BATES. subscribers lo" ex |-sej>er, and^per??ca ? ? 3t? ^r^^naie ?cfvW^bsenbera will h&re paid in - ?drance^ who w3H inisc?rer Saie-Blanding- A Bla?diog, ~ I Br?s?es?W* W. D..Cbana1ei^ rSeecte~W:H. Martin. preparations to move, ?^eoollng off ?n He^derson filili It u t tu fjcTiT on another to Charleston. Wallace has gone t?Thil?dal bas gone to Jame? Island McCown "Bas returned to: Dar Mr*. Hewitt and Mrs. Garner hare retnrued :??F?r. spent some ?ay*' in nkins, from Charlesto a, 'of W?miagton if v?sr ^?tlt?oii Sanders, and -daughter hare m T?Dec ?-. ?ftHbrt?&r-;J Summer. j||$IP:.; Cooper ha*. left^Somter for a > to Philadelphia. i^ggl^tesa^^ Lnuie Steele, sister of Mrs. McF-tddin ;r?i?r?'?d t ber borne ?u York Jtt. C. E Stobbs and two children tetre "^^?SeaaetsonviUe, . Ci? for a short ?$ ? ^^ gone to Smith C.j. fa spetti , a few days with his FSSsKs? . J^^^?rsi^Jv Winn w?tb Mrs. Sam . Wilson and eau Springs Atelier fron? Mr..C. F. A. Buitman, dated " - ; jleiE^r^ io?blrm? that he will be home i--:^W~ii?^?^3^^ueH?f last Sriday. for * visit ^S^Sto^ ' --?-.. ;;>^3?r;'S- K53fiufieId_of Pisgab, made osa pleasant call last week. We are always glad to #eerour friend ?n?gfad to know he bas a * v ^ her niece, Mis3 Har?on; are v?sltin? friends in Somier. Their 'wiS^^^x^-'^^'^"^^ to see them in I of-the; serious illness ?o?ilC?^^fl:^^ We jErw'iiim Wednesday here in to wo in. good ?a&Jast accounts, he.was very ill. ^^^Vbad^.-pieasttst eaH laat Saturday from .3^ Packsvniet S.C. Mr. * ^??B^^'a^pr^igxessite young farmer who beHeterin diversified industries on the farm ? card from Ber. J. H. Carpenter te??s" -as be w^bebome in MayesviKe this week. He jja?j?tya thiY ter basent nice teeth. We will be glad to see Brcv^agaln. %.... .-?. J&*^<^C. Brown expects; to return borne iPP*- this week. We Ti&ve been expecting a contri bution from biia in the shape of one of his racy piqucit letters but thu3 far have been disappointed. However, we live in hope. ' V ^gjCv J-^B. Broad way, who moved from Somier to Orangeburg last year, will leave to-day for Alabama where be will take charge ofalarge turpentine establishment. We are sorry/or Coath Carolina to lose so good a CtuXSQ. : J.H." Bracey and wife wbo left Sum ter County forFionda, several years ago. are oat ob a riait to their many friends in Ssmter Coanty. We had the pleasure of a abort call free our friend and are glad to know that be bei? doing- well in the Land of Flowers. The Allowing from the Florida Etdcz shows the estimation in which be is held in Altoona : ' ?Z''^i?e^L -' . Brace/ left on a visit to South ^CaroltBS'goaday last. We regret to see such saca ar Mr. Bracey leaving. oar towa even -temporarily,- /or be is loved and admired as a Christian gentleman, aad enterprising citizen ; wre trust hi* risii to bis native State will be pleasant, and nope to welcome him soon again tooer Sonny Land of Flowers. r " Miss^am?e Stehle is voting ber sister, Mss^ J. T. So?emoB?, in Troy, Abbeville Coeaty. Vfeare^oite sure that Jfisa Hamie is baring * glorious time? for we gather the following from the Abbeville papers in rela tion thereto. "The past week has beer: an eventful cne in the warof eotertainmen ts ; first was the Phan tom ?arty-ajpd reception at Mr. J. T. Solo m?na, given in honor of Miss Mamie Stehle, of Som ter, 8. G. All preparations bad been kept from ber. She knew nothing ?fnt2 &ey begaar to arrive by pairs masked in their beets. Upon arrival they were ushered iato * loBgroom where they were comfortably seated to await farther orders. Very soon they were invited to take their partners (if they could manage to get one) and repair to I the conr.modions ball, and take their places for a dance. The Troy suing band furnish ed excellent music for the occasion. After a abondance the unmasking took place which was enjoyed by every one present. And theo -^Cag^dclise^sjcp cream and cake, which was served in the mos?-erq'.?sjte .style and would have done justice to the most ikstrdims, Tbey again repaired to the ball and engaged in "tripping the light fantastic toe" until tbe boor for our departure arrived, when every one tamed their faces homeward and were soon 'safe :n the arms o? Morpheus.' " Winborn leaves Su m ter at an early day. Col. F. M. Mellett placed ns under obliga tioos last week by a fine watermelon. . W# regret that tbe favors of some of oar eemspottdeots came in jast in time tobe too .X Mrs. Z. r*. Moses has some beautiful speci .aseas- of reeled silk, from tbe cocoons she ?taad this summer. '-W^"Farmers wbo need work on their gins can Waccommodated by writing to Mr. W. W. ^l^jTJis^?er; Seead. . f ; ?beae in need of real estate will do well to read tbe advertisement, "Lands for Sale" in r^^-'tOHlaTfa-paper* AH*kinds and conditions are - ;.?"^*Tb?-Camden Journal bas entered upon its ./? '--^fc.Vobjme.- The journal is a good paper, and we are glad that added years bave oot .^ weakened its rigor or impaired its usefulness. %? ^.-?Hairrab fortbe Town Council. One cross ' -HtoHL is going down, and the Chief of Police . teils cs that he will put another on the North ?a*o( the markit, which by the way is tbe it because of the town pump, ill the C.: B. ornees are supplied " ? pump, and consequently / .^Messrs; ?brekefr-A BuftmanfeaTO-nearJycom? p?e ted a Iar|$ addition to ti?? rear -of their store. It takes ?c?r of room to hoid the thou sand ?ad ooe things they keep for their cos tomers. Bishopyllle'e Trial Justice. We tbat,Mr.. ;T. D. Jeakins has been appointed Trial Justice at Bisbopville in place of Squire Reid who resigned. We think tbat -Governor Thompson made a'wise selection, and believe that oar friend will make a first class T. ? -??.?? The Colored Methodists. The Reformed Methodists are siili poshing .-their woik among the colored people in Sura terand Cflai^dc?._-TJreT hare_. jost xlosed a J enccessfol meetinij?r Elisabeth Co^rch below Manchester,, and are holding one near Mr. Josiab Haynesworth's; ? R. ?J. Aunvews, *heir missionary, is anxious for more work and the pastarviRev. J. O^Weatonv . wishes for everyf body to come oa t and hear his side of tbe questfon -?- . ? - Smithville, E . C. I Mr. Aliamoci Moses returned from Smith* T i? Saturday, and his description of the de lights of that an -active place is sufficient to make tbe last one of as wish to leave Sumter for tbe next six -veeks, at least, and hie to that Mecca Tor fagged out, over-worked hu manity. Jost think of the attractions i t offers ; ite breezes, sails, fishing,*fcc, "with all the; conveniences and comfott3 a fi rat class hotel can offer. , TheS."&.I. excursion- will leave the 3d August. Tickets only $3.50 for the round Crops. ?Tews from all parts of the County, continue favorable for a good crop. Among those re ported to as recently as having remarkably fine crops we would mention Mr. H. E. Evans of Spring E ill, Capt. J. H. McLeod of Rafton Crede, Mr. Willie Young in the same neighborhood and Mr. David. Lide in Priva teer. Over towards Bishop ville, all are good, but. win mention two^--Mf, 1 vvijl oJIW tur sale at, S ni t?r C. H. on Saie Day ?n ^ ' ru-.xt,. Iffin^ the 3d. day ci the monili', du ri rig the, usual )jouy4 of sale, to the highest and best bidder for Cash, the f?ljowiny: described prop erty of aforesaid listate; to wit: 180 Acres of Land (une hundred and" eighty) tu Spring Hill ?own^hip, boijidr?* North by land conveyed to U. C. F. Kupff, West by land bargained to Mrs. Montgomery, East,by public Road hading Iron?JViivijlrnce t.?V?ish op vi 11 eland. So n't by laud of Henry Burden and others. Also, l'.?*J-ld (twilve and two-tenths)! Acres, of Land, same Tovvniship, ..bounded: Jiorlli by Land of Arthur McDanicU. Ko?.t.h". and .lands of Instate Guigna rd Rjejb-. ardson/ East by poulie: read leading from Providence to Bistropville. Purchaser to-pay for necessary papers and expenses of sale. " T. V. WALSH, Julv 7 Hi Judge of Probate. AN ORDINANCE Entitled "An Ordinane to Prohibit and ahnte Certain Nuisances in Tow nof Sumter, and to punish violations thereof." Be it Ordained by the Intendant and War dens of the Town of Snmter, in Council as sembled, and by authority of the same. SEC. I.?That the several subjects, acts, practices, &c , mentioned and treated in Sec tions If, III and V, of this Ordinance, are hereby declared to be misdemeanors, offences and pol?lrc nuisances, open subjects for win plaint and abatement,to be provided agaiustas follows. Towit: SEC. II.?That from and after publication of xhis Ordinance, it shall I??? Bnlnwiul "for any person or persons, to slaughter, clean or dress, any animal or carcass thereof for mar ket ; or to keep swine in peus ; or to tmild or erect any privy on any private or prihlic lot nearer than twenty feet of any public street; or to permit access of stvine to any privy on any private lot; orto permit by -neglecting the timely removal of same, theaccumulations of any privy to become offensive to the citi zens of Town of Snmter ; or to fill up, or ob struct by deposits therein, or otherwise any ditch or drain, thereby hindering the free pas sage of water, from or vn any street or private lot, withiu the Corporate limits of Town of Sumter. SEC. JH.?That it shall be unlawful for any person or owner or occupant of any lot to build or -erect any gate, or to retain any gate already built or erected, in such manner as to swing outwards from . the premises, across or over any street or sidewalk ; or to allow any well pit ?r reliar, on any lot? to swing open or uncovered, and without pro tection to persons or animals ; or to commit any trespass by cutting or mutilating uproot ing or injuring any tree on any public street, square or avenue; or to tie or hitch any horse mule or ox to any tree as above stated; or to allow any horse, mule or cattle to go at large; or to leave any horse or horses, mule or mules, or other animals attached to any ve hicle, standing on any public street, unat tended by a capable person in charge of same; or to shoot or discharge any fire-arms, gun, pistol or revolver; or to shoot, discharge or throw any sbo't, ball, arrow or other missile pwhatever from any fire-arm, bow, sling-shot or air gun; or from any instrument or device used for shooting, discharging or throwing shot, balls, arrows, or.otber jnissils whatever, in any street, or public or pi i vate lot Church yard; or to deposit or throw empty cans, glass bottles, old shingles, lumber, 4c, into any street, avenue or open lot, within the Corporate limits of Town of Sumter. SEC. IV?.?Tbatirom and after publication of this Ordinance, any person or persons who may do, permit, allow or cause to be done, permitted or allowed, any of the acts, prac tices or conditions, etc., declared by and in Sections 11 aud-III of this Ordinance tobe unlawful, shall upon view of the Chief of Po lice or other officer of Town of Sumter^ or upon complaint made by any- citizen thereof, be summoned to appear before the intendant of Town of Sumter for trial, and upon proof to conviction of auy act, -practice-, or condi tion Hereinbefore declared to be unlawful, sball be liable, to a fine not exceeding Fifty dollars, or imprisonment iu the Town Guard House not exceeding thirty days, or both, at discretion of the Intendant. - - - - SEC. V.?That from and after publication of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any ^bitch,rro season, to fun at-^arge^--within fhe (Vrp?rate limits of Town of Sumter, either wittKpr without a badge, and any bitch so foundrUp?ing at large, shall be taken up by any PoUceTpag of Town of Snmter, or may be taken up byan^yV'?ze.0 ?X Town of Sumler, and delivered to- tSc Qh?ef;<>f Police to be con fi ed and disposed ^10 case of dogs run ning at largecontraryrrjr^rdinance ofTown of Sumter, in such cases maaeTW^; provided. SEC. %L?That the Chief \> * other policemen of Town of Sumter ar?tn?r& by directed and required to give constat?t faithful attentiou to the police duties injplied j and expressed by terms of this Ordirrj?tt^j and to the prompt enforcement of its rejPP^f ments, or otherwise* be answerable--to the i Town of Sumter for neglect of duty. Done and ratified in Town Council assenv'l L#eaW^?g&^J^?^o?4j?^^ Town 'of ?umtery t?ts 30 th day oT June, A.^D.J885. - MARION ?u?sr, fii. S.] Intends C. il. lIuRS^Bfit?rk k Treasurer .NDERSON, Attorney at Law, S UM TER, S.C. . . "Will practice in adjoining counties. Collecting made a specialty. SUMTER HIGH SCHOOL, S?MTEK, ?. C, . . . C. & X?? W. DICK, Principals. An j??glish, .Classical and Math ^ematica! School. Tuition from l$2.00 to S?.OO per .mouth. Board Svith the Principals at $10.00 per month. Circular containing full information sent on application. First ses sion begins Sept. 3, 885. July 7_ 2 WANTED; AMAN to contract to make 300,000 or 500,000 Brick to be made at.Cawden, S. O. Apply to JACOB S. AliLBN, July G ^ pMmdfn. S. C. ~~ REMOVAL; MRS. M. A. FLOWERS thanks her friends and lady customers for their patronage heretofore and .informs- them that she will hereafter conduct her Dress Making at her residence on -Republican Street one door /West of-Church. Cutting aud fitting done in the latest styles. Highest Honor *^ vxomtbb-_ ' World's Exposit??nJ AWABDEL TO E.W.&W. R.SMITH, of the _ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Students can begin any week-day during the yew. No vacation. TiPie to complete the f nil Diploma. Buisnene Course about 10 week*. Average total -jft^ including Tai-. tion, Set Beeks, ud Board in a family, 820.? TelMUpny, Phonography and Type Writing fr^|^ lotejaiT Course ?reo7 Indies received. Over 6000 Successful Graduates. Over 500 pupils last year from 15 totorvvsQl ?=e, from ?state*. Instruction is practically and individually Imparted by 10 teachers. Special course for Traber* ?od Busi ness Men. University Diploma pre?e?ned *>1t?^uAtes. This beautiful city t* noted for iu hcalthrulness aau society, aaa is on leading railroads. _ . . The Text-Book which received the hiehert award at tho World's Exposition for if Kstcndve. Practical, and ynni-. nreheusire x-ntem oT Business Edneadoft. is used only at tnie' College. It ta the eheapeU Celle? ^ilh the Ma-fce?t enderje aent, and jruaranteo* succ?s* in business to its de^mns gradu ais. For circular* and fall particular. ?.MrewtM Kre?idenu ? ; xcs. toi c^u'wrLBim jL SM?TH, Islington, Ky. HOTEL BeOiSWiOK" Sn?&ille} , G, THIS POPULAR S?MM?? ?ESO'RT Is now open, for the reception. p? guests, | under .ne w m'anrrgt?'ient. The ?loit-fia bcau t li fu U.V. located ; , fronts a tliev/atcr; with j f?ie..-Vlbintic Crear, i.n u?ll view. ., itti? atjon is healthful, and us free from malaria as any isoittheru .oi-?i?jde l?esort. A B??D Of .MfJSIC has b?cu.en I gaged. a*?? a. Pavilion, over iJie. wal?r.con I lattis a i?all Room and all.the Amusements usually to tie found ?{ Summer Itesorts. ! BOATS may be had fornicasi? re purposes, i I managed by fX'per. :ucc?i uieu. at short notice. i Til Ma'X A? uU will..spure, no pains to j i make the visits of his guests pleasant, and he respecilully iu\?ies the patronage of the pub- j I HC? '?.....--.; ? j RAT KS - P? r day, - fi?J ; per \v.crk, Si 0 : per inoiiih ?? . Spremt ICtU-s tv ?l Le made for the tcai-::::. ?*srf ?OTKL r.UC'NSWICK, I July Suit!hVillf, tf. C. "_ -?? - '-1 j lip fii ?i| STAUNTON, VJuGINLi. ! C\???ts..Se?.teinbor l'L-t^.lSS?. 0|j?i pf the j ?i'retlSc?iboIs f?>r Voung'? !',nitciL i ?tales; Sjirrtrundbigs; be?ii?,tjfiiK Climate nosurrasiicd. Piryjls fro'?! cigMcVn Siatt-s. : Refers 10 one ?housandJ pupils ; patrons. ; TK.HMS ?%IX$& Til B?$r l\ .tub; i GNTp?T. Hoard, ? Kr?gl isii' - Gm? rs?, Latin, ! ITrc'n'??f, t3en*>-*n, M'usic, for Scholastic ' year, from September to June. $2o'S. For catalogues write to I?BV. WM. A. UARRIS, D. D., Pres't. li'. S?iuutoa,' Virginia, ; War now. seems immiuent between RUSSIA ENGLAND, But what is niore interest ing and coures nearer home is that ALTAMOHT MOSES has declared war against old TIME PRICES and is now selling goods at THE SMALLEST MARGIN ever known in the history of I the people. .. r Renieinber 'tis tfe nimble j sixpence ?f?at soon hin? iato pounds, and in these hard, times people should; look at " ; his goods before they buy, as a penny saved is a penny ] made. He - ;V4JM?$Hj?Sy4X? : UTE STCFfS, GLASS, Ft?F?% ?re. Prlco's Cream Bafcfag ; . W hielt for purity, strength and bcalthfulness : stands alo.u?, ;?? ? ^ . ;fcTc? Pafcat Star Lamp/ Giving a light equal to 3 or 4 ordinary lamps . and is perfectly safe. -.. ,>m For ladies ahdv genfs:-/; Easily adjusted and ?worn with comfort, } - Full, supply vf Presh Garden Seeds. April 9 . . _ FOR SALE; ]f\f\f\ 'POUNDS jote?est Cured .Corn drop of rain ^nit siuce palled. Also OATS of present crop. E.'.W. IlAfi.BS, July 6_. Privateer, S. C. REAL ESTATI AGENCY. THE .UNDERSIGNED rbay^ng piade ar rangements fur/1 he printing of several thousand 4>a>mprrWt8 descriptive of the physical as well as thc.otber f?H?tHres.-pf ibis section of the State, {which will be sent to*all par's of he countiy, to parties desirous of purchasing lands in the Suuth. ) ifyose. who are anx ious to dispose cf re*> estate may djo-? to great advantage bv calling on us at; oar re spective of?ices. " P. G. BOWMAN,;\ June 9 D. B. ANDERSON. SUMTER BARBER SHOP.' REMOVAL,: i ?T*.-?-' 7-??=tt h - THE UNDERSIGNED .informs, his cus tomers and the public generally that he hus removed his Barber, Sfmpf,tossite- r?ojti UP ST Ad BS OTER THE STORK OF E>?C?r ER & BULTMAN, where be solicits a continu an ?-e of patronage.. .. , IVrfect; .satisfeci ion guaranteed in HAIR-CCTT??GV.;; VV : SLAVING, ??--?; - . : . SHAMPOOING, k . Ladies .and families waited upon at their hor?u'S. when desired. - V?" ; . ?* June 16 J. S. NETTLES'. THE TEfiffERAWCE WORKER, Removed from Columbia, S. C. X Live, Tci??pcfaticrj Patrer/ Published Sfin.i-monthly in S?M?KI?, 3. C. Under the Ed'iler?aT. roar?sgimcar cf . II. 5. Ci;::eitzbkko, c.w ct. <>y ?.o.g . o? s. c.} ^ an able cun?s of Ivlitprs. ( - T?ie patroiz.ige & $? inCueu^ - WELi SEASWE8 ROMfMlf dbess??, jo^ A iarg? lot of .Cypress Pa lings,. Ini?jn*d, aad dres?edy besides a ti^'jpwfftrijffiffi :? BNORESSEfl ???? ; g Of - a4,l sizes.- > Any Ih jog hoi ?? hand will be promptly ordered. .* ? - Feb24 BOOMING-": ?4? ~j : '? - The ndersigoed informs?his friends and pat* ; M^^^^^^Mti I.: ; ?. Tj;, and?isflowdocaJeS&tSft'-* STO?E k????^?0\^^^^^^?XT?i' ?BTL a?.d COMPLETO'. a^?^SST: / ' r of eveiy article io be found io^ ; A FIRST CtASS iAKER?/ .. r -'?-He* ?ritt make.* specialty .of . ? - .?.. ?g ' " FR?F?TS, C?? ,ECTK)K^BY a^:fanct^ a co min uan ce of- past favors is j^pectfu solicited and satisfaction- ** April ^j^Qg-..-: ICE I HAVE OPE5BB .3{T'T0B. And repectfi?tty^flBS^?j^roy^gg public. ^ trusuhat fiStsffoftf is* ^aerante? j Orders forl&mi'^ cf^^ ?ica wiU be filled at^or^^ ^.aad deliver?, ed i , any part ?f*towji. 50 to??O ct? j per quart. '* t I. will deliver da^Tifipwie^wyson.ito ca^ ^ tornerai ice in any qua?#^/aV^..f^ (prices ;less iban 5?'? ^4$,^ c?nte; 'fi?m. 50 to 100 pounds, .1^ <^ts^ov?r-lt? poundv ?J cents per yoend. Special riles to r?jfid?i^:; customers; .r^ ^ - ? r,;.'^?. ' s?r*-?.,-! ".^v, Remember .that I am the only one in. to?rri who keeps ?ce at all times, anoTI ask the pat-> ??nage of. .the : citizens -to enable me to keep 1 my ic? house ojfitudU th^s^Sjor*.:^ c ,. . tr. J. . April 1< ' ? -? " r*" w"*2 it ? Atlantic pi^AEpffi^; ^ ! (Embracing Virginia, if/ and' ^5. CaroBea. j OFFICE, GBEK^V?LLE, S. C. j ani &ejiaf??reht P-re?d ft^ - . OPOT^ ifcp^i%tHiSecve^.<| t. T?*&?ltt.B; 31. Department iledkml %.lhrector?. . . " ? IIo?*^Off|CP, ? jV Qfxfy TeX... S?3t C??DtFF,,lP^??nL ? Mi .MAayVlSeceetjif5).^f<<.( A, W. MO?fRfSON, Treasxfrsr. io ?n h?fierflftfy ofe ^tnrifft?? die : in ours they have to tice to . ' ifit * ?1* ?2 ? . This Asocia io.? is. how. a string, andi migluy ocgi?niZHtiOB, and well organ?2ed al4 the way across,the Continent... It has passed^ the period of experiment and }>eril. ?t has ? mewriers^ip^Feb^ast, _;ss5j?f / , ?^. and ?s grow?ii'g more mpidly, perhaps, than any associ?t ion* in America. mi \Te .p^r^AU.ouj.death beneSts ingulf, and IwyrS?.proflip^y.,..;:... ilv> ^ ^ Opr coupons are paid as they mature. U?ir reserve fund, loaned ip ^?r, .njewb*^ will suf?iveJo,pny. pur maturing" cc?pons for twelve mooThs to come.?y? j , . .if. G. ?stsb2?; Local Agent! Sumter. Si. C - m Are you failing, try Vfetxa' HumB?. X?W?3, a pure, cleaz^ whejesotae For EraJ^Kerros. W?nwch, Lir*? Kkteeyi liongs. An-uneqwated ita iguwat -Care? U* ^ Headache, Fever. Agne? CffllK " DEBILITI & WfAKNESS. Nice to tafeo, ?mo merit,'une^ Curpsof rafearrh ef OnJ .^^ f* In tornajoiion, Irritattonof Ktf ncjiwwa Bladder, Stono er ?ravel ? feS**^ the I^ostato Gland, propeieat j ?'velJines, Female r?seascs, lacoartia. enee otTJrin^aU Wjeasesof the GenJto-i Urinary Organs i?-eithersex. Jor lJa?J For SFPmUS. - cither cocinctcd or heriiistiftP' tion Bitter?Synm, $?.0&i>efc?boit^BO