The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, February 20, 1889, Image 4

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Cf)* ffiSsttbmas ?& Souibrga. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. Tricks of the Moonshiners. Col. (5w>. IPI Symonds in Detroit Free Pressm i Creech's Cross Roads is tho metro- j polis of the Lonesome neighborhood i and a considerable trade center. It j boasts of a big store owned by Jabez-1 Creech, the founder of the Cross Roads, ? a blacksmith shop and a "grocery," j which is the mountain name for drink ?og saloon. I was privately informed j that Creech is a silent partner in the last enterprise, and that the blacksmith ? -herccJean, coal-black negro '"works for wages*' which Creech pays J It ie tobe inferred, therefore, that Jabez Creech is somewhat of a nabob. Ile is ! a shrewd, calculating fellow, aa keen j fbr a trade as a Yankee and as sharp at j a bargain as a Jew. It is a singular i fact that none of these last mentioned ; enterprising gentry are to be found in j the mountains south. Senator Zeb ? Tance, of North Carolina, once ex? piaioed the matter to me by the asser? tion that the saturai mountaineer could j discount the shrewdest descendant of j Abraham ia driving a sharp bargain, j and for that reason the Jewish people preferred to invest their money in j section* where the people were lesscuu- j niog It is a fact that, no matter how j ?ilitewrte the southern mountaineer may j be, lie is always possessed of an abund- j ance of shrewd "horse-sense," and this latter natural quality makes him a foe man worthy of anybody's- steel. Ia . my boyhood days this very section of ? country was represented in the State j Senate by Gen. Harrison Rtley, who j was unable to either read or write. He j waa the ideal of the clannish Cracker's j and was returned to the Senate term ] after term. He was an excellent legis lato?, said some of the wisest and most j beneficent laws on the statute books of : Georgia were framed by him. I stopped at Creech's Cross Roads j the other day to purchase a few neces? sary articles at the store and have my horse re-shod for a rough trip into the farther mountains. There was the usual crowd of loungers about the little settlement, and I was listening to their lazy chatter, when there was the sharp Fattie of horse-hoofs on the hard loam read, and a dosen men, who were lite? rally "armed to the teeth," galloped out of the fopest and drew rein in frout sf the store. "Hit's the raa'shals, j cuss 'em !" muttered one of the crowd, s and I noticed when I looked around a j few minutes later that about one-haif of the loaugers had mysteriously disap? peared. "They always do," said the chief deputy, when ? spoke of the matter j rater. "They fear that I may have j 'papers* for them. Every other man in i She mountains is a violator of the inter- J sal revenue taws, and those fellows, . knowing their guilt, thought it best to- j "scoot for the brush' and take no risks." ? This marshal is a man of a wild and j eventful experience, and while waiting ! for the negro blacksmith to re-shoe the j aorses of his squad he told me several j interesting incidents illustrating his ex- j peri en ce among the moonshiners. Ho ! bas been in the business for nearly j twenty years and during that time has ; operated in cid and West Virginia, [ Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, ' georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Fierida, j Louisiana. Arkansas aird Texas. Ile j bas been in hundreds of fights with j illicit distillers and hassercral times been j ? " wounded. West Virginia, Kentucky, j Tennessee and North Carolina he con- ; cedes to possess the most dangerous i outlaws. He is perfectly familiar with the inside history of the various feudal ? "wars" in Kentucky, and on one oe- j casion, while raiding through "Rioody ' Breathitt" County, in that State, his ! men were mistaken by one "army*7 for ? the enemy's forces. The result carne sear being a disastrous one. The j mountain warriors were intrenched on the side of a large Mil, where they had thrown up breastworks and mounted an ; old brass cannon which had boco aban- ' doned during the late war by the Feue- i ral General, George K. Morgan. This 1 was loaded with slugs, rusty r.ails and other scrap iron and small pebbles. I: was wedged between two logs and '?? trained to sweep a road that wound : along the side of the hill Fortunate ly for the revenue party they took a j bridle path still rower down the hilt, and when the cannon went off, which it j did with a roar and crash that could be j beard for milesr thc nails and pebbles; whistled over the heads of the start! d ! marshals, cutting off limbs as big as a . man's arm and covering them with a shower of leaves. They captured the cannon and spiked it. "I particularly desired to catch ene man ou this raid,'* eontrnaed the marshal. "f?e was named Diok Hanna, was an active par? tisan of thc Little faction to the pend? ing 'war,,' and had given us a great deal of trouble-almost as much.*' he added with a smile, "as your friend." Dock Davis, whom I'm afraid we ?iii never recapture. Dink lianna wa* :? fine-looking fallow, :;ir fee" arid an inch im height, and a regular . mountain ?as-dj. l?o would siioot 'al thc- drop cf the hat.' and if necessary dri p the feat hic^elf. Altogether h3 was a very bad mao. We had a warran! for him for several years, but he had 1. rts of friends who warned him of cur approach and he always managed to get safely to the 'brush.' Dink wan married and fcad a little cabin on the R ?cky F'?rk of the North Fork of rhe Kentucky River I traced him to his cabin one day and with a couple of bai'i??- rodo down up-.n the place. As we pulled n:< our horses at the door of thc cabin several children ?ame out and eyed us as only mountain youngsters can. I addressed one <f them, a girl about 7 years of age. ."Does Dick Hanna live her- *.\ >apT was the answer; 'h~s done timv? i rway yander.' 'Where V 'Over <???? Carr's Fork 9 'Who lives here cowV .Bill Smith.' 'Aren't you D-nk Hanna's daughter?' 'Noan I' I was looking her square in the even daring thrs colloquy and watching every ex- j pression. There wa* but stolid, apa? thetic ignorance. Not a blush -no shrinking. I wasalmost convinced that I was on the wrong scent, but at the suggestion of one of the baliffs w% dis mounted and searched the cabin. It was a very cold day, and th :re were several women huddled around the open fireplace smoking 'long green' to? bacco in cob pipes. They eyed ti* sul? lenly and answered our questions in monosyllables. We looked every where, even into tho meal chest, but could find DO trace of Dink. I was about giving up in despair when I noticed that the child whom I had questioned, kept her ryes fixed upon a particular board in -the fl'K>r near the fireplace I saw that it had reccutly been moved, and stoop ing down I pried it up with my hunting knife. There was a cavity underneath, and ia it was r.he man we were in search of. 'Come out, Pink.* I said, and caught hold of his booted log. 'You've j go: me,-boys,* he said, and made no re- j sistance. I handcuffed bita and put ' him behind me oa the horse. That j night we stepped at. a farmhouse ia j Letcher County. I had to meet some I ?of my men at another rendezvous and j left thc prisoner in charge of the bal ills, j They were tired and sleepy, and hund ettfiing Dink bet wee a them, went to bed. Dink had peculiar wrists. They were larder than his hands, and when the bailiffs were fast asleep he slipped j the cuffs, took a coat and a six-shooter belonging to bis captors, and mounting one of their horses, rode off. We found the horse tied to a tree cn thc roadside j about tea mii<?8 distant, but we never j caught Dink.'* The moonshiners display considera? ble ingenuity in the selection of hiding places for their stills. One fellow in Carter County, Tenn., set up business tn a small eave, and the smoke from his j fire was carried into the waters of a j creek by an underground pipe . This ? creek was a famous lurking place fur trout. One lazy summer day a deputy marshal took his rod and started down to the stream ile was walking along the bank when he noticed that the sur? face of the water looked- smoky. An examination disclosed the pipe leading from the still fire and the wily distiller was discovered. "A noted character in Rowan County, Ky ," said the marshal, , "was Squire Obediah Sexton. He j was, if we believed his own words, ter- ! ribiy opposed to moonshiniug, and J whenever we passed his house he would j come out and orate ou his favorite sub- ! ject. lie was very comfortably frxed and his wife always treated me to but- : teraiiik, of which I aa? very fond, j His farm ran back to a rocky ridge, on j the other side of which was Mud Run j a noted place of resort for moonshiners. We arrested a good many of the Mud Runners. I really did not intend that as a pun, fur they were 'runners.' and those that we failed to catch took to the brush. In working up evidence against j our prisoners we. secured nearly enough j proof of our friend the 'Squire's com- j p?city in illicit distiiiir g fur the issuance j of a warrant of arrest, and thereafter ! we watched him warily. One hot mid- j summer-day I took three cf ray men I and climbed ?bc ridge buck of 'Squire ! Obediah's bouse without attracting at- j tention. We had a powerful field-glass J and this was focused upon the little set- j ticment along Mud Run in the hope of sightiog some of the fugitives for whom we had warrants. As noon approach? ed the heat became almost intolerable and we nearly died with thirst, for, pre? suming, of coarse, that there was plenty of water on the ridge, we had neglected to fiii our canteens. Every spring and water hole was dried up, and when it seemed to me as though my tongue was baked to the roof of i my mouth I snatched up a couple of j canteens and started dowa the riiige to j Squire Sexton's A brash fee ce ran down the hill as far as the censer of his house and cc the opposite side cf it none of the inmates could see me More from habit than anything else I pulled out my sis-shooter as I turned the corner. The front door was open and as I stcr-ped across the threshold a section of the kitchen Soor uprose and Obediah with a quart measure of moon- ! shine whicky in each hand stood before j me. There was a six-shooter in his j belt, but I covered him and made him ! step out into the room. After disarm- ? ing him I fired my revolver several times to attract the attention of my j bailiffs. When they arrived in response to the signal, we searched the house cellar. Set up there were four eighty gallon stills, and ranged against lb-- ! wall3 were shout twenty barrels of prime moonshine, besides several hun- ? dred gallons of siugliugs and three ! ho2sheads of beer. The smoke of the i still Qres went up <ne house chimney ! and the slop wa? drained off through underground pipes to a natural basin j about ?2U0 yards from the bouse where ! it was caught in a tank and afterwards 1 carted away and fed to the 'Squire's' j hogs." It will be remembered that ten or twelve years > Bald Mountain in North Carolina was thought to be in a state of actual volcanic eruptieo I* rum- ! hied and roared, heaved and retched, ?biir j seams opened on its side and thick clouds j of smoke issued therefrom. Tho ignorant mountaineers living in the vicinity thought that the end of the world was at hand. A local revival preacher took advantage cf the strange phenomena, ! and by vi^orouslv appealer' te the ! J .> ? . es Jue superstitious fears of bis hearer?, j made hundreds of converts. Scientific i men investigated the alleged -"erup? tion,** and a great X w York newspaper ' sent dowa a special commissioner to i write it up. '1 ho matter was r.cvcr ; satisfuctori!y esrvrained, but my friend, I the <it ru"*' marshal, throes some liant . on the subj et. "I was operating in I that tie: .irv at the time," sai 1 he. "and j my men no doubt caused tho 'orup i*-:i ' ! Bold Mountain is honeycombed v. i r h .= caves, and there are numerous veins oi l c->ui ru?oin*; through it. '1 Lc caves, at that time; w:e full of moonshine j stills. freing r.-:ru:-div forrig.d rho? ! were desi^ritdv dvfvndel bv tn-fr Vve c eUT ti ves in; conti ^ s > un; ?ri t! ami w built b'g Sr es in tho es ves :.> smoke oat the m duli shiners: These Sres ignited the coal sea ; s and that's the tine his? tory of the eruption :i-r f: . -I- i- Mr ?:. th,??rick A < Tire Verdict .*. > S?j?r I>r?: -t-t !'.'-.?.. .. T.. I ? Liver .til ir a IH>:;; Stw:e? Buclcleu's Arnica Salve. . The Best Salve in 'lu- w??rl i f r Cur*, p.?-.;:s^t S??res Cicer*. S??; ?theum. Fevsi Sures, IV;r?-r. (Mi:ij?p?jtl Jlan.ii> Chitt>;n;:!>\ ."? r;>< r?n?l :.'.] Ski:? Krapti ns. an-l punitively c-:r-?.< I*i < r DO pay ro-iipred. Ic i* ?;iixr;i!)f?-<; i r<. give i- r f-?-t satisf>etirn, or tn ?ney pefanded. Pri?-e 2a--e:i:s per box. For gale hy J. F. W. in L<:rnic. -i These Demoralizing Pictures. Tho teacher announced that sh wished thc pupils to write a short essay on "Tho Cigarette Habit." And little Johnnie, after much patient labor, handed in this : "The habits which is worn by thc cigarette girls is mach to lite fer Winier, this is all i no about 'The Cigarette Halit.' "-Terre liante Exj?ress. M.n?ir -?*. -ai- -- Young But Gifted. Lie I. Time ll a. m. Mother-Now mini, Johnnie, there's a ghost in that dark closet guarding the jam ! Johnnie trembles violently and com? mences to water at the mouth. Lie II. Time 2 p. m. Johnnie-Oh, mammal The ghost has eaten half of tho jam !-Lies. .- ... 1*m -JTi-f Feeling his Way. IIenncpck::e (who has rung the bell of his own house)-is my mother-in law in or out, Bridget ? Bridget-Out, sir. He enters -Lies. Snyf'CS-Seem to me these advanced sohool doctors carry thing3 a little too far, don't you know. Pypes-Why so, dear boy ? Snypes-Why, there's Doctor Jones, now. He made me swallow a glass eye, yesterday, to see what the matter was with my liver.-Lies. Wm. L Porter, late treasurer of Ver miilion county, Ind, is short about ?12, OOO iu bis accounts. The Senate has con?rned the nomina? tion of commissioner Coleman to be Secretary of Agriculture. It is i-'ated authoritatively that Blaine has accepted the position of Secretary of State in Harrison's Cabinet. Rieh and Poor, Prince and Peasant, tlio Millionaire and Day Laborer, by their common usc of this remedy, attest the world-wide rep? utation o? Aye r's Pills. Leading phy 5: d a us recommend these pills for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive? ness, Biliousness, and Sick Headache ; also, i^r Rheumatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con tain no calomel; are prompt, but mild, in op?rai ion : and, therefore, thc very best medicine for Family U-^e, a?> well as for Travelers and Tourists. "I have derived great relief from Aycr's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with Rheumatism that X v.-as unable to do any xvnrk. I tO!?k three boxes of Ay.-i's" Pills and was entirely cured. Since that timo I am never without a box <.:' these pills." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayers Tills have been in tase in my family upwards of twenty years and have* completely verified all that is claimed i--v them. In attacks <>:" piles, fr* m wkh-h 1 sul?ered many years, they a:':? ?rd greater relief than ts nv oilier medicine I ever tried."-T. P.'Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. I have used Ayers Pills for a unm? eet of years, and have never found any? thing equal i-.' them for giving me an appetite and in parting energy and streng*h i-? the s; -:.-:n. I always keep rh-rn in the house."-R. L>. Jackson, Wilmington, Dei. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer." Emma Key; s. IluW ardston, Mass. 'AVk. never I am troubled with, con stipanOn. < r situer ::.!<::J loss of anpetitc, Ay rs Pills set me again." - A. J. Ki.ser, Jr., Rock House, Va. '.Ayer's Pills are in general demand amo*;-.! our customers. Our sales ol them exceed those of all other pills com? bined. "Wc have never known them ?.- i i I to give entire satisfaction." - Wright cc lianne! ly, San 1 ?leg' .. Texas. * Ayer's Pills, Dr. J. C. Ayer L ' Co., Lcwo!!. r/.acs. Scat Dy a:i L'caicrs lu Me?iciue. ave Xo r.??*>c**<"c. 5 irr-?;: ian. ri:i?n!encc, I Kiek i?<*a<i.?:-J?e. *-?"? r<?ia t'ou*!,"' "os ?II? ?'Icsti, y o-ii \.i?l 1 luci Use r emedy yon noe'". They tone np Uve weak Ktosaae?i :?V? ?.;??"?? unt?to l ?::-r?i'i"':r eacrjries. Sufferers from moiit?il vr physical ovortvook ? ill l'iml KeliaXSsox? timm. Nicely ^ug'urcouietL. SOLl> E\TEKYWHEI?S. ?f any ?paler says lic.?ias the VV. Dousl&S ,>*...> wiii-.e:;* ?nme ::::;? price st:ici|.'cu ou ;1?C botloiu, pta him down as a fraud? y* ..... i??t fe.:*, v ?9 -* ? iv" - ^JW? fi, L. DOUOL?S ?'. -s ?M H.- v !>jt.'. rv--,,.;., . ?r..?>o -.: ;NJ i-,. : KA si" s: ?. i :> :;??:. .'-'.'..j :IAN:>-S? Wi t> Wi ?.T >*H>K. s.:. .'. :..;; ;:.{. AS FA:;.MK;:V-.SKOE. *--..'.:? ::v: '.: \ \ it.rr CA: " S??OK. IVO K?vi .%<;;.. AX'S SWOF. 'ii>.0?? :^ ?l.?*; itOVS' rv;:'?:.?. S ?t O I'S Ali mad? :.: ? ??!._.:-. - . la:t:-?, .....i ?.>.?: . W. L, DOLIOLAS -jj-i> *3 lt s vio.' I. A D . L* G. .-?-? M :?!<.:.?:;*, 1% S'vt? . Ur*t J'itiin^ ll Bet ..?.: U* v..f;r e. ;.!. r. ?Vite v?. i..'i>t>; '"cocKTOX, MASS ?J- ---^ kV Ww..'., ?X:^~.. .i., .1 .n. it; sn:rs. c. ! il. i ElF?El &llI !?:-..,.. . .. I : wu or.-; r.K enoc-FSs, Arctica C;r:'.-..:..- !:n Her chan's.! i'.j., M;5.\r; ' ?- . A i" ii S TS .N*. C. G. W. DISX, D. D. S. . DIAMOND / A Dress, cr a Coat, ) gay C?f?r Ribbons, Feathers, > F$S Yarns, Regs, eic. j TE?? GE?STS and in many ether ?.mys SAVE looney, r.-.ici make things loo): Hke NEV/, by usins DIAMOND DYES. The work is, simple, quick ; thc colors thc BEST and FASTEST L..v R. Ask for DIAMOND DYES anil ts! c no cthor. For Gilding cr Lronrinj Fa2cy Articles USS DIAMOND PAINTS. G-:J, Sliver, Er^r.rc, Cor??;: O liy io ELD" '- c-s ^ a - UK. i <.<A A?JS V-.--- Jr1 1 . :.;e Cleanse the System nV'^T^^i v/!tI) ,],at most reliable S T?';'i/;Inc"-ra!nr:'s Celery I a ?f?^s? I compound. Itp?l?2C3tIie j ? H**?8 ? tfco 1, cures Constipation, : B S \ an-Iregulatcs tue Uverana X "S- 5 -ip5^ ? kidncys,cffcctt?allyc?cans 8 ra.V Ww I textile system of all waste ProaosMsvawwi and dead mattera. Paine's ?olery Compound combines tnio*"n rve tonio and stirnirtnlng Hes, revl.isg ?>3?c eu< rsi?a and spirits. **I ?v.'.v.? i- ? :. '. .? ? r sr? y? -srs v/itha cor: . -'I ?jj cr ? ?-li' o'.c? -s. Aiier ?rj-:a^ va? ri- .: . r : -I''-. r:--? ?:-r???:*r r??&f. ? tried .. r.-: -*s O/.-.-ry < .< ::;)...;::. l*e?or< takln?one ?.ill ri ftT?frlV.i; ? tr^iW?rSOrnC svwr?t< '.'ns ho- I sr.jii io subside, ? <-.o> truly S:<.V SOW, "I:::* I ...... h--., n j..-v.- rnn.n. lil'^tlon It?s imprwc?, ! .... . j j.. .. i r..r. if n weight si?eO I iiiv-j c-a.;1 ; ikinir t he Command." i?OX?^JTLa ?? rSAKXS, FC?CiiVillC, Vt. $1.00. :;!\ for ?5.0 ?. At Dr.r'-rl -: *?. WELLS, 1?C?IA?II>SO?? ?; CO.,. ISariiagton, VC. MI v. w?-?i,i -ilt ?i?mncM?.Jiu?.- ?. nm?^n??M ASHLEY SMALL MM? SPE01I , Tte S. G. S. i.~ the cheapest, and the best, and the only Specific Fertilizer for Small Grain on the Market. ?bo S. G. S. has been used all over our Southern States for the last three years, and has given great satisfaction. ?SH&JEY ASH ELEMENT, Of superior activity and efficiency ; a cheap and excellent Fertilizer for Small Grain, especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE GARDEN FERTILIZER, Delivered free ; specially adapted to Roses, Geraniums, Pansies, Flowering Annuals, &c. For terms, directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc? tive publications of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Scot 23 Charleston, S. C. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. MES ALLAN & 6 Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta? cles, Drawing Instruments THE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Watches for South Caro ina Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., Feb. S King St., Sign of Drum Ciock. Charleston, S. C. THE PALAC1 SALOON. A. P. LEVY & GO., Proprietors. (Successors to Roseadorf ? Co.) Wc hii^e. constantly on hand a complots line of WISES, JAdVOl^s CKrAilS AND TOBACCO. And desire ;^ call especial attention to the following : Imported. ? Domestic. FRENCH BRANDIES, . SHERRY. PORT, IRISH WHISKEY, CATAWBA WINK, JAMAICA RUM, BLACKBERRY WINE, HOLLAND GIN, GIN AND FINE SCUTCH WHISKEY, RYE WHISKEY. We call especia! attention to our Fare I??B.?iIa Carolisaa Cora lYMskcy, $?pt. 2*3. Which we gel direct i':om the still. TT R Tl Ti ??7 ii h Ii Ii li* H ?i U H il/ ll ii Tl -I J ?? B - UTI ll ? N ot KSS ELI ?* li^rt P wm TI F \ I MN El I I?11 ti Notice of Ever; One is Called to the Fact that R. W. DURANT & i Keep a Full Supply of Goods in their Line, ??anr;?r*. fe^lfe ??p]:?Fin NF^I?P? ??oo^?fl fen?fp? T?tp i*UiiUui;j UUC|.'itt/'iJj i:l??iiUiiivi iwupbixUL'j ?L-J*-JJil'j?\x ?u?jjil?Uj IJLJI COOKING AND HEATING STOVES OF BEST MAKE! WAGON AND BUGGY M ATE REA L F HO M A !>OLT 70 A W-BEEL. PUMPS, BOTS I HON AND WOOD. Belting iii Rubber and Leather, and Packing of ali Kinds, Tinr?Avfpi] (hu>? Hi livvie n i*'] R?4ppf*h ? n?uliniv? i??i|n;i till Ulinda (Iud jJitl/tii iJUCllllag . PISTOLS IN VARIETY FROM $i Fi'. POWDER, SHOT AND SHELLS, &e , AND Wo are Agents for the Great Western Powder Company. T A MIA:', A Z D poe ?c ?: T C U T LER Y, C. With manv thanks io a..reaeroas public fur their past liberal patronage, and soliciting Still their laud support, weare Respectfully, etc., R. W. DURANT & SON, Sept. 12. Main Strict. Opposite Bank. T-nf-ITTT^-. ? ingga-BEgBE-BW w^ai**?r~i?*rn^*^-'**M?rairr~rm-rft ?iiw io i His ur rilli FOR YOU TO BUY BT ? TZ" TTi rn I R A ra f\ tb I . WE ARIO OFFERING "OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT PLUMB COST. We have a iii'1-1 linc of these i^oods on hand anti we are anxious to rlose them ont, preferring eosl to having lt* carry the ni oxer ?br another season. \Ve will save yon from o()e tn >>'J. GO a j ?air by I.aiyin^ o-f ns. \ ery f'W know I ! ittt we handle J^^ .y ?A. V..-jr >' v_.i ?_ij but those i liai do know it, have h>n? brm coitvinred thai WC sell i';:!" bo:uW O' ;.:!!' ('^r?ti?ii'? j(?>rs. ? )tii" ilia* ol r - -T s ? /? Vf ? ?? V 5> V are pretty an 1 a iv s< nick I ?ol toni I 'rn'i's, \\ r t*arry a. 1 :t r;* r lock ol' lbw s, .:?;:i,:fs aiu] (li?dnii s Shors, whieli you woi!?<! -lo w.d! !.. h ?ck ai boFon? I Vi tv it ii;- else wi tere: I \\ c :tre s? ill atiead m ? lu4 ( : ? ;<>( ; K l : ^' i li i s I X l<;ss ( )ur stock, w ! arl J ?/oinpn rs ihr badjin^ brands . :: lin? market; ;i iv x ?1 ' I al C h :1 r ! > t o n pri'-rs wlinvh is a sa\ c. io I la* buyers of (?!' ? t " t . I . * : : t LO id <'?.'\:- r. ! ?C lure btO, l?;- \?>ill" SpriUl? IVll'l I S tun ii'.cr L'< ?ud> coi uv ni ;i ! :u " ? i < ?i i ?' | iii? vs, \\ r aro dcteruuued li? ([i;>WFi c, >: ' ! ; '..!<'! ?. . *W TT,y . -\ /?" ~,T- "if r.<T^ fi .- . If., Ci ? :. ' y ^ 5" c. <, .j .'i / >? R AT KS-? 1 WM I) \ V. Literal .iednction n^cor.lin - to lune. OHAS. O. LBSLIE, ! j w i...-. ::. :.a? i>,-,i.-r in FISH. i. \ s\ .:, OX:: YYM<-? \ TVu I*LES. TFi:U A I"! NS. ! POFLTin . EG(,S, Sic [ Slalls No. ? and i: Fish Market; i I I an.l Fi II?.-.-... \H ar..! 20 Marki-1 St., I Ka': t Of K:ist !>:?/, c ir \ n M:STO>' S. C. ? Ali -rh r< promptl3 attend.' I to. j I T'-rms cash or cit j ac< t'! ince, Nov. VTO?-? tor. ' Oct. - 1 C<?nforla??lp Room?. Goi*d Table, r*rivat< Parlor f\>r L \?'n 3. J. H. DIXON, Atlantic Coast Line^ Jf&.'<?- '?7 v jj;' vi* . "v/v WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA R. K. CON DI-:.V.XE*> s?HEDi LE. TRAINS GOIN? J soi; TH. 1/..r-.i."..n.liI,'>'.*.?N... 22jK^. 27{No~ 5$]'.Vu. ? I I*. M.! 1'. M.I I'. M.i A. M. . L've WiladngtM *T, 2S!?!0 ld ! 4 l?) ! Leave M?r'..?....-.! i; .j ;? i? 41) 2 00? 0 \ Arrive Florence.-! IM 20j 1 2..-? 4 H-j 7 20 j S'o. A M j No ?SI A M I ; I?. M i Lr:.: vc FluHrn^C. Ar've Sumter... Leave Sumter. 2 li: ; '1 *l> 7 I No 52 4 4i !t a 2? ;? 7 21 Ar'vc Columbia..! ? 101 IO 221 9 (.?!.! . No. ;*)2 mud through from Charleston via Central li il. Leaving Laues S:22 A. M., Manning 8:52 A. M i'r:nr. on C. & D. R. It. connecta at Florence with No. SS. No. 53?, Vestibule Trai:;, Tuesday, Thurs? day and Sat irday. Leave WrSmiugton 2:10 A. M., arrive Flor? ence 5:20 A M. TRAINS GOINff NORTH. " I No. 5! j No. .'r??NTo."52j.v"cC-. ! P M ! A M j P .M ! Leave Columbia. U?O 35 f 7 4' * 5 2uL.. Ar've Sumter. il SS O'S; Leave Sumter.. Arrive Florence Leave Fl oreti ce.. Leave Marien.... Arr. Wilmington ll 58 f 9 3? 1 lol. 10 40 A M 1 No. rs 6 27?. 4 35 5 22 S 35 45 li 30 No 14 P. M. * 8 l')| 4 30 8 47 5 11 Si' S 4D *Dai!y. fDaily czcept Suu'Jay. No. S3 runs through to Charics-ton. S. C., via Centra! R. E., arriving Manning 7:07 P. M., Lares 7:! 2 P. M.. Charleston 9:10 P. M. No. 59 connects Florence with C. and D. train f.?r Cbcrs?w and V.';;desb&ro. No.*- 7S and U na?te el:.?e connection at Wilmington with W. ? V,'. E. E. for all points North. No. 500. Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Thurs? day and Saturday. Leave Florence (J:55 P. M., arrive Wilming? ton 12:55 A M. Train on Florence E. E. leaves Pee Dec dr.i'y fexetpt Sunda? 5 ?5 P. M., arrive Rowland 7 35 P.M. Returning lea VA Rowland 7 3G A. M., arrive Pee D..e 10.00 A.M. Train cn Manchester i Augusta it. R. leaves Sumter daily exceot Sunday, 9:50 A. M.' ::r rive Reid tfi:!S. Pinewood 11.20. Returning Icive Pinewood 12:01, P. M., Rei.': 1 U0, arrive Sumter 1:30 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup't. j J. R. KEN LY. Su r-erin tendent Trans. T. M. EMERSON, (.'en. Passenger A-r'r. Atlantic Coast Line, ! N O RTH-E A STE RN E. R. OF S. C. CONDENSED SCiSEDUL**, TR Af NS GOING SOUTH. Dated Feb] 3 rS9 ??o. 27jNV 23jN01 15?No. 63 j ' A.M. ! P.M. I A.M. j P.M~ Leave F-lorence... " Ki?-rstree. *i 331*10 45 2 3oi 12 00 Arrive Lanes.j 2 50 Leave Lane?.! 2 50 Ar've Charleston 5 00 12 27 A.M. 12 27 2 55 *T 50! +C 00 9 IC 9 32 7 24 ' 7 40 9 32{* 7 50 ll 40j 9 30 Train No. 03 takes No. 53 Sooth of Lanes Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Flor? ence with No. 61 Train. No. 501, Vestibule Train, Tuesday, Thurs? day and Saturday. L**ave Florence 5:30 A. M., arrive Charles tor: 9:00 A. M. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ?No. 7-SiNo. U{No. 52|Nc. CO ' A.M. P.M. . A.M. j P.M. Leave Charleston *12 20 * 4 3?l* 7 10 *12 30 Arrive Laues. Leave Lanes. Kinestrec Arrive Florence 2 45? 6 28 9 00 2 25 2 5G 3 10 6 2S f 9 10i 2 23 G 50 9 36 ! 2 51 7 50 10 35 4 i? * Daiiy. j Daily except Sunday. Train No. 52 takes No. 62 Sorta of Lanes. Train No. 62 connects at Florence with train on G. & D. R. R. for Ciu-raw. S. G , and Wadesboro, N. C. So. 52 runs Trir'.-'iirl: to Columbia via Cen rm! R ll. of S. C. Nos. 78 and 14 run solid to Wilmington, S. G., ti??k; 1: ir cl se connection with W. ? W. R. R. lor ali paints north. So. 500, Vestibule Train. Monday, WVdnesdav and Fr?d*y. Leave Charleston 6 15 P. M.. arrive Flor? ence ?--4 5 P. M. J. R. KENLY, J. F. DIV?ZtE. Supt. Traa3. Gen'I Suu't. T. M. EMERSON, Gen*! Pass. Agent. South Carolina Railway Co, PASSEN ti ER DE PA lt TM ENI. JOINT TIME TABLE, NO. 2. Gbar?eston, Cincinnati and Chicago Rail? road, and Camden Branch S. C. Railway. In ei?ect Monday, June 25th, 1SSS. S0UTK3O*:XD. Nus. :55 a ni Leave Lan east rr 6.30 ?' Pleasant Hill 6 53 " Oakhurst 7.01 " Kershaw 7.11 " Westville 7.25 " DeKalb 7.37 " Camden S 00 " June. 9 C-l Arrive Kingviile 9 31 Columbia 10.15 14 Orangeburj? " Charleston Augusta NORTHWARD. Nos. 137 a m Leave Augusta .. GbartesVon Oranjieburg '. Cidumlda Ktngyi'Ie Caiudcu .! une. " DeKalb 14 Westville " Kershaw 4>:iKlnit.<t 44 Plcasaut Hill A rrive Li:n*aster 5 44 .s ;'..> V ol 157 p m 3 00 3.2*2 3 30 3 41 3 56 4.07 4.07 5 29 ?.vO 6.40 6 5 1 9.10 Ll.St loS a ::i 7.00 s ;>7 s .s0 9.13 10. Io 11. ::? n.3'; 11 50 i> m 12 05 is. :.'? 12 23 1: i.? 137 p hi 4.53 5.3d 5.42 5.47 6 28 6 54 S 00 10.02 11.00 401 A Ul S 15 p I? 4 .6 Trains on t'.itndwn Division daily. Si: i ia \ s ? \. ."t>l> I. Tl.i traia;: both ways betwtvn Lau eas? ter i I Vi :: lUUta. Through e.nnli i??. tL? ways between I .meas ter ati.I i !....! lesion . :l( Col ! 1 . ti nCi !u'i:> l? i. and N.M l!:. al Cb . Fl x .? tv rib : I'eaui gusta tor the \\ est: it t'atiuR'ti Ii' :??i e. 13 ;?. : ii !' :>'. A for Wesi :!..a on Tuesdays and ;or N. v\ \ . :k . at \-.? t'e.i i-ii- !: i ;? I?, t.. on sa . D. C ALLEN, er a nd i ue4 \ >.' ''i' ' ? NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No More - x \Ve3.k MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A iVrtain, Safe and EtlVctive Iii :ue.:_\ lor Mi Mi Ptiiil ???S? Eyes, ; Di,-iL,.;- ; I...r.K Si..h:? d.u-s. aul Rc- j S!.M .ii;: lh< Si?! i t ol tb.e (Md. ?T??S TEAK DLV't'S. C.K \ NF LATIOS, j S:>.- r.u::.>:>? Ld E>.v. M at tn! Eve j !..,'; . :iud [>r?vltven?g i|ii:ek Relict" and i;\".-T.'.au< nt Cure. A?s.? ? MU-iEv ? nien. i. es w in n used in otb T ] mab?dies. snvb as Cieors, Fe vr Sores, ; nuns. Sall Eben in, l?urus. Piles, or vvher?vver ibfl'inimatioii exists, Miteliell's salve may be j used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists abd lill ?L ASS JOB W?HR j AT BOTTOM PRICES . J. CHINA DEALER IN iii ligbi ]L?i??i?lE?3 and FINK TOILET SOAPS. EA Ul AND TOOT:! BK US I! KS. PERFUMERY AN?> FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, &c. ?ic. PA/yrs:, on.s v M: y [sn KS AXL DYE STUFFS. GLASS, PUTTY. ?c. Full syfrYjly vj Fresh Garden. Heeds. April ? PA.A'T YGU?l BUGG? FOR One Dollar, One COH? ptive? an old bu??fy the blackest black you c-er Saw i a hand?yn.e ?rl?SS without I: cLIes hard in a fc*: hours. N.'. rwwtfng:.! No var:?ishin=r ! No (-xir.t trouble. Each c.- contains more than enough to paint carriage. Retailed:*'. 0?*e Dollar per C'?n. For Sale by DR. A. J. CHINA. jf~s <n ?rr -?-5 ^ ?v? : I-r ,S <^ KM ? ? f S T?2 Sil ??'Bfy: ^' 73 ?Ta ?SUS1TER, S. C. POF?E 0B?8S AHO ?MOALS coastanly on hand. A Ec- a;?or::r;:::i of TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI? CINES. LADIES' REQUISITES, and all ar*icR*s ?t?-r** by iii2t class druf^ists. Personal attention pTcn to the compound? ing of physicians' prescriptions. Cold, sparkling Soda Water, with choice eren m syraps, Sarsapnr?ila M'-ade, and Milk Shakes to suit tbe D?OS? fastidious. Ar.r 13 G. S. SEALY, Graduate cf Pharmacy i 1? ir ?vim^v Agent? jill ,>J # b 'fl ? \ M TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY AND AL L KINDS O: Druggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT IN ? FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, ?T ^, i* - JH \ S f IS - . -ALSO Paints, Oils, Varnishes, GLASS, PUTTY, kc. DYE STCl'FS. Physician's Prescriptions earefolij c?:;ip^t:r:-?ed. and orders answered willi care ?A. 11 d disp::- j;-. The public will rind my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genu? ine, and of thc best quality. Call and see for yourselves. Insurance Agents-j G Her in First Ciass Com: aaies. FIRE ?NSU?A?TE. TORNADO INSURANCE. ACCIDENT INSURANCE, LIFE INSt RANCE, PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. SURETYSHIP UN BONDS. Ar-rii 0 tn r; :: v r: "Toe Oaks, A LL PERSONS are requested and srarnec not to hunt rr ri. !:-except-ny Sins-c: trespass opon "Midvyay,7' : ''Cme Savannah*' \V. WATIES REES. SOREVEN MOORE. M. DE A* EA rx MOORE. J. SINGLETON MuORE. Nov 11-Ian. S?f?M I?KBIE BHH ESTABLISHED IN 1^9. - BV sss ii ?lil^ii s* ? So "^5:5 s ? ca 9 WHO IS STILL PREPARED WITH Improved Facilities, Tu FURNISH Eu First Class \Vc:::;u.;::s:.ip Doc. il. Fe W. HOSEM?flN, GUN-MAKER, COLUMBIA, S. C. DEALER IN .uus, Pisiols ana Fishing Tackle, Ajren: for Hasard ard Arias Pov " r C^::: 'ritiics. :..;?.> A??nt ;Vr Lr'cve: Ars?? Co AM MEN: nos or ALL V v : s I- ;:?>:. r; v. 1: :.". '. .w parr "'."1 { *." ' . P^ITP t ... ... A . Li] G tM>?Kgf:/^$$ . . K<J N i! 1 . .... ?...... ??1 . >?*vX : Vin <n ??'..?. t >. C . ? . '*? -i .:-....??:.. . ? ?> ' ,.n..,? ..-.I. f.. ? ? .? ? ."'Mi . .. >? - . ? . ? r i! . VVtHfS ,ll",>,k, ,v ?? .?.. . ..? v 1 .. i. . ? ' "*K nae? -^^ -. ^.-?-.^ \ ':: ^ ?' > 1 -? f^wi?. Sf fs&H [lut i mm-m .1 - ''*.<. j- . -K-i ^*o-j"rxOtJ shirrs s;% V. .1 Mu ?bVr'.S rf ?' lV:>on.:;n, ll.:: . ' .? r Wa \T Pu". Wv :..:?<.: f \v-.-:::: l i"1- .. .:XRU^,. JL p> Rtcuxoxr*, v*.. * r jr?. I; ?". 1 have taker: i : ? i * * P. it- '?" . tor titan Kta?Ii?r j any ether remedy i havoc-, or u<?u. I?. F. Vi :M :rt.T>, JLr. Book OT: CI ntapoi: . HU od P.-l.-on xnailcd free. | A!* -::a - '< s- v s- T:is ?\\irr SpEcirro t'o.. Prawcr A'A-.-a, t?a. 2?-.>v loiU, TOG . G.W??LBEm & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, A:;L> DEALERS rx ?W?::I um ?$ te 1 'J T s :? '? 1 6 9 Ea st- Bay t G?iii.xlLi!/SiON, S. C. Oj ? II K mihi End. Vi?: x. M V> fc S WS S Sf ? BB?? W? WHOLESALE ?^5 Ef--? fi-% /p3 Ana Li?nor Dealer. OFFICE AND SALESROOM Charleston, S- Cf* ? R ;;UlXsO\T (fe h'.4v3rtvhMbLs: HM! leno UIBHELL? lAN??FACT??RERg, i 17c 2C3 Sing Street, Charleston, S. Cr i , -~ I UrnhreUas. Etc . JU-Covered an? ' Rr.oalred Neatly cm J Promptly. j GEO. L GOOK, ?rnil ? turill rr!tn, .205 A/A'CV STREET, i CHARLESTON, S. i i ..rr T 'j Q> j PAYIL?ON HOTELS CHARLESTON, S. C. i First Cl ~s in all its Anvointwienfj, i ?*x SappHi-G v. !:h Mo :-rr. Tn:proveniente: Excel i D? fui;-!:.-. Lar?? Airv Kooma, O'ii Passenger F.avutor. Elec . ??.?<3 J .<.'..?; TT co t I V/Rotn'ik j HATIFS ?2 00, ?2.50 AND $3.001 j Rooms Resem ? lj J-io. il or Telegraph, ! S-ni rp. . WAYERL? HOUSE, IN THE BEND OF KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 Rates. $2 and S2.50 per day?. I G. T. ALFORD, Ma* 2-c PROPRIETOR. WRIGHT'S HOTEL, : COLUMBIA, S. C. qpSIS NETT AND ELEGANT BOSSER i i v;I:h Ai': modernimproveaieats, is noir V. Lr V7 R IO RT & SON, Proprietor*. ? TP OT SfS KT w Tho Ci'gins! Wins." H C. I". ' ::: :r. ZS. St. Louis, IW* f: A.,: i - rr.? .-.L;-.<rKtd:c:sc,Est,d' f f . v\ r- ?, . S. O ur: DEFEATS J. 2 c: Regula? r,E^c'?byZe?i=?S68L : M.A. S. L. M. has for 47 yeanr ? \ ' \ : : I". : -sr: : v. ?:L:OVS:CESS? ? I -. .-r?i.*..?:cK lirAOACHEXosx - \v AP?STIT3, SOCK STO?ACH. ?re? ? * A E v. T -M:-.:-?. Pretor M. E. V. C A Church, Acas?, Tera., vrrites:"! v> ..?*h:=r: I sh< -Ai hove beer, dead bat **J r;r rourwC?cri=?=a M. A. Sin fV--.S -orJs Liver Alsdiclrie. rtave r j..-;?? V h a d ? 5 ?bs?tete: ! j 'c.-r.V ,' "Zcllii's ?:u:?" fervour Medi : >?'* - i-f cine, c-i d^a"; ci:swer thc d* r:..*.-.-r-cs.Editor 7S# -_i " . Tenn, says: v ? " . .?. - . \ : - - - : : ci veux Livre i ? ::. ? :.-? usej ha?foffe. ?a .?? ?; r'-;7- \ kee chers. I wir; no t ? y be:: r Liver Refrulaior and cer ^ U?aiy s o cor? o : Zci?a's aiattw? g & : ^ ^ S s?3 m SJ ? 5^: l 'a?: ^ ? fcg gB f ? -S?^. ? -.r a~i B lb ? >?AA5?S a* . . -.effie? is ... . ; < rt?:" fi: '. v .. ?.?? ob>> . J . . - ... ^ .;, ;: ^ ?v t..j?>t? fr?SI v tx ;. " . : ..:i::.t: oe rt-.. ...) ? '.? v? ? <?. . . **ieB?t> : . * - . ?y ( A.-?.';*? :. : SCCS to Vv iLLi.dM h.AiA>.A-!?i Fa^hiocable Barber, V\.N STKXET. * to *:r i Ta ri v's Ls? Ot. . C. :vi::^ens of ! sve opened .; i.boTeoId : s:.d polite s vc them ia . best sty!? Wi?. A ::NN EDY ??^ ...... - ,p ? w 5>J* cvL'y -fw_g ;*??S? V.--.- < riv - ?sftfsnftV? ;n sac iftf ? ' > ? a &i yi .v ."?Ti I 5 v V;- x F so's Caro v.VnsnrAt>?io>n saved lifo. A. tl. DowKtL, K;ici:?rer. Eden N. C.; Avril ?SS7. ^ ri??o is i'iso's CUKE IOS 8 S t;;ko ii v itbout objection. 9 _ ^_ i wm^?^^ A , C'uKES WHEi?c ALL tL$c rA?LS. JS e?g Dec! r?iSyrup. Tssi&igood. cse B ,--r- ~rr . ?' ? - ;-~->\ ^chineTlTI^H^H Kj< - - *;! pans, ^rPniH .'^ *=d?o ' ^i:~.c people CJ?M t'-?fe: -AA, ?r-%*-"" -a.1 :il sene frcfe^B >"5~P?rsca ta c.ieh loc^tjjbl^^m^M j^fji 1, .f i,. 1 1 nilli iWi^B^W ES ' j ? *' !sisS:,ac ofcar cos:!;- and vatMbfl . !?f **>^saplcs. iarett.-nwe?sktl>tM > . ' >'.'*' ? ' > (.ad. to tbM? . Swvc ?.' Ca~ ct yi0r home.eadaiaK^^H v fl lv*.*'.***il?b*i\, become yo?^^^H ri T .'? T v fcP?>P?ity. 1J?is ft-aad mtcbnA^^^H <?? r ?' :4 Vvviv^5'r-R-CT ****** P*1*-T ? p ^SE^V^ ?w h,<A a?ve ran oct : brfo?pi?H ^ *?f-rv \ run ont it ?cid for?OS. TZ V C-^?.??t'.'^chnients, ?ad now ?eJU K j rni'^S i^R?r l^ful ?weaioe .a t?TSortd. ABl?. J . *?i8 3 ? flr.S?fi*c. >.o c?p:r*l r?jai?d. Pl?*? 3? one. ^'rasuats crrsa . m. .trio v..- ; .. \c us BI one? en* cure Ccu tb.- tesl ?sr.-icc-ajttchlr.t? in the worid. ?ad ?*. ir- s u-.-.iI .or--ofti;ha:: ev.;.- sho.- a Therm America.-. Taus *srX'o., 7io. A?*u?ta, au***;, 4