WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. STATZBCRO, S. C.. August 24, 1SSS. Editor Watchman and Southron : The inclosed parody oa "The Raven" was written by a friend of mine by whose leave I send it for publication if the subject is not too inelegant for the columns of your paper. JAFFREY. THE BAVIN-DRUNK. BY THOMAS ANONYMOUS. Oece upon a midnight dreary, While I .nodded, sick and weary, Under many a glass of tanglefoot And other liquors, very poor, While I nodded, nearly napping, Suddenly an ape came snapping, Snapping at me o'er and o'er, I was then a funny fellow, being then a little mellow, 'Tis some monkey, this, I muttered Snapping at me o'er and o'er, Only this and nothing more, Creeping thus outside my door. Indistinctly I remember How the bleak wind of December, Blew each separate glowing ember, Blew and whistled through my door ^ How also there came a hissing From some serpents, softly kissing, Kissing oft7, but sometimes missing, jStuek their fangs deep in my floor ; These are snakes, and I hare got 'em, Got 'em bad too, thfc ! swore, Only got 'em, nothing more 1 Bat each wriggled a serpent, Pot my brain into & ferment, Thrilled me, filled me with fae tactic terrors never felt before, So that now to still the beating of cay'heart, I stood repeating, . . These are tame and toothless serpents on my floor, Tame and harmless little vipers Baucis g oo my polished floor , These they ?re a?? nothing is o re. Vain ? tbooeht to ease my sorrow Thinking of the glad to-morrow, When a-qoarter-J would borrow, Or a dime, if nothing more, And therewith obtain some whiskey. And in pleasant mood and frisky, Slay these serpents- on my fioor, Say, or choke, or bruise thea cadJy, ' Banish the**, forevermore, Quoth a viper, "never more"! Thus, with never sign er token Was the gloomy silence broken, And-this word so loudly spoken Sounded like a eel lea roar. Glancing then towards pallid Pallas-* I do hope to reach the gallows ! If above my chamber door There was not-a monkey sitting With his eyebrows fiercly knitting, Perching, sitting, nothing more, Calling loud, though dumb before, This one word of, nevermore 1 Presently-my soul grew stronger, Hesitating then no longer, Dows i crept to where my bottle Empty stood, though full before: For the fact is I'd been tapping, But so gently I'd been tapping, And so lightly I'd been tapping, Tapping ?hat the bottle bore, I felt sure I was not boozy, I was sever so before, I shall te so, aevermorel Then ? looked and noted plainly, that tue' monkey, though ungainly, To a friend of mine, a little, .fust a tittle likeness bore, j Wxetch ! 1 cried, the devil lent thee this j queer sha^s, but to torment me, j Now, I know thee, voa cau't fool me, Yoe old rascal, Pat Lenoir ! .Get thee goae. and VU forgive thee, Even this, old Pat Lenoir ? Smooth toe monkey, nevermore ! Then I saw i was mistaken, Then it was I seemed to waken, As tea thousand shapeless form.:, From oct my boule seemed to pour ; ?Ghastly, grim, acd writhing demons, Crawling, creeping on my floor, Crawling, creeping, nothing more I Cried I then, oh leave me monkey, Leave me, snakes, i'm ail a huakey, I do own that Tm a donkey, Do not wallow in my gore : * I would see you creeping, going, Thus a littte mercy showing, Leaving me as I implore. ******* On jay floor the snakes are flitting. And the monkey still is silting, Jost above my chamber door. All have aoswered-:tr.ever more ! For we've anchored to thy heart's cor?, Evermore!" A New Industry for the South. Cotton riant. In thc very admirable report of the payings and doings at the Farmers' Encampment furnished the Greenville Daily News by Mr. A. M. Howell, the following reference is made to an infant industry which, as will be seen from what, follows, is capable of de? velopment into a lucrative business: 'One of the attractive features cf Sparenburg- is thc progress of at least a few of her citizens in fioricul tore and resultant industries. The Daily News Encampment reporter en? joyed alike wiih ot!:er* visitors a glance through the gardens and greenhouses of Col. Ii. II. Thompson, who has probably r?3 fine and profuse j collection of rare Sowers, ornamental ? grasses and decorative plants as can J be found iu any ono place in this State. His collection is lo*; great for description, but is very fall and com? plete. The more noticeable and val? uable plants include a ?ue collection of Royal Japanese Chrysanthemums from California, which were propa- ! gated directly iron) the gardens of j the Emperor cf Japan. They are not j yet in bloom, but their foliage indi- i cate clearly that they are indeed royal i varieties. Col. Thompson has many fine beds of bedding and border I plants and a great variety of orna- ; mental climbers, such as Thunbergia, Ipomea, &c , the latter being most probably the most attractive for the j veranda or lawn, on account of its ? very rich foliage. It is a very pro- ! fuse night bloomer. Col. Thompson'? j effort, aside from tire propagation of i choice flowers, garden and green ! house plants, is directed toward the ; growth of roses for the Northern mar- j ket. This industry he has already made a good start in, Itaving now a ! very large collection of Georgia and ; other foreign, as well a3 the leading j American varieties of roses, and he intends carrying on the business on ? a large 6cale-the growing of rose ! plants for Northern hot house or win- ; ter flower growers. An idea of the ! probable profitableness of the busi- : ness may7 be gained from the slate- ; ment that the demand for such plants j at the North i. .cry great and that j any one variety of rose may be ; grown to development for ready blooming in this latitude tn I one-half the time the same variety j will take at the North, and at much j less expense. This opens up a new ? industry for ?<>;:th Carolina people : and particularly Carolina ladies--for j it. is the ladies who take the lead in : this noble and elevating vocation. Mrs. Col. J. S K Thompson of this; city ts now engaged in the produc- j lion of flower pomades, for which she fi .id's a ready sale at the North at j very remnnetative prices This lady has supplied herself with all the neces? sary apparatus for the work, and has . trouble in producing a very highly no perfumed at tie'*' fr??tn various flowers, '. I and has recently received a. larg? j order, accompanied with high prais< 'of her success, from Colgate & Co. j whose fame is world wide. Mrs ? Thompson is a frequent contributor t< current horticultural and floricultura literature, and takes an active inter?s I in such progressive industries as wH afiord the wtMuen of the South pro fitabie employment and pastime.'* Partly to correct some misappre hensious on the pert of the writer o the foregoing, but more for the pur pose of presenting the whole ques tion more fully to the readers of the -CottonPlant, Mrs. J. S. R. Thompson alluded to in the extn. . furmslie? the following for publication in oui columns, and to the suggestions con? tained in which we beg our lad}* readers to give earnest heed. .THE JIAMUFACTUBE OF PERFUMES IN* TEE SOUTHERN" STATES. To the Editors of the Cotton Plant : In your kindly notice of this work ! in reports of the late Encampment'at this place (Spartanburg, S. C.) you misunderstood in part the work in which I am so interested. You make -the statement that CI find no difficulty in making a fine pomade, and find ready sale for it/ etc. I will here explain tho whole matter. Some three years since I had an article^sent me to read, written by .our then Consri to France, Mr. Ma? son, in the American Druggist, Nov., 1SS5. lu said article Mason tells of this industry, then and for over a 'century being monopolized by France, an industry which calls into exercise the varied powers of both strong men and woman, and utilizes even the feeble strength of old wonaen, -young children, and which yields large rev? enues to thoscproviuces therein en? gaged. The work, he claimed requir? ed no great amunt of intelligence, only in its last stages, and could be learned in all its .parts by intelligent and patient experiments, etc. Know? ing the needs of our Southern people for avenues in which the women and children could find employment at home, I felt assured that if we could demonstrate to the world of capital 'that here in the South these pomades could be made, that one more paying industry could be established amongst us, and from that time to now I have devoted time and money in testing .this work. I wrote article after arti? cle for various papers and magazines, answered over two hundred letters called foith by said articles, planted largely of fragrant flowers.&c, and to? day feel much elation over the success attending the experiments conducted -so far by amateurs and for one season only. At the very beginning I enlisted the cordial and instructive interest of one of the largest firms in New Yost, -who assured me they had faith in the adaptability vf both soil and climate of the South to produce as good pomades (in time) as those from France., and kindiy and gener? ously offered to aid mo in my experi .ments all in their powers, which they : have done and continue to do. Some j six weeks ago I had three or four ! samples sent me (made in Georgia,) from Cape Jasamme, (i. e. Gardenia.,; Tuberose and Hoses, and feelingsure that they were good, I forwarded them to-to test and report. They wrote me that 'upon testing- them they had found them very good/ but faulty in some respects, which cannot be won^ dered at, when they were made by an amateur with no direction but those j given from my not very extensive ! knowledge, ?nd in a first attempt. If j we, as amateurs, can in one trial ? make a grade approved by such a j firm as-who use only the beat ! grades made, are we not justified in the elation we feel in anticipating in a few years the establishment here of manufactories for this perfume busi? ness ? Only a few days since I received per mail an ounce vial of perfume- j 'Extract of Gardenia' made from the pomade sent, and with it not 'an order for a large amount,1 as stated, j but to name a price for which she would make ;his firm from 200 to 300 j bottle lots for. Now here we are at j sea, but if I am allowed to advise 1 j would name a price which would I draw patronage to our section away from France. That these pomades can be made is proven now beyond a peradventure, and all that remains to do is to induce capital to invest in the erection of houses to manufacture j ii. This leaves the field (?nen to every man, woman and child in the j South to raise Howers-tovell io them | which requires tons of blooms tu any | extensive bouse. Flowers are gath- j cred daily eariy in the morning de- i uunded of stamens, steins and pistils, J and sold by pound-Violets, Tube- j lose and Jasarnine, Orange Blossom ! paying best. Every foot of ground j planted may be made to yield its j crop of blooms ; not only this, but i our native flowers, while Locust j (Pseudo Aecueia), Sweet Shrub, j Azeaiia, l?ouey-suckle, Yellow Jas-1 amine, Sweet Bay, Magnolia, Water j Lilys, ail yield hostage to this work, j To further encourage the South, I | will ?uv that already I am assured by ; -that they, since receiving these sana pl e? sent hy me, seriously ? contemplate going into the manu fae- ! ture ol pomades here in the South, and that in September I may look for a member of their house to consult j with me on the subject, and all things bei?;g favorable, and as repr* sen ted, we may hope ere another season ; wanes to set; at least one manufac? tory 6tarted, ami ii' not they, others j will be convinced. Once convince \ them that here in the South pomades :, can ho made good arid bought much cheaper th m in France, and then the world will he astonished at the rapidity with wi.ich we will draw the patronage < ? the United States, and m lime compete with Fiance in foreign rna k?ts "!';.; a bright picture, i may not live to see it realized, but I feel sure o? ii-; beti g ; realized in the not far dist;*n? If" vou have los! your pocketbook, }?? ?? wili listen to any <>'.A: ?bo can *. !! ;. ....' to ?et it ?>.tek. If you tut Ve '..{..' your !: -which is more precious. - .i-:-:: to us-. J?ed?rines can do raming but check disease ; ! they ?ct negatively, not :vt !y. i . cannot build up your he;ii:b, or *? uuck . your strength, "? rene"^ your O :u*y. Why do you hesitate to j an tl* . h'rge- ? army who are jsing COMt'Oi (4XVC?KN when you know two things : Firs", By no possit:: ? ty ? t- it horn S.>:;.!. i:? nine cases but .f ?cn it must benoit voa. The quilty 'tf bur curative a^-nt ls proved j by tbesuccess ir- ocr during 'ii- inst ; eighteen-years. laresiigat^ a?d you will not hesitate a moment. We v. ill send free soa?e of OUT books ou ?t" subject o i fl SALTI?, it , von will sen ! vonr ?;bir< . . , DiiS. STAKKKV k PA I.VS, ; i \',TJ Arc!: St., L'hilr.dclphi;?. tVan. : ???? v Ml I ii i?J H :' &fe?y-^ :->->?J v.>-;>/: ???;': >V..; tfjtf if'.-.'".''""'/ " .fe '''':?& Mrs. Dari's Triplets. President Cleveland's Prize for the three host babies at thc Aurora County Fair, in 1887, was giren to these triolets. Mollie. Ida, and Ray, childreo-of Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hamburgh, N. Y. She writes: "Last Acgust the little ones became very sick, and as I could get no other food that would a?ree with them, T commenced the u*e of Lactated Food. It helped them imme .... ?-S - - _ _11 _ _1 T -_. : ,1 , - ?*. , - ^_ lnunln *f\ ttl A GV\/\/l that thev are nov.- so welt." Lactated Eood is the best Food for bottle-fed babies. -It keeps them well, and is better than medicine when they are sick. Three sizes : 25c., 50c, 81.00. At druggists. Cabinet photo, of these triplets sent free to the mother of any baby born this year. Address W ELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. wwai i mi II MI II i i 11 H i i ? i ninii II i i III rina i. aaa m un minn --- ASHLEY SMALL OSFIO. The S. G. S. is the cheapest, and the best, and the only Specific Fertilizer for Small Grain oa the Market. The S. G. S. has been used.all over our Southern States for the last three years, and has given great satisfaction. ASHLEY ASH ELEMENT, Of superior activity acd efficiency ; a cheap and excellent Fertilizer for Small Grain, especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE. GARDEN FERTILIZER, Delivered free ; specially adapted to Roses, Geraniums, Pansies, Flowering Annuals, ?c. For terms, directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc? tive publications of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Sent 23 Charleston, S. C. MIS l??iW?CT?Rii mm. MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sask, Blinds, Moulding, Balusters, BRACKETS, SHINGLES AND LATH. Bills of Yellow Pine Lumber Cut to Order. MOULDING BOOK AND PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION". FACTORY AND YARD, 508 to 524 Calhoun Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Dec. 14 ESTABLISHED 1855. The place to get Reliable Goods. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, S1LVER-PLATED-WARE,- SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Special attention is called to our Stock of Watches in Gold. Silver and Nickle -Cases. BFST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. Silver, Double-cased Watches, $7.50, $5, $10, up -to the ?nest Railroad Time-piece. Ladiea: Gold Watches, $15, $20, $25, aod upwards. Gent's-Gold Watches, $30. $35, $40, and upwards. < 4. FINE STOCK OF SURVEYORS' AND DRAUGHTSMEN TOOLS AND MATERIAL. Watches and Jewelrv carefully repaired bv esoerienced workmen. JAMES ALLAN ?fe CO., Feb. 8 285 King St., Charleston, S. C. Sign of Drum Clock. RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES to th? public that he has H hrge, and well elected stock of o' which additions are being madeevery'week. We lake ]>!eisure iu showing goods, and ill are invited to call and see for themselves he bargains offered in Wood and MarWe-Top Wakrat, Ash atui Poplar lied Roora Sett3,' # Handsome Parlor Quites, Marble and Wood-Top Tables of all kinds, Lounges. Chairs and rockers of many styles, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Washstauds, Mattressesand Pi'iow;. Pictures. Window Shades, PictureFranies, What-nots, Brackets, Ind everything usuaiiy kept in a first class urniture ?tore. A visit to Craig's will convince you that rou can save money by buying of him. AI! roods careful ly packed, free of charge. A large stuck of window and picture glass il ways on hand. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT s full and complete embracing Caskets and Coffins of various styles. Calls promptly attended day or night. Charges most reasonable. Oct. 13 SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Js entirely a vegetable preparation cc. <.;> path < convalescing* from fever and from :.;? :.~:>:- wah; lie best results J. X. < ::::-;KV. M. i?. EilaviJ?C, Ga. r...r.^zs. C.v.-V."!-:i;b White was afdictcd with 6cciu!r seven j ar.;. I ; r rscribeu S. t?. ?., and Lo-day he is a fat au.: r ..!.-.. : boy. C. W. ?'.\j:?:;:r., 31. D. I?IOIMO?O, VA.. D C. 1"). V'r-.-l have taken th.*. ti :::<..< . ...-;..;? r that ; ipa ?s I bc* best-has the l^r;;i.ji circa! aiton-, j ...i :'. r t.???o than tv.<.;.'.y years beena . ?rt "?-i f . :..!. -J :!i : ? it { '? :.? ri .:...< ;V??:aing.t< i M CM ct ?.j .:.:' CA-IPA ;e;A KAT KS. W.? will ju-T. : the -'Daily M.-r <-n^T," by ; hail, toar '-v;;:,tr?a!, i",?r S'j <;0. Th?- Wv. kl;. -Tr.t?:.:c:i;.t \..--*."?:g.T," (the : aruett i '? :. * j?u|?er ia ilse .StaKr) a in tr :;o??! hs ca. tri at.?ur S s : "O. C.V-S?J !X ADVANCE. iota pa;i?rs,are large ci?ht-i^-c sh^ts. June -?0 ???.? I{i>t:t.'?r . ' -i ;. ins: . .. s : H .1 PAVILION HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. j Firs* Chics in all its Appointments. i I Supplied with all Modern Improvements. Excellent Cuisine, Large Airy Rooms, j Otis Passenger Elevator, Elec? tric Bells and Lights. Heat I ed Rotunda. RATES ?2 00, ?2.50 AND ?3.00. Rooms Reserved by Mail or Telegraph. Sept 16 WAYE?LYHOUSE, IN TtlE BENI) OF KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Rates, $2 and $2.50 per day. G. T. ALFORD, May 2-0_PROPRIETOR. SUMTER MARBLE WOME, ESTABLISHED IN 1SG9. . W. P. SMITH, WHO IS STILL PREPARED WITH Improved Facilities, TO FURNISH MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, -AND ??ll SincLs of Cemetery Worls, in Fust Class Workmanship Dec. 2!. PROSPECTUS. TSE WORLD-BUDGET COMPANY re? spectfully announces to the people of Charleston a::d South Carolina that its daily and weekly newspaper publications will be issued under the company's sole ownership and control from this date. Having arranged for able editorial manaee rnent. the aim and purpose of The World-Bud gd Company will be not only to present tbe latest n'.'ws from all parts of the earth, but to render public service by?f:?.:r, impartial criti? cism of matters of* public interest, con deming the -wrongand asserting and defend? ing the right. For many years a second morning news? paper has been needed in Charleston. Its in? telligent populace desired that both sides of every important question should be fairly considered and the opportunity of candid ex pression be freely given on all public topics; so that the people might be emancipated from the mischievous supremacy of a single morning .'publication that is liable, and very apt, it.' suj ?ni ali \ irv.3 at variance with its uarrow or selfish policy. Telegraphic and local news of importance will be found i:t both The World a;:d Budget mon fully reported ?b in in any'* other news paper issued in this city or State. Uur pipers will maintain that the posent national tariff, foi: nd? upon, necessity forrev enue v. ?iii-!: no longer ..i??;?, should tie revised upon u h.tsis <.!' fair"trade, thus giving pio ; -.-ib;:'. t<; iu?us?ries ?i; ii need protection, to ibe extcM that American labor shall not be crippled or brought iuto rivalry with cheap foreign labor In mm? ral politics, the newspapers ??sued by The Worid-l?udget Company will be strictly in accord.witb the patriotic tenets o tile Democratic party of South Carolina, an?! the whole country. Having no friends to conciliate, or enemies t" punish, ttit* business iii:>l editorial aims of Tue \\ orld and Budget j I"- to use-?very proper influence in foster? ing and lugnieutisg thc best interests of this .ii\ and thc state. Wi:!: honest, straightforward decla aiions, we solicit tile H nive support of a ron?e consta:!ency which is largely intrrcsied :. v. taoltshincnt ol progressive, sharply- ! .,iiie : j .M nv.- th: ! ?rc conducted ? >r the j vu*:?TT of th( : 'i?nle of'diarlcstou and South ?.iroiina, ;:;..i ti:e maintenance of the public I TelCare. i>Ve shall always seek to faithfully serve he i ! r t.hf-ir discrimination arid moral I upport '.viii prove that it is not news alone; . r i ; enterprise, nor even literary ? I ?hat makes success in the nen ;psper j . >rld. It is the recognition by !l:r people ol . n earnest desire ::. servo them ::< the creation ' 'T i tl force that shall lend to the corree ion c f abuses and thc reform ot govern-I ?cut il .i iministrations. Charleston, S. C. M av 22, 1 i -. - s? i-??.tt a ?&*s.4t'i>9 : rs; . orcb?a;n estimates I nzi : ?J :psca v.hon in Cr.:c .. >, >..;?'. find it oa file at i ! HARPER'S MAGAZINE is an organ of pro ! grcssive thoughtnu t movement in every depart ? ruent of i'f.: lb . Mts other attractions, it \vill I contais, during the cm::<.v? vo ir, jurpor??:?: anieles, superbly illustrated, on the Great Wes'; Hrlicles oa American and foreign industry; beautifully illustrated paper?" on Scotland, Nor? way, Switzerland. Algiers, and the West Tndi?sj new novels hy William Blacksand W. D. How? ells: novelettes, each complete in a single num? ber, Joy Henry James, Lafcadio Ileum, and Amelie Rivos ; .?hort stories by Miss Woolson and other popular writers: and illustrated papers of special artistic and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George. William Curtis, William Dean Howells, and Charles Du?lcv Warner. Harper's Periodicals. Fer Year : HARPER'S MAGAZINE.$4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY. 4 CO HARPER'S BAZAR.4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.'.. 2 00 Postage Free to all Subscribers in the United States. Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin with-the Numbers tor June and December of-each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time cf re? ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Ma gasino, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on reeeipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 oents each-by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified for Volumes I to .70, inclusive, from June 1850 to June, 1805, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-OSico Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers ere not to copy this advertise? ment without tho ezpxess order of Harper k Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTEB-aS, New York. 1888, Harpers Young People. " An Illustrated "Weekly: HARPER'S YOONG PEOPLE interests all young readers by its carefully selected variety of theme* and their well considered treatment. It contains the best serial and sb<>n stories, valu? able articles on scientific subjects and travel, his'orical and biographical sketches, papers on nth et ic sports and games, stirring poems, etc, contributed by the b-ighte.-t and most famous writers. Its illustrations are numerous and ex? cellent. Occasional Supplements of especial in tercst to Parents and Teachers will be a fea? ture of ibe forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty three weekly urta:hers. Every line in the naper is subjected lo the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that uotbiug harmful may enter its columns. An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable in juvei ile literature.-Holton Courier. A weekly feast of good things to thc boys and rirls in every family which it visits.-Brooklyn Cition. It ia wonderful in its wealth of pictures, in for j mation, and interest-Christian Advocad, N. Y. TERMS. POSTAGE PREPAID, $2 A YE Alt. Vol. IX commences November 1, 188?, Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a two-cent stamp. SINGLE N CUBE RS. Five Cents each. Remittances should be ma:ure and fine art illustration? with the latest intelligence regarding the fash? ions. Each number has clever serial and short stories, practical and timely essays, bright poems, humorous sketches, etc. Its pattern sheet and fashion plate supplements will alone help ladies t-> save many times thc cost of the subscription, and papers on social etiquette, decorative art. hotsse.-Kceping in all its branch? es, cookery, etc , make i: use'ul in every house froid, and a tru-; promoter of economy. Its ! editorials are marked by good sense, and not a hue is admitted lo tts columns that could offend tin. ui"St fastidious taste. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR. One Year. 4 00 H Ai! BER'S WEEKLY, One Year.$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE, One Year.4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, one year 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in tho United States, Canada, or Mexico. Tho volumes of the Bazar begin with the f;r.?t number lor January of each year. When no t i KIO is mentioned subscriptions will begin with the 2iumber current-at time of re ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of HARPER'S BAZAR for three i years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent j by mail, postage paid, or by express, (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per vol u:> e.) for $7.t>!l per relume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will bc sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of $ 1.1)0 each. Remittances should bc made by Post-O?ce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. New.'papers arc not to copy this advertise? ment without the express order of Harper k Brothers. Address HARPER*^BROTHERS, New York. ft?V?KJT-'IStf lias revolutionized tho world | Ir* rf ?-11 I tUK daring the last half century. Not leas: among the wonders of inventive progress is t. method and system of work thal can be performed all over the country with? out separating the workers from their homes, j Pay linera! : any one can do the work : either j ser, young or old ; no special ability required, j Capital not needed ; you are started free. Cut ibis out and return to us and we will send ! you free, something of great vaiue and im- ! portance to you. that wilt start you in busi ness, which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in the world, j Grand outfit free. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Mains. DCPP SKA WONDERS exist in thousands of forms, but are surpassed hythe} marve's of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while liv? ing at home should nt once send their address to Hallett k Co., Portland, Maine, and re? ceive free, full information how either sex, of all ages, cnn earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made j over S?u in a single day at this work. All succeed. "HYGEIA. ?5 A Wonderful Discovery. Tobacco an Aid to Health! i VNEW TOBACCO, manufactured by j Thus. C. Williams k Co., Richmond, J Va., under a formula prepared by Prof. C.1 Mallett, of the University of Virginia. Anti-Malarial, Anti-Dyspeptic, a good Ncr- j vine, and an excellent Chew. TRY IT ! NO HUMBUG ! Fur particulars of its virtues call for cer ti fi catos at the following places, where the j Tobacco can be had : j it. P. Monaghan, Sumter, S. C. D. J. Winn,' E. P. Rick? A Co., " " Ducker k Bu h man, " W. H. Vates, " " E. <;. Gre? n k Sun. " " Kingman & < V , 1 " ?. M. Monaghan, " J. tl. Av cock k Son, Wedgefield, S. C. ! Feb 22. j RUBS SS STAMPS- 'j MAME STAMPS F?R MARKIMG CLOTHING with i" kliibie ink, or for printing visiting : cards, and STA >J PS (> F A N V K IS D for stamping BUSINESS CA lt I'S. KN VEE- f OPES or anything eise. Specimens ol various stvles on hand, which will bc shown with pleas- j ure. The LOWEST PRICES possible, and; orders filled promptly. Call on C. P. 0STEEN, At the Watchman and Southron Othce j Sumter, S. C. i Atlantic Coast Line Vif, T. & l l-r{> ^ ? ? -'--" T W0m^% . m mm* ?w^^^Oa:_isa* WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND ???l'STA S. II. CC Ti Ii ii S SED SC3? EB C?/3. T R A INS GOING SOUTH. Dated Juljr.?.m I Nu. 23. | X?. 27. ? No. ??. P. A!. P.MT P. M." * 8 P5 ? IO IC f 2 40 11 Jt5 12 37 ' 5 23 12 IO 1 20 6 10 A. ST. A M P. Mi No. 50 No 5S 3 20 . j ? 21 4 4t> . 7 40 Leave Wilmingtur Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence... Leave Florence.... Ar'vc Sumter. Leave Suinter. Ar'vc Columbia... 4 40 6 IS No 52 t 0 20 10 3 ii No 56 * 7 47 9 05 No. 52 run."; through frota Charleston via Ccn?nii li tl. Leaving Lanes 8:22 A. .M., Manning S:53 A. M. No. ?6 runs through from Cbr.r'eston via Ccrv trnl K. ?i, leaving Lanes 6:25 ?. M., Manning 7:12 P. M. Train on C. . No rubbing! No varnishing! No extra trouble. Each can contains more than enough to paint a carriage. Retailed al One Dollar per Can. For Sale by " DR. A. J. CHINA. fl Q CT5 & T ?'Q is* JW fi Branch House. . Under Music Hail, SUMTER, S. C. E wm 3 constanly on hand. A 5ne assortment of I TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI-! CiNES, LADIES' REQUISITES, and all articles kept, by first class druggists. Personal attention giran to the compound? ing of physicians' prescriptions. Cold, sparkling Soda Water, with choice cream syrups. Sarsaparilla Meade, and Milk Shakes to suit the most fastidious. G. S. SEALY, Apr 13 Graduate of Pharmacy. TRADE MARK"" 1628 Arch Street, Fttiiad/e, P?? A WELL-TRIED TREATMENT for COXSC3PTI0X, ASTH2?, ER0SC??ITIS, DYSPEPSIA, t'AT AK Jill, ll O' KEY Ell, HEADACHE, DEBILITY, RUEC XATLS2, XEl'RALOIA and &3 Chronic oed Scrvous BUor dcrs. "THE COM?0rSD OXTGFS TREATXEST" Pr?. Starkey & Palca, No. 1?20 Areli Street, Philadelphia, bare boen cuing for Ute Ia?t ncxnteen yea?, ls a scteniitie adjiM-uent of th? element* vt Oxygen a?d Sitrogen magnetized, and th* compound h ?o condensed and portable that lt U ?tnt ?U over tho world. Brs. STARKEY & PALES have tho liberty to ?fer to th* following-named well-known persona who nar? tried their Treatment : HOS. WX. 0. KELLEY, kember of Congress, Philadelphia. KEV. VICTOR L. COSRAB, Editor cf the L= theron Ob acrrcr, Philadelphia. REV. CHARLES IT. CCSHISC, I). P., Rochester, 5. Y. HOS. WM. PEXS XIX0S, Editor Inter-CceAn, Chicago, DL REV. ?. W. JiOORE, Editor The Centenury, Gutsier, S. C. IT. II. W0BTH1XCTCS, Editor Sew South, Birmingham, ila. jr DOE II. P. VRC0Z?5, Quenemo, Kan. 31 BS. MAIM A. LIVERMORE, Melrose, MasiacJHiwttl, it DUE B. S. \O0RHEES, Sew' York City. SR. E. C. KXTCKT, Philadelphia. HS. FRASE SI Di; A LL, Scrcntnt,. PLIIadelphlA. HOS. IT. IT. SCHUYLER, Ea>ton, Pa. EDWARD L. 1111805, 623 Broadway, X. Y., Efl. Phils. ndelpuU Photographer. , f IDELL! 3?. LYOX, Waimea, Hawai!, Sandwich Islands. ALEXASRER RITCHIE. Internes*, Scotland. HRS. XASl'EL V. ORTEGA, Frenillo,, Mexico. JURS. EMMA COOPER, Ct?la, Spanish i^m, Centn! America. J. COBB, C. S. Vleo-Conitt, Casablanca, Sore ceo? M. T. ASHBB'M?K, H*? Bluff'. CaL ERSES': TERSER, Xot?lngha?, Englaai. JACOB WARU, Bowral, Sew South Wales. ?ni thousands cf other* in every part of th? United States. ?COaPOtXD OSYGEX-It* Jloda cf ArtJoa and Eosclts," Is the title of a new brochure of two hundred pages published by Dr?. Starkey Si Taten, which gWt> to ?tl Inquirer? full In? formation as to this remarkable cir.itI v? agent and a record of several hundred surprUin? tam lu a wide range of cbronio ?ase?-nany of them afier being abandoned to die by other physicians. Also " C0MT0CXD 0ZYGEX-Ita Origin and Dereiopment," ca interesting book o.' ene Inrndred pagas. Both ur either witt bo snailed frc? to as y sid -ess onappli. ovation. Read thc brochcre ! I DBS. STAKKEY & PALEST, ? 1527 & 1529 Arch Street, Fhilada,, P*v li and size MGeiiB?M?oilguW )/0 other ?c^u'.r.r Eallacs, ir. book form, of Sheet'Music. Seat, pest-pild, for OXLZ FOUZi CENTS? Sta=ps taken. AMERICAN" PUBLISHING CO. QSeO Fairmount Ave., Phiia?c!p?a Pa. JOHN C. M EAU ARE Ct Importers and Dealers ia ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware and Cutlery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 20. o_ Spill's Mm\m. FW IIi9?-?p?jB . If. HUdO?AP GUN-MAKER, COLUMBIA, S. C. . DEALER IN ?S?DS, Pistols and Fishing Tackle, | Agent for Hazard and Atlas Powder Com paules, also Agent for Lefever Arms Co. AMMUNITION OF ALL*klNDS. Shells I^oaded by Latest Improved Machine. First-Class Gun Work Guaranteed. PRICES AS LO W AS THE LOWEST, j O ive me a call at Sportsman's Head- ! c uartcrs. Oct -J'j o I believe Piso's Curo for Consumption saved mv life.-A. H. DOWEIX, Editor Enquirer. Bren? ton, N. C., April 23. 1SS7. Of Interest to ladies. VVe wi?l Bend a FR?E SA?WfPtEofonrwcnt?erftd specific forfema?rtCoaii?!ai:it>itoonj Indy v. :?.? wisht-a totet.tit6effic?cybe."'ir purchnsinif. ? 'nd ? tamp T:>r post?e, SAXES .IEKECY GO., ?>?Z. IO?, Su?aiu. if. r. ALL ABOARD! FOB THE CELESTIAL CITY? A LL RIGHT ! NOW 1 We would be j~\ glad to help y u on the way rejoicing, by supplying ; ou with a Famih" Hille, any style and price: twenty-two dollars, down to a complete, substantial, and beau? tiful Bible tor only three doilars and tifty cent?. My address, Mayesyille, ?. C. Yours faithfullv, BARVEy W. BAKEJB. , Doc 21 B. F. MITCHELL & SON? ES?PKE570RS OTf The Werch?nt Flour M? HS GD:^:SC!OM MERCHANTS F?S ru? o?L?C OP COTTON AND NAVAL STORES, OFFER FOR SALE AT LO Vf ?ST PMC?S Choice grades FLOyH, own manTt'rtfj -ALSO, -- Fresh Groand MEAL, KOMINY*: ? CRACKED C?RX. &c. Selected RED RUST PROOF ?EE? OATS. Selected North Carolina ac? Maryland SEED RYE. All our Goods guaranteed bestqoaK-. ty and at lowest prices. No charge fof delivery to Railroad. B. F. MITCHELL & SON. LANGLEY BROS., 174 Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturers of Ladies and Gent's Under* wear. Fine Dress Shirts to order a specialty. . Price List and directions for meascr+Bf sent on application. San*faction guaranteed or money rrfimde?. __Sent" 2 I o_ "c. Wil^i^"?coM WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS TB* ; Pro?iii, lips, ?S| k *167 and 169 East-Bag-,' CHARLESTON, S. C. D*e. 2 GEO. W. STEFFENS, WHOLESALE GROCER, I Auction and Commission Merchant and Liquor dealer. AGK.vr FOE The F:nQs* Hams cured in the JJ. S. 'Also Agent for GENESEO ROAD CART. The Eest and Cheapest on the Market. 197 EAST BAY AND 50 AKD 52 STATE STB* (Auctiou Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. C. . ??S" Consignments Solicited. Nov 25 WILLIAM KENNEDY, Fashionable Barber. MAIN STREET, Next door tc Earle k Po rd j's Law Office. SUMTER, S. C. IDESIRE TO INFORM the citizens ol Sumter and vicinity thai I have opened business on my own account 8t the above old stand, and that with competent and polite assistants, I will be pleased to serve them in any branch of my business in the best styl? of the art. Give me a call. WM. KENNEDY. Oct. 19. T-FffiHT The Original Wins, C. F. Simmons, Sc Louis., Prop*r M. A. SimmonsLiver Medicine, Esr 1 1S40, in the U. S. Court DETEATS J. K. Zciim, Prop'r A.Q.Simmons Liv? er Reen! ator, Est'c by Zci im 1868. *. il. A. S. L. M. has for ?j yea? cur^i INDIGESTION-, BILIOUSNESS, . E*SPE?S:A,SICXKEADACHE,LOST a A: ."STiT?, ?OUR STOMACH, ETC I Rev. T B. Seams, F.-rstorM. E. ? Bi Church, Adams, Ter - , write*: "1 & cC?think 1 5&oulc have been dead but W i ?cr yo jr Genuine X. A. Sim? . mess Liver Medicine. I have ^tRC/A\ sometimes had to substitute j "Zeiiin's stuff" for your 2?odL . J cine, but it don't answer tile purpose." . - Dr. J. R. Graves. 2d?tor 735? Baptist, Memphis, Tenn, says: I rsceiveda package of your Liver Medicine, and have use 1 half of it? It wo?:s like a charm. I want no better Liver Reipirator and cer? tainly no mere of Zr?iir.'a mixture. ! mi M ?? s- ; ! m ?iif imm^^m? i gil ?btaiti?i, sud >?:i r.'.: i, ~N> at? tended to f?>: ?i?nEHATE FEES Otir o.T.ce is 0?>t?>~:?o ti.:.- !.' S P:U(?:? ...:..>'. J??:?? ?V ?m ob lain PatentsTn ics< tfcrwtHas ?t?os* r< ti ufe ?rem ll .!.'.:/;.\V;7'>.V. Vcr;?! .'./?./*-/.:.. /'/. < HING or ; HOTO Af invention. Wc ?ivISc ?.> patent, ability free'l:El\ . For <-:rc;i?:;r. M?-;?**\ tcOTS rc?<-;?"-.c*S to actual clients in < ?ir own Si?:U\??>. oty r.r I . ^ iv <=.?. send ROG SCTEBS? H LwcJSL" GUIDE, cottiimn? colored plt?'?,H ||Kf>?3S\ 1GO eu,-rravi?>?:s cf different Lreeds. ? ? *??&jj&i prices they ?TO worth, where to H ' '? >??: r?'fS -^ >" them. Prrpc?iv^n? for Trninimr ? i^^? for 15 Cents. A?soCots ci Dngl |^S3fc?^ rarr?g?^ng Coodg ? ag kinda, g ^c^^l^^d'foi? rvn^c^ "roi. 1 --^^^^^H T.??V l?OiVjlv. , ??n_? 's: 1- ^- l^^^rffl tbus^?f ?i? breeds; ?Kwr to esposiso; ^''^? B tboat incubators, lioro t? bey S E#?s trem Ltxt sx-.'ciw nt tr?.?O tS?^J^i S l?cr );Sent iur I?> C*?^^WB?i H. If sn. ?C? =rv>d the IT COK OF CAGE II!lil*:S. iv.O pages. loO illus-! ? smtiofis. Bcsauin! cctorml ntate. ? T:' .-..L^oatsnv. Lre^-.i^Tci ^?'. ?Liadi.Cige birds, for-i^essare -rsi Di-*?*?; &cd iliv'r cur* Kw to csiM cn?i slock ! na A'iir>'. /> n Parrots. Frices ol g,\vl kinds bir.?-s. caces, etc. y sited fer i ? v cut?. Thb T ^i-ec Bwti, -ii} Cte. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, . 237 South Kighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gi REWARDED are those who read this and tb?n act ; they will find honorable employment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits arc liir^e and sure for every industrious per? son : marty have made and are now making' several hundred dollars a month. It is easy for any ono to make S5 and upwards per day,. who is willing to work. Either sex, young' or old : capital not needed : we start you. Everything new. No special ability requiredr you, icadtT, can do ii as well a? aoy one. Write to us at once for full particulars, which-, we mai! free. Address Stinsoa k Co., Port laud. Maine. LIENS, TITLES, MORTGAGES, BILLS OF SALE, BONDS, And Other Blanks in Variety, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE.. FOR SALE. \DESIRABLE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AM) FARM, within one-quarter of ? mile of the City of Sumter. Comprises acres, with good fruit orchard, and stock of." Hogs. Cows, kc, will be included if desired The residence has fix rooms, with kitchen aod^. pantry, and the premises are all in good-con-., ditiou, ami supplied with, barn stable riage bous?, &c. For further iuforawrtJO?. apply at the Watchmen and ScmthjonQ^Sm.