The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 17, 1885, Image 2

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. - : ?V iL -- " ?: . - - _.. .JNTS. ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1^ ^ 'j'-. ?a E XcCofcben, bridge: : ir~ ^IKCha?bew,?tf?driof /'^ .cw: -teouar* W^lenkinsvre?: i^isi ' - So^wSreW^ 2?22 -J R Jtonee. .^p*m^ ^ / rj . ?ushiog ottlerkI#V^ : ; Sxaaa, balding ,4 < tC?jX^-i ^ .1 - " 18T00 ^^?er^re^^^ &=S * ridge^Btsboprilie tomm- ^ ft tck Sfo^Balcej^repabwgu^^^^ sf?ov &eek 3sd: ; rJJSvery _28 60 3 aa - -?-Mi 6a ^.C'f*::*"t-?^5- &?w ??23k isfc ?lSaict^. repa?nnr . "00 kin* 4e- - I ?. Hi*'&S&i Se*p? O*tr,- -A * lBBHp?ntt&^ :.?? --9OC0O LtftCffio t?wn^^ ^20\0O rtrbttild?njr 4 bridges on . ^ I??PS??O end Camden road, ' ' 28 96 ^^|^^tT^.bjna^:^ p?S^P&Tafeer to?rosMp? " 5 00" ik aiwr repAirmg 5- bridget w . h ^ Jenkin*, wwk^rm < Igg^ew Green Sw?n>, ^.^.^ i W Ho???d*:% tomlin* V ' ???fr ei^^ottiog op band mi?s ^^?^i^C^W ^ iWleU;*.b?UBce ^^^s^_fir *boT?;' w^ork .?? State s^^bm^s?? ?ftf^n? Creek: tow?> S??B^^M? ?lH? bmlding ft?d g^;^p*g^3 ^brgig? ^oo.J>? ;;55^re?^D H Borkrn, repairing K^?Miljro at Loriog^a old m? ll, i 1 C>:;1Umto?&-? W Lowry, serrices as ^^Si^^^Cbmmite?aaer So laying ^^^b^new;road, . - - 1-?t-:-'-' ur;Jsard?? J Grabatn, carting ? -J?arch 2?^W Bak?^repairing ^?^.>r?dfes boBockj B?nff swamp .' ^;^?ateb 27-J ?yttenberg k Sons, ^^S3???4 ?ool?, ?. ? ? ..-' - . ". ^ jUreb 27-J B Carr, bridge lom-. ^^^^^^h"tiW?\ ser-' ^JO?;? Special Commissioner '^^3iJ??i*^-<>of ne? ?ad,- & ^^??f&?30^- W Baraat k Soo, g|pat^3l-?W C WdlSjiridgt lom ^^ptS^STil?s J -Brow?, repair ^ etc,.t / ^iS?^?li?:--Sa?*l E Sbaw?"r?>iiriio?:. ^ ^iiisiiwsses and ,gpi?>g. at Haft gp ^^Creek, lliver road,' ^J^^I^f^WiRirJ Brown," rep?ir r0^g^?^3ge on DingleV?i?Uro*d, H fcberbaxdu road po?n M A Green, lamber and " tex bridges, . Jlay" 30-W 15 Branson, repairing t^^Sfoo^wsy, ?ile brandy " " ^???3%J? B Et??ir?,; re-build ^^^?f?'^o?key: .Creek bridge, forn -v?rit?ng "plank:, banl??g etc. in T^jarr, -j-^-Sr B PbiHips, balance acconat, ; : ;? fi Eberhardt, road ^fittstlj?^ ?i??andlen repairing ^^^^irld^?s.-Becky Bloff swamp,. ^^ 21-T:^'( Price, repairs on ^^^DttBoK'S-bridg?,one-half, ^^^i^^^^^repa??ng-* ? biWg? and haoliog lumber in " i?ao?i?r townsbrp, ... ^^^^gr^r*^ Be?tdon? npair?ng ^^^^^?^?ifarow^':ha^I?ng ' ff^?fyOi^T FJC^fepair?ag Car ?^?"^*Jbndge, L; nchs* River, one ^pia^>29^6a^ *^ "fljyrliT jTomm?n ?ooer, neo road, :^^j^r|?????>bft Brown, Sr, servi ^p^^^^peml .'ComiB?asioDer, new b^^-?iirOr' Henry Srnckov, ser ?pecial ..Comnmsioaer, 4 40 C.[ , W 00 ir? r * - - 4 V0? 6/75 il ll 8 86 5 40 30 J 4 5 50 6 ob ? A 25 5 55 ii ri 23 00 5 55 .50 18' 7 00 3 75. 20 00 18 $0 28 35 13 33 .12 50 4 44 2 77 2 25^ . '.. - . 17 50 6 50 8 90 ?o? ?a SprJij: O^r^^P ? ship, 4&. Ju?y.24r-W ?AH^ i i^iog'bua^--19j : White, serrices, C?1*p^c?ar^ranu3S?oner, new toad? 3 i Jo"r^24^ :?VrT<OT?ra^ T-? t7u??2i^L M?ms, service?, Special j , J?lj 3l^X Sf Trulu?k, rumber for . .. . ^ 'footways, and'hAu?jxig,*r ," "*?^? Jaly 31-EJ^rfrl?p^ lypai?ng.',, ; ..'bridge*, l^nedyjs M?U-aqdne*r i^.rn I ?Westb&r^^^*^ ^23* , :Abgo3t 1-R W Durant A Soo, 'road toola?oa^cH *ocdo3 -r?rt?s?36 C ! August 15-Sati Barnett, r^toild . August l?^Jaceb Keel?, re-ha?M~ ^?>^? y??g:.2Ht?d^??l?M ??&Hfc* August -15~.W^. l?r Ostee .. 1 uTnhef - ? .' ?j ! A.ugQ^L^*W^ker^T^i??^ ^pf?Hf? 7. *?? t mattoe ^Mo^?P^ # ci./; - under bridie-Brscy|5 mtUj ^: t",VC ? . August 3r^? L'mn* W^YShaw^ . \ ; repairing t^l? wwitr3-^ ? ; ? R|*er and Sc*pe;QJer 8wiunp?p?:2 vQ 5??forbndges, _-:-,?> 15.5 .Sept^?-Wallac^^'Sa^er<;^^ ; ? ^ ba tiding bridge *t Raiting ,J 2 * ^ : . / Creek, Gamden :rba?V j> ?Vs; ; : 50 :$ : Sept?MeUetvrTepairjng^-. r.~: :y . bndgeZ'Slaji^MVTCHI ~" .> ' ;ll 6 . Sept. 1-R W^er;iT^rfig ? v ~<~?;B bridgcX^?ockT3B?ft>^ "2 - " ' .Sej>t..2-Jote KtfoldtoWj lamber . ; e ~ f|J fot,b?dg^>^* _k ^x2--o; u I tSept; ^^SCar^^rrage^Hiobef. . 34?7 ; j bridges at Wa?it?Werf. ^-o Sept^-rW W3eoltins> repairing: . ;r;.- 53 t bnd^, McR^la rnili. \i - 3-3 ?SeptT 5r-R J T%kj. repairTngl 3 -1. V. . ag br?dges^X^?fo^road,1 y- y~'12"4 Sept. 3-Peter M et^,---repairing--1' 'r^^S? :* bridge, Old Ford,: 5^ Cl CU???.?I?: UffS. fSeptr 5^W ~W .^?elle??^^ba?M?ng ?g= ...;*_ gi :;?r bndjj^?Terjc?^ ??j?. : pg &n4nn^r?ids%rn^be?i ^ : ?Sept.o-SHUI-I ? Shaw, repairing >*-* S ? 4 ibr?dges o nc Sea pe ^>*er^ abo I";- ! - T: ? ^ on RockY.Bluff swamp, .>.-. ^. -.,-6^ Sept.'-T-^rS K Brown, bndge^- "?i lamber^ '-- 3~ Sroi .b'-bt?fiesr 'M?s&$?? Ss* ?sd? Sept. ll-B R TVeeto, repairing ' ?. ^ bridge, Turkey Creek, ? .4 Ol ^t:rrr-^n??*??ert;febu?lding bridge bel o w ?Ca? a ' s^oi It; ?T ':?'?: ^ZK 9* ?p^8rrBeo^;?BrAd^yK^pai?r .. i **?n^.bridget?ow Cain's mili. . , . 18 4? Sept.'22-^5^trT?mKrison^^ " tey new road, Shiloh towhsHipV* 1 ' 4~3I Sept=23^4?--Arkins ?Wbersfot ?? ^Sept. 25r-R . J.Dick,. repairing,.. r^? brio1^;;'3nie:0raocb, " " ' " 3 0( Sept/'31-J-^ B Carv lninber fot p bridges, * 3 - - ? <*as , 26 4^ Sep^3V-:P ^^Poxa^H bridge.-?-. - ?at -; wock, JSwimming Pens town*. _ . -rs?pr^ . ^ -y- 1 ? .-* ?2 ?( i&p?3f^?Panblt,bri?^lnn^ ' , ' berand haulisg, ' - S :' '5? '0ct.-T~T^in*3--eooper, repairing : . ? -? . . 2 brids^ near" railroad, .. .. 13 0.C i Oct^ifd-^ain'i E Shaw^ repairing bridges-;7R?B swamp, ?. *-'- ' 'K :o l2'0C ;'Qct. 39--J- ? -MHIer^i < repairing .2 s " 7 i ? P bridges, JJesChamii*.iBiLL^?f, ~? - *? 00 ..-^^?^wramp^ ; . ^^L^J 0(3 jOc^^-JE frank ^c??tcben?-: .^eridge lumber.ihaul?ng, etc,: -24-33 ?ck 23-rR. J Kekr repairjog: 2 ; :- bridges Blinding*s m?H/" 1? 78 sOct. 23-R*cJ7Dtck,'repairing ^' / :~? bridges, han?Dg, etc^ ::'T - -; ry" -1&*55 5; ~ Total,-.. ' <^2,258..C4 4884: ^ " Poor Ho^ '?h?To?ri '. / XdvrJ3^:Al^r?ont- ?v&?rm$2?x ' ' ? ^pHesfi*poort ?'-ri~">-- ; . ?'?fO ?OT?* 6-!?Ai A t^Iomo?is?^ supplies v ^fo.^PO???ad,joor bouse,,. g.-.. :j- 7 47 X)4 t2?QV. 14-John ITGmig, furniture," " N.. - (br poor house, and one coffin : folpanper, .> -26 00 ?XOTV-30.-il?^.A J Flussey, feeding fi ?tc,.-pauj>???^it poorc^hoase, ; .76,50 "Dec. laHDr J Hughso^arreod- . .^r^T . ??cV kt-p?or boose and jnir, ' " ~ ?6 67 digl?0?erare, . : - 13 00 Dec-.Jd-rilrs ? X Hnssay, feedingr . . :.\ etc, poof at poor honse, ?I *78^30 1885. " ' ' V.- ; 1 ; ; _J??;-7-J-'D Craig; coffins for pan- ::* . pers:-.:-: .V-- : t? ^?u^H?i 00. [^u>. 10-W S.Scarborough, snp^ ?il:j? .. pEu?s'ifor poor,' ; I'dO Sian.- ^fO-^T '^rryV?nberjr *^ S?o? . " r ^sopaSeiibr p?or;sw: t * ^ 75 Jan. Ali Hu^y^feediag, ; >; . r etc, paupers at poor house, .. ^.^?81 30 ."Am. 31- Dr Jno S Haghson^ med>' 1 ' T. x ickt aiffndHnce to pntper, r''-; 3y00 *Jkn. 31-Jas E Mayes, supplies ?5 : for poor? : - r- O r? s.r >r. - <fv s ' 3 00 Jan. 31-Dr J II McLaario, med > ?? teal attention, etc, to. pauper, 8 75 . Eeb: 3?-'J ' Ryttebberg k Soot] * - ; : 1 supp^i**6 ior poor,. ' : 23 75. rFeb^$f-Dr. J;W.Hod^nv'nedical - - Attention. Jo pauper,. 2 00 Beb.. 12-ELSp>nc?r, coffin for pauper, " T' -5 00 Feb. 15-Dr A L Rlaadiag; at at poor house and jail, ll. 25 "FebV. 17-Pate Brothers, supplies ? '- for poor,' 43 00 Feb'.-'18-A A Solomon?,' supplies for paupers, poor b 00:3e, . 6 30 ^eb,.iar-A.A ?olottoa^ .sepplies-:: for paupers and Ht poorhouse, 5 20 .JFeb. 21-Elisha Cha vis, con rey i ng _ pau]jer to poor house, 2 20 Jfeb. 27-W H M ar t i n, medicines . for paupers,-poor .bouce-, ete, - 10 90 i Feb. 23-ilr? A J Hussey, feeding, ; : etc, paupers at poor bouse, 74 20 ? March 2-J Rytteuberg & Sons, supplies for poor, 14 50 March 31-Dr Juo S Heghsoo, at teadaoce at poor bouse and jwil, ll 25 March 31-Mrs A J linley, feed? ing; etc, paupers at poor house, 91 00 .Marcb 31-A; A Solomons, sup? plies for paupers at poor home, etc,- 13.80 March 31-Altamont Moses, sup? plies for poor, ' 28 50 April Ar- Pate: Brothera^ supplies for poor, , p.i 4>3 00 April 6-W H Epperson, coffins for paupers,' 8 00 April 9-J D Craig, coffins for paupers, 10 00 "April 21- Myles Moran,, supplies . :- for poor, 5 50 April 29-A A Solomon?, supY . plies for poor house ?nd poor, -10 25 April 30-Altamont Moses, sup* plies for poor.'. 20 50 April 30-Mrs A J Hussey, feed- * ing, etc, paupers at poor house, 57 60 April 30^-R McCaskili, supplies ' for-poor, r 12 50^ April 30-J Rettenberg k Sons, supplies for poor, .16 00 May 5-J W Lowry, supplies for' poor; 1 " r. ; ?? ? ? 9 00 May 6-Altamont Moses, supplies for poor, 21 00 May 7- J D Craig, coffin for p?u l per, 5 00 Mar 18-Pate Brothers, supplies for poor, 23 50 May 27-Myles MoraD, supplies for poor, 6 50 May 28-W S Scarborough, sup? plies for poor, 2 00 May 29-A A Brearley, coifin for pauper, 5 00 May30- RA Chandler, Jr, sup? plies for poor, 6 CC May 30-E Spencer, supplies for poor, 12 00 Maj 3!-Mrs A J Hussey, feeding, etc, paupers at poor house, 52 80 May 31-J Rettenberg & Sons, supplies for poor, - 3 60 May 31-John E Muklrow, sup? plies tor poor, 8 00 Hay 29-Dr W J Pringle, medical services to paupers, . 5 75 June 1-J S Corbett, supplies for poor, ll 00 June 13-Pate Brothers, supplies for poor, 26 50 June 20-J Rytieoberg k Sons, \< supplies for poor, 6 37 1 00 25 50 Kvtj^^C'OvW^nd-jill,' \ \ 22 50 June 30-Mrs A-J Hussey, feedings etc, panpers at poor house, 43 20 [ Juae -30- Mdes -Horan, supplies--_ for poor, .... .5 00 July 1--F H McEaebern, supplies ' - j -^rpoor,-*-ipg.-^-:--20 00--j July 1-J ..Ryttenberg k Sons, r. ?. supplies for poor, .06'7 July 20-R A Chandder, Jr, aup- - ":j X pfi?rfp*^rf ^ . ' . - 4 00 ' i?Gly^2^Alfcm?il^?c?s^ 'imp*' ; p??toPfoo*?** ' ' ' 15?50 July^TMy^'i^borbugh, tup- ^ -: jpHeff^pofrf* m -x? .^ v-./.t ?rjjj July 31-^^ LO wry,: Suples for ^j?ysti?wj-? fr.-??- .' :-- . ' 6 00 July^l-^dI1?orina?l?n^Ttetfor * po?iy^ ^i- - . $ 00: July^lf^Mrs'A" J'Sussey, feeding, ?.?:4efc?:-p*ujiers^at po?r house; ? 49 go Jol^Sl-^les^ Moran,-suppires jt for poory^*~{ ': - ' 6'50 ??l^?-^Bli?ker k- Bultman, snp- ( - )ptte* Bo^poor; ", - : 30 50 ?Aug. 1-K McCaskUl. supplies for ' ..Angy-1- JohirMtiMrow, S?p-?c ? - pUes^ pOor,'r: - ? : T ,<~t.- .3 OO Aug^h^P?w "Brothers, supplier- ? : - - i for poo*,- ' t-.<f? * -VT: .a:- -36 SO JrAagti-^a^&lS?loDiont,- supplies , fdr poor; UL > . - 03 -, ?6 00 Aag.d-^&M Smith, soppKes^mr-- c $ poor,* ?c?3 -'i '.. --. nj 13 50 Aug. 3-B J Barnett,supplies for - Ji. ipoor,-' **' --; lt 00 Aug- -13^J ?yt ten berg-k Sons, . sr?? " ?applies for poor, - : : 6 60 TAug. 13-W il Sanders, supplies ? T0f: pOOr, : J - 4.50 -^Ug>sil3-Ii. Wo Green, burying i- pamper,*** n &.' ;>- \? s ' T -hts .5>4?. Auj;.;i3-^A A Solamoos, supplies ?? ; '* for.pootjhouse^wuperv ; ?.97. Aug. ; ?4-A karnoo t.. M oses, inp?.--; 'b?: c jplies^for^opcr^-??tt.-??fi r.-. 5i50 .AttgviS--ft^Bjttwnfieldysaprdiej ?j r4fc? J v for. paupers,- ?4???sre??3 . . . ?61OP pA??clnrrJ^-Wingat?i. oofe-mrio ^ ?h - pauper, ?? -, : 5. ; ? .- . , . - ~4 50 Aug. 18-r-Tv G. Scafte,-. repairing v _ , stftr^,4Hc,>po^y houi?, . - . 10 50 Aug"- 22- M^?es ilorao, supplies; ~ for.i^upeT-- ^50 Ang^?fr-id iF W; D?isme, Agt, . medicines .for paapersc v. . ... 8 25. ^ ?tcjj>aopers.atpoor.honfe, 48.60 Aug. 31-N J-t J ABoykin, sop- ., H plies-for poor,,. ;.-.- . :" . -10 25 ?Sept- l?-K Mc?aakillj supplies for.: . . Li poor, 3 00 sojjplieatof^poor, :vfc., . t . . 3 .00 ^'/ri^^mmu^osi^ .j^,...:^:'-.,r| . pH?p.for^oo?- ~ V? V4i 5^ Sep^ 1X9:^?? ?J?pp?et. t.. ? ? ?? *, J 0 for.poor,- ... * ."*5W50; M nao,*pobr Jip?se and ja\\ 3 mos, u. 22 5Q. .Sep.t 30^?rsjA .J. ??.u?iey, feed ?ag, \ . paupers ?^oor\hbuse4 . ' 4!? 00 Pc?-?gisbar^cer, M^gg^ ^^-3 for^pooc, r t-.v . . .- : ... v3-00.f ?0ctCl^^^bejr? Jp S0?S|'sjlBy's' .-, pliesior poor,*" ... ^00 Oct. 1-J S Corbett, supplies for * poon, . _ ; ^ ; r, _ ,27 00 Oct.I-E'^penw^.snpplies ..for. , ... ??J poor, J".. I'. .... . . 12 00 .P?t^.s^^t?'BrbthemjSnpplws.'f?r. I"'-'..."...'" - poo^K".; .. r-t-.. \. .*., ... i . . . ii 8 00 Octvt^rjJes.Xoran,.8nppn?s''^ %i pojciv.'^Jl.*^. . .6,50 .^>ct^5r7rXw White, supplies for po>r,; . . % y28. 00; ^c^3^^H^oper^ sop^plKS^fOr: _ ' poor,., -T;'3 0o '-Oct .22-E L. Spencer, coffins for , ^ :- paupers. 1 " . , . .. *9 OP ?0ct.^27T-rJ T> Crnig, coffin for ; ... ... pamper, r..? . .^'* ,5 00 Oct43?~rDs; Jno S.Hughson, phy- . * \ \ ' sician'poor house and jail, '; 7 59^ ^6cti?l- il? A J Hussey, feeding, . : etcTpitopers-at.poor house, . 'Qct:3i:-Mrs-* ? " attention io - fiscal year, - % Total, , . ^1^*9. 95 ^?tertff's'?eeottnts. -1884-'. ' 1;.. '.. . Kovf/30-;R W*Durant, conveyiog -,. prwooera^., ' " ; $ ?4 35"" Y TKovC '30-1t; W Durant, dieting prisoners,, etc," " ' "136 65 Dec.'5-R 'W .Durant, dieting: prisoners, 16 80 Dec:"' 22-Marion Sand^^^^snja^--^-- - ' iiiiiiiiiii'' ? iiinioi r . ' * 9 25 ^ 4ng. prtsoriers, eic, . ' ' "*7 69 Dec. 31-Marion Sander?, dieting . prisoners, etc, 202 65 1885J ; Jan. 12"-J Ry t?eoberg k Sons, supplies Sn?rifif s office,' "50 Jan. 81-Marion Sanders, serving * . writ V F, 47 60 Jan. 31-Marion Sanders, serving State.'papers.; ; 21.35 Jan. 21-Marion Sanders, dieting. - ... prison?rs* etc, . " - : _.v" - '215-80 .Feb. 3-^5iarion Sanders,7conrey*- ~-'-J% . jng prisoners, ' ": :r% *r- " 9"30 : F?ib. 5-Marion. Sanders, convey* lng prisoners; * 7 13 95 Feb. 7-Mnrioo Sunders, serving " \ sub on writs, ' ' 1 21 25 Feb. 16-Marion Sanders, serving sub. on writs, 21: 65 F^l6^-Marion Sanders, serving - ' : . writ V F, 25 00 Feh. I0-^5lanon Sanders, som ' ro?nit?g aritnesses, 29 05 Feb. 20-Marton Sanders, convey - ii?^ prisoners, 26 40 Feb. 23-J Ryttenberg k Sons, supplies Sheriff's office," 50 .Feb.-28-Al a rion Sanders/ dieting prisoners, etc, 132 05 March M-Marion Sanders, con v veying prisoners, - -; 17 63 March 31-Marion Sanders, diet? ing prisoners, etc, 7185 April 28-J D Craig, repairs to; Sh?nfFs office, 5 00 . April 30-Marion Sanders, dieting prisoners, etc, ? . . 83 05 May-1-Marion Sanders, convey? " 5og prisoners, ' 5 05 May 22-Marion Sanders, services May Court, p 20 35 Mky 25-Marion Sanders, serving writ V Facins, 56 80 Mar 25-Mu rion Sanders, Court expenses, 1 65 May 27-Marion Sunders, serving rule, 3 05 May 27-Marion Sanders, sum? moning def s witnesses, 7 25 May 30-Marion Sanders, convey? ing prisoners, 19 02 | May 31-Marion- Sanders, dieting - prisoners, etc, "137 50 ! June 3<?-Marion Sanders, dieting prisoner?, e'e, 64 45 July 23-Marion Sanders, prisoner on habeas corpus, 1 35 j July 31-Marion Sanders, dieting : prisoners, etc, 78 10 AUJ?..2G-Marion Sanders, serving warrant, 2 35 Aug. 31-Marion Sauders, dieting prisoners, etc, 72 90 Sept. 24-Marion Sanders, serving . arrest and henel? wanan**, 4 50 Sept. 29-Marion Sa ti decs; serving wrii Venire Facias, 29 25 Sept. 29-Marion Sanders, sum? moning witness, Court, 22 90 Sepi. 30-Marion Sauders, dieting prisoners, etc, 106 60 . Oct. 13 -Mario? Sanders, serving writs Venire Facias, 52 70 Oct. 14-Marion Sander?, sum roonin?; witnesses, Court, 75 85 Oct. 25-Marion Sanders, sum? moning witnesses, Court, - 27 25 Oe! 19-Marion Sanders, convey? ing convicts to j<niteniiary, 26 15 Oct. 24-W H Epperson, repairs on Sheriff's office, 4 25 OCL; 31-Marion Sanders, dieting prisoners, etc, - 121 40 Total, $2,069 99 Trial Justices' Accounts. 1884 Kov. 15-Marion'Sanders, services for half month, $ 12 50 Nov. 30-George 8 Reid, services for November, ' 8 33 Nov. 30-LX: Carroll," services' for November, 8 33 Dec. 31-W S Din tins, services, for November and December, 16 67 Dec. 31-Jas H McLeod, services for November and December, 16 66 Dec. 31-M E McDonald, services for No vern uer and December, 16 67 Dec 31-1^ Carroll, service* Yor *~ ! * De?enbe)^?: '~ S*;; ^ ? ? 8 33 Dec.-:3|^I^Xeo9^ wicesjfor ? TMwt?mfrmefar, ??-Z? ', >?: 16 67 Dec: ?l^-Geerge H^R?d, serrt?e* 1 ; forDw^h?jber/?O ^ \-v * 8 33 Dec.3?-rW Jl^, No? vember 15tb to January 1st 1885, 37 50 .>885r---.- - - - Jau.^-31-Daniel Keel?,-services, " " November and December, 1884 ~?n~d January 1885, 25 00 #an.-^George ifcBeid,-sertites > . r ? . ~ January, ^ - i- ' * . * -8 33 Jaw-iO * feafeMsflslt^cervices,-^ -- November^ 1st 1884.and January l?Jh. is?V - ' ' ; - 19 45 J?b'/'28^W ;J B^V?; services for " : "f i January.'a'nd.F?b!Uary, 50 00 Feb"r28-G H Reid, services ;for February, 7 8 33 Mcb;31-L L Carroll, services for * February and March, 16 66 Mea". 31-G H Reid, service^ for Maren, , . " . 8 33 Mehi- 31-I N Lenoir, services^ for / ~ January,^Februaryand'March, " 25 00 March 3i-Jas H McLeod, services for' January, February and March, \ 25 00 | March 31-W J Beard; services for March, 25 00 MarclT31-W S Dinkins, services fdr January,' February abd March, ... 25 00 March 31-S IBfcTJonald, services- "'.' * for '- J?nnary;'^F??rnary- and : \ " Mnrcby " ? . ^ - . 25 00 March ?t-W 0 Carn, services, -: January, 6th, to March ' 23 60 '.April''* 30*^G?v^*lleia;-'s*rT?ces' : f?r-AprH, - 8 33 -April 30-^LJ? Carror?, services fot : April, ' -'"'.' 8 33: Apri?30^-J?? II McLeod, services - : for Aprili . 8 33 April 30- Wi J. Beard, - services : for April,: : 25 00 April 30-Daniel Keels, services forFebruaryj March and April, * 25 00 May "31-I N Lenoir, services for . April and May, 16 66 May 31-W J Beard, services for '" * May, - 25 00 June 30-W ?vifJain, services for : April, May and Jone, : \ 25 00 June 30-L L Carroll, services for - ? "May and^une, " '-. 16 66 ?jone 30-Daniel Keels,.6ervices-for * for May abd June? 16 66 June 30-Geo fl. Reid, services for May and Ju?e,; 16 66. rJui.e30-M^E McDonald, services - for April,;May:and June, . 25 00 June 30-W S Dinkins, services. . for April,'Mayi and June, 25 00 June 30-Wf J' Beardy seryices for ' . ? June, ; '\ "25 00 July 15-George H Rctd^. services for half mon tb, July, : - 4 16 July-31 -,W J-Beard; services for JttTyp''* i j ? 25 00, July 31-I jN Lenoir, services for - v : * June andi Joly,_' , j 16 66 Joly 31-LiL; Carroll, services Tor ' Joly, -I ... ' 8 33 July 31-das H McLeod, serv&es for May, June and July; 25 00 August 31-W J Beard, services v August, - . 25 00 August 31-L L Carroll, services for-August, : 8 33 Sept. 30-W J Beard, services for r. September, . . 25 00 Sept. 30-W 0 Cain, services for 5 July, August and 'September, 25 00 Sept. 30-W S Dinkins, services for July August and September, 25 00 Sept. 30-L L Carroll,'services for . September, ' 8 33 Oct. 31-Isaac N Lenoir, services 6 for August, September - and v October, 25 00 Oct. 31- Daniel Keel?, services for . July,: August; "September and ? October, 33 33 { Oct.'31-T D Jenkins, services, , July 13th, to October 13tb, 25 00 Oct. 31-W: J-Beard, services for . - 5 October, : 25 00 :0ct:.3l-M E McDonald, services : for July, August, September and October, 33 33 - - Total v . - : $1^047 12 ContiabU Account** ?884^~^-.: . / f . . Noy. 30-Prince .A. James, servi- . ** vices, November,- $ 4 16.. Nov. 30-^? G Brown, services, November, 4 17 Nov.^O-^mes: Williams, servi? ces^ Niovember, - .4 17 Nov. 30-J, H Anderson,.services, November,:. :.; .. . .* . 4 16 Dec. 5-R WT)uRant (sheriff) ser . viees-as Constable to date, 27 10 Dec. Sl^rJ, H. Anderson, services, December, 4 16 Dec 31-Sbute- Meljett, services, November and Decem6?rr~-N Dec, 31-Marion Sanders, (sheriff ) services as constable, December, Dec. 31-E Bland Mellett, servi? ces, November and December, 8 33 Dec. 31-J :B-Lemon, services, November sod December, 8 33 Dec. 31-Prince A James, servi? ces, December, 4 16 Dec 3l^-J B Tallon, services, No? vember "end December, . 8 33 Dec. 31-Jas Williams, services, ~ December, . 4 16. 1885c - - - Ja n. 31 -Manoa Sa nders, (sheriff) services-' as- constable, Jan nary, . 12 50 Dec. 31-J B Lemon, services, - January,- - 4 17 Jan. 31-J H Anderson, services, January, 4 17 Feb. 28-E G Brown, services, December, January and Febru y roary, . 12 50 Feb. 28-J H Anderson, services, February, 4 17 Feb. 28- tyler Dickson, services, January and February, 8 33 Feb 28-Marion Sanders, (sheriff) services as constable, February, 12 50 March 31-r-Prince A James,-ser? vices, January, February and March, ^ . - 12 50 March 31-Heory D Cain, pervices, January 15th, 1o March 31st, 10 65 March 31-J ? Lenron, services. February an.d March, 8 33 March 31-T} 1er Dixoo, services, March, 4 16 March 31- E Bland Mellett, servic ces, January, February and March, 12 50 Mcb. 31-Marion Sanders, (sheriff) services as constable, March, 12 50 March 31-Thos W McDonald, ser? vices, January, February and March, .12 50 April 30-Marion Sanders, sheriff, services, as constable, April, . 12 50 April 30-E G Brown, services, March and April, 8 33 April 30-T> 1er Dixon, services, April, 4 16 April 30-Prince A James, servi? ces April, 4 16 May 31-J B Lemon, services, April and May, 8 33 Mav 31-Tvler Dixon, services, May, 4 16 May 31-Marion Sanders, sheriff, ' services, as constable, May*, 12 50 June 30-Marion Sauders, sheriff, services as constable, June, 12 50 June 30-A ll Smith, services, March, April, May and June. 16 66 June 30-E Bland Mellett, services, April, May and June, 12 50 June 30-T \\\ McDouald, servi ces. April, May 8nd June,. 12 50 June 30-Prince A Jttmes, services, May and June, 8 33 June 30-Tyler Dixon, services, June, 4 16 June 30-Henry I) Cain, services, April, Ma. and June, 12 50 July 31-J I? Lemon, services, June and July, 8 33 July 31-E G Brown, services, May, June, and July, 12 50 Julv 31-Prince A James, services, July, 4 16 July 31 -Marion Sanders, sheriff, serrires ?s constable, July, 12 50 August 31-J B Ltinon, services, Annus', 4 16 August 31-A H Smith, services, July and August, 8 33 August 31-Henry D Cain servi? ces, July AU(\ August, 8 33 August 31-Tyler Dixon, service?, July a nd August, 8 33 August 31-E G Brown, services, August, 4 16 Aug. 31-Marion Sanders, sheriff, services, ag constable, August, 13 50 j August 31-Prince A James, servi? ces Augu?t, 4 16 Sept 30-T W McDonald, services, July, August and September, 12 50 Sept. 30-J B Lemon, services, September, 4 16 Sept. 30-Tyler Dixon, services, September, .i )? Sept. 30^|T J& "Brown, services^ September. : ' ** ' ?_ Sept. 30r~Mftrion Sr?ders^ sheriff/ ser T i ces as co ris ta We, September, Sept. 30-E Bland Mellett, servi? ces, July, Aognstand September, Oct. ?1-Henry D. Cain, services, September and October, Oct. 31-E G Brown, services, October, Oct. 31-E B?andrMeHett, services, October, 0ct..31-Tyler Dixon, .services,. . October, . O.ctjfl-Marion_.S*Ji dejrs^ sheriff, r services as constable, October, Total : S i $535 82 Coroners Inquests, Post Mortem Ex? aminations and Lunacy Accouitte. 1884. Dec. 3-Dr W Hamilton Bur? gess, examination in lunacy $ 5 00 Dec. 3-Dr H J McLaurin, examination in lunacy 5 00 Dec. 4-Dr J M Sanders, ex? amination in lunacy 6 00 Dec. 4-W J Beard, trial jus? tice, affidavits in lunacy (3) 3 00 Dec. 4-Dr A Louis Bland ing, examination in lunacy 5 00 Dec. 4T-M E McDonald; trial justice, affidavits in lunacy, 100 Dec, 6-MarionSanders, shTf- y conveying lunatics. ; Dec?"9-Mari?n Sanders, sh'ff conveying lunatics , Dec. 15-M Sanders, sheriff, summoning"coroners jury, 18 Dec. 15-Dr J Hughson, post, mortem examination, &c 10 Dec. 15-D J Auld, coroner, services at inquest, &c 10 Dec. 16-T V "Walsh, probate Judge, proceedings in lunacy, 4 cases 12 Dec. 16-Dr A Louis Bland ing, examination in lunacy 5 Dec. 16-Dr J A Mood, ex? amination in lunacy, 2 cases 10 Dec. 17-M Sanders, convey? ing lunatic 14 Dec, 26-M Sanders, sum? moning coroner's jury 20 Dec. 26-Dr J A Mood, post mortem examination, &c 10 Dec. 27-D J Auld, coroners services at inquest, &c 12 1885. , Jan. 1-Dr H Y DuBose, post mortem examination, ?c. 10 Jan. 1-W S Dinkins, trial justice, services at inquest, . &e 8 Jan. 1-T D DuBose, con? stable, summoning coro? ner's jury, &c " 2 Jan. 28-W F Bhame, deputy coroner's services . at in-, quest 10 Jan. 28-Dr H Y DuBose, testifying as an expert at inquest, &c 5 Jan. 28-M Sanders, sheriff, summoning coroner's jury, &c 22 Feb. 12-D J Auld, Coroner services at inquest, &c. 10 Feb. 12-Sankey Wilder, disintering dead body, 3 Feb. ll-Dr J A Mood, postmortem examination, &c. 10 Feb. 12-Marion Sanders, . sheriff, summoning coro? ners jury, &c. 25 Feb. 14-Dr J AJtlood, ex? amination in lunacy, two cases 10 Feb. 14-Dr J S Hughsou, examination in lunacy, twtf cases, 10 Feb. .15-Dr H Y DuBose, post mortem examination, 10 Feb. 15-T D DuBose, con? stable, summoning coro? ners jury, &c. 2 Feb. 15-W S Dinkins, trial . justice, services at inquest &c. 9 Fsb. 17-T Y Walsh, probate - judge, lunacy proceedings two cases, 6 Feb*18-M Sauders, sheriff, summoning coroner's jury, &c. 21 Feb. 18-Marion Sanders, sheriff, conveying lunatic ll Feb. 18-W F Bhame, depu? ty coroner, services at in? quest, &c- 10 Feb. 19-Dr J A Mood, post mortem examination, 10 Feb. 19-W F Bhame, depu? ty coroner, disintering dead body, 3 Feb. 20-W F Bhame, depu? ty, coroner, services at in? quest, 10 Feb. 28-W J Beard, trial jus? tice, affidavits in lunacy, two cases. 2 Feb. 27-Dr B Y McLeod, post mortem examina? tion, 10 March 5-B A Hussey, con? veying Lunatic to asylum, &e. 10 March 15-D J Auld, coro? ner, services at inquest, &c. 10 March 15-Dr J" A Mood, post mortem examination, &c. 10 March 15-Mariou Sanders summoning coroners jury &c. 23 March 16-Dr J A Mood, ex? amination in lunacy, 5 March 16-T V Walsh, pro? bate judge, proceedings in lunacy, 3. March 17-W F Bhame, depu? ty coroner, services at in? quest, &c. ll March 17-Dr J S Hughson, examination in lunacy, 5 March 18-Geo H Beid, trial . justice, services at inquest, &c. 8 March 18- Marion Sanders, sheriff, summoning coro? ners jury, &c. 251 March 18-Tyler Dixon, con? stable, summoning coro? ners jury, &c. 2 ' March20-WJ Beard, trial justice, affidavits in lunacy 1 ? April 23-Jas H McLeod, tri? al justice, services at in? quest, 8 i April 23-Prince A James, constable, summoning cor? oner's jury, &c. 2 ( May 5-Dr J S Hughson, ex? amination ia lunacy, 5t May ll-Dr J. A Mood, ex . animation in lunacv, 5 ( May 18-W F Bhame, coro? ner, services at inquest, &o. 10 ' May 22-Marion Sanders, summoning coroners jury, &C. 24 ( May 22-W J Beard, trial jus? tice, affidavit in luuacy, 1( May 25-Marion Sanders, sheriff, conveying lunatic, 13 ? May 26-Dr J A Mood, ex? amination in lunacy, 5 ( May 25-T V Walsh, probate judge, proceedings in luna? cv, 2 cases, 6 C May 25-Dr W J Pringle, ex? amination in lunacy, 5 ( May 23-Dr Ed.- J Bembert, post mo item examination aud examination in lunacy 15 C June 1-Dr J J L Miller, ex? amination in lunacy, 5 ( Juno 1-Marion Sanders, con? veying lunatic, 13 2 June 1-T Y Walsh, probate judge, proceedings in lu? nacy, 3 C June 3-M E McDonald, trial justice, services at inquest, &c. 8 2 June 3-F W McDonald, con? stable, summoning jury in? quest, &C. 2 C June 5-Dr L Geo Corbett, post mortem examination, 10 C June 5-W F Bhame, coroner services at inquest, &c. ll C June 7-Jas H McLeod, trial justice, affidavit in lunacy, 1 fl June 7-Jas H McLeod, trial justice, services at inquest, 8 S June 7-Prince A James, con? stable, summoning coro? ners jury, &c. 2 C June 7-Dr M C Wallace, post mortem examination 10 3 June 13-A H Smith, consta? ble, summoning coroner's jury, &c. 2 0 June 13-Dr J A Mood, post mortem examination, ?c. 10^ June 13-Marion Sanders, sheriff, summoning coro? ners jury, &c, 23,3 June 18-W F Bhame, coro - ner 's se?rices-at inquest, ^ U 25 J une 18-Dr IS Hugbson, postmortem examination, 10 40 Juty4^-T i> DuBoser oon .-< st8iWer8joimoning coroner - jury 2 00 post morten? exam i nation, . " " " ^ &c_ . r? ?>r- 1^201 July^-^'^?efebv i*o?ate judge, proceedings in lunacy ,. . - ^ ... ,, . . . .3,00 July 7--Br?-#Ch?na? exami- -< nation in. lunacy :. . . . -5 00 July 15-r-l)x JAM<K>d,exaini- . -a n?fio?rin lunacy. 5 00 July. I5^-T V Walsh, probate : judge, proceedingsinlunacy.-' 3 40. July 15-Dr Jno S Hughson, ....... examination in lunacy, two "r cases . 10 00*. July 31-"W J Beard; affida- * Tits'in lunacy, 2 eases ; 2 00 August 8^I)r ^ j 4 ?Mood, . post .m?rt?m exanitnatiojv Aug. 8-w:J Beard,: services- ** - at inquest, &c -~ ' " ^ io Aug. 10-W F Bhame; coro . ner, services at inquest, &c 10 75 Aug. II-M Sanders sum - mouing coroners jury, &cv, ' 2'^cases " .- 34^80 Aug. 20-Henry D Cain, con- ' -r? stable; summoning coro? ners jury, &c, 2 eases 4^00 Aug. 2u-W O Cain, trial jus? tice, services at inquest, &c - ; ,.' 8 50 Aug. 21-WP Bhame, coro? ner, services at inquest, &c ll 00 Aug. 20~3)r HeSry^JMcl??r": A M nn, T^sfr'mortem* examih" . ation, ?fcc *. ll 00. Sept.;7???r ir^E De??is, post ; *? ? _ mortem examination 10 00 Sept. 7-T D Jenkins, trial : justice,rs?rv? coroner, 2 inquests 17 00. Sent7-Tyler Dixon, cou * stable,- services atinquest? 2 cases'. : ?% ? ;.. . ? V>K ,-4 00. 8ept.*2-^Q? JR X.. McLeod, : post mortem examination i 10 00 Sept. 24-Daniel Keels, trial . justice,1, services as.' coro-v * ?' ?i ner, at inquest and disin- < tering dead body lt 50 Septa 2?-^JB Lemon j ^consta? ble/services at inquest . 2 00 Octl4^TV Walsh, probate j udge,=lunacy proceedings 3 00 Oct. 14^-Dr Jno S Hughson, ; examination in lunacy 5 00 Oct 14rrDr-J A Mood, exami- . nation in lunacy 5 00 Oct. 14-W J Beard, trial jus? tice,, affidavit in lunacy. 1 00 Oct. 15-M Sanders, sheriff, conveying lunatic 12 90. Total, $1,048 78 1884. Auditor's Accoun ts, Dec. 26--B A Hussey, wood for office, $2 75 Dec. 31-W B Delgar, audi? tor's office supplies, 7 30 1885. . . Jan. 29-B A Hussey, wood for office, . 1 50 Feb. 9-Edward Perry, office supplies, 2 95 Feb. 26-B A Hussey, wood ?or office, v . . 1 50 April 4-Darr & 'Son, adverb g tising, listing taxes, 1 00 April 7-Watchman & South? ron, .-advertising listing * " taxer,'1" 150 April 30-W E Delgar, audi? tor, office supplies, 5 60 April 30-Edward Pern*, of? fice supplies* 2 00 May 18-W B Delgar, auditor : services under Act 1881,' 4XK) 00 Aug. 31-W B Delgar, audi? tor, supplies office, May 1st to date, 5 10 Total, $431 10 Clerk' of Court Accounts. 1884*. '~ Nov. 27-Walker, .Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, $67 25 1885. . ? * Jan 1-Walker. Evans and Cogswell, office supplies, 14 90 Jan 23 -Walker, Evans and Cogswell, office supplies, 16 85 Ja?30-T?atchman & South? ron, office printing, 23 85 Feb. 28-Wm H Cuttino, Cl'k, services February Court, * 69 40 March 2-Wm,H Cuttino, Clerk, express freight on books, &c. 5 01 March 31-A A Solomons, of . ficesuppUes. 38' April 15-Walker, Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, 13 00 April 25-Walker, Evans- - & Cogswell,' office supplies* 2f? 50 May 2o^Watchman & South - . ron, office printing, 20 60 May31-WinH?umnQ,.Ci:k^ . services IjfayGourt, ? ? ii 20 Sept. 7-Wm H Cuttino, Cl'k, . express freight, blanks, &c. ... .6 30. Sept 15-Walker, Evans & ; ' . . Cogswell, .lien book, . "/ ; - r 3 00 Oct. 8-Darr & Son, printing Sub Tickets, 3 50 Oct. 24,-Wm HCuttino, Cl'k? services October Court,, 117 70 Tot?i, $468 44 1884. Treasurers Accounts. - ? Nov. 1-J Batten berg & Sons, * office supplies $ 80 Nov. 26-J Byttenberg & Sons, office supplies 1 00 1885. ; : - Jan. 12-J Byttenberg & Son, office supplies 75 Feb. 2-Darr & Parmelee, ad? vertising treasurers report 71 00 Feb. 3-Watchman & South? ron, advertising treasurers report, &c. 72 00 Feb. 9-Edward Perry, office supplies * ll'70 March 2-Darr & Son, adver? tising tax notice 7 00 April 7-Watchman & South? ron , .adv. "tax notice, &c 13 50 Sept. .2r-Watchman & South- ; . ^ ron, & Temperance Work? er, advertising tax notice . 12 60 Sept 5-Darr & Son, advertis? ing tax notice 8 00. Total, ' $198 35 1884. Master's Accounts. Nov. 1-Walker, Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, $43 75^ 1885. Feb, 3-Walker, Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, 127 Feb. 5-Walker, Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, 73 Feb. 19-Welker, Evans & Cogswell, office supplies, 12 30 April 30-Marion Moise, Ad? ministrator, ?office, 6 mo's, rent SO 00 Julv 6-Marion Moise, Adm'r office furniture, 36 40 Tota?, $124 45 1885. Probate Judge's Account. Feb. 5-J B Carr, work on office, $2 50 Feb. 18-Edw Perry, books for office. " 27 15 March 7-Edw Perry, office supplies, 2 00 April 21-Watchman and Southron, printing for of? fice, 5 00 April30-TV Walsh, judge of probate, expenses having index rebound, * 8 85 April 30-Edw Perry, office supplies, 4 00 Aug. 4-Walker, Evans & Cogswell, books for office 15 60 Sept. ll-Sumter Shannon, r?pairs probate office, 1 25 Sept ll-Edward Perry, in? dex:, 30 Sept 21-J S Keayes, painting , in Probate office, 16 00 Total, . . $8 65 'Jl?yi?jT^ Byttenterg & % ? g? -^oas^Bflc? supplies, rv: ?^O -Fe?t^I^Walker, Evans &>; A Cogswell, official seal : 4 50 Feb. 23-J Byttenberg & Sons, office supplies, 9 12 June 15-TD wilder school " Commissioner, office sup- .>:? -plies,- - 3 - 9 04 Oct. 31-Edward Solomons, Executor rent of office, 60 00 '^?f^^ ^r . f83 irj? Jury (tomint?sw?ntt-Accounts. 4885. ?Feb 28.-i dP. -boring, cora- v - mission?r^erv?ces Februa^ ry QOU?|? ?J g $39 00 Oct. 23T-TJ F Xonrig, com1 . missioner, services to date, 36 00 Total, $75 00 Supervisor of Beg'istraiion Accounts. .1884. ?ftT/T 3 - - ?Kov. l-^FG?fllafd,' suff?rvi- - I sor, office supplies, $7 45 ? Advertising Printing and Stationery 1884. Jj . ;cr ' g Nov, 17-Darr & Parmelee, printing certificates ~ $10 00 ^Nov^lT^W&lker^. Evans & Cogswell; office supplies, commissioners 165 [ Nov. 25-Watchman & South? er ; re?;: publishing annuai re- ..; i port commissioners 50 00 ,KoV:-29^-W?lker; Evans & Cogswell,. office, supplies commissioners' : IS Dec. 1-p.arr & Farmelee,: publisnir . annual report commis0 .uers 50 00. Dec/?5- " xe &' Parmelee, adver ^?ag^RR notice. <6'25 Dee.-15-Darr & Parmelee, advertising R R notice' ' 6 25 Dec; 27-^Darr & Parmelee,.,. advertising poor house no? tice- - . rc ^ 150 Dec,50r7rWatchman & South? ron, advertising poor house notice, &CV- 3 75 K885vr- : I Jan.l-Watchman South? rons prin^ingroad. notices 7 -50 Jan. 16-Darrand Parmelee, , printing-blanks - 10 00 Jan.;13-.Walker;? Evansr :&. : > _ Cogswell, office'supplies 1 60 ?FebV28-DartPfc Parmelee, * ?dyeE?sing'/ presentment * grand jury * 20 00 Fer>.?28^-Watchra?n & South? ron, printing office -sup plies ' 5 75 March S^rWatchman and Southron, printing road summons 10 00 May. 7-I)arr & Son, adyertis ; ing poor house and roads 3 10 May ?2^Watchman & South? ron, advertising poor house and roads, &c. 3 60 June 1-Watchman & South- - : ron,. advertising, .present? ment grand jury, 2 29 10T June-6^Darr & Son, adver? tising presentment grand f jury, 1 6 40 Aug. ?--Waiker, Evans" & Cogswell, supplies county. . commissioners ' 3 70 Sept. 2-Edward Perry & Co., supplies county commis- . stoners' ". 3 03 Oct. 10-Darr&Son, advertis? ing bridges and annual meeting 3 80 Oct; 20-Watchman & South? ron and Temperance Work? er, ?dvertising bridges, annuaLmee?ing, &c. 19 95 Oct. 24-Darr & Son, publish? ing presentment grand jury:.- , 8 40 : 'Total, $266 11 Public Buildings Account. 1884. Nov. 5-J P Ard, gla?ng in . court-house, . $7 85 Nov. 6-J D Craig, glass ?nd putty, for court- house, 4 70 N0V. IC4-J.J. McLeod, work ; on;jafrwelI,": 2 00 lr Navi-;25-^Stahcil Branson, repairs on jail, - 40 00 Dec: 15--J RCarr, repairs on clerk's office, . . ..... 27 80 1885. - -, Jan: 2f-^? C Scaff?, repairs or? court-house roof? &c. 4 10 Feb. 9-A A Solomons, bag? ging for court-house floor, 6 00 JFeb. 13JT-J3D Craiff,;chairsior court-house, &c. 57 00 Feb. 16-T C Scaff?, repairs stoves, court-house, 4 20 March 23-J B Carr, lumber for jail," * 6 62 March 25-W:}VD Chandler. 'J work at jail, 9 50 March 27-J Byttenberg & Sons, material for jail work 4 25 March 30-R W Durant & Sob, nails, &c. for jail, 155 March 30-H Harby, lime for jail work, 6 00 Aprill-sT Ryttenberfif&Son, material forjail work, &c. 2 90 April 30-W H Epperson, lumber for court-liouse re-' pairs, . - . . 50 . May 18-W H Philips, jr., re g??rs;;-buildings at poorh? ouse, . 83 34 May 21-A A Solomons, bag? ging-for courfcnoose floor, 1 06 June,!-T G .Scaffe, piping, &c. for stoves in court? house, &c. 6 75 July 13-L M Barwick, pave? ments court-house yard, &c. 46 03 [j August 10-Adam Young re-... pairs on jail, "... 58 00 August 17-^Young & Smith, repairson jail, after fire> 31 50 Augusf.'26~ Adam Young, sealing probate office, &c 18 90 August 28-B B Weeks, work on jail well, 3 00 Sept. 3-Wesley James, work on court-house yard, , - 2 00 Sept. 23--Dave Bostick, work on court-house steps, &c. 3 90 October 21-John J Brunson, repairs railing, court-house steps, &c. - 18 00 ...- $457 44 .Miscellaneous Accounts. 1884. ' Nov. 3-HD Cain, Work on polling place, &c. $4 00 Nov. 3-F P Gaillard, work . on polling place, &c. 7 25 Nov. 4-J E D Bell, work on polling place, lumber, &c. * 12 00 Nov. 4-A K' Sanders, work on polling place, &c. 5 00 Nov. 4-Jos W Brunson, work on polling place, . : 5 00 Nov. 4-Jas L Folk Agt, rent: for polling place, 2 DO Nov:4-W J B Davis work &c. on polling place, 3 00 Nov. 4-W G Wells, lumber, &c. for polling place, 5 00 Nov. 4-J Oliver Durant, * work on polling place, &c. 2 50 Nov. 4 -J M Reid, lumber, . &c. for-polling place, 100 Nov. 4-rT.B.Owen, work and . lum ber for polling place, 15 00 Nov. 23-R V Griffin, work on polling place, 2 00 Dec. 12 -Marshall Horn, ser? vices as special constable, 3 55 Dec. 18--rDaniel Salters, damages to horse and bug? gy on public highway, 55 00 Dec. 20-J Ryttenberg and Sons, blankets, SM. for jail, 2015 Dec. 31-T V Walsh, Clerk, paid for wood, county com? missioners, . 2 50 Dec. 27-J5. AI Hussey, wood, county commissioners, 2 75 1885. ., Jan. 10-H D Cain, services as special constable, . . 2 85 Jan. 22-R E Muldrow, trans? porting road tools, &c. 3 80 Jan. 29-B A Hussey, wood, county.commissioners, &c. 1 50 Feb^T-^ule Mellett, ser? vices as special constable, 2 45 Feb. 10-Marion Sanders, sheriff, paid sundry expen? ses of court, 8 50 Feb. 20-Marion Sanders, i sheriff, paid for fire wood i .fbr?ourt^.^ ^ i J?l ''' seit^g trees in cou^^ow v for court house ^* ^^^^?S^^ Feb: 28-B A - B&^f*^^<^^:Z^? ^for ftAimg- ^nTar^^mgi?-^ .; ^yi jj^^^ damage to ;h3^-o$*?j^^ March 3^BT3l?ttet?n&Si? Marc? 18^?^Wa?Snvt??^-^^^^? paid express^'^v^^HR^^ March l^F^SS^D^^^^^^ dies in road tools -^&K03 May 21-T .Y Wa^^cloife^^^ paid scouring offices?-11^!!!?:.".^^^^^^^ tage. &c. " - :' >"jT?;^^ &Iay23-M Sanders, v?*e^2* cleaning UP court house - . " TuneSO-T V Walsh; -<tet%. paid ^flns am^^^^^m postage, &c. . . , .^?l?fe July 16-W H M*artrov medfc^f cines for .prisoners Bru|?^^?^p?^|^ 3ept.* 3^1 V ..W?lshj^ ?????^^^^m, '% paidjreigbt, cleaning <Myf Sept.* 22-H B Leve, - SjicwhU f constable servie?ar? Oct. 2-?has H Moiso<?ga^c^ i??sr^^ insurance on court-house. .^J?H^ Oct. 2-A White &Se^a?6^r^^^8 insurance OQ- jail#nd.poo?f<6?^^^g^^ Oct. 2-A Moses, agent, insur- ?? ance on-eeurt houser -. -^J^M?^^^ Oct. 5-J Bittenberg^??|K ~~*filSB . court supplies Oct, 12-M Sanders^ ?0*1?^^^?^ cleaning up court- h?tftaew^:^^?^ Oct.?2-T ^'Walshv" ciUl^j^l^^ 0ct?31-J A Bcbwe^ ?^ .^; ^^^B tor court house . . ? : ? ^ ,.VSS^5p Feb. 28-P P .:Gaiil?^-x'??l stable. Feb; court?. John Craigs co?st?roi-r February courts- --zt& K^???SB? L E White, constable :Oo3&M February court, ^ gaL ^W?^aE L D Jervey, constanta*^ J?E"^P February- court, . : A Robinson, confit?mP^-.-r^?^^ February court, - - \;, :^JM?HB L E White, onstaWe^;2^H FebruaiTC?otrrt,:!-'-^^ ^!^JHjPg? February court,^ .^33^^8 John <?raig> coratoW^5*^ ':??z&?^ Auw eeKS(. cooBtmawr^-^^^^s^ss February court, _ . -, ? ^*MH3I J P Ard, Februwooint^^;0[^^ May 31-P P Gaillard, ?Oii^^H stable. May court ;. ?. JSH?& W H Commander, cou- ^ k^-^^^M stable, May court ? ?Jkf??g?? LD Jervey, constab?e^g^^^^j Isaac WMte,oonstabley.^^^^?- ^ May court - ??SSBSIl B J Barwick, constaWe^f PP Gaillard, constable, -^"S^lp Ellerbe Jones,, consta-:^#S|?^ ble, May court _ >%J^gg F M Jones, constable^ .. ?^^H W P Singleton,, con- ??i*?BIl?| stable, May court ?* '\^5i^8?St W P Singleton, consta- '?Sf?lj ble, May court.. ;,. * ". " *7^-MaB Total, Total court expenses for fis- .. - cal year, ? | | County ComMsB??fiers dBt^^^^^? ber, 1884 ' '.-V;/-|;^^^ Wm. A. Cooper, Ex-Ct?'fcy.>?l^^^B man, was 12 days in dis charge of h??j?ut?c^^-?^vQ^^^^ travelled 2^;i??l(^ ?s?t^^^^^ of approved, accounts, V R. W. Jenkins, Commisa?T?v v'--'.tS^^^p er,, was 1.0 days,'.in''.djs-?Jl-v|?.?S^ charge of his duties, and -wi^??J^? travelled 238 miles AmV^^^^g of approvMi accooiitsL^^: :9S?H^M Total Old Board, ~^*I1I?H County Commissioners anij&eHtFim^ F. M. Melle?, ' (^airman;A' has been 70v-days, m >TtfceW^|S|?^ discharge ofc his duties, t it??&*$gl. and has traveled ^?lt\:?-t**^0 miles. Amt of acooast8'<: approved, ' < '--v.-r $ttt iRooert E., : MuWrow, im^t^^^^ been 70 days in the ^" ?-?^^^8 charge of his duties, and ^'-"^S"^^ has traveled^ %?& wefaf\ ^i^^B Amount of k<x?tmt^- $^^^^^^? proved. - ^^Ili^B^B S. Leroy Shaw, ha3 beeii^pm.^^g days in the dise^arg^-iil^ his duties, and - bas tra> - ; veled 1800 miles. ->r?M& z?&g0?^ of accounts approved, Stf 'Ot^fe T. V. W^Ish, Clerk, w\Br-? r^'^^M approved as Clerk, Bcwtj/r^-^^S County Ck)min5ssioce^v^^"^ Total; - Grand Total. tiX95F&&:? Roads and Bridges, [^mSm^0 Poor House and Poor, M&y&&$% Sheriff, . - ?^??^??0^ Trial Justices, - - Constables, - Coroner's Inquest^ .-??8t;w '--^'^^? Mortem Examinations, - -.^d?tp| and Lunacy Accounts, Auditor, IS^??i Clerk Court, ?. P. A G. Sr,r ^^^- 5 Master, ^ i Probate Judge. P^^fefe School Commissioner, Jury Commissioner, ^ ^^^r^^^^f?? Supervisor of Re&sfo*t? - v Advertising, Printing ,JMI3^S.^^^;X v Public Buildings, '^WijC. - ; Miscellaneous Accounts,> Court Expenses, *Totar"ftr^-''^C^ fiscal year, including Ctank-i stables at Court, " rlSsfff'i -: County Commissioners and ^v ^r, Clerk, tt?r^? Total, 10,^^,1 November 17, 1885. ~ :^ .^ri^K This Board has held Tl .Vfjpp^^ Meetings, and varions m4je6i??;?i#l Public Highways as to Brid?^pfc.':i^vg few accounts of Trial Jastici^ Constables, not yet preficroS?v^^^ are not reported herein. : T I, Thos. Y. Walsh, Clerk o Board of County- Coinmiasfca?i Sumter Countj,, do t?^igr^ that thc foregoing report iot year, ending October $lg?*$S correct and just; and thafeaftW were properly iteniiiedai4^!! the law requires.- '???^S^^^M Gerk BrU Co. C^BIMS?II '?Ti .Jg?