of?bstanrise - - ? KV:. .--?.. ^sommer morning, th* sweetest music todito greet ber ,.r > like a blossom, j .flit ting .figure, *Kry 1er mornings ce gloom would vanish gladness, IV .,. . ||ejmpers? ^especially rmtat?on, and th em by - prayers, c cr act io anger until that Christ would place, . valuable aa is the j is often t valuable, ^aot^ expect too much from iember tbat all have an fm- rnh?so developments we \?hieh',Ke; sho?ld - for 5, as we- often desire- for oaraeJves. ; a sharp onangry. word: r*wol^t?a^:^ma?Bs the ?ofthe first disagreement. tose v."' .faj : kind and p?ea?wifcj .^C-V'"-.? - -'- j- - - ..- . *?h?*haraet?rr of each, ; and i with all in - their. troubles, li*iSB.3 ;. V . ^B^^SSt?e tbiogsv if] k-.-effect the comfort of ethers ^est -degree. -; ' ' > deny~yotH?el? and- to of meddlers and t??eb?ar ^g^? ??5^ Bon*t change tor a bad motive^ ^p^ffi^^ft^'cWeewahter T ' . " : ^^^^p^3ft^paa??e, nat "Ifiribt "witfi ""?il ^^^^?|-X??&--?ot alter them -to go where !^^fhter composed it for lier own Ig^^B^B^Jn^dr^atoing that for cen ^^^tj|jgiiw^|^nld" be- taught by' in ^^^pEU^^^^mo'thers to millions of ^^^Sf?^SS^ihaX. indeed .'it would , be ^^^t^nnit?d: -from generation to gen ^^^f^?^Q^l^rbogb Si r?volu tiona, all ^^r'^^f?ticaJ and social change?; to the ^?^^^^?^^'' How many men and ^^?i9ma^:,braxe boys and gentle .girls, g^^tc$?^kidat?r.tbe?r. ..first impressions, ^B?0?^r^?^.awakeii?ng of conscience, ^^^^^ni^feiight'bf God, the Gra -?oi?i?iiard?aa of bis children on ||^j??^ prayer?: How. l^^as?a?y^ged men and matrons; sitting ?^^?wielyin the golden glow, of life's -cfoodless evening, trace with grati ^^^^ude^to: God the promise and the ifpofcenejbf their characters and des pj^^&B?^to.,-tbe twilight. worship of p^;^&et-be48ide when kneeling at their ??^? toother's ^?ees they said that prayer ? Happy child wRose mother solemn ^?^J^?^^ttierly teaches lier little ones ?^ *tbe simple, the immortal words ? %In t?ie very impressive and touch P^l^iag address of trie late Judge Thom W; r ^?? Thomson of the South Carolina ^0&i'b?ri&i,:f?\ five yoong men convicted ^^i^-mnrder^ he remarked that he '^^:-^iS^:^dem:.y[- and had thought that ^^^peiiiaps^Tio tender mother shielded ^^^J??cir. Tnfent innocence, and taught them kneeling at her knee the prayer, fS^?Ss^ I..lay.me down to sleep.7 'I S"--%. fewwr not/ said the Judge, 'who ; wrote that prayer, but I would ra- \ > ther be the author of it than the ^. finest poem in the world, for it has the destiny of millions, and ^^^Dfl?lf?>n? of tlie human race. Courts . and codes of law may pass away, but prayer will endure to the end of lime to bless mankind.7 When listening to Judge Ttiom ?on's> words, I was reminded of a : touching beautiful incident in the last boars of that noble and just man, Judge D. L. Ward Jaw, of Ab Y- beville, S. C. The grand old Judge / Jay ou bis deatbbed. Iiis family ?vi not suppose that his end was so uear. In perfect peace he bade them " gool night, saying that he thought be would sleep well. Ile seemed to 'i sleep sweetly, and only a little grand i . daughter sat in his chamber. The %; - silence of the night in the old pa triarcli's room was softly broken by . ; bis. voice, repeating the prayer of of hts infancy. As s little child, the le?a?d and able jurist and states ? i- men, ,with his hands folded on his breast; said : 'Now, 1 lay me down (0 sleep, 1 pray ??hee,. Lord, my soul ? ' to ?cep ; if I should die before I ^^^w?ak?> 1 pray thee, Lord, my soul to ^?[Tb?i prayer concladed, he fell and died before he woke, and Lord-took his s(?ul ! 'And Jesus ;called a little child unto hun and set I lim in the midst of them and said, | E^Ivsay "onto yoo, except ye. be L rerted and become as little chil- ; not enter into the king- j: mt&i*i;;r:.: _ ... . I Published Semi-monthly in ::W-r* SUMTER^ (T. -.v .... ... .", v- ... :' Tinder jue 3E??noriff manageme?ti?f ' - ........ Assisted by air r-ble-corps-oif Editors. ' ' j Tfr?rp?tronfcg^ alffriends pfTemnerance is solicited.- Ternis only-60 x?atyay?ar..'" T^^dvert?ers^ d??tin^ a wide circulation, it offers:a?.excellent medium. On business addre?s^ N;'G. OSTEEN, \ Publisher, j 25 YEARS 1W USS, The Greatest Medical Triumph of theAga Irftta af appetitc, Bowel? costive, Fain in : ody er mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with y>-^sc^uroifn?Tingnog?ecte? wmMghatf? ' Wewrineaa, Pfanne??, Fluttering nt thc . Heart, J>ota before the eyes, Headache OTJJT thc right core,.Restlessness, witb fitful dreams? Highly colored Urine? and CONSTIPATION, POLS axe especially adapted ter ?cl?,'caaeaK one/dose affects ?nah- * change offeeiingas to astonish the sufferer. They Increase tho A ppetK?>aBd canse the ' body to .Take on !Tle*]?yin.us tbe system ls nourished? and by :ieir Tonic Action on .yotoceJ. -Price a3c. ^ritfnrray fct.,ir.Y. TU TTS HAfR DYE. GRAT HATE or WHISKERS changed to a GUMBY BLACK by a single application e? this DTE. ' It impart3'a natural col?r; acts; : instantaneonsly. Sold by druggists,.or sent hy express on receipt of #1. Office,44 Murray St., New York. . ., Harper's Bazar?, * Harper's Rfzwr'?s ibe'bn?y paper in the world that combinos KJ? choicest literature' and toe finest ?rt "fljdstr??i?nswtrh the latest' fasV ions a D?. rn? ho d? yf-household adornment. Its weekly ?l?us:mtior.s and descriptions of the newest Paris -and-'New-YoTk ?lyle?, with its useful pattern ?=heet supplement-* nod cut pat terns, hy ?Mbl?og- ladies to1be theiricwo'dreas ?wS??tj!?& of subscrip tioo. Its papers on cooking, the management of serra nt fi, and' .hoasekeeping .io its various details ar? eminently practical. Mach attcn tion^igirei? to-the iajefegting- topic, "of^social er?tjoette^-aBct* its ilhistrWtions "of art \rcedle work aro acknowledged to be unequaled. Its literary merit Lvof the. -highest' ex ce! Lenee, a-nd tba unique character of its hu te o rous pictures has won for it the; name of thc .American Pnxeh. . . Harper's Periodicals^ &3 P. k Pernear; Wi ~l< ? * : HARPER'S BAZAR, OneY/eaT_"..4 .00 HA R P E R'S M A 6 ASINE, -One Year^i .$? ?0 HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year..^:.4 00 HABER'S- Y?Hiia PEOPLE, one-year. 2 CO TT ITTtrir^" ^p?~FT"f " SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year (52 ^umbej*) li'QQ Postage Free to.ali subscribers in~the United States or Cccada. r^tteryofanjos.:aC,tbo Bazar begin with the first - 'number, tor January of , ench year. Wben.iv?; tiara is "specified,, it will be understood that the subscriber wis-hes to begin with the -Kurab?-n?*xt:after the receipt of ordert :? ' B?ocd Volumes of HARPER'S BAZAR for three years back, in neat Soth^wi&ibg. -will be sent by mail, postage j^aid, or by.expr?s.", {provided the freight, doe?-not ?ice?i ?ne dollar per vol na e,) for $7.00 par relume. . . . j . Cloth cases fer each volarao. suitable for binding. wiH-^ e sent by mail, postpaid .on BMe?pti??SSai^Oieac??.^ ?5? ; 3* 25 ;, ? 0 ^"Remittances shoubr-be "made-by - Post?Of5ce Jffuey J)rdeiyo? Draft, to avoid chance ot loss. Newspapers are cot to copy tins advertise, jnent witboct_tbe express order of Harper i Brothers. ^ Addre&? . . . -... ?. ; , - , : :-HARPER L B50THERS. New York. ' : . 18S6; i Harp?rV Tfom?g' People. . An Ulnsirated TVeelcly: ' ' T The position of HARPER'S YOCXG PEOPLE as the .leading'weekly peiiodicsl for yoong readers TS weH estsblishcd. The publishers spare no pa?n?f tb:provide the best and' mott alt??ctive rwtdic?: ??d ?lusrrations. The serial aaa* short stories havestron? dramatic interest, while they are wholl- free from wbaierer is. pernicious or vulgarly sensational; the.papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of .life, are by wi kera. whose names. give t bc best assurance of accaracy and value. Illu.-.trated papers on, athletic'sports, games and pastime* g?^e full infnnnat?o?j on these subjects. There is nothing cheap abo J t it bul its price, -jr y An epitome'of everything that is nt*Tacive aad ' desirable in jurai ile literature.-Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the noys aad cir!* io every famdy which it visits."-'Brooklyn It^is wondirfulin its wealth, of pictures, inf or. mai ion, and interesL-Cai^Vftaa-^tZcf^f/e, N.Y. TERMS ? POSTA G K PREPAID, $2 A YEAR. Vol. Til commences November 3, ISSJ* SncfUB:.Ncitit'8?s. Pjve Cent3 each. Remittances shonld be made hy P?.st Office Money Order or Dratt. to avoid chance <>flo.*s. S*riCKpnp*;rit are voi to rftpy thin ad earthen* eu I without 'It* cay TS* onUr efl i APPER & K RI.TH HRS. Addre?-i^ HARPEK ? BROTHERS, Y?H-k.. C I. KOUT Sc BRO., Vatchss, Clocto, Jerrelry, SpsctaclVs, &c, &c. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. SPORTING MATERIAL, Shells, Wads and Everything Pertain? ing to Breech-Loading; Guns.. Dec 16 ? The aost pooolr-r Wookly newspaper dcroted toscience, raecnaaic?, en;r:~eerin?r cissoTcries, in vemioas and patents ever piiblr>li?cL Everjrann* bor illas?ratt-d with splendid e-STaTia^s. Thi3 publication ?amishesacj08tT.iln.-.b:3eccycIot>e>i n^d. Price. $3.20 a year. Discount to (>lub3. Sold by all nowedealers. JaT^N & CO.. Pcblidiers. Ko. 35lSroadwi!y, Y. 1 aSa ?? Munn ? Co. havo k elpohadThirty . Eight years' "practice before fl tho Patent O??ce and have prepared -Siaeox-r rhea Ono Kundr?? Thou f?V? r5i>rtd application? ?orp&tcRt? ?n ta? F&J United State* and foreign cenntnes. mJ?f Caveat Txadc-Marlin. Copr-nghts. _J*3t- Assignments, and all other papers for Mgjsccnring to inventors tb?"iT licht? m the ?3 United State?, <:anad?. England. France, S?? Germany and other forosgn countries, pre gi? oared at short notice and on reasonable terms, gag* information ae to obtainingJjatents cheer hyafWrsnv*n Kitnant charge. Eanc-booics oj .??jnxo'miation sent free. Pat?-nt? obtained tbroncb ?iunn & Co. are noticed- in the Scientific American free. Thc adrann-.se of s-uch notice j* ?weil cndwKtood br all persona vrlio wish toCis oo^ecf their p-iten ts. __ Address Al UNN A CO.. Of?co SOZ?ftmc fcaaatt X, 3S1 Bxoadwar, No^- ^ erk. J itIOA Il^L. p. fecwell & Cos Xewiipaper AdverttaburBazmcf 20 Spruce St.\-where advt n?s?r.i F-?R&CTURE AND UNDERTAKING ? ^xi^^s? nrtt i* e embracing all the styles and qualities usually found in a First Class Furniture Store. PARLOR SUITES, { BED ROOM-SETTSp-WARDROBES, 1 Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Safes, Sideboards, Looking Glasses, What Nots? WairBrackets,-. Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, -PicTureTGTass, wTndow Glass, Putty, Matresses^&?.,;&c-. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT,! IS TOtitrA'?? D'"COMPLETE. COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descripr tions and sises constantly in store at prices ranging- . j :. ? FdrAdufts-frotD $5:t?.?I2&) O C For Children-.from S3 to 45 . , . 1 * lif sp?c?a?bersonar-a?t?n tifcnv *?fey by day, ia given* to this business, iq. all its. depart- ? m?n'ts,' and wl?s&c???'gu^r?nreed in -"every case*/ .-?, .c* '< Oct. IT I ' DEALER IN .ssa?rj roz Brags* Medicines aad FIN?fTOILET ~SGA . . ,. . Sumter CrHM"S."C. ' SchcbrbnildingonConncil Street;in rear of A- M:;B. Church., _ COME ONE, COME ALL _^TO The Blacksmith: Shop Opposite W. M. Graham's Feed and Sale .. _ ? Stahle, and jjet your ^ - g . In the very best style by competent work meir:! Special attention .paid "to horses' that Cut and'Over-Teach. . -Carriages,. Buggies, Wagooe,Jtc, repaired in the best style. ?All kinds of\ Blacksmith? ing done promptly. J. B. BEil'XSOX. Sept 1 ^^^^ LISS TUS |?P?PH MB, General O??ec, Ii?o?, K, T. STOTT Xork Of?cc, 2S3: Broa(hr?y; Buying Agents Wanted, ?Tiwi- aaaotJXgtaafwmaraBa frryamnii CD suhle and Trit)lo Action) FHOPF OilPO Thi? EEMTNGTON PTT?-rP sWi of di coa?petition ia tvtirking -easily and rapidly.. It is se-cun.' ?.^ru frocr.;n?-: r.ad.;r.evcr need/; priming. WK KLTC3?1SJ! .?TTACII.VK?rrS TO THE PUMPS TO xii 7?i'?:? ron u^i: -.V?TII WIXD MILL Send for IlJustiareti C;rc::larand Price Lisr, with. TcstiniOK:;,Li. ~ > .Address, - ? - ? ??Vy YoasrO?7:cE: i-/;untbcrs Street. j? ;Jf'.'i'??.** fij'il thc popr.iur fnvoritc for cress- ! j w^Spi " T ?f -^ . inj? lhc bti?r^, Rcsrorihj; : he olor j f *. :iV- w'irngrajv^-'?preventing Dan- ; i i$tSz&*--~^*?H It dermises thc se.-.?p, i 3 feS^SS_^?J st-ps the hair f.-:??Ti?. ?tr.d is J i sure tc pl-::^<-. 50 .. arA $1. sizes at l)ru~~:f:s. j The Best Cough Crire you can nco j .in'ith? best Vno'.vn preventive of Consumption. ? I' AK-KEX'STo?lt kc,-: ju .1 home isa s?;iuncl to I keep sickr.e.-s or.t. Used dtscrceily it k?:eps t;;c " biood pi:re a:;cl the StORiach; Livcr anti Kidneys t in ivor?iins order. Coaghs a?:d C'jidi vauish bc I fore it. lt b.i?Oi np inc health. 5 It V.OU. suiTcr fiom Dc?i?itjr, Skin Erupt?ofts, J Coujjnv AstliuKi. L'yspep-ia. K:?!ncy, Urinary or i I- c?u-le Co:r.;??..i:Hs. or anv disorder ci the Lur.?*, I Stomach, tio-A-ci-?, Biood or Nerves, don't wjit s till you are sick in bcd, but u.-.-- . HI:>COX.& CO.\ N. Y. j |^'^t'?l* .^^f^0 s'iv'n5 buying size THE AIMA?THFIJ?. COHNKR OF King St* Yanderh?rst ar.d HAVING BEEN LEASED BY (Formerly of 190 Meeting-^.,) ISc NOW OPEN for th? accommodation .of Boirrders. pArtie?^vi??ting^ C??t?esfon wi:l find this Houfe coi: ven ten :1 v situated for busi? ness, and directly on Theiine of Street Kai;*?*. Terms, ver day, $1 50. Feb 13 NORTHERN PRODUCE. FORE?GN-?RUIT ! FRESH FISH ! AP pies,T?'tafo?sV Cabbages, Onions, Pears, Tomatoes, Bs|ts,'Turnips," Lemons,.Nut9, and Fruit and Veg?tab?esof all varieties, received by every steamer from New-York. We deal exclusively-inNorthern Produce and handle only choicest stock. Also, Fresh Fish of all kinds. Our .fall fishing has just commenced. Remember and send your orders for Fruits Produce and Fresh Fish" to the old reliable house of J. S. TERRY & CO., 9 Market Street/Charleston, S. C. N. B.-Our facilities for- handling and shipping Fresh Fish are unequalled in the South. CHINA HALL, COR. KING AND LIBERTY STS., CHARLESTON. S. C. DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE, KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, CHAN? DELIERS, BRACKETS, And a Full Line of Lamp Trim minga. Colored EDglish Dinner Setts, 115 pieces p ; " for'Slo.'Oo: " .' . Tea Setts, 44 pieces, at $4. " A*full line of American Thin White China Dinner Setts, 122 pieces, $12-cheapestgoods on market zo A full line of Band Chamber Setts,-'10 pieces, $3 to $5 each. All of the above goods first class. ? . Packed and .delivered to any Railroad in City free of charge. J. P. BROWNE. Ang 25 '_ . - x C. BART ft GO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruit, APPLES, ORANGES, BANANAS, COCQAN?TS, LEMONS, PEANUTS, PINE? APPLES, POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES, &c, &c. ' 55, .57 and 59 Market Street, CHARLESTON^ S. C. Sept 29 FURNITURE. JOS. F. NORRIS, 235 Sing -Street, Charleston, S. G. t-T'RE L A RGES3MFTJ-RNITURE HOUSE IN r-~ SOUXH CAROLINA, R^iresenling 4he largest; and best Manu fact^ers;th;roughiout the United; States, Cns f?ra?o hare tb*??4?re privilege of selecting from the latest and leading styles .of the day. Immense stock always in store, and the lowest prices guaranteed. Special attentiohug-Uen tcuthe packing of all goots'tlfbe shipped,'th?V?bv insuring safe' delivery.-. , Sumter Friends, come and see me. Sept 29_ 1?2 lloetiag Street, Charleston, S. C. > j ' Still Hold the Lead as Dealers in First Class CookiDg Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Grates. Lead \l "' *?nd Iron Pipes, Patups, fr; - .: kc , &c, &c. A full line of Repairs kept for all Stoves we . sell. The attention of the people of Sumter and -adjoining Counties is asked.- ' When more than one stove is. ordered at thesametime we will deliver free of freight. -. Send for prices on anything in our line. THE WAVERLY, ' CHARLESTON, S. C. : The above House hav?ng*heen XETWLY F?RXiSHED throughout, in a FIRST CLASS MANNER, ia without exception the most completely furnished House in the City, and is under the Sole Proprietorship and management of the .Public's obedient servant, JOS. PRICE, Jr. -RATES-?2 and S2.50 per day. "Sept 16" _ o R F. MITCHELL ? SON, PROPRIKTOES OF The Merchant Flour Mills ? AND 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. WILMIZ*G"*DN. N. C. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES Choice grades FLOUR, own manTt're. -AL?0, - Fresh Ground MEAL, HOMINY. CRACKED CORN. &c. [-ALSO, - Selected RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Selected North Carolina and Maryland SEED RYE. All oar Goods guaranteed best quali? ty and at lowest prices. No charge for delivery to Railroad. B. F. MITCHELL & SON. ANEW ENTERPRISE IN COLUMBIA, S. C. Buggies :Q*uLirt F?'.OM TIfK GKODND CP. PLANTATION WAGONS, LOG CARTS, SPRING WAGONS, or any Style of Vehicle desired, and Harness for Bnsrgies or Wagons.;: Northern and Western made Bug; gt<:3'iris:ock. P. MOTZ. . 0< r 27 WORE SH WITHOUT STEAM POTTER EV OUTFIT* OP SAFES' PAT? FOOT POWEH, machinery can compete withjj.. stearn power. Sold ?rn trial. *" Metal and woodworkers scud for pnces, lilustr'd catalogue free. fiS?cIU?r?i,iil. Address No its - a: St. v?? ? : Sj .? i.;-/ - -\J SSC %A #4 ?*3 %D T* . .i--?'-ir?1 f*r ?he i^nroyoil MAW ft ??^MT.T'? T: A ^ ? . ;..r ..- t-mt r. s^con-.l .i.:.;i.:i.r. th? fuel wy :;;is !)cc>itio ?TCperntlve. I>o ncr require on?, quarter hs much tuning a* llanos on the prcvniliug wrest-pfn svstern. Conx?lt Catn'ogB?*, ?r?r>. 100 S yWof OROANS, $?2 t* WCO. Por C>.?.b, Easy . Payments, , r Rented. ^Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Co.. NEW YORK ; BOSTON ; CHICAGO. G. W. C. DICK, D. D.sT Office over Bogin's New Store, EXTRA NCR OX MAIN* STREET, SUMTER, S. C. Office Hours.-9 to 1:30 ; 2:30 to 5. svi Sept 8 A GREAT EUROPE IN THE XH?S OF -AND TBE MINES OF AMERICA ARE QUAKING. But ike Solid Hardware Minds of . W. DURANT & SON Remain intact!. Besides every known varietyof - SHELF HARDWARE They would call especial attention to a very large and well selected stock of RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING In all widths, with Rivets and Burs or Lacing as may be desired. STOVES OF EVERY VARIETY AT ALL PRICES. A large and superb stcek of And the finest and largest assortment of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, RAZORS, SCISSORS, &c, fromrthe best fatories of Etiropeand America.' Especial attention has been paid in the selection of POT WARE, TINWARE, 4c. . : Wagon Material of Every Conceivable Kind. Single and Double Muzzle and Breech Loading Grims, Ammu? nition, Shells, &c. Remember this is the ONLY HARDWARE STORE IN TOWN and will be supported by LOW PRICES. . E. w. DURANT & SDK Main Street, opposite the Bank, Sumter, S.O. Sept 15 The Largest, and ?ost Completo Establishment South. - Established 1842. SEO. S. HACKER & SON, . Office and Warerooms, King, opposite Cannon Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturers of DOORS] SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, *AJSD BUILDING MATERIAL. ASHLEY SMALL. GRAIN SPECIFIC. WMCPCQHPMMWBOaWMai I I BB- tr 'lt MW BBB-J WI 8J The S. G-. S. is the cheapest, aid the best, and the only Specific Fertilizer for Small Grain .on the Market. The S. G. S. has been used all over our Southern States for the last three years, and has given great satisfaction. .ASHliEY" AS2? ELEMENT, Of snperior activity and efficiency ; a cheap and excellent Fertilizer for Small G-rain.-especially when used with Cotton Seed or manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY COMPLETE ?ARDEN FERTILIZER, "Delivered free; specially adapted to Roses, Geraniums, Pansies, Flowering Annuals, &c. For terms, directions, testimonials, and for the various attractive and instruc? tive publications of the Company, address, THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE GO. Sept 23 Charleston, S. C. FACTORY, WAREHOUSE ANO OFFICE OF EL Wo PEECIYAL, Charleston, S. C. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS Brackets, -.SEouldihg. ?kc. LARGE STOCK, LOW PRICES. GOOD WORK. Get an estimate from me before ourchasing elsewhere^.You will save money by it. ^Smm^S?^^^^mgm^^^ EVERY YOUNG- MAN SHOULD AVAIL ?? & i? "*^^^PA^^P^^,. Hiratselj" of the advantages offered at the fl ^^^ri^p^^Sg^^ ^aB| SR* ANT, STRATTON & SADLER Busi? ly I? ii QI MIT^C Q^^^^lf For acquiring a thorough and practical traiD ?Hg iJ UiJi il Ii UU Jjktt fl ing in business affairs. |TffiflLrn _ -r^mvS^^M With improved and enlarged facilities, we L ^Mfc* T*^ ' ^L' ' ? ' py^flfflP/ annonc?e our Twenty-Second Anooal Opening The curriculum of ste dy embraces a thorough afffil f?T7T ? 17 f^r^??ffit 1 The proficiency acquired by onr many pupils EjffiS ?j {_} jj Li 14 IjJ ?/ /JPffiB during a period of over twenty"years as educa BrJ^j_ feJ?i ?rs o?" y?utn 15 our strongest commendation. Lj^MMw^MiMM?aBBMfl Pupils enter at any time. For circulars, cat P^JB'JO ^^?^^Q^WB ?mSkw/ a'?Sues) terms, &c, call on or address ^^^^^^jf^^^^^B^^ gepi s xos. g ? 3 y. Charles St., Balto. ?M?OM*?^*t?lM?n*?aiMMI^ m ill Mil M j IIIIH lUUn'^irill I ?M I-?---?MM?? ay CtT&ES-Diphtheria. Croup, Asthma. 3roncaltia, IfeoralgL*!. Shcumatism, Bleeding: at th? Lcnra Sioaraeacss,Influenza. HackingCoushlwnooping:Cough,Catarrh. Cholera 2?orbua, Dysentery, Chronic Plarrb.ee a. Kidney gronbles, tad Spinal Diseuses. Pamphlet frac. Dr. g S. Jbhncon ft Co.? Bogton, "Matt These pille frere a wonoerfb 1 dlsoovery. Ko o?hors liko them ia tho worM^ TOTO ^oaMl^^r^ou^B^^ relieve all manner or diaesse. Tho Information around each bo: ia worth ten times the cost of * box of pilla. Find out about them Aid you will always he thankful. Ono pill a doae. Illustrated pamphlet free.^ Soi cl everywhere, or sent; by mail for ago. In stamps. Er. t. 8. JOHSTSOK" StC^^3 ^frf*8*" Boato? S?d everywhere orront by ?nail for 25 oentw In etampa. 21-4 lb- air-tic^^^^^^^f hy man.^SCV 6 tx cana by express, prepaid, for 05.00. Da. LS. JOHK ?O Si 4 C0M Boatos. FALL AND WINTER OF 1885. Pi EOE GOODS, HATS, Gents' Underwear, ?cck-wear, Overcoats, kt -FOU SIEH, YOUTHS AMD CHILDREN fs now complete in all departments. Market! Down Very Low And a call and examination is earnest? ly solicited before purchasing elsewhere, .?LSO D J. WINN. # W?LBERN & POTfe -WHOLESALE GHROC?BS, ' AND DEALERS W- ; 'ff ,.. Prowis, Iipi^ ?c?i, k 167 169 ?ust-??ay\ CHARLESTON, S. -C. Dec. 2 6 . S. B. THOMAS, Agt, No. 320 KING" STREET, Opposite Liberty, Fans j liACE . ?URTAI iVS; - \ CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. CHARLESTON S. C. Dec ll . . o W holesale and Retail Dealer in : Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Bags, &C, N