The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 05, 1886, Image 3

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?t??rt^^?fe?^^e at Sumter, S. {fe <t?i Second Class Matter._ *? BXAM?^??yOTJH DATES. '*'*^?"^o?te??b.?Tc?sr subscribers to ex y*iaia?thea4???o?4rrai?per, and particu 'ha?j ? observe the dale upon it. This date ab^w^be time np to which the paper has - - bee? paid for. Many of oor subscribers will tans see that thejr hare paid rn advance ; ' ^atlthere are many others who trill discover that they nave not? 3 yHEW ADY^TOSEMEOTS* - rltoom? for Sent. v Fox Sale-Marion Moise. >* "For Rent-J. J. Dargan, y 7 Harper's Magazine for 1886. : y c. D?G. W. C. Dick-Denistrj, : t*' Citation Kptice-T. V. Walsh. ? Coproli te jffanure-French Bros. Wanted^-Crown. M Tg Company, ?s? ^Advertisers-Geo, P. Rowell k Co. j? .Dry Goods, eic-G. k E. L. Kerrison. . .yXiaWtCotton Chopper- Bloont & Hill. Tal ?able Lands for ?vile-Moises & Lee. " Master's Sales-J. S. Richardson, Master. . ?> Plaid Shawl Given Away-Farm and ^Ho?sehoi<L_?. ? .- - ???? . . - ?, . < = ?gS; t ^gcs . --' . -.- .. ~Mr. Henry; Harby is on a business vant to Philadelphia. f4^r.*K. P.: Cuttrno left Sumter this morning Uretern home. ^^^t,^W?son of Wedgefield is visiting ^in^TffiKo?SEfnier ^ .???a. Clem China bas returned from her WilmiegtoD visit. -~ M tu Lucy Walsh has returned home from ber visit to Marion. " ?ra. W. B. Peebles who has been on a visit to Biabopville, has returned home, y .^M^ B. H. Cross, from Westminster, near - Walhalla, daughter of Mr. Wm. Singleton, is in Sumter riait log friends. C Mr. WillieI8ceof^Barewell has a situation atine Depot io place of Mr. John Dargan wno is now located in Florence. .~Mr-.?. B. Fort, of Gadsden, Richland Co., ..wade usa very pleasant call yesterday. We .were glad to see him in such good health. ^*1lx^r? ?rarby"lnis been West investigating :; horses, mules, wagons kc. The result of his ;.? y*- inrettigations may be ascertained by calling f ?? at his Stables. ||S?hj& L. W. Corbett left for Tucson Ari? 's* xona last Friday night where he proposes to SS -locate. Messrs. Willie and Koox Corbett are , ?~ Wlrendy thereand doing well, and we hoi?? lei. wflj'oe equally successful. ---"'Wereceived a pleasant call from Mr. S. A. ^fettles, editor of the Clarendon Enterprise, . j-last, Friday. -We are always glad to see Editor Nettles. He is a clever man in every sense of the word. ' ?? - SecTooms^to rent in another column. ~~ "Christmases over, but E. Stehle bas aa abandanee of good things yet. Okes, bread, . - pies, candles,' kc. in profusion. - 3Jr. Ira Reames was thrown from a mule tb? day before Christmas, and bad his collar ? -bone broken. We hope be will soon recover ?i from his rough shaking up. Two fine Plymouth Rocks in. front of Mr. s: ^Grier's place of business attracted coosidera abtaf attention the past week. We learn they ? belong to Mr John Reid, and look the prize f, -at the late Fair in Marion. * : Thanks to Mr. A. Ryttenbergof the'Com ^ mittee of Arrangements fur an invitation to fr tho Kew Year reception of the Twin City : Club, complimentary to the ladies of Winston -.?^ -Salem. We have no doubt they had a ff splendid time. ^ 4 f The Ashley Phosphate Co.. has placed us ender obligations for a copy of Worcester's * pocket dictionary. That enterprising compa y." *?J has for years been engaged ia aiding fanners to improve their lands, they are now " engaged in the equally praiseworthy uuder " taxing of, improving their brains. - -.. We karn from* the Greenville JYe?* that lit :"?eGower, son of Mr. W. J. Cresswell former t - ly of Sumter, fell while executing some gym : - nasties on a fence last week, and wounded .himself severely, striking on the sharp points ^'^f "the palings. One thigh was considerably lacerated and the little fellow will probably r-i'^e confined to his bed for several days. ^ - The College boys are ?Il off again for their ?^ respective schools^ and the conning of Greek s ^r-Yerbf, the sofntibn of knotty problems, and -~ .. an industri?os application to the "pony" will -take the place of the free and easy holiday . time, when parents stood aside and allowed : Tom and Bob and Jack so many privileges ' before-denied them, because "they are young men from College, you know." - 5 . Messrs. C. I. Hood k Co., tb? Sarsaparilla ^~~-rjen hareient ns a calendar as pretty-as a v ;pS?r?. If you want a 'handsome one for 1886, get Hood's. Yon may search for days, hoi yon will not get one more artistic, more ,?i,:heatftiful," or more convenient than that issued bj these gentlemen. It is a little gem, ask ?~ lor it at jonr druggist's, and if yon don't get it there, send six cents for one copy, or ten cents for two, to C. I. flood k Co., Lowell, . -Haw. Thanks to the Pope Manufacturing Co., for - aa-elegant calendar. Each day of the year appears upon a separate slip, with a quotation pertaining to cycling from leading publica? tions and prominent personages. The nota? ble cjcHng events are given ; and concise opinions of the highest medical authorities : ; words from practical wheelmen, including clergymen and other professional gentlemen ; extracts from cycliug'poems ; and mnch other interesting information. In fact, it is, in miniature, a bicycle encyclopaedia. As a work of convenient art, it is worthy of a place in y ' office, library or parlor. Sumter High School, w". . The Sumter High School resumed its work jesterdaj morning. The Messrs. Dick are much encouraged by their past support, and feel confidence in the future. They have done Snmter a great service in organizing this . school. We needed it badly. A Good School. The Manning Academy opened yesterday with encouraging prospects. Manning ought to give a generous support to this school, and - aid its efficient teachers io building it up to a - still higher grade of practical usefulness. With good teachers and comfortable school - xooaaa, nothing is needed except the unani '/ sanos support it deserves. . -?m*mm>-?* t mm - Miss dara Louise Kellogg. We are pleased to learn that this lady has recovered ber health and will soon appear in '; Sumter. Mr. D. J. Auld is daily expecting ^?;f?stt from the adrance agent of the Kellogg grand Concert Co. As soon as the date bas been possitirely fixed the public will be noti? fied. Spring Hill Lo?ge No. 188 A. F. M. . iAr..- Ai the Annual Communication of Spring t* BM Lodge, the following officers were elected ' for th* ensuing Masonic year: S. B. Hatfield, W. J?. T.L. Dari?, S. W. J. J. Yates, J. W. .k- . J.--W. Smith, Treeaurer. E. E. L. Peebles, Secretarv. ft P. ^Rodger*, &. D. A. Johnson, J.D. J. H. Boyce and A. C. McLeod, Stewards. H. I^Soyki?, THer. I J.' f Sumter Po? ?ffice. ' ??xffil Delivery ope?: daily (Sunday ex cepted) frfcrn 8a.m.w5 p. m. <: Mail ria Central R. R. open daily at 10:15. v Registered Lett?r, Money Order and Postal Note -Department open daily (Saturday and Sanday excepted) from 9 a m to 4 p m, ? Qp'tc on Saturday from 9 a m to 12 m. s* Northern, Southern. Eastern and Western mails'close daily (Sunday excepted) at 9 a. m. and^9 p. o. Mail (via Central R. R.) for Charleston, Sa? vannah; florida and intermediate points closes* daily at 6 p tn. Mail closes for Columbia and Northern por? tion of Sta??, at 9 A.M. Sunday Hours r General Delivery open from 9:50 to 10:50 a m. All mails close at 6 pm. D. J. AULD, Post Master. Married. On Dec. 22nd, by Rev. S. M". Green, of Greenville. l:r. thompson W. Earle, of Greenville, to Miss Mattie J. Hill, daughter of the late Rev. S. J. Hill, of Sumter Co. Oo-the 16th December by Rev. J. C. Chan? dler, Mr. Arthur K. Sanders of Rafting Creek*, to Miss Eva J. McLeod, of Providence. The best *rishe3 of the W $ S to our friends. On the 23d December by Rev. J. J. Myers, Mr; ~Sradford, of Clarendon, to Miss Rosa Jackson, of Providence. "Religious. Rev. J. C. Chandler left Snmter last Fri? day-for McCormick's, in Abbeville County, which wili be hts field of labor the coming year. We regret losing our friend from Sumter, and the good Wiahe.? of all who know him go with him to iris new field of labor. Rev. H. F. Cbreitzberg, who bas been spending a short time with friend? in Spar tanburg bas settled down to his new charge j in Newberry, where be baa gone vigorously to work. Everything pertaining to good morals in Newberry will receive an impetus from ibe advent of this working Christian. Rev. Manning Brown filled b? pulpit Son day morning, and preached a very practical sermon at ice uuion service which he conduct? ed Sunday night at the Baptist Church. Rev, J. R. Moore is spending some days with relatives in Wedgefield and will preach at the Methodist Church at that place next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Stoney, of Camden, officiated at Statebure Church Sunday, in place of the pastor, Rev. John Kershaw. Rev. Marion Dargan takes the place of Rev. C. C. Fishburce, deceased, on the Santee Circuit. Irires. Dr. R. Y. McLeod, of Bishopville, lost his his barn a few nights since hy fire. He esti? mates bis loss at ?1,500. No "insurance. M. H. Fields lost bis dwellingaod furniture by fire the night of the 2Stb. Ko insurance. Mr. R. M. Wheeler lost hi3 dwelling by I fire one night during Christmas week. We I nuderstand that all his furniture wa3 destroy? ed. The building was insured in the Conti? nental Company. Rufas Westberry, of Mechantcsville, lost his bouse and kitchen by fire Monday night, 28th ultimo. We understand that all his furniture was also burned' The fire was ac? cidental. The Tirzah Supper. The Supper at Capt. Carson's was a very pleasant occasion. Everybody enjoyed them? selves, and the evening passed without a sin? gle jar. Receipts $70. Auctioneer Jervey. Hejust outdid himself yesterday. The man who could keep up his spirits, and rattle off poor horses, broken-down wagous and dilap? idated plunder of all kinds, with the wet and soggy surroundings he bad, is worth bis weight in oysters. Sale Day. Sale day was a big thing yesterday. The j rain, the mud, the crowd were all huge. Looking at the crowd from our office wiu dows, the street from the Court House to the j Music Hall was a mass of pushing, crowding, mud-bespattered humanity interspersed with numbers of representatives from the bone yard, ali looking as uncomfortable as a super? abundance of mud and water can make man and beast. The sales were extremely lively and while prices might have been better, they were much better than the weather. A great deal of property changed bands. A Card. Anthony Bracey returns thanks to his patrons for past favors and craves a continu? ance of the same. Tn addition to his hack he will run a dray end by promptness and care will always endeavor to give satisfaction.. He will have a slate at the restaurant of W J. Andrews on which any orders may be left with the assurance of their being filled. More Trees. We saw Mr. R. P. Monaghan last Wednes? day superintending the setting out of a row of oaks on Dugan Street, East of M-?o Street. The many pedestrians who walk that thoroughfare will be glad of the prospective shade to be enjoyed in the future. Trees are valuable not only for comfort, but furnish a useful fire wall, frequently aiding materially. in checking the flames. - - ai - Spirit Power. Miss Nellie Davenport advertised an enter? tainment at the Music Hall last week, at which ber power as a medium and spiritual? ist was to be exhibited. She had a crowded house, but the entertainment was ? failure in a "spiritual" sense. There was some clever Slight of hand performance, and the audience especially the - 'small bey" cheered the amus? ing parts vociferously. Christinas Tree. Mr. Editor: We attended a Christmas Tree at Mr. J. H. Hill's Public School, at Hope Swamp, on the 24th instant, and we were much pleased with the performance of the school. We think the hearts of both parents and children were gladened. All received presents, and at the conclusion a short but in? teresting address was delivered by the teacher. We trust that Mr. J. H. Hill will resume hts school again, the 1st of January, and we compliment him with our best wishes. J. A. LEMMOX, 1 B. A. KEELS, \ Committee. J. T. and D. J. BOYCE. J mm? School Christmas Tree. The Misses Hurst hada Christmas Tree and other nice things for the children of their school, the evening of the 31st. The rooms were most tastefully decorated, and the large number of friends and patrons of the school who attended were much pleased with the evening's entertainment. Santa Claus was there in all his hoary majesty and gave uni? versal delight to the young folks by the i tn- j partial distribution of his gifts. It was a j pleasant social occasion and the patrons of ? the Misses Horst owe a debt of gratitude to ' those ladies for the evening's charming en-| tertainment. We are glad to know that their school whieh re-opened yesterday is very prosperous. That P. O. Lamp. We made a suggestion some time ago as to the desirability of having a lamp in the piazza of the Post Office with a reflector so arranged as to throw a good light upon the key boxes. We are still wanting that lamp and from the progress made iu furnishing it we suppose the want will continue for some time longer. But really the lamp is sadly needed. The mundi would do all our citi? zens who bave occasion to visit the office after dark, a favor by fixing up one, and we would think of them and bless them every time we opened our box and assorted our mail by its refulgent rays. Or maybe our worthy P. M. could step in and lend a help? ing band ia this much to be desired* improve? ment. In fact don't care who does the work so its dome. Mayesville Items. MAYESTILLB, S. C., Dec. 2*, 1885. Mr. Editor: Christmas ha3 come and gone. We had a quiet time during the holidays.' The school patrons bad a splendid Christmas Tree in the school house, laden down with pretty presents for the children as well as adults. The whole affair was exceedingly pleasant, the best I have seen for years. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. After the crowd dispersed, tho young folks were in? vited to Dr. Mayes' bouse where they had a fine time. I close by saying a happy New Year to you all. DUGGAN. January 4, 1886. The town is as still and quiet as could be ex? pected under the crcumstauces. Trade is dull and money scarce. The colored people ore looking around for mules, oxen, carts, ?c., for another rear, but with a few exceptions, it XS-^T?O go." When the man owns the land and stock he can get supplies, otherwise, the landlord must come to the front and make arrangements for his tenants. The protection landlords receive at the expense of the mer? chant is somewhat inconsistent. Land is necessary in making a crop, but so is bread and nisat. and so also is clothing, and the body wil' perish about as quickly with noth? ing on it as with nothing in it. No the best way will be to repeal the lien law, and I will add the homestead also. Less credit will be eiven, farmers will work harder, idleness will decrease, thrill will take its place, re? ligion will come batk to our people, the honest and industrious will thrive and the others can go into contracts. Health is good except colds and coughs. Tigers are roaming around loose, sod some folks are badly bitten at times, n hat a pity ! what a pijy ! One more word ou the rent question. I rent out land and also farm, and have no hesitation in saying that the land owner should furnish ail supplies needed on his own place: he will tben look after his tenants, and if loss comes he will have to share bis portion in? stead of the merchant suffering ail. DCGGAS. Privateer Items. PRITATEEB, S. C., Dec. 28, 1885. Notwithstanding the dullness of Christmas our colored friends bad two Christmas trees: one, Christmas evening at the X Roads Union Baptist Church ; the other, on Satur? day evening at "Sew Bethel. Both were high ly enjoyed by the participants, from nil ac1? cou u ts. A number of changes are being rende among the coiored population. Mr. Griffin has moved from the Christmas place lo Mrs. Ko?b-'s Jackswn place. Mr. Peter McLeod takes '.rs place ?t the Cbrisimus farm. Miss Lizzie Beckham i3 at home for the Christmas holidays. The Misses Beckham are visaing friends uear Mayesville. Weather was very disagreeable Friday and Saturday, but fine to-day. We saw a very ueat invitation from ihe Atlanta Constitution to their correspondent for this County, to attend their correspond? ents' Christmas dinner in Atlanta, on Tues? day, the 29th, wheo they will be the guests of the Constitution. The Constitution pays all exposes incurred in Georgia. Tell ihe farmers not lo forget that the 2nd Thursday in January is the time for the an? nual meeting of the Farmers' Association. Important business will have to be transacted, and all should attend. Wishing the W. <~r 3 a happy New Year, Yours, DKW. Corbett's Mill Items. MACSVILLE, S. C., Dec. 30. 1885. Mr. Editor: Christmas parsed off very quietly. Noshing happened to remind us of it except the little boys with their fire crack? ers. Mr. Fletcher Davis has been very sick but is belter Mr. Gillie McCutchen ishoraefrom Charles? ton speeding Christmas. Your correspondent no marriages to report. I think the young folks are making engagements for next Summer, as you know that is ihe time they commit matrimony here. We are all glad too that Duggan is still alive. He promised to write nie a long letter some time and I am looking for it. J. F. M. - ml I il -4SI? Please Stop Trespassing. We have been requested by one sf the suf? ferers to say that many of the residents of East Jordan are greatly annoyed by persons from our town hunting through their fields ; and who not only trespass upon the small game of their lands, but make no discrimina? tion between a field of oats and one of corn stalks, lt is earnestly destred that these sportsmen would, for the future, eease making this locality a thoroughfare and select, in? stead, other hunting grouuds. We think the abve request should be heed? ed. The delights of the sportsman are no doubt very keen, but they should not lead him to overstep the consideration due from man to his fellow; .and mos; certainly should not lead him to forget the rsgh\ of property vested in land owi>ers. The Weather. G A.M. ?ZX. Dec. 28-25 52 43 Clear. Dec. 29-33 56 4? Clear. Dec. 30-36 60 57 Showers. Dec. 31-54 63 46 Clear. Jan. 1-35 59 51 Clear. Jan. 2-42 58 58 Oear. Jan. 3-58 67 ?5 Showers. Denistry. At the reqnest of a number of the citizens Dr. G. W. C. Dick will practice Denisiry in Mayesville every Thursday of each week be? ginning Thursday next (7th.) -- i ? > - - i Some genius proposes to introduce paper shirts. This might do for Japan, but would prove a'big thing' for the doctors because rheumatism, etc., would become frequent. If, however people would keep Salvation Oil Cvisvenient, paper shirts might still be a suc? cess. It costs only 25 cents. -ll I Ell? I - The freight rates of our great trunk lines have been advanced, >iul this will have no effect on the price of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which is sold at the old price of 25 cents a bottle. With bright eyes and elastic step, yet gray, lusterless hair, it is unnatural needless. Parker's Hair Balsam will restore the black or brown prematurely lost, cleanse from all dan? druff, and stop its falling. Don't surren? der your hair without an effort to save it.-m. Never Give Up. If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, dis? ordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will bf surprised to see the rapid im? provement that will follow ; you will be in? spired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in I!K- ?-.raise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Dr. J. F. W. DeLorme. 6 Dyspepsia Can be Cured. There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as dyspepsia or indigestion, and one too, that up to the present 'ime, has baffled the skill of the mosi eminent Physicians. Two-thirds of the chrouic diseases have their origin in dys? pepsia. The sy inp tons are loss of app?tit?, loss of flesh, a feeling of fullness or weight in the stomach, occasionally nausea and vomit? ing, acidity, flatulence, dull pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of bowels, low spirits,.sleepless? ness, sallow skin, derangement of kidneys, and not ?nfrequrntly palpitation of the heart. If yon are suffering with any of these symp? toms DR. HOLT'S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR Will Cure you. For sale by Dr. A. J.China. Physicians are invited to call and see formula. LOOK HERE, j Send 25 ceuts to Prof. W. H. Patrick, Bryant and Stratton Business College, Baltimore, Md., and receive by return mail one dozen elegantly written cards. WOMEN Needing renewed strength, or who Huffer from Infirmities peculiar to their ?ex, should tty THC BEST TONIC This medicine combines Iron with pare vegetable tonics, and in invaluable for Dwenses peculiar to W?ih en? andjill who lead sedentary lives, lt En? r?o Len and Purifi?e; the Blood, Stimulate* the Appetite, Strengthens the 31 UMCICH and Nerwi*-ia tact, thoronshly Intic-ernte*. Cleats the complexion, and makes the Klein smooth. It does not blacken the teeth, caora headache, or prodfice constipation-all other Iron medicines du. 3?ES. KLI2AEZTH Ballin, 74 Farnell Ave.. Milwau? kee, wis., says, ander date of Dec. 26th. VSH: "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters, and Jt ba? benn more than a doctor to me. having cured me of the weakness ladies have in life. Also cured me of liv? er Complaint, and complexion is clear and good. Has been beneficial to my children." Genuine has above trade mark and eroraod red line? on wrapper.- luke no otb cr. Made only by BROWS CHEMICAL CO.,?ALTIMORE, MD. LADIES' HAND BOOK-useful and attractive, con? taining list of prif-fs for recipes, information about coins, etc.. jriven away by all dealers in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of 2c. stamp. GEO. W. STEFFENS, WHOLESALE GROCER, Auction and Commission Merchant and Liquor Sealer. AGENT FOIt The F:nest Hams cured in the ? &. Also Agent for GEXESEO ROAD CART. Tbe Best and Cheapest on the Market. J97 EAST BAY AND 50 AND 52 STATE Sts., (Auction Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. C. ?SS* Consignments Solicited. Nov 25 o COPROLITE?MANURE. Phosphatic Lime, Made from N. C. Phosphate Rock, Clteapest Manure Discovered. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROS., ?an.- 5. Rocky Point, N. C. LOOK OUT FOR ALTAMONT ? OSES' ADVERTISEMENT, j NEXT "WEEK* D. B. ANDERSON, Attorney at Law, SUMTER, S.C. Will practice in adjoining counties. Collecting made a specialty* EXAMINATION OFT??CH?RS. Office of Sctol Wm?m, SUMTER COUNTY, S. C. ?VfOTICK IS II ER KB Y GIVEN, that in I J_\ compliance willi the recommandai iori of j the State Board of Examiner*. The next reg- I ular examination of applicants for certificates i to teach ir. thc public schools of rbis county ! will bc held <?n Tliiir?d;?3' and Friday, Js:nu- '? arv 7th arid 8th 18So\ Thursday, {'or while teachers cxcluaicdij, at ; the School Commissioners office. Friday, for colored teachers excludive!?I, flt ? the Lincoln School in ?own of Sumter. Tatchera (desiring to appear Wfore thc j hoard, ?rc reminded, that no other opportuni- j ty ?viii be given prior lo July, 18S6. Dy Order of Co. Board of Kxaniiners, ! J. DIGGS WILDER, School Com'r. j Doc. 15, 1885. ?PPLIC?TIOr^FOR CHARTER. ! MAYRSVIM.K, S. C., Dec. 23, 18S:>. ? THIRTY DAYS AFTER THK ?)\TF> j hereof, the underpinned will Hp ply to \V*. i H. C?iitino, Cierk of Court for Sumter , County, for a Charter, incorporating them-' selves and their associates tinder the nmne of "The Trinity Presbrtermn Church" at .Mayes- ! ?ilie, S. C. j J. C. Simmons, Friday Peterson, j Joseph Mose?, Munson Carolin?, Samuel Weary, An thru m Lessane, Horace Hayward, Washington Howard, James Carolina. Lawrance Benjamin, Dec. 2D-li?. F. H. LACmCOTTE 99 MAIN STREET, 9 BE? TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF TH?3 CITIZENS OF StJMTER to their large and varied stock of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, ?c. We have not the space in this advertisement to enumerate fill the prices, or give in detail the Varied styles. Below we give some of thc prices, and say that should you need anything in our line we would be pleased to quote you styles and prices more in detail. We can make it to your advantage to trade with us. See our special offer : J The hokier of this Coupon is entitled to a discount of 10 \ ?j per cent, on any purchase made of vs on or before January J S 16/, 1886. P. R LACHICOTTE? Co.t Jewelers. 5 ? Columbia^ S. O. ? * * * No elaina for discount will be recognized unless this Coupon is presented. ? This oiler is only made to the people of Sumter and vicinity, and for a limited time. It is liberal because our prides are as low as the same goods can be bought for ANYWHERE. There is no chance for deception because our price mark is in plain figures. Our reflson for making this offer is, we desire to bring to your attention the fact that you can buy your Jewelry, Silver, etc., in Columbia as cheaply ns anywhere else, and by our spe? cial offer hope to be able to induce you to give us a trial. See the advantages of this offer. In the first place the pnces on the goods are in plain figures, ao that there is no adding on to take off in discount On a purchase of ?10 worth, you get a discount of ?1, getting ?10 worth of goods for $9 ; on a $15 purchase the discount is ?1.50, which will pay your railroad fare one way between Sumter and Columbia. The discount on a $30 purchase pays your fare both ways ; or a $50 purchase pays your fare both ways and Hotel Expenses in Columbia. Now, as you will doubtless need something in our line, say JEW? ELRY for wife, daughter or sweetheart, or SILVER WARE> either with or without handsome Plush or Morocco Cases for Wedding Presents, would it not be to your advantage to buy it from us ? We think so, and only ask that you give us a trial. We will send goods C. O. D. with privilege of examining before paying thc bill if 50 cents is enclosed with the order to guarantee us express charges in case of no sale. If the article sent was satisfactory, and bought, the 50 cents would be deduct? ed from the bill. It would be hardly fair to expect us to go to the trouble of packing and shipping an article and also have to pay express charges when no sale was effected. We will now give you .some of our prices, but should you want anything in this line write to, or call on, us and state what you would like to get and how much you wish to pay. and we can suit you. Remember, only one price on each article^ and that in plain figures. SOLID GOLD WATCHES, CENTS' SIZE from ?45 np. SOLID GOLD WATCHES. LADIES SIZE from ?16.50 up. GENTS' SIZE SILVER WATCHES. ?10 up. O?R $12 GENT'S SILVER WATCH, is .the popular one-A first class re lu bte ti aie-'?ieee. BOrS SIZE SILVER WATCHES, $8 up to ?20. GENT'S SOLID GOLD VEST CHAINS ?15 to $00. Ia rolled gold from $?.50 ?o ?7. SILVER VEST CHAINS ?2 to ?6. LADIES GOLD VEST CHAINS, ?13 to ?18. Gold ?ecle. Chains $7 to $46. ROLLED GOLD NECK CHAINS, from $2 to $12. LADIES' SETTS, GOLD BROOCH AND EARRINGS. ?7 to ?40. ROLLED GOLD LACE PINS, 50 cts. to $4. SCARF PINS, 25 cts. to ?1.50 in plate, and ?3 to ?15. in Solid Gold. A fine assortment ot RINGS in Solid Gold from 60 cents, for Children's Sizes up to DIAMOND RINGS, ?18 to ?100 and over-prices too varied to enume? rate. A large assortment of STERLING SILVER FORKS, TEA and TABLE SPOONS. Also FANCY SILVER in handsome cases for presents. Write for prices. ' P. H. LAOHIOOTTE & C?., 90 MAIN ST?EET, COLUMBIA S C. ?N I *z - ~ .* o ^ ^ ri r , -S 5 d 2 . = - *? " ? o J * ss t? o I *S SS s = ii C? S ~ " = >? J SS g ???srSa^2 Sis** ? ~ 2 {{ P ? ? * - L. 5 5 -r * ? . 2 = o ? fl Sf c g?S V VI 2S - 2- .Z S CO . WRIGHTS HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS NEW AND ELEGANT BOUSE, with all modern improvements, ?8 now opt-u for the r?ception ofpuests. S. L. WRIGHT & SON, Mar 6. Pronri?tdrp; GRAHAME STABLES, REPUBLICAN-STREET, JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR LOAD OF WELL BROKE ?Tl? RU, Selected with cure for this market. A?s?i on hand. A FEW GOOD MOLES, j Will be sold LOW FOU CASH, or approved j p:;]ier. All Slock sold, guaranteed n9 I represented, or money refunded. j ALSO, LARGE LOT OF ! Old Hickory Wagons, AND A F I'LL LINK Ol' Carriages. Buggies. Carts, &e, WU! he found a! w. M. GRAHAMS STABLES, SUMTER S. C. Oct G SUMTER BARBER SHOP. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED informs his cus tomers and thc ptiblic generally that he has rciiiovcu his Partier Shoji to the room UP STAIRS OVER THE STORE OF DUCK? ER & H?LT.MAN, where he solicits a continu nure of patronage. Perfect sati?f';ic!:on guaranteed in HAIR-CUTTING. SHAVING, SHAMPOOING. Ac Ladies and families waited upon at their homos, when desired. Juue 16 x J. S. NETTLES. W. H. MARTIN, DRUG-GIST, (UNDER MUSIC HALL,) SUMTER, S. C. IS RiJCfilVltfG A NE\t STOCK -OF Everytking Pertaining to the Drug Business, Including Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Goods. He b;i3 a full stock of Winter Garden Seed. -Especially TURNIP SEED3" OP ALL PCIND3. Prcscn'j)tions Carefully Compounded. Will waft ti po ft Customers ar any time, day or night, and when not at the Store, can be found at the Brnuson House. July 21 \V. H. .MARTIN. BMDFIELD'S Ari infallible specific for j all the diseases peculiar to j women, suck ?is painful or ? Suppressed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Leu corrhoa or Whites, etc. FEMi LE CHANGE OF UFE, j If taken during this criii- | cal period, <rrer:t suffering [ aud danger can be entirely avoided. REGULATOR. Send for our book containing valuable infor? mation for women. It will bc mailed free to applicants Address THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. linx 2S, Atlanta, G*. Tho most popular Weekly newspaper devoted tosc?once. mechanics, cnsincerinc discoveries, xn rentirin?and patentsever.pnbjfcheVk Every num? ber illustrated with fplcndi?? kirrar ir. cs. Tilt? publication furnishi'saaio.-it valuable encyclopedia <f information wbw-It no pi-reon'sho-nid bo without. ?'I?e popularity of t'.ie aoitacnnc AMXKICAK ?nfeh that, it j circulation tvarV ?VpKil* that of all Cher p.iprrs of its combined. Prico. ?3-208 v.-ar. DifV'mntti>r?lub.< S?ldM? alt E'-wsdealcrs. ?IUXN A CO.. Publishers. Na 3CI broadway, N. Y. aPWTfe. &*PiBaM<ZsW f? Jinnn ttt'o.have PP^Aa Fr<iT&*a'sol,:idTh,rt*: B5? 8 * v* Ei^ht yeors* Ega E?iITra" ?i'.wiwm practice before Kf3 SjSlathc Patent Otlire tnd have prepared Ej*!fl aSn^r'! ticrri One Hundred Thou S?^ ?*>\?^orcJ applications fripatents 1:1 tho SsS^U:0..a srate-. i-"d rorwjjrn coonlries; ??Zy?? Caveat*. Tra:i.-:Uarks. Copy-riichts, i^JJ**" Avi^-nments. un? ail otber papen* for BS>ecnriiJg to i:iv(-r?rorr. th"ir ii::hts in the MS Gaited States, Onada; England, trance; v?*5 t?02 many ar.d ?sflier. foreign conntries. pro-? ?>9 pare?! at short not ?? e ?nd > >u reasonable terms. $;<2 Informatk?n ns MobtaiiitB?: patents chcor fcjl fully clreri without CbatV'C} Hand-books Ot ,,3?>* it: forma! h>n ?nt Paten's obtained thronen Munn & Ca. arc noticed ia tho Scientific American free; The advr.n?a?r* ?f :".ich notice in ?rc!! understood fey all persona who wijh to dis no/ie ef tWcir piT<?nrs. Address ItCXN A CO.. Otneo SCTEjrrOTO AiLcaic.OT. 30i Broadway, Now York. PLAID SHAWL GIVEN AWAY! T?iroiig?i thc failure of a larc? irtanu iadturer ol" Gtsiimcifc lottern Fringe Shawl*, there!:.TSorme ?ino ?.urhsivU a large consi^nimrnt of inlaid Shawls; perfect goods, which -.TC pr.>;>o>c lu present to thc tidies ia tlic-foltotrrny ?'auner: Send us-5 CCII?S fiji 3 rao?, sul^vription io Farra ?nd Household, a lan;?: ?i2 pasv ilutstra:*(i psjicr.dcvotcd to Kami am! Household topics; Sti-rics an.l ncnernl miscellany, .and wc will send yon one ofthoe beautiful ?hawl? F KKK by mail postpaid, or wc will send S shaw ls ".'and 5 "u'xeriptionsto one address for Satisfaction rru aran ts ed or rooney refunded. Address fASM AS? HO tot KOL 1>, Uo.v4i. nartford,Cann. CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS I OFFICE OF DUCKER & BULTMAN, DKALKK8 IX General Merchandiee, SUMTER a Qi No doubt but that times have been hard and money very scarce for the past twelve months, but this does not keep people from eating, and, inore especially* not at Christmas times. We are glad to inform you that Goods of ever?/ description have been reduced in price, hence you need not be afraid that your money, is not enough to buy all you want for Christmas, and you all well know our store is the place to get more for your money than you are sometimes willing to carty. Whenever this happens, we are always ready and willing to send your goods home. Such being the case we look forward to a large trade during the next ten days ; and please remember, our rule is : "Mrst Oome, First Served,11 so you betted come at. oncerami buy ail }7ou need for the Holi? days. We offer you Choice Goods at Lot Prices. We have now io stock CHOICE RAISONS, of all kinda, CURRANTS, CITRON, MALAGA GRAPES, BATES, DRIED FIGS, and DRIED FRUITS of all kinds, And a full assortment of New Crop NUTS AND ALMONDS. We have, this year THE FLV?ST SELECTION OF French Candies, And wo will give you better quality of Candy than most other houses keep in this town-and, we think, for less money. Come and see. Our Stock of CANNED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, Pickles and Sanees, IS NOW COMPLETE in everv respect, and ice warrant all of our goods in this Une to be full weight and of best Quality. Wc hare a large Jdt of Jellies, Min?e-Meat, Ftf?lT BUTTER* IN FIVE POUND PAILS-and also in bulk, and can sell lt to yno by the pound. If you are in want of GOOD BUTTER, or FINE CREAM CHEESE, Or if you want GOOD COFFEE, ora GO?D DRAWING TEA, You must buy ii at our Store, And ice assure yon that you Will be satisfied tcith Quality and Prices. We have ordered for the Holidays some of the F. A. Ferris & Co.'s PIG HAUS SMOKED TONGUES, These you know are fine, and Jon should have one on your table on Christmas Day. Wo have nice line cf GLASSWARE -?-A%D Fancy Lamps, j . t i Suitable for Christmas Presents, ?nd j wi il be ple??sed to sfiow you what we j have, even if vOU don't buy. ?i'ifh a Merry Christmas to all of\ you, and tcith the hope that you, tb ill \ saul the cash ic'ith your orders, ice tire ? Respectfully, i DUCKER & BULTMAN. j NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. VfutlCb ?3. HEREBY GIVEN that thk JLv c?/jwrtner^b,? which hu? heretofore e??: i.-ied iiriwten C. C. Brown^'N. G. Os;eeaan?l W. I). HU ri d in ^ under tho firm nam*- uod styl? af the "Watchman und Sbtitbrorr Publishing [/bftip?ny.'' has Wo dissolved by the with? in?wa! of W I)k Bland ihg from said finn oq. ?av Stn, ?383. ?nd bv the withdrawal of O. Brun;i fruin said firm on November 25th; 1885. The said N. G. Os teen haviny pnrcba.M-d th? rojieftire ?nitral* in snid-husiuessof thrfabt f?latiding and Brown4 (and aUo lb? Rltere** of 0. C. Brown in Hie Sumter Watchman) will contiuue the bhiihessin hi? nun juro?, soiled nil debra duk to, ?od pay ?.il debt? dii? by said firm. ~ R c. BHOWN, N. C.osTtitiN. W. D. BLAS DING. Der, t. 1883 FOB 1886. ; r>ETCRKS OF BEAL .ESTATE. AND I) Personal Property and Poll* will b?r?? ceivrd al thc following limes and places; . Privateer, Tues*]a?. January 5. Manchester., Wedbesday, january6. Wedgefield? Thursday, January 7. Statebarg. Friday, January 8. Gordon'3 Mill, Friday, January 8. Mayesville, Monday, January ll. Magnolia, Tuesday, January 12. ." . Lynchb?rg, Wednesday, January ?3. .? Shiloh, Thursday. Janna rv, ?-?. Johnston's Store. Friday, Jan nary .15. - Scarborough's St?re, Saturday, ??tH?^^ nary 1G. Mechanlcsville, Monday, January 18. Mannville. Tuesday, January 19 Sauders' Depot, Tuesday, January ?9. Smithville, Wednesday; JauuarylJO. - M. Sanders' former office, Wednes? day, january 20. Biahopville, Thursday and Friday, . January-2i and ?2. Reid's Mill, Saturday, January 23. --AXD At the Auditor's office in Sumter from the yod January to the 20ih of febru? ary, inclusive. Parties making Returns by mail or by an^ .< other person will please give full first name of - . Taxpayer and the Township ttaeproperty ir in. As all property, both Real and Personal and Polls, is required by law to be ref orbed ia ff 1886, Taxpayers will please make fall return's . : in the time prescribed, namely, from 1st-ian.-. , uary to 20th February, 1888. W. R. DELGA R,Vf Dee. 1 Auditor Sumter Colintjr. 20,000 OBASI?E^ DIRECT FROM FLORIDA, FOP THE HOLIDAY TRAD?. V - BEING AGENT OF FLORIDA GROCER ? I am prepared to sell at. wholesale aa '. cheap as Charleston or Wilmington. Will retail Oranges at 30 to 50 cefit? berj : dozen. APPEES* By the BarreTocjiny other .quantity at low?tt ~:? \ FRUITS AND CONF^Sk)^^^ Ofan't?nft Orders promptly; filled add sbipr^ Walls^? parts of the County at short notice. -> >: Nj WM. J. AM)E?flriS. ; Dec 1,_- ', . . . ' ; i PW, mmmi -DEALBR^IN TOILET SOAPSj PERF?MftY AND ALL KINDS OP Druggist's Sundries USUALLYKKPTIN A. FIRST-CLASS DK?G |g STO??. - ? ; Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, | 5 W*5 1 Paints, 0i&; Varnishes, GLASS, PU?TY, &c. ayo--r- ' DYE STUFFS? -TT-? Physicians Prescriptions caref?Hjr compouuded, and orders answered - - with care and dispatch. . .. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted-^C?tt?^ iue, and of the best quality. Gall and see for yourselves. rv BARGAINS 0FFER?N6. ia ttAYESVltL?, S. DEALERS IN : General Merchandise* Haveio stock a full line ttf . . DRY GOODS," HARDWARE, GROCERIES; TOBACCO AND SEG ? RS, HOSIERY A Nf) CXDERWRAfe, HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS'AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, - Almost everything kept in a well assorted - stork of General SferchHadiSei all of which ia offered at prices that will colnpare with tbos* ' ? quoted by large dealers ek?tfliete, and about u h ich so much is being put forth iu Sensau ; (ional advertisements. We sty to ail the petmie ?f Samter County within reach of Majesvfllc: Dont be Misled by.thc Wicket ?setcfitf?, But come to oiir store and bk Supplied WUK, r| genuine first class goods al price*.ibat.c?aTt ^ be beat anvwhfcre. ^ A beautiful lot of Ciiina and Glafs ware* and ot!:?r fancy goods snitable for Ciimtmas and Wedding Prient?. Cotton and other Country Prodnce bought . at highest toarket nrsc??. ?eir** overstocked, the following will b* sold low : > 3 (HNS-(I DuBois 55 saw, 1 Winship 40 saw,) S CARTS and 3 W?GONS-(? 2-bors? : and 2 1-horse wngons) 1 HORSE, I ?ARE and 2 fine MULES. Nov. 10 GEORGE COOPER. PR?H?CAt SAWTMAKER & REPAIRER* | XSUMTER, S. C. .J.I Formerly wfK> Disston i Sons. Phrl^dcl*- - pliia^ will attendvto the Repairing of ?ll SawS^g entrusted to his care. Address l%0* Bo? 111. AH orders p'i?mptly attesdt? tb. October 31, 1885_^_ AgJ?T semi O? cen?s^os?ji}:e, and will Wir 1 at?? you f*& a roy?!, valuable, Sample box of ?bods ?hat will ?j?t y?n fn the Way of making iHCttmoney at oa?Vthaft ftiiy--,;!^ thing else in AmericH.. li?jh ?exes oT^i catt live at hatton and work in spare ?irfle. all the time. Capri*! not reqn?red. We wj?^ start yoa^ Immense pay sn re for those who* : Starr at once. Sf?nson ? ??o.. Portland M.tittg ^ ? TOYrrr>y?wforB?a^:c^ft,^^^ Jj&t?j&y.) j'mue ami OM : f A KEW ?>*? s ^> .S^gjKg,' VEXTK.>N ilia patenistl lor them, 2&5&fSFx?& Purine, ?>r!lli:ig,Gr?iK?tiC roivhinft P5??VW?5B t ? crv?tt. t' T 100 i*crc 3 Vi n 11 EA I??* vmi<K\ n\r.trk^e?p ^i Iiy ll inn a* horn*? without t>*li? J??Cp ??rmi ? i - a K^iu:,ss. *,ASM?*,'**-.;.?%