Published orory IZTecLnas?ay, 3 Y N. a. OSTKEN, SU31 TER, S. C. TKRMS: Two Dollars per auuuui - in advance. ADV S R T I S K M E N T 8 . One Square, firs: insertion.$1 00 Bvery subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer will be made at reduced rate*. AH communications which subserve private interests will be charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. The Sunder Watchman was founded in 1850 and the True Southron in 1866. Tba Watchman and Southron now has the combined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is mani? festly the best advertising medium iu Saruter. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 OUR TRADE ISSUE. We lav before our readers this week the city of Sumter in the 'Trade Issue," as promised some time since. It is a little be? hind the time first Appointed ; but the delay has been unavoidable. We h?*e to the best of our ability told ''the truth, the whole truth, and nothing bot the truth," and feel satisfied tbit every eitizen of Sumter will feel proud of the showing made. If there are any who think that it could have been dorie better, we ask them to con? sider that this is our first effort, and we j promise that if they will help us we will try to meet their views n*-x: time. j Ou account of the very large edition issued j we go to press in advance of our u.*ual day of publication, ?nd wiil not wait for our regular dar, but give it out as soon as printed. We have a number of copies cf our : trade issue on baad which we would litie to j see distributed. Oar citizens all bare friends j at a distance to whom the issue will be a | matter of interest and information. Our price for these extras, ready for mailing, is only fire (5) cents. Chip in and aid ia booming vuur cia : W. H. PERRY FOR GOVERNOR. We hare bees informed from sources con- ; sidered reliable that the above gentleman wiil resign his <. ffice HS a Congressman from this ? State, will g.v* up his law practice in Green? ville, and retire to his farm in the County of Greenville-, only to come out more prom- | iuently, before the people as their candidate ; tor Governor. Tnis candidacy on the part of ; Mr. Perry is to be distinctively and prcnounc- I edly as that of the Farmers' Alliance of this 1 State, iir. Perry's resignation of the high office be now holds, might strike those who j do not know the motive of ii is resignation, as ? not only a cause for wonder ?nd surprise, j but as well a cause for con jecture and specu- ' lation. We are in a position to explain, and 1 in doing so, we can't cetra that we are vio- ' lating any confidence. Mr. Perry, after con- j saltation wi.h those in authority with the j Alliance people, has casT his mantle upon the ' bbouiders ot Mr. Bill, ot his own County, and hopes, throat h his retirement to his farm, to | supply what the farmers hive wanted-a j leader, who, like Cmcb-natus, can outt the ? ? ... plowshares for the rems of government. HAMPTON VS WANAMAKER, j The following letter explains itself. The j Senator charges that the Postmaster General, ! iu effect, has Led to him in appointing Clav ton | postmaster at Columbia, after having told bira be would consult him (Hampton) before : making any chang*-. Columbia being in his district: j GLEN ALLAN. MISS . Xuvemb-r 8 1889. Ron. John Wanamaker- ^ir : Th?-enclosed ex'ract frota a Soutn Carolina paper has caused me area! surprise, for perhaps you . may remember, if your memory is not treach? erous, your assurance to me a few days at;o ' that Mr Gibbes should not be removed ur?::? Vie ext. ira'i'-.n of his t-eroi, in Fer-rnarv next. Not only did you rt?? tnts, nut you volunta? rily assured me that inasmuch as Columbia : was my ;>o?n f5 -e yo? would, when a success? or to Mr Gibbes was to be appointed, con- ; ?tit me. lt ts? a ma ver of sari!! importance to me who takes the pince of Mr. Gibbes, but as I informed him, in passing through Columbia, : of the: premise yoti had mad-, rou may per- ? hap?, understand now your action has placed | me ?n a fnlse position But it i> furtu'iate for mc that Mr. Gibbes will knew tha! I at ?east, tobi him the truth. tho ?gb ! was grievously deceived hi ? elievifg what was Srtio lo rn?-. '. snail kn??w oe'tej- tn future wtiat reliance to place ou stateuiems emanating from tire same source. The new$pj*ji?TS slate thal he^ideS managing the great department over which \ ou preside, you are running a Sunday school i:. Philndel phi?, arid i! occurs to me ?hat you might with profit to yourself select *s the most appropri? er*? su* j~rt of a lecture to your pupils the in? structive story o* A'i*r.i*s rtnd Sapphira. This would give von a fi j<* field for vour elo quence in explaining io your young charges tue importune? of conaning i&e;n?e!res lo i h ? truth, e?Cfj'i wi.?-re suwu-e ?~?I..-??-.i advantage nnjiht t?e obtained ovc-r n political opponent. 1 am your obedient servant WA:>K HAMPT< S "Wanamaker ?a\a lie may hate promised Hampton not to mat*- the Appointment with? out consulting bim, bvit he his no recol? lection of it. lie .ays u on the rush of public business, says t.o Commission has bren i-sued, and the muster bas come to a halt, pending rt is be*riii?: f< om Hampton to whom, it seems he :.n.? i?r:egr?phrd, lie disclaims n ny intention of getting mad, and calling the Senator to account, ii*- .-ass be wi : contin? ue business and the Sunday S*boo? at !h~ old stand as heretofore. He a?t>o S-?J. s he intends conducting Said office on strictly b:?r.n*ss principia*. T: ?. postmaster is not a stn t devotee to truth in this statement. We know o' al ?east one case, not in this ci y, b .* in this County, where a perfectly satis?ct ?ry post offi e o Si cial WH5 incontinently turned out. an-J n-u in corapetent person appointed. ?ho mixes up mailt) badiy. and seems uuablt even yet to Straighten things out. ANOTHER MISTRIAL. Th* great, original, and only .1 >u**3, J >r:es of Bdge?etd, Jooes the illustrious weeder out of whole families, 2'>UP& who keeps his own private grav/-;ard, and Lea?$e, we presume, liss secured bis fourth (?J o*sxr;ai. "Rah for Jones ! Diseases Cured Wit'naur Physic We invite attention to thc auBois, of 'he Elec tro-Linration Company are all reliable and bigb-toced gentlemen, whose representations car. be relied *.;?on. and the certificates they publish need not be doubted. .Maj. I>. JJ Anderson, who is in charge of their office m .Nashville. Tenn , is sufficient h well known in Sumter to oeed no introduc? tion or endorsement. President Payne's, Chancellor ot ?he i'ni r??rsitv of Nashville, address fri trie opening of this year's Peabody Nurina! ("oiiegi' has been received Ti;e Chancellor makes some excellent points, and gives ?fudeijii ?hebest kind of advice. -IM ^m?-~ J A Schw?rm S ts aiw?ys bead>j??artcrsfo? Sab?a C-^^3. WASHINGTON LETTER. WASHINGTON, I>. C., Nov. 1, 1850. I This has been a great week for our Catholic j fellow citiEens. First they celebrated their i milennial i:- Baltimore. Then on Wednes ! day they dedicated their big Cniversity here. ! The dedication ceremonies were attended by i the President, Vice-President, the entire cabinet, several justices of the Supreme Court * and quite a cumber of Senators and Repre- j sentM?ivfS. At the banquet which followed ? i the ceremonies Secretary Blaine responded to i I the toast "Our Country and our President," j { in a manner ibnt bas won tbe commendation j j of everybody. j The three America's Congress is back in j Washington, but owing to tbe fatigue of* its members, regular sittings will not begin ! unti- next week. The del?-gat?-s ?re en th ti I siasuc over what they saw during their forty ! days trip around tbe country, j AIr. Wanamaker does not like the name of i ''Ananias'' which Senator Hampton's sting- | j ing letter hap hung to his c^ai tail fur the ; i rest of his life. ' j In view of the fact that Vice-Pr?sident) I Morton's big apurtment house in this thy has [ j become, or nids fair to become a National I j issue, your correspondent deems it only fair ? to say there is no bar-room, as su< h a piare is ! ? commonly known, tn the r.uiiding. but in ; jone end of the cafe there area number of j ! tables at whico you can sit Hnd be served j j with all the liquor you care to pay for. Senator Sherman has returned from Ohio j ; in the ?>est of humors. He find? it impossible : ! to hide 1 is elation over Fokker's defeat, f j Here's wh*t he s*id to a newspaper man: j . ''We were defeated, as everybody knows, but j i the republican party h?s been defeat rd in ! : Ohio before wi'h the result of doing it good." i i Could anything be plainer than thi?? Af? j soon ns ilr Sherman arrived here he went to j j the White House, presumably to cong tat ti late j j Mr. Harrison on the summary removal of j j whrtt looked nt ore time like a dangerous j I rtvui of bis in ?SS2. Doubtless President j Harrison chuckled as be thought that the | j Ohio election removed two rivals instead of J ! one as Mr. Sherman thinks. For j'.st as j I certnin as Sherman helped to remove Foraker j I in 1889 will Foraker help to "down" Sher- ? ! man in 1802. It isn't often thai your cor- j respondent indulges in making predictions, j but this par?graph to t?e fully appreciated ? should te put awav until the Summer of j 1802. President Harrison's -message is complete. ? it will not be printed before its delivery to j Congress, as h*s been the custom for ninny ! \ea:s :?*st. Feat ing it may be prema- j rarely published President Harrison has ? decided that only two or three type-writer j conies :>f it shall be made for the press asso- ! elations, and they are to he made in the ? White House and nea given out until it is 1 known that the reading of it has been begun j at the Capitol. It begins to look as if there would renoi fight over the speakership. The only can- \ ' d ?date ; hat dots not appear to ne afraid of I **big Tom Reed" as the Representative from i Main is generally called here, is Repr?sentative 1 Cannon. He tried to get the Other candi- ; dares t<- j ?in him in a combination against ? Reed, i'll! they all decline. Tim IS may j grow ? ore exciting as the number of mern- j hers in town increases, but unless the op- : position shall make a great dca{ more showing j than it has SO far done, 'he big JUaine man i is as go:K? ?s elected sfeiker. One of Washington's Qi >?t prominent i prititers has been discharged f:--m (*>v ern meat printing office ?.ecau>e w??e on the . street ot; the night of the rerew elect-ions, he gaxe a cheer over the bulletined annou ice- | ment thnt Ohio hnd gone Democratic. j If democrats here are correctly informe? theoext Senator from Ohio will* be either John R. McLean or Calvin S Brice. - * i !? - "Example. Courage, like cowardice, is contagious, j and the officer who longs to lead brave ! men imo battle often needs only to show j ois own personal daring. During; the defense of Vicksburg six ' batteries were completed by the Con- j federates under the eyes and fire of the j Federal troops. One of these batteries, in process of construction, was under the ; command of Col. Henry W. Allen, and ! he soon had live or six guns in position, i The enemy discoveredhis rapidly acconi- i plished task, and by the tune the last \ gun was fixed their shells fell thick and fast among the Confederate soldiers. The men, unused to such warm work, j began to dodge, a course of action which j rouse?l the ire of their intrepid com- ! mander. Springing upon the most ex- j posed gun, he shouted: ""Soldiers, you cante hore to fig;hi: you ; are ordered to build this battery, and j (drawing his revolver) i'll shoot down ; the first ?te of you that dodges from j this work. Ne soldier of mine shall dodge from his duty." The effect was sudden and tremendous. ? The colonel remained standing erect on . his gun, and the mon at once rushed j around him. "We won't dodge!" cried they. "Get : off that gun! WVii die with VOM:"' There wast no more dodging that day. ! -Youth's Companion. Country Wells. How far from all sink drains. Barn ; yards, etc.. must a well bein order to] insure safety from drainage into it from th.'-se deposits of filth? An article on j this subject in The Sanitary Inspector! says for every foot downward ot a sub- i soil dram or a well, the surrounding soil ? ts drained four feet on all sides. A well, j therefore, twenty fee. deep, and in wilie!? : the water lias settled near, thc I ?ot I rmi, feet around iu speaking gen- i erally. The Inspector says the best ail j roua i sample of water in Maine that has - o Alie to that o?ice was from a well, but it was situated in a Heid 430 feet ; from ail human habitations. The worst sample ai:*o came from a well, but it was at the lneotitra ti'-n; rht- ??:u- ev ii is dissip?t ?on: and ?i eiakos ra? ii;T?n-n<*?? w b? our di - ipa tioTis are coarse ur fine.- Krn?''rs??n Tb?- ?K*st i ; i -t rit. -? i: .r> \-\ ?pract?e* iv hu? ytm :??!J. M??rv i' a..?.:;'" she?? by doing each d iv - \v??r! fe. ! ?y than by crowding ? .?.?..> lUi \ s' ? oi h int?? on?" Tin- b-s??ns < t ii;.- make <}....:?.}. ?ni pres-i**ns tn.iri t ht 1:- < .:!- < .f i ?< ...!.-. !... rattse th? \ t'M?eii th- heart before th<-\ r.a.-!i the U ad. Beware of pjvju'hV.-s: t hoy are rats, ftrtd l?i'-?tr. iii?tid--at?'iik." tr::ps IV'j'i di<-?.?? <.. ' .?}> ia ?. i-By . it it i> ????ubi fui u th?-y over tr-t ??m No .?ri" v. v- r .rr. '.-' d by n s:ir ca>?u. Bul . ?t.ei' r di r.. ri furtb? r i-i tibe wrong wav. In t--.-: iiu?g alwavs l*e kit,i;,ad p:.ti r.t Th'-o- i- h'? stir?*r mark of the a'>-once of tie* highest ttl? ?IV. I arid ?ri t . d>'< I nal qiKiliti?,s than a e?dd : p' ion of excel? lence,-Young Ladies' Journal. What He Mi--,..J. Th ?TO isa nani'->alce :ir?gt M. M??..-nr ratIOT thor" was a f?* v nvonthsn :??. ?* h-.M I A :I-> in that neigh Ia ?rh? * ? I This 1 h-nr\ Shaw was not related t?? th?? St L??uis phiian thr??r?ist ana rti??li*?n:t;r*-. ?.?i le? (?n*-e ittet bini under pet uii ir ? ii . am-i \w> . -.. Tho gentleman 1 am aiimluig !.> \< - />. .rrrofi >-d with an arrst??rratir Kngli li f.'imiiy. and many v>.ir? !. f.?r?? tho WJ?I ie? .- ane- " it to t tis <;otintry fm ib tng St. U?uw he boar I of ant] ? nlJi?.l (.n the founder ?-f Shaw s ganl?-ns. A frien?t>< j i real esta!*-. T?o- latter was th'*n worth about$12.?)Ut?. m ?.. than enough t-> par diaae the property seb'fted: t??>w \i>* M worth alaiut the -anio sum, and wii< ?? I :aw him hut he said if lie had taken bis namesake's advi he would i, i\ ?. nw ned property worth over $1.000.OOO at tin ? time.-Interview in St. Loy - An Interesting and Deserving Or pbanage. The Thomwell Orphanage, in Ciinirn. S. C.. though under Presbyterian care, i? open to children of any State and any faith. Its 7?) inmates, (soon to i?t- lon) ?ire from Mary? land to Texas, and from seven different denominations. Tlie orphans are not only given a good education but are also taught all domestic work and several trades. Their labors in the Kitchen, Laundry, Farm *nd Workshops largely reduce the cost of support, which is about $5 a month for each child, this includ? ing every expanse. The support comes from the charitable. We suggest to our Christian public that Collections be taken up on thanksgiving day for the orphans, or that liberal donors Send their gilts to the Rev. Wm. P. Jacobs, I). !)., Clinton, S. C., who is at the head of the In? stitution. We learn that the Institution is now io pressing need. Whnt is done, should he done quickly and liberally. - ? ? ? i riiii Schwartz Bros., have j'ist opened a com? plete new line of ladies doaks all the lu test shapes. Music and .Music Folios, Albums. &c, at J. A. Sch we: in's. HAPPINESS AND COX I'KN TM EN T Cannot ?<> h.ia-i in hand if we look on the dark ?ide of every little obstacle. Nothing wills?) (birken lite un i make if :? burden as L)yspepsia IrkerV ltyspep.?iii Tablets will cure tbe worst lorin of Dy? pepsin. Cotislipati n ?it"! Iritig-s lion, and make life a hap; iness and pleasure. Sold af 25 and 5'? cents bv .'. P W- De Lor me. A HEALTH Y GROWTH. Acker?> Blood Klixir luis gained ;i finn li.-ld <>n the A mei icm tie pie and is :icktinwlti?'ged ro be .-uprri'T tn :ill orher prepara-jun?. It i? it positive cure for ail 15 .1 and skin Di?e??es. The medical fraternity ind ?rse ?nd nresoribe it. Guaranteed and sold bvd. F. W. D? Lorine - mjm -IklHII - A C HILI) KIELLI). Anotlier child killed hy the a.-e nf opiate? given in the form of Soothing syrup. U by inorher*.- give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they cnn relieve tae child ot its peculiar troubles by using Acker*.- Raby .Soother. Ir contains uv Opium or Morphine. Sold hy J. F. W De Lorin e. WSi CAN AND DO (Juirantec Acker's Blood Klixir for it ha* been fully demonstrated to the people of this coun? try that it is superior to ali other preparations tor blond disease?. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, t'lcers. Eruptions and Pimples. If purities tho whole system ami thoroughly budds up the constitution, ?old by j- F. \y. Deboruie. GUA It D' A GAIN VT THE ST It IKE, And always have a bottle of Acker'? English lie m edy in tire lo use You car.not tell bow Soon <*.r'-un may strike your lirtie ones. <-r a cold or c u^h may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive an I a few do.-es a p isitive cure, A! Throat and Lung trouble? viebl to its treatment. A sample bottle is g'vt n you free and the Ktinedy guaranteed bv J F VV. L-eLormc. A Lovely Complexion is Soroetbing desired by every lady in the land. The easiest way to get that beautiful color to the skin is to Inst nuke the blood pure. The impurities must be removed hy? the administration of some remedial agent ? hieb contains ihe most thorough alterative probities combined wiih those ingredients whit h tend not only to remove impurities of j the bloo.1, but M?o build up and invigorate 'he s vs tv m. Such a remedy ii Dr. West- ? moreland's Calisa>a Tonic, which not only ? thoroughly cleanses the blood, but also in? vigorates the s; s em arni leaves the paiient in a thoroughly improved and healthy condi? tion. The price is within the reach of all. 5u cents and Si-00 a bottle For sale by all druggists, and wholesale by Dr. A. J. China. Oct. 16 " A ?;ift Tor All? in order to ?ri . e ali a chance to test ir, aid thus be con vii-ced "f hs wonderful curative powers, br. King's Mew Discovery for Con? sumption. C1 Ugh- an.l Cold*, will he for n limbed lime, given away. This nff.-r ts not only liberal but .?how? unbounde i faith in the merits .'f this great reit edy. .Ail who Miffer freon j Coughs. Colds. i*or?s?:nprt-n. Asthma, limn Chilis, or any affection of Throat. Chest, or j Lungs, are espeentlly requested to Cill at .1 F VV. I>eLorine*.? Drug Store, and get a Trial ; li ttlc Fice. Large B.Ttles $1. 4 J Itenews Her Youth. Mrs Phoebe Che?ley. Peterson. Clay Co i [una. tells the following remarkable story: ; the truth ?d whieh is vouched f r by the rc.?i- ? dents of the V?wn: "I am years o:u h ve i heen troubled with kidney complaint and lame j ness for nany year.?:could not uress tnysel with j out help. N-w I am free froia all pain and s->re j nefs, and ?ttl able lo do -I my ow ri housework. ', I owe ruy thanks to Electric Bitter? for having j renewed my V"Uth. and removed completely x 1 disease ?nd pain." Try a bottle. 50c. and $1. at ? Dr J. F. W. DeLortne's Drug Store, 4 Kucklen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Srthe in the world for Cut.? Tl?'-jis?t Sores Clcers. Salt Rheum Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands Chilblains. Corns and al, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pav required. It is guaranteed t<> give per fe'-t satisl >cticn. or money refunded Price 25eenrs per box. For sale by J. F. W. De Lorme. o ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should ! always he used tor children teething. It Soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all < pain, cure? wind colic and is the best reined_\ ; for diarrhoea. 2 c a boule. THE MARKETS. SUMTER. S C.. Nov. 18 1**9 COTTON -Receipts f!5o hales. Middling 9jj t:> f? 7 lo"; Low Middling, ?1 lo 9 3 10. Market timi. CHARLESTON. S C., Nov 17. 1889. Cotton -Sales, 1200. Quotations: mirf ???g. H_ WILMINGTON. N. C., Nov 17. IRS9 SPIRITS TUKPKNTINK -Sates ?\ quotation Market opened Stead.) at 4"_'? rent? per ^-si??oti. Ro.-iN.-Steady at 95c. tor Strained and SI tior Good Strained. Carin-: T?KPKXTiSB-Yellow Dip, S2.-r> : Virgin ?2 L'T>. Hard $1 MO. COTTON.-Sabs. none. Market finn Quotations are : Middiing {*". WANT8. VDV ER ?l - KM EN TS of Hv? Iii es or les.? will i e ?riv; .i.-r lhi? bend bo '?fi 1 ellis b?r each iii?eriioli. Ad.v ? voting N.m thor ouiihiv ?o u u ai ti ted wi H ihr Hnrdware t'usitiesi! Four v.a*> ?x pe i ?euee ??> shipping cieik an?: sniesuitu. Rest i et ere o ce fro ni b-adiug hoosen Addles? ??I'l-rV care of VV ?,. d S ? Iii .?. r|"*?? iie?ide:i,r. ?ot ner (horeb ?nd !>.; i* : in >'!<.!. t,i .J V Spa ri i S: 11.0.,1 -j ,,: >.(.,?.,,., S o 01 ter-. I >? -I NESS \;KN. anti o b-is shouM - J y iv im! eau i-e d-?m a h one !.. !, .r ?111 . ? t. 1 \ trou, borne I 1 iv.?; K an-I !.?vv ?. ':<..>?? i n be h.oi ?it p.e vVaJr.htiiati a:.d S.>u'hroti . flu .. 1^'? TE!>. by man ard wit? wiih oto' \ \ chibl tao g??o i i? fm rushed rooms, and fir.-" cbjss Ooard ::. pr?vao- taiuiiv Ad dre?-, -R Mtii." I'".\ <; . S instar ( ?<-t :. ? ?-- i ? i II IPI - ? i ? 11 P mt ian -wa-ai NOTICE. ON TUE s'?A V. brno .and t\, r 11 ma 1 n - dei >.! w>: k I will ne I in Mt\e?. mit- Peisotir desiring ni v s?r'vir?fi nun find me * ' the R t k?T ri? .>??. lb - ... . rfu li v, .1 I ! Ll Kt; ESS. lo rt fist MONEY TO LOAN. ON" f UP KO VE!' FARM LAN hS. in sums >>: S ion and upwards. Loans r*>-p?iva ble ,n sm ? i atinii il ios.tal :;; f.t.- thtongh 11 pe;|."l ,.( five Vea TS AplMV t.) MOISES i LEE, .luottu-ys. O t 2 x So o? t.-1, >. (' PRiV?Trif? EXPRESS. rii K CNUERSKiNEIt, cor.nariur on HM I P?lenle?-! in? 11 r< ut?', will i.'tki packages to iti'i Iroin aov pallies on the line of snid route, at reas-ooiKie mt ?. Mail days, T'ie? Thursdays and Sat ur.'ia vs- leaving So tn tei ai v A M. and r*?m tiing ul }2 M. Irders left ai Cr- posi yUj wi . ?o- a-tn r ded o A. VV. i;o\ I). ? * i ' X i iii ? SHERIFF'S SALES. ?)V virtue ot' Sundry Executions, to me 5 directed, will t.e sold at Sumter C. H., j on I liv liisi MONDA i day following tn j DEG. next, 1883, and as many days j thereafter as may he necessary, within the I legal hours of sale, to th.; highest bidder, for j cash, the following property : ? All that piece, parcel or lot of land and j buildings thereon, situate, lung and t'eing in the C ty and County of Sumter ami State of j South Carolina, bounded nn the .North hy? land now or formerly of Geo. W. Reardon. East by land of T. J. Tourney, South by Liberty Street of said ('itv and on the West j liv laud of the Sisters of our Lady of Mercy, j levied upon HS the property of Annie Moran ' under the Execution of E. II. Fiost k Co., against Annie Momn. Al! that plantation or tract of land situate, lying and being in Concord Township, Sum? ter County, Stute of South Carolin*, con? taining (330) Eight Hundred and E-ghty acres more or le?s. and bounded by lands now j or formerly of Janies Fbi wood. Byram Sey I mour. ilfddin Thighpen. J. J. Lawrence, J William Clark, Samuel Mitchell and Stephen j j Grooms, levied upon as the property of Annie ! Murun, under Execution of E. IL Frost & Co., j against Annie Moran. All that lot of land in the City of Sumter, County of Sumter, State of South Carolina, I having a front on Sumter Street of Seventy five (75) feet with a depth of Seventy-one and ! one-half (TU) feet, bounded North hy a por j tion of the "lot of bind bought by Ii. C. ! McFaddin as the properly of A. Chisolm, j East and South by lands of J. D. Graham j ! and West by Sumter Street, levied upon j as the property of Annie Moran under the ' Execution of E. H. Frost & Co., against ! A ti nie Moran. 2,000 lbs. Seed Cotton more or less, 15 I Bushels Corn more ?~>r less. 400 H.s. Fodder moie or less, and 3 Bushels Rough Rice more j or less, seized ?s the property of Cubit Mingo, under a Warrant of Attachment to Seize Crop under Lien of George G. Cooper against the said Cubit Mingo. E. SCUTT CARSON, S. S. C. Sheriffs Office, Nov. 0. 1889. LANDS AND LOTS FOR SALE. I The plantation known HS the "Knox place*' | i about 900 acres, a ?.out 6'JO acres till? ble, 19 I tenant*. Large residence with all necessary ? I outbuildings. May be sold in two or more i ! tracts j Two tracts near Lynchburg. 103 actes unimproved, 3 miles North of: ; Sumter. 250 acre farm. 2 miles North of Gailiard's i i X Hoads. ! 200 acre farm 3 miles South of Sumter on | j Eutaw II R. i 50 acre a>id 23 acre trac's on Camden R. R. j ! and Rafting ('reek. j I 40 acre tract, unimproved, North of Bishop- ? ! rille. j I Several small tracts near Sumter. j I Several acre lots and many small lots, some ; ! with buildings and otheis without, in differ- j } eut parts of the city. The residence of J. D. Blending may be I rented to nn approved tenant from 1 January | ! next, and mai be sold on long time. The Epshur Residence on Hainsworth street : for rt nt or sale tin easv terms. BEAN DING k WILSON, Oct. 8?h, 1839 Attorneys at Law. FOR SALE. 1*T ACRES OF LANI? 2 miles fr< rn Sum- j / ter. 11? acits cleared. Balance v\e?? ! wooded with pine, hickory and ash. Terms j cash. Purchaser to pac fir parers. Nov 13 J *R ll A RV IN. A et ? FOR SALE. ! CV!EAP FDR CASH, 250 ACRES OF : j Land, 75 acres arat.Ie, tm In nee covered wah pine and oak timber, ? miles from City ; OT Sumter. Apply to J. K. II AR YIN, Oct 9. Agent. j FOR SALE. ~| BY R M. MARSHALL & BRO. BHI KKRS, CHARLESTON S. C. OAKLAND PLANTATION, situated on | the high hills of Sa niue ( the property of j Mr. H L Pin-'knev. Jt.,) iu Sumter County, i containing 415 ?o rcs. a magnificent old \ Co so?ry bouse outt.uibiings. etc.. in fine | order. About So acri s ele ired and arahie ; I balance o*k and h:ckt?rv ;:mi'er. Healthy., j and is handsomely furnished, and furniture will be included. Nov 13-2 j FOR SALE. r-pi?E TU ACT OF LA Nh below Mavesville, ; X known as the MILTON COUPER Place. ? lt contains 312 aere?, with good dwelling j house and out oui'dings. A np Iv to MOISES k LEE. (let 2 2m Attorneys >tt L?w. ! FOR RENT. ONE FOUR ROOM DWELLING, WITH \ Servant's hutise and garden Situated j m desirable locality in town of Mavesville. j For terms, anply to J. E. MAYES. Oct. 3U-m NOTICE. "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant! ^\ to Section 1417 of the General Statutes j Mia1, the Eu taw vi Ile Railroad Company will apply to the General Assembly of tue State of ; South Carolina, at its next ensuing session, ] to amend its Charter by changing its name tu that of the Charleston, Sumter and Cheraw Railroad Company, and io authorize it to] construct a line to and through the town of I Sumter and thence tty any convenient route to or near the town of Cheraw. Aug 7 NOTICE. i VPPLICATION will be made to the L-g ?sbt I ute for a C.arter (ir extension of! \ Chatter fora Railroad from Sumter to Cam- J j den and thence to Chester or Gaffney City or j -.tiler point ou or near the North Carolina i line. I Sept 'S9 NOTICE. VPPLICATION will be made at the next I session of 'ne Legislature for the charter j I nf .i Railroad from the City of Sumter tu I . Chet aw, S. C. September 1339. 3m I MONEY TO LOAN. ?N Sf MS OF $300 AND UPWARDS Former loans renewed and new loans mad-. Apply to R I?. LEE. Attornpvfor British Land Loan Companies. 1 Nov \>. MONEY TO LOAN, MONEY To LOAN in Muns over ?3(?0 on improved la rilling ?ands I'sual i a it:? ot interest I lui"-3 tu lo \ear*. I.V<;R \ \l 4 MA NX LNG, A nor ru? v's a: Luv Sumter, S. C. Nu- re? state of South Carolina. COUNTY OK SI'Alf KR. n>i T. Y WM. /.;,./. r,,,},"h .u"ir VI TH ER EAS. Mies \. ?i ELLISSA H Pt). Y f St 'N w id o . m?nie si. 11 tn nu- in g: ant tiei Letters of ..Vdriiinb-liarii.n ,,| |j ?. Estate Mtsd Effect.?? ul CA I.KB il. HCDSoN. deceased Tin st a re shep |\.re . rite ?:;.} admonish t". 1 and si Ug ulai !J ot itu Said Ca et. H. Hudson, bite of said t\ ?nd State, flecea.-ed. thal r? . I.?..uni ap ?.I l'teli>r??_nu*, ?li tl.? Coi if I fl i ': . butt*, tu lie held at Sumter C H. oh .V.*. ."in ls.-?:?. next, after pu bli eat i 'ii lu; ..a? ii . . einrk 11? tin fm- H.on. ti?>hew nuise, it any ibev have, why . said Administration should not t" grauten O;: en i:;jder my h urd this 13 h d iv nf Nov, mt.I I , A imo I 1 - v.< T V. W \ ! SB, [L. S. J Judge ul Pl ni.ate S ii rn I t-l ( o. Nov \li - jt PATRONIZE HOME TALHNT. Life-Size i\ntr;iils in Cm y on, M \I>E F BOM PlloTonRAPILS, -Al Kl'AlTKK, S. C. - MY - MRS. E. J. DUNNE. A iso prepared I? !?.?:!: a flass in Drawing1 and Music A?TEfiT?OH. PARENTS ANO CHILDREN ! Sania Claus' TOYS, rn IN ENDLESS VARIETIES. . A. SCHWERIN STILT, I> THE LEAD' All of my Toys and Fancy Goods are new. No o?d stock un baod. Presents suitable for old as well as for the young. Come onp. como all. and SHH for yourselves Also a FINK LINK HF BRIDAL PRESENTS. STILL THEY ANOTHER LOAD -OF Morses asid Hilles, This Ulli Dav of November, 1889. Nov. 14, '80. ALSO ONE CAR LOAD CELEBRATED OLD HICKORY WAGONS. NATIVE II A Y AND NATIVE RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS Nov. 6 _ COTTON BUYER. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID O?Bre nt \Y. H. Vates' well known Grocery "Store. Main Sireet. Sept J J PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Cht ss in all its Appointments. \ Supplied with ali Modem Improvements. Exi-t-iit-tjT Cuisine, Large Air) Rooms, Ons Passenger Elevator, Elec? tric Bells and I-ijj:Lis. Heat? ed Rotunda. RATES ?-2 00, p 50 ANO $8.00. Rooms Reserved hy Mail or Telegraph* Sept 16 WRIGHT'S HOTEL. COLUMBIA, S. C. npHIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOUSE \ with all modem improvements, is nov? open for the reception of guests. S. L. WRIGHT k SON, Proprietors. Fayorite Singer Sewing Machine. HIGH ARM $25.00. Each Machine I**?" a clr?->p leaf, fancy cover, two large drawers, with nickel rings, and a full set cf Attachments, e jual to any Sin? ger Machine sold from $40 t*> $60'hy Canvassers. Atrial in your home be? fore payment is asked. iUiy direct of tito Manu? facturers and save agents' pr ?tits besides getting certificates of warrantee f's. .....! ! '.;./ / J'HO'ft-f inv-?t?To') \\. ;..?.. ?S:'!t\ iV'-V" '.( . %. M'.l f '.\ / />> ; : : / v ; /> s./ . , ; . a<-'i ?own, On ll 3^i- "TV^^S^^T"!^^ t'?*M newms machine" n:a?.*"".'"',''"'rt 1^1^^^^^^^^^^^^^?* ; i ' ? ^"^nt wr !" iho?c who E SliM rniil^r'- N" rap?ral r.-.,,-,r. .1 Hain. brW irWii tion? c ?'"'> i ho??? h - ? i i- i u? m o.BM -. eui* l"r**C :!'.. f?>.t ?. 'tnjT-ma inn- in tl.. ?. i !. . .) ihe f n.-.i im??,>t workaof h?Ch ar?^??> ?ho? n toe?-Mw r m Ani-n.-n. 'jr2i?'i;*V- CO., IJox Ail|?u?t:i, .HaiuC Y FOR SALE. I have ,,n lui nd H fi: <. lot ol CLEAR STRAIN Ki) HONEY, this season s make, foi sah IM the ^ . i i . * 11 ot less i|ii-wituy. UKI'TK lilied :it residence, on R'puhlitan Street. Sniip??- ran ! ;. seen ni Wnlelitrian ,;:,.J S ' tthr.;. o&cc N. 0 USTELN. FIRST CLASS C. A. JESSEN, LIBERTY STREET, Sumter) S. C. An elegant and seasonable bill of fare furnished at all times ^Fi3h. Oysters and Meals prepared and served by ex? perienced caterers. No effort spared to please all comers. .Au? 23 BRIMSON HOUSE, Sumter, S. C. RATES - SI PER DAY Liberal deduction according io lime. Comfortable Rooms. Good Table, Private Parlor for Ladies,. J. H. DIXON, Nov. 28. Proprietor. Dr. T. W. BOOKHART? DENTAL SURGKOX Office over Bolt mun vt Bro. 's Shoe Store. ENTRANCE ON MUN STREET. SUMTER, S C. Office Flours-9 to 1:30 : 2 30 to 5. April 1 7 - o G. W. DICK. D. D. S. Office over Bogin's New Store, KNTKANCK ON MAIN STKKKT, SUMTER, S. C. Office-Hours.-9 to 1:30 ; 2:30 to 5. Sent 8 DRESSMAKING. I; ADIES' DRESSES CUT AND MADE j in the latest style, f.: and work war? ranted and Satisfaction guaranteed, by Miss Adele Os teen. Rennt, bean street, opposite Liai by Avenue. Pi ?res HS reasonable as good work can be tor. * Feb R J. R. HARVIN. Attorney at Law, -A Nt? UK AL K STATL AGENT, Si: MT UK, s. C. ( ?ct 2 8 NOTICE. VLL PEES? ?NS ha vii ? d. mands against the Estate of the ?ate \\ i ?iain F. Des I'fi.itnps. ileceised, will presen I I hi same to me pi iH.. 11 \ ntt? -t'd. and all persons indebted to Said Estate, will make pnvment to mc. Ii A IT IK E Plisen WI PS. N o v . t? .\ ,i II ?nisl ra ti i X. le?ate o? Mrs, Elizabeth J. Heriot, DECK\SKD I\\ ILL APPIA To TIIK JUDGE OF PRt>R.VTK for Sumter County on N.'v. 30th, ISSI*. for a Final Discharge :is Adminisifator of stid Est?te .IAS 1? GRAHAM. C. C C. P. and G S., Oct ''<\ IS80-4t. Administrator. Estate ol Mrs. Sarah (*. Kember!, DECKVSED. UTi; WILL APPIA lo the Judgeof Pro y\ bate ot Sumter Coun t v. on Nov 30th, tl -SSO. lor a lina! discharge as Executors?of aforesaid Estate. ROBT 0 REM BERT. .1 Kl'WIN R EM BK RT. (?et 3oth 1 SS'.? ii Exeentors Ff ST [LIS JOB WORK AT BOTTOM PRICES Vi KO AN IND SOUTHRON JOB OFFICE DEALERS IN ])RYGOODS,GROCERIES -AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We are now showing all the latest and popular shades in Dress Goods, including a full and beautiful line of black and colored Henriettas and Cashmeres. also plaid and striped Suit? ings. Dress Flannels, kc, Sec., with a new and elegant line of Trimmings to match. Before purchasing just call and see our large and well selected ^to<-k, and get our surprisingly low prices. We will, from now on. make special low prices in our Gents', I Ladies' and Children's Underwear; also, in Bleach Goods, i Cambrics, Drillings, double-faced colored Canton Flannels, ? Lambrequin Fringes, kc, Breakfast Shawls, Cashmere and ?Opera Shawls, extra large, all-wool Shawls, all in pretty colors and patterns, Ladies7 and Misses7 Wraps, Newmarkets and Walking Jackets. All garments represented at just what they are and no more. Bight now we call special attention to a large and beautiful job lot of Jerseys just received, to be sold ?at half their real value. Come and get a bargain-newest and prettiest styles. ! BOOTS, SH JES. K??SJ CAPS, TRUNKS. VALISES. In our Shoe Department we are the second most popular in the city, and handle all sivles and grades in Gents', Ladies' ! and Children's wear, at rock bottom prices. No goods misrep I resented. Bight herc you are informed that we carry everything to j be found in a general stock, and the many who patronize us say they do so because they are served attentively and politely, and that they always save money. There is scarcely a grown person in Sumter, or Sumte I county, who has not seen and traded at, or at least heard some' ! thing oi\ DECKER'S GROCERY. From the first we led, have j alwavs led, and are still leading in this line. Why? Because \ we always give the best articles for the least money, and keep j a full and fresh assortment of seasonable goods and delicacies. We call special attention this week, to a few NEW ARRIVALS. Puree ?ie Foie Grus, (Goose Liver) per box 35c Truffles. (Mushrooms) p?r hortle. 45c. 3 lb. cutis Consomme de Volaillis, (Chicken Soup) 25c. Patented extra fine Shrimp, 30c. 1 lb. Acme Chipped Beef. 20c Rolled Lunch Tongue, 30c. Potted Meat and Game. 10c. 2 lb. cat. Roast Beef, 25c. 3 lb. can Tripe, Lit.hy's, 25c. 1 lb. can Lobsters, best brands. 20c. 1 lb. can ' Photo'* Salmon. 20c. 2 lb. can Photo Salmon. 37c. 3 lb. Mince L?eef Steak. 20c. j Puddine, assorted, 10c. Choice Sugar Cured Hams, all fresh and desirable sizes. Breakfast Strips and Smoked Tongues. Health Biscuits only 15c. per lb., and a full assortment of plain and sweet crackers received weekly. Teas, Teas, Teas, Roasted and Raw Coffees. We carry the largest assortment and the very best brand"? tn Canoed Goods, Pickle?, Sauces, Jellies, Jams, Preserves, Extracts, ?ic. New Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Spices, 4c. Tapioca, Oatmeal, Wheat Granules. Big Stock of Heavy Groceries. Smaller figures on larger'quantities. You will not send any orders from borne if jon'II Onlv get prices from the first d.iss and reliable house of DUCKER & BULTMAN. Nov 6 MISCELLANEOUS. Genuin*? French Sardines. Sardines in Moutarde, and Spiced. Domestic Sardines. Pickled Sa mon Pickled Beef, American and Imported Bologna Sausage. Dill Pickles by the dozen. Sauer Kraut. Extra Fancy Cream Cheese. Sweitzer Kase. Sausage and Neufchatel. Household Ammonia, Gelatin L AN 1889 FULL STOCK! CHEAP GOODS! Every Department well supplied and added to daily. To HIV many customers who have V /rn patronized me liberally for several years I return thanks, and ask a continuance of their patronage. My stock has been purchased at LOWEST PRICES -IN NORTHERN MARKETS and has been marked at small advance no cost, as I am determined not to be undersold by any. Call and Examine. Bargains in Many Goods. A. A. SOLOMONSi Sumter, S C , Octvbcr 9, IsSO fl