f|? W&??mt ari ? M\?ssl TUESDAY, JUKB 23. Entered atj&^ost O?ce at Suviier, S. Z^as Second Class Matter. BXAOTTCB YOUBDATEsT ; W? request each of our subscribers to -ex able the addre? on his paper, and parties* jlj.to observe the date upon; i? This date >W8 the tifi* a? to which the paper has paid for. &iny of our subscribers will ! see that they have paid in advance : i are many others who will discover that they have not. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ordinances Town of Samter?C. 31. Hurst, Qerk. Notice to Creditors of Bellemonte Factory - ?DwJ. Whin, Treasurer. . Estates of Jas. S. G. and Guignard Rich ardson?Marion Mo?se, Administrator. Personal* Mr. Coghlan is still sick at home. Hisses Annie and Rosine Jennings are visiting in town. J. 7, Rhame, Esq., of Manning, was in town yesterday. Mr. C. M. Stedman of Wilmington, was in ? town yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Garner, of Darlington, is visiting relatives in Somter. Miss Minnie DeLome, of Mars Bluff, is vis iting Mr. T. M.'DeLorme's family. " Miss Minnie Wilson of Mayesville, was v??ting fr ?en d s in Sumter lasj> week. CoLT. V. Walsh informs us that Hon. J. T. Walsh was taken quite ill last week. Misses Mamie and Madge McLaarin, of j Wedgefield attended the Commencement. Col. Bland ing has been suffering considera bly lately from malaria. Mrs-BIandmgisalso unwell. Mr. J. M. Ear?e of Darlington, has been spending a few days with CoL J. H. Earle's family. Bey. H. F. Chreitzberg preached at 6 o'clock last Sunday afternoon. There was no service at night. Capi. L. L. Fraser, Sr., of Mechanksrille, was in tows last week in attendance opon the Institute Commencement. Rev. Thos. Needham, knows to so many of our readers, will be married the 30th June to - Miss Virginia Lee Montgomery, of Richmond Virginia. A card from Dr. A. L. Blanding lying he fore ss tells us that he is doing remarkably well is Kentucky. He says he is kept busy all the. time. Miss A. A. Muldrow, of Darlington, and Miss Bet lie Kennedy, of Cambridge, Ala. are spending some days with Mr. W. J. Ander son's family. Our friend, Mr. B. R. Nash, returned home last Saturday quite unwell. We were glad to have the light of bis countenance in our office this morning. Mr.