The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 01, 1885, Image 3

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:????ar^''?tikc'P?st Office at Sumter, S. I : it^akSecond Class Metter. : - igir ? MTNIR y OTO BATES. ^f^^^.w^^.<??^"p?-Ottr subscribers to ex /'%^ftTOTO ^^ aWress oa Iris paper, and particu ?a?iji toVobserve the date upoa it. This date ?hows,the tia? up to which the paper has been paid.for;. . Many of our subscribers will \ K~ titos see that, they have paid ia advance ; y^?^^o&?s who will discover ?J?!??ktN?ey. bave not. JSW? ADVERTISEMENTS. W. R. Delgar-Tax Returns, i: i&Dowe?f & Go.-Will you. VT. J. Andrews-20.eOC Oranges. I. /; ^Hson>& Fraser-For1Sale or Rent. Crescent Art Co.-Wanted-Ladies , Estate of Dr. R. S. Melle?-Citation Notice. J. F. W. DeLorme, Afft.-Paints, Oils, &c. :j : Xoticeto taxpayers-C M. Hurst, Clerk & : ; ; Watchman & '~ Southron Publishing Co. :^Ko6cebf D?sso?ut??D. Personal.. Miss Lucy Walsh is visiting in. Marion. Mr. Manly David still continues very feeble. , "JttjssXHem China is visiting Miss Reston, ; t? WOmington. '-MrSvH. lt. Darr, Jr.) is visiting the home v:: fo?ksln florence. c;-^ -' ~-Wexerymuch enjoyed a call from Mr. A. ?z;.?. F; Cousar, of Bishopv?lle yesterday. Miss Eva McCall, of Darlington, is visiting J * Col. J.J). Graham's family. '&~'*SF*-fBt t?girette8' to see our Bishopville corres -w^a^Dt i?L.," who was in town yesterday, looking somewhat worsted- by an attack of ^?PSt^SSSsrt." fraser, . the oldest resident j " ?', Jfrnug.neardJisbopville is in .a very feeble COD- 1 -^-??iiotu ^Trs. J. S. Bradley and Capt. J. W. Stockey^trealso very feeble. T.J^M?s?MHinai daughter of Dr. R. E. Dennis, quite ill. Mies Sallie M . Fleming of Sumter, has ac? cepted a position as teacher in the city of f r Cardenas, Cuba.- Columbia. Record - - - Mr..R^YvGr?eh, of San Antonio, Texas, is " Visiting^.bis ?ster," Mrs. C E. Bartlett. Mr. j : 1;. Green is on bis way to Washington, to as-j ?ame his duties as private Secretary to Sea- j f. : f'fvB^P??^ .the reception of a copy of the ? sf y'- .'Kew Orleans Democrat we learn that Mr. B. ! ILXashis, or has been, in that city and is | If O.K. . *y ' . "?7-3?t^ ?' D.-Ph??Rps and family have left; ' Sumter and will make Charleston their home j '0,gp J&nks^o"Cadet Archie China for a mag- j -V x-t?fieently gotten np card of invitation to the j Christmas Bop of the Citadel Cadets. ~ ? Mrs. P. R. Fowler returned to Wilmington ."??fastWednesday u?ghtaccompanied by Miss ;^^ii&3ToweraJ r; V .Jfr* Duncan D- McCallum, who since the v'.:^jtew Post Office regime has been Capt. Auld's ' -rigarmband many will leave Sumter to-morrow for college. - Weare very sorry to lose him j . from the Post Office. He was a good clerk- ! ^ wedOT'tbeUeve there could have been a bet- j - .. - fw^-and he"carries with him the good wishes ? C "of all the patrons of the Sumter Post Office, j Mr. Trac*- Walsh bas taken the place made | ;;^.yacaxft*6y VLX. McC?num, and will uo doubt j v; 'kl it well. - Mr. J.. S. Richardson, Jr., who is mail ?gentoo the Central, was not on duty either ? ??jr when the.;mistakes in mail matter were j ?aadie^boat which the Manning Times com- j - jiained, and that paper made the above state ? ment ia its last issue. Ser^J. H. Carpenter seems to be qoite at j hoste with his new charge?t Bethel f Lyches I fiwrer.j He expects to get into his new par- j tooage by January 1st. CoLJs. M. Boy kin has recently invested in J three tomb stones for three of his wives and is z'jil: DOW a widower for the fourth time. ,"P>*We see |a" a late issue of the Leadville j ' " "?Col".] Hera?d that Messrs J. Ryttenberg & j r A SooixaVe boagbt oct the large dry goods es ?':'''\1ti???iita?evt of Blomberg Bros., in that city. ?'.Mt. Isaac Ryttenberg, whom many ot us met | white stopping ia Sumter last year has charge . of the .new .House. .00 .SS* Sumter Fire Engine Co., will hold j |5> -theirregularmonthly meeting to-night. Sumter has a quartette of male voices of ^wKcS^al?y- town might be proud. Messrs. j <^3SB?tean^Wa?sh, Hayns worth and Mcilwaine \ caa make glorious music. j W. J. Andrews wants people to know that ? ^vbe>has fruit in abondance for the holidays.! S?? his advertisement. The ladies of the Methodist Church will j . serve a dinner nest Monday. (Saleday) in the j Music Hall, and will have a hot sapper at j night. /,> * . v. j : - v. *Pr. J.F. fe DeLorme has added the Paint ? andX)U-bnsiness to his Drug establishment, j and those in need of such articles will do well ? - to gire him a call. We^toTe-ia.hand the Essays by Messrs. H. ! Thomas and J. E. Atkins, read before the i Farmers* Association. We publish Capt. | Brownfield's to-day. ?jg IWe woaH call attention to the.Notice given ? elsewhere by the Auditor as to the time and . p?sce.of his taking returns. Our readers will j alto notice the instructions given as to the | manner of making returns. Mr. Charles the Antioch neigh- j berbood, recently while sitting before the fire j jplace with about a pound of gunpowder in feoot of him was badly blown up. A fire coal I popped into the powder and an explosion fol- j . lowed. Mr. English was badly burned in the ! .v^ace, and it ts feared he will lose both eyes. The Musical Association. r?he Concert given last Wednesday eve ping at the Music Hall, for the benefit of the ? h. L,,cas a? that he could be desired ex r incept in foe size of the audience. jrhjft .Overture by an Amateur String Band ^>0owed by, the Quintette, Moonlight on the -V?jaker'wt? * most appropriate opening to the ^concord of sweet sounds'' which fol?owed. "We Were especially pleased with the instru ! ??peotar duett by little Mamie and Agnes KeCallum. It was splendid, and the talented -r.T&tfe girl? received a perfect ovation of ap . pisase. "Harps Angelical" by Mrs. McLau JTffSnd Mrs. Harby was as sweet as the sil * . ?ery voices of \he fair songstresses. Mrs. j . Teicher sang two soles, end her splendid j seemed at its best. The instrumental j pieces hy Mrs McLauria aQ(j Mrs. McCallum j were fine, while Mrs. Graham's selection was j Jost such ?3 to fill and satisfy tbe music bun- j gr/ sos!. (We made a horrible blunder once j in calling the brilliant effort of a .'lady a jig, ! ? whereas it vas a polka, and hence lest we fall j into a worse blunder, we myst speak of the j instrumental music in a very general way.) j v:;s|lrs. Barby's rendering of a song frcmDocir j ? ?^??tt? was delicious ; and the Concert closed ; ?^^*^h?pgon the Golden Fencg," which ! ' ^rss boisterously applauded. . Tbs hot oyster supper afterwards was well j patronized and the audience, from appearances j -bad a most enjoyable evening. j ? .x - . .- .' Jiotbj?g can be more appropriate for a hoir c.^ ??^^J#6ent. tB?a a package of elegantly i ^ttot 'sfufc Send 25 cents to Prof. W. ! ^.^^f?t?ti^.Baltimore, Md., and secure a j Sumter Post Office. General Delivery open daily (Sunday* ex? cepted) from 3 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mail via Central R. R. open daily at 10:15. Registered Letter, Money Order and Postal Note Department open daily (Saturday and Sunday excepted) from 9 a m to 4 p m. Open on Saturday from 9 a m to 12 m. Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western mails close daily (Sunday excepted) at 9 a. m. and 9 p. ni. Mail (via Central R. R.) for Charleston, Sa? vannah, Florida and intermediate points closes daily at 6 pm. Mail closes for Columbia and Northern por? tion of State, at 9 A. M. Sunday Hours: General Delivery open from 2:50 to i0:50 a m. All mails close at 6 pm. D. J. AULD, Post Master. Married? Nov. 25th, by Rev. J. Howard Carpenter, ! Miss Fannie C. Ricks, of Sumter County, to Mr. J. Calhoun Baker, of Clarendon. Ciar-j endon papers requested to copy. On the 19th instant, at the residence of the bride's father, near Smithville, by Rev. T. W. j Munnerlyn, Mr. Wm. McCatbern to Miss ; Bessie, daughter of Mr. Peter Wilson. j On the 18th instant, by Rev. Luther K. j Probst, Mr. T. Lowell Frierson, of Sumter j County, to Miss Sarah Lizzie, only daughter j of the late Capt. Wm. P. Lea, of Charleston, i Married ou the I9tb instant by Rev. J. S. ] Cosby, at the residence of the bride's father, j Dr. J. W. Hudson, Miss Dora Colclough Hudson to Mr. Jas. B Warren, all of Mayes ville. Death. Died Friday. 27th November, at her home j in Newberry, in the T7th year of her age, j Mrs. Catherine Moses, wife of Judge Mout- j goraery Moses, formerly of this town. The j faueral services were performed to-day at the j residence of Mr. Altamont Moses in the pres ence of a large number of relatives and syin patbising friends. Religious. Rev. H. F. Cbteitzberg will deliver his farewell sersom in Sumter next Sunday in the Methodist Church. It is understood that j he will conduct the services at the Union ; Meeting Sunday night. The Rev. Dr. Davis of Soochow, China, j willlecture in the Presbyterian Church this i evening, (TuesdayJ at 8 o'clock. His special . object is to collect funds for buildiug a bouse j io that city for the Rev. Mr. DuBose, who is j personally known to macy in this communi? ty, having goue as a missioaary from our midst. The public are invited aud earnestly requested to be present. Tea Party. The ladie? of the Baptist Church will have j a "tea driaking" within a short time at I wbicb some novel features will be introduced. \ The receipts will be for the benefit of the Par? sonage Fund. A more extended notice will be given as soon as the arrangements are j made. Miss Kellogg. A letter from J. M. Pond, manager of Miss j Kellogg's company, to Capt. D. J. Auld, in- j forms him that a severe cold has caused Miss j Kellogg to lose several weeks, and that she ; will not commence her Southern tour until j Januarv 3d, 3836, and will reach Sumter ? about the middle of January. The Weather. 6 A.M. 12K. 6 p.?i?. Nov. 23-61 69 64 Clear. Nov 24-42 52 46 Clear. Nov. 25-40 47 41 Clear. Nov. 26-30 45 41 Clear. Nov. 27-31 53 49 Clear. Nov. 23-43 47 47 Rainy. Nov. 29-50 51 51 Rainy. Thursday was the coldest day this season. Hot Supper at Wedgefield. Mr. Editor : The Baptists of Wedgefield, j wishing to comnlete their church building, the | ladies of the church, assisted by their friends i have decided to have a hot supper or. Decem-* ber 23rd for the purpose of raising funds for j said object. The supper, as all others have I been, will be of rich variety. In connection j with the Supper they propose to invite San.a Claus for the amusement of the children and to supply them with presents for the holidays. lu behalf of the ladies I solicit a large j patronage. Please say to all, COME ? B. C. LA ?PLEY. The Sumter Library Association j Fair. Under the skillful managet >t ?,f Gen. E. i W. Moise, the S. L. A. Fair, of which we j spoke two weeks ago, is taking definite shape. The Fair will be held ia the Music Hall, December 22, 23 and 24, and Literature, Music and the fine arts wili all be called ioto requisition to add to its success. At a called meeting held Saturday evening, Dr. J. S. Hughson was placed in charge of the Musical department: Rev. N. W. Edmonds, assisted by W. F. B. Haynsworth, Esq., and Judge Fraser, was assigned to the j literary department ; the care of the H?ill and j lights was entrusted to T. B. Fraser, Esq. ; ? Maj. H. F. Wilson was given table No. 1. i (eaiables;) Rev. John Kershaw and R. D. ? Lee, table No. 2. (Toys and fancy articles;) j W. H. Cuttino, table No. 3. (Christmas pre sentsaad tree;) M. Moise, Esq., table No. 4. (Fruitand confectionery ;) M. G. Ryttenberg; Oysters and Ice Cream ; W. F. Rhame, cor? respondence, printing, ?fcc; J. E. Ryttenberg and A. White, Jr., furnishing and arrange- ! ment of tables, kc. : R. L. Cooper and Col. J. J. Dargan, Soor managers ; Gen. E. W. Moise, Stage Manager ; and Miss Dulcie Moise and Mr. C. E. Bartlett will take charge of the Post Office. The Association will meet next Friday evening at which time they will report the work done, and especially the names of all who will assist the various committess in their work. We think the programme when complete j will offer many attractive features, lt is the intention of Gen. Moise who has charge of the entire undertaking to fill each evening with as much amusement, entertainment and instruction as is possible. Toys! Toys! Toys! at SeafiVs. Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Shells and Wads I at T. C. Scaffe's. Toys and Fancy Goods, a large and good assortment, marked low to suit the times at T. C SeafiVs. Crockery and Glass Ware, a Urge and va? ried assortment. Fine Moddox Ware at low prices. China Tea Setts, etc., at T. C. j Scaffe's. An old intimate friend ot mine is Parker's | Hair Balsam. I have used it five years, and ? could not do without it. It has stopped my ' bair from falling, restored it? natural black color aud wholly cleansed it from dandruff. Miss Pearl Aneson, St. Louis, Mo. m LOOK HERE, j Send 25 cent? to Prof. W. H. Patrick, Bryant and Stratton Business College, ^altimore, Md., and receive by retaru mail one dozen elegantly written cards. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruis- J es, Sores Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter; Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, ! or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ? perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. J. F. W. Marnie. 9 Lynchburg Items. LTNCH??RG, S. C., If or. 27, 1885. Mr. Editor : Your correspondents here seem to have grown either tired or too busy per? haps to write for our cheery county paper. The cotton gins (of which we have three) are putting through the last picking of cotton from the fields. Capt. D. E. Keels, who suffered so severely by fire last February, Pbocoix-like has risen from the ashes, aud bas a neat new brick store well filled with goods to suit customers. Our merchants in fact are well supplied with goods to meet the demands of our people. Last Sabbath three young and handsome brides made their appearance at the Methodist Church in this place. I learn that our old townsman, Adolphus Friersou, now of Shiloh, contemplates re? moving to the capital to better his fortune and enjoy educational facilities. The people of our section of the County have enjoyed excellent health the present year. The public roads are io bad condition (needing work DOW) and what will they be when winter is on us in earnest? Cur High School, presided over by Prof. Buchanan, deserves and is meriting success The Division of the Sons of Temperance is in excellent working order. Mr. Melvin McLeod isa working Worthy Patriarch. Our sister, Magnolia, much needs a hotel for the accommodation of the travelling public. Mr. C. H. Durant and family. I hear, are soon to become residents of that locality. Yours, SEVEN. Hot Sapper. MAGNOLIA, S. C.. Nor. 27, 1885. 3fr. Editor : Please mention in your paper that there will be a Hot Supper at St. Luke's Academy on next Friday evening, December 4th, in the interest of the school. We wish to raise money to assist io furnishing the the academy. Yours truly, S. NASH. Terbum Sap. Let every body go and have a good time. Privateer Items. PRIVATEER. S. C., Oct. 5, 1885. Mr. Editor: Not having troubled yon io a long time will ask for space in your paper for a few dots from this section. Maggie daughter of Mr.and Mrs. John Hud? son, died on the 16tb, aged 7 yeare. Rev. B. C. Lsmpley conducted the funeral service at Bethel. Another child of theirs is very low, not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Galloway lost their io- j fant son the 25tb, aged 3 months. Rev. B. j C. Larapley conducted the funeral exercises at J Bethel. To the bereaved ones our community j extends its heartfelt sympathy in their loss, j There is still some ginning to do. Corn ?3 not all gathered, and some peas ] yet to pick. j A few fields of pretty oats are to be seen ; j but the largest part is yet un plan ted. It is geuerally agreed that only half crop of j cotton kas been made, and the low price ; makes us realize only 40 per cent of a crop, j More pork has been raised than usual, j Have heard complaints of hog cholera; also two-legged hog cholera ; this latter disease is more to be dreaded than the former. It is re? ported that several hogs have been stolen on each side of the Manchester line. Perhaps Sidra can enlighten us. Have heard that vagrants have been seen j prowling around between this place and the j CaneSavannah road; ara inclined to think j this rumor is the 'result of disordered imagi- j nations for we have been unable to hear any- j thing definite. Squire Cain has built quite a pretty front j to his bouse, the addition comprising two ; rooms up stairs and two down with wHe pas- j sage between. Miss Ella Duraut is teaching the saud hill j school. : * Miss KateFurman is visiting in Atlanta. Miss Fanny Wilson is visiting .Miss Mino'e i Beckham. Mr. Robert E. Wilson is staying athis son- I in-law, Dr. Beckham's while the latter is at j the Legislature. j Miss McIntosh, who spent some time with j her brother Rev. B. C. Latnpley has returned j to her home on the Pee Dee. Some of those whose crops were not men- ! tioned io this correspondence last summer j have been laying the blame of short crops i and low prices on your correspondent ; one \ even went so far as to say he let his crop get grassy to keep it from being mentioned, and j said that we caused him to lose several hun- j dred pounds of cotton on an acre by the road j Did you ever hear the beat of such talk? He t also said that some whose crops were favor- ? ably mentioned were made too ''stuck up" for anything. A case of sour grapes you will call it. Making poor crops to keep them from j being noticed, is cutting of your nose to spite your face, gentlemen, and will not be apt to pay. So you had better not practice it any more tran yon can help. DEW. An Enterprising, Eeliable House Dr. J. F. W DeLorme cnn always be relied upon, not only lo carry io stock the bes* of everything, but to secure the Agency for such articles as have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaining the reputation of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will sel! it on a positive guarantee, ll will surely cure any and every affection of Throat, Lungs, and Chest, aud to show our confidence, we invite you to call aud get a Trial Bottle Free. 1 An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will uot speedily cure'; We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabe? tes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regu? late the bowels, aud act directly on the dis? eased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50 cents a bottle by Dr. J. F. W. De? Lorme. 1 Keynote to Health. Health is wealth. Wealth means indepen? dence. The Keynote is Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the world. Cures Coughs. Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bronchitis and Primury Consump? tion. One dose gives relief in every case. Take no other. Price 50 cents and Si.00. Samples free. Sold by Dr. J. F. W. De? Lorme. 2 Cure for Piles. Piles are frequently prereded by a sense of weigiit in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of thc kidneys or neigh? boring organs. At times, symptoms of indi? gestion arc present, flatulency j uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like perspira? tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting wairra, U a common attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching, and effecting a per m an en teure. Price 50 c*-nts. Address, the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, 0. Sold by Dr. J. F. W. Del.orme. o Dyspepsia Can be Cured. There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as dyspepsia or indigestion, and one too, that up to the presen', lime, has baffled the skill of the most, eminent Physicians. Two-thirds of j the chronic diseases have their origin in dys? pepsia. The Symplons are loss of appetite, j los.3 of flesh, a feeling of fullness or weight in ? the stomach, occasionaly nausea and vomit- | iog, acidity, flatulence, dull pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of bowels, low spirits, sleepless? ness, sallow skin, derangement of kidneys, and not unfrequently palpitation of the heart. If you are suffering with any of these symp? toms DR. HOLT'S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR Will Cure yon. For sale by Dr. A. J. China. Physicians are ia vi ted io caji and see formula. Lamps and Lamp Fixtures in variety Lamps from 25 cents to SI2 at T. C. Scaffe's Tin Ware and Housekeeping Goods. Th largest and best selected stock in the town, including the tine Agate Iron Ware, at T. C. SCH tie's. THE MAKKETS. SUMTER, S. C., Dec. 1, 1885. COTTON.-Abont 575 bales have heen sold during the week ending the 1st. Tbe mar? ket closed steady. We quote : Ordinary 7J@ 7?: Good Ordinary 7$@8 : Low Mid? dling 8?i&3$: Middling 8??8f; Good Middling 8|?8J. CHARLESTON, S. C., Nov. 30 1885. COTTON.-Market closed quiet. Sales 15o bales. Quotations are: Low Mid? dling, 8 7-16?8i; Middling 9; Good Mid? dling, 9?. At this season ncariy evory ono nsseds to uso *r;:ae 6ort of tonic. 1ROP? enters into inmost OTery phy? sician's prescription for tilosa who need building np. -THE BEST TONIC For Weakness, Lassitude. Lack ef Energy, &c, it EAS NO EQCA?L, and is taa onlv Iron medicine that is not inj cr:ons. It Enriches the Blood. thc Sssteaaj Restores Appetite, A icis Uigesiion It does not blacken or injure the teeth, canse head, ache er produce constipation-other Iron medicinado DR. G. H. BINTLKY, a leading physician of Springfield, O.. Faye: /'Brown's I-on Bitters isa thoroughly good medi? cine. I nse it in my practise, and find ito action excels all other forms cf iron. In weakness rr a low condition of the system. Brown's Iron Bittern is usually a positivo necessity. It is all that is claimed for it." Genuine has trade mari and crossed red linos on wrapper. Taite co other. Made only by BROWN CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE.?,;!). LADIES' HA>~D BOOK-useful and attractive, con? taining list of prize? for recipes, hifcrnv'i^n about coins, etc., efren away by all dealers in r??il?cino, or mailed to any address on receipt o? 2c. swsi?. ROOMS FOR RENT, TWO ROOMS, either furnished or unfur? nished, for rent. Apply at corner of Sumter, on Republican street. Nov 17 FOR SALE, AFINE YOUNG UN RE G 1ST ED JERSEY BULL. A bargain can be had by np- ! plying to W. R. DELGAR. | ? Free Trade Meeting in Sumter. AFREE TRADE MEETING, will be held in Sumter Court House at 12 o'clock, on Salesday (7th) in December, to elect dele- ? gate3 to thc Convention of Free Trade to con- j vene in Columbia on the 9th day of same j mooth. All persons are invited to attend and j participate in the proceedings. TO RENT. Tl- <?; "HOPEWELL" TRACT OF LAND, situated near M echan ?es vj] J?, and con Sliting of 120 acres arable land, with a com? fortable dwelling, a good well of water, and ali requisite outbuildings. Terras reasonable. Apply to JAMES E. HERIOT, Nov. 12 1 Heriot's Cro?s Roads. A SR?ND E EXHIBITION ! SANTA CLAUS JUST ARRIVED AND WILL BE FOUND Ja L SCHWERINS ??r? ST?B.E. Presents from One Cent to Ten Dollars. Grand Free Balloon Ascension on th? Bight 24th, December. Call early and selpct presents before the grand rush. Sumter. S. C., Nov. 17. 1885. foi THE UNDERSIGNED has opened a GEN? ERAL GROCERY BUSINESS at the SUMTER COTTON FACTORY, and will ? keep tn Store a choice Stock of First Class Family Groceries, -AKD ALSO-. TOBACCO, S EG A RS. ETC., all of which will he sold at the lowest prices that will afford a living margin. The patronage of the public is solicited, and ! satisfaction guaran teed in every ariiclesoid. j Best quality cheese at 18 cents Proof test Kerosene at 18 cents, and'otber goods at proporiiona'e prices. JOS. R. SI-VGLETON. Nov 24 3m BMjSjjjjS OFFES?H6. TJJfii?l?RT?i?, MAYESVILLE, S. C., DEALERS IN General Merchandise, Have in stock a full line of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND SEGA RS, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Almost everything kept in a well assorted stock of General Merchandise, all of which is offered at prices that will compare with those quoted by large dealers elsewhere, and about which so much is t>ei:ig pul forth lu sensa? tional advertisements. We say to all the people of Sumter County within reach of Mayesnlle: Dcmt bc Misled by the Racket elsewhere, But come to our store and be supplied with genuine firt-t class goods at prices that can't be beat ant where. A beautiful lot of China and Glass ware, and other fancy goods suitable for Christmas and Wedding Presents. Cotton and other Country Produce bought at highest market prices. Being overstocked, the following will be sold low : 2 GINS-(1 DuBois55saw, 1 Winship 40 SH W. ) 5 CARTS and 3 WAGONS-(1 2-horsc and 2 1-horse wagons) 1 HORSE, 1 MARE and 2 fine MULES. Nov. 10 ?\ I ^r js rs J -o " ; ; ?v .-. Ut - " ? C-l o T,T, S . _ = ~ = ti m S ll*-L *<=> o < ? . s M-?r-i ~ ?* s! C a ?s ^ - ." f- - - o 1^ ta s?^,: ?o FOR SALE. A VALUABLE PLACE, on the suburb? of j the Town of Marion, consisting ot 37 acres, ? 15 under cultivation, house of five rooms and j kitchen attached, out door buildings, and ? everything requisite for a good Farm. So d ! cheap for cash. For particulars apply at 1 ls ?sj office w address P. 0. Box 70 Mariuu S.-> A CYCLONE IS A GREAT BLOW TO ANY COUNTRY. THIS IS NO BLOW, BUT SOLID FACTS. I Have Just Opened a Large and Varied STOCK OF FALL -CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Hardware, &c, &c. AND A FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. My stock has been selected with great care, and BOUGHT VERY LOW FOR CASH, which enables me to GIVE MY CUS? TOMERS THE .BENEFIT. The Bargains offered in all departments would astonish the most fastidious. REMEMBER. I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY UN E. A Call and Examination is respectfully solicited. E S ? ?IT ? j MAIN STREET, IN THE BEND. CELEBRATED FOR SALE BY 99 MAIN ?TSJEET5 9 BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE CITIZENS OF SUMTER to their large and varied stock of Fine Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, &c. We have not the space in this advertisement to enumerate all the prices, or give in detail the varied styles. Below we give some of the prices, and say that should you need anything j in our line we would be pleased to quote you styles and prices j more in detail. We can make it to your advantage to:trade ? with us. See our special offer : i . ... * ' J The holder of this Coupon is entitled to a discount of iO^^ J per cent, on any purchase mach of us opr&r-beforej^^fltf ? 1st, 1886. P. H. LACHIOOTT?'?-^?^k f ? No claim for discount will be recognized unless this CoflP^Hspresented. r" This ofter is only made to the people of Sumter and vicinity, and for a limited time. It is liberal because our prices are as low as the same goods can be bought for ANYWHERE. There is no chance for deception because our price mark is in plain figures. Our reason for making this ofter is, we desire to bring to your attention the fact that you can buy your Jewelry, Silver, etc., in Columbia as cheaply as anywhere else, and by our spe? cial ofter hope to be able to induce you to give us a trial. See the advantages of this ofter. In the first place the prices on the goods are in plain ligures, so that there is no adding on to take oft* in discount. On a purchase of ?10 worth, you get a discount of $1, getting $10 worth of goods for $9 ; on a ?15 purchase the discount is 31.50, which will pay your railroad fare one way between Sumter and Columbia. The discount on a ?30 purchase pays your fare both ways ; or a ?50 purchase pays your fare both waj7s and Hotel Expenses in Columbia. Now, as you will doubtless need, something in our line, sajr JEW? ELRY for wife, daughter or sweetheart, or SILVER WARE, either with or without handsome Plush or Morocco Cases for Wedding Presents, would it nit be to your advantage to buy it from us ? We think so, and only ask that you give us a trial. We will send goods C. 0. 1). with privilege of examining before paying the bill if 50 cents is enclosed with the order to guarantee us express charges in case of no sale. If the article sent was satisfactory, and bought, the 50 cents would be deduct? ed from the bill. It would be hardly fair to expect us to go to the trouble of packing and shipping an article and also have to pay express charges when no sale was effected. We will now give you some of our prices, but should you want anything in this line write to, or call on, us and state what you would like to get and how much you wish to pay. and we can suit you. Remember, only one price on each article, and thai in plain figures. SOUP GOLD WATCHES, GENTS' SIZE from ?45 up. SOLID GOLD WATCHES. LADIES SIZE from ?16.50 up. GENTS' SIZE SILVER WATCHES. ?10 up. OUR $12 GENTS SILVER ^WATCH, is the popular one-A first class re? liable time piece. BOY'S SIZE SILVER WATCHES. ?8 up to ?20. GENT'S SOLID GOLD VEST CHAINS ?15 to $00. In rolled gold from ?2.50 ro ?7. SILVER VEST CHAINS ?2 to ?G. LADIES GOLD VEST CHAINS, ?13 to ?18. Gold Neck Chains $7 to $46. ROLLED GOLD NECK CHAINS, from $2 to $12. LADIES' SETTS, GOLD BROOCH AND EARRINGS. ?7 to ?40. ROLLED GOLD LACE PINS, 50 cts. to $4. SCARF TINS, 25 cts. to ?1.50 in plate, and ?3 fe ?15, in Solid Gold. A fine assortment, of RINGS in Soiid Gold from 60 cents, for Children's Size* ap to DIAMOND RINGS. SIS to ?100 and over-prices too varied to enume? rate. A large assortment of STERLING SILVER FORKS, TEA and TABLE SPOONS. Also FANCY SILVER hi handsome cases for presents. Write for prices. P. H. LACHICOTTE & CO., 0'J MAIN STREET. COLUMBIA S C. MILLINERY. Mrs. WHITE ?g? -AND- 0jmW Miss MILLER WOULD INVITE rlie arrntmn nf* ihein friends und the ladies generally, to their stock of FALL A??D AVIVTEIt MILLINERY, Consisting of Trimmed and Untrimmed HATS AND BONNETS in great variety. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBON'S, ?c., in all thu new shades. ZEPHYR, CANVAS. EMBROIDERY SILK. Our Prices are Remarkably Lon; THIS SEASON. We will be piad to show our goods, and ask that yon give us a call before purchasing. Oct 20_ s.Jl/tvnrtJidnir Bumrn HO Spruce St.). wbrre advert isirff "SH i ! DRUGGIST, (UNDER MUSIC HALL,) SU3ITKK, S. C. j IS RECEIVING A NEW STOCK I Everything Pertaining to thc Drug Business, Inclining i Per?umery, Toilet aa? Fancy &GO?*S. i _ He lias a Tull stock of Winier barden Seed. -Especially TURNIP SEEDS OF ALL KINDS. Prescript i ou s CorrfnUy ComjioioiJi.d. Will wait,upon customers af any time, day or night, und when not at tlie store, can be found at the Rninsou House. July 21 W. H. MART?N. WI H?WHH.IIHI1?UW 'i I tm<m MtfBIWIW??W?!IWIt ?"5 rt B B E S A IVtriSTC V HA RITS cured I S y 3 ?i IR/I ?? hom? without p:iin. BOOK SJH BOSwI^f ?>H.rH<-?j!?rs <*>;it FI?EE. ? II III VIIB ^- WGCL2JS7, ll. D., ?tl?nta,C* Mow to Ofi&ct the Ll aili Is the question that is now agitating our farmers and their families. To have solved it and offer the following: Yon IM BG? Your Ks Ctol -AND M? Store is the Raes io Buy. . -0 ? EVERYBODY Sells Calicoes at 5 cts.,, But I claim that Mine at that Price are Superior and such are Sold Elsewhere at 7 to 8 cts. The same thing applies all through my stock to NOTIONS, BROWN GOODS, LONG CLOTHS, Clothing and Groceries. Keefs C?tt? Spl Orita, As good if not better than COATS7 OR CLARK'S At 50 cents a dozen-a trial will prove it. I have bought the cheapest lot of Children's, Misses7 LADIES' CLOAKS AND DOLMANS which I am selling at One-Half Value? Same thing as to Children's Clothing. Largest and best assortment of Glass and Tinwarj in town. If you want, money before bujjj where pricj No Mis Allowed in All goods delivered free in any part of town. HIGHEST prices paid for cotton. ALTAMONT MOSES, N. E. Corner ?Hain and Liberty Streets. Sept 15 -AND WINTER MILLINERY. The Misses McElhose WOULD INVITE THE ATTENTION OF their customers and the public generally to their large and well-selected stock of FALL AND WINTER M1LINERY GOODS, -CONSISTING IN PART OF Hats and Bonnets? (Trimmed and Untrimmed,) FEATHERS, FANCY WINGS, FLOWERS, RUCH IN GS AND LACE NECK WEAR. --ALSO, A FULL LINK OF HAIR GOODS, CORSETS, BUSTLES, HOOP SKIRTS, ETC , ETC. INFANT'S CAPS, DRESSES, And Ladies' Underwear always on haod. Prompt attention given to Country Orders. Oct 13_ GRAHAM'S STABLES, llEPUBLICAX-STREET, ? JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR LOAD OF WELL BROKE EKT0H8I HORSES, Selected with care for this market. Also on hand. A FEW GOOD MULES, Will be sold LOW FOR CASH, or approved paper: Ail Stock sold, guaranteed as represented, or money refunded. ALSO; LARGE LOT OF Old Hickory Wagons, AND A FULL LINE OF Carriages. Buggies, Carts, &c, | Will be found at t W M. GRAHAME STABLES, j SUMTER S. C. Oct G_ A IIDTtfp ^,1U^ s'x cen,s ?or i>??!t,lPe J il I ?L???.H?U? receive free, a costly box of ; goods which will help you tu more money, j right away than anything else in this world. All, of cither sex. succeed from fiivt hour. The broad road to fortune opens before ihe worker?, absolutely sure. At once address, True ?? Co., AugusU. M niue. WTLM??GTON, COLUMBIO 1>ATKD Nov. 15, 1885 Leave W'ilumigroo Leave Wacraiunw Leave Mxrii'ti.. ... Ar*ve Florence Ar*V? ?nmter..... \r*ve ^oh* robin. .. 545 AV 8 t5pi? 7 IO " V 3* ~ 8 5B - : 11 27 *. 9 38 . |12 l? *? -? 424am .1 til? .? SHS ? ir2*??g 12 47 s YK ?INS ii Ol ^\ (i X 0 KT H. ?JT437 Daily.. Leave Columbia.1 Ar've Sumter.... Leave Florence... ll) 05 Pif Leave Marion. IU 47 " Leave Waecamawj ! 2 43 A 31 Ar've Wilin?iijtoj.i ?50" 4 3 0 v m 5 14r" 7 03 44 830 ? Trains No. 48 and 47 *t<?p>.offly ut Brinkley'*^ White viii?. Lake Wnccn maw, Fa*r Birxf; Nici-.-j ols, Marion, Pee Dee, Florence, T>u>nn.n?riH< Lynchburg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wedgefield, CM rn.len Junction aod Kai ito Fer. - '^?'iXt'^^L Passengers for Columbia and ?ll pointtJ^i C. A G. R. H., C., C. A. A. R. R. SttifoaaiT Aiken Junction, and all point? beyond?\ take No. 4S Night Expresa. Pullman Si for Augusta on thia train. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on trata 4S. All traine run solid between Charleston sal Wilmington. ":y~>& JOHN F. DIVINE, General Sop't: H J. R. KEN LY, Superintendent Tran?. T. Al. EMERSON, Ge?. Passenger Ag't. NORTH-EASTERN R. R. CO, ? iga* ?fr jjwr>.?? . SUPBErN-TEITDEWT'S OFFICE^! NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD CO. CHARLESTON, S. C., NOV. 15, 1885. i;^^^ On and after this date the following Scb<>-; dule will be run daily : hr :. Leave Charleston. ' Arrive Floreace? "?2?M No. 43-11 50 A. K...~.~.~~ 4 10 P M. ? ' No. 45- 6 00 P.M..S 55 p. ?. No. 47-12 10 a. M............ 4 ll a.; k?^s^S Leave Florence. Arrire Charleston*I No. 48-12 25 a. M.._ 4 35 A.'if. No. 40- 1 35 A. X........._5 00 A. }uy.$gm No. 42- 9 58 A. M.. ..^.......1 50 P-.Jtf?t?B Nos. 40 and 47 will not ?top at Waj-Sta>.^?|? tions. ' . . ' -^^^ Nos. 42, 43 and 45 will stop at all Station* J No. 48 will stop at. Moncka cornet, St?^^p Stephens, Lanes Kingstree and Lake Gi&* C2NTEAL EAI120AD SCH3I)UI?|? DAILY. * ' ?? No. 53-Leaves Charleston. 7 ??jH?fl Lane's................ 8 Sumter ...... ......^d ? Arrives Columbia. No. 52-Leaves Colombia ..^? Sumter ...^? Arrives ChaaM I and^M ton Mano^M T. M.M| l^meat Col uiM^^^B Leave Columbia.....7!SwJ^^^^BW 5 27 p ta'-^^ Arrive Cnmden J unction... l^BRRa 6.41 p B. <Cp Arrive at Camden-.. 12 59 p m 7 42 p m^?, TO CH A RLB8T0.1 .- ^ Leavo Camden............. 7 00 a m S 15 p m; j^' lieu ve Camden Juuc'...... 8 01 a m i.Mp'?;^ Arrive at Charleston....!. 12 20 p m 9 05 pm i^ PRull CHARLESTON '3^ Leave Charleston_i. ............ 7 20 aa .'.'-> Arrive Camden Juac'..MM^.MMMMM..U 05,a ? Arrive at Camden.......................~12 59 p m /';."' . TO AU30STA v:$Jj3 Leave Camden ............. 3 15 pa?i|j Leave pamden Juoe?.?.............. 5 09 pm Arrive at Augusta............-..^...10 35,pstS'-^Ss PROM AC6U8TA 1 Leave Augusta......... ............10 50 pm jj Arrive Camden June'...-10 ??t a:^ Arrive Camden..._12 59 pm^ ^ CONFECTIONS. . . Connections made at Columbia with . Colora? jii; bia aod Greenville Railroad both way?, toastk from all points on that Road and on HM Spar* - tanburg, Union and. Colombia and Spartanburg and Asheville Railrbada^also with tbe Char- jg lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad to and from all points North, both ways, by train? \^ leaving Camden at 7 00 a rn, and arriving at 7 ;:-Jt 42 p m. . ?|g Connections made at Augusta to and from ~ all Points . West and South via Georgia R.R. ,-.^ and with Central R. R. ;|;'| Connections made et Charleston with Steam- -; ere to and from New York on Saturdays. Also . ga with Charleston and Savannah Railway for Sa- -^? 5 vannah and all point? South, and with steam- Ti ere for Jacksonville and points on St. John's _ river on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Connections made at Blackville with Bara- . well H. R. tn and from Barnwell by all train* ? on Augusta Division. THROUGH TICKETS tb all point?, caa ba purchased by applying to James Jone*. Agent. y? ~ at Camden. D. C. ALLEN. General Passengerand Ticket Agent v JOHN B. PECK, General Manager. .,?5 Charleston, & C. -M LAND FOR SALE. ACHOICE FARM of Serenty-tve Acres, about 3 miles North of Mayesvilley ad- ; joining lands of J. H. Wilson, G. H. An? drews and others. Apply to R, D. LEE, March 17 Attorney for Owner ..4 i The Best Newspaper in America, and by fer the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre? miums, The most interesting and advanta? geous offers ever made by any News? paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for al!. Beau tifa 1 and Substantial Premiums ia Standard Gold and other Wa tcbcs,Yalnable Books, tho Beat Family Sewing Machino known to the trade, and an nnequaled list of objects of real utility and instruction. Bates, by Postpaid: DAILY, per Year (without 8und?r) S6 00 DAILY, per Month (withoutSunday] 50 SUNDAY, per Year ... I (A V)R EVERY DAY iN THE YEAR 7 00 MEEKLY, per Year . . . i 00 address, THE SUN, NWT Tort ?ty. Tli? roost popular Weekly ncwst?P?rdev?ted toscience. inecuaaics.enKinecrinp disco>cries?jn^ vent i"ns ?nd patents everpnblisbcd. Everynrjnv ber illustrat?Kl vrith snlcndid encriviays. Tb?* rnblication fumishesainost valnablo cncyc?oped?? ci information wbiol? no perron should be witaout.1 The popularity, of t?io ?icirvniic AMMSICAX M tncb. that ita eirotlttioa nearly e< tn*!?.tbatof*it other pjipera of iwcIaM combined. Pnce. f*3X.a Scat. uisennnttoOuba. Sold by aH tewsdeajera. :FNX A CO.. Publishers. Ko. 3?lBro?dvpay, ft. Y. Wu l-IT,l'"ir'' " i<Actice ter oro IS Isiibo Tatcr-t OSeeand'heee>??r^parcd. m B?-mor* than. Ono ????*S2?J?J^SZ Sal send applications f;,ri?*eaw int?a Ovear*. Tradi?-M.-ir?t.% Copy-ns?ta, KSr^^A?iifniments. *nd ^'?M,??.P*Pft? S?r-. SS?tocurinfi: to inventors tae^^ta^^be ^8 United States, t^rna?w .J^SDi;?a*^,H,;" IO Germany and other ferewro conntyie?. pie t??5 nart-d at ?hort a ?tico ?ndoT??e?#on^>e term?. ?? :. ^ Jn?onnation a?^ob^i?incn?twgcb^> a$rhJlypivj?n vitbout cbarpe. Haad-beei?^ y.-< ia?orjtu?ion sent free.-. s ~rk}*rte?m?i*g<l^v?^jg American freo. 1*bo ?.?^^s^n^af^u^^.^ ^ri^beirn-tfuts.;. ^I^T^^^^