The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 07, 1887, Image 6

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Jj &3gBv g&S Both of us, ?ear, ? . Yea, both, The last soft rustling cf these elms shall bea! ?.^ X. And then shall go, To sit beneath the ;'tree of life and so, Why should we fret, Thai one. the "lettres of healing" first wi I ggf6 ff % Bothwf nf deaf f M ff Yes, both* 5? 111? * :C g 7 Shalf foTtWslt %?Z ???m ripples^eftar- * Of yonder brook, And then, upon the living waters look. Why should it seem So hard to vraWaa-nour beside the stream?. Both of" usdu^r, I $ ? . K * ? Yea, bo*, ? ? 5/1? j Ij J ? j ^ The pearly gates shalt some glad day dra near And en teri n, Freed from, this load of suffering and sin. I f oSTping^pt, & ho? the gate ajar.-/ Shaf?Ke tnf^tTOi^twiIrg%t ??tppear On moon dr star, s From this low window where our clasps hands are. Why feel dismay, ? If I, for jon, should seek the upward way ? Both of us, dear, Yes, both, Shall leara^se Soil lesson of a year, ^And^heir sharl lise " "*- - **? - **? To the Great Master teaching in the skies. Is it not meet, That one goj?rs^i?. find.the other's seat? _ Both of us, darling, <. Ci Both; * V* ? - ^ Why then so loth That a few years apart oar steps should be ? Years are bot minutsrto&ternity. r . \]f 5~3*8*JL May, in ike Advance. S Political Division of the House. Th* CSerkjoi ^Twawg^har issue* an official list ^"members elect, fr which it appears that the strength o parties will be : Democrats, 163; Re publicans,^ 153; Independents, 4 * The four TBfen classified as in depend ents are A. B. Anderson, Iowa ; Johi Nichols, North Carolina; Samae? I Hopkins, Virginia, and Henry Smith Wisconsin. The annexed table sim tn the $*pta? ??'Bemoc'i?ttf ajtd Kep?b Heans/res^ecj?fely, from the severa AlahaJL J^^-fe.jttissJLp J APfe ^ Arkansas_5 ^[Missouri-12 2 California_2 4?Nebraska-.. 1 2 Colorado......... 3 ?Nerada. 1 Connecticut.. 3 ljNew Hamp're 1 1 Delaware.-... I- -iNew Jersey... 2 5 Floriday?..^. New. York.... J 5 19 - Gee^a*|^of ^^?i?rth^Car'ina ? 1 Illinois_r 6 7;Obio~-......... 6 * T5 Indiana....... 6 7 Oregon-. 1 Iowa .......... 3 8! Pennsylvania 8. 20 Kansas_ tl Rhode Island... ; 2 Kentucky.8 3;South CsV?na T " ... Louisiana.... $ ... Tennessee...... 8 2 - Maine. 4; Texasll JMa^rSbSili >?|^pS?ini? ; ? - Kie%%a%&P? * ^WesttfirgmU* ? 2 Minnesota 3 2'Wisconsin ... 1 7 Total*.*.............................. 1S8 153 It will be noticed lEat m 20"Stares 'the Repnblican are in the majority, and M SF Z&et&reuVot ^AeStext Preciiejtia? ?cfio? vronid. ca?t the vote o^Shat?in^r?tf &a?e? for thei r can?ifa$ f?r?Presi(fenC J?ne State, N&'i^pel^; Weq?*ny divided. The vote of the four members classi? fied as independents, cast with either paW^w^^nface^mKdifference" in the stains of the two great parties in this particalar.^^/t?a4e|>/i^i I?jfy?rj ITEMS! Tfc*?dtath^Titaj^aXbasla&toac for. last ifraeto^pta^ Jefforsoc. and Harrisoo rods horseback when they went to the espito! to be mdscted into offioe ? Sam RajfchE claims that he has 28 members of the House that will follow his4a??V r r/r r ' . : ^ ^ Trter?S* are TS(T new members in the' House. The political complexion ot v tome delegation^ ^eom^??tery^cliscg?'d^ ? -fe-Senator Jones, of Florida, ts in? sane, /the doctors say. He has been suspected of being so for a year or so. Mr. Henry Watterson and Senator Edmonds are to disc ass the Tariff tn Harper** Magazine. Watterson will open in the January number, ' The total risible supply of cotton for the world is 2.832.458 bales, and ero? in sight 3.846.273 hales. A? eertbqoake has occurred in Cala bris,1 by which twenty houses were de str^oyeAand sereral persons killed. An elev en-y ear-old boy in Philadel? phia died from the effects of 'narcotic poisoning from smoking cigarettes.7 Boys, beware of the weed, and espe? cially in .this shape. Here is the way a plain rumor of ! Secretary Bayard's marriage with a yoong woman is one of the Depart? ments is announced in the London Court Jottrturl : "Mr.^yard, President of the Conn? er! of Ministers of tho United States, is shoot to be married to Mlle. Markoe. j Mr. Bayard, it is stated, rejoices in the faot that be is the descendant of an il? lustrious house.* The postal- reven ce for the fiscal year j waeB>$fe.837.6?9 39, The .expend? rote were $53J33.2o2 The excess of oort was ?5.482.^99 94 It is ex? pected that the service wiil be self-sus ' tai ni og is a year or so. The total rat?e of all stamped papers issued by the department daring the year, was $46,619,680.65, an increase of 7 per cent. The receipts of the State from the phosphate royalty for the year ending Aojr 31, were $208,772.41. an increase of $12,682 53, as compared with the previous year. The number of tons of rock shipped during the same period was 202,757, ss against 191.174, for the preceding year, an increase of | ' 11.583 tons. Prohibition ba? afforded a very lively ? question to the voters of Georgia, i There has always been much spirit in j, the political movements of the South, j i bot never was there anything in that i ' line taken hold of with such vim as is : ? being shown in the treatment of the j < liquor question, especially by the Geor- j1 gian voters. The old political period j when slavery was tho bono of conten-1 ? tion didn't afford as lively politics to ! ( the Sooth as has sprung out of the pro- {0 bibi tion question. J ] Prof. Joynes a learned and gifted Vir- ! ginian, connected with South Carolina , College, bag a German grammar that is 1 now used in over forty colleges, univer? sities and schools, including the Uni? versity of Michigao, University of Cal- s ifornia. University of Virginia, Wash? ington and Lee University and Van- > derbilt University. It is pleasant to j note eo<4? a Southern success.- WU- j * mimgUni Star. \ Wat is this IPi f?hig ?? upon us T^a^a^. p^^^r I tients have pains about tte chest and sides, and sometimes i?*fche back They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especially in the morning. & aort oi%mcWMf|> i cSfeci??&?i the ^tSl?S? appetite is poor, There is a feeling lite a heavy load on the stomach; sometimes a faint, all gone sensation^ at the| ptt.<?.the| stomach* wT?cja fodafabJs zht? satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold anc^lammv. After a while al %>\m sets^^tf8^sffc|1iifl pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep ?<loM[ ?ot-seem to afford any rest. After a time he becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and^^evEfogel^^gSi^ieliei: is a giddiness, a sort of whirf" in^ sensation in the head when risiBp trj? stfdden|$r^ The bc|r els^c?m???ist|r^ tM?Jl?uiis dry and hot at times ; the blood becomes ^th^ck and^stagnant;^ ; ttie w^?;<i*^ey|s ^c$n*|H "tmged"wlffi*y???owy the urineH is scanty and high colored, de ?posit?nff ^sediment after stanaV i. .Fqjere f ss ^equ:enray jp 4 spitting up of the food, some tunes with a sour taste and sonothiies - with ^?swfeejtish taste; -this? isi freqif?at?yl at? tended with palpitation of the heart; the vision becomes im? paired, with spots before the syes: there?sit folins o&?r*a??* these s^?sp?o !?lesei44 ItMihbirfi IM nearly one-third of our popu? lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. it has been found tha? phy--J sieians. have mi? halfen thelcaSse bf this disease. Some hive .treated itgfoi>a liver complaint, : ofchers'?or* Kidney disease* eta, otc, but none of these kinds of rtroatment hafe be^i^^s^%cl%> [ witii iiic'xdsk I io?? fif Is ruff constip?t-. n and dyspepsia. It is jalso^^oun^ ^that. Shaker Ex? tracts S^?fej^r? Mother Sei gel's Curative S)Tup, when 3&c|^ g^-epared f?ll remov|| phi? dj^ela?e in ?llj|ts stag* ' lPafeHi#tjbe take%|howev Jp secnr? tte gemunCartic^?i| IT WILL SELL BETTER THAN COTTON. - *' s -^*^,j-&?L~?2~ jame. ^^?flRss^saasisamcA Mr. John C. Heraptinstal?, | pf OMani-mee,* ^Jeburn Co., kla,^vrit&^^^ly^wife has Jaeenl^guiux^bene?^ by j?haker Extract of Eoots or Se?^efs1, ?SjJup tha? she say?* she would^tnej BeJ^withguy part of heriood *tSan without the medicine \ It ;h&3 done her nior?igo?d ilinjf?l?ciafe and all other medicines put together. I would idae twenty m?i?s -get it into..the ha^nxls oi any suf? ferer if h&?m?f?tiWiki no other way. I believe it Xviii soonseil in this State better ?than -cotton. TESTIMONY FROM; TEXASl Mrs. S.E. Barton, pf Varher, Ripley Co., Mo., writ?s that she had; been ion^?ffiicted with dyspepsia and. disease of. the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Extract of Roots. Rev. J. J. McGuire, merchant, of the same place, who sold "| Mrs. Barton the medic?n?,"says he has- sohl it" for -i^rar "years and never knew it to fail. SHE WAS ALMOST DEAD I was so low with dyspep? sia that there was not a phy? sician to be found who could do anything with nie. 1 had, fluttering of the' heart " an(T ? swimming of the head. One j day I read your pamphlet called j "Life Among the i?Jiaktrs " j which described my disease j better than I could myself. I ! tried the Shaker Extract of i Roots and kept on with it until j to-day I rejoice in ?rood health. \ Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, j Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale bf all Dm Einsts, or i address the proprietor, - A. J. 1 White, Limited^ 54 Warren 1 _New York._j Harper's Young People. An Illustrated Weekly: I HA it r KR'S YOPNG PK?PI.K interest? nil vr.nnp: j ejH?er? by irs careful!/ se!cc'e<i variety of i hem?-/? ?ml ?lioir weil <y>nnLh-rc<l trent ment It i ><?nrnini ?he best ^en:il ami f?h"rt stories, valu j iMe ?rtif-e* ??a .scientific eo<j?:c?s anil travel, j iiy?>rical Jin?! bn?pra}thicnl sketchr.?. papers ?? i ith et ?c K[>orfs nu>\ pime.?-. .??irrin^ p??eui.?. etc., . luiitribuie? by the b- ighie-i ?n?i;m?*st f;itu?tt# rr'.tertt. Its illutfrwtion* are iiutm?r??ns ?:n?l ex- j teUent. Occ;?sji>n^l S?tf>plet??nt.< of e>p? <ji;?l in j ?.reit to Partrit? and Teachers will *ie :t fea- I are of tbs forthcoming roiuir.o. t\l?n li will ? ompri-e fi : fy thre?i weekly niutihers Kvery ? ine in the paper is sul.j-c?. d lo the t:t"?t r??JJ?-i ' ?litoria! ecru tiny in order that nothing Larmlul j nay enter its column *. An epitome nf crrrytinnjj that is aitrnc'ive j nd desirable in juvei ii? literature. - Moitun j Johrier. A weekly feast of good Ihins:*? to 'h" Kr-vs ?nd ! iris in every family which it vi.-its -lir<r->Wy? j jalon. j It is wonderful in its wealth <.f piofure>:. inf'>r? j latioQ, and interest.- ithrittiau Advocate, N.V. I .'ERMS; POSTAGE PREPAID. $2 A YEAR, j Vol. ix commences November 1? 1SS7. j Specimen Copy sent on receipt of a two cent j tamp. j SISGLB NUMBERS, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by post Office foney Order or Draft, to ?void chance of loss. | X*tt??prtper? are not to cnjty thin itdcertltetDtitt j if hont fA? wy <.?* orrftr ?/11 A R PK R A Tin? ?THE tts. ? Address H ARI'Mi Jt BROTHERS. New Y- rk. 1 ? NEW STORE, Fresh* Sweet Goods. Before buviGjryour Groceries call atoar Storer. *B<f |?Js*rnin? #? bjpcfeaid IRic??ii?fliti?s. ; ? We don't want a fortune, it is only a liv * ing, therefore we believe io ''Quick Sales and Small J^ofitsM$^\ In ?our Stock one can find everything that is kept in a well assorted (raves at our Store, and by buying here 0De fill have the satisfaction of knowing what they are gettiog^^Not ?5^*^^^^^ ^ ^ C?onB?islwyii Suter tbao-U'doef. in .?harlesiqo.i J^flw, why does it bria* ra?*^rVthVn4t does h? Ch ai teto* ? The JVea?* and Courier correspondent of Sum? ter aDSwersjhat question 10 bis commuoiga tionlaf^hekf??fe? wpen he?^i;ti?dararers $11; the cotton fo the merchante* w?lb "the'lander-'5 standing that a part if not the wivAe value of the cotton is to be traded ont with the buyer, and#?^is c^.-uractr is ^rried*o>aX?q goodV faitb, t?e nperjh?*<mus.t?cbargeih addatioua? jrofi^^?at^^ich^e^^diH] rar ?ash tf? ftoyer the probable loss? on the cotton, &c. INOW we handle no cotton. We Buy K?JS?T bind we have nacotjtortr?o?^ s1itring?*i % face, therefore l^lieelTBave no*f?a> o charging an additional profit. I And ^o^e^ refunded, if goods do not come op to recowir??aakk)?S W? alk^r co misrepi regen tatiqo., j ? ?? <-.* , wJselP |fe&l:ofllet*t 2->fM ? rf* beal iii 25c. per ?gund. . ? ??- r ? ? \ P?refeuV?s firbfe 4c. ?pi si ? I li ?. - ; : i Try our teas at 65c; they are as good as the dollar tea. We handle [?roy as "welfas'Fancj Groceries^ AND WE SELL AT ROCE BOTTOM PRICES. . In our DRY GOODS, Sncfe^anoVKlt oks. . there will be found many bargains. No trouble to show goods?. j Gents fine Bal and_ Corigres?^Shoes at|L50 worth $2.00 Boys Bals, at $1.15, worth fully. $1.50 jany wteie.i. ' *?c? :. Vi i. -. i : ? ; : * , j ' I Women's Shops from $1.00 op. Ton "oupht to see what a stylish shoe we have lor ladies from No. 1J to 8, at $1.75. Call and see our goods-it will pay you to | do so. We deliver goods to any part of the ! city free, and at ooce^ if nece^ary. G. Li ?-MMei^Na ? Kfit/tfC. B. Sfcbbs?Offi^.- | .Septf<1f . I ? ? , \1 % " er ^j^j?a?rV: experience in tts preparation of mow tb an Ou?-Himdred "Thousand applications for' patents in the United State? and Foreign conn fr?es,, tho pcbBshrt.~of tho Scidtifi' : *?'eric?Trc?rtrrinae-Tw act as^emftett for patents. cavoa-J. trade-marks, copy? rights, etc.. for tho United States, and to obtain patenta in Canada. England. France, Germany, and all other countries. Their experi? ence is unequaled and their facilities aro unsur? passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short nptic*. Terms very reasonable. Ko charge for examination of modell I or drawings.. Advice by mail tree. d ^ Pa : p r. t ^^^^^a?jr^?JttT^^^^5^ot ic*d - the ?arce* otromat'ot: sMifrCen?^S ?utatiai M newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. . Xbia large and^lo^didly illustrated newspaper ' ts pott 1 *b?T -WE EJK-L Y at ?3.00 a year, and ia admitted to be ?be best paper devoted to science, .mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub? lished in any country. It contains the names of 'all patentees and-t itle of every invention patented each -week. Try it four months for one dollar. . Sold by ali newsdealers. ; ; If you have an invention to patent write to Wann ? **o., publishers o? ?ic i en tina Americas, 861 Broadway. Sow York. * . - - v Handbook about patents mail od free. IOTP H SOUTHM 000000000 o~o o c -?? o o o O o JOB PRINTING oooooooooocooooccoo c j !0j WK carry a large and com -j SJ i0'plete stock of Cards. Envelopes -I **** oan(* Paper. Trial Justice's o i jtjft o>an<* ?t^er Blanks. All work -! " 0!pfft3ded when so ordered. -i JET i0, c 0 cccscC3Soo -' A ^ LETTER HEADS . . ? ? o ; Jt% ;o! . NOTE HEADS - . ~ ? ' 0! *VJ 0 . . BILL HEADS . . ? ~ XV Q . . . STAT?^??NTS . . -4 np |o: . - * . ~T~?? VELQPES : -j X _. . .. INVITATIONS M>>ST*?s.. . o " HANDBILLS . . . ^/p o j_. RECEIPTS . . . - o'.... Sa jo,-, ... emeu LA RS . . 7J 04 . . - . PAMPHLETS . -! Xii ?,.~F()LDKRS . T'T~- ' ? CARDS, , ol' ? . ... ,.. TAGS j c o o z z o c O O O O O-^&X) ogg o o IS COMPLETE. '. OiOv?vO^c- o?c ^C-'-'-?; cece ??p?c> o~o_* I^krw BSIEJ?S a-sp?ialty. We have facil? ities for the prompt and correct execul ion of this c?as? Trf ^rork. Cv)t)stitotion and By-Laws neatly printed and bound. Esti- j mates cheerfully furnisln-d on application. ! THE WHEIESS STAMP -PRESS CO. 743 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, Ajwut* Wanted! <. at;ih.;r:io'Tl{rrF:i RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS^sTEN^ILSi STEEL STAMPS, ?tc. Soi?: >i:inu:":u-ttrrcr> of The WhelessSelfrlnklng Rubber Stamp Printing Press. BLANKS hims* TITLES* . MORTGAGES, BILLS OF SALE. BONDS, And Other Blacks in Variety, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, ff ?f t tl iff fi ? * s J * s AT-LAST u ~rr,HI$ REASON ??^i^?1^' ^^^^?^^^11 ^e^r nne of business, viz: Ladies5 Dress Goods, Notions, &c, la^l^in^ success, they think xtfFtCrHhem their hearty thaaks. : Having made this innovation, they "propose to continue it with unabated energy, being satisfied with* close profits. siiThey offer ^\?-frt? ?fff - ,< . U"n?recedented, bargains in all Departments g iKiou^libxit * tile* ^Sii I)ays of the Week, ^djthey hope^nevgr tp r^each^that stage in their mercantile parser jphen tjiir poe&s gkd "iEfiees would force them to offer Prizes, CJiromos, Special Bays and the like? mdujC?ment. to customers. - ? Ife are^S^??Sri?ilo close out : ^Citrail? ll DRESS GOODS, especiallysuch :?s '??l-wobl iDr?ss Flannels,. 36 inches wide, at S7?\centsf also, a fuHJine of Plaid and Striped Flannels at 37?c TTTTxeaelar^Brice,50.cents. ? ? - > In addition to the apos? we oner . . . imm?il*l& 5*^yar?^Tr% at 3i cents. ^0,^80 ^ar^sjHaiol Homespun at 5Ic. .Jtton't. buy your,. Sheetings,- Shirtings, Flannels, Table Dam aks, white and colors, until, you have gotten our prices. . We h%ye a full stpck of ?\ erne GARS, Newmarkets and Short Wraps \ f OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WALKING JACKETS, : - v -: BOTH>m STOCKINET AND BEAVER, on which we will not be un??rsold. Examin-e,' also, our AH-wool, Coat-back and Vest-front Jer? seys at 95 cents. I We|lre justen r^eipt^f?aiiother'supply of . E. P. REED & pQ.'SICELE^^TED BUTTON BOOTS, for Ladies, ^v&ryjpair of^ielf wf garantee to give satisfaction. Also the best $3 S??oe for Men in the market. ^??????????i?i? & CO. ?Jr#E?'??ALES, fcc ^^PTTP^^^^A^EH04;5f?-3CALES AND-TRUGKS, GROCERS'COUNTER AND ' \j/ ^^?rar^Si-alesT JGro??eei1<fMf4v;-and Butter Scales'; Grocers' and Butchers' Spring Balances, Troemner's Agate Edted Scales, Troemner's Star Coffee Mills. OIL CABINETS, TANKS, TEA AND COFFEE CADDIES .AND CANISTERS, MONEY DRAWERS, ic- ..... PLATE, WINDOW ?i\? CATHEDRAL GLASS, * PAINTS AN&, DINTING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. STEAMBOAT ?and Suputes, Stott an8|^gaje2Stalion Lamps. Ship, Railroad and Hand Lanterns, ^!anirll%nQ*^l?^i^;ige, Sfirp^forndlery, Naval Stores, Supplies, Ac. AGENTS FOR MARVIN'S SAFES We are Headquarters for the above Goods, and offer purchasers the very best material, Greatest Assortment and Lowest possible prices. Wiiliam M. Bird & Co. Sept.21 -v CHARLESTON, S C, ..__ ESTABLISHED 1855. JAMES ALLAI & CO. Would Invite all those who think of Purchasing: a Gold or Silver Watch, Diamonds, Jewelry, SILVERWARE. FINE PLATED WARE, CLOCKS. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES,, TABLE CUTLERY OR A FINE LAMP, To examine their Stock and Prices before purchasing. Those who do so will find a sfock Un8urpM8sed for Variety, Elegance and Quality, and Goods at Reasonable Prices. Satisfac? tion Guaranteed. A Fine Stock of Drawing Instruments and materials for Draughtsmen and Civil Engineers Special attention paid lo Repairing Fine Wmches and Jewelrv. Reqjember "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." JAMES ALLAN & CO., Sept. 21. Sign of Drum Clock, 285 Kiug St., Charleston, S. C. ASHLEY SMALL GRAIN SPECIFIC. The S. G. S. is the cheapest, and the beat,-and the only Specific Fertilizer for Small Grato ou the Market. The S. G. S. has been used ill over our Southern States for the last three years, and has given great satisfaction. ASHLEY ASH ELEMENT, Of superior activity and efficiency ; a cheap and excellent Fertilizer for Small Grain, especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE GARDEN FERTILIZER, Delivered free ; .specially adapted to Roses, "Geraniams, Pansies, Flowering Annuals, &c. v For terms,- directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc? tive publications Of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Sent 23 . Charleston, S. C. ~FRUIT TREES. ? Ornamental Trees. ' -o ROSES, and all kinds of Shrubs and Flowers, ? ?. .. Laco?te and Keiffer Pears. Japanese Persimmons Kelsey's Japanese plum, average weight, 4 ounces." Hand in,.your orders to I 9f%. DARGAN, Agent for I*. J. Berck man's Fmitland ^Nurseries, Augusta, (ia. Sept. 28 _ 8 kj*?%__ SUMTER MARBLE WORKS, ESTABLISHED IN 1869. -BY W. P. SMITH, WHO is STILL PREPARED WITH Improved Facilities, TO FURNISH MONUMENTS) HEADSTONES, -AND ?ll Sands of Cemetery Work, In First Class Workmanship. Dec. 21. MILLINERY. ?The Misses lile Haring received their LARGE AND COMPLETE ?$ STUCK OF Fall and Winter Millinery^ would call the attention of their patrons and ' the public generally to same. This stock includes a full line of TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED Hats and Bonnets, IN VELVET, FELT AND STRAW, Together with a Variety'of SHADED FEATHERS, FANCY BREASTS, BIRDS, RIBBONS, BUCHINGS, LADIES' COLLARS, CUFFS, etc. A Complete Line of CORSETS, -ANO THE LATEST STYLES IN BUSTLES, INFANTS' DRESSES AND CAPS Always on'hand. Prompt attention given to Orders. Oct 19_ TU IC ni BPB^on Ale In Philadelphia I Iflo rSkT tn at the Newspaper Adver I lilli rflLsfftlsin* Agency ot Mew* NI W. AY KR * SON. our authorized agent? THE BEST GA LL AT WM. BOGIN'S and bny one of the NEW HIGH ABM VERTICAL F.EED Davis Sewing Machines. -I also keep The Household, which is THE FINEST UNDERFEED MA? CHINE MADE, and is only excelled by the Dar is. I take second-hand machines in part pay? ment,? and will idispo3e of same for little or nothing. . WM. BOGIff, * ? June 29 Main Street, Sumter, S. CL GUNS, GUNS. U. KTP* /?r /Vic* List. 0??W?wk?,PittJburtfciS^^ : Don ble'Barrel Breech Loading Shot Guns, ebokebore, S10 to 100/ Single Breech Load? ing Shot Guns, $4 'fd 25. Every kind of Breech Loading and Repeating Rifles, $3 to 40. Latest'Patents. Muzzle Loading Dou? ble Shot Guns $5 to 35. Single Shot Guns, $2.50 to ll Revol vers Si to 20. All kinds of Ca ri ridges, Shells. Caps, Wads, Tools, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Primers. Send 4c for our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, or 2c for Price List. No postals answered. Ad? dress, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, Pittsburg, Pa. Julv 27. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. MITCHELL'S - EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Saf? and Effective Remedy for S?re, Weai and Mameft Eyes. Producing Long-sightedness, and Re? ?tor?ng the Sight of the Old. CURES TEAR DROPS, GRANULATION, Stye Tumors. Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, and producing quick Relief ' * and Permanent Care. Also equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Soresj Tu? mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, Mitchell's salve may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists at 25, cen ts. * . - - ~~ DOORS, SAM & BLINDS, Why send out of Sumter to l)tiy them when they can be bought cheaper here ? This fact has been repeatedly and successfully demonstrated by us. Particular attention is paid to the making of ORNAMENTAL SCROLL WORK, - . BRACKETS, Turned Woil and Mantles. The supply of . ' Rough Lumber on hand is large and ample. H. H ARB Y & CO. Sept 14 BOW m im pp GO TO THE SUMTER COTTON FACTORY, AND BUY FOR CASH, BAGGING AND TIES, In Lots of 75 Sets-40 Cents a Bale. In Lots of 50 Sets-50 Cents a Bale. In Lots or 25 Sets-60 Cents a Bale. In Lots of 5 Sets-65 Cen ta a Bate. -ALSO Cotton Batting Matresses, from $3.50 to $10.00. Satisfaction guaran-j teed or money refunded. D. JAMES WINN, Sept. 14-v President. Glenn Springs Mineral later. Testimonials of Eminent Physicians of the State. The following are selected from many sim? ilar ones : DB. L. C. KENNEDY, of Spartanburg, writes the Proprietors : "The remedial qual? ities of Glenn Springs I have known tor over forty years, and can attest to its value in Dyspepsia from gastric or functionnl derange? ment of the Liver, General Debility, Dropsical Effusions. Uterine Irregularity and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. " To the last dis? eases I would particularly call attention, as the waters have shown large curative powers in these complaints." DR. 0. B. MAYER, of Newberry, S. C*> says : "I have S?nt more than fifty persons suffering with Jaundice to these Springs, and have never been disappointed in any case; they all speedily recovered. I cannot find words to express ray confidence in the Glenn Springs water, as a remedy for the Liver, wheo functionally deranged. Dyspepsia, Dropsy, certain skin diseases, troubles in the Kidneys and "Spleen, if produced by the Liver, have all?as I kuow, disappeared at the Springs." DR. JAMES MCISTOSH, President of the Med? ical Association ol South Carolina, in his ao ruial address be'ore that body remarks : j .'Glenn Springs, for diseases of the Stomach, j Liver and Kidneys, deserves to rank with any other on the continent." PRICE OF WATER. Per case of two dozen quart bottles, securely packed and delivered ou the train at Spartan burs, S4.0?. Per gallon, by the .barrel, delivered at Spartanburg, 20 cents. Per trallon, for less than a barrel. 25 cents. Address SIMPSON & SIMPSON, Glenn Springs, S. C. For sale in Sumter, by Dr. A. J. China and Dr. G. S. Sealy. ? HOUSE PAINTING In First Class Stylo. IAM PREPARE:) TO FURNISH MATE rial of the best kind and finish up jobs in workmanlike mariner, and no money required until work is completed. Any kind of work in the House-painting line, such as Walnut Graining, Oak Graining, Mapleing, Marbleizing,, Wall and Fancy Painting in fiat or gloss work, Graniteing, Rough-casting, Gold or Brass Bronzing, Staining, and Varnishing in any shade. All jobs will be promptly dealt with. Address LEMUE'L R. DAVIS, May 19 Sumter, S. C. tia FOR SALE. BUSINESS SITES NEAR THE D?POT. Building Lot. in desirable situation? Apply to A. F. COUSAR. Dec. 14 0 A. J CHINA, DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines and C liemicals. FINK TOILET SOAPS, HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, ?c., Ac. FAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND DYE STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY, $e. Full supply of Fresh Garden Seeds. April 9 - PAINT YOUR BUGGY FOR One Dollar. " One coat gives an old buggy the blackest black you ever saw and a handsome gloss without varnishing. It dries hard in a few hours. No rubbing I No varnishing! No extra trouble. Each can contains more than enough to paint a carriage. Retailed at Ont Dollar per Can. ' For Sale-by _PR, A. J. CHINA. G. S# SEALY S Drug Stare, Under- Music Hal!, SUMTEK, s. c. PURE DRUGS ANO CHEMICALS constanly on hand. A fine assortment of TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDI? CINES, LADIES* REQUISITES," and ali articles kept by first.class druggists. Personal attention given to the compound? ing of physicians'.prescriptions. Cold, sparkling Soda Water, with choice cream syrups, Sarsaparilla Meade, and Milk Shakes to suit the most fastidious. G. S. SEALY, . Apr 13 Graduate of Pharmacy. FOUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS So H^T?SB wiil die of COLIC. BOT? or Luxe FJB vfcx. if Foncrs Howden are used intone. Foutz's J'ow-i^rswiljrnreaDclprevcntHoGCnoLiRA. Foutz's Powders will prevent Ganes IK FOWLS. - Fonts'* Powders will fncren^ the qnantrty of milk - and cream twenty per cent, and make tiie batter lina wt sweet . Fontz s Powders will enre or prevent almost svxiry ?T?vj?sk td which Horses and ( attie are subject. FOUTZ'S PoWDKK? WTI.L.6IVX SATISFACTION. Sold everywhere; 2>AVIa>T5. FOUyz, Proprietor ' . . BAX1TZJ?OH.E, 2?3X I F. W7. DELOKML, Agent* -DEALER IN- . DRUGS & mm TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY AND ALL KINDS OF Druggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT IN * FIRST-CLASSDRUG . STORE. Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, GARDEN SEEDS, &C,5 -AL30 Paints, Oils. Varnishes, GLASS, PUTTY, "icc. .AND DYE STUFFS. -0 Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genu? ine, and of the best quality. Call and see for yourselves. G. M DICE, D. D. S. :' Office over Bogie's New Store, ENTRANCE ON MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. C. Office Honrs.-9 to 1:30 ; 2:30 to 5. Sept 8 E. SOLOMONS, Surgeon Dentist. Office over A A. Solomons' Store, SUMTER, S. C. Office Hour^-9 to 2 ; 3.30 to 6. Mob 17 . 1 e J. W. ADKINS, CONTRACTOR ANO BUILDER^ SUMTES, S. C. SOLICITS WORK IX ~THE BUILDING LINE, and will promptly attend to all work entrustedjto iii m. Residence next to Epperson's Stables. July 20 WRIGHT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. -O THIS NEW AND ELEGANT fiOUSK, with all modern improvements, ia sow open for the reception of guests. S. L. WRIGHT A SON, May 6. " ProDrietor*. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE ls a guarantee of excellence. ARIOSA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores ?rom the Atlantic to the Pacific* COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. J; Dp YOU WA MT A DOG? ? If so, send for DOG BUYERS? GUIDE* containing colored plat's, 100 en ?raviner? o? different breeds, prices they ar? worth,?od where to bay them. Directions for Training Pox? ?nd Breeding Ferrets? Muled for ld Cents. Also Cats of Dog Furnishing Goods of ?II kinds. ..ARE YOU IMTERESTEDJN'PO?LT?Y Then send for Practical POUL? TRY BOOK. 100 pages; beau? tiful colored plate i engravings of nearly ?ll kinds of fowls; descrip? tions of the broods; how to capon ixe; plans for poultry booses: information a boot incubator?, ?od where to buy End? from best stock at S 1.50 per sitting. Sent for 15 Cents. MDOYOUKEEP CAGE-BIROS? If so, you need tbs BOOK. OF CAGE BIRD*. 120 pages. 150 Ulus 1 trat ions. Besntifal colored plate. ' I Treatment and breeding of ?Il kindsCaga birds, for pleasure and pro ni* Diseases ?nd their cum How to build and stock an Aviary. All shoat Parrots. Prices o< ! ; all kinds birds, cages, etc. Hailed foe ld Cents. Tho Three Books, 40 Cts. | ASSOCIAT~ED>ANClERS. * 237 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Obtained; and all I'ATEM JiU>rXnxS nt tended to for tlOJ/EKATJ-: t'J !> Our office is opf>osijc Jh" H.S. Patent <>Hi<v. niui v.e cnn ob? tain l'?tcntsui loss ?imc iban those r< mote from WA&nXGTOX. S-n.i Mf'!>F[.. !?!' I H ?SC ?.r PHOTO of invention. Wc advise ?- to jwtemo. ability m?c of rl?)iruc we :n:rke .Vi; . I?A"R(?? VNJsHss VA TEXT is si:- ri:Xl*. For c?rcnlsr. wdvjeo. terms Hud r-:- '.-:>ccs t<> actual clients in y"?""?'ii Stj;?.- . < itv-Vr Town; write to OLA?SN8W&C0 Ojnwitc Paient O?ce, WashingUm, D C B. F. MITCHELL <fc Sftt?pi FBOPRDBTO?S OJ The Merchant Flour ?ifli 4 ' ANS J COMMISSION MERCHANTS * - yOBTTHr TOT-OF-~~ COTTON AND /NAy?L STG?Mk WILMINGTON, u. C. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRiCBg Choice grades FLOUE, ?wl?^iBtaTfi?. ' -ALSO, Fresh Ground MEAL, HOMINY, --ALSOT:--.... Sheeted RED R?SX_?EOOr S?? OATS. * v Selected North Carero? s?d Maryland SEED R?E. 1<^$A All our Good* guaranteed best quail ty and at lowest price*. No charge for s delivery to Raltrtfsa:-: B. F. MITCHELL A 80%. BENJAMIN G KEIG. - C.?. lUnZtKS>< SJ (?RH I WM!m< FACT.O?I ?' -AND- .. . Commission Merdai^ " . Adger's Noiih Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. -<?? Liberal Advances ott Con&gmmtiU."'/ ^ Sept. 21, 3 -, , ;> - V OHO F. METERS, WHOLESALE GROC?!R -p AND LIQUOR DEALER: Office and Salesroom : 183 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C Sept. 21 v LANGLEY BROS., 174 King Street,. CHARLESTON, S: C. Manufacturers of Ladies aad Geofs Tinder- ^ s wear. Fine Dress Shirts to order a specialty. Price List and directions for neasorinf , - sent on application. ' Satisfaction guarantied or money rtfvndti, * Sept 21 o C. WULBEKN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Provisions, Liquors, Toto, fe' 167 and 169* East-Bay, CHARLESTON, * S. C. Dec. 2 ? m 3. B. THOMAS. Agt No. 320 KING STREET, . Opposite Libert]/, ..\ ? inflow Mes, Paper E?J ? LACE CURTA! HTS, CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY MOOS, WINDOW AWNINGS SCADS TO ORDER. CHARLESTON S. ?. Dec ll ? GEO. W. ^TEFFEHS, ^ WHOLESALE GROCER, Auction and Commission lftfffihant ! and Liquor Dealer. AGENT FOE - The F.nest Earn* cured** the JJ. S. Aiso Agent for - ' GENESEO ROAD CARTV ^ The Best and Cheapest on the Market. 197 EAST BAY AND 50 AND 52 STATE 9m. (Auction Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. C. Consignments Solicittfl:- "." Nov 25 - v o CHAS. C. LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Commissioft -DEALKB ni GAME ???D FOTOTKTs,. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market, Office Nos. 18 and 20 Market St* East of East Bar, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Consignments of Country Prodoce are re? spectfully solicited. Poultry, eggs, Ac. AU orders filled with dispatch. Nov 23 - - - "~- ? PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C. First Class in all, its Appointment*. Supplied with all Modern ImproTementa? Excellent Cuisine, Large Airj Rootnc, " Otis Passenger Elevator, Elec? tric Bells and Lights. Heat? ed Rotunda. RATES $2 00; $2?<hAND $3.00. Rooms Reserved by Ma? or Telegraph* Sept 16 _Vs,, GEO. L GOOK, PHOTOGRAPHER, 265 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Aog 10_O The largest and most complete'esTaWihment South GEO. S. HACKER & SOW, ^^^^^^ ^ Manufacturers ot DOOR, Saslt, Hts, JMftf r OFFICE" xirn ^AR?S?S?JR, King, opposite Halmo* Street, ? j CHARLESTON, S. C. ? Aog 10_ C. BART & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in J FR ITITI ? CgA?LESTOlf, S. C., Are receiving by ?teamer and rail fro? North and West foll supplies each week of CHOICE APPLES,. PEARS, TATOES? CABBAGES, ?KHMgJWT^ OF ALL KINDS, Bw-r *1^ ?m* Orders solicited and nwgp?r|?^ . Sept. 21. x