WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. T?9 Surplus ?s Gone. .WASHINGTON, D.O., Sept. 20.-The surplus is gone. According io Assistant Secretary iJiteheller's statement made s?7cra: diVi sin.? J, i: h a I fallen from $107,000,0o';> at which point it stood a year ago to ? tO 000,000. This balance will be practically wiped out by the re? ports and esiiui ire? now being prepared for submission to Congress. There are agencies provided for by law for ascertaining the indebted ne?s of the Uni.ed States tc its citizens, which work noiselessly but with marvelous effect. Chief among the;? ts the Court of Claims The lats Mr. Tanner rather boastfully charged himself with being the champion klst?r?!as ripper." He is not. The Court o'f Claims bears bim oat of sight, and does, lo,-), in cutir? accord with the forms of law." "Very few peopTe,"said a prominent j ofiiia] of the Department of Justice to th? Star correspondent, "know any thing about the C ?art of Claims or un- j derstani the magnitude of the powers j committed to r, or the vast amount of j the claims against the Government cou- i stantly passing under its jurisdiction ir ' one shape or another. Tbe court has ' before it now Southern war claims for supplies taken by the Union forces from ! loyal residents of the South during the ! war, amounting to $250,000,000;! French spoliation cases amounting to I about $12 0^0.and suits brought I against the United ?tates under the original jir?sdietioa of the court in I which the amounts claimed aggregate j ?20,000,000. These are < facial figures ? taken from the report of tbe Depart- j meat cf Justice.1' ? "Tbe Southern claims come before ? the court under what is known as the j Bowman scf. which limits the authority of the court to investigate the report j findrbgs of faets and figures. These cases, however, are defended by the Attorney General and his assistants with as much vigor as if the court were authorized to render Sual judgment, and the awards ma ?e by the court be- j come obligations which Congress is ia | honor bound to make provision to pay. [ l&e ratio of ??ndings against tbe gov-j ernment in these Southern c'aim cases, ? as far as they have been beard, is about j 10 per cent , which indicates a probable I total award against the government of ! ?25,000 000. payment of which has j been delayed now ever twenty-five { years, but can not be kept back much longer. "In tfcc French spoliation cases, ! which have been hanging for ever half; a century, 2nd ia the suits brought sn- j dfr the- original jurisdiction of the I Court by aggrieved contractors, officials and others, the Court is authorized to ! render judgment, subject, tu the latter j ciass of cas*s. to appeal to the Supreme Court. The judgments already entered i in the French spoliation cases icdieaie | a total liability on thc account o? about j ?$,000.009." 'Ta the suites brought nn?cr the orig- i ina! jurisdiction of the Court, a ecmpar- j ison of the judgments renj&red with the j amounts claimed during the last four j years indicates a probable liability un- j der this he;;d of about ?5,000.000 Thus the UabiUttes of the . United I States BOW neoiiug ia the Court of j Claims, if brought, to immediate settle-, roent, would, absprb nil but four millions of surplus? Tee normal anuna' in? crease in th* estimate of the depart- j ments arr lng ou? of the growth cf the . coantry, au i leasing out -t >igtit any . abtionpul '.nerrasc ou account of per;- ' s?oes, will much tn ore than absorb the j balance. Looking the fae's straight OJ the face. ; as any-.b-ttoiac-s man world do in Sgur- ; ing on-brs own affair?, Uncle Sam to- j day h ss no surplus to eau his own.- j -Ae:c> York Ster. The Bailev Gotten. j * Cutten planters in North Carolina ; are watching with particular interest the ; practical te>t. on a !ar?;e se::ie? of the j merits of what is known as the '"Kai? ley" cotton, which takes its name ? from Hector Bailey, a colored man. . who was its discoverer in ? trcet conn- i ty in 1885 The stalk resembles that ; of ordinary cotton, but is stouter. The leaves uitier widely fron: those u1-'lally reen. They are .-?r g ano shaped )ikt a hand. 'i he Sowers r:.-e 0: ai large size, and so ?:e the bolls Tho see-i are i nge and very black, while . th^. staple i> nearly as long ar? that cf sea island cotton, and is :.*: Lest ore. ?t --V.TS a: fir-t thought 11, at. thi*. I cotton wa-? tho te-n!t ol a crossing < i the okra plan* '.< i;h ordinary cotton, but it is now known that this i iea was erroneous, and ?Lat the discovery ir that of a new variety of upland cotton Captain Oe-av: 5 Coke, a well known plantar near Ra?Vigh. has .-i vera) acres of the "Bailo? ' ....Von in growth, which is now matu.-: g. : re rs a?; oiler of sixteen cenrs [?>?.? pourtd f.?r the cotton, which is all to b sp .. Ly g ii - ned. The sc ed vi.! ?li be i a ly the ii: ink v O to: ces ?.puny, " ot Raleigh, which sells c a y rights The plant?t i of .'.;:?;:> < kc or, land, lu* a few u, ::...? west ol rh ere cotton :s being te.-;- I ou bott >m lands An inspection nf the pl ?hts shi that they air heavily fruited and have ??? ? ?0 rea,arkat!y well the trying ordeal of a cold a~.i \r- t summt r. "Ho Kissed Me." Here is aa educatii na! incident : A girl being told to tar--, ti. . sentence " He Kiss..d Me."' consented reluct? antly, because oppo?' ? I > speaking of private affairs ii. public. " lie/' she common 'd.with unnecessary emphasis and a fond lin geri*: g over the word ti:?r brought erin->n to her checks, "is a pronoun, third person,?insular Dumber, masculine get ?er ; gentle?? ;o pretty wc li Sxt el -. : was I.1.? >~. only 7^ tess than h>t vear under the o?d law. The appr- niiation of $50 000 ? r 2 w?s exhausted Kv the p -vm- i?r to each pensioner o? in September i;: tttau vi thc allowed. The First Cotton Manufacturing Destructive Fire in Savannah. State in the South. _ _ -, ! , ?ii SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. 9.-The lower For years. Georgia stood at ?he bead h draoHc aod Tyler cotton compresses I of the bombero btates as the largest w?th fiye warehouses anJ 4j09() ba]e8 of ? producer of cotton goods. It was the cottOQ "ere bt)rDed lhis moroiog. The j oioueer m the nosiness, and to it is ^ ^.^1 pert, Georgia no longer leans but . e} . ^ {hc wharvc?, io front of South Carolina is now at the head uf the !t|;e buildings. For a long! list, using 132.319 halos ot cotton last : t?me thfl ^]q ^ dan?pr. ? year, ns against KO OSS bales con .urn- : ^ ^ ?f ^ wa? bHst~red and tbe | cd by the Georgia mills l ts a wbarves took ?re. Of the 4,000 bales j phenomenal advance, indeed, fur in if th(,re w?jl be gcarce|y any j 1SS? ST, two year* ?go. South ( aroli- med Tbf? ,oss b estimated at ?400,- ! na mills usen on:y yy.yiO oa?es of cot- );))() I Un, the State having increased i:s pro-, " ?h? ia-ar2nc? on building, presses,; ductioo 03 per cent in turee year*. ! etc ? is 500, and ?7,000 is ac-? This is certainly remarkable sm | counted fur on cotton. A great part? provemeot. rhe entire boutb has been ofthecotton vva3 covered by floating j advancing m cotton manufactures, but D0]jc:e3 f South Caroona is far ahead of any of its The destruction of the presses wiil I netghbars ^rnis nas been accomplish- nQt intcrfere iu ?l?y way ia the hand? ed by constant agitation and discussion | |ing f)f cotton The reserve pres9M of 1 of the matter. Ihe SouLi Carolinians j tbe Savannah Cotton Press Association, see that their chief hope hes m manu- wbicb controiled the burned presses,! factures and they have gone about m-j w:,, be atar{ed tomorrow and their : creasing their factories with a vu? and capacify ." morc tban l.qua! that of the an earnest ness which has produced the Hydraulic and Tyler presses b?t results, weil shown ia rms case of, *The . ;? of lhe fire h uoeXDiained. the cotton mills, in many of r the child. Acker's Baby Soother ?nVlPP T^T^Tiir nc is specially prepared to benefit children and ADV ILL. T.O 3IOIIIfc.RS. j cure their pains. It is harmless and contains Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup should 1,0 Opium or Morphine. Sold liv J. F. W. always be used for children teething, lt Devonne, soothes the child, softens the pams, alfavs ali ' - L_ I pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy j Double thick envelopes. 5 c:s. a package for .diarrhoea. 23c a.bottle. at Sch-.verin's. EI??MiTi?^Cl Cfi'I?H-ITiil?C?^ Is li sf ' ?H 1 I I i M m ! F h B ^ ?y 1 B i I ll F ? L II. CJW Illa MAIN STREKT,: CORNER CANAL, SUMTER, S. O. l?-iv?nir purchased an unusually lariio, well selected stock, we are now offering to the peo- I pie of Sumter and surrounding country the biggest and best assortment of ail kinds ot'house- ! hc!d furniture ever opened in this city, which we guarantee will be sold nt Uniformly Low Prices Throughout. Don't *>uy until rot: .*eeo':r goods *:.d prices. We will give inducements that cannot be . excelled by any Hov** in the S'oie. \ Parlor Snits. Bed Room Suits, wood or !r:*rb!p-ii>p. Wardrobes, Bureaos, Washstands, j Bedsteads Chairs, Book Cases. Table?, Mattresses, Bcd Springs, ia fact everything to be had at ?. t?rst class Furniture Store in almost endless variety. if you want Window Shades, Picture Frames, Curtain Poles. Chromos, Oil Paintings, ?c., j ?c., doa'r buy until you see what we can do for }?u in thai iine. } is full and comolete, embracing nil sixes and styles of cheat*, medium nnd line Burial Cases ! and Caskets. Burial (lobes, ic. Calls attended any hour-day or night, prices reasonable, and satisfaction assured. Oct fj tar, T.~_T'^r. e:-m>s.^ , .?J.L.^IW-?...'-J_? ?. - ~ . - -_. J-.^JT;-'-.? i ?)? a Wt - * ?? * 1 BBBB j 1889 I I I Every Depariment 'well; "re c 75 n "H T5 T fi na ti^ r^, ^ a ^ ?ra To ?HT many customers W!?O havel patronized me liberally for several years j \ return thanks, and ask a continuance 3Jy stock has bren purehaseil at LOWEST PRICES N?RTH1BN MARKETS and has been niarked al ssnaSl advance on cost, ns I am determined noi to h(k iiiidersoid Uv any. 9 Harenln? Isi liaise K 5-5 ea ea poll fl pi fipp Ai I . r i llwip iiiii Sumter, S C < K:tt?b't 0 RYGOODS.GROCERIES - AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We aro not only the LEADING GROCERY HOUSE in this city, but for several seasons have LED IN Low PRICES on many staple articles in our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wc now request the attention of the tracie and solicit buyers to call and see our linc of DRESS GOODS AND NOTIONS. We are showing all tho latest and popular shades in plain and staple goods. Cashmeres, Serges, Henriettas, plaids and striped suitings, kc. Beautiful suits with rich combinations which are the very newest effects out. BLACK DRESS GOODS. This line is, as usual, replete, and all marked at prices which command the attention of close buyers. A large and elegant line of Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear, Brown and Check Homespuns. Bleach and Cambric Goods, Double Faced Canton Flannels, in fact everything to be found in a general stock. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, ??MF0RTS, SHAWLS, ' Ladies' ami .Misses' Wraps. Newmarkets, and Walking Jackets. OUR SHOE STOCK is complete in all ?iyh* for Gents', Ladies' and Children's wear at rock bottom prices. Xo goods misrepresented. We invite the ladies especially to come in and inspect our goods and tl ie roby save money. ~?avy and Fancy Groceries. In this line we always give the best article for the least mone\-. We call special attention this week to Choice Sugar Cured'Hams, all fresh and desirable sizes. Choice Smoked Tongues and Breakfast Bacon. 2 lb. can Brook Trout, "Joe. 1 lb. cao Lobsters. hes! brands. 20c. I lb. can ..Photo" Salmon. 2uc. Columbia River Sit!mon, ile, $1.S5 doz. Shrimp, extra fine. 3U'\ Patented Roiled Lunch Tongue, 30c. Deviled Ham and Torgue, 10c. 3 ib. can Tripe, 25c. 1 lb. can Chipped Beef, 20c. Genuine French Sardines. Domestic Sardines. Sardines in Mustard, Spiced Sardines. i. 2 and 3 lb cans of Bravo, Corned Beef, Roast B.-f-f I x Tongue. Chicken S<;ijp. Minced Steak. Oysters, &c. j BoiogOH. Imponed Cheese. I Extra Fancy Cream Cheese, i Finest Cre-:merv Butter. Try our Health Biscuits, only 15c lb.., and Fancy Tea Cakes, 20 and 25c. lb., received weekly. They are light, easily digested and exceedingly, nutritions. Wc Lave always made a specialty in TEAS AND COFFEES and it ?3 a fact that we !tad them all ih o;:r prices on SUGARS. Simples furnished, and free ?nd prompt delivery. We carry the largest assortment ?nd the very best brands in Canned Goods, Pickles, Sances, Ji-?i^s. Jams, Preserves, Extracts, &c. Puddioe, assorted flavors, lue, Raisius, Currants. Citrons, Spices, ?e. Our waierooms are now crowded with Heavy Groceries. Smaller figures on larger quantities. Von will not send any orders from home if you'll only get prices from the lirst class and reliable bouse of ??CEE1 miara1 a OCT. 2 g--BMB-- BOBIBBMBBC-BC BBB ft ( W| i a i-f a li j lil Nil Iii m * tv g I If lia 11 Tho subscribers feeling VOIT grateful lor the hearty support accorded them.during their mercantile career in the City of Sumter, curtie again to the front, and effer tie's season an unusually large and varied stock of and it is useless to attempt an enumeration : suffice it then, when we ag?ure you that it far surpasses our usual < (Torts. There are s=? many new styles and varieties that we are fcrcrd to invite personal inspection. Our ML?f?M tn Ta ir: ?T? 01 ?n fe Department is replete with all that is necessary to make up a first class Mourning doods Department, and all marked at prices which command the attention of close buyers. IN FULL FORCE IX OUI; tr ?? I ll Sa i l Ia sr m Ira a T Magnificent wearings, rich patterns, artistic cut anil expert workman? ship are in the make up of every snit and garment. The school season calls fol" SCHOOL SUITS lor tho rising -p< cl in Uv, 41 Ull lill ii ? ?? M S'oi,{ l s ?W AND STYLISH. To the Public: WE HAYE JUST OPENED A MAGNIFICENT LINE OP EVERY KIND AND GRADE OF " FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THE BEST, AND CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR STOCK. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Chairs, Parlor Suits, Wardrobes, Lounges, Dining Suits, Bookcases, Pictures, Frames. Window Shades a Specialty-Examine our "Dados" at 50cts. WE WILL GIVE AWAY ON 3d DAY OF JANUARY AS A PRIZE A BEAUTIFUL RED SILK PLUSH ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUIT, CONSISTING OF 6 PIECES AND VALUED AT $100 00 EVERY $10 WORTH OF GOODS BOUGHT ENTITLE TUE PURCHASER TO A TICKET. COME AND SEE US, WE WANT YOUR TRADE. ANT & BELITZER. September 4. UARS! CAN BE SAVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTY. NOW IS THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ! Stoves ! Stoves! Stoves ! PUMPS ! PUMPS! PUMPS! HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASS? WARE, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, -CHINA, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, TINWARE, in fact our immense assortment of New Fall and "Winter Goods is now in stock and opened for inspection and offered at extremely low prices. While maintaining the uniform standard of quality and excellence by good management, careful buying and befog content with SMALL PROFITS, we have raised the standard and lowered our price, ontil it is now a fact that the nicest stock of goods tn this section is now heinz offered for sale bv us for the least money. COME AND CATCH ON. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY. GREAT VARIETY TO SELECT FROM. Roofing, Tinning, Guttering and Repairing done at short notice. Pumps put down and taken up at lowest rates. Sole agent for the Safety Tether Machine for grazing stock. Thanking the public for their past kind patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, respectfully, Aug. 28 GAFFE, Sumter, S. C, What Trust ? The Trust on Hish Prices. WM DID IT ! GOODS ? BOUGHT M Dill MD. TFe have always had the reputation of being THE LOWEST FHI?ED HOUSE SN SUMTER. We are better prepared than ever before to sustain this reputation, having opened a DBI MD CIJUPLirri! ST?CK, which for variety, styles, quality and cheap? ness cannot be excelled. We have got the "puH" on Low Prices and competitors are left behind. We oifer the best goods for the least; money. Come and see. JOHN REID. Sept. 11 GEO. L. COOK, PHOTOGRAPHER. j 265 KING STREET, i CHARLESTON, S. C. Aug 10 O PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Glass in all its Appointments, Supplied with all Modern Improvement!. Excellent Cuisine, Large Airy Rooms, Otis Passenger Elevator, Elec? tric Bells and Lights. Heat? ed Rotunda. RATES ?2 00, $2 50 AND $3.00. Rooms Reserved by Mail or Telegraph* Sept 16_ WAVERLY HOUSE. IN THE BEND OF KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Rates, $2 and $2.50 per day;] G. T. ALFORD, Mav 2-0 PROPRIETOR^ C. BART & CO.,j Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FRUIT! CHARLESTON, S. C., Are receiving by steamer and rail from the] North and West full supplies each week of -J CHOICE APPLES. PEARS, LEMONS. POTATOES. CABBAGES. ONIONS, NUTS OF ALL KINDS,] ETC., ETC. Orders solicited and promptlv filled. Oct. 2. CHAS. C. LESLIE; Wholesale and Retail Deale? in FISH, GAME, OYSTERS, TURTLES, TERRAPINS, POULTRY, 1EGGS, U\ Stalls No. 1 and 2 Fish Market. Office and Fish House, 18 and 20 Market St,| East of East Bay, CHARLESTON, ;S. C. All orders promptly attended to. Terms cash or city acceptance. Oct. 3 FALL AND WINTEN MILLINERY. We would invite our friends and the li generally to call and examine oar FLOWERS, FANCY FEATHERS, BIBI AND RIBBONS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Hats and Bonnei Children's Silk and Plosh BONNETS. ZEPHYRS IX ALL COLOR AND SHADES. Orders intrusted to our care will rcceii prompt attention. MRS. WHITE & MISS MAL Ucl. 2.