2'?. iddrte* 9? b?p?Brpc>} ?nd pax?ca gW^Srjfnpoo it, Thi* date tim* apto wlBchH^he- paper baa ^^^i^^aW- |?id ia advance? W^eaeny cthern wrfco -m?l discover ^Coaet?tation. ? ^Toomey: t^X-S: Bartlett, Cashier; >^;K'Bart?ett, Cashier." C- Simmons. xcatt Cron^BeT. M. *,-*ast week. ??? * were'; home io time turkey. - . ?tJait?no, who ls faming; in ? the holidays ar home :n meet iSr- TOIie Bayns oa a floariibing-*cbool .-H?^?s home O?L a visit. has reoc red to Atlanta, ^ ?igUgo MC jbasi B?aad??g, Ceo McCutcben. .Duncan MeCa?lnm, DaT?d Edmund*, of the South ?are home for vacation. - and^^ ^Sy; of Beauford i Somter rifting relatives. We to see our farmer townsman who bas been the highly ^of the Bishop ville Circuit fc:S?? beea trnt for tbe coming xu Fairfield County. ?worth and wife of. New of W. F.B. Haynewortb, Esq., in Sumter. Mr. Haynsworth is la tba tf. S. Army. g [ apleasaatcall from Mr. H. H. Mr, Evans is one of; the ':Spr?ng Bili and a - thousand would make it blossom farms than it ever en of the most sanguine to totativ? Huidroar and Beckham ria Sumter yesterday.' They both glad to be home again, and relieved -atra?a of work which pressed sa poa thc Legislature, especially the ?aje.- .">We had the pleasure of a "call j ICaldrow which we enjoyed. i of song at the Episcopal church evening waa a rare treat to those L" The Church was most charm and the music very sweet, girls bad a still better treat in investigating the glories of a - tr? 'prepared for their especial The evening was unusually en to the. un tiring labors of the ladies. Said a. brother, "we do at auch times without intimated by some of ocr lead men that next Friday, the 1st, general ? holiday among the mer eo that our country friends bad better ia on that day for business. It is a the Bank and Post Office. Christmas. waa quiet. Bot few drunks were as kr as our observation agent ia a rational manner, confectionery and toy stores did a and -we suppose the souls of Sumter were made correa Iu'.A*Fair. "a remarkable success, eo pecooiarily. The receipts were $400, from which a few dol fbr necessary outlays. speech at the opening waa, of j Tho attendance was large both one seemed pleased. The rich determined energy, was general supervisor, 'meeVlectaaate io his appointments to positions. We have but ; was too much raffling. ^^l^ifc^JUUBoadw. following out the ; , ^^jOan/e?W?t year In giving prraes to the Sec ^ J" Ifc w'lfeiiefI hi jTrij; tba beet kept sections, f% ?iaiS^mliimnj^ the past year aa follows : ^t^l^ paifa, to ff. W. Tarter on the Fair " * to John Jellicoe the Colum? bia section, $60. ':- Third pris*, to H. L. Bushing on the Mul Beeesetion,^ ??HIM Th? Wedgefield Sapper. &m . mm^^?--- - Wncmcw, S. C., Dec. 26, 1885. Mr. Editor r On last Wednesday evening I ?i wte waa introduced to the chi!aren, ^^?faj/toeacnoae a little present, much to t?;^'^??^?b?t> J??thU junctor* some one an 'J^^^aaetd^^t Oysters," when those of as w bo fpc?*ejiy eaea thiaga began, to partake freely. ^^Hfi::eraajbgea cati foe all to look upon the Ws??K?!!?& ?"*rillf? tih"rff Oa ooe side a uole ^^JmS??g Aeeejt?ra length of the bouse, was }^^?^um?mth eu batan liais, such as barbecue, ^^fijep, Uli III'J I. i hil ?i un pief, rice, kc., al! of I 5^^8lfe#,1tWa-?5*JjL prepared and gracefully ^^^^^fe?9?^a other side a table reaching ^^?mw?j_ *.leaflh of the boose, was ladened '^^^fMm^??ij warny irf -)r-** showed the skill artietic bands that prepared them. v' < A^wtpanyiag these were custard, syllabub, ? J .UJtUjiC Tiaiii ?? ilii^ Ac., any of which the ladies ^^^j^^pMie^^o?eerye to tooee who would look taeir emiling faces. Upon the stage ^^?H?r^ttMr^O^eced with beautiful toys, ten ; ^^.^Soeat^r- Pipst Offlop. :Gewss^??^^ (Sunday ex? cepted}frdm8 a. ar. to 5 p. m. ^JlailT??^p?A 1.0:15; : Begistered^??tter} Money Order and Postai S6tr^D?{ittti?^r open daily (Saturday and Sunday eieepted) vfrpm 9 a m to 4p m. l^i?ii^B^wtay from 9 a m to 12 m. Northern, Sculbern, Eastern and Western mails close daily (Sunday-excepted) at 9 a. m. andi p.. m. ?Xa??(Tia Central R.R.) for Charleston, Sa? vannah, Florida, and intermediate points closer c^uly ?t' ?pm.. Mail closes Tor Columbia and Northern por? tion okState,. afc;, 9. A. M. Sunday*; Honrs : G?n?ral Delivery open from 9:50 to 10:50 a m. ?1I mails.dose at 6 pm. D. J. AULD, Post Master, f :: ; Harried. By Rev. J. Howard-Carpenter,, at residence of B. C. Trniucfc, Clarendon Co., Dec 17th, [i?r. W. D.Trulock, of Sn m ter Co., to Miss .Bonnie Perkins, of Lake City. ;T)ec^24th, by Rev. J. Howard Carpenter, at residence of bride's father, Mr. Jno. A. Bar? gees to Miss Edith A. Carraway, all of Sumter .County. . . . v ~: Dec."2Mn, by Rer. J. Howard Carpenter, at parsonage, Mott's Bridge, Jno. R. Keels, q.., of Sumter C. H., to Miss Eunice Keels, I of Sumter County. On the 24tb instant, by Rev. C. C. Brown, Mr. Willie Bradford td: Uxss Carrie Kelly, al; of Sumter County. Death. Died on Saturday,' 26th inst, after a tedious b?lu??a; from consuapiion, in her 41st year, pira- Taomey? wife of Mr. T. J. Toomey, of our town. Mrs. Tuomey was loved wherever known. Her geot'e and sympathetic nature endeared her to her many friends- who now grieve over ber death. The funeral services which were conducted hy Father McNeill at the Catholic Church Sunday afternoon were attended by a large congregation. The Library Association. At the opening of the Association Fair last Tuesday night, the President, Col. J. J. Dargan, before introducing the speaker of the evening, Gen. E. W. Moise, made the follow? ing remarks on the work, 'progress and par poses of the Association : . Ladies ?md Gentlemen : U devolves upon me as President of the Library Association to j announce the formal opening of thia Fair, I which k. in charge of the Association, and operated for its benefit. In doing this, I feel called upon to state briefly, the origin, - purpose, progress and prospects of the organization. It was regularly organized a little over a year ago. Its purpose is clearly indicated by its name, "The Sumter Library Association." A Library for the town and County of Sum? ter, is the end in view. Its progress, though not rapid, has been constant. From the small beginning in a lawyer's office, we. have come to hare as members earn? estly enlisted in the work, C. E Bartlett, J. J. Bessard, J. D. Blanding, C. C. Brown, R. L. Cooper, W. H. Cnttino, A. J. China. J. H. Chandler, H. L. Darr, Jr., L. W. Dick. Mrs. J .J. Dargan, N. W. Edmunds, T. B. Fraser, Sr., T. B. Fraser, Jr.* W. F. B. Haynswortb, J. S. Hughson, John Kershaw, R. D. Lee, Mrs. R. D. Lee, E. W. Moise, Miss Agnes Moise, Marion Moise, Altamont Moses, W. F. Rhame, J. S. Richardson, J. E. Ryttenberg, Marcus Gr. Ryttenberg, A. A. Solomons, Miss Emma Schwartz, A. White, Jr., H. F. Wil? son and Mrs H. F. Wilson. v We bave upon our tables a large number of literary and sci?: linc periodicals of this -country, and England, such as, Bid well's Eclectic, South Atlantic, Popular Science Monthly, The Century, North American Re? view, Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, The N. Y. Nation, Harper's Month"j, Harper's. Bazar, The British Quarterly, Westminster { and Blackwoods, Frank. Leslie's Illustrated Magazine, etc, etc. Besides, we have Apple? ton's American Encyclopedia, and a small number of other interesting and instructive books. I We have three comfortable rooms, two. of which are very well furnished and located in the heart of the town. Our membership not only steadily increases in number, but in zeal and enthusiasm in the work we have assumed. I submit, therefore, that the noble end had in view io the organization ot the Association, the progress made in so short a time, the character of those embarked ic the enterprise, entitle it to-nay command the confidence j and good will of al! good people.: Our terms of membership have been made so liberal, that all who desire it, can have access to these great advantages. Life mem? bership $5 as initiation fte. and $2 a year afterwards. Annual membership, $3 per annam. Weean assure you we have unbounded confidence in on ree Web, and we may reason? ably entertain it when we compare our first meetings with the scene before us this even? ing. - In the onward and upward course we have marked ont for our Association, we shall know no halting, and we invite the co-opera-, tion of all the noble men and women of our town and County. We will be glad to receive moral as well as pecuniary aid. .None so poor, but tbey CAD give us words of encouragement and commen? dation A gifted American orator bas said : "A home with a library io it, is a home with a soul-a home witbont a library, though it be never so fine in all else, is a home without a soul.'* The same may be said of a town. - Sumter needs only a fine public library to make it one of the most attractive little towns in the South. mm ? t mm A Correction, In publishing the Essay of Capt. Atkins on tobacco culture, we accidentally omitted the paragraph giving the time for planting the seed. The plant bed should be prepared and the seed planted in February. ?- . i i mm* The Weather. 6 A.M. 12 K. 6 P.V. Dec. 21-27 56 54 Clear. Dec. 22-39 64 44 Clear. Dec. 23-33 62 58 Clear. Dec. 24-49 65 58 Clear. Dec. 25-46 46 46 Rain. Dec; 26-33 45 43 Windy. Dec. 27-30 44 41 Clear. Some genius proposes to io trod nee paper shirts. This might do for Japan, but would prove a *'big thing'' for the doctors because rheumatism, etc., would - become frequent. If,, however people would keep Salvaiion Oil convenient, paper shirts might still be a suc? cess. It cost only 25 cents. With bright eyes and elastic step, yet gray, lusterless bair. It is unnatural needless. Parker's Hair Balsam will restore the black or brown prematurely lost, cleanse from all dan? druff, and stop its falling. Don't surren? der your bair without an effort tosaveit.-m. "Wild Cherry and Tar, Every body knows the virtues of Wild Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for any affections of the Throat and Lungs. Combined with these two ingredients are a few simple healing remedies in the composition of Dr. Boeanko's Cough and Lung Syrup making it ji?8t the article you should ul ways have in the bouse, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bron? chitis. Price 50 cents, and $1.00. Samples free- Sold by Dr. DeLorme. 6 Bueklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis? es, Sort's Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fefer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Forsale by Dr. J. F. W. DeLorme. _ o LOOK HERS. I Send: 25 cents to Prof. W. H. Patrick, Bryant an?V Stratton Business College, Baltimore^Md., and receiveby return loa? oa? Bftiy written cards. Manchester Items. ? MANCHESTKR, S. C., Dec. 23, 1885. Mr. ?5?OT : There is not mach to tell about except removals. Mrs. Julia A. Ardis mored from Manchester to Geotervil le, Clarendon County. T. H. Osteen has mored from Ciar endon to Bloomhill, Manchester. Mr. Comp ton bsa moved from Privateer to Manchester. A little colored ebild on Mr. F. J. Graham's place was burnt pretty badly on the ie th in? stant while playing with fire. Mr. Editor, I think I shall resign as repor? ter from Manchester, as friend Peg has moved over. Be can use a heavier pen than I, as be was once a school boy and I never was, so adien. * SIDRA. mm i i ~ Privateer Items. PRIVATEER, S. C., Dec. 24, 1885. Mr. D. Z. Osteen left last Tuesday morning, a week, for Americas, Ga., where he expects to make bis home in the fntnre. When his brother, Mr. Joseph Osteen, went to get his horse after the train left, bis horse was miss? ing. A few days later he saw a negro going to town with the horse, to advertise for its owner. He took bim np near Dingle's Mill. While shooting birds a few days ago, Mr. John Cain was accidentally shot by Mr. Dick Tiadale. He is now ont of danger. Miss ?llie Durant has gone home to spend Christmas. She is very popular with the pupils of the Sandhill school, and she has made many warm friends among us. Rev. B. C. Lampley preached a fine sermon Sunday. We are glad to know that he will preach every first Sunday night at Bethel, in addition to the services every second and fourth, as announced last week. DEW. Smithville Items. SMTHVILLB, S. C., Dec. 26, 1885. Mr. Editor: Christmas has "come and with it we are reminded that another year with all its changes is about to pass off the stage of action, to give place to one of probably great? er changes. It is very quiet here, scarcely a gun is heard to inform us that the time that was nsually spent with much gayety and noise is at hand. A depression seems to have settled down on our people-cause, hard times. I am sorry to say that there bas been, and is, a good deal of sickness here, such as colds, pneumonia, ftc. The Doctors are kept quite busy, butas yet no de?ths have occurred. Dr. Miller has bought two new buggies for his practice, so if one breaks down, he can travel in the other without hindrance. We j are truly sorry that he has so much to do. Good for bis pocket, but Mr. Editor, no one likes to be sick and take medicine. >Mr. Alexander McLeod of Kershaw County bas moved in this section recently. A good acquisition to our neighborhood. . Messrs. W. J. and J. E. McLeod of Wedge? field, and the S. C. College respectively, are borne to spend the holidays with their parents. Rev. J. J. Myers has resigned the charge of the Pisgah Church. Bis relationship with the church has been very pleasant during his three years pastorate. He leaves carrying with bim the respect, good-will and love of this peopie. The Baptist Ministry, like the Methodist are continually moving, one volun? tary, the other involuntary. The Pisgah Suadaj School, yesterday, bad a Christmas Tree. After singing and prayer, Rev. Wm. Hardin delivered an interesting addresss. Subject-Christ. After which the church was closed, (he tree lighted op and the presents distributed to the children and others, also lemonade. The whole expense was generously defrayed by Mr. T. S. Dun? lap, a member of the church. The Worthy Superintendent of the School. Mr S. B. Hat? field felt that bis work was not without fruits. QUI VIVE. Lesson from a Mastodon. * The tusks of a mastodon recently found in Illinois weighed 175 pounds each. What a gigantic toothache that animal must have been capable of having ! And such neural? gia ! Neuralgia, or nerve-ache, generally pro? ceeds from a disordered condition of the blood, Brown's Iron Bitters enriches and purifies this and drives neuralgia, out. Mr. W. Wi Redman, Piqua, O., says, 'Brown's Iron Bitters permanently cured me of neural? gia.' -_ Lamps aud Lamp Fixtures in variety Lamps'from 25 cents to $12 at T. C. Scaffe's. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111., says: "Having received so much benefit from Elec? tric Bitters, I feel it my duty to let sufferiog humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years-; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or the leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Buekleif s Arnica Salve, and ray leg is now sound and well." Electric Eitters are sold at fifty ceo ts a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c. per box, by Dr. DeLorme. 5 An Important Discovery. The most important Discovery isthat which brings the most good to the greatest number. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, .will preserve the health and save life, and is a priceless boon to the afflicted. Not only does it positively enre Consumption, but Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, and all affections of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, yield at once to its wonderful curative powers. If you doubt this, get a trial bottle free, at Dr. J. F. W. DeLorme's Drug Store. 5 Dyspepsia Can be Cured. There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as dyspepsia or indigestion, and one too, that up to the present time, has baffled the skill of the most eminent Physicians. Two-thirds of ? the chronic diseases have their origin in dys? pepsia. The symptons are loss of appetite, loss of flesh, a feeling of fullness or weight ic the stomach, occasional y nansea and vomit? ing, acidity, flatulence, dull pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of bowels, low spirits, sleepless? ness, sallow skin, derangement of kidneys, and not unfreqoently palpitation ef the heart. If you are suffering with any of these symp? toms DR. HOLT'S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR Will Cure you. For sale by Dr, A. J. China. Physicians are invited to cali and see formula. GEO. W. STEFFENS, WHOLESALE GROCER, Auction and Commission Merchant and Liquor Dealer. AGENT FOR The F:nest Hams cured tn the U. S. Also Agent for GENESEO ROAD CART. The Bestand Cheapest on the Market. 197 EAST BAY AKD 50 AND 52 STATE STS., (Auction Room State Street,) CHARLESTON, S. C. 7?3S- Consignments Solicited. Nov 25_o_ LAND FOR SALE. ACHOICE FARM of S*venty-nve Acre?, about 3 miles North of Mayesville, ad? joining lands of J. H. Wilson, G. H. An? drews and others. Apply to R. D. LEE, March 17 Attorney for Owner - EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS. Ole of ScM Commissioner, SUMTER COUNTY, S. C. 'VrOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thal in compliance with the recommendation of the State Board of Examiners. The next reg? ular examination of applicants for certificates to teach in the public schools of this county will be held on Thursday and Friday, Janu? ary 7th and 8tb 1886. Thursday, for white teachers exclusively, at the School Commissioners office. Friday, for colored teachers exclutivcfy, at the Lincoln School in town of Sumter. Teachers (desiring to appear before the board, are reminded, that no other opportuni? ty will be giren prior to July, 1886. By Order of Co. Board of Examiners, J. DIGGS WILDER, School Com'r. Dec. 15, 1885. COMPARATIVE WORTH OF BAKING PO WDERS. 110TAL (Absolutely Pure) GRA.YI'\S (Alum Powder)*.. RU M FORD'S, when fresh.. | RADFORD'S, when fresh... REDHEAD'S. CHARM (AlumPowder) ?... AMAZON (Alum Powder)*.. CLEYEL?iD'Sishort wt.joz PIONEER (San Francisco)... .j CZAR., DR. PRICE'S. SXW FLAJKE .troff's).... LEWIS'. PEARL {Andrews ? Co.).... II ECKER'S-. GILLETS. AS DREWS&CO. "Regal" Milwsakc?, (Contain* Alma.) B ILK (Powder sold loose).... Hf RUMTORD'Sjirben notfreahfl REPOBTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS As to Purity and Wholesomeness of the Boyal Baking Powder. " I have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder, which I purchased In the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It ia a cream oftartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum of phosphates, or other Injurious substances. E. G. LOVE, Ph.D." u It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. "H. A. MOTT, Ph.D." " I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself In the market. I find it entirely free from alum,.terra alba, or any other injurious sub? stance. HUNKY MOUTON, Ph.D., President cf Stevens Institute of Technology." " I have analysed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of which H is composed are pure and wholesome. 3. DAMA. HATES, State Assayer, Mass." Thc Royal Baking Powder received the highest award over all competitors at the Vienna World's Exposition. 1873 ; at the Centennial, Philadelphia, 187?; at the American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country. No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni? versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Boards of Health all over the world. NOTE-Thc above DIAGRAM illustrates the comparative worth cf various Baking Powders, as shown by Chemical Analysis and experiments made by Prof. Sch edi er. A pound can of each powder was taken, the total leavening power or volume in each can calculated, the result being as Indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof. Schedler only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking ? Powder knows by practical experience, that, while lt costs a few cents per pound j more inan ordinary kinds, it Is far more economical, and, besides, alfords thc advant? age of better work. A single trial of the Royal Bilking Powder will convince soy fair minded person of these facts. * While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to be of a hi-rhrr degree of strength than other powders ranked below them, it ii not to be *ake>i ss indicat? ing that thor have any value. All il cm powders, no msiicViiow high their ?troigth, ?.'<.. i > i-'- A" '? -Ted as dangerous. F. H. LACHICOTTE & GO., 99 IT!Alli STREET, BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTIOK OF THE CITIZENS OF SUMTER to their large and varied stock of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, &c. We have not the space in this advertisement to enumerate all the prices, or give in detail the varied styles. Below we give some of the prices, and say that should you need anything in oar line we would be pleased to quote you styles and prices more in detail. We can make it to your advantage to trade with us. See our special offer : ^vwvvvw%,'WW'W'Wvw www w% vvvvvvv -w-v^x.ww w-v-vVW Wx<2> f . . . ? i The holder of this Coupon is entitled to a discount of 10 j J per cent, on any purchase made of us on or before January J \ 1st, 1886. P. K LAGHIGOTTE & Co., Jewelers. \ 4 Columbia. S C. \ i 4 . * Ne claim for discount will bc recognized unless this Coupon is presented. ? This offer is only made to the people of Sumter and vicinity, and for a limited time. It is liberal because our prices are as low as the same goods can be bought for ANYWHERE. There is no chance- for deception because our price mark is in plain figures. Our reason for making this offer is, we desire to bring to your attention the fact that you can buy your Jewelry, Silver, etc., in Columbia as cheaply as anywhere else, and by our spe? cial offer hope to be able to induce you to give us a trial. See the advantages of this offer. In the first place the prices on the goods are in plain figures, so that there is no adding on to take off in discount. On a purchase of $10 worth, you get a discount of $1, getting $10 worth of goods for $9 ; on a $15 purchase the discount is $1.50, which "will pay your railroad fare oue way between Sumter and Columbia. The discount on a $30 purchase pays your fare both ways ; or a $50 purchase pays your fare both ways and Hotel Expenses in Columbia. Now, as you will doubtless need something in our line, say JEW? ELRY for wife, daughter or sweetheart, or SILVER WARE, either with or without handsome Plush or Morocco Cases for Wedding Presents, would it not be to your advantage to buy it from us ? We think so, and only ask that you give us a trial. We will send goods C. O. D. with privilege of examining before paying the bill if 50 cents is enclosed with the order to guarantee us express charges in case of no sale. If the article sent was satisfactory, and bought, the 50 cents would be deduct? ed from the bill. It would be hardly fair to expect us to go to the trouble of packing and shipping an article and also have to pay express charges when no sale was effected. We will now give you some of our prices, but should you want anything in this line write to, or call on, us and state what you would like to get and how much you wish to pay, and we can suit you. Bemember, only one prive on each arficlet and that in plain figuresi SOLID GOLD WATCHES, GENTS' SIZE from $45 ap. SOLID GOLD WATCHES, LADIES SIZE from $16.50 up. GENTS' SIZE SILVER WATCHES. $10 up. OUR $12 GENT'S SILVER WATCH, is the popular one-A first class re? liable time-piece. BOY'S SIZE SILVER WATCHES. $8 up to $20. GENT'S SOLID GOLD VEST CHAINS $15 to $60. In rolled gola from $2.50 to $7. SILVER VEST CHAINS $2 to $6. LADIES GOLD VEST CHAINS, $13 to $18. Gold Neck Cha?n? ?7 to $46. ROLLED GOLD NECK CHAINS, from $2 to $12. LADIES' SETTS, GOLD BROOCH AND EARRINGS. $7 to $40. ROLLED GOLD LACE PINS, 50 cts. to $4. SCARF PINS, 25 eta. to $1.50 in plate, and $3 to $15, in Solid Gold. A fine assortment of RINGS in Solid Gold from 60 cents, for Children's Siies ap to DIAMOND RINGS, $18 to $100 and over-prices too varied to enume? rate. A large assortment of STERLING SILVER FORKS, TEA and TABLE SPOONS. Also FANCY SILVER io handsome cases for presents. Write for prices. P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO., 99 MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA S C. * = ?0 S>? g-g ? 65 ?S Si xi o Ere: c ? ^ ^ m Mill .2?^il1^| te *? ^- e: - WRIGHT'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. THIS NEW AND ELEGANT HOUSE, with all modern improvements, is now open for the reception of guests. S. L. WRIGHT & SON, #ay 6, Proprietors. W. H. MARTIN, DRUGGIST, (UNDER MUSIC HALL,) SUMTER, S. C. IS RECEIVING A KEW STOCK. -OP Everything Pertaining to the Drug Business, Including Per?Mery, Toilet ai fity GA He has a full stock of Winter Garden Seed -Especially TURNIP SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded* Will wait upon customers at any time, day or night, and when not at the Blore, can be found at the Brunson House._ July 21 W. Ii vi ARTIN. S?iS? I '? ' \ :.: " : i . /> CHRISTMAS ! CHRISTMAS] OFFICE OF DUCKER & BDTsTMAN, DBALKR8 TS General Merchandise, SUMTER, S. C. No doubt but that times have been hard and money very scarce for the past twelve months, but this does not keep people from eating, and, more especially, not at Christmas times. We are glad to inform you that Gooda of every description have leen reduced in price, hence you need not be afraid that your money is not enough to buy all you want for Christmas, and you all well know our store is the place to get more for your money than you are sometimes willing to carry. Whenever this happens, we are always ready and willing to send your goods home. Such being the case we look forward to a large trade during the next ten days ; and please remember, our rule is : "First Come, First Served," so you better come at once and buy all you need for the Holi? days. We offer you Choice Goods at Low Prices. We hare new ia stock CHOICE RAISONS, of all kinds, CURRANTS, CITRON, MALAGA GRAPES, DATES, DRIED FIGS, and DRIED FRUITS of ail kinda, And a fall assortment of New Crop NUTS AND ALMONDS. We have, this year THE FINEST SELECTION OF French Candies, And we will give yon better quality of Candy than most other houses keep in this town-and, we think, for less money. Come and see. Oar Stock of CANNED VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, Pickles and Sauces, IS NOW COMPLETE in every respect, and tee warrant all af our goods in this line to be full weiglit and of best quality. We have a large lot of Jellies, Minee-Meat, -AKD FRUIT BUTTER, IN FIVE POUND P?ILS-aod also io balk, and can sell it to yon by ?he pound. If yon arc in want of GOOD BUTTER, or FINE CREAM CHEESE, Or if yott want GOOD COFFEE, or a j GOOD DRAWING TEA, j You must buy it at our Store, And we assure you that you Will be satisfied with Quality and Prices. j We have ordered for the Holidays ! some of tie F. A. Ferris & Co.'s PIG HAWS SMOKED TONGUES. These yon know are fine, and you should have one OD your table oo Christmas Day. We have nice linc of GLASSWARE -AND Fancy Lamps, Suitable for Christmas Presents, and will be pfe'riscd to show you what we have, even if yon dou't bay. With it Mefry CfiHstmas td all of you, and with the hope that yott will send the cash with your arder?, we are Respectfully, DUCKER & BULTMAN. j How to Offset thc Is the question that is how agitating our farmers and their families; I C]CJAIM Td have solved it and offer the following : Yen Must Buy Your GooQs (top, -??fD If Store is ie Place to Buy. --^-o EVEBYBODT Sells Calicoes at 5 cts., But I claim, that Hine at that Price are Superior and such are Sold Elsewhere at 7 to 8 cts. The same thing applies all through my stock to NOTIONS, BROWN GOODS, LONG CLOTHS, Clothing and Groceries. Wi CeleMM Spool Cotton As good if not better than COATS' OR CLARK'S At 50 cents a dozen-a trial will prove it. I have bought the cheapest lot of Children's, Misses' -AND LADIES' CLOAKS AND DOLMANS which I am selling at. One-Half Taine? Same thing as to Children's Clothing. Largest and best assortment of Glass and Tinware in'town. If you want to save money before buying else? where price my goods. No Misrepresentations, * Light Weights OP Short Measure Allowed in my Store. All goods delivered tree in any p^rt of town. HIGHEST prices paid for cotton. ALTAMONT MOSES, N. E. Corner Main and Liberty Streets. Sept IS SUMTER BABIER SHOP. REMOVAL. THE UNDERSIGNED informs his cus? tomers and the public generally that he has removed his Barber Shop,.to the room UP STAIRS OVER THE STORE OF DUCK? ER k BULTMAN, where he solicits a continu? ance of patronage. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAMPOOING, Ac. Ladies and families waited upon at their homes, when desired. Jone 16 x_J. S. NETTLES. GRAHAM'S STABLES, REPUBLICAN-STREET, JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR LOAD OF WELL BROKE Selected with care for this market. Also on hand, A FEW 6090 MULES, Will'besold LOW FOR CASH, or approved paper. All Stock sold, guaranteed as represented, or money refunded. ALSO, LARGE LOT OF Old Hickory Wagons, AND A FULL LINE OF Carriages, Baggie^ Carts, ?6, Will be found at W. M. GRAHAM'S STABLES, SUMTER S. C. Oct 6_ BRADFIELD^ An infallible specific for all the diseases pf?cu]i?.r to women, such as painful or Suppressed Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Leu? corrhcea or Whites, etc. FEMiLE CHANGE OF LIFF. Iftaken daring this criti? cal period, great suffering and danger can beeutirely avoided. REGULATOR. Send for our book containing f aJunMc infor? mation for women. It will be mailed free to applicants. Address THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Box 28, Atlanta, Ga. fl ft 111A Jg ?** WHISKY HA WITS cured HIV ll Infi?* hom? without F??n. BOOK Ul I Ult! ?f ?>articnl?rs **nt FREE. XMM2???b- * WOOLLEY. M. ?., 4UUU,0* WUlYOUi?! own exptax?? until March^lsi? TbtWiUteM':%?> is light and pleasant.. Scad 10c..Jor ulars. if jon vish:'j?l-'?^fl2miiir?T A-go^tfn?^^^? until tbatdate^toX iffiSj^fta^ J. E?. MeDOWElt 4 ?0^%5f _ Str:Jo: ^If??^p^ ~ WANTED-LADIES to rwor?S?^^?^S tbeir own lonies. .$tto?3^^'i?ejH^^ Otu be quietly ??de. -No RWio;_^g?^njC^^^ uo'canvnssing. For foli^p^rHcq^^^^^^^ address, at once, JCresceui-'^^do^ft^B^^ Mass-, Bnx517?. ' " I V \ ~ NOTICE OE NOTrCE IS HEREBY Giln^Hh*^^ ^ copartnership which' hns hetttoJi^^~ Wied between C C. Brown, N^^-O?Jrttti?^ VV. I). Blnndine nuder the ?rm rmme?tro?yl? ggg of the^W*^ Companv^'.;has been- dis3oW? . G. C. BR?WK^i '^.Ml * N.'G- Q&VSMC 1<^^M W. D. BLASBT???. Dec. 1, 1885. TAX ME^im^ FOR is??0Mm? ? ?-:---:-? .^r~ -~- .' A-??^ KETURNS pi mc ij^js^?B^ Personal Property'^P??f^i?t?^?^^^^ cet ved at the following-times -and placet T? Privateer, Tuesdayv????it^fc?4'i Manchester, Wednesday; j*o*t^^i.?^ Wedgefield. Thursday, ^aj??^ ? ^ Sta?eburjg,: Friday/Jao u*ry^^%?|3? Gordon's Mill.Frtd?y, Jatfuai^^?-|f Mayesville, Monday, iatms^il^Jiig Magnolia, Tuesday, Lynchburg, Wednesday, Janoaijf?3i: {J Shiloh, Thursday, J?noaf^^? ^_C?g Jobnston's Store.* Fr?d*r^*t?^!^^ Scarboroug?i*s Store, Saturday. -?Fan- ? Wfy 16. ;'. - SJ.^^^^? Mechan?csville, Monday, JanoiMS^ \| Mannville, Tuesday, Janu?ryt?fc^^?lf SaDdera Depot, Tuesday. Jani**^^^ Smithville, Wednesday, ^aw?ir^??r^ M. Sanders* former office,:/iP?^?^^ day, January 20. Bishopville, Thursday and Friday*, * January 21 and 22/ ^ ^ Reid's Mill, Saturday? Janttar^8^>^ -AND--: =^?S?^ At the Auditor's office m Sumterj&oat?^ the 2oj|.Jan?afy:^^O?W?j^^^^^ ary, inclusive. ' ' ''"is-^Tv?? ' Parties making Returns by1' m^S^^?^^? other person will please give full fir*t?sa??j?| Taxpayer and the Township theprop^rj^^ta'^/,^ As all property, both Real and Per?ou^j|ail:>^ Polls, is required by law to~%t'nit?^fay%?. 1886, Taxpayers will please m??f&'??^f^ in the time prescribed, n?noly, ^ nary to 20th February, 1886. ?^'^?f^SM -^z^vm^^M Peel Auditor Sari^^n^ty^ 20,000 ORAN?fel DIBECT FE?M ELOEro^^^S FOR THE ^M&mM HOLIDAY TRA?I1 -o-- . -. .?'?^?-S'M BEING AGENT OF YLO^T??K. G^^BSSM^ I am prepared to sell at wboiestlt as ~ ^ cheap as Charleston or -Wilnt?u^tO?iV^^i Will retail Oranges at 30 toTW^CM^p?rl^ doses. . By the Sarre! or any other qnanf?^ a^?we*t?^ ? " price. : :y-^^--x? FRUITS AND CONF?CTT?KSK??21 ~ trail kiuQs.T .. -\: :#%;?g? Orders promptly !fined^an^;fs?T?P^i^^^J parts of the County at short notice. ~:J.'S; :'V??? WM. J. ANDREWS; I i v. \\ > dEiMS?^i? .-DEAL?R^IN--> j| TOILET SOAPS, tE???^ AND ALL KINDS Ofte v - i?rnggisfs Stt?t?b^r 1 USUALLY KifiPT IN A FIRST-CLASSIttlfo: Tobacco, Snuff and S^MIf GARDEN SEEDS, ^ . ---ALSO-?T: ... ".- ' '.^ " ^ Paints, Oils, Vaaiiisit^^i GLASS, P?TT?V ' DYE ST?F?Sf^-r^?l^ Physician's Pre^?ripi?i?iiS c^???^ coiiiponi?ded, ?nd orders '?iisw???$-^? with care and dispatch* ?1| The public find it?j slioCk ot;m Medicines complete, ^arrant^jg^^v :s ineT and of the best quality. ~ - Call and see for yourselves. * - :g ? BABiAIHS 0FFE8BW, i MflOXWTfllit MAYESVILLE, ? O, / DEALERS IN r /'^ General Merc?i?^idi??^ Have in stock a full line of -\'^:>^^^ DRY GOODS, :' ? ' HARDWARE,. , \ GROCERIES,' . A . ^* TOBACCO AND SEGA Rf?, ^ ^.V UOSrERY AND CXDERWEAJt, s HATS.AND CAPS,' : V B )()TS AND SHOES,. _.:r READY-MADE^ CLQ?H?N^ - AKD Almost everything kept in a w?ir4uH^e^-;S| stock of General Merchandise, all of ^bifc&ls' ~ offered at prices that xviii compare wr?b^host' quote?! by large dealers elsewhere, and aboaVv?^ which so much is teing put forth in Sensa* tiona! advertisemenis. "VTe say to all the people of Sumter ?o'?nty \ within reach of Mayesvi?lc: - Don't be Misled by Ute Raefot+herium^y ? ?'^j^ But come to our store and be suppHfc? f?tlf genuine ?'rst c?*sS goods a"t pru??s tb1itc?*^^V be beat any where. A beautiful lot of China and Glass w*re?^S and other fancy goods suitable for Chrtetmaa^^p and Wedding Presents. ':'s^4 Cotton and other Country Probate bouffct-^ at highest m.irket ?rices.' s : -, Being overstocked, the fo?low?h? x|?^1?f^ sold low: . 2 GIXS-(I DuBois 55 saw, 1 Wiiifbib?^ saw.; .. .... ? ... 5 CARTS and 3 WAGCNSV(I 5^?^ and 2 l-hor?e wngonsl .,--;?;'*'*-r.. 1 HORSE, ? .M ARE and 2 m?3t^D^t^ Not. 10 : '?' <> ?lOiii ?03PER. PR?CTIGAL SAW-iMf?'i?R??t^ * ' SUMTESy^C, J| K|-me-ly with Dlf??cn & Sons;. P^?d^^ pbiaHHy Vtieud ?o'-^RVjp^n?^^p^Snpi en trust eu to ^^i^^\-.;'J^^?^?J^mm^^^^m All orders p-.ori^?iv attt^dw?.^^S^^^^^ Octube. 51,