permitted to pass unless they are properly vouched for. **Very respectfully, ''G. W. i**hkll, Chairman.'' Capt. Shell says tbe letter was ob tained from his office surreptitiously. Suppose it was ; tbe deeper damnatiou lies at tbe door of the man who penned an epistle so false, so monstrous in its insinuations, so inconceivably bitter in its tone against men who are honorable, true, devoid of trickery, and loyal to the State and the Democratic party. Were Shell and Tillman fighting the Republican party of 1868 76, such language might be pardoned, but it is simply monstrous when it comes from tbe pen of a so-called Democrat, and is directed against Democrats. Is this what Tillman ism means? Charges of favoritism, nepotism, perjery, political leprosy, n ade by Democrats against* brother Democrats. Friend arrayed against friend, and brother against brother, and now an appeal by the Chairman of tbe Tillman party to his henchmen *'as they value life, liberty, borne and reputation'' to guard against tbe ''insidious devices" of their brethren who are opposed to Tillman. Their leader spoke of some of his sup porters at Kidgeway as "jackasses ? he is alleged to have spoken of his Anderson supporters as '*-fool8.,, We felt sore that ia so speaking of them, he was slandering the farmers of South Carolina. If they shall blindly follow him and Shell any longer, after such a declaration as this, we will be obliged to think he is not guilty of slander. A GREAT DAY FOB EART.E. In company with about 250 others from this city and coun ty a reporter for tbe W. and S. attended the campaign meeting at Golem? bia yesterday. Col. Earle went over on the same train, arriving on tbe Fair grounds where tbe speaking took place in time to bear the conclusion of Senator Hampton's speech Col. Earle'8 arrival upon the scene threw tbe immense crowd into tbe wildest and most enthusiastic excitement. Col. ?. C. Haskell rushed from tbe stand, grasped Earle's band and waving bis bat in tbe air, led him io a semi-circle half around tbe crowd amid tbe wild shouts of tbe multitude, a sea of waving bats aud hankerchiefs, and tbe loud rattle of drams. It was a glorious and inspiring scene. Hampton was for a moment forgotten and every heart and voice turned to pay their homage to tbe man whom this ovation clearly showed to be tbe bero of the day. Old veterans of 76 wept and hurrahed as tiey bave never done since tbe days when tbe intrepid Hampton and the chivalrous Haskell led them. After the conclusion of Hampton's speech which we did not hear. Genl. Bratton was introduced and received with flattering de monstrations. His speech was delivered in a calm, dispassionate bnt exceedingly earnest manner, and impressed every thoughtful man that tbe noble old gentleman is striving more to avert disaster from the party and State than to elect John Bratton Governor. Bratton was followed by Capt. Tillman. Tbe crowd bad been disorderly throughout tbe day?the enthusiastic anti-Tillmau men applauding on the slightest pretext and the Tillmanites, ia a little band to themselves, jeering tbe speakers and shouting for their champion, ont it was not until Capt. Tillman began to speak that these disorders became nocontrolable and annoying. We walked about the crowd carefully noting tbe sources from wbicb tbe clamor and disorders arose and found that io almost every instance they came either from boys or drunken men from the country, provoking answering jeers and angry demonstrations from the little knot of Tillmanites. The large majority of the as sembly were orderly and attentive. We cao not pretend to convey aoy adequate idea of tbe bitter, denunciatory and even in cendiary character of Capt. Tiliman's speech. He spared no one. Hampton, Haskell, Goth ran and many others whom our people have heretofore delighted to honor came io for their share of abase. Col. Earle was not down on tbe program for a speech?bis place having been given to Hampton?bat the audience would not let him off. Id response to repeated and clam* oroos calls he came to tbe front of tbe stand, bat was pulled off by tbe crowd and forced into an open buggy standing about fifty steps in front of the stand. From that hastily improvised stand be made the speech of the jay, punctuated time and again with wild jhouts of approval from tbe immense throng whose close attention he held to the fin'.sh. It is generally conceded in Columbia that .he day belongs to Earle. Headquarters Democrat Execul ire Cam in it It e for Sumte r Count r. Stjmter, S- C. June 18, 1890. At a meeting of the Committee ?eld this day it was Resolved, First, Thar a Contention of the Oemocratic party of Sumter County s hereby called to convene in the 3ity of Sumter, on Monday, 24th Ju y 1S90, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the bliowing purposes : h To elect a Coanty Chairman and t Democratic Executive Com mitte? or the ensuing two years. 2. To determine the mode and oanner of electing delegates to the >tate Convention whether by prima y or by a subsequent convention. 3. To determine the mode and man ier of making nominations for County ffices, whether by Convention or Primary plan. 4. To transact such further busi tess only as may properly come be ore the Convention. Second, That the delegates ehosen o represent the several Democratic "lnbs in sail Convention shall be ipon the basis of one delegate at irge for each club and one delegate 3r every twenty-five members or oajority fraction upon the revised oils of the several clubs. Third, That in order to carry out he purposes above indicated, it is rdered: L That the rolls of the several )emocratic Clubs throughout the ounty be forthwith revised by the fficers of the clubs, their executive ommittees, or in any other proper aanner. A copy of such revised oils, certified by the presidents and ecretaries of each club to be d?liv rai to the Secretary of the Demo ratic Executive Committee by 11 . ra. of that day. 2. That the several clubs do reor ganize and new clubs may be organ-11 zed, not earlier than July 10 prox., >y electing their proper officers for I ] he ensuing two years, and that they o also elect a member to represent, uch club upon the county executive ommittee, and elect delegates to the ounty convention, as hereinbefore ?rected. Fourth, That the secretary be in tructcd to send copies of the above o each club president and secretary nd publish same in the city papers, n The Chairman was authorized to in ite all candidates for State offices to ^ e present and speak to our people on 1 ih July. The following committee^ fere appointed for campaign day : Arrangement?J. J Brunson, W \ i. Dick, J R. Keels, E AI. Cooper, I. H Ho!man. Reception?P P Gaillard, F. Mel- ? *tf, R D. Lee, Alt. Moses, J. A S [.haute. ^ The following resolution was also assed : Resolved, That in order to raise the ece siry funds for the approaching leeting oi July 9, that each of the 2b' * egular Democratic clubs on the Sec- k etary's roll be assessed by the Secre- ( ?ry and Treasurer rateably and in pro- ^ ort ion to the general numerical treng'h as best he can arrive at it. And Wherea*. It is alleged that there re two new clubs who claim to have i 1 rganized and desire voluntarily to be } Mowed to contribute soinetbiug to- j j tards said expenses Resolved further, that the Secretary ud Treasurer be a'iowed to receive ?d vnluutary t-ubscriptious from any nd all persons whomsoever, who may esire to contribute to said fuud. By order of the executive commit je, P. P. Gaillard. '. ?. Fraser. Jr., County Ch'man. Secretary. The Law of the Case v The Law of Husband and Wife is the name ' 'a nook written by Lelia J. Robinson. All ljudications of this knotty sui'.-j^ct would be mple if it were regarded ?n a spirit of coro cruise. Incompatibility of tamper is fr? tent ly occasioned by a disoidt-red liver. It akes a well disposed mortal mon-id, morose snappish Into such houses where this :plaios the situation the soother of rnfli-d or sgruntled dispositions would be as a w hire inged angel o'"pt-aceand messenger of hap oess. With a bottle of Westmoreland's ilisaya Tonic comes health, vigor, and op xiigtic frame of mind and a dispelling of ail irk clouds. Tone up your liver, brace up >ur nerves and improve your appetite by ;ing a bottle, which can bp had of all drug Sis, and wholesale by Dr. A. J. China. NOMINATIONS. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Mr. Editor : Mr A. K. SANDERS baying served Somter County one term in tbe lower House of Representatives, and given entire satisfaction to bis constituents, is respectfully requested to serve ns another term. Many Farmers. FOR THE SENATE. Editor Watchman and Southron : We woo know Col. W. D. SCARBOROUGH to be a man possessing the courage cf bis convictions, and one thoroughly identified with tbe general, and whole interest of our County and State, heartily endorse bis nomination for the State Senate, and trust that he will consent to serve the people. His Neighbors. Pbovipbkcb, S- C, June 23, 1890._ To be entirely true to our best interests as a people, we must keep in office tbe man wbo has shown the most fitness, I therefore nominate for the Senate Maj. MARION M01SE, our present senator, and appeal to the voter8of Sumter County to show judg ment and true manhood as electors in exer cising this our highest right. Before voting, ask yourself if Major Moise has not been true to tbe best ioterests of Sumter county as every occasion arose iu tbe office he fills. As you will have to answer affirmatively, I feel sure that you will remember tbat a people honor themselves most highly in honoring a faithful public servant, otherwise their best ioterests suffer. Farmer. HEADQUARTERS TUM?-rara, Charleston, S. O. ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW, CANE AND GRIST MILLS. HALL. SMITH, BROWN, WIN SHIP AND LUMMUS GINS, FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. Acme and Nance Cotton Presses. Reeder's Self-Packing Cotton Press. Thomas's Direct-Acting Steam Press. Pulleys, Shafting, Belting, Iron, Pipe and Fittings, HANCOCK INSPIRATORS. The above we offer at factory prices. Think of it, $165.00 for a 60-Saw Gin, COMPLETE, DELIVERED. $130.00 for the Best Cotton Press ON THE MARKET. Write to us before having and save money. Jane 25. T^LB?TT ~& SONS' ENGINES AND BOILERS, GRIST MILLS AND SAW MILLS are acknowledged to be the best ever sold in this State. When you buy one of them you are satisfied that you have made no mistake. Write for our prices. Cotton Gins and Cotton Presses at bottom figures. I sa n save you money. V. C. BADHAM, General Agent, Columbia. S, C. Home Office and Factory, Richmond, Va. June 25. SPRING AN DRESS We Are N? We Are All Just received a nice line of 5 L*awns, Ginghams, Satteens, Outi )ther wash fabrics. Embroil .luching, Gloves, Mitts and Hosie We are also offering Hemsti ;lose. A sample lot of White Bed Sp Bargains in Damask, Scrim, B All styles and grades of Shoes. en's wear, at rock bottom price; Harness, Hardware, Hollowvs dnware, &c. Staple and Fa W7e are gelling them at the sn: rery best goods to be had any lever be afraid to make their pi t Dollar's worth for a Dollar, tock all the time, and to keep ;oiisult us. This is the Seasc Our blended Tea consists of nakes a superb drink, whether t superior in quality and flavor ; -an be furnished for the money, grades of Oolong, Young Hyson tnd O & O Tea in i, \ and I lb. Our reputation on Butter, easonable prices, in Sumter ha Are sell you the finest Elgin Cres Gutter 25c. Just in Fragrant Mosquito Dispelling nent or pillow is sufficient. In -25c. bottle. Glass Lemon Squeezers. Will lozen lemons. No splashing of t Hire's improved Root Beer, 2 ons of delicious and wholesome reast. ?resh Biscuits and Cal We have constantly on hand a ,nd we make very small figures c Give us a call. Xo trouble to ,nd less trouble to sell them and All articles delivered promptly rder in the ciiv. Respectfully, DUCKER & une 18. WANTS FOR RENT. A residence 4 miles from Sum ter. Contains 4 rooms, store room, dining room, passage and piazza. Fine shade, good water, and vegetable garden. Possession given at once. Apply to S. W. Raffield, Sumter, S. C._ TO LET AND FOR SALE- Rooms to let. A good Cooking Stove No. 8, Two Grates and a few Kitchen articles for sale. Apply at :he corner of Sumter and Republican Streets. WINTHROP TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TriACHERS, COLUMBIA, S. C Thorough Normal instruction and practice in best methods of teaching. Open to girls over 18 years oid. Session begins September 23. Graduates secure good positions. Each county is given two scholarships : one by the State worth $150 and one by the school worth $30. Address D. B. JOHNSON, Superintendent, Columbia, S. C. JEFFERSON DAVIS.-The Memorial Volume, by Rev. Dr. J. Wo. Jones, D. D., with the approval of Mrs. Davis, is now ready. Agents are coining mooey handling this Book. It is authentic, charmingly writ ten, profusely and expensively illustrated, and beautifully bound?in every way worthy of the great subject. Mrs. Davis receives part of the proceeds of the sale of every copy. Don't delay. Days are worth dollars. Com plete outfit, Si.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. B. F. JOHNSON & Co., 2600-2-4-6-8 Main St. Richmond, Va. FOR SALEi ANEAT FOUR ROOM COTTAGE situated on Canal Street near Harvin Street. Lot of about one acre. Any party desiring such a piece of property, will find this a rare opportunity. Apply to, June 11?tf_INGRAM & S?DER. CITY LOTS AND FARMING LANDS FOR SALE. WE HAVE ON HAND more than 200 business, and residence lots, many of the latter improved, for sale on easy terras. Those wanting lots would do well to consult us before buying, and those having property in city or country lor sale are requested to place same in our bands and we will find purchasers. " W. A. BOWMAN, & W. H. INGRAM, May 21 Real Estate Brokers & Agents. ~ REAL ESTATE AGENCY, m_ THE UNDERSIGNED has established a Real Estate and Collection Agency in Surnttr and desires property holders having property for sale or rent to list same with him. Tenants serured and rents collected promptly. Best references giren. Office on Main Street at T. B. Curtis' store. Apr. 30. W. H. COMMANDER. SEVEKTKN To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, Use the S3XAIX Size (40 little Beans to the bottle). They are the most convenient. S-u.i-txa.l3le jfcox- ?.11 Ages. Price of either size, 25c. per Bottle. U A "7 j7 7fl*'pH0T0GRavure R835atI"I If 111 PANTX 8IZ? 3IZE. jMa?cd for 4 ets. (coppers orstaisps). J.F.SMlTH&CO.Makersof'EILSBEAKS/'ST.tOUlS MO. BB3BBBB5EggE3gESS3EgB GM RENE m?or LOST or FAILING MANHOOD; jflGensral and NERVOUS DEBILITY; I JIWeakness of Body ar.d 3tind, Effecte _ IJJof Errors or Exoesses :,n Old or Young. Robust, Noble HJ NHOOD folly Restored. How to enlarge and Strengthen WEAK, CSDET2LOPED ORGAN'S,!* PARTS OF BOOT. Absolutely unfailing HOBE TREATMENT?BoaeBta lo a day. Sen testify from 1,0 States And Foreign Countries. Write them. Descriptive Book., explanation and proofs nailed (sealed) free. AMxtu ERIE MEDICAL CO.? BUFFALO, N. Y. DSUMMER GOODS. ow Ready, vays Ready. Summer Dress Goods, Challies, rigs, Henriettas, Chambra}-s and ieries, Laces, Handkerchiefs, >ry. tched Embroidery Suits very reads at wholesale prices, leached and unbleached goods, for Men's, Ladies' and Child s. No goods misrepresented. rare, Glassware and Crockery, ncy Groceries. tallest possible profit, and the where. Ladies shopping need irehases in our store. We give New goods are added to our posted on good things to eat, m for Iced Tea. Black and Green Teas, and aken hot or served as iced Tea. nid the best combination that , 50 and 60c. per lb. Also fine and Gunpowder. And lie-No packages. , as to the best quality and s been established long ago. imery at 30c. Choice Table Season. Mixture. A few drops on gar wardrobes it keeps away moths ! pay for itself in the use of 1 juice. 5c. bottle. Will make 5 gal beverage, with 5c worth of ces Received Weekly. big stock of Heavy Groceries >n large quantities, show goods and quote prices, put them up. , free of charge, and in good ULTfflAN. PURELY MUTUAL. INCORPORATED 1847. THE FENN MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia. ASSETS, $15,174,078. January 1st, 1890. SURPLUS, $2,626,198. THE COMING INVESTMENT. The matter of investment in life insurance is now attracting the South, as it has already absorbed the Northern savings. The matter for providing for one's family an immediate estate and accumulating a fund which will be available to one's self in cash when the working years of one's life have passed, is now recognized as a public blessing to all, and has proven a more profitable investment than government or State bonds or savings banks, especially as the leading insurance policy embodies all the elements of a savings institution. Policies issued by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, have printed upon the second page a table showing the cash values of the policies every year, so thv .he policy is always available. It was the first company in the world which went before the Legislature and petitioned for the non-forfeiture law of policies, which law has saved so many mil lion dollars to helpless widows and orphans. It issues every plan of insurance, from the term "insurance," that costs a man 30 years old $12 per ?1,000 up to the 6 per cent, guaranteed and annuity bonds. Terms and results of policies of any de scription may be had on application. FEATURES OF PENN MUTUAL. They are Incontestable. After two years from issue of policy there are no conditions, limitations or res trictions. The insured may travel or reside where he likes ; he may engage io any avocation, no matter bow hazardous ; be may die from any cause or under any circumstances; the only requirement is the payment of premium as stipu lated in the policy. They are Non-Forfeitable. Every dollar paid the Company secures the member full value, in an equi table form, after three payments (io most cases after two). The Company's plans for ' Extension" and "Paid-up" provide against loss to members who discontinue their policies. Cash Surrender. Many forms of policies permit a member to withdraw at any period of five years, others at the end of longer periods, as selected, taking with him in cash, the full reserve-value of his policy, inclusive of all surplus accumulation. Cash Loans. Certain policies contain the agreement to lend the member upon their security 3ixty-six per cent, (being not less than $100 ) of the reserve value ; thus guarding against their lapse, and enhancing their value as Marketable Collateral. There is nothing which is safe and desirable in life iosurance, no new and commendable feature, that is omitted from the revised forms and plans of this well-tried and enduring institution. Are you insured by an incontestible, non-forfeitable policy, with liberal feat ires such as the Penn Mutual issues? Is your estate secured, is your family safe were you to die ? Are vour own later years provided for against want and ;are ? If not, get our plans?any form is open to you, and invest a few dollars with us annually, semi-annually or quarterly, and you may safely enjoy the balance of your income. For information apply to, A. C. PHELPS & CO., Agents, June 18 Sumter, S. O. J?m 3" CHINA, City Driag Store. DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Tooth brushes. Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Stains, Kalsomioe, all colors for rooms, Artists' Paints and Brushes, Luster Paints, Convex Glasses. Sfice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, veep the following popular brand of Cig*rs : ' Pluoub Good,"''Custom House," "Rebel Girl." fune 4 FRESH GARDEN SEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! RECEIVED DAILY. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST AND GOODS ALWAYS FRESH. Remember TEAS, TEAS, TEAS ie my specialty, at 50c, 75c, Si.00. Bay the great "hit" of 1890. A delicious dessert prepared in 5 minutes, "Westmoreland' Cgg Custard," with gift of beautiful imitation cut glassware iu colored cartoons with paten crew cap glass jar. Price, 50 cents each. Try my "Delicious Relish," the finest Catsup made, 35c. And my Shred Cocoanut for Puddings, &c, } and \ at 10 and 20 cents each. Also, prepared Cocoanut in pails, per lb.. 30c. Franco-American Soups, assorted, per can, 25c. Extracts, Orange, Strawberry, Almond, Lemon and Vanilla at 15 to 25 cents. Succotash, (Corn and Beans, mixed) per can, 20c. Condensed Mince Meat in packages, fresh. This is something very fine and handy at 15c. packages. COFFEES. COFFEES. COFFEES. Thurber's "Almeta," finest blend and large bean, at 35c. Rios, raw, from 20 to 25c. Pnrched, in packages, called No. 34, at 30c. Leggett's Bullion Java, parched and ground, in pound packages, 25c. Rio, parched and ground, by ourselves at 25c. PICNIC GOERS Will consult their interest by giving us a call before going elsewhere. Cross & Blackrills Jams, assorted, 20c. each or 2 for 35 cents. Orange Marmalade, 15c. each or 2 for 25 cents. A good table butter at 20c. Tomatoes, 2-lb. cans, 75 to 95 per doz. 3-lb. cans, $1.25 per dczen. Thurber's 3-lb. cans sugared Apricots, Peaches, Pears and Plums at 40 cents. These goods are certainly the finest that were ever placed on a market. Order one can and ou will be convinced. Richard & Robins' assorted canned meats, also, Fairbanks' assorted meats, any price. Giouer Preserves, J pot reduced from 60 to 50c. Ferris' world renowued "Bagged," best Ham on the market. Salmon, Columbia River, with key openers, 20c. Salmon choice, 15c. Pineapples and Edam Cheeses reduced from 75 and 95c. to 50 and 75c. to close out. Mackerel, just received, very fine and fat at 10 cents each. SUGARS. SUGARS. SUGARS. We always make this a leading article. Granulated, 13 lbs. for $1.00. Confectioners A, 14 lbs. for ?1.00. Extra C, 15 lbs. for$l 00. Remember we meet competition on every class of goods. T. B. CURTIS, May 14 Main Street, Sumter, S. C. PAINTING. J. N. ALPHONSE, louse, Sign and Decorative Painter, ffers his services to the citizens of Snmter nd vicinity, to do House Painting, Marbling, (ruining, Coach Paintiug, Paper Hanging, [alsoniininp, Glaring, &c. Artistic Sign Writing and decorative work specialty. Estimates piven on all work in these lines nd strict attention given to executiou of ime in the most satisfactory manner. J. N. ALPHONSE, Shop on Liberty street, nearly opposite ;ay 28. Harby's Stables. Mate of Hobt? H. Welsh Dec'd. WILL APPLY TO THE JUDGE OF PROBATE for Sumter County July 3rd, 890, for a Final Discharge as Ad linistratrix with Will, annexed, of said 'eceased, on s?id Estate. SARAU F. WT'',SH Administratrix, C. T. A. June 4?4t /state of Dr. Mark Reynolds, DECEASED. WILL APPLY TO JUDGE OF PRO bate of Sumter County on July 3rd, 890, for a final discharge as Executrix of Forcsaid Estate. JULIA V. REYNOLDS. June 4?It Executrix. VERY OLD AND PURE CORN WHISKEY, Especially aged for medicioal use. MKPTCATED BLACK BERRY BRANDY. Imported Port Wine, a proven tativc for Spring and Summer complaints. Cull early, secure a bot tle ami convince yourself. Try Strauss' Electric, the best 5 cent. Scgar io the State. Very respectfully, I. STRAUSS, Proprietor, PALACE SALOON, SUMTJBR, S. C. June 1, < J. RYTTEHBERG & SOI I Mi UMMER STOCK. PROFUSE WITH NOVELTIES, gbeat in assortment, And Unapproachable in Price. We have the Goods. We have the Quantity* We have the Quality. We have the Variety. All the Leading and Representative Styles for Spring and Summer. Our Aim?To keep the Best. Our Principle?Fair Dealing. Our Ambition?To please our trade. Our Price?The Lowest. OUR ?HESS GOODS AND TRIMMING DEPARTMENT. This department is a very striking feature of our stock. - We have desired to make our season's display of Dress Goods a notable one and if the large variety of fabrics, unlimited choice in patterns, dainty designs and fine finish can make a display notable, then ours must easily bear off the palm. But our goods, it will be found, not only appeal to the eye, and to the good taste of buyers, but also to their good judgment. For we have laid special stress upon quality in our purchases. As to Price, we invite comparisons in this and all other de partments. In White Goods and Wash Fabrics the season's patterns are very attractive, and we are showing a line of these goods in every way representative of all that is novel in style or pattern* An immense line of Laces, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, Ruchings and Handkerchiefs, Parasols and Fans. We give buyers a wide i-ange of choice and of price. In our Domestic Department we shall win the praise of skill ful housekeepers and experienced buyers by a very extra line of goods which are veritable bargains. CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS. We are showing everything that goes to make up a perfect and incomparable stock of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, embracing all the newest fabrics of both Foreign and Domestic manufacture. We are sole agents for Strouse & Bro's. Fine Tailor-made, Square-Shoulder Garments, the fit and workmanship of which ire equal to custom work. If you are hard to fit we will make you a suit to order and guarantee a fit or no sale. 800 samples to? select from. Don't pay a tailor $50.00 for what we will furnish for $35.00. Au immense line of Alford Benjamin & Co.'s celebrated make of Summer Clothing. White and Fancy Vests. Recollect that in quality we are at the top : in price at the bottom. In Boys' and Children's Suits we are offering inducements that no careful buyer can afford to pass. Our style, fit and finish are the perfection of artistic skill. A handsome line of Neglige Shirts in Silk, Madras and Flan ?els, a full line of Boys' Shirt Waists, all ages. See our stock of Underwear, Hosiery and Furnishings. The argest, handsomest and cheapest line of Neckwear ever brought :o the city. A nobby line of Hats in all the late shapes and blocks in elt and straw. OUR SHOE AND SLIPPER DEPART MENT s one of the leading features of our business. We carry the argest and greatest variety of standard and best make of goods ii the trade. Don't miss seeing this stock. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT s stocked with choicest goods both staple and fancy. The naximum quality at the minimum price. Come and see and yonder at the value we give. OUR JOBBING DEPARTMENT. We offer special inducements to the trade. Merchants will ind they can buy as cheap here as in any marke* *nd a call and nspection of stock will soon convince you. J. Rettenberg & Sons. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Samples sent m application. April 2