??y:p&&& ?oros* is djsad. WHf&?-,. Yc^hgLoveis dead : "i. ; Bat when he died ire can ot tell. : There was nosou*d of passing bell Whes Ufehad fied. "We did tot know . V; A thing so fai? ccu?d pass away : * - v.. ; .Tb^l^ of^te could torn one day M&^i-- T-To iipe of soow. ^;t ,' - - / To "domb despair . ; Wegjazedon bim we had caressed;- . His hands were folded on his breast Ais if in prayer. . .. "Then in the grave We laid-our Lovej so. cold and still ; \" i\- . We could not weep, we. had no will ?; - Or power to save. The spring is here, With smiling face, bat Love has fled ; "Where"last ye*r"s flowers arelyiag dead, Go seet bis bier I Why They Don't Marry The Roston, La., Gahgraph says " one" of the strangest- thiugs. about that . town is that there are so many mar - r??geab?e people- and so little marry " ;L $ogc goings Oi* in it, and wants to know ? : 5Feome plan cannot be hit upon by which the marriage ball can be put in motion. To this inquiry of the Cali graph, ihe Rayne Signal glibly sug 1 ageste a remedy by saying 'persuade h -N tbe^youn?g women to give up reading nove?s and other like amusements, and go to work,and learn how to cook and - keep house, and we guarantee : that the matrimonial ball will begin ' to roll with astonishing rapidity. -. There is too much sentimental gush i and not enough practical common sense ?bbut the marrigeable young women <>f to-day/ This is all wrong, and we "fofiy agree with the New Or leans Picayune that 'the fault is not with the girls but with the men. It is sad to see the alleged stronger sex V Regenerating -to that degree that yonng. men are afraid to ask the-girls to marry them. Women were made for love and the purest and best in stinets of their nature is towards mar riage-- If they are sentimental it is because they, have true and warm hearts* Let b?t th? right men make their appearance, an(f how quickly w?Tthe girls-give up the imaginary ibr^the real, bow readily will they drop the sentimentalities of story book lov? for the worthy and ' holy -career of wif??iood. A good woman t? does ?iot 8sk much beyond the iove of a brave and honest man who can make a fair living for them both. ; Style and show go but a little way in a woman's estimation when her heart ~ is engaged. But women hate cow ards and when they find men afraid to encounter the duties and responsibil ities bX.marriage, no wonder that -the most trivial story book is preferred to toeir society. If the men will only do their duty there will-be no complaint of the girls. They are ali .right, and far too good for the men wbo are afraid to marry. In such I case the girls will do well to remain m?gie. ^ It is Ibetter than towe,d a moral poltroon.' These are our sen timents to ih? millionth :part of an inch,, and whtj??c this article Ts not (> poblwhed for any particular young inas in ourv town or county, we are sure that there ^are many that it will bit right between the eyes, and we hope they will profit by it and mend their ways.?Orangeburg Democrat. ^Treatment of Hog Chol?ra. Eor the .benefit of all whom it may concern, I will give my recent expe^ , T?enc? with hog cholera, how I got th? remedy, the circumstances con nected with it and the result of treat . ment. About.the first of last Novem : i>& my hogs were dying ' daily with cholera? In fact, up to that, time 1 had lost every oue of my yoang pigs and nearly all of my younger hogs. _ I bad my meat bogs shut up and sep '? -arated eutirely from those that were infected with the disease, but very -soon those commenced to get sick and . die, not one that was taken sick recover ing, but dying in the short space of ten hours. While all this destruction was going on, I received my Novem ber number of the Southern Cultiva tor, and in searching through its col umns I came upon the following cure ?br hog cholera : *The Dawson, Geor Journal states that Mr. Bob Mur ray, one of the most reliable planters of Calhoun county, told of a sure cure for hog cholera that be was using. Several years ago Mr. Murray's hogs were- dying in large numbers with -cholera, and her -checked its ravages by mixing with their food a moderate quantity of soda. A few days ago cholera again attacked his hogs, and lie lost twelve in one * /. l?e at once began giving soda and he has not had a hog to die since.' - .While reading the above in the 5 Cultivator, my wife came in and told Ine that two more of my large meat hogs had just died and three more were sick, in less than fifteen min utes after receiving this information my hogs were eating ground food with a liberal quantity of soda and salt mixed together. The three sick hogs just mentioned were not s? bad but that they ate some and got well. For ten days following I gave all my hogs a liberal quantity of the mixture, at first twice a day ; I have contin ued to give it occasionally up to this time, and now ? am able to state, with pleasure, that I have not had a sick hog on my place since giving them the fiist dose of soda and salt mixture ; now over two months ago. I will further state that having been so fortunate as to see this cholera cure in the Soulhern CuUicator and having tested its virtue fully, I do not hesitate to say that I consider it worth more to me than twenty times the subscription price that I paid for jrour excellent farm journal. W. K. Crosswell. Manv?llc, S. C. Albert Gaerry Has a Suit. Albert Gaerry. who lived in Samter for some time and who is well known to many of our citizen?, is about to get into a lawsuit in Washington. The JJatchct says aboat this affair: "In Belfs studio, on Pennsylvania stesse, there is an artistic life-size por trait of the first lady of the land. It is . the ereatioa ot* Albert Guerry, the fa mose ?albero artist. Experts say it is a per?eeT?ikeoess of Mrs. Cleveland in face, form xsd feature. Mr. Guerry, although impecunious, is a most remark able artUt. He has painted portraits of Caihouo, Hampton, Hartranft and other profitent figures in American politics. There is a squabble between Bell, in whose studio the portrait was painted, and Gaerry, the artist. Bell claims that the picture w-is painted under his super vision, and that he, perforce, is the first owner. * Guierry^^^^4'e^in.<1 ter claim that lie, oe?tig",we"?t??s?^nt?t.j of necessity h-ave a- Jar^ ^o^ioiTof [in terest in the portrait of Mrs; Cleveland. On a failure to agr^c both sides engaged counsel. Judge Mackey, the. eminen't ^South Carolina jurist, was engaged bj Mr. Guerry. Mr. Bell engaged ;tw>?Jawt yers of renown. Judge .Ma?key isajfs "Guerry is the -legal owner, of. .the pic-; tore, and we will serve a writ of reple on Bell to* recover it." This is an interesting .case and ,the result of the suit will be auxiously watched. First Love. Florence Times. # In the halcyon days of school' time, then first love springs unbidden within the maiden's breast. Tbe hero of her affections sometimes proves fickle and perverse to the -yirgin sentiment, and then the awful pangs of unrequited love fiad expression in tender epistles to the fond object of her ad orattod/ - Stich, was oo doubt the- case of the lass, who sent the following to her beloved, and that came info possession of. ye scribe in- an un looked for manner. There is no doubt but' that it came from. some fair maid who attends the Graded School, but we promise not to tell who she is. Hear her plain trve not?,! Mr^BARLING: ' Why dou t youlwr?te? .am afraid you have stopped loving me 7. have you ? Write and tell me if you have.. I wilL bother you no more .with ,niy love, al though I love .you more than - pen cii can-tell. Di? you go to the skutrog rink last height TQT (ftdu^t^tnother wouldn't let me. ~- I amgdmg*Sal(.urday. Please come ; r? 1 want. to see your ? and talk with you. O ? darHng> do not go back' on me. If'you do-, I don't know what I shail do. Do answer this right away. ... ?, . Your loving sweetheart, ;.i -Vs The orgin of the. expression 'mend ing his fences. ' as used in modem politics, is attributed to ?Job Sherman.J While' ^Secretary of ?th??'; 3>easu7j0t? visited his home at Mansfield and was, followed by a host ?f correspondents^ one of whom boldly asked the Secretary - what he was do?og-in Mansfield.-, It happened - that on that day Sherman had contracted with, a roan to repair some fences his"pifoces; so" he told the reporter that he had come to Mansfield to Took after his fences. 'Thus origin ed an expression which has bad wide use in poiitieal circles and has even found its way urto the-British Jlouse of Parliamefftr ^- '*' ^-1 ^ John Most, ex-convict\ ancf apostle of anarchy, bad a reception in Cooper Union. New -York . It was.the largest Anarchist .meeting ever held in that city, the hall being packed. The ma jority present were not Anarchists, but Socialists/and jaaay wejre tbJreTmerely out of rcuriosity.^ A large squad of police.'in -CTtrsens^clorhes, we re-present. THE ?N?GHT;S HONOE. I THEIR PLANS AND METHODS. The aitnjof true.statesmamship and civ.Hi?a-;; tionris to secure tr*T happiness of -the people.; Nothing contributes so much to that end as the^ certainty that our dependent family^ after oar death, will be beyond actual want. It has been a problem heretofore^ bow to secure psiich a competency., and this has been-" true especially with that class who are unable by reason of their restricted income,' to- accumu late sufficient .to make, a safe provision for their families. This problem has been solved, by the Knights of Honor. Every moral citi zen who is in/good health may ^nter the order, and noas from so. - called Assessment Companies. Uniting in its plans and system all the features of such orders as the Masons, Odd Fellows; Knights of Pythias and -the like, it .has added.a protective feature of -a. ^w$.-or pn??ttous?nde of working. Bro. Mo^es wilt furnish all neces sary blanks and will pietiseu to tail out all aopIicaXii/O?, eie. Astronomical. ^Jupiter will be morning slar until ike 2lst, and after that time evening star. Ver?nViis Tven?ngustar. ~"She" will not 'reach>her^erio?%?f 'greatcstJjril liancySwtil the 51irof Angus t. ? i-^Mercury is morning s?ar throngh wt the month. On the 17th this .'Swift traveller among the stars reach es his greatest western7 elongation. Mars is evening star until the 24th ! and then becomes morning star. Iiis hitherto monotonous course is diver-1 sified with an event On Die 24th, at 6 o'clock in the evening, there is j a conjunction with the sun. - The April moon filled ori the 8th at 12:39 a. fflr. It is the most important j moon of. all the year, for it is the first full moon after the vernal rquinox, j and determines when Easter shall fall, j Easter Sunday in turn is-the pivot on which hang all the movable feasts and ' fasts of the church. "Why ft 3 $>5f ~f f% I Because it will aid you more than anything else in acquiring knowledge. Because.it will serve you. in caeeOf misfortune.. , t "How can ft "be learned Vr " . By ;ne aid of a .book studied at home and Vcssoos by mail fronTah accomplished teacher. "At-what-espense ?V. The trifling sum of $6"DO, including' book.-' "Why so cheap.when Colleges advertise the ^ame cours? of instruction for $25? ~ Because a new text-book is used that re*, dnces the labor of learning proportionately to the difference in price by the system being 'made simpler.4.baaieretofojre and. more prac tical, besides being'the most popular method, havi-.g.the?o^orsement of our-.Congressional and professional reporters everywhere, togeth er with over 1000 graduates of our Chain of Phonographic Colleges. Boys and men on the farm, in workshops and elsewhere?girls at horner?a ^'nd is quickly ab sorbed, effectually cleansing the nasal passa ges of catawb?^/fS?us, causing iiealtby seer e ! tioos. ItaMays pain : and : inflammation, .protects the membranallinrngs of the-bea'd from addi tional colds, completely heals the sores and restores the sense of taste and smell". ' B?n? ficiai results are realized by a few appications. A Thorough Treatment will Cure. ?rr?e Orcwrtfrat druggist ; by- mail-, xegis tered^ 6 > ?^ 3 ELY BROTHERS, Druggists. Jan. 13 Owego, . Y. W ^ few? Should be used a iew months before confinement ' Scnid ?or book " TolloTnms," mailed free. . , .BsaD?t?ij) Eeguxatoe Co? Atlanta, Ga. A SENSATION. Why fcis-thatthree bottles of B.B- are sold in Atlanta to one of any other blood remedy, and twice as.much consumed in the State of Georgia as any other pteparation*? No one need take our word, but simply ask the drug gists'. Ask the. peoole: They are competent witnesses. Six houses in Atlanta are buying B.B B'in five and ten gro'ss lots, and some of them buy as often as every two months. Why these unprecedented sales bere at home with so littleadvertising? Modesty forbids us making a reply. Had B.B B.. been before the public a quarter or half a century, it would not be necessary .to..be bolstered up with crutches of page advertisements now. Merit will con quer and down money. $1.00 WORTH $500.00. For four years 1 have been a sufferer, from a terrible form of Rheumatism; which reduced me so low that-all hope of recovery.was given j up. I have suffered the most excruciating t pain day and night, And often while writhing I in agony have wished I coaid die. 1 have j tried everything known for that disease, but nothing did me any good, and hare hud some j of the finest physicians of the State to work on me, bot all to no effect. J have spent over $800 without finding relief. I am now -.rond to say that after using only one bottle of B.B. B. I enabled am to walk around aad attend to business, and 1 would not take $500 for the hem-fit received from one single bottle of B.B. ?3. I refer to.all merchants and business men of this town.- Yours, most trulv, E. 0*. GARA, Waverly, Walker county, Texas. KS SWALLOWED 15. ? have been troubled with a serious blood disease for six year?, and have expended over $J50 00 for worthless remedies which did me nognod. The ifoe of 15 bottles of B. H. R. lias about cured me?doinir more good than all other remedies comhined. It is a quick and cheap blood ourifier. . RUDOLPH. Talladega. Ala , April 20, 18S6. DEMONSTRATED MERIT. Si\\!:ta. Ga.. May 15, 188G. Blood dm Co : Yon will please ship us per first freight one gross . B. ?. It gives us pleasure to report a good traie for this preparation. Indeed it has far eclipsed all other blood remedies,, both in demonstrat ed merit and rapid sale with us. Uo/.ikr k Vakdeman. l? who desire full information about the cause and cure* of Blood poisons, Scr?ful-i and Scrofa to ?t s Swellings, ITicers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney complaints, ('atari It, etc., can secure by mail free, a copy of our 32-page IllnstTH??d Book of Wondets, filled with the most wonderf ul and Slat tling proof ever before known. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Allanta; Ga., FOR SALE. Yery D? M?m ai? Farm in* town of MARION, S. C. npH IRTV-1 J_ Sixteen FIVE ACRES OF GOOD LAND, in cultivation. Good Orchard and Garden. Location, excellent for a Dairy Basi neje. Dwelling house with five large rooms and all necessary out-buildings. Several high-bred cows will be sold with place if desired. For terms address, Lock Box OT. Mch 24 jJaitOD, iS. C. o? 1836[ 1.1 SWIFT'S SPECIFIC. 11 i'1886 2J sss s s s S SIS |f a BEM2DY 0 FOB A DAT, BUT POS EALP A Ci'NTUEY -?a BLLIETO?G SUPPEETSO- HU?tfANITY! S S s D.O. O. w-- , >3 AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT FRE? TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. ?li ^ ? im I ?a! ? ?*w*(_,vrn ?cime:. '? ? . ?1. > . ?1 >,> ......... ....... ..t?sars?asas jjg[7=*ij?ves its readers literature cf lasting inter jj|jO??|}*est aad value, it is fully and beautifully ?@J [gjgjjjgla illustrated and has already gained a more than national circulation exceeding" 125.00O copies monthly* r% ??p A.. & /i a. ;/l ? IPRICE 25 MTS NUMBER- S?.?? A YEAR^ Charles. Seribriers Jons the Publisher?? enable us g to ?ffep 5CR1BNER'5 MAGAZINE with" the . t WATCHMAN AND SOUTHRON. 1 tfdtthe low combination rate of i fo7 both. SEND YOUR ORDER NOW* ^ p*suBs m?j5s JMi MW at ant ???'ess* & G- OSTEEL, S?mter, S. C: A WELL KNOWN FACT ! ? Dealer who makes a Specialty of one par ticular line can always supply the Best Goods at the Lowest Prices, IT IS THEREFORE TO TOUR INTEREST TO BUY YOUR MAUD WARE -FROM E. W. DURANT ON T.hey keeep in slock every known variety of SHELF HARDWARE and would call especial attention to a very large and we!! selected stock of RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING I21 all widths, with Rivets and Burs or Lacing as may be desired. STOVES OP EVERY VARIETY AT ALL PRICES. A large and superb stcok of And the finest and largest assortent of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, RAZORS, SCISSORS, &C, from the best fator.es of Europe and America. Especial attention has been paid ia the scleciion of POTWARE, TINWARE, &c. Wagon Material of Every Conceivable Kind. Single and Double Muzzle and Breech Loading Guns, Ammu nition, Shells. &c. Remember this is the ONLY HARDWARE STORE IN TOWN asd rill be supported by LOW PRICES. Sept 15 w. Durant & son. Main Street, opposite the Bank. Suinter, S. 0. EVERY YOUNG MAN SHOULD AVAIL Himself of the advantages offered at the BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLER BUSI NESS COLLEGE, For acquiring a thorough and practical train ing in business affairs. With improved and enlarged facilities, we announce our Twentj-Secoud Annual Opening for the reception of pupils. The curriculum of study embraces a thorough preparation for business affairs. The proficiency acquired by our many pupils during a period of over twenty years as educa tors of youth is our strongest commendation. Pupils enter at any time. For circulars, cat alogues, terms, &c. call on or address W. H. SADLER, President. Sent 8 Nos. 6 & 8 . Charles St., Balto. ASHLEY jgljl Sgflg SPEOIFIC. The S. G. S. is the cheapest, and the besfc,,aod the only Specific Fertilizer for Small Grain ou the Market. The S. G. S. has been used all over our Southern States for the last three years, and has given great satisfaction. ASHLEY ASH JELEM?IT, Of superior activity and efficiency ; a chesp and excellent Fertilizer for Small Grain, especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Aniujonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE BARDEN FERTILIZER, Delivered free ; specially adapted to Roses, Geraniums, Pansies, Flowering Annuals, &e. For terms, directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc tive publications of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Sera 23 Charleston, S. C. NEW SHOP. THE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully in form the citizens of Su ra ter County, that he Iihs recently moved his shop from Wedge Sfid to the Town of Suruier, where he will carry on the business of WHEELWRIGHTING, BLACKSMITHING, and General Repa ring. HORSE SHOEING h sp?cialty. Will keep on hand piping and fixtures for the repairing of Steam Engines, j Pumps, etc. LOG CARTS built lo order. He takes this opportunity to thank his friends and the public generally, for the Lit eral patronage extended to hint while at WcdgcftVid, and hopes by close attention to his business, to merit a continuance of the same. Shop on Liberty Street, near Mr. K. Ilarby'i Livery Stahl'**. ill LEV W. BRADnAM. March 17, *S7. BEES AID HOMEY, J. P. H. BROWN, AUGUSTA, ( A. FACTURER OF HIVES, SEC iis. Foundation and Bee-keepers' j I tiuns, foundation and tJet-Keept Suppijes. Also Breeder of italian Becs and ? Queens. Ii* manufactures the best TU RT A BLE j FRUIT DRV LR. Send for catalogue; .March 3 and WMftttcy I-.-*?; itt cured at home with outoatn. Ror.k of par ticular? sent FK EE. . ai.wooLLBY. m.t>. i Oftlcc (?Y? Whitehall St. T2? 3$ A ?CS?R on m*in Philadelphia I ZZSm 25SJsS?tNin- Agency of Messrs, N. W? AV?;? & SCH, wur authorized agenta THE ROYAL ST, JOHN. The only Sewing Machine in the world that runs r? her forward or 'backward and Still continues to sow in ttic same direction. -IT IS THE SIMPLEST. STRONGEST, MOST DURABLE, AND REST. CIIA L LEXGES COM PA RfSOX, Distances Competition ! Surpasses Expectation ! Be Sure You Sec it Before Yoa Buy. FOR SALE BY F. I. F?LS M & BRO. Watchmakers and Jewelers, Main-Street, apposite Jolin Reii?s, S?MTER. S. C, March 24 1529 A.rcti Street, Piailad'?., Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Bay Fever, Headache, Debility, Rl uniatism, Neural aia, and all Chronic and Nervous Disorders. 'The Compound Oxy?en Treatment,' Drs. Starker & Pafeu. No. 1529 Arcb Street, Phil adelphia, have be^n using for the last sixteen years, is a seien tifie al SAvp ?i 'J3St;qojnd 0) Ajopiy 9qi uio-iji^-np sriiqg ^ ? ? Sutpnaj 9qj .tOj ?0|lUno3 O, S[OJ]UOD 9JT *Q *g 'dOU9JOIj[ ^pojn s.nanv ' ' 'fi *f TT" no [\9 jo aiuM KYOHO 0 O??VIJ A 8 A 3U0J38 FHIS? CLASS JOB WORK AT BOTTOM PRICES; WATC??M m SOUTHRON JCB OFFICE A. J. COMA, dealer in Drags, Medicines and O liemioals, FINK TOILET SOAPS, If AIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Ac. Ac PAINTS, OILS, VARNISEES AND DYE STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY, $c. Full supply of Fresh Garden Seeds. April 9 PAJiVT YOUR BUGGY FOR One Dollar. One coat gives an old buggy the blackest black you ever, saw and a handsome gloss without varnishing. It dries hard in a few hours. No rubbing ! No varnishing ! No extra trou hie. Each can contains more than enough to paint a carriage. Retailed at One Dollar er Can. For Sale bv DR. A. J. CHINA. ir.? co l?* ss? m so co km o o , >S fej S9 co "3 TT Ut? 2.? o?? co . . 1 s. o P = , 53 iM-s# at tended to for MODERA TE FE& Our otlice is opposite the . S. Patent Onice, and we can ob tain Patents in less time than those reiR?taffrom WAS1UXGT0X. Send X'OUEL. : ?V.Vt?or 1 0 0 of invention. We advise a-s to patent abilitv free of eharue :>?d we make $o. < llAl:<*? UXLfcSS PATEST IS SE- I KEJK For circular, ?rtyiee: terms atul references to actual clients in yotir ovtn St:ile. <\>ni:iy. 1'ily er Town, write to Ojrpositc Fatevi Office. Wasfangton, 1) C ' THE CELEBRATED CARPENTER ORGAN. HAVING PROCURED THE AGENCY for the above world renowned Organ, I am prepared to furnish said organ at prices to suit all parties who may desire a first class instrument. Any information desired will be fully given by my father. Mr. W. P. Smith, at his office in Sumter, S. C Correspondence solicited. Miss S. JESSIE SMITH. October 26. RUBBER STAMPS. NAME STAMPS FOR MARKING CLOTHING with indoliible ink, or for printing visiting cards, and STAMPS OF ANY for stamping BUSINESS CARDS, ENVEL OPES or anything else. Specimen? of various styles <>n hand, which will be shown with pleas ure. The LOWEST PRICES possible, and orders filled promptly. Call on C. P. OSTEEN, At the Watchman and Soathron Office BLANKS LIENS, TITLES, MORTGAGES, BILLS OF SALE, BONDS, And Other Blanks in Variety, rOR SALS AT THIS OFFICE, j . F. MITCHELL t SO?L, proprietors of Ehe Merchant ~ Flour ' " . and - COM MIS SION MERC HANTS - foe the sale of " - COTTON ?ND NAVAL STORES^' WILMINGTON, w. c. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES Choice grades FLOUR, own manTt're. -also, fresh Ground MEAL, -HOMINY. BRACKED CORN, &c. -'also, :-? Selected RED RUST PROOF SEED' OATS. Selected North Carolina and Maryland SEED RYE! All oar Goods guaranteed best qusli y and at lowest prices. No charge for leli very to Railroad. B. F. MITCHELL &f ON. WULBERN & PIEPER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN ;ei m Um Tato, k 167 and 169 East-Bay, CHARLESTON, S. ?. Dec. 2 _ e S. . THOMAS, Agi No. 3-20 KING STREET? Oppos?t Liberty, . . LACE CURTAINS* JORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS; WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. CHARLESTON ? " Dec II ' -: o Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Tranks, Bags, ice. No. 233 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, & C. Particular attention given to FiHiag" >f Orders, and all Goods guaranteed as ' epresented. Jan 6 '~x:_2: ' GEO. W. STEFOTHt : WHOLESALE ?GR0C?S8, & Auction and Commis?on Merchant" and Liquor 3)ealer.. agbhtfob .1.2. The F:nest Sams cured in the U. -St. y Also Agent for ' - ? GEKESEO ROAD^CARfe Th? Best and Cheapest on the Market. T. 197 EAST BAY akd 50 asd 52 STATS Sn* (Auction Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. . : ?&~ Consign ments Solicited. Nov 25 ? " PAVILION HOTEli, CHARLESTON, S. C. " ' First Class in all its Appointments: Supplied with all Modern Improvements. ~* Excellent Cuisine, Large Airy 'Rooms,'' ~? Otis Passenger Elevator- Blee*^.. tric Bells and Lights. Heat* ed Rotunda. RATES $2 00, $2.50 AND f?M. Rooms Reserved hy Ma il or Telegraph. - Sept ?6 ' ? ? ? ?? .. . - THE HOTEL WINDSOR) 211 KING STREET. ..' k Four Doors South Academy ojr Music. .v CHARLESTON, S C. BIS well-appointed Hotelwas opened for the reception of Guests, March ist, 1885. >y G- T. AuFORD, recently proprietor & he "New Brighton Hotel,*' S^il?TanVtet??eV The "WINDSOR" is newly forafeaed hroogbont, having Woven Wire Spring and Hair Matresses on all beds { Fronting Von ?ing Street, with extensive Son the? expos? ire, making ? Ml the Rooms Dry, Airy and Pleasant. To make the "HOTEL WINDSOR,"what jas long been wanted, a STRICTLY FAMI LY HOTEL, ::J??? Ko Liquors wiU he sold on the premises Rates, $1.50 to $2.00 per day?Liberal erms made by the week.or mouthr , ' .,G>T. ALF?BD," ;lTan*ajjerJ WRIGrHT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. i HIS NEW AND ELEGANT BOUSE, with all modern improvemeut*, U now ' >pen for the reception of guests^' x" * ' :Z ; ' S. L. WRIGHT * SON, Mar 6. Prowietor?. $25,000.00 IN GOLD ! WILL BE PAH) FOB ARBDCEES' COFFEE VEAfPffiS. 1 Premium, ? -$1,000.00 2 Premiums, * $500.00 each 6 Premiums, ? $250.00"*-a 25 Premiums, ? $100.00 a 100 Premiums, - $50 0 ? 200 Premiums, * *20 0 1,000 Premiums, $10.00 For full particulars and directions see Otica? lar in every pound of Arbcckxes' Coirne. WORK SHOPS WITHOUT STEAM POWER bt using outfits OT SABKKt' PAT. FOOT WWEftf machinery can compete witaj ?team power. Sold, on trial* Sletal and woodworkers send for v~ces. rilustr'd catalogue free. IT. . A. J u o. Barnes Co* Kockford, 111* Wdrcss No 2 n ti .Mam St. ADVERTISERS ran learn the exact cost )f any proposed Ene of idvert?s?ng in American capers by addressing ^eo. RRowell&Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau. IO Spruce St, New York, -end lOcte. for lOO-Pago Pamphlet THIS PAPER lie Great Font, Industrial and Stock Journal | of the South, ONE YEAR ample.copies of The Southern Cu^v?zor emailed -FREE on application t? ^ [arrison & Co., Drawer 8, Aflanta^?.. .