"GUESS." #^toeAl$a^rtair. Yanire^hraa| - > 2Let s?5?ow4iri.riese modern Jays It^almost'disappe.ared : It was the- usage years aso, But nowadays it's got - To be regarded coarse and low To answer %% guess not V* T?ie-height of fashion called the fink jfjjjfijf Why^^Mthe'idiours d^?lfcspeecfc For t^^??-?r?i w^Lidi n?btIorr.s Wach? Directiy to tho spot. And he who hears it always knows The worth-of "1-suess-not!" -Chicago News. THE RUNAWAYS. Tl>e sarao year that Lady Jar,c Magnas presented her beautiful daughter Adela. Lord Glencore was the match of the sea "v son. Just of age, of an old family, with vast possessions and a heavy rent roll, * swelled by.a long minority, the instant : tJte'bawk*like-eye of Lady Jane fell on tho young peer a thrill of joy assured her that there stood the husband Provi? dence had provided for Adela. ^ "You thmk it is all rjght, mother, do you?" Adela ventured ?prsa3T, growing a little uneasy when the epa* of the season . drew near, and Lord G??al?ore had never addressed a single remark to her which could by any possibility bo construed into Tove. .'Perfectly right, dear. The society papers have coupled yonr^napies to? gether. An approaclnn^'BSOffris^ has -more than once been hinted at,-and, as ? \ matter of course, now wherever people t ask- us he is asked." ? "Well, but-* "Dear child, you may leave it to me. J Don't you think sor And an expression of mild reproach was shot from tho ina- j teraal eye, "Do you fancy that if I save- i the slighest shadow of uncertainty I ! should accept Sir Jocelyn s invitation for j Goodwood, knowing that Glencore won't ? be there?" "Won*t he?" Whv, whero is ho go? ing?" ^ "Nowhere;.IasceTtained that, you may ! be sure. He isobliged to remain ir. torra. ? There'll not be a soul left for him to speak j ta Some business with his lawyer, he ] said-and said it in a very pointed way, j -too." "Stammering and getting fiery red,** ! said the would be fiance disdainfully. Lady Jane shook her head. "Never j :mind the manner: it is the meaning we j are concerned in. He joins usimmedi- j ately after at Thorndean. There you j .will see that everything will bc satisfac? torily arranged. g Lady ^Somerton has such a happy way-?? retiing young peo? ple be thrown flfcethfcrSknd ?coiu^the first I lia ve ^wir^)ffeuiiiFy rMcb* guided by her?" Adela embraced her mother with j graceful effusion. "How claver you are!" she said ad- ! miringly; "you have managed beauti fully, for I did want to enjoy Goodwood | Jfree. When I am a countess, mamma, .it shall be very nice for you." IL ^Certainly -Goodwood week had left Xondon wonderfully empty. You did^ ?ot meet a sod! you knew. Jk Lord Glencore repeated this factefj* .himself most cheerily as he walbgi alqgjc ' Piccadilly with a heart and step ^6 light I .asa bird's. It seems an impossible circumstance j that a stalwart young giant, standing over six feet in his stockings, his own I .master, able to do what ho liked and go j .where he chose, should be in abject I thralldom to a plain little middle aged j woman *ho was bent on compelling ' him to marry her daughter. "And I feel as if I should be iriadte?ojfJe; nv too," poor Glencore had SM<1 of late, driven into his last corner^^iIie?>n- I gratnlations of ail Lady Jaf^^^a^u^ to say nothing of these horrid paragraphs in those horrid papers, some of which had gone so far as to mention an early date being fixed "for the marriage of a lovely debutante of this season aad a young earl recently of age, whose an cestors-eanie over with tho Conquerer/' .If he could but pluck up courage to ! say ho did not mean anything, never ^Jii menant anviling, ^wr weane, to-i f^i^^?MSr^te^tt?t fee?wasqu?ie?iappy ! Xsjj|o|?Bs^t^r4 fcgr ?ever intered to s mM^?a?l^n?-^^wttfv?uld he tfot giveji ! - j?dt?t??-hichh|." Freddy'scyclid went down like a ccver of a box. "Exactly; just so," he said, airily, put? ting la? thumbs into his-armboles. "My jease fe all over. I'm nt ruy tutor's, you ?#e% so piease u reioember that it isn't possible ?Dr you to have seen nie.'' ' iJNSjS^ ^!>;?bedeheerily. "Airright," nes?rur*you ?re quite safe w?th?pie but what on earth are you up to?" This question seemed prompte d by the sight of a nondescript dog cart just led up to the door. - "Are you ali by your t.^^^'s^riis. St* offl'nurse* hr? J Jim, her husband-our butler ho used to be^-and Pear* You kaaow Peg, don t j ^Pegl Ko, I don't tl tink I do." "I say," exclaimed Freddy, "isn't it a I ?)fa?tJ?*name :thc way t'ney always try I h?n?mi her? smk 4a?%fusir as ^d-as anybody. Her father was my fathers eldest son, only he married his tutor's daughter, and my lady set tho governor onto cut up rough about it. So the poor cliaprgot the kick out. ;uid thea be ?Hed? abd so did his wife, and a jo.iy rood thing forme, too,-or I would have li to sing small. Only wait till I am ai; vtcr, thougji, and if they try it .on wi Fe?gv then. Fil ?et them krrow. Sh older than I am, but all tho samo, I her uncle, and-I say you'll bo her uno too, if you many Adda, and you're 5. .ing to, ain't you?' Lord Glencore blushed furiously, a: Freddy, taking silence for consent, add with a snoffl^f supreme content, "It't jolly goo^^iig for her I ain't ye Ca??^5?c%^^rying Adda! Oh 51 raOSeeg' jHB ? ^W?esJgOTof pursuing this topic fl ther/tort! Gleiicore put a question. fal "You>e not going to drive thnV\1 said, nodding toward the horse, a nid viciouslpoking sci?w, "are you?" "Why not? He*s? a. real good ono ; ga Como in and seo ,;s start; it's capit fun. "We'd a jcejgu^ar crowd rouncjjjjj yesterday. Ajipkmc else but Peg woe J^jre been frigfitened to death." ?5 jgjta&tB&ii^ct?osity Lord Glenco "We keep all the front well shut said Freddy, cs he marshaled his way a den at the far end of the narrow ha Passing thc stairs, lie gave vent to shrill whistle, answered by a simiL one which might have been taken as i echo. i "Ain't you ready?" was piped up fro I below. "Coming," answered a girl's voie i and at the same instant with the wor> down the flight of stairs, flop on tl mat, came a figure which, through tl cloud of dust sent up, Lord Glencoi surmised must-be Peggy. "I'm so sorry. I thought it was on! Freddy-I"- and then, better able to S? who stood there, sho gave vent to a .agonized. "Oh. Lord Glencore!" ac -seemed unable to say more. Freddy, who was enjoying her coi fusion to l]\3 full, here burst in witl ?'"Don't mind him; he's square eaougl ain't you?" "Certainly lam," and then turning t Peggy, ne said, "I've never had th pjeasure of swing you here, lia ve I?" - "But you've seen him, haven't; yoi Peg? And once don't you remembc when thc door opened and I scuttled o! and your frock caught and you tumble down? Oh, I say, what a game! It wa ! a shave we weren't caught that time," ! Poor Peggy's face was like a beet root j "There wasn't anything to see," sh said to Lord Glencore, reassuringly. "I really wasn't for that we looked, but I I was so curious to know what you wa like," and she gesticulated violently t Freddy behind Lord Glencore's back. "What's the harm?" responded th young man, expost ula ti vely. "You\ do thc same if you were packed o?T int acock loft of a garret, wouldn't you That's what the}* do with her-stick he: anywhere out of thc way." "?ki. Freddy, no," Lord Glencore-fron cut of tho corner of his eyes'saw lier say and, heping to#change tho conversation ho said: "Pm afraid Pm making you lose th< bestof the day. I carno in to see yoi start." Perhaps Peggy fathomed hi; kind effort, for she looked at him fairh for the first til QC I "^esr a?d she gave 'him a little sh\ ';smil?; "dicVyou?" ? ?? town, now. Vu hero are you going.-' "To Richmond park," answered thc irrepressible Freddy. "Would you like togo? We'll take you; there's heaps oi room behind Why-why shouldn't he?" This was evidently in answer to more pantomime from Peggy. "You don't want mc-would rather 1 didn't go?" Lord (jgcn/xxre had turfed suddenly s round anil* was- asking this question of .theyoung girl. . g f *?>h?ne; it xsagphat, onTyTm fraid" an?jherVapegg^toji^tand gashed fu attSfer. ^??K)n?Sfelea?DSwidSfel catch the complaint. Quite persuasi vely .he roil: "But ?0 let mc; it's what I should so enjoy." There was an instant's pause, and thea j they all began laughing; and good fel i lowship being thus established, some I twenty minutes later the three, Lord Glencore behind. Freddy driving and peggy by h? side, were on tho road to "^Richmond. w% pix g - * It might *be tedious to retail all the folly th^ fell froga the li ps of t Sc trio as ' under FriMdy's guidance^rey?pursued their way. Their united years did not make up the sober age of GO, and they had the spirits of schoolboys out for a holiday. Lord Glencore had never felt so much at his ease before; none of those who in society knew him would have recognized him as the same shy indi I vidual. Thc hours flew like Inutes. It ! was 5 o'clock when they thought it 3; i:and thene'fc>f have looked at the time ? would ncufctv? qjbeurred tp -anybody* j-only that /eggy, heaving a tremendous ^sigh, ha<.Vsuj>pose4 it wou4d soon bo time think of.j-e?arn?ng home. 1 I The horso that was so good at going, ? we have omitted to state, had, at a cer? tain small hostelry, "Goat and Compass" name, shown signs of rebellion. Stir I from that door he would not. and Lord Glencore, to cut short the difficulty, hud : proposed that they should leave ".ho ? brute there to get a feed, white they took I a stroll in the park. j Returning from this walk they passed ! thor "Star and Garter." ' "Isay, a dinner in there wouldn't be : half bad fun," said Freddy, j "Oh, I don't thin!' so," "said C?lencorc. " Why, have you ~-vcr been there?" "Yes, I dined there twice this season with Lady Jane and your sister." I And a chill ran through the young man i as be recalled thc dreariness of those j solemn ordeals. "Oh!" saul Freddys drawing Lu his back as if about to succumb, while Peggy burst out laughing. '' A bright inspiration came suddenly to Glencore. "Why shouldn't we stop herc now," he said, hare durn ir, and go home after?" Freddy and 1 eggy came to a standstill, absolutely dumb with tho bril haney of the proposition. "That's what we'll do." continued the enthusiastic Glencore; and hemad? as if i io turn i rf at tl & door, i*?t Pefgy stop pu J h?::?. W 1. < fe. ir % fei ;'I don't think we can," as she looked at Freddy significantly. "No." came the answer a trifle crest? fallen. "1 expect they wouldn't stand I tick in there," was added by way of ex ! pla nat io: 1. ?*'i'h:ti isn't of any consequence t) ! I you," exclaimed 'Glencore. "lt's as my : j guests I invite VOIL Think how many j j times your motlier has entertained me." j "Oh. I nm not proud." laughed th<- de? lighted Freddy. "Isn't this first rate. : Peg. Come on." I But Poggy sti 1 hesitated. "I don't know whether I ought- '< tether it's quite right will, you." and though her face was turned to both, h<-r eyes were fixed on Glencore. "And I y?>ur uncle that is," exclaimed Freddy, "and he going to be. Shut up. do," \ c iAnd; conoid- ring th** sp?ccji TQ bo 1 'conclusive, Freddy cut snort further dis? cussion by al once turning into the hotel. rv , e. '.. S- v- - ? Wtl?-tf any 8 i ma rx evrc Avaslnsue-cess tTiat one was. What they lia? after Frei San?| there's no one to bother about v tAo^mcs of me.f. "You have neither father nor mot have you?" Glencore put the quest ion.gently, ? not waiting for her answer, went oi tell her that he too had lost his par when a child and was, like her, lon with no one to care for him. "Yes," she saidy .i'but you're a* i wiih lots of money; and Tia poor dependent; ane^thenit's "horrid to fe girl. ISver since* I .cnn remember ' hcard^BOthing jels?V^but nil il ernie . every Ss??, as i flt was my fault tlu owe "anything t^&?hcm. "I can't % having been born. Here I am. and 0 I die hes^;mu^.jstay. No, depend though. -^EVeohly^aited to be tan so?netb?ng. Fve had-to owe that m to gra?dmammai9'* T r Lord Glencore remained silent, s thinking that probably ber troubles ^ of no interest to itfiu, Peggy chan the subject. Directing his atlentiof Fre?ldwnow sil?a^yW^pi^Sx.^^ rr. aged foAprop tbei?ad^ up into *?: ir comfortable posiMon; and assented Lord Glencore's remark that he did seem like the rest of the family. Then silence fell on them, and f< time not a word was spoken. Suddoi as if from out of what she was thi ing. Peggy said abruptly: "Are you verv much in love vi Adda?" "I! Pm not in love with her at all "But you're going to marry her?" "Who says I am?" "Why, everybody; and grand m arm I knows, means you to." "I see, and that makes you thinl quite certain?" Peggy laughed contemptuously, wouldn't make it certain with mc," said, "but men seem different; what ? chooses, they do. Oh, I haven't patie: to think of it," and the great brown e she turned on Glencore sparkled inc nantly. "Why, do you think unies loved somebody dearly, Fd marry hin please grandmamma? Never!. She kne that as well as I do. Sho may iii tr me, but sho can't make mo do wha won't; Fd die rather. Shall I tell \ what I mean to do?"-she was speak! very fast and excitedly-"I mean to 1 away. You'll promise not to tell any o won't you? I mean, to go very soon n -if I can, before they como home. Otl girls earn their own livings, so w shouldn't I? Fm not stupid, and I awfully strong." "But where will you go?" "Oh, I know, but that I don't mean tell. Perhaps I oughtn't to have sai( word about it to you. but it slipped O' and you won't betray me, will you? >L of all, don't breathe a word to Adda; s hates me. and-well, there's' no: usc cl guising te??^Mfe^ :?Vhep;--you marri(^o?^-S ??f |g ggj fes "W?Ii^b?S?r sfcaR bo^nf?rtup? Lord Glencore decidedly. Peggy fae round and looked her surprise at him, "Don't look like that at me," ho sa hastily: "I mean what I say." "You do? Oh, I am awfully sorry." "For her or for me?" "I don't think I was thinking of cith of you. It was for myself-there's few ever care to be kind to me." "And you think I should be?" Peggy didn't trust herself to spca but her head nodded assent." "Let me tell a secret to you, Peggy" he quite unconsciously called her 1 name. "Doyou know that I mean ton awav to?" "You!" - "Yes: only I want somebody to ri awav with me. Can you guess why?" "No." -i ? "Somebody Fve-se?n today. " - - "Today!" The eyes of each looked into the othei questioningly. "Can't you guess who?" I?>rd Glencore's voice carno trem? lously, "Oh, you know," he said,"! see you do "Mel" spoke the word breathlessly. "Yes, you. Yo i will go, won't "yoi You've no one to ;aro for you, and I'\ no ono to caro f^r mo. Why shouldn wo care for each other? Fd try and mai you liappy, and Fd certainly begood t you. an-1 tn time you might get to-wei to iiice me, you know." "In time? Whv, 1 like von now." "You d-tnight now," said Adela, discontente Hy. Lad? Jane sighed. "There se< ms tc be nothing else for mo than worry." "What m< 'i t-?" M0!i, well, 1 didn't want tobotheryou, and ii' everything else was going rieht 1 shouldn't let this trouble me. It's a li tier ! had from Harri-. She sass that Peggy, if you ph ase, has chosen to run away from home. Harris hopes I won't worry myself, or blame her, as tho young lady has had it in her mind for some time. Tba t's gratitude, you know-after ail i've done for her.". "Fm sure I snSiild let her'bc. She'll never come to any good end. that girl Haven't I always said so?" "My dear, "'said Lady'Jane, "I musfc fro to town.; 1 tiaro say Lady Somerton v\ ill guess vvt?ry. rnVhfjugh J final! hi-*? marrv mc, only you would have it he !." Lady'Jane:-went to Loudon, wasabs< nt a week, and then returned a sadder but not a wiser u < ?nam Kot a trace could she find of Glenerne, not v word had she heard of mm. "And Peggy?" said Adda; "what about hor?" "Not a syllable. She had hoon ?onc a week rani more IK-fore li-irris wrote to me. It seems, however, a planned thing. Slio had had it in her mind at least a year." "I wonder," said Adda, "will he ever tura up again:" lier thoughts liad re? verted to lx>rd Glencorc. ."Of course he will,"-jsajrcl Xady Jane decidedly; '-'and we must, proiit by the Iefcsonwe have learned^&i^n him. Now, my, dear, go-off .and.telt?te.vcns to come to me, :-I haye a trying^bje?l before me to answer all the questjdjjjffj*& t]- ie people hose will put* *$?ar?|^? in lits of ' laughter over theiraft???*0on tea.: 'I Lady Jane nodded'lier head, mourn fully, "perhaps sppie day, when you have daughters of your own, you may know. Talk of " marty rsf' You have only to look at mothers:". Tliat evening, when Lady Jane joined r^?^^^?si^^>SQV,^?d in. the drawing room, sh.e-noticed-tliat every one looked ! at lier with an air of inquiry, it had I been agreed, at the request of the hostess, | that not a word on thc subject upper- j most in tho minds of all of them sl^ould bo mentioned until after dinner. Poor Lady Jane, sitting in a fool's paradise, actually fancied the object of her ab? sence had Jost its interest, to everybody. Alaska muSe was abou? to. explode, and La?r"?vk"r* Er^?.-hrr-i'?tf*' t?? u positive > refund thc .purchase pri?e, if satisfactory Tcsjtfks ?It? not I fvllvw their use. These remedies have vron their irre::! popularity purely un their met i .s. J F. IV. DeB?rme. Drusr^ist. I Uucklen's Arnica Salve. The Beit Salve in thc World for Cuts, Bruins Sores. Ulcers. Sal: Ithonoi. Fever Sores, Tetter. Cha?'7>er no DH y required. It is guaranteed to give per? fect satisfaction, or money rcfufcded. Price 25cents por box. For salo by J. ?. W. Dc L-nce. CT ; 0 ? <="JWaSCSaWEBOMBB gg>?! "" ^J-?? >x:? ?ii - p ?wi^'^ j SCHOOL BOOKS! . All School Books io he use'CE ON MAIN STREET. SUMTER, S. C. <.(. Illili e.-'J to 1:20 ; 2:Jd to 5. PRIVATEER EXPRESS, " j rrViK UNDERSIGNED, contractor M t-?ie Privateer :!i::il route, will take parkns ! ? : :?nd tr.II:: r.ny parties on lite line of+aid ? route, reasonr.blc rar-.-s. Mai) day-- Cues day?, Thursdays and S :tm.i ys-!< ?-vihu ; Sumiera! V A. M. and r- '.i:: "t"|feH 12 M. Orders left at the post office will Jwrattrnded j to A. \V\ BOYD. SVpt .',-411! ^ MONEY TO LOAN. I ^ ?" 5)NEY T'.t !.?? \N in s?ini5 from >:>f"L*^'"V.-r Afh?s G&. A M M L"N i T111N ci' V1*L KINDS. Sliell? ?^aded-'oj liatf ??' !o.^ioved .Maclo'ie. j _? i l'ir-' ?h*: (?un \\'.?ik G':i??raiitcci?. PHI CHS AS LOM 'AS /'.'//' l.OWfc'T. JL?" (.:',- nu- .t cai! t' i^pot *S?n:i?i's H.ad- j jua? toa- Oct ZS o : BARTOW WALSH Would notify the pi:t'!ic. th-it he hus accepted l!ie Agency for the sale of "Dr. Hint's Royal G cr met our," the best Proprietary Medicine ever sold in liiis country, fur Dyspepsia, Sick Headaches, Indigestion Summer Complaint, Cholera .In? fant um, Insomnia and a!! diseases arising h-oar^n impo>e.rish<.i: condition of ??iv-blood. A ^?"bott:( ^^MJI.' make you feel like'a new psfs??. Can?^^ttl'emale Complaints and is ajggecifio f.)r^?^? ?nd fever, and all skin Jijases :'ro;a|?^So Eczema. /Wpdid refofr'joSf to ihe fdriovrinjr persons, w'fio"fei>e iised^i? either for themselves or famt^^^vp..-. - , : J^?^ST^B Roarh, N. P. Lenoir, p, F f?-'?nltman, W. ls. Murray, ft. P. Brad we'lL/L. VT. Folsom, B. R.Tiash, Ci. D. With? erspoon, D. M..'Richardson. Vv. H.Bryan, Rev. C. C. BroWn, L. J. Parrot). C. L. Sti?J^J. X.|5rSS , E. H. Rhame, Geo. F. Epjgjrsoh. A.&'L?vy. C. I7. H. Bannan, L. R.^CTte, hi B. jVrvey, James .*?;0Hard, Rev.-John Kershaw. A. B. Stuckey, E. B Salfwaad a nufeUer of others who r.reti?:::g it now, and from whom I have not learned tiui result I have trivets it thorough test myself before attempting to sell h. Have sold 43 gallons in two months, and ncadver tisemeat until now. There is nothing ?ike it. No family should be without ir, "Geriac teur cure? Piles.'' ' Price. 75 cts. quart, ?2.50 galion. I * BARTOW gFALSU, ? At ^uliman & Bjsc.'siShoc Stare. Attention Cotton Ginners, IAM PREPARED, with the best applian? ces, to GUM, RE?UT AND POINT gin saw teeth. Long .experience in thc business enables me to guarantee satisfaction. Can j refer to 56 gins worked on the past season, in and out of the County. Y?i:r patronage is respectfully solicited. Address, J. M. RE?D, Mayesville, S. C. Residence Greggs X Roads, Mt. Clio Town? ship. Jnue 19. J J* YT . JL' Vr_5^k3V7l1 Successor to F. II. Folsom & iiro. SUMTER, JS, C. Dealer in fe! Fine Gold and Silver Watches, Sterling Silver and finest Plated Urrdal Presents. Rich Jewelry in Cold and Plate. Clocks, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Opera Glasse;, Gold Pens. Machine Needles and-Oil for all Machine?, Fishing Tackle, kc. kc. Thc celebrated Royal St. John Sewing Ma- j chine and finest Razor i? America always-cn liand. Repairing promptly and neatly exe- j cu ted by skilled workmen. Orders by mail will receive careful atten-j ?ion. Sept. 5 C. I. ll OTT. H. A. HOYT C. I. HOYT & BRO-, \ fy' % // \ g A-, . d ?? % ?u y ji fr 1 ^^^^ Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, MERIDEN BRITANIA SILVERWARE, Ac. REPAIRING A ?SPECIALTY. Feb ?_j _ UT any dealer .-ays h<> ba* UieW. L. Donela? ?lio?-s without r?ame. a:tp? price sUwLiua on tSa?.hvtto)JS!, i>ut Lisi down a? a trana. W= L8 DOUGLAS] ^nVfe CEHTLEMEKJ j Bot 5;i the vrorU?. Examine ?:i^ ?."?.OO?-ENtTIXK MAND-SKWKO SHOE, 84.00 ItAXD-SEV?'E? ?VfcXT SHOK; aa.ijio.??orJ.icEAX? PAUMEUS* SHOE. SS.2.50 KXTRA V.'.M H <'AK*-' SHOK. ! ???.-ir. woicK ? :vC3i A N 's s : J <> S2.00 and ?1.75 15?VS' st t?ooi, SHOES. I AU ma?lc io C .ajn,?*sf, Bttttwn anJ Lace. SS ShOl& L A DVE S. Bcvt. IVTaterfal. Best Stile, l?e.-t Filtiu?:. it !'.?.; PoJ.J ?iv y..t.r fi. :!?cr, write J IV. L/DOUGJLAS T LOCKTON. M AS? ! Examine Vv. \,. !><>lilias Sj*i.O() Shoes for gentlrmeii ::i*, i AM PREPARED fl ? REPAIR AND !:..:.u??-i. na well as tc build outright, all i ??Tnds o? Vehicle?. HORSE-SHv'E??:c .1 SPECIALTY. Also''repairall parts of broken Machinery, j hi l ?i mi hand :? ?tock ?! ('heck :s-< i Globe j '.':i!vcs and Eittings. Also keep I'unti'S on I liand and put th m do? n. I handle ;he 1 i SMITH'S NONN IM l>ll<) V i:i> GIN * ! ieh i as wr..>;l as any ou th*. m..rk< t, and ? g i ves cn lire sal is faction. Aug 21 9?Tp BaSMB S7,r3g W ^.v FOR SALE. i ??a-VC i'll i'.llid 'l -i lui cl rr.? ? STRii.\<-M> M0.\ i-:v, tt}is- s< .. 1 ;it re i.h ric-. OM K-MU 1 1;< :i n Si. Sui:'.- be .-. . ll M - J cit lilt: ?i ' . i ./.-' <'V ' "'iM e Beg to announce to their friends of Straiter and adjacent counties that they have moved te their ii H ' MaginEeent^ew Adjoining A. A. Solomons. Our increased business necessitated our leaving our former CRAMPED QUARTERS. Now with LARGE STORE AN? LA RGE STOCK wc aro prepared the better to meet the wants ?of our friends. T?ie Ladies, too, are especially invited to call and see us. We return thanks for past liberal patronage and solicit your future trade. We buy LARGELY TOR CASK and can ofifer INDUCEMENTS. Always come and see us before buying your SARDWAEE. If eaii We sell Agricultural Implements, Tools. Wagon and Buggy Material, Plantation and Household Supplies, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Razors. Scissors, Glassware, Tinware, Lamps, Potware. Everything in the Hardware Line. iStiweg! Stores! ?toye?! Fine Cookers for wood or coal Low prices, best make, guaranteed. See us always before buying cither a Cooker or a Heater. OIL STOVES from 81.00 up. Ladies these are the very things for convenience ! Try one. ii 9 Best make and cheap. Guns from ?2.25 to 565.00. Pistols from ?1.00 up. SHELLS, CARTRIDGES, WADS, SHOT AND POWDER. Rubber and Leather Belting, best mate. Packing in H?inp :and Rubber. Gin Bristles and T$vme. HOLL?WWARE-POTWARE. "" We are POWDER AGENTS and can sell dealers cheaper than, they can order it. Save freight by buying of ns. Respectfully, Aug. 2r\- i I '. . . 11 I - g g i i Mimi me--- - II i r.ca The attention of Mill Owners, House Builders and Real Estate Owners is called to the economy and advisability of; using Fire Brick. Furnaces'%uilt %f them are seldom out of V J repair and when once a fire-place is btiilt with Fire Brick, the trouble, annoyance and expense of repairing it (which usually occurs about once a season) ceases entirely. I handle Fire Brick by the car load, and am therefore en? abled to oiler them at prices as cheap as they can be bought tn - small quantities anywhere. When in wain- of them I hope to supply you. i , : ; j f : f |?y i| I . ' Lime. Cemen t. Plaster Paris and Cow Hair also on hand. Respectfully, j July 24. !89. ag;* 3BEjfflJ?33"^E** WILSON & spjusir^ INSURANCE AGENTS, SUMTER, S. C. Representing some of thc best Fire Insurance Companies doing business iu the Uuited States, for Sumter, -Clarendon and Williamsburg Counties, we beg to J roiioit t: share of-the patronage?&f our friends in these counties. FRANK N. WILSON, Manning. J. M. SPANN, Sumter, S. C. July s HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES AILlLAIf & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta? cles, Drawing Instruments - THE FINEST ?TOCK IX THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT \ REASONABLE PRICKS. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Vv'atehes for &>mSi Caro ina Railway, Atlantic Coast Line said Southern Division of Three Cs Rai! Road JAMES ALLAN &-CO., . 1 Feb. 3 235 Xin^?St.; Si^n of i>r::m Clock. Charleston, S. C. } TO TEE FARMERS. FARMESS WISHiSG TO I??Y AX Y Ol' THE FOLLOWING MA- ? CIMNKKY : HARVESTERS AND BINDERS, REAP-! ERS, MOWERS, GRASS RAKES, &c, j Will do well to call on me before buying elsewhere. I am b-audlieg th?. S?cCOEEICK MACHINERY,1 and it is not surpassed by any manufactured in thc United Stains, it is vorv simple, light, siren?,' ami easy draught. My Prices are Low and Terms easy. ! Write to rae for catalogue atril prices, which win be -scut free.'" IT??ping to bear ' frc KI thc ieruiers of the country, I au?, respectfully. GEO. F. EPPERSON, Ast ! v rii--i Office :;t Epperson's Stables, Sumter, S. C. G W D?C-F B I> S Gilic?? ?-V t- l'e-fin s v?> ? Si ?r?, DUAVK "N V.M". STk'KKT, St1 MT KK s C. St ,.1 r> BBESSMA?8N0. ? .VI>lES' lipf?SSES ( UT ANO MADS ?jj '):. !:ltrS! 1! ! It.'lll r..,lk ?:!r j runi. ,\ : ml - ii r.-ici:<-'.n . u:?r?h?ee?i, by Miss ' .\ i t.. i,'<:'!iilh.iii s?rect. ?'}i}?osiie !!.n !-\ An'liiu' Prices??.-reasonable?s gH??3 i ?oil? inn i-f ?.l??->^ lt?* F^rb i? Atlantic Coast Li?fe NOilT??-l?ST?feN R. R. OF S. O. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, ' TRAINS G?SG SOUTH. Dated Sept 8, 188S ;]No. 27[No.23lNo. 53 Lea re F lo res co... \*! *!> ^"Jw ft Kingstr.ee 2 29 0) 5*. Ar rire Lanes. 2 50 I? J$0|, Lanes.,. 2 50, H 20?* 7 ?0 ?r'V?'Charleston...5 00 1 30j 9 30 . . .. . P.M. A.M. A:M; P.M. Train No. 33 tn kw No. 53 South o.CLartfcs Train on C. & D. K. E. c?wB^dte?Vr with ?o. 2S Twin,_ggSj ^R?"! ns G^G~NORl1rt j ". T?NO. 78|?o.l*fNo. 5? [?eave Charleston. Arrive Lanes. Leave Lanes. " Kingtree. .Arrive Florene?1. A.M. * 1 20 3 00,,' P.M. f A.M, 4^ft* 7 3? 6 23| S ?? * Daily, f Daily except Sunday. Train No. 14 connects at Florence witfi :rain on C. & D. R. R. for Cheraw, S. C ; md Wadeshoro, N. C. No. 52 runs through to Columbia rta Central R R. ofS. C. ^ Nos. 78 and 14 run solid fe WilraYngfon'; S*. C., making close connection with W.% R. R. forT.ll points north. . J. R. tf<, J. F. DIVINE, Ass't Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Sap't* T. M. EM URSON, Geu'l Pass. Agent. Atlantis Coast Line WILMINGTON, ??LuMBIA AN? AUGUSTA R. R. CONDENSED ^OHE?ltE. TRAINS GOING S0UT?I. Dated Sept" "?"TsS9.jSo. 23}X?r, ?7;jNo. 50 L've Wiltnington. Leave Marion. Arrive Flure?rce.. Leave Florence. Ar've Sumter... Leave Sumter. Ar've Coliinibia. P. M. * 6 25 9 5f> 10 40 No. 5 a A. M 3 2? 4 4 40 6 15 P. JU J MO IQ? 12 4$ I 20 A M No 52 flO zi lt 55 A. STl f 9 20 No. 52 runs through from 'Charleston vi? Cen tr?! R. lt. ? Leaving Lanes 9:15 A. M., Manning 9:3% A. M. Train on C. & D. R. PL. connects at Florene? w'th No. 5S. . TRAINS GOING NORTH. [No. 51|No. 59}No. 53 j P M j PM Leave Columbia.....;*K>'35j Ar've Sumter....._! Il IS] Leave Sumter.j ll 58 f 6 37; Arrive Florence.j 1 15 7 50! ] A MS : No. 7S[ Leave Fl?rence.. 4 -?5{ Leave Marion..... 5 20 Arr. Wilmington. 8 35 P M ? 5 2? .o 32 No li * 8 15 8 5$ ll 5f *Duily. f baily except Sunday. .No. 53 rons tWrong> to*?S?fl?rtg*f. ,/T. #?&UE??S<8?, Gen. %jengw fcg't. . --i- -. -? g-^-?.-^=s?-- ? St?lk Carotins Railway Cfc PASSENGER DE PA Iff MENT. JOINT TIME TABLE, NO. 2. Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago Rait road, and Camden Branch- S. C. Railway, i* eject Monday, June 2cth, 1888. StfCTHfiOCKD. Nos. 155 a m $.30 6.53 7.01 7.11 7.55 7.37 S 00 9 01 9 31 10.15 Leave ?Lancaster " Pleasant Hill " Oakhurst " Kershaw " Westville " De Kalb " Camden " " Jane. Arrive Kingvi?e Columbia I }* Oranirebiirg ? ** geharlesfb? ' ^August* .. NORTH WA KD. xNos. 137 Leave Augusta '? Cltarlesion u ?Crangebefg 14 CoLumbia ^ " . Kingviile ? Ca?idvu J?nt a m " DeKalb M Westrille " Kershaw " Oakhurst " Pissant LSI! Arrive Lancaster Trains on Camden Division Sundays excepted. Through natas both ways between Lancas? ter ar.d Co..rt?ida. Through cocci) both ways b?twe?a ?M^aX^ ter and Charleston. . t . Connections made ai f.?r mWHUATb 77-7:5 Our otr:oe IS oj>j??sbe the ?*.S.?Vi?vntXffflce. ?hd weean ob? tain l*at.?n??? Wkfis t-^t'^V.a tiioSC remote froni H .I>./.".V?;V*?.V. S n.i MODEU VKAM'jyG^sk J'llOTO of IUVCHTIOII. We p'ivix' as ro twfcgfe fii.;!:fv freehan;eand wo m.d;r .V.v C-tS-ARG* LXr.kss /M77.WT />: >../.>./7:A7-?. Vor circular. ??Ivice. ter??* and references to actual clients i?? your own State.(famty. ('ny or Town, write to C.A.SNOW&CO Opposite Patent office. Washington, D ^^^yjd5^^^^^2iUw?^rethep?opl? eta tuf &>g?5t^*rSip**?^<>o in ?ch toe?ur>.tbe ?mr i?_^?i^|nfff best seWiaf-ta*ciijie nhte ia f^^r'^3 /fe^ I Ifo* wcr.:d.withal thc *tt?ch?xata; ??S?c, %, /WW? Xv<-' will also ?cad free a cotnpletw ^??* JU--' a Iffill?/l,ino cfour co*tI." ?wi v?i?abt? mt I . I ??f^#8ftu,r,I'?- I? rotu.-n wc uk that ro?< 1 f T w W'l? wc ?rn??, to thOM Wb4 ??..jL-j?1: gh&? ian vc? our home, tsd sftQrff "^^'t'Tf^v'^?JV ^l??<;**H??ihail become your few* HCB '/?J?C X. XT>r,",?'?n-v- Thi* ?^"d ia V'Xl SA V_jgTM>idi? after tho Mincer potents* flt 5 *-K^?*1?^5>^? wW? have run ont jlH-furepotMHS yt^^StSgj^^j iun?H:ttt?oidrorSt*3.wttht?is IT?O? bKCaetiOn < in*?*n Thaw wh<> w riki? IO u? ?t mir. i-C'C irt'f ih? b<-st ww?\ir?;r-tno.'h:m. ia ih* urnrH. a^d tb? f M -^1 IHK .v ? ? L T v. ? ;^*?> ?rt <"V.-. .hr..' n f?f '?..-t ,r? A...? ?< "V 'i i-i-^???s Uok 7*C>. Anttetoi MsUsVv