The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, February 03, 1887, Image 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRTXAKY 3. Entered at the Post Office at Sumter, S. C.* as Second Class Matter. EXAMINE YOUR DATES. -o We request each of our subscribers to ex? amine the address on his paper, and particu? larly to observe the date upon it. This date ?hows the time up to which the paper has bt;n paid for. Many of our subscribers will cans see that they have paid in advance ; 0*21 there are many others who will discover ta it they have not. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dakota. H. K. Thomas-Farmer's Meeting. Bultman and Bro.-Means* $3 Shoe. J. D- Branding-Mexican Pensions. F. L. Zemp, Jr.-For Snle or Rent. National Bank of Sumter-Statement. E. W. Dabbs-Agricultural Association. C. M- Hurst, Clerk & Treasurer-Notice to Contractors. Estate of Mrs. M. L. Rotledge-Final Dis? charge. Estate of Mw. Mary S. Hoggins-Final Dis? charge. C. M. Horst, Clerk & Treasurer-Fire De? partment. _ Personal. Miss Jacqueline Baker is in town visiting friends. Mr. Arthur O'Neill and wife, of Charleston, are in town for a few days. Misses Edith and Lena Solomons have re? turned from a very pleasant visit to Florence. Mr. Anthony White has moved his fami? ly from his couotry seat to his residence in town. Waiter- L Harby, Esq., has returned from his trip to Wilmington, N. C. We were pleased to receive a visit yesterday from Rev. J. M. Mattison, pastor in charge of the- Lynchburg Circuit, and also Associate Editor of the Temperance Worker. Rev. J.?S. Beaseley paid usa visit this week and treated us to a delightful little chat. Call again brother Beaseley. Wc will always be glad to see your smiting face in oar sanctum. Mr. W. P. Rhame, of Swater, spent several days in our town this week, the guest of Mr. Joel E. Bronson. We were glad to meet him a.nd Sad him looking so well--Williamsburg Eerald. Mr. Geo. P. McKageo, of Sumter, paid onr sanctum a pleasant visit Tuesday. He is now a man of the road and none merits more the confidence of business men.- Williamsburg Herald. Sumter Institute. This popular Seminary is io a flourishing condition, having on its roll 115 pupils, of .whom 27 are boarders- Five new ones were received this week and several more are ex? pected in a few days. ?'< Chautauqua Circle The regular meeting of the C. L. S- C. was held in the Calisthenic Hall of the Sumter Instil?te on last Thorsday evening, and the programme was qnite interesting. The sob ject for discussion was "Tbe French Revolu * tion." The essay upon the Duke of Welliog S ton, by Mr. H. F. Wilson was weil written and read ia his osoal graceful style. The next meeting will be held on February i Oth. ? ^^^^ | a ^ r m V Busy Bees. The Society of the above name, composed of the Misses of the Presbyterian Congrega? tion, have done some good work io the up? holstery of that part of the pulpit on which the bible is placed. These Busy Bees are real Iv useful little creatures. Fire. The Bishopviile Enterprise says that the saw and grist mills of Messrs. Floyd & Andrews, of the Cooter borough neighborhood, were de? stroyed by fire on last Friday night. There was no insurance. The Augusta Railroad. The work of locating the route from Sum? ter to the Santee River on the Manchester & Angosta Railroad was commenced at this point about a week ago by Engineer Mell wain of Virginia, and Col. Geo. W. Earle, of Dar? lington, S. C. So far about 8 miles of the route have been located. Not Correct. It bas been stated that the mails have been put on the day passenger trains of the Atlan? tic Coast Line between Wades boro and Colum? bia, and that the mail for Colombia and intermediate points passes here at 1 o' clock, P. M., and that for Wades boro and intermediate points at 2.45 P. M. Oar reliable postmaster, Dr. D. J. Auld says the above is incorrect. A recommenda? tion has been made to that effect, but it has not yet been acted upon. A Handsome Advertising Card. Mr. Arthur Belitzer, traveling salesman for the Tobacco House of Locket;, Vaughn & Co-, of Winston, N. C., bas presented to us a handsome advertising card. The Colossus of Rhodes, the Temple of Diana and the rest of the pictures of the "Seven Wonders of the World" can'be seen on this card. Cotton and Pea Planter and Guano Distributor. Mr. J. H. Nichole?, has just had a patent allowed him for a new invention of a machine that be thinks is better adapted for the above purposes than any he has heretofore seen. He hopes to have a sample machine or ex? hibition in Sumter at an early day and will be glad to have farmers examine it before bnying any other machine. We direct attention to a notice of the above machine by tue Columbia Register which will he found copied on our outside to-day. All Alone at Night. Mr. Anthony White, Jr , is now keeping bachelor's hall [at night] at his father's country residence. The Last Wash. On last Tuesday morning L r Mood's fine canary dropped dead while washing itself. It is thought that a cold wave struck the warm flow of blood as it was issuing from the heart, and death was the consequence. The Weather. 6 A. M. 12 M. 6 P. M. Jan. 27-29 46 41 Clear. Jan. 28-40 59 61 Cloudy. Jan. 29-56 58 55 R*in." Jan. 30-55 61 56 Cloudy in morn'g fair in afternoon. Jan. 31-33 62 59 Clear. Feb. 1-50 71 68 Clear. Feb. 2-60 71 63 Partly clear. HOYT'S Jewelry Store, whose record for re? liability dates back to more than sixty years, is now filled with the finest stock of silver ware ever brought to the Town of Sumter. Come one, come all, and examine our excel? lent stock, and you will be convinced of this fact. Only $2.50 a year for the Watchman and Southron and the Charleston Weekly Nines and Courier. A series of excellent articles on agriculture have just been commenced in the Weekly News and Courier. Come np and sub? scribe. A good and reliable time keeping Watch for boyS and men at S3.50 and upwards. Also articles too numerous to mention ot pro? portionately low prices, at F. H. FotsOM & Hon Death. Br. James E. Easterling, formerly of Clar? endon, and well known to many of our citi? zens, died Jan. 23rd, 1887, in Fort Gaines, Ga., in the 65th year of his age. The Adver? tiser, published at Fort Gaines, pays tbis tribute to Mr. Eastetliog's character; "He was a man of genial manners, and a culti? vated, high-toned Christian gentleman." Tableaux and Charades. Some of our young townsfolk have been exercising themselves to provide an entertain? ment in the shape of Tableaux and Charades. In order not to conflict with other appoint? ments of sundry sorts next week, in the shape of suppers, weddings and such like, it has been determined to appear upon the boards to-night. Mr. Bar tow Walsh bas been at the head of the dramatic corps, and Miss Claude Girardeau has devised the tableaux. Our citizens are therefore, invited at a cost of tweo ty-6ve cents each, to assemble in Music Hall to-night. Music of a peculiar kind will be furnished by a gentleman of our town and bis two sons. PROGRAMME. Song : By a quartette of gentleman. PART I-TABLEAUX. Lochinvar: (Now tread we a measure.) Messrs. Tracy Walsh,and McIntosh and Misses Hnghson, Edwards, Carson, Girardeau and Sanders. AbouBen Adhem: (Two Scenes.) Mr. W. I. Harby, Miss Belle Sanders, Master Don. Auld. The Serenade: Miss Marion Girardeau, Mr. D. B. Anderson, Mr. W. I. rlarby. Othello : Miss Leila Edwards, Messrs. Bar tow and Tracy Walsh. TIte Soldier's Adieu : Mr. Jas. Haynsworth and Wife, Misses Girardeau, Carson and Edwards. PART II-THE COMEDY. The Kansas Immigrants: Two early set? tlers in the west, a man and woman from Boston, two colored gentlemen from Louisi? ana, together with a cow-boy, an Indian and a Boston swell, constitute the characters of the amusing farce. Barlow Walsh : Sam Gross, a field-hand. Dr. G. W. Dick : Joe Cope, a coachman. William McIIwain : Joe Buck, a cowboy. Tracy Walsh : Ben Slocum, a Boston swell. Frank Spann : Ezra Slocum, an early settler. Murrin DeLorme; Mrs. Slocum. PART III-TABLEAUX. The Revenge of the Duchess: Misses Gir? ardeau and Mrs. Haynsworth. Faust: Miss Marion Girardeau, Messrs. Harby and Hnghson. Consulting the Oracle: Misses Girardeau, Carson, Hugbson, Sanders and Mr. Walsh. Duelling Scene: (Ia two parts,) Messrs. Hugbson, Harby, Walsh, B. & T., Dr. and Miss Carson. With Ste Own Weapons: Misses Girardeau, Hugbson, Carson, Sanders, Edwards, and Dr. Dick. Song : By a Quartette. Admission Fee, 25 cents for young and old. No reserved seats. Doors open at 7 p. m. Performance begins at 8. Music interspersed throughout the performance. ?- ? ? m -i At the Altar. The scene witnessed ia St. Lawrence's Church on last evening is one long to be xe membered by the citizens of this town. Long before the hour appointed for the marriage ceremony of Mr. Neil O'Donnell and Miss Katie Bogin, theGhurch was fined to its ut? most sealing capacity. The Veni Creator of Von La Wacke's Mass, a trio by Mrs. Teicber, L. L. Bultman and R. S. Hood, was beautifully sung. This piece heralded the coming of the bridal party. In response to Freburg's Grand March, which wa3 sweetly played by Miss Katie Monaghan, Mr. W. D. Bogin and bis bridesmaid, Miss Addie Brennan, and the groom and bride, entered the church and slowly walked up the aisle to the altar. The marriage ceremony was performed in a solemn and eloquent manner by Father McNeil. The best wishes of the Watchman and South? ron are extended to the happy couple. Killed by the Train. An old colored man, Rufus Cooyers, in attempting to cross the trestle over Green Swamp on last Saturday evening waa killed by the down train from Columbia. He and bis wife, Rachael, left Sumteron that evening and were on their way nome which is in the Oxborough neighborbood just across Green Swamp. When they reached the trestle, the train was within sight of them, snd she ad? vised him not to attempt to cross it before the train bad passed, but be told her that they had plenty of lime in which to make the trip, and that he could take care of himself. He went on, and she stopped and got down on the embankment until the train had passed. The distance across the trestle which span9 the stream is about thirty feet, and she sup? posed that he had gotten over safely, and so after the train had passed she went on home. Was somewhat surprised at not finding her husband there, but it did not occur to ber that he bad been killed, and she went to sleep. Later io the night on awakening and finding Rufus still absent, she became uneasy, and about daylight procured assistance and started a search. The body was found in the water in a mutilated condition, and from the signs upon the timbers it is supposed he had moved out to one side and crouched down upon the end of the sleeper, where he was struck by the train at fui! speed on a down grade. The traits was about 40 miuutes bebiud time on that evening, and the engineer was treing to make up time. An inquest was held by Coroner Rhame, on Monday, at which the engineer was in at? tendance, and stated that he did not know of the occurrence at the time, and did not know that a man had been killed until on his re? turn trip he wa3 informed of the fact. The verdict of the Jury of Inquest was that the deceased came to bis death by thought? lessly attempting to cross the Green Swamp Trestle at the same time in which a train of cars were passing over the same. - ?- - F. H. FOLSOM k Bko's. stock is the largest they have ever carried, and are prepared to give you real bargains in anj"tbing in their line. Remember satisfaction is guaranteed to all who call at ?*>e live Jewelry Store of F. H. FOLSOM & BRO. - - Church Benefit. From 12 until 3 o'clock on the first Mon? day in February the ladies of the Methodist Church will have for adults, in the building known as the Planter's Warehouse a dinner which will consist of oysters, sandwiches and j hot coffee; from 4 until 6 o'clock on the same J day refreshments will be served to the child? ren, and in the evening from 1)? until. 10 o'clock oysters, raw, stewed and fried, icc cream and cake will be served to adults. The ladies of the Methodist Church will also give a dinner on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of court week in February with entertainments at night. Timely notice will bc given concerning the character of these entertainments and the place where they will be had. Mr. Elmore has contracted with the County Commissioners to fix the Beaver Dam Bridge and Causeway foF $55.-BisJiopvUle Enter? prise. Continued from First Page. State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY, To his Honor, the Presiding Judge of tlie Court of General Sessions to le held for said County on the Third Monday of February, 1887 : The undersigned, W. F. B. HAYXSWORTH, Treasurer of Sumter County, respectfully sub? mits the following Report of tbe number, character and amount of claims for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1886, which have been audited, allowed and ordered paid by the County Commissioners for said County, and by the School Commissioner for said Connty, and which have been paid by bim, the said Treasurer : Claims Paid by Order of the School Commissioner. School District No. 8-Hafting Creek. No. of Certi- To Whom. Amount, feote. 526-E R Reynolds, teacher's salary, 18 00 579-E R Reynolds, teacher's salary, 18 00 5-Mrs CA Wienges, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 25- Geo W Murray, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 26- Louis Murray, teacher's salary, 20 00 27- Miss M A Jacksoo, teacher's salary, 15 00 52-Mrs S A Ives, teacher's salary, 20 00 75-Miss Emma Colclough, teach? er's salary, 6 00 89-Miss Emma Colclough, teach? er's salary, 19 00 114-Mrs C A Wienges, teacher's salary, 25 00 267- J C Simms, teacher's salary, 20 00 268- J C Sims, teacher's salary, 20 00 429- Miss Leland Hudson, teacher's salary, 25 00 430- Geo W Murray, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 431- Geo W Murray, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 433-Anna L Boyd, teacher's salary, 20 00 510-J F Ives, building school house, 15 30 541- J F Ives, building school house, 15 00 542- J F Ives, building school house, 8 00 552- Miss Emma Colclough, teach? er's salary, 25 00 553- Miss Emma Colclough, teach? er's salary, 25 00 554- E R Reynolds, teacher's sal? ary. 18 00 555- Anna L Boyd, teacher's salary, 20 00 556- Miss L S Hudson, teacher's salary, 25 00 561-Miss Emma Colclongh, teach? er's salarv, 25 00 School District No. 9-Spring EUI. 42-Mis3 Ulrica Dinkins, teacher's salary, 30 00 122-C S Bradley, teacher's salary, 50 00 125-Mrs Martha E Lee> school house and land, 60 00 137-Miss Ulrica Dinkins, teacher's salary, 30 00 139- JP Gibbs, teacher's salary, 10 00 140- J P Gibbs, teacher's salary, 10 00 162-S P Taylor, teacher's salary, 34 00 172-Miss Sue A Sbulz, teacher's salary, 25 00 201-Miss Sue A Shulz, teacher'3 salary, 25 00 253-Hampton Vaughan, building chimney, 3 50 437- Miss U Dinkins, teacher's salary, 60 00 480-Miss Sue A Shulz, teacher's salary, 25 00 527- J P Gibbs, teacher's salary, 20 00 528- Rev C S Bradley, teacher's salary, . 37 50 50-Miss Beulah B Benton, teacher's salary, 25 00 71-Miss Lizzie E Jennings, teach? er's salary, 25 00 81- Miss M E Willis, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 82- Miss M E Willis, teacher's sal? ary, 25 0 434- Miss B B Benton, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 435- Miss B B Benton, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 438- H A Johnston, teacher's salary, 50 00 556-H A Johnston, teacher's salary, 50 00 559- S P Taylor, teacher's salary, 30 00 560- Miss Sue A Shultz, teacher's salary, 25 00 565-Miss Beulah B Benton, teacher's salary, 30 00 576-Miss Lizzie E Jennings, teach? er's salary, 25 00 578-Miss Lizzie E Jennings, teach? er's salary, 50 00 School District Nb. 10-Carter's Crossing. 14-Miss A Elleda James, teacher's salary, 15 00 16-Miss Rebecca E Raffield, teach? er's salary, 30 00 34- William Holmes, teacher's sal? ary, IS 00 35- E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 25 00 36- Miss ME Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 15 00 53-Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 12 00 80-Miss A Elleda James, teacher's ary, 15 00 83- E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 25 00 119-Miss R E Raffield, teacher's salary, 30 00 128-Wm Holmes, teacher's salary, 15 00 149- Dr Henry Stuckey, building chimney, Ac, 30 00 150- E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 25 00 1G3-Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 15 00 183-William Holmes, teacher's sal nry, 18 75 202-Miss R E Raffield, teacher's salary, 30 00 206-E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 18 50 234- Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 15 00 235- Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, . 4 75 237- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 6 00 238- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 5 50 247-Miss R E Raffield, teacher's salary, 30 00 249- Miss A Elleda James, teacher's salary, 15 00 250- Miss A Elleda James, teacher's salary, 7 50 277-Miss Roxie Lewis, teacher's salary, 25 00 535-Miss R E Raffield, teacher's salary, 20 25 8-E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 25 00 j ll-Miss L D Shaw, teacher's salary, 30 00 73-Darling Davis, stovepipe, 2 25 101-John E Wesberry, teacher's salary, 15 00 106-E G Dixon, teacher's salary, 25 00 School District No. ll-Bishopville. 2-H T Munn, desks and benches, 3 00 10-Miss Abbie Durant, teacher's salary, 30 00 13-Mis3 A E James, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 17-Miss Rachael Keays, teacher's salary, 30 00 19-L L Thomas, teacher's salary, 20 00 ? 81-Mrs M L Barrett, rent, 2 50 I SI-Miss A E Jnm?e, teacher's sal? ary, 20 0? 1 84-Miss R Keays, teacher's salary, 3 111- Legrand Thomas, teacher's sal? ary, 2 112- Legrand Thomas, teacher'3 salary, 11V-J N Carter, teacher's salary, 3 120- Miss Abbie Durant, teacher's salary, 3 121- Miss CR Freer, teacher's sal? ary, 3t 170-Mise Roxie Lewis, teacher's salary, 3< 178-J N Carter, teacher's salary, 4i 182-M?63 Abbie Durant, teacher's salary, 3( 185- J N Carter, teacher's salary, 1( 186- Miss Rachel Kears, teacher's salary, 3( 192- Miss C Freer, teacher's salary, 3C 194-Miss A E James, teacher's sal? ary, 2C 205-Miss Abbie Durant, teacher's salary, 15 222- Miss Roxie Lewis, teacher's salary, 30 223- Miss Roxie Lewis, teacher's salary, 30 224- Miss C R Freer, teacher's sal? ary, 30 225- Miss C R Freer, teacher's sal? ary, 15 226- W T Wr ght, rent, 2 227- W T Wright, Agt, rent, 2 228- W T Wright, rent, 1 230- C L Thomas, teacher's salary, 30 231- Miss R Keays, teacher's salary, 15 243-C L Thomas, teacher's salary, 15 248-Miss A E James, teacher's salary, 10 21- Miss C R Freer, teacher's salary, 30 22- R 0 Dixon, rent, 5 33-Horatio Lenoir, teacher's salary, 16 32-Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 55 37- Edmund Slater, teacher's sal? ary, 18 38- L L Thomas, teacher's salary, 15 School District No. 12-ML Clio. 40-J M Reid, teacher's salary, 22 54-J M Reid, teacher's salary, 22 86-Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 95-Miss S L Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 12 130-A S k W A Brown, materials for school bouse, 21 136-Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 ' 147- Miss Juliet E English, teacher's salary, ll 148- Miss Juliet E English, teacher's salary, 22 i 160-Darius Elmore, building school house, 17 : 164- Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 10 I 165- Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 10 t 168-A P Floyd, work on school house, 1 ! 173-T C Scaffe, store, Ac, 10 ( 181-Miss S L Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 12 ! 159-H A Scarborough, lights for school house, 5 ( 215-H A Scarborough, blackboard, 2 ( 198-Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 ( 208-J C Bullock, repairs, 3 ( 211- ^Miss C Floride Cooper, teach er's salary, 22 ? 212- Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 C 239-C J Nichols, teacher's salary, 22 ? 244-Miss R T Muldrow, teacher's salary, 22 ? 264-Miss R T Muldrow, teacher's salary, 22 ? 275- Miss C Floride Cooper, teach? er's salary, 22 5 276- Miss C Floride Cooper, teach? er's salary, 22 5 444- J M Reid, teacher's salary, 16 8 450-S'.ep?rdJ?ash, teacher's salary, 10 0 459- Miss R T' Muldrow, teacher's salary, 22 5 460- Miss R T Muldrow, teacher's salary, 22 5 440- Miss C Florido Cooper, teach? er's salary, 22 5 441- Miss C Floride Cooper, teach? er's salary, 22 5 443-Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 0 445- J M Reid, teacher's salary, 25 0 446- C J Nichols, teacher's salary, 22 5 447- C J Nichols, teacher's salary, 22 5 448- C J Nichols, teacher's salary, 22 5 449- C J Nichols, teacher's salary, 22 5 453- Shepard Nash, teacher's sal? ary, 10 0 454- Shepard Nash, teacher's sal? ary, . 10 0 455- Miss J E English, teacher's sal? ary, 16 8 456- Miss J E English, teacher's sal? ary, 22 5i 457- Mis3 J E English, teacher's sal? ary, 16 8 458- Miss J E English, teacher's sal? ary, 22 5i 461- Miss R T Muldrow, teacher's salary, 22 5? 562-Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 20 Ol 463-Miss M E Wilkinson, teacher's salary, 10-0< 55-Miss L E Eichelberger, teach? er's salary, 22 5( 67-Sallie Anderson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 0( 86- Miss Juliet E English, teacher's salary, 16 81 103- W McIntosh, teacher's salary, 15 0( 104- W McIntosh, teacher's salary, 7 0( School District No. 13-Lynchburg. 79-Miss M E Hudson, teacher's salary, 10 0C 87- J H Hill, teacher's salary, 23 0C 90- J B Lowry, teacher's salary, 25 0C 91- Mrs Julia L Bradley, teacher's salary, 15 00 92- Mrs Julia L Bradley, teacher's salary, 15 00 96-Miss S L Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 00 106-Russell J SpaDn, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 113-F E Hickson, teacher's salary, 20 00 214-Mrs Julia L Bradley, teacher's salary, 15 00 220- Russell J Spann, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 221- Russell J Spann, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 23C-M:ss S L Wilson, teacher's salary, -10 00 257- Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 24 00 258- Miss M E Hudson, teacher's salary, 10 00 44-\y p Newman, merchandise, G 00 61 -R W Durant & Son, merchan? dise, 5 75 216-Jno II Hill, teacher's salary, 23 00 529- J B Lowry, teacher's salary, 25 00 530- J B Lowry, teacher's salary, 12 50 531- Russell J Spann, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 532- John II Hill, teacher's salary, 23 00 533- Miss S L Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 10 00 534- Miss S L Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 5 00 538-F E Hickson, teacher's salary, 20 00 543-J E Atkins, building school house, 54 67 545-Prince Allen, building school house, 39 00 576-Emma J Wilson, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 580- Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 10 00 581- Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 10 00 89-J B Lowry, teacher's salary, 12 50 36-J E Phillips, furniture, 4 25 558-Peter Thomas, teacher's salary, 10 00 562-J H Hill, teacher's salary, 23 00 569- Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 12 00 570- Shepard Nash, teacher's salary, 12 00 571- J B Lowry, teacher's salary, 25 00 573- Frank E Hickson, teacher's salary, 20 00 574- Miss Julia L Bradley, teacher's salary, 15 00 575- Frank E Hickson, teacher's salary, 20 00 34-Mrs Jane GRichburg, teacher's salary, 10 00 45-Miss E W Brearley, teacher's salary, 40 00 59-J B Lowry, teacher's 9alary, 20 00 63-Miss Emma V Lucas, teacher's salary, 10 00 88-Miss Mattie A Levy, teacher's salary, 25 00 99-A W Durant, teacher's salary, 25 00 100-Jno W McDonald, repairs, &c, 5 00 261-Miss M E Hudson, teacher's salary, 10 00 School District No. 14-Shiloh. 9-Miss Kate Keels, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 12-A J Knight, teacher's salary, 20 00 75- C H Coit, teacher's salary, 26 00 76- J C Buchanan, teacher's salary, 26 00 78-Miss M E Hudson, teacher's salary, 10 00 88-Miss Annie N McLeod, teach? er's salary, 20 00 129-R E Smith, teacher's salary. 40 00 132- Miss Clara E Hinds, teacher's salary, 23 00 133- Miss Clara E Hinds, teacher's salary, 23 00 144- E H Coit, teacher's salary, 26 00 145- J C Buchanan, teacher's salary, 26 00 146- Miss Annie N McLeod, teach? er's salary, 26 00 118- Miss Kate Keels, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 191-Miss Kate Keels, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 207-D J Sanders, teacher's salary, 15 00 213-Miss Annie N McLeod, teach er's salary, 23 00 241-E H Coit, teacher's salary, 26 00 245-D J Sanders, teacher's salary, 15 00 464- J C Buchanan, teacher's sal? ary, 26 00 470- Miss E F Carpenter, teacher's salary, 20 00 471- Miss E F Carpenter, teacher's salary, 20 00 472- Miss E F Carpenter, teacher's salary, 20 00 475- Miss Clara E Hinds, teacher's salary, 14 00 465- J C Buchanan, teacher's salary, 26 00 466- A J Knight, teacher's salary, 20 00 468- E M Brown, blackboard, 3 00 469- Peter Thomas, teacher's sal? ary, 10 00 473- Miss Annie N McLeod, teach? er's salary, 23 00 474- Miss Clara E Hinds, teacher's salary, 20 00 476- Miss Kate Keels, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 477- D J Sanders, teacher's salary, 15 00 572-Miss M: E Hudson, teacher's salary, 20 00 24-Miss Annie N McLeod, teach? er's salary, 23 00 51-J O McLendon, teacher's sal? ary, 20 00 61- W W Brown, teacher's salary, 15 00 62- F E Hickson, teacher's salary, 15 00 66-D J Sanders, teacher's salary, 20 00 119- D J Sanders, teacher's salary, 20 00 120- J H Hill, teacher's salary, 20 00 125-S P Chandler, teacher's salary, 20 00 School District No. \b-Mayescillt. 3-S C Sturgis, teacher's salary, 60 00 32-Miss M A Warren, teacher's salary, 30 00 55- E J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 56- James Levy, Jr., teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 58- E J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 59- James Levy, Jr., teacher's sal? ary, . 30 00 60- S C Sturgis, teacher's salary, 60 00 68-Wm E Boy ki a, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 77- Miss M E Hudson, teacher's salary, 15 00 97-Miss M A Warren, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 123-Wm E Eoykin, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 152- James Levy, Jr., teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 153- Wm E Boykin, teacher's sal? ary,- 30 00 154- E~J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 180-S C Sturgis, teacher's salary, 60 00 184-Mis9 M A Warren, teacher's salary, 30 00 479- Wm E Boykin, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 487- Mis3 A M Ralston, teacher's salary, 20 00 488- Miss A M Ralston, teacher's salary, 20 00 489- Miss A M Ralston, teacher's salary, 20 00 28-Miss E V Lucas, teacher's sal? ary, 15 00 478- James Levy, Jr., teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 480- Wm E. Boykin, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 481- E J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 483- Miss M E Hudson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 00 484- Miss M E Hudson, teacher's sal? ary, 15 00 485- Peter Thomas, teacher's salary, 15 00 486- Peter Thomas, teacher's salary, 15 00 490- Miss A M Ralston, teacher's salary, 20 00 491- Miss A M Ralston, teacher's ' salary, 20 00 547-L S MacSwain, teacher's sal? ary, 55 00 550-L S MacSwain, teacher's sal? ary, 55 00 557- James i'Cvy, Jr., teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 558- E J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 47- Wm E Boykin, teacher's sal? ary, - 30 00 48- James Levy, Jr., teacher s sal? ary, 30 00 49- James Levy, Jr., teacher's ti-.i. ary, '<0 00 53-Bessie Cox, teacher's salary, 10 00 73-Miss Ella Debout, teacher's sal? ary, 20 0? S3_L S MacSwain, teacher's sal? ary, 55 00 94_\Vm E Boykin, teacher's sal? ary, 3u 00 OG-E J Wilson, teacher's salary, 20 00 School District No. if)-Swimming Pens. 4-Jas. T. Wilder, teacher's sal a-y, 70 00 22- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, GO 00 23- M J Michail, building school house, 5 65 57-A E Turner, teacher's salaiy, 20 00 67-Anette McDuCie, teacher's sal? ary, 18 00 105-W J Smith, teacher's salary, 25 00 110-S T Frierson, teacher's salary, 20 00 114-E L Triplette, teacher's salary, 17 00 127-S T Frierson, teacher's salary, 20 00 20-Miss J A Huggins, teacher's salary;, 20 00 496- H E Archy, teacher's salary, 16 00 498- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 504- E L Triplette, teacher's salary, 17 00 505- J P Gibbs, teacher's salary, 10 00 509-W G Kennedy, supplies, ll 15 4-A W Ly Brand, teacher's sal? ary, 25 00 16-E L Triplette, teacher's salary, 17 00 143-W J Smith, teacher's salary, 27 00 508-Anette McDuffie, teacher's sal? ary, 18 00 492- W J Smith, teacher's salary, 25 00 493- J T Wilder, teacher's salary, 35 00 494- J T Wilder, teacher's salary, 35 00 495- J T Wilder, teacher's salary, 35 00 497- H E Archy, teacher's salary, 8 00 499- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 500- Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 30 00 501- J A Huggins, teacher's salary, 20 00 502- J A Huggins, teacher's salary, 20 00 503- J A Huggins, teacher's salary, 20 00 506- S A Shultz, teacher's salary, 15 00 507- A E Turner, teacher's salary, 12 00 58-W J Green, teacher's salary, 35 00 78-T B Bruner, teacher's salary, 23 00 95-T B Bruner, teacher's salary, 28 75 102-E L Triplette, teacher s salary, 17 00 126-Miss E E Fraser, teacher's sal? ary, 52 50 General and Incidental. 5- J D Wilder, salary, as School Commissioner, 72 00 6- J D Wilder, traveling expenses, 22 00 37-Watchman and Southron, ad? vertising, 7 50 74-J D Wilder, traveling expenses, 20 20 73-J D Wilder, salary, 69 00 155- J D Wilder, traveling expenses, 21 75 156- J D Wilder, salary, 72 00 157- W F Rhame, services as Exam? iner, 9 00 158- J D Bland? og, services as Ex? aminer, 9 00 179-Sumter Advance, advertising, 47 85 189-Watchman and Southron, ad? vertising, 47 50 203- J D Wilder, salary, 69 00 204- J D Wilder, traveling expenses, 26 30 151-J D Wilder, salary, CO 00 252-J D "Wilder, traveling expenses, 9 35 262-J D Wilder, salary. 45 00 266-J D Wilder salary, 45 00 270- J D Wilder, salary, 45 00 271- J D Wilder, salary, 42 00 278-J D Wilder, salary, 48 00 517- J D Wilder, salary, 36 00 518- Watchman and Southron, ad? vertising, 7 00 519- Sumter Advance, advertising, 5 00 536- W F Rhame, services as Exam? iner, 6 00 537- J D Blanding, services as Ex? aminer, 6 00 Respectfully submitted, W. F. B. HAYNSWORTH, Treasurer Sumter Countv. Jan. 27, 1887. POWDER Absolutely Pure; This powder never varie;. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can? not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAK? ING POWDER CO., 106 Wall-st., N. V. Ex. Gov. A. H. Stephens' Cousin. I am first cousin of the late Ex Governor Alexander H. Stephens, and have been postal clerk on different railroads since 1868 For ten years I have teen a sufferer from a cancer on my face, which j;rew worse until the dis? charge of matter became profuse and vtry offensive I became thoroughly disgusted with blood purifiers and pronounced them humbugs, as I had tried many without relief. Finally I was induced to use B. B. B., which was about the 1st of February, and continued its use until the latter part of April. The offensive dischaige decreased at once and the hardness around the cancer disappeared. It improved my general health and I rapidly gained flesh and strength. The discharge gradually decreased and the cancer became Itssand less in size until nothing remains except a scar to teil the tale of a once dan? gerous cancer. All who have seen me since 1 have commenced the use of B.B.B, bear testimony of my great improvement, and the scare ou my face shows that it cured th? can? cer. I find that B. B. B. comes squarely up to what it is recommended, and I cannot say too much in praise of this wonderful medi? cine. I have tried them all, but B. B. B. stands at the top as a blood purifier. The above is copied from the Athens (Ga.) Bonner- Watchman, being the voluntary lan? guage of Mr. James A. Greer, which Editor Gantt indorse*: "Mr. Greer is an honest, upright citizen of Athens, who had a bud caucer. and his numerous friends thought thal he could not live very long, as the cancer was gradually sapping the foundation of his constitution, but uow looks well and hearty." 2 AGAINST 18. Several physicans have pronounced my disease blood poison, caused ??y paint or lead in the paint, but they euuid not cure me. Last summer I used eighteen bottles of a largely advertised blood r?i*dic?ne, which did me no more good than so much water". I have used ot.ty two bottles of B B. B. and am proud to say that 1 have received greater benefit from them thrin from the eigh ircn, and am now recovering. Thole is no ip cation about thc superiority of 1>. B. B ov?.r all blood remedi?is; 213 lievm.blss.iive;, W. Ll. WOODY. Augua, Ga., .April 21S-I, li-S?. All who desire full informa sion about the cause ami euro of T.'.::..} s.\;i-.>:is, Scrofula ?un? Scrofulous ^wrllistirs. V.Vers, Sores, Rheumatism. Kidney complaint?. Car.-irr?), Cte caa secure., by mail I : i e. a Copy o? onr Si-ruge illuiiraied Book of Wonders, filled witt? most wonderful and startling proof ever l.ifoiC knowP.. Address BLOOP* ?>A EM CO , A il:!ita. G i., Lost or Stolen, C?r*-d?^ A B,L? W N SETTER BITCN, end of dil clipped. Any ?n j?*?.formation leading to her re? 's^ co ver v will ho pnid for. "WALTER I. HARBY. an. 27 and WhUfccy HftV lt* cured at homo with ont pain. Bookofr?ar? neulars sent FR RE. R M.W<*>I.T,KV. M.r?. AOaat.i, ?"u. " ' Office tSJti Whitehall St. Wonderful Cures. W. D. Hoyt & Co., W holesale and lUta?l Druggists of Rome. Ga., .-ay : Wc have been >elIiiigDr. King's Neir Discovery, Electric Bit ters ami Buckler's Arnica Salve for two years Have never handled remedies that sell as weii, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases' of pro?, nouueed Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few boitle3 ?f Dr. King's Kew Discovery, taken in connection w?ih Kl?etric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dr. J. F. W. DeLorme. 1 Bucklen's Arnica Salve* The Best Salve in the world for Cuts/Bruise? Sores. Ulcers, Salt Khouni. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piiei, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per? fect satisfaction, or money refunded- Price 25 ce??s per box. For sale by J. F. W. De Lorrae. o New Advertisements, THE LAND OF THE SUNDOWN, where thousands have made happy homes, and where thousands more may inherit the land that Uncle Sam offers FREE? Write us. We have no land to sell. We are no railroad corporation. We will tell you the truth as we have multitudes of others. \Ve will an? swer any number of questions. No earth? quakes here. Send us 25c for maps, postage, &c. DAKOTA INFORMATION BUREAU, P. 0. Box 955._Mitchell, Dak. FOB SALE. 7 TWO GOOD MILCH COWS, one with young calf. Al?o a small quantity of home raised seed Rye. Not too late to plant yet. Apply to E. W. DABBS. Snmter, S. C., Dec. 28._ TO BENT. ONE FIVE ROOM HOUSE WITH ALL Necessary out-buildings. House situ? ated on Liberty Street, opposite the monu? ment. Apply to Dec. 21._WM. BOGIN. FOR SALE. AFINE PAIR OF LARGE WELL matched and well broken oxen and a log cart._H. R. THOMAS. TO RENT. AFIVE-ROOMED COTTAGE, with all necessary out-buildings, all in complete repair. Price $10 per month. May ll_H. HARRY. TO RENT, LARGE DWELLING, corner Liberty and Harvio Streets, next door to the Baptist Church. Suitable for private Boarding House. Possession given January 1st. Apply to R. D. LEE. Nov. 30. BUSINESS SITES NEAR THE DEPOT. Building Lots in desirable situations. Apply to A. F. COUSAR. Dec. 14_o_ A. B. STUCKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUMTER, S. C. of Lats ii Bi FOR SALE. OFFICE IN REAR ROOM OF BUILD ing occupied by Haynswortb & Cooper. Jan. 27._6__ JNO. T. GREEN, Attorney and Counsellor at T , A *X7*T3 SUMTER, C. H., S.- C. ^S^Col lection of claims a specialty. June 20._ D. B. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law. SUMTER, S. C. Will practice in adjoining counties. Collecting made a specialty. TO My Friends -AND PATRONS. You WILL REMEMBER that last Spring I disposed of jay entire stock of Fall and Winter Gooda at Cost. Now I have AN ENTIRE . NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, complete in all depart? ments. It is almost useless to attempt to enumerate, bat I will mention a few articles, such as LADIES5 ANC MISSES5 Cloaks, Wraps and Jerseys, -AND Children's Dresses, Infants' Cloaks, MY STOCK OP GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING IS LARGE AND VARIED, and marked with a view to a quick sale. I am sure I can satisfy any one who wishes A NICE HAT, EITHER SOFT OR STIFF. In other words,, I would bo pleased to have the LADIES AND GENTLEMEN to visit my store and inspect the goods for themselves. THE EARTHQUAKE bas had a tendency to shake prices down to BOTTOM FIGURES. Respectfully, ALTAMONT MOSES. Qctober 5 TAX RETURNS FOR 1886-7, IyETURNS OF PERSONAE PROPERTY L AND POLLS will be received at the following times and places : ? Privateer, Tuesday, January 4th. Bloom Hill, in Manchester Town? ship, Wednesday, January 5th. Wedge?eld, Thursday, January 6th. Stateburg, Friday, January 7th. Gordcn's Mill, Friday, January 7'th. Mayesvil?e, Monday, January !0th. Magnolia, Tuesday, January 11th. ?1 Lynchburg, Wednesday, January 12th. Shiloh, Thursday, January 13th"; Johnson's Store, Friday, January 14th. Scarborough's Store, Saturday, Jan? uary loth. Keid's Mill, Monday, January ?7eb. &isb?pville, Tuesday and Wednes? day, January 18th andi 19th. Mann ville, Thursday, January 20th. Smithville, Friday, January 21st. MeehaurcsTille; Saturday January 22nd. Sanders' Depot, Wednesday, Janu? ary 19th. M. Sanders' former of&se, Thursday, January 20th. A'jny At tlie Auditor's office io Sumter on all otber days from 1st of January to 20th Feb? ruary, .inclusive. Parties making Returns by mai! or by an? other person will please give full first name of 'Tax-payer,*and the'Township'the property is in. W. R. DELGA R, Nov. 30. Auditor Sumter County. TBK Eil MR AND LIKEWISE THE NEW DEAL. WE HAYE WHAT HAS LONG BEEN : WANTED, A NEW COffGlliESSMAN FOR THE BLACK DISTRICT, And now we are happy. "VTOW ALL THOSE WHO ARE NOT j\ HAPPY, and would like to become so, have only to call at WM. BOGIN'S and buy one of the NEW HIGH ARM VERTICAL FEED Davis Sewing Machines. THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and can do work that no other machine can do. I keep constantly on hand a large stock of these machines, which I will be pleased to have shown to any who may call, or I will send a machine in any part pf the country. I guarantee to feach all those who may bey, or no sale. -I also keep The Household, which is THE FINEST UNDERFEED MA? CHINE MADE, and is only excelled by the Davis. I take second-hand machines in part pay? ment, and will dispose of same for little or nothing. WM. BOGIW, June 29 Main Street, Sumter, S. C. OHAS. O. LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Commission -UEALE2 IN l^isdfci, Oysters, GAME A?D P??fLTRY. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market, Office Nos. 18 and 20 Market St., East of East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C* Consignments of Country Produce are re? spectfully solicited. PouKry, eggs, &c All orders filled with dispatch. Nov 23 . ?. THE SUBSCRIBERS KEEP ON HAND a variety of sizes and styles of these articles, and are also prepared to order any specialties of these goods. AS LOW AS THEY CAN BE DELIVERED from any market. ?N STOCK A FULL SUPPLY OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF Mouldings, Dressed Ceiling, Flooring, Window Stops, Nosings, &a We have recently added some beautiful styles of Beading for Inside Ornamental work, to which we invite the attention of consumers? The osual assortment of Dressed Limber and Laths ON HAND. H. HARBY BL CO. Nov 30 A. WHITE & SON, Insurance Agents, Offer in First Class Companies. FIRE INSURANCE, TORNADO INSURANCE, ACCIDENT INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, PLATE GLASS INSURANCE, SURETYSHIP ON EONDS. April 6 G . W. C. DICK, D. D. S. OfSce over Bogin's New Store, 2S7RA5CS OS 3IA1N STREE?, SUMTER. S. C. Office Hours.-& to 2:30 ; 2:30 to 5. SeptS THIS PAPER -AXD The Great Farm, Industrial and Stoci Jovrntt cf the Southy ONE YEAR FOR $3. Sample copies of Thc Southern Cultivator wil be mailed FREE on application io Jas. P. Harrison & Co., Driver S. Atlanta^ Ga FOR SALE. MILK COWS* ALWAYS ON HANL IT. ll. THOMAS, Wedgefield. S. C.