The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 30, 1885, Image 3

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ZU wtafrbman ir? ^outijrcii TUESDAY, JUNE 30. Tho Sumter M vic h man was founded lu 1S50 and tue /V/'.- S'.>nfl.r- ;.. in I-SOG. ?h.e H*./,<.'/< Southron now ha- 'no combiued circulation and influence cf both of thc cid papers, and is manifestly tao best advertising medium in Sumter. EDITORIAL ITEMS. Thc "Western States, especially Ohio, Missouri and Kansas, have had some lively experiences lately with wind? storms. A number of lives were lost ir, the Kansas storm, while the destruction of property was i m?nense, Ciuverius who was found guilty, in Richmond, Va., ct murdering Miss Lill ia a Madison and sentenced to be hung in November, has. through his counsel, brought forward some new ev? idence to establish an alibi. Wo are inclined to think Ciuverius guilty. Buddeoseik thc New York contractor whom we mentioned as being on trial in New York, some weeks ago. for man? slaughter.-some cf his shoddy build- ', in gs bavirig fallen and killed several workmen-was found guilty and has been sentenced to ten years in Sing Sing. We most heartily approve both verdict and sentence. Tn England the Conservatives have made up a Cabinet a: last, much to the delight of the Queen, who hates a Libe? ral most devoutly. Salisbury is at the head, but his led will not be all of roses, and he will doubtless wish that Glad? stone was back in power 1 f rc two months. N". G. G . the Columbia correspon? dent of the X- - :< <nid Courter criticised -the sanitary condition of Lancaster in a recent letter to Lis paper, and the J?ed$e<r retorts by a sharp criticism upon N. G. G., and denies his charges. The raper says that a barrel of molasses fell from a wagon the day before and burst, and this was the Cutts*, of the bad smell of which the correspondent eoaiplaiued. The Augusta and Atlanta pupers are in luck. l?ctvv-cen liase Dali and Rev. j Sam .K-oes they caa SH their ojiumns ' to over-lowing each morning-base ball, however,taking the lead. Augusta,which some days ago was in the low grounds of despair because her nine were play? ing second liddle to the Atlantas, is now with delight because ot recent . and the Ch-o?tkh rises to say other members of the league lo Augusta to thrash Atlan? ta, that ske^^? & .^^t] fSjg^ no longer. We monti med last ^eek that rumors of cruelty lo convicts corking on .the Savannah Valley road. bcd reached Columbia. The Superintendent, Col. Lipscomb and the Penitentiary Surgeon. Pr. Pope, immediately repaired to the . convict .-ump and made an investigation of the charges. They have returned and submitted a report to the Governor, who declines for the present to make it public, but will do so at an e;irly day. It is supposed that the rumors have been sustained, and the Governor wishes to make arrant":!.eats for providing a suitable remod\ before making it known. The New York li ...??'</ seems much pleased that the Conservatives Lave, been abie after two wet k's suspense, to form a Cabinet, it is stran2c thai a paper lilt-: the World whicu claims to le ??v.'ii ccratic in ?ts principles, as it really ir ia politics should show ?-j much spite towards Gladstone while con:pli? men ti ti g tho Tory crowd. Sail-bury is ?le mos: CenspicueU- header of the *';>": ?io? right" party. His principies, h ?s life, his Lab:ts ar. all at variance vv :. h the idea that the p- pie have any right; Ahieii rulers th aid respect, a:. 1 for the salte of p '-rular lil- rt y. we tr ::.-*. tua: the elccti ns wiv- bury lia: and his party past rc-m-recti -a. Mr. Kelley of Virginia whi anas ::p tnt-, a mister v. Ont v. :. wa* Ot som-- vitter spc?c-*s ma ie v Ko??ey against St?r Id nan ?el. II um he::*.- father, v. h. ie enirar? 1 ur.ii:.-ati-'.D of ?naly. at. i I transfered te Austria, is .ti:; S :.. Austria is net r?*i'?ii?.?.IO a Italy r?-jand poor K-iiev v.:.i h come :.. a.^ .vhero .'.-j c ?:: have th of mu;.ag rn';-re silly *r -echo. Mr. ?L?.r-iwi? ia.:.-v him r, kn the d->or of so:;;..- o*h, r g-v-aa;;;. *-la-i-;..:i ; il i-f ;.;v0 | .., Jj ?hat Mr. U.yard ha* very I Ir r ]._^ >*..'.-; ra lo iaay le lie.- J :.? j i.' been sad r sro g ti as Us'ii : 1- LS i :-.-;-:>I-::,:. ."-I t r. ... ' -.,:.! - I tr d t tressing, in public, my opinion of your excellence, studiousness and worth. It s with a full knowledge of the facts that I say that never in ifs palmiest days did the College send forth men of greater promise and character than those com [v>i:ig the graduating class ol' to-day. Out of twenty srrad natos seven receive iionors and eleven are distinguished by proficiency. This is a higher propor? tion of merit than has over boen record? ed rf any class graduating from this hVtiege. Your future, gentlemen, is foreshadowed by your past. Only con? tinue in y>>ur devotion to duty and prin? ciple and you will reoeive in the outer world rewards e^ual io those you have earned within these narrower limits. As? suring you of the kindly spirit, ^ood will and good wishes of the faculty. 1 bid you adieu.' THE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIA? TION. The farmers have been too busy du? ring thc iast two mouths to spend any time upon this organization. Yet it is well for them lo keep it in mind, and plan for its future usefulness. The Association is scarcely upon its feet, and lias been handicapped in vari? ous ways but still it hus done good to the County, and its field of usefulness iu the future is almost limitless. Thc ar? ticle iu another column upon Agricultu? ral Organizations is most pertinent., and wc commend it to the careful perusal of our readers. Wc can add but little to its plea for the necessity of organiza? tion, and can merely repeat over and again the same arguments already j used. j The magnitude of the farming inter- . est in Sumter County overshadows all . other industries. Ry it we must pros? per if prosperity ever visits our abodes. As are the farmers so must the County he, and when they fail we all must suf? fer. We look to the brave sons of toil j for our temporal salvation, ls it anv wonder then that this organization of. Sumter farmers should bc watched with interest bv thc entire County ? DELEGATES TO THE SUMMER JMEETING. Yv'e published last week a circular letter from Mr. Thos. W. Holloway, notifying each county that arrange? ments had been perfected for free trans? portation of three de-legates from each county Agricultural Society to thc Sum? mer meeting of thc State Agricultural and Mechanical Society and the State vi range, to be held in Beunetlsviiie, August -"th. lt has been ?U2?Ccted to us, that a m-_ w m;-c-?i:*rr ^v-pZ?scn?a;ives from the va? rious agrie thura! or?^ij?ajo^JS in thc county be held here next Mondav>a!*er the sales are concluded, and that ar- : rangements then bu made for selecting fr.?se delegates-this plan, by : he way, is suggested by Mr. ii edle way in his cir? cular letter. \-~? regret not having brou:::.; this marrer L 'fore our readers last week, as tho v. would L*ivc had more time io ar? range therefor, 3-ttt better late than never. _ _ . . . . ]\ S. Since the above was written the Executive Committee of the Sumter Agricultural Association has Selected three gen tlc maa to represent that or? ganization. We learn that the S. P. Sc A. Association have likewise appointed three delegates : and there is a proba? bility that the '.?rango wiii also appoint delegates, and hence the greater neccs >ify for the compromise meeting next Monday. JOURNALISTIC WAR. ' Wo were sorry to see the recent bitter attack sf the. Cuhumbia e?rres pOoi'.;: iii :..r. A'.'- A (..t,'!fU.'i/*: ur?uu the >'.,:,.,;.>.;?: ;.v,-,V.The n.-ji<\r, weil as the X< f-.-. tin! , \itrt, ,\ has ah ld iis?-:'u!nes<, and jr I - ... f* ?.-.i uso f-?r the ?.'.'>. .>,>?'. 6V/'///V;- to try in sruSu th- life ou: of the L'. ;:>-. - by any ?i't-empt to nut it? he-! t:p*n the t :>r r.uh'Lhc-l ar rh- cardl-d."-'- .VJ... ?J ?ihiu needs a paper of O'.' i-s own. aroi ?: sterns to t non of C dnmh: . would Soe ha^ thu /.* ... r h * the m>--s::ry I nra?:nient it decrees,; har eyer I,. - ;. :,-;>!;..; advocate : .. ria-r:;r Of - w: ;1 ? Mt - od and A QUESTIOIv. SENATOR EARLE, OF SUMTER, FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. Thc K lgefioM A<]'> rii.<> r seconds inc nomination of Col. Karlo for Attorney General ?ti the following complimentary ma:: ncr : ''Our honored contemporary, th,k Sumter \\<it,>]i,n<tn, nominates the lion. Joseph H. Karie, who at present rep? resents Sumter County in tim State Senate, for Attorney General Of South Carolina- -In tho next deal. And the ll ? mun makes this nomination in torm? tliat are no less truthful than . hey ure handsome. We unhesita? tingly second thc nomination. Sen? ator Karlo is youri<r, able, experienced, full of fire, full of salient original:!v. full of purest patriotism, and belongs rn a family eminent ami honorable in thc history of South Carolina. Ile would fill thc place not ou ly ably and patriotically, hut with a n> r- r ana brilliancy that would be emphatically mw j '?*????. -<a-mm ? Charleston and Her Sea-.-dde Re? sort. A recent visit to Charleston by a repr?sent? ative of the W'lichnum ant? Southron was taken advantage of to enjoy a little airing on Sul? livan's Island at the New Brighton. This delightful resort is just now being well pa? tronized, ana on last Saturday night and Sunday ;!?e ferry boat was crowded at nearly every trip. Thc New Brighton is now under the conduct of the;proprietor. Mr. Burnham, and is a first class house ia every respect. The bill o; fare embraces thc best to be had, and among all the guests lhere, no other com? ment than that of satisfaction was heard. < ?ne of the finest bauds m bo had, is regularly employed to play for the house and three couccr's aro given each day. Tine sea breeze and surf bathing cannot be apnreciated without being enjoyed, and it is well worth the time and expose of the trip to make a visit to the Nev Brighton',-for this parp?se alone. The tid-%s were just right for early mo ruing, a nd even tag bathing, and the aforesaid representative will guarantee thal he knows whereof he speaks. The waler was wei! pa?rcni?-dj and the breakers were roll? ing it: as nicely as ore could wish. Two bath? ing houses (for ladies and gentlemen) are conveniently placed near the beach, nod are supplied with bathing suits, and attendants. The hotel is about iwc miles from trie boat 'ali ding, hut aline of Street cars make regular trips-tare only 1" cts: or 3 tickets for -3 cts.. and the ride is worth the money*. Charleston is . : ti ; t e healthy-from represen? tations more so thaa many places in the country, and the people ail seem happy and contented, notwithstanding the complaint of diu ll times in some lines cf business. The Banks are said to be all full of money, and financial matters quite easy. Some, how? ever, say that it is a bad si^n ior ba dis to have ali th? money and the people none. ? -->->- -Ci - Glenn Springs Hotel. ; Wc call:attention to the advertisement of : lids noted health, resort, in to-day's issue. lt lias opened for the season with very bright prospects. The Hotel already has Seventy boarders, and the shipment of mineral water ; is rapidly increasing. ; Visitors will beglad to know that there is : everv prob.:': :'.!:;?- of a railroad being built r'i om Spartanburg at an early day. tims doing awav with the time and fatigue of the stage j ride! _ fev.j An Zpitapb. W?? met Mr. W. P. Sm it j yesterday morn? ing starting ?br u.ikland with ti - tomb Stone fur the gravo of otu friend .Vril.ur Ha. vi:} it was a fine sample of Mr. Smith's best work. ?Ve arc opposed "o lengthy epitaphs, fro ra the simple fact that but few ever read t'n -rr., and wo -.'ive. the one un this stone as a tn?ccl. Almira n ARVIN. Born Sentember I'S. 1?4Z; Med February ] 3S.->. i_ _.--Ji Ct?NTKb_sa$rs Sc r.ntKii*.__^ Roanoke College, o? Salem, Va.. sends ns their catalogue of 'Si-;?.', from wbieii. among Other interesting it--:::-:, we gather thc fellow? ing information : Roanoke ' 'oiiege is a prosperous institution ? i'l: a general patronage. >i:ie- tito war sta dea'.S i:av>; t ntered 'rein twenty-two Slates, three territories, and Mexico, graduates are now laboring;ia twenty States. This session students have comefrom thirteen Statesand y.'-sU-'j. Tae humber of stud* :?ts isas steadily increased for fivv yairs. tiie gain tor ses? sion beine per fent. and for ?ive years 50 per '".?tit. The outdouk for next session is en? cl ut".,;:::g. Clarendon News. M".T:'.-in jr is ta] ki nu of c-rgan?zir:;? a ~ sec I>chat;r.g soei-ry. M-->. j.-.-: & Ifcrll made ? .500 bt?>i:d;s of oats uti acres and this is a bad v ur for ont- roo. Surumer'on i!i_'.h School had a most succesijal exl ihiti? n at its cl-se. Mri J, E. Ti:.dal's address was highly i rh i sod. Msiunin^ dui] is . ":r 'y. Xii" 'd "siij s c-e;c:.:?.s of rho M a ti? rs ir; ^ A'--:d my we ru very ii? t? resting.: dd,-- .-.'?..'^cch s ait .? essay* by the ptrpiis, .ii.'l ]'.-?.. tl. ..]-*!. by hy? n.vt.ns i east, the address :uca?i--:? a":?d Lab -v" by !.. h. I?.-:::, ?rf ti high order <>( merit Mi- dane: Wt }U \ S y-ars .id i'etti "ed ti: . prize fyi- [? .nmat^i.ip. M a.-ter datii is ' i ran! ha:::, for punctuali v. ar:vi Mr. Har; v M?oo received a -id p- r: ns prize fur the hig-tct a:,r. iii ali eepx.rrp.ient.s. >ii i-st.s il-;!:.!, an i \~zzU Grantham a::-; Mr. !.-:. -:.- have r a.rd-ted the fail eaurse f :.'\ii\-> prc^-rii,"-! hy th- A-tad amy. 1 ? --?a- -> -? -??TI? Ks rs:.:t\e Ht'V/s. Mr. j:. .! K-:.nedr. Jr.. ?-ok s- e . .: ::n:!t v.h:- .<"V i -i ; : That Cow's Tail -Piney Woods Farmer. W(?.:...?j 2.'. ?>.v". Mr. !?!?:>'? r : Sonic month? ago I ivroleyou a communieairon on tarin in g. and ! told how 1 ha.! rrrubbp.] a ? ow hy rho Jail :in<i hoped ro be hy her ;"'y:iiikod" OUi ot the '..-dough o? despond" Into which th'- phvntingof co-ton had bogged i?'.,-. Sut:'.*.' fellow signing htmsCifVi ..i'imn- Woods Farmer' r?; . : to - J i - ? conj- j niunieation ano predicted that unless ! char.;:- : 0:1 my riew^the s?i?r?.Two'J?d ?akei-he sime LT i ? j ? j on me 't ! he'd -in the cow ami i:yank" m,. j out of my home. This man wrote so well ; and his theory wa? so g po dj that ? doubled my cotton ero ir, and the n-sult i? ("ye got ; niore grivss than ? uv man in this ( "our? tv, and " ' - * *-' ; " - j can't jr-i it hoed for love nor money. A tew , days ago. tho' thc gras? i-= runninga;way ? with my crop, rind my oats are drying and '.?.i.V. ag dow:: i:: the fie bl. I Slopped two mulei and hitched them to a wn^on and sen' ahout s:x miles for te:: ha reds to spend a w?e?? hoeing j j in my crop. Adjo::?::i-r my fh.-r.rr: is a large j ' plum orchard and a latir? Held of blackberries, j j t'r.e foo! driver look tirs loud of hoc hands by j this plum orchard and niuo head got out and spen t the ?lay right t here. One mauracr was ; driven into ihe fi tdd in great state arid shown j the cotton to be :{piit to a stand"; an?! the j grass hoed out. She jumped our, spit inlier ' hand and chopping, away she went. Sorae r ti rae after two o'ciock, I went into the fiei'd^ : to talk sweet and clever! v to her. to sec if ! could get her to induce her comrades to get : i up from ?t-r the plum trees and hoe a little, j I ? found, left on the acre she had finished "noe- ? . lng. a pie::ry of int?? and about a half acre ! of cotton distributed over one acre of ground. ! In my anger ? refused to pay her fifty cents and also refused to send my team tu carry the ; ton hack home. Mr. Editor, did you ever ' hear a negro woman curie when she is right i mad. I have. The volume of water never i poured over Niagara i'all. half so fast as site ; rolled cut her curses a?d abuse, i was de- ] fermi ced to stop that wench's tongue or die: . so ! jerked oft' my coat and threw it on the ground. Just then it struck me. as she stood in dit!.mee before nie, that she was a whaling big. squarely b u : : t tornan, i pulled '.pf ry .<hj>chj Pud it down on thc coat, then rolied up my sleeves, put my : hand info ruy pocket, pulled out fi'ty cent? and paid her. The gras? is still grow-::::, tho '. oats are wasting in the field, but I'll have to j sttip tny plows and cut down that plum orel;- ' .ir-1 before i can do anything: AW ti:? trouble luis bee:: brough! upon me by '.Piney Woods Farmer." I've toiled and I've sweated, and now in an agony of despair. I demand to know j the natue ami res id ...nee of this "Piney Woods ! Farmer,"' and as you are the Coroner of the1! County. I bid you come rieh; along with your information, for blood, and blood alone will satiety me. \ I had my sympathies greatly wrocjrhiup a few days ago. OJ: a. neighboring piantatbiir. I lived a colored gentleman and indy. At their horne they failed to nurse thc Christian vir- . ?wes of patience, forceara nev and peace, so th? : course of their trac ?ore d:d not run smoothly. ; The gentleman often stretched his tired limbs Kt noon und* r:'-atii a haw tree in front of ins house to indulge in iiis dreamy visions of greens and bacon. which were so seldom served to him. The lady could jus; often he seen stealing up behind him and pouring . over him whom she had sworn to bjve. honor . and obey, the contents of a kettle of beliing . water, when her merry laugh could be heard ' ringing over the as Fnc'e Jake would .jump up before her n::d; most e,:rne?:J>i ?.cu: ' the pigeon wing/' Tilings wet f on iron: bad to worse until two of our good citizen? were called in to'-set "le the matter. They drew np a ' divorce agreement. i:ad i: properly attested and probated, and they separated. As uncle : -Jake was lea vi m.'. the family got on; tiri pans, horns and cow : >.!!>. af.d beat him a medley by which to march off. The lady not}et content, swore that the e!o:hes l acie Juke wore were boilgh.t wish her money, and ii took some good i egging op the part of our two cit? izens to save i ncl- Jake his hreecbe? alone. As ' passed along the ron-": soon after. I saw lVl?r!e J:'kc in iii; hait" nude state, sitting u:; der a i:s-e r?y The road-sid--. wiri: a pau-h.of hide a'oout foot --ouare hurn'd od'his breast,. am; ? alt th:J :r.e.;de he w :s no: entirely .?as: d.?wn. tar as ! rode by there floated upon the air in a somewb:: ioiemu striiih these touching words 'jPdungs'd ina g a. If pr* dark de^.jjr j Notwithstanding the short time since these gentlemen granted a divo: ce tc- i nce Jake, They have had a great many applications "or . divorc? from others. j In your last issu- : you nominate (Vi. Firle for Aiiorney i.? Ain't you a little pre? mature? Alexander .Stevenssaid. '"To norn-1 ?nate a man so long before ?lection, reminds ? h lin of the time when Ive was a h:\ going through the ivaier.mtdon patch, and when be came to a melon that wa-n ; quite ripe, i.e '. plugged it. and if he had to wa:: long tor it to rip-.-:;. it^r.-a?-?ureto spoil." Bat \ou know he-;, and if yoh say so. \\ebl call our fiiib :o gerher. en your nomih?t?b.'i: and a?>--ss our members ten Cents a piece <<>v V.>\':[\:-A\ [iurpos,'S. Vve are btdling i>ycr with patilot :.-m at Wedg'-tieid. The i'ras's has got us until sobre >.: li's begin to livrable as wea)utemplate, our future bread and meat prospect. The ; election ibr Atorney : b n ral w:il come off ir. ! about a y-ar .?nd a irait from now, but rir. if you want u? farrners jmt un tire politica! ; pot and ?et her "ddling"' for one year and a1 i:ai!'. v. c are the hoys : hit can do il. We would i e proud tb sc-- your candidate the At To::my t?eoera! of tia* State, prom! t-.:cause he is fco'ra Suiaier and is ry eminently tit^e.i !\>r i!?'- positron;. We. |yr.< tn Saurer lawyers ! Jelt,'.^ Up iii \\.- \v ? n-:--. t.ut vie thrmers have "sv.o-?i ?tl"' fi oin "'i-iiing" the pot :..?r : any mt>;v lawyers in our /<./.-/.. politics ; be e:iu-e tray haye iib more, inte.ivst ?a us : trncus l li au We ha? e :n tim orange gruvv- on '.'re-.:, la ntl's icy mount a: us. ! "vVviare sick of pb-litlcs ;u:y vv";iy ; There :s ' friend t".?.wiand v. i:o wro'<- nie r!:atif ! would . dene thal storA what .'inj -hiin" told on bini a:.out tire 'wbb"l'*rh* ic- woiiTd ittVe tn>- ;t lat ot";.-. ! kr -.'W !:tii:? well.a? ii:e immortal .!oi;t! i II av sir? in bis l-aiiad-: left al uiv :;oU?c bv a ; .\*. : : and so I e been jdi t off .^er a v?: tue. on. b-jt <'h-ve t MowVv JUr' c." " , i UiT a i! myself wi ::!i t : : ? ! ;-Ve al rea?! v had a ; t>; t'!:?< e vv iea ,. ! " ir: ! Ut the CC'UVi:i.i.?s:;>:i ! d u-iitl-m.a w's:?.j ii !.. i e ::::!.!.. 1 h.--..:.." ! tOTd VoU ..v.- :Sou ! vVairt by ol' .Vi ti tiri iori. Smithville Items SMITHVILLE. S. C.. June 20. i-3"?. }!,-. /'.!'?' r ? Til-- seasons so far with us ; ?av.- }?rri rdl ritrht. X?-: a washing rain as ; ?ot. for ail which we should hf thankful. As ' ? rc dieted. -h<; oat ero:? is a failure. ?*rop? : ire growing finely. Corn i.- about laid hy, so IUT work won't he so pushing after this. Ai : hip-grin seems to oe a k:r??i of r?f?rence. 1 j van; him to '"ii me what kind of corn, or j .vhul is thc nutt'er with it. that I saw the otb- i .r day. lr had a deep blue cast. ? did not see ; he owners to find ont. i Our Section is healthy at present, '.hough al i.-w people have had thc grunts lately wi:!; j lysentery, but a:-" ail right now. Several . .hiidren have had if. and one has died with it . >r din'hernv. I-lies art- terrific on stock tas year. ..?? han who owns an old : rip, ' toi l nie thatfie : :onld scarce!}" get any plowing ont of hire.- ; .vrn with an application of what King Soin- ; non saiti wo ul il be beneficial-but now the [ lies ;nst made hTmi:get up and get" with rail- j xiad ?peed. I suggested Maud S' time as : nore near it. and he said, "what'! that'oman ? :an't plow." and he told the truth, "'that omar, can't plow.'' Mr. fy. A. White. Jr.. has a mut? that has made i.': miles an hour in a trot. Next. I am glad our County Commissioners are going to nut up pointers on the roads. They ire much needed. A man from one of the upper counties get lost and went 2n mile? out nf his way. all for the want of pointers." When I put him in the right road, he said: "-such oihcia'.s. fumy county I cnn travel all day and never iose a mile, and at night hy striking a match, to read the point? ers. 1 cati not get lost." Here is the argu? ment to 'nave them in a nut-shell. Shades of night! ? saw a sight the other day. that would make the ii ry bones of Wade. Sumner, ami Phillips rattle. A gentile of thc second water, had in his house, high-fei- ? ?ow wi ii met. legs crossed, a genuine Neho j African-wife and chi! Iren, ali present. 'Tis' sure some dream: some vision vain, ! What ! I. that sight d.:d see i Ves. Tia' nomination ot Col. Harle for Attorney ! Oeneral will do no good, if things are con--j ducted in ila' future, as tiny have heen in the [ :ist. unless you are in the ring. A promi? nent gentleman, who knows what he. is talking j abo':-, told ute that the next State ticket was . air? ady cn! ,ru'J drioi. headed by a prominent j Stare of tidal for Covernor. This being so, the Co!, will .-'and a poor chance unless he too is in the ring. ; Nominations being in order. I hereby nomi- . nate for next State Senator from Sumter j County. Mr. IC P. Lee. and lor the House ; from this section, that patriotic, eloquent and j distinguished gentleman. Dr. E. J. Kember;. \ who will reflect credit to ids County, any j where. The following interview was had with a ? prominent colored r,tan. and c-x.-po?itieian and ; ?and own--;-. "I "hear the grand jury of Sum- ' ter has suggested :!:.; whipping post as a tem- ! edy for stealing. Will 'ids ?11?ct the whites '. too?'' .."Certainly., thr-re caa be but one law ? for ail parties, white and colored." "Ti.en. ' v. uonlt 1 hear that the white? will he whipped ton as weil as the negroes?'' "Pe- | cause the whites steal ?o.little that they are . not a factor in the problem, but if they vio- '? ?ate'?'?thedaw-they-wil! be whipped too." "if the Democrats remain in power long; will they not try to pu: us back into slavery? I hear Some have berm sold in Kentucky ai- ; ready."' No. If the Democrats remain in power a hundred years, there will be no at- , tempt. Your freedom is absolutely gu?ran? te.-] hy thc Consul ut ion of tile ["ni red States, which controls the States, and any attempt tu ; overthrow that Instrument would he r?volu- i th'ti. Those-peoplesold in Kentucky, were; sold under the" State's Vagrant Law for ai short term bf years, or months." I then pro- j pbumb-d-the following: "Vb:: people v.-ere ; oppos- i to the Stock Law at first, How do I you like it now?' -'-The best law the State : ever had." "li! the whipping post i? estab-j Ibhed what will be the ?-d"ect ? Great excite- ! men; and opposition at fir.-:, but after one or '. two examples under it are mad?-, to let people ' See that it is a law. sr-ilirrg wi? Stop " I am in favor of ii, for I have suffered heavily in that way at tie- han :s of my race. ! Mc. M i:tor, I have not exhausted my bndg .".;. r.;.t the d' vii Says Stop, ! have-'enough for this time. Who ever heard tile devil t;dk that . wav before? Ort V:VK. ' BANK NOTICE. TV HS HANK will ie-closed or. f-.r-^fei fi JC'LV 4th, it being a legal holiday, i A.: parer maturing ou that day must be met on Friday, the lld. Cil AS. E. BARTLETT. June 30 ' 'ashier. NOTICE To Stockholders National Bank of Sumter. HpiIE R?AP.D OF DIRECTORS have dc I claret; a Semi-Annua? Dividend of Four {A i per Cent., payable at the Dank o:: and a!ter Jul v l^t. ! S>"5. CHAS. E. UART LETT; June 30 Cashier: GLENN SPRINGS, Sl'AUTANKI'KU CO., S. C., SIMPSON & SIMPSON. Pro's, TOW OREN Tn VISITORS under thea same management as lieretotore. The i.ire is good. Servants attentive, and ali 1 amusements free to guests. T> ?enhene line in operation between Spar- J tani's: rg and the Springs. The Mineral Watta- is buttled and securely j packed in care-- of 'J d?ZeU quart bullies. Price :-er ease. S?-OU- j Jual- ::y J j lill Mi Ania! Excursion. \ WiIimngiOH (o Washington, I). C., j AND RETTJBN. ,11" IA* lorn, 1SS5. Q PE" '. A L TL i SN b-.v-s W iimiticton. N. j ?b^ ?.".. i :: . P. Mi, J! LV l.'irh. Returning ? |e:ive.- Washington. l>. C.. f?:Ob P. M.. July ; ]Sri:. Sped:?! arran^'-menis hive heen made ! to have iVoind trip Wa-!.:n?to:i tickets ?old ; t << r i i ? ! S t : : : ? i a t ! .. . 11 o n : n g : a '. er : ?'rom Florence; Sl?.?o. j F:-..ra T:.:t:i:ionsv:!"e. Si?."0. 1': o?a Pynchon: g S i<'.'.'?. From Mai'esviile. Si'ja.".'. i SliSl?I?i i Ti? kids ?roi? i N ?rr:i iv'! W .Imir.gV:: only on : S;- ?al'i'rda r.-N-rred to. ; opie. Treki W ii. Ii< 'AV.ll. M.:; VIcRae St.. \\ H3STH-??ST?8N R. R. GO. fi "."v..i. ' . -c;? >.c:.\;t:rf ; ? Mt^-k. VJ} . .. !! I'FIIINT MN DENT'S OFFICE, v< 1 ?b vs ; Ki;.". \li.K'*AP .'.?. NOTICE. j --------- NROTJCE is herebv given I hat the affairs j of the BELLEMONTE CMTTOX MAN- i ;*FA(TL"I:IN(; Cn. ar?- heir * closed ?ip. ? \? persons h.iv:riclaims against ?ho ?:ti. i j yu', y :::f- ri--nc-'.'?(] TO present ti if? sarae j ur setth-mcn* within 'he next 30 >uivs ro D. JAMES. V.'i.N'N. Treas. Bel lemon te ' to:i Mfg. Co. : June 23 t AN ORDINANCE. Entitled :LVu Ordinance io Regulate Annual [,:c'-n?es and Sp?ciTtl Taxes for Fiscal Vear Commencing june 1st. 1.S.35Z! Bc ir o-dained by iii-'; intendant and W?r h ns of-Town of Sumter in Co oneil assembled . ir.'] by antliority of the same. .SEC !.-That thc Fiscal Vear of the Town ; of Strm ter shall commence on the ':?" day '-fi J'.inc cf each year. a:i>i end on the 31?t day of j May thereafter : and that the following Licen-; ! ces ami Sp?cial Taxes shan be levied and col? lected for :!::.. usc ot rail] Town Cf Sumter for ; present fiscal year ending May 31st, I;?S?J SEC. ! every person, firm or cor- j poraiion. doing business in Town of Sumter. ? and required by 'erm? of this Ordinance, to ; obtain a License to engage in any business : for which a License is required, shall make j application to the Clerk ami Treasurer, first giving iii?, her or their nnrncand Sty!", and the nature of the business for which a License '. is required by this Ordinance, and the place j where such business is to be carried on, ai! of i which shall be given under Oath. SEC. 111.-That if any person or person? exercise or carry on any business for which a License is required by this Ordinance, with? out first procuring such License as in that belia If required, he. she or they, besides being liable- for thc payment for the Licere. shall upon conviction thereof before thc Intendant, lie subject to a fine not exceeding Fifty dol? lar?, or imprisonment in the Town Guard, not exceeding thirty days or both, at the discretion of the intendant. SEC. IV.--That in every Lirr-n?e to be taken out under or byauthorif<? <>> (his Ordi? nance, shall be set forth thc purpose or busi? ness for which such License is granted, the name and place of business of thc person or persons procuring the same, nr.d the time for vvh-i?h it is granted, and the Clerk and Treas? urer ?hall provide a form cf License io b^ :s sued, upon which sba!! 'oe written at the time tiie License is granted; the name of the party obtaining th" same-the length of time for which the License is issued, and the amount charge1 and received therefor. And the party ; .vhom such License is granted, shall keep same posted in some conspicuous {..iace . here such business is carried on. and any v. ??fu! evasion of the requirement? of this Section, shall upon conviction thereof before ! the Intendant, be punishable by a tin- not ex? ceeding Fifty dollars, or imprisonment in the Town Guard House no: exceeding thirty days, or both, at discretion of Intendant. V.-Ail Licenses imposed or granted under this Ordinance shall be for the space of one year from 1st day of June ISS.?. or for each ?'art of one year, as shall remain to the 31 st day of May I SSS-except incases where oth? erwise stated, for a shorter time, ann for the present year are made payable on J 5th day of July next, except ir. cases of transient persons, and ?ha!l bf paid within ten days after they become due, and if not then paid shall bc iia ble to a penalty of twenty per cent, on the ! amount of said Lief ese. to be assessed and ! collected by the Clerk and Treasurer by dis? tress or otherwise, in such manner as is pre- , scribed by law for thc collection of delinquent j taxes by the County Treasurer, and the non- ; payment of such License or Special Taxes by any person br persons liable for same shall be ' deemed an offense, and upon conviction there- j of before tia- In tendent, shall be liable to a j fine no* exc elling Fifty dollars or imprison- ' mehi in the Town Guard House not exceeding , thirty days, or both, at the discretiun of the . Intendant. j Agencies-Coiiccii'.r. IO Oft . Express. 5" 00 Insurance, bib or fire, each, 10 00 S-w::;rr Machines, 5 00 ! Telegraph. 50 on . Auctioneers^ Public. Local. IP 00 Auctioneers, Public, Transient, per week, 5 00 ?tank?. 25 "? Bagatelle. Hilliard and Pool Tables, each. 25 "0 Lil: Posters. 5 00 Bowling Atley?, 10 00 Brokers or Dealers in Stock, who cider for sale, exchange or barter, other than relier-!rs. per month, 10 00 Butchers r.'r Stalls in Market-Stalls No?. I 'J .'J and l. per month. 5 Oe Stalls Nos. 5 0 7 and S. per mouth. 4 00 (wit!) exemption from wagon li? cense.) Circus, per day or night. 50 00 ?ircus. per day and night, 75 GO Each Side >now, whether connec??u - wijh circus or not, each, per dav? or nig ii f. 10 00 Cotton Gins-Ginning for Pay or Toll, each. 10 O''' Dealers in Fruits, Nuts and Vegeta? bles, with stand on street, per quar? ter; ist and 4:1] quarters, each, 0 00 2d and 3d quarters, each, 10 00 w iib privilege of laking out license for the year "at 25 00 Fruit Sames shall apply to and in? clude atty and ai! stands ou streets whether connected vv'th permanent place of business or not. Dealers in Prize Goods on Streets Package?, Candies, Jewelry, Sta? tionery, ?cr, per month, 25 00 Dealers in Ice Cream, Lemonade or Soda Water, witb stand on street, per mon til. 2 00 Dealers in Fish and Oysters, Local, per month, 1 00 ' No ::.?!? s;ar>.is allowed on streets.) bvgs, kept at home, 50 Dugs, at large wit!; ba.Ige. 1 Ou i'ranimer?. Brokers or others repre? senting wholesale or retail dealers, Selling to consumsrs at auction or otherwise *A/:!l Le diimtd f-aidjir.* ari 1 are required to pay a license per month, 25 00 Looks and Stationery, except when sold on street; exempt. Huckster? buying and selling Poultry, Egg?. Fruit or Vegetables' on streets . producers excepted) per month, 2 0? Hide Yards. lu 00 Hotels and Boarding Houses for ac? commodation ot travellers and other?, i nco me not exceeding S500. D' <.... Income ^\ceediug ?500, '-" oe Lumber Va rds. lo 00 Mill?-Saw. each ?aw. 5 00 Grist ..ach m iii; 5 co Ph?.ni . i-ac?i plane. 5 Ol' Paw:: !' kcrs. who loan or a.'.vance ?.ion or goods uti pawns, la vu Pcddla ? ur Aerear? soliciting Photo grapi ?. Lithographs. Daguerreo? types, Pictures, kc. 'or copyings per week, ."> po Photographer, Transient. Io . .' Public P'rays and Wagons- Cpra-yiUM shrill i ucind*: anvand ..// ?.? :.:>:U,:::'rr;,}^ , cr .'. <. '.. :>: .-- tr '. but .?oes Hot in? clude vehicles usVd l'A owner ?or own c ai vc!:?- :ice i V? a^uu ur ...the.r \Whi-de. i M.<r?e. ' le ?.0 V. agiin or. oiher Vehbde; 2 horses, 20 ce \\vi other Vehicle" cr mure inc!--? fur a'toitiOiia: ?um u*. tot U".ij..u u'-her v, ! v I. . ! !i..:>-. Wnnia; or ul'hes v?htcha .*. ut mure lar?-?. ii.!.- ia advaip-c. sta?r?n!?; . ciaS>i'?ei? by Intendant, !!v<;!ude.? a ll place? where meal? art. ;.:? {.arni ami Sold. I l'::tif ;. ca? b. matter? ut" License liol herein . it .ii :. Hod ci iitLen.laV-.i. \" ! \ lt Ordinances or part? ?'r : . ? . ? ? r . ^ : :-1, : : : wi'!'. ! voa;; nant tu. i ral; tied ia Town l"i>u,v? il a??e;n 1 '..!.;??,! iii.- t'orp.^.ite >..:..> ut the l',.u'. Saail- ;. thi> 71 !i da \ .'ni'?-. A. !? 1 - , M Ai: ii'N M'MSI I nteiVvIant . M. iii ?;sr. t 'icrk ?: j rc trtie J : FACTORY, WAREHOUSE AXD OFFICE OF E. W. PEHCIYA Charleston, S. C. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MANTELS, Brackets, Moulding, &c. LARGE STOCK, LOW PRICES, GOOD WORK. ii-;-; an estimate from me before purchasing elsewhere. Voa vr??? sa re money by it. FRESH ARRIVALS. LOWEST PRICES. STOCK REPLENISHED -JD ASL Y. Since announcing the arrival of my SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, ? have been daily receiving New Goods of the Latest Styles, which are being displayed at Prices Lower than in the Early Spring. CALL AND SEE The Prettiest Goods OF THE SEASON. May 20 J. B. CARR, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF MONAGHAN'S, Main Street, Sumter 3 S. C. OFFERS A CHOICE STOCK, EMBRACING DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, CANNED GOODS, TIN-WARE, WOODEN-WARE, &c, &c, &c. Al! of which will be sold at the same low prices, that have made this store popular with cash buyers. The patronage of the publie is iuvtited. _' _J. K CARR. D. J. WINN, Clothing, Piece Goods, Eats, Gloves and Gents' Furnish? ing Goods and Underwear, Main Street, Sumter, S. O. SJE?XKrXlSrGr MACHIIVEIS. ^ 1 :tiu selling tho CELEBRATED WEED SEWING MACHINES as follows : Hain Table, 1 Drawer and Cover. S-O Cash. ?22, One-half Cash, balaceo OctoWr Ut. ;?ivt"!;-:tf. 2 Drawers and Cover. $23 Cash. $25, One-half Cash, balance October Ut. niK IMDKOVED LONC. A KM HARTFORD, tho liest Sowing Machine ^ ever vet o fie rod. at e.jua?iv reduced rutes and liberal terms. AU our machines :ire warranted in every respect and satisfaction guaranteed iu every purchase. ll iving no agent.- canvassing tire country at heavy expense, consequently wo ..?.m save you ?:.MH ten io tiftoeu dollars by purchasing from us. We have our usual Stock of CLOTHING. GENTS' FURNISHING t rOODs, HATS. NECK WEAR AND PIECE i ? ( K> DS, and will be pleased at all limes lo servo our friends and tho public generally:. May ii?, i ss;,. 13. HT." ^W"HST3Nr. LAND FOR.SALE. FORJALE. A a|'?>?'i ^ ni?:?.> Nonh .>:: Marcille. :id ?|- W MILK COWS. ?k J. IL W:!s..n: ii. H. \v. ' Always on handr-^^ ' ti ' 'u. H. LEK. ^jb^K^^L^t IL R- THOMAS, March ! 7 Allom ev for Owner. Mav IS m Wedgefield, S. C.