*^k.^pwo&- in tho History of Chicago Grime. IUCM TCE diary OF detective dexts SBCaaXSvOF the ba^?k detail o? the CENTRAL st.VilOS. vn The lads seemed sinpeSed by their ar test. Voting Laadgraff, vio was ad v dressed as "captain* by the others, was * . pefrtlcnlnrly cast down. Hb sat on the . ~ex4 for several hours after he, was placed is. the cell staring at the wall'with vacant ^.t'-'c eyesy Kext meaning the expression of unut terable misery was si ill on Ms face. He trjrned to Simmons, who entered tho cell : S?Stli a substantial breakfast for him, and ?&L in a hollow voice: *?fc. Simmons, will yon domeafavor?* **Yes,** answered Denis, promptly, **if & is an^hrag hx reason.7* _ ' ^ rWfcovwaa ft gave us awayf* Tho touch of anxiety^ in this query track Simmons as peculiar He did not repiy fcatnediately. and Landgraff con ^0tatwi. still more anxiously: .? ""IfeS me if it was a woman." flbnuxms* mind reverted to the lady > who furnished *he clew about the tare. Thinking the lad had some strong motive la seeking this information, he answered tfcat it w&3 a woman. . ~t.thought so," said the boy gloomily, ^ ?aftd? then, brightening up suddenly: "Let Curiy and the others come in; we may have something to te?l you. " Carl;. Mott ?ad Herman were> brought the ceil- Tb? captain looked at them and said: ova. sh? gavo ns away. ** v ***So/" esdaimed the lads; "she'd never 4? thai." -7 ~htp true; Mr. Simmons says so.** said laadgrafL tears gathering hi his eyes. * wfaich he resolutely brushed away with Hseoat cuff. "Larjdgruff is right,*" said Denis, bewil dered at the U rn of affairs, but surmising that an interesting disclosure was im axhaeot; "she famished tne clew. " The lads groaned and looked Ineffably distressed. 'What do y ou propose, eaptainf* asked exclaimed LandgraS, "*?ies>tl?at1srigM,,*said tho others in chorus. "Let's make ? clean breast of it, azai let the traitress take equal chances wttn nsv ^ TJasJs getting decidedly interesting," eaid Denis to himself- "I wonder who abois, and what she has to do with these Wds." **fibr. Simmons," LandgraS said, with an air of dignity which was rather amus . iag* ifvoa -w?l kindly furnish mo with peas, ink and paper 1 will draw zip a y ^statement about those robberies and fur : you with information which will be service to you.'* lia readily complied with this re . after removing the others to their ^teceBs. hour the statement was prepared, and an astonishing document it proved. R was a fell eonjessicn of the long series ^ oargiaries which had given the police w> much' trouble. But the most remarka ble passages related to the connection of lawyer Ciaypolo and Mrs. Ciaypole with the gang. Landgraff .told how himself and col leagues had been worked upon by this cs tfaaab?e eouplc. "She told us fairy tales," he wrote, "and got us all in love with She promised to elope with me this r, and I believe she was inearn for&he said she didn't bava it very comfortable with the old man. Claypoio engineered the burglaries, and we acted snder his instructions. Ho put up this street pedling fake, and we kept piles of stuff in the vault in his office, in Dear bora street Ho didn't always do the oust? thing, but wo were bamboozled by ma wife, who promised everything to G?ake matters run smooth and easy like. Kow that she3 s squealed, we think it Xtf??aR ^ut fair that wo shcaldHell all afoot toe snap, so that she may get the same deal as we got The Mendelsohn jot> was done for Mrs. Claypoio. She anted lo get square with a'f?flow named , who had been saying rough about her, and she started the "that ho helped the Dutchman to rob She took me to tho store one day and gave mo points about tho laces that were best to take. She had a trunk foil of the stuff. We weren't so very bad before these G ayooles got ahold of us. only doing a little fako now and then whfle we were out peddling. This is all t true Story, and we give it away so thai that fiend in female form may be pinched ?ad go down where she belongs, for play ing false with poor boys who loved and iceiher." Saumons read this curious epistle with , Simmons read this curious epistle. qat any regard to tho romr-ncs it con tained. Ciaypole was known to him as a reputable lawyer, and ho could scarcely fceilcve Jhe stcry of his connection wich tho gang . Ee lost no tinio, however, in going to the office on Dearborn street. ?he lav/ - ftr had not been therq that day. An in spection of the vault revealed a lot of jute? jewelry, siikrs veivets. laces and other valuable property. This was startling ?vidence of tho law yer's dose relations with tho youthful gang of burglars. Simmons hurried to jm^boaranaghouse on Woot Adams street to learn that }$T- and ?."rs. Claypoio had fetnove^ their trunks oa tho previoua prpnhfg and icft no address. Tfco most diligent inquiry failed to Had traces of their v/hcreubon'-s. and nei^K-r 5?r. Claypo?? nor his fascinating wife "bave been seen frcm that day to this. The boys had a speedy trial. Their spirits were broken by the perGcIioug con duet, as they supposed/ of their * 'mother. " Being under ago they were sent to the Jjridewell for eighteen months ea/;h. This ciever capture of Denis Simmons J htoke up one of the most dangerous gangs i that ever infested Chicago, ft restored 1 Jtfr. ?tfpnde?sohn's good name and recon- j tiled Jdnx to his old father in Gerraauy. Dot trouble sec-'.ns inseparable from j men. Mendelso?m's fortune was | vary precarious afterw;u-d, and two years ago he committed suicide in Sfi?waukee. Lcaidgraff is dead; Charlie Mott moved to^jdiana with his people; C-iriy, taking t*ne advice of Denis Simmons when ho Served his term at the Bridewell, enlisted in the United States army, and Herman, who turned out a very hard case, is doing a ten years* term at Joliet. vm And what of ?diss Goggles? The inquisitive spinster paid dearTy for feer vigil at the transom. For several weeks she hovered between life and death. Poring her spells of delirium she screamed 4B& crnfusedly about daggers and pistols ad sew made graves, and said she was ' to be buried alive. she was convalescent the, board a chang? in her demeanor, j t.d subdued, and hci'shriU ' vcW jbad lost the sharp ring which added harshness to her bitter sentences. She did not interest herself as much in the affaira of- her neighbors Her spirit cf prying hvjuisitiveness seemed to be broken, and more than one of the neighbors remarked. ' Miss Gobies has greatly improved since her sickness." Mr. Johnsen? it was noticed, kept si lent on the subject, but his kindly brown eyes were forever fixed on the thin, pale face of the spinster as though he were trying to read the secret of her reforma t ic IL , Miss Goggles' su j den seizure and sub seqnent dangerous condition had with 1 drawn attention from the deplorable con *"duct of Mrs. Claypole. and that attractive lady was permitted to enjoy ber flirtations fn peace. Interest was not revived in her again until the arrest of tho boy burglars, and then there was a sensation in the Freiing huysca boarding bouse. Mr Eladley, who for personal reasons kept pace with the movements of the police in tho lace robbery, startled the boarders at dinner tbe day after the ar rests by rushing in, excitedly shouting: "I told you so!" . "Told us what?" asked Mr. Johnson, scowling at the agitated clerk. Why, that she waa no good." Ahf that's very explicit," sarcasti cally remarked the old gentleman, caus ing a titter round the board; "and who may she be?" Mrs. Claypole," shrieked Iladlcy al most fronticpily. as he dropped into bis Beat and viciously attacked the soup. This declaration had a curious effect. Every knifo and fork dropped on the in? staut, and all eyes were fixed en Hadley, and ten voicee, "blended with intense curi osity, exclaimed: Why, what is tho matterr This was one of tho supremo moments in the clerk's life. " Ho dropped his table spoon, mounted on a chair, and addressed tho boerders in a half oratorical, hall hysterical fashion, as follows: ""Ladies and Gentlemen?You all know me and bow I have sufferod. The thieves have been caught; a confession has been made; Mr. and Mrs. Claypole are impli cated. She was not so much of a flirt as a thief. The nicely dressed, curly headed boy who called her mother was tho cap tain of the gang. He was a peddler. She tried to spoil my character. The officers are lookhjj for her. Sho will be hung if they catch her, and I shall marry my dar ling Ophelia. And" Here Hadley broke down, dropped into a seat ';gain and buried his head in the soup plate, whUo his frame shook with i convulsive sobs. There was intense excitement in the dining room. Miss Goggles shrieked: ?*I knew it!" ''Henriette!" cried Mr. Johnson, ir amazement, bending on her a look of earn est inquiry. The spinster became confused, but re peated, hysterically: I knew itr > Then broke ont a gabble of conversa tion, during which tho spinster's signifi cant remark wasiforgotjten, and tho wholo story was drawn out piecemeal from Had ley. Every one seemed delighted with tho misfortuno which had overtaken tho audacious blonde and- her bland like hus band, the only regrets being that they had left the house before the oScers arrived to arrest them. In tho parlor that evening Mr. Johnson and Miss Goggles sat in earnest conversa tion long after tho rest of tho boarders bad retired. "And that was the cause cf your ill ness," Mr. Johnson was saying, as ho moved his- chair a. little nearer the spinster. "Yes, I was frightened ont of my wits by the yonaig man's ferocious threat," sho replied meekly. "And you never intend to meddle* with other people's affairs again?" ho asked tenderly. "ITever." "Henrietta!" "Mr. Johnson!" "Yon are the woman rvobeen looking for all my life. Curiosity, woman's great est failing, seems entirely crushed out of you. I am yours; will you bo mine?" | Miss Goggles did not faint. Sho threw t hcrsel* into Mr. Johnson's arms, and they sealed he bethrothal with a kiss. THE EXI>. Costly Kind of Success. To my mind, tho ono sided success of men who secure wealth at tho expense of health, character and other culture, who deliberately smother all their finer sensi bilities and humane impulses, such suc cess, I say, is not worth emulating, for it is evident their own happiness is not enhanced^ and their - accumulations are secured at tho expense of their capacity for enjoying the good things of this life, and, as many of us believe, to the detri ment of the "life which is to coma Such success, though, as goes hand Li hand with a proper care of one's mental, moral and physical welfare, as takes others of sur co-workers right along up with us to i higher level, and does not strew our pathway with wrecks which we have Lielpcd largely to make; such success as :omes through Supplying a legitimate public want in an honest, intelligent, skillful way, and uses increasing power md facility for usefulness wisely, is jreatly to bo desired, and attended with 10 prejudicial influences to any one.? P. M- Atwood in Chicago Journal. Bright aaO. Qaicfc. Visitor (to convict)?It seems a pity, my Wend, that as intelligent looking man* iko yon should meet with this dreadful "ate- What are vou hi for? Convict?Stealing. Visitor?And yet how easy it would have >een for yen to make an honest living. ITou are naturally bright and quick, are roc not? Convict (with deep emotion)?Yes. sir; I vas always quick to pick up anything.? fhe Epoch. Tho Flower Pot Dornet. Somebody recommends having Cowers n tho bonnet really growing there, but iocs not say whether or not his researches ?ave revealed to him the weight of a ruble foot of earth, or tho material of vhich the ordinary woman's spinal column s composed. Still there might bo worse hings for tho health than compelling a vornan to carry her head erect by placing t heavy weight on it. Dring on tho lower pot bonnet-^-Boston Transcript. Getting It Down Tine. Johnnie was under a cloud. lie hod >eea given six Jir.es to learn before lunch ime, with a proviso, no lines, no lunch. Tho lurch bell rang and his mother ailed Johr. 'o, who know just one-third if his lesson. "No lunch for yen. my son, fo-davl" rast h? maternal decision. "Please, mamma," pleaded Johnn-o, 'can't I have two lines' worlJndejo. Is Consumption Incurable? Te-nl tt.e t ;.?>wi?:j?: Xi r. C. II. M?>:ri.?. Xcw rk. Ark >sy* : ' ? '.i? tl..wn wiih Abbess* of j .urjj1. :in t friciuli" :ilnl J>h_y?.ici:ir!s i?r?nounceil ! le mi i* cui-ibl-j consumptive. Bt-gan taking r. Ki?i^'e Ntfvv very f"r consumption, ;?m ! ow on mx th'ni bottle; ;:rnl al>'i* oversee the ,'nk i. ay farm. It is the S"C?t medicine rcr m.td"." Jesse .n iii?Hcw:irt. r>eo;Hyr. 0>iio. says: "Had not "been fur J'r Ksrig'a New Discovery f>r ??hj>umotion..I ?-.? u'.'? have ?2ted "? lung tr"?blc<. 'as given un by doctors. Am now ii? rlie best ! b " Try i?. S:iinplc b?ub-s free a? J. . \V. i>i LormeTs -Ir?^ st??re. 5 st I lectr?c Hitters. This reme??y i.? bee./ming s?? w*.i! knuwn . ?a?" i ? po{>ul e? n <)?' tilJi* 1.? cl'liUV- | Cf I. Kiectti? fitters ?v;.;t cure all diseases ?'f ?ite ; *^ cer ?n<* fctdtiev*. w:li r?uiova piu p'os, b???ls, i .It rhcara rdm oiLrf jifft-st'cn- < S y ii>i ; ire tI?'<"J. Vi'iil lirive ' fr":a :!:?? syi tu *n>\ provcDt as wall ut run- all malaria' ft? J irs F'-r cgse ?if ?jeaduolie. c<>r cents and $1 per bottle at J. F. W. f)? ! ? (/rule's drusr store. 5 j ? Bncklest*e Arnica S-^lve. ? The Best S*?lve in the world for Cut?, Braises >res. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fd?er Sores, 'IVter, sapped Bands Chilblains, Corns and all (in Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or ? pay required. It is guaranteed to give per H 8atisf ?ctinn, or money refunrled- Price j "5j cent* per box. For sale by J. F. Wt pe- ' * >rme. ? to THE ONLY Brilliant Durable ^ Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others are just as good. Beware of imitations?they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor, weak, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions for coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or .bluing (10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Csold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only xo Cents. aine s CELERY CURES JPROOFS Neuraigia Nervous Prostration Rheumatism Kidney Diseases "Paine's Celery Com pound cured ray nerv ous sick headaches." Mrs. L. A. Brentner, San Jacinto, CaL "After using six bot tles of Paine's Celery Compound, I am cured of rheumatism." Samuel Hutchinson, South Cornish, N. H "It has done me more good for kidney disease than any other medi ane." Geo. Abbott, Sioux City, Iowa. AND All Liver Disorders Paine's Celery Corn ed has been of great efit for torpid Over, indigestion, and bilious ness." Elizabeth C. Udall, Qaechee, Vt. 1889-EXCELS ALL OTHERS-1889 PETEISONBIlGilil OF LITERATURE, ART, AND FASHION THE BEST AND CHEAPEST of the lady's-books. It gives more for the money and combines greater m?rite than any other. Snch popular authors as Mrs. Lu?y H. Hooper, Mrs. Rebecca Hardlror Davis, Miss M. G. McClelland. Miss Alice Bowman, Edgar Fawcett, Frank Lee Benedict. Howard Seely. and a host cf -others write for ** Fstccson," and their names are a guarantee of the excellence of their stories. THE WAOAZTSE iriTT Hb pmfnselr fllnstrated \rith elppnnt stM and other engravings and pretty FAXCY AND "WORK-TABLE PATTERNS, prints in colors. THE FASHION DEPARTMENT will present tho newest reiI irnrt v^M ^le^of ^8 for onMoor and house wear, and will have, each month, A HANDSOME COI.CI?ED FASHION PLATE, printed from steel _ _ Contributions on HEALTH. THE TOILET, COOKERY. THE GAFDFN, arc! HOTTSE HOLD MATTE BS generally will be given in each number, making a book invnluaLle to etery woman. ELSGANT PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS! TERMS, ALWAYS IN ADVANCE, $2.00 A YEAR. 1i Copies for S3.50 5 ? ? 4 4 Copies for .86 6 ? " 9 t> Copf.es for S8.0O 7 ** ** 10 50 f "With the el.50 1^ For Larger dabs, a set of Dicfcen3's Works er a Sesring-ISschme 2 Address, PETERSONS MAGAZINE, ii^1 Specimens sent gratis, to get up clnbs with. ?06 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, ?8? FOR THE FALL TRADE. A LARGE LOT OP OPII A! 'TOP BOS MD ROAB CARTS, On hand and more coming. Several comfor table Phaetons and Carriages are Among them. I will keep all this season a Large Assortment of Running Gear of all Descriptions, Boad Carts and one, two and four horse Wagons. Sept, 1, '88. A Car Load Fire Brick just to hand. Real Estate owners will find the use of Fire Brick for CHIMNEY BACKS, a great save of both money and labor. Mill men, who have furnaces, will be supplied at close figures. Sept. 1, 1SS8. ?shley mM? mm msm. The S. G. S. is the cheapest, aod the best, and the oalj Specific Fertilizer 'or Small Grain on the Market. The S. G. S. has heen used ail over our Southern States for the last three rears, and has given great satisfaction. ASHLEY ASH ELEMENT, Of superior activity and efficiency ; a cheap and excellent Fertilizer for Snja?l Grain, especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE GARDEN FERTILIZER, Delivered free; specially adapted to Roses, Geraniums, Pansies, Flowering \nnuals, &c. For terms, directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc ts publications of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Seot 23 Charleston, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1855. JAMES & CO. The place to get Reliable Goods. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, SiLVER-*PLATED-WARE, SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Ipecial attention is called to onr Stock of Watches io Gold, Silver aod Nickle Cases. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. 'Silver, Double-cased Waiches. S7 50. S3, $10, up to toe finest Railroad Time-piece. Ladie?' Gold Watches, ?15, $20, $25, And upwards. Gent's Gold Watches, S30, S35. ?40, and upwards. i FINE STOCK OF SURVEYORS' AND DRAUGHTSMEN TOOLS AND MATERIAL. Watches aad Jewelrc carefully repaired bv esnerienced workmen. JAMES ALLAN & CO., 2S5 King St., Charleston, S. C. Sign of Dram Clock. Feb. 8 The Notice of Every One is Called to the Fact that R. W. DURANT & SON Keep a Full Supply of Goods in their Line, Farmers M$m, leMc Supplies, lasii Snplffis, Etc. COOKING AND JiEATING STOVES OF BEST MAKE! IT AGON AND BUGGY MATERIAL FROM A BOLT TO A WHEEL. PUMPS, BOTH IRON AND WOOD. kiting in Rubber and Leather, and Packing of all Kinds, imported Gnus, Muzzle and Breech Loading! PISTOLS IN VA MET Y FROM $1 UP. POWDER, SHOT AND SHELLS, &c , AND We are Agents for the Great Western Powder Company. TABLELAND POCKET CUTLERY, &c. With many thanks to :i generous :?t;i>>ic fur their past liberal patronage, uni soliciting ill their ki;;d support, we are Rv^pec?fany, etc., B. W. durant & son, Main Street. OppoKile Batik. I E Sept. 12. 7zi TJotAr.- nc-mrzrfcLSz z.txtz^^'KjJ nt?r Meal, CoMoroiai ai! chas, c. Leslie, Military CoIIego. CHURCH St., SUMTER, S. C. II. ROYSTON, PRINCIPAL. mm KAIf? gAS,SAM ? W&?&C'W'&> asd b^iu?g?h tho hoir. fie| Srowo?esalTOuioK?? grow in. Never Fc:?s to ?cscoro Graj Hair to i*? VovihfuJ Ccfor. Cur^e(alpc wearers a^alu high prices und inferior weds. If a dealer offers W. L. i>ouKia* :>i;oe? a', a re duced price, or ir'^ys be has tiiem without my uaxnQ and price sta:u;>jd on ti:c boticm- put him dowa aa a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. GENTLEMEN. The only calf ?3 SEAMLESS Shoe smooth inside. NO TACKS or WAX THREAD to hurt the feet, easy as hand-sewed and WILL NOT RIP. W. Li. DOUGLAS S4 SHOE, the original and only hand-sewed welt S4 shoe. Equals cus tom-made shoes costing from $6 to S9. TV. L. DOUGLAS 83.50 POLICE SHOE. Railroad Men and Letter Carriers nil wear rliem. Smooth inside as a Hand-Sewed Shoe. No Tacks or Wax Thread to hurt the feet. W. L. DOUGLAS S2.50 SHOE'is unexcelled for heavy wear. Best Calf Shoe for the price. W. L. DOUGLAS S2.25 "WORKING MAN'S SHOE is the hest in the world for ron<]i wear; one pair ought to wear a man a year. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOK FOR BOYS is the best School Shoe in tl>e world. W. L. DOUGLAS 81.75 YOUTH'S School Shoe gives the small Boys a chance to wear the best shoes in the world. ?. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. If not sold byyonr dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. J. Battenberg & Sons, Agents, Jan. 25 SUM TER, S. C. ROYAL C?CEBO 87M. Won first prizes at South Carolina Stale Fair, 1884-1885. Bred by F. J. VeGruchy. Trinity. Jersey. Born January 1883. Imported in Bam November 20, 1882. Description.?Solid-grey fawn, shading to black on belly and less, with black tongue and switch; fine head with mild eve, broad forehead, thin yellow hum?, with well defined fillet; long slim neek, straight back, with body of great depth, set low on fine clean limbs; slim tail, wiih heavy bisck switch; skin exceedingly ihin and mellow and rich in color: false teats of unusual length, with great distance between, remarkable milk veins, and good escutcheon : mild disposition. His sire, CICERO, woo first prize over all Jerseys in 2 year, old class in 1882 ; and was sold at auction in New York for $3,100. Kis get are very uniform, and possessed of rich mellow skins, and all the points that usually accompany the high chiss dairy animal. As showing the appreciation in which tbey are held by breeders, the thirty ea^es of his get, imported and sold by Mr. T. S. Coop?r?t auction in New York, realized an average of 5804 each ; and his yearling son, out of voun? Garenne, has recently changed hands it $2,500. His dam, KELEDIVE'S VIRGINIA, was :)ut of one of the grandest dairy cows on the fsland of Jersey, and is regarded as one of Lhe best daughters of Khedive. She was purchased by Mr. J. K Walker, of Worcester. Vlass., one of the most scientific Jersey judges n the country, at auctiou in New York, in May, 1883, for $2:050. Royal Cicero will make the season at my 'arm, three miles west of Sumter. Service ee So. 00. Aug. 8?3m. J. B. JONES J. D. CRAIG; ? FURNITURE-DEALER '- >. and " > -;--il UNDERTAKER, Main Strbet, SOI TEE,' RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES to the public that ne has a lur^e, and well elected stock of 3F,"ULX>siIt;-Li.2re 0 which additions are being madee*ery week. We take pleasure in showing goods, and 1! are invited to call and see for themselves he bargains offered in Wood and Marble-Top Walnut, Ash-' acd *opIar Bed Room Setts, Handsome Parlor Suites, Marble and Wood-Top Tables of all kinds, Lounges, Chairs and rockers of many styles, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Washstauds, Mattresses and Pillows, Pictures, Window Shades, Picture Frames, What-nots, Brackets, Liid everything usually kept in a first class imiture store. A visit to Cruig's will convince you that ou can save money by buying of him. All oods carefully packed, free of charge. A large stock of window and picture glass Iways on hand. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT t full and complete embracing Caskets and offins of varions stvies. Calls promptly attended day or night. Charges most reasonable. Oct. 19 SUMTE it PLANING MILLS, James H. Sanders, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN )oor, Sash. Blinds, GROLL AND TURNED BALUS TERS, MOULDINGS, Brackets, Laths, Shingles, &c. 'm\ m MM Mm, AIR DRIED. Iain and Fancy Oiiitng, Flooring and Finishing: Material. ard and GfiSce, Mary Street, East of R U. Depot, Sanjter S. C. E. B. LOWEY, jpt 19 Kusine:;* Manager. M Interest to ladies. WowBl Ff-n.i a FftEE OArSlPLEof onrvron.Vrful p?citis forf erbau complainte to ncy Ind>-who wishes ! " n testitofitjini-j- before purchasing. Sonrk can be dbneJor. Feb 8 tm. &m joe mm AT BOTTOM PRICES* iTCfiSBi? and mnm job offi?? Atlantic Coast Line m s5.5' ' .'"Vi Weak Syes! MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain. Saft? and Elective Remedy for M, M and luted Eyes. Produeis? LoDjj-Sijrhtedness, ?.nd Re storing the Sight of the {.lid. I?RES TEAR DROPS, GRANULATION, Stye Tumors, Red E\es, Matted Eye Lashes, and producing quu-k Relief and Permanent Cure. Also equally efficacious when used in other laladies, suc!? as I'lcers, Fever Sor Manufacturers of ?ND SUXLDX2T& HATSBI&L. ' OFFICE AMD WAKEBOOJfS, ; King, opposite Gannon Street,- : CHARLESTON, SU C. Aug IQ . B. F. PROPJ?BTORS O? The Merellant Fkmr Mill* and - ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS foe ts? sals op COTT?N A?> NAVAL STORKS*. WILMIHGTOBfjir. a OFFER FOR SAL? AT &OWEST PRICES . Choice grades FLOOR, own m*BTf?TV -al?o, ?- - Fresh Ground MEAL, EOMftf?. CRACKED CORN. &c. a"lso, Selected R?D RUST PROOF OATS. . o. _ Selected North Carolina and Mary??n^ SEED RYE. All oar Goods guaranteed be8tfjB*fr fey and-at lowest pri?es. No charge fifh delivery to Railroad. * ; j\- ' B. F. BflTCBKS k c w??lbeb? & (30.f WHOLESALE ?BOCESS, AND DEALERS IN 167 and 1 69- East-B~*y , CHARLESTON, S -C. Dec, r william kehneby. Fashionable BarberT MAIN STREET, Next door to Earle& Pordv's Law SUM TER, S. C. IDESIRE TO INFOBM the citizen/**' Sum ter and vic?uity that I bave opened* business on my own account at the aboveoW stand, aud that with comp?tent and pol?t? * assistants.*I will be pleased to serve them in |-acy branch of my business in the, best ttjU'* of the art. Give me ? call. . - W3l. KENNEDY. Oct. 19. v . .. The Original Wins. vrC;F?-Slmmo^5'. ^ ?opflr? . r M. A, Sim mous LaverK?Sdne^E?*i ' i&fcin the-U.S. Couft d?fz?ts'J. > H. Zeilin, Prop'r Simmons L*r er Regal ztor, Esfd by Zeilin i?6B.- Li: - :". iL. A. S. L. M., lue for 47 ws? - Cured lNT>IG?STION', BtuocsxKs?y ?yspzpsia^icx HaraKsfcdtosT Appetith, Sou? Stomach, Etc. Rev. T. B. Reams, Pastari? Ji.?~ Church, Adams,Team, writes?*!. * ^:uk I should have bcendeadfcifcf ' for your Gcnuke M. Ai Sta*! mo?s Liver Medicine, l?tas? sometimes had to substita* "Zei??r's StaS" for your ifedb cine, b?t U don't answer tha porpose.? '.>;^">3 Dr. J. R. Graves, TttbtrlH* a JBaptist, Memphis, Term, received a package of your I?v>sr ? Medio~ ^nd have used half of it.. It wot?5. ..e a charm; - rwanc'jfio-/~ better Liver Regulator sad cer?: taiz?y no acre of Zeilia*t " Obtained, and ail -/ . iTXVj' M>'i&r>S tended to "for 3Si)I>El?.tTE FEE* Our office is opposite the-n.S. I"itte;?i <>fl'tce. aitd wc can ob- ? tain Patents m I?? time Ilm? U??=?.'"n iiwjic.from WASHINGTON. Send .?OHEK l irjTi !N*l ?r " PHOTO of inventkui. AVe a-Jfevise. *S vi ?t?fcS?5.*. ability frceofcharseaa^wen^c .V>^*?l??? -~; WLKS8. PATENT IS tJi'v&Zfi. > < " For circular, -advitxsr len-rwci: r--.-. . >:uc3 t? actual clients in ynzr.nwn Stur*? / ' -- ' itvy'jr?' Town, write to ; Oypotitc Patcat O?re. WasIm>(ga^P]C_^ LIENS, ' TITLES, MORTGAGES, S ;V: BILLS OF SAL?, B&&?S, And Other Blanks in Varied FOR 8 a li AT THIS OFFICE* ALE ABOARD! FOR THE CELESTIAL CffT? ALL RIGHT ! NOW I We would b* glad to help you on the waj rejoicings by supplying yon with a choice Family Bible, any style and price: twenty*wo dollars^ down to a complete, substantial, and be**? tifal Biule tor only three dollars and fifty cents. My address, M ayes vif le, S. C Yonx8 faitbfolly, BARVEY W. BA KER.' Dec 21 o , _ ?? e?O^-l ? for SM?tBt-| :U latel.t. Brf* # ? =J vcich la ihc ^crl.L PCrJ -j. tr-ct Um?-I .-. ^^??IW G*la nmtlncOMaa tjtfjf ^? wit* vork* and cmh ?f Ta UxkIHy can I K UKK. 1. ^ -- 1? tain j Ti> iiN?^r?>x'Jr*a* otM par* f. sacV Ij-cK;7,to koep ta TiloAblcand \-ory w-c'iJ Hirt .;:.J>ifc*? Tbese Mtnptvs.oa w^:? .vs t:rv- w?--??.??e'i'*frw?j?sd a2cryo? bare lept them la ^..?r fcc:?? i"-- T"<":t^ ??aotratbe? to tho?e wbo may c-I'.v-^ rh\ ?' Vc?stn.- tj.bt oarajwprtt? tt te r>*-'-"'?o wn:i:.f ?r.i, KTs?? ?Ocr,-?aad?w; *t?e ?OU? C?XJ9 WBtehar..} GOrtfTTS ^in"?? Us*. ? t:.o8?x-.wlmo< Cbe samples Je any i :>-.U>;-. r^lwv? rrsclrn m a Urr? trafle ftr Uft;?acrour?.".r!t>lo i^.v- Sa a l ->c?i;ry?w??aooth?eC?** ve uua?ly get feoai $1001. t-; J^ucC la tndtftmft*. Ccrro^udlnr o?y can at yoor fct *! aid your r^wani * x suu-t t*rt?a.-tory. a pn?ad?art??a. valch to rHW uj??t aa^? vos koxaiVfyott do not c?,: * to ?ur. h.- r, v."> y?, ^iftrn: M donVBot ffyoati? Kid vosr a?4r?4 ut -:;~\ tcrt^c ?-'lVE3E oa* oft? f-t?olil r-: wit :. : -. V**H SXA JtC^Ttmltt ? >3Tt.V i rsr &n ?x^=a3, fert?^tJaW A^d. c?3 ? SA S K??K .v C*V. S?t SJ 3. I\?X?L&KI>, UDI NOTICE TO IN ANS SB9END SUMTE*. r W?LL EK READY TO GIN COTTON ^ \vi?h tv/o Sixrv Gins, and a press of h.? e;o$t improved pattern, on ;be JStb day f Ausbist next. 1 will be able to tnrn out Thirty bales per ay. My charges will be most reasonable, ?/t?! on n:e at Hovt's old stand. July 18. 188S.*_S. M. GRAHAM. . WRIGHT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. -?o reiS NEW AND ELEGANT HOUSS, with all modern improvements, i* now pen for the reception of guests. S. L. WRIGST k SON, Proorietom. fk?jTFtre es ORNAMENTAL TRBl^ AND SHRUBBERY, TARDY EVERGREENS, ET& Orders solicited by - J. W. DARGAN, Agent for P. Ba&mm, 1 ct24_ ot; Angnsta, ^fe i e: erhwt.v. o wk?? to