WEDN3SDAY, NOVEMBER 16, E?ttered at the Post O?ce at Sumter, S. O.y as Second Class Matter. SXAMINS YCXJRDATSS. ^e request each of our subscribers to ex ?mine the address on his paper, and particu? larly to observe the date upon it. This date shows The time up to which the paper has "be?n paid fer. Many of our subscribers will i .anssee that they have paid ra advance; 4 o t there are many others who will discover ^ih it they have not. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "J. Oliver Durant-Notice. T. M. Monaghan, Executor-Sale. Altamont Moses-Special Bargains. The Simonds National Bank-Notice. T. V. Walsh. Jud^re Probate-Citation. R. P. Monashan-Homes ! Homes.! Homes ? Schwartz Bros.-For Elegance and Style. Estate of Mrs. Vermeille Bradford, deceased -Notice. J. Ryttenberg & Sons-Truth is Always j 'ladispatable. . Personal. Congressman Wilson, of West Ta., was ia "StMnter on the 9th instant. Miss Louise Steele, cf York, is in Sumter ] on a visit to- ber sister, Mrs. J. M. Spann. Misses Mary and Faonie Mayes, of Mayes T?l?e, were in town yesterday on a visit to friends. i Miss Sallie Williams, of Darlington Coun? ty, is ia Sumter on a visit to the Misses dannie and Lula Haynsworth. Mrs. W. K. Croswell and Miss Rebecca "Shaw, of MaonviUe, are in town visiting the family of Mr. W. C. Yenning. Miss "Eliza Yenning rein med home last week from a protracted visit to her sister, Mrs. W. K. Crosswells a? Ma?aV?Ie. Mr. D. Roseadorff and wife have gone to Blackville, Barnwell County, to attend the marriage cf Col. Mike Brown. Ex-Governcr Manning was in town on yes? terday. This distinguished citizen always receives a hearty welcome from our citizens. Dr. S. C C. Richardson, of Manning* and Mr. Thos. E. ?\u-hnrdsoa, of Sumter, w*>re in j town Monday.- Enquirer, Soo. 9. j Capt. J. B\ Patrick. Superintendent of the j Patrick Military Institute of Anderson is in I Sumter, on his waj- to the Weish Neck Asso- ? ciation. ar Carterville. Miss Jennie Moses will return to Washing? ton on Friday evening. In ber departure a bright ?ink in the charmed circle of the Non "descript Club wtll be taken away. Miss Katie McK?nnon, ci.e of Sander's prettiest and most cultured young ladies, has gone to Darlington to teach school. The people of Clyde are lucky indeed in having j secured her a teacher.-Bishopcille j Enterprise. We are very sorry to announce that Mr. John B. Johnston, of Salem, js very ill. His | ' physician, Dr. J. W. Hudson, of Mayesvil??, j j telegraphed for Dr. Bossard oh yesterday as j , the assistance of a consulting physician was i considered necessary. |: The banns of matrimony between Miss Jen- I 5 nie Carroll and Mr. W. J. McKaia were pro? claimed for the first time at the Catholic j < Church yesterday morning. The marriage j ; wi?? take place at the Catholic Church on Ihe i i '24th instant.- Coiumbiii Record, XAtk. \ , Hon. Jos. T. Walsh was in Sumter last j week on a short visit to his brother, Col. T. j Y. Walsh, and his son our popular deputy | 1 ?postmaster. Mr. Wu.!sh has ?ately removed ; "from Marion TO Wilmington. N -C-, at which latter place he has another son living; and we were gratiSed to ?earn from him of the j warm reception he has received from the WU- j iningtonians, and ianthe ?s much pleased with j his new location, beth from a business and social .standpoint. Dr. S. R. Twininjr, Manager of the CATO- i Jina Chemical Concert Co. cf Wilmingtan^ j C. is in town, and is exDecting his com j pany in a few days, when open air concert- j will be given, for the pnrpose of introducing j the Carolina Balsam (extract of Lightwood) j ?nd the Pinola Extract {fre?v. Green Pine.) These medicir?rs are sold under a guarantee '< from the company for Rheumatism and Dys- j pe ps ia . i Fr OTP. the Mt&nthg Timts ] Rev. L. D. Bass and family are visiting re?a- ? tives in this county. Mr. Bass is now ?he ? pastor of a Baptist church in Greenville, Ala., j & town of about 5,000 inhabitants. We are j requested to announce that he will preach j next Sunday a: Dudley's Station. This is ! one of the cha?ches of which he was the nes? tor before leaving this county for Greenville. ; The Stat? Fair afforded pick-pockets a pro- j 6 table field. Numbers of persons had their! pockets p'CkK!, and in some in-stances large ! amounts were stolen. Dr. John !. Ingram,! of this county was robbed of $40 by one of; the llght-Hngered gentry. Even a minister's j cloak was no protection against their raids, i We learn that Rev. Mr. Edmunds, of Sumter, : ?ost his pocket-book, containing* >-Z in this j way. " It was not So bnt S4 that Dr. Edmunds j lost by the pi'ck-rjcckr-ts. Religions!}- speak- ! ing it is not the amount taken in the manner ? aforesaid that hurts, but it is the principle of i the thing. Apricot Roll? and Cream at O'Con- I nor's Bakery are all the rage. Thursday, Nov. 24th, being a national : holiday, the Post Office will be closed. Cen- j eral delivery ooen from IO to Iii A. M. J. Ryttenberg & Sons still continue to as-j tonisb our readers with their startling adver- ; tisements. Read the new ad to-day and give ? them a call. Warren Durant colored was* arrested to- j day for stealing a pound and a half of shot and a can of corned beef from H. W. Phillips, auctioneer. Schwartz Bros. call the attention of the j ladies to their very fine stock of dress goods, | and alsc reminds buyers to secure tickets for | their elegant present to be given to their cus- I tomers. The Simonds' National Bank of Sumter is ! sow in full operation, and is Snanci&Ily abie : not only to do ail the banking bns:nes? of j this Countv, but c-f this section ol the State. I Altamont Moses has a new advertisement to I which attention is directed. A gener il -educ- j tion is made in ai! lines of goods and his list ; of Special Bargains should give him a rush of j customers. ' Another chance for bargains is offered io j the Executor's Sale adveri.sed" of stock in j store of the late Wm. Bogia. The business' is to be closed up and the goods are offered at ; very low prices. j On last Thursday night one Mose Gordon better known as Green Gordon was arrested i by Chief of Police C. fi. Jones. Gordon ! baa io his possession at the time of his arrest j three chickens which he had stolen from the : Guard House yard, being the same which were ' dropped in a bag on Monumental Square a j week previous to the time of his arrest, and ! it is generally believe that he wa3 the thief j that stole them in the first instance. Gordon j is also under charge for se?ing whiskey with- ! out license. A Grand Tournament. A grand Tournament v.-ui be given on ! Thanksgiving Day, 24th instant nt the Mile j Branch near Mr. Anthony White's former rcsi- ! dence. Preparations are being made by a nomber of our young men to nuke this the \ grandest tournament ever he!d in this County j Prizes will be awarded to the best riders by ! whom the prettiest younc ladies on the j grounds will be crowned. Come one, come i all, and Jet us have a merry time. -a Mt. Zion Church. The Timmonsville Farmers' Friend says : Rev. W/S. Bean resigned his pasforate of \ the Florence Presbyterian Church last Sun? day, and announced that he reit it his duty to ; accept the cali from Mt. Zion Church, in Sum? ter. The resignation was accepted by the Church, and the delegate to Presbvtcry in* j stracted to concur with Mr. Bean in "his appli? cation for dissolution of the pastoral relation. A Glorious Puff, Weare indebted to Mr. F. J. O'Connor for ' a plate foll of de! lcious cream pc2s and apri? cot rolls ?eat to us this morning. Mr. O'Con? nor has just secured the services of a first-class baker who is a connoisseur in his line, ->.r?d -?rho is now making all kinds of pastry ?or O'Connor's model bakery. - ->- -^*^ PoubleWhite Hyacinth Bulbs at DcLorme's. Married. On Nov. Sth, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. J. McKay, Mr George Muldrow to Miss Maggie, daughter of the late Robt. M. English. Our best wishes are ten? dered to the hnppy couple, and also our thanks for their kind remembrance of us. ? Gin Accident. Judge Keith, colored, had his left arm broken in two places on last Friday morning while attending to some-part O? the machin? ery or the gm of Thomas & McCutchen at Wedgefield. Just a month ago John Howell, colored, had his arm broken at gin. - IM- ? ? ~mmm - A Correction. In announcing the marriage -last week of Mi. R. Westley Beikett, we were mis? informed as to the name of his charing bride. It should have been Miss Fannie E. Spann. He Bid Not Come-. Yesterday was the day appointed o- vrbi'ch ! Mr.Nor wood, of Marion, and all those inter- j ested in the establishment of a State Bank in j Sumter were to have met. Mr. Norwood didn't come and there was no meeting. The probability of the founding of that kind of an institution herc s a matter merely specula? tive now. ?WU lil-Bli - - Somes for the Homeless. As will be seen by the advertisement of Mr. R. P. Monaghan, he offers 100 Building Lots in the town of Sumter for sale, on easy terms md at low prices. The situation is desirable, ? being near the depot and ?n a growing part of the town. He has had prepared a plat show nz the location of these lots. ? Entertainments by Miss Fannie Pack. Nr. Editor: please announce iu your valu? able paper that Miss Fannie E. Pack, will give m Entertainment at Providence on the Even? ing of the 22d instant. Also at Wedgefield on the 29tb instant. The public are cordially invited to attend. Admission fees for Adults 23c : Children. 10c. Denied. A sad story ha* heea published by the j Orangeburg Times and Democrat, and copied j >y a number of the State papers, to the effect that a young lady of Barnwell county had j :>een eloped with and afterwards deserted by j Dr. Rutherford, the* horse doctor who was in j his place some time aso. A gentleman of j Emiter has a letter from a member of the ! "amily of the lady understood to be referred ! o, which affirms the whole story to be with >ut foundation. Nondescript Club. The'entertainment given by the Nondescript 2!ub on last evening was unquestionably one j )f the finest amateur performances ever wit itssed on our stage. It was perfect in every >ariicular, combining ia a remarkable degree :he sublime with the ridiculous. The tableau ?cenes ?ere the best of the kind we have ever seen-, especially the" "Inspiration Scene." One of the principal features of the pro? gramme was the recitations by Misses Dulce Moise, Carrie Moses, Claude Girardeau and Col. J. J. Dargan and Dr. G. W. C. Dick, all Df whom without the least flattery acquitted ! themselves most admirably. The reading by j Col. D. J. Au*d, Rev. John Kershaw and Mr. ? G. E. Wether, of Newberry, were highly en? tertaining and much enjoyed by ?Il present. Last of all, though not the ie-ist by any means, was4'The Mouse Trap:" A farce in one f.ct. by William Dean Howells. Characters-Willis Campbell, Esq. Mr. C. C. Manring; Mrs. Amy Somers. Miss Jennie j Moses: Mrs. Curwen, Miss V. Marion Girar? deau ; Mrs. Miiier, Miss Addie Kennedy , Mrs. j Berni?, Mrs. G. C. Bacot ; Mrs. Roberts, Miss j Emmie Mikel! ; Jane, (a maid) Miss Carrie Mose?. Ali of the characters in this Farce acted their paristoperfection. Ouresteemed fellow townsman, C. C. Mannitig, Esq , has been j pronounced "a born actor" and Miss Jennie i Moses ';a most charming little star." We take great pleasure in announcing that Miss Dulce Moise, the efficient and fascinating ; manager cf the Nondescript Club informed us \ this scorning that another entertainment will be given just after Christmas by their Club. -I Lil? ? ? thc !:...:. Thomas V. Walsh, as Judge of Pro! nie r'-.r Suinter Coun- ! ty in tlie Stale of South Car di: a, ;'- ara nt to j the undersigned a final di : -ens Executors ? of thc last W?? and Test ?ment i ! Cai!in C. Porter, deceased, in ?bc ::' ?tc Xh-uv. Caro- j lii-.a. rvDWA'vf- T?VA^.N?VV; Nov. o. UTI LEI AM L. U ! ESO N. \ Es?a?e o? frlrs? V< vinnlh Knitlibrd ; VEE PEUS' 'NS i .: j ch; i ms against j Estate v iii pr-sent the same "July | attested; and .-ti' li persons it? ar? indebted tu said E-m*>\ will make t'avnicnt " > I.ENJAMIN HODGES. Executor. Nov. io-;:t. Statehurg, S. 0. SHERIFF'S SALES. ? ?>Y virtue cf Sundi j Evecuti?>:is, to me j* > directed, will ? .. -..b: a; Sumter C. H., j on the firs: MoNDAA .ind il .v ! olio wu? j: in DECEMBER ne.xr, issy, ns many days ! thereafter as m::v he ::??'.. !?!;;;> the j legal noars 'Off?ir, I he bi?h St bidd ;r, for ; catii, l'"; fbilOV< i?g ].'.?'].? Vi} : One ?rEc co fon weithin?: '."''-I1'5.. 3.000 : lbs. seed cotton mot- <.. ?ess] ti.::;; -five J-u.-.h- . els cotton seel, :: Lushes com. itO'ii lbs. fod- : der, mor.- or h.-s- F^ZC. and to ! :. ,..!-! thc ; proper \v pf G. W. !'.:. Ander?.):) un.1er j Wnrrant of Attachment of J. E. Mayes, to j seize crop under lien of tb'.: said D. 13. An- j derson. i MARION SANDERS. S. S. C. ! S^icnfTs Office, Nov. 5, ?S87 I F OF GO TO 1 mm Palace Dry Goods Emporium. We invite all who are interested in examining a superb and elegant stock of F .-O'CY AID ST APILE DRY to pay us a visit and be convinced that )urs is the store, par excellence, where a lady can supply herself with all that is needful and ornamental, and at the very lowest prices. We can show you the largest and best assortment cf Plain md Fancy Dress Gooc?s, Tricots, Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges, Diagonals, &c, ?Vi th the most beautiful ; Fancy Velvets to Match, iver exhibited in any store here, and even unsurpassed any? where. Also a most beautiful line of rfib naru il,'-' m iE FAILLE. FRANCAISE, MOIRES, ARMURES, BRO? CADES, RHADAMES, SURAHS, Etc, With handsome Irredescent and Cut Jet Ornaments, Bead Edgings, Drop Trim? mings and Passementerie to match. Making Rich Eile cts. We call especial attention to Our Cloak Department, which contains the most" stylish liiie of Cloaks and Wraps ever brought to tins city, the proof of this being that our sales in this ??p?rtment was so great that we were compelled to order a complete new stock, which we will ojpen to-day, and sell at exceedingly low prices. Remember our lowr prices are oil THIS STEARNS CLOAKS-new and elegant. We still oiler 1 case Solid Black Calico at 5c.-sold everywhere at 7c. 25 pieces Dress Silesias at Tic.-regular price 10c. Crinoline in all colors at Tic.-regular price 10c. . 5 pieces left cf the 36 in. double faced Plush at lOc-sold elsewhere at 25c. Another lot of Heavy Twilled Red Flannel at 23c.-sold elsewhere at 85c. 50 dozen Doylies just received will bc seid at Soc ? do.^en -s;ood value for 50c. 20 dozen Coutil Corsets*at To cts.-better than ?hy one in in town at $1.00. 10 doz. Spiral Spring Bustles at Tc.-sold elsewhere at 10c An elegant lot of Cents7 Silk Neck Ties reduced from 75c: Lo 50c. Thes? Prices are good for every day, so dont think they are for special days. Be sure to call for TICKETS after pur? chasing, which will give yon a CHANCE AT WINNING that ?ME .S?? ?' WHICH \\ t? mn cm a\n\ ?mm The value of which is 1, iis-iMi m im:; MMI?R A SPECIALTY. Ms 1 U ^fe ESES W$ ? i BT/ MRS PALACE DRY G?9BS EMPORIUM, SUMTER, S. G. AT J&?iT. THIS SEASON CO. Having made "a h?w departure in their line of business, viz: That of handling an extensive line- of Ladies' Dress Goods, ?Votions, &c.5 and having been Favored with unexpected success, they think it due their patrons to. extend to them their he?rty thank's. Having made this innovation, they propose to continue it with unabated energy, being satisfied with close profits; They offer Unprecedented Bargains in all Departments Throughout the Six Days of tlie Week/ and they hope never to reach that stage iii their mercantile career when their Goods and Prices would force them to offer Prizes, Ghromos, Sjpecial Days and ike Wee, as an inducement ter customers. We are now offering to close out iciAL Mum ? DREI mu, especially such as All-w?ol Dress Flannels, 36 inches wide, at ??? cents, also a full line of Plaid and Striped Flannels at ST^e. -regular price 50 cents. In addition to tho above we offer 5,000 yards Prints at 3i eena 10,000 yards Plaid Homespun at 5fe. Don't buy your Sheetings, Shirtings, Flannels, Table D?m aks, white and colors, until you have gotten our prices." We have a full stock of JERSEYS, CIRC {'JARS, Newmarkets and Short Wraps OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WALKING JACKETS^ B?TE IN ST?CKINET AND BEAVER, on which we will not be undersold. Examine, also," our All-wool, Coat-back and Vest-front Jer? seys at 95 cents. We are just in receipt of another supply of E. I\ REED & CO.'S CELEBRATED KID BUTTON" BOOTS, for Ladies; every pair of which we guarantee to give satisfaction: Also the best ?3 Shoe for Men in the market; 'IMUtifELL & Cd. STILL IN THE LEAD. J. A. SCHWERIN, li?D??ABT? NB mik CLAUS, DOMESTIC AND FANCY STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Photograph and Autograph Albums in Plush and Leather of the Latest Designs. Plush Dressing Cases of all Descriptions. Wood, Rustie and Plush Picture Frames AT COST; Toys of All Descriptions. Handng and Standing Lamps of all Stvles. -ALSO ? LARGE LINE OF CHINA WARE; Sept 23 A. J. DAVIS, TAILOR: C' l?fTI?G AND MAKING TO ORDER / Also, Renovating. AH orders promptly attended to. Liberty Strbet. opposite A. A. Solomons' Croce:}' Department. Charges reason ft ble. GI H?>YT & BRA i Sa ny i s & pun* ?TATE JUST RECEIVED The Largest. ??nesthrt jlost Attractive Stock of J E W ELEY Ever brought to ^uniter. Secret upon Scores ef CLOCKS from Si.50 to S'-O GO. 'landis of Hundreds of ENGAGEMENT KINGS whose gec? are aof the purest ray serene. V COME ONE! COME ALL ! AND SEE THEM. It will be our delight to show them. It won't cost you anything to look, and look y,oi: must. We mean business this Fall. SILVERWARE ! SILVERWARE ! ! Beautiful- and Rare ! And of the Latest j designs ! Next to .1 lott ly brine arc ISTC-I* HIlilli3. PRJ?SEXTS 1 And we have them in all Shapes, Forms, and Variety. Now is your timr. Don't i-e bashful. ''Faint heart never won fair lady." Von get tbo bride. We hare the "rosents. SPECTACLES ANO EVE-GLASSES In tho greatest abundance. Don't forget thai all repairing intrusted to us will be promptly attended to and executed ! in first class sty ie. j Before U1tl2 tb g you adieu, we r?jr.;i:i extend a must cordial invention to one and .-iii lo ; come and eXamiue our extra fine Stock of! Goods; ! Sept. 23. ? ________^_______________^^______________ ' A CARD, \ . i HAVING TAKEN a situation with Mr. Moses Green. ! desire; to let my friends j .lu?! customers know that ? can be found ;-.t his Fruit ar.d Grocery Establishment and will take pleasure in serving :hsm. Verv respectfully S"T 9._F. B. GRIER. TO RENT. 4ROOMS-either up-stairs or down-stairs -a Kitchen and Pan tr v. For terms, ap? ply TO JU LIX" T. GREEN, SvV. Attoruev. JOHN C. BML HAMME lt Importers and Dealers in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware and Cutlery OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; COLUMBIA, S. C: Ocr. 2'J. o_. . , , 1 il I I I ? 0. BROWN 1 BK COLUMBIA, S. C. 33 O Q ? , SASH ft BLINDS, LATHS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, AND HAIR: PAINTS, OILS AND TARNISHES. CARTER WHITE LE?D, The Best :n the Market." Special Altonion Given to Orders hy Mail. C. 0. BROWN & BRO.,' Opposite Post Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 5-6