-. ??-.- ? .?' ? - ?y IHK STJMTEB WATCHMAN, Established April, 1850. Consolidated Aug. 2, 1881.1 "Be Just and Fear not -Let all the Ends thon Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's.' STJMTER, S. 0., TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1885. THE TRUE SOTJTHBON, Established Jane, I860. Sew Series?Yol. if. ??Q. 47. , t? Publiai ?7?T7 Tuesday, ?BT THS? Watchman and. Southron Publishing Company, S?MTE.R, S. C terms: Two Dollars per annum?io advance. One Square, firstl?s?rtion..:.,.00 Every subsequent insertion.. - 50 Contracts .for three months, or longer will be made at/reduced rates. All communications which subserve private interests wil^bejcharged for as advertisements. Obituaries? and/tiibaies of respect will be charged tot? ^ * - - x ~-- ? * 1 Jl i Marriage notices and notices of deaths pub lished^free. ^ . - . ^ For job work" or contracts? for adrertisiDg address' Watchman and Southron, or apply at the Office,'to * K. G. ?STEEN; ?ISN : - Business Manager. ,gSflDDB EA?IN5 POWDER BHjffl Brands advertised asabsolutely pure ?:.;-;:^' ; THS TEST*: ~ Plaee ??ta top-down oa? Jiot store untilh?ated. t?wa ? tho cover and' smelL- A ?hemist- will not tx> re quired to^etoot thepreaaooe of ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN AUSONIA, nt H?*nrHTcurss has KEVER sen qgiEsnosm In ?nrfCIor. bornee-for quarter of a century It baa atood tb? consoBier*' reliable test, f \ 6 : ' T? TEST OF TH? OVE?. ? PEICE BASING POWDIDOHk-l K?x^ss-gy Br. Rise's Wal r?onsg Extraits, Tto stringerti ?Ott dtSt?oirs sod Bi?tnrat?aTor>sjMwt&>a&d Dr. Pries's Lup?im Yeast Gems _ Fot I^g?tV HeaJthy Bread, The Best Dry ;Hop ?? Yeast in the Wsrid. - FOR SALE BY CROCERS. CHICAGO. - "?.: : kt. EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and strongest Natural Frait Flavors. Vanda, Lemon, Orange, Almond, Rose, eta, Cavar as delicately and naturally as the Xruit. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., CHICAGO. st. XOtTIS, TRAD MARK REGISTERS*.-.?--> 5 MOT A' DkOG^ rj09 & 1111 CiiF?AHD S'r.FHiL-? , ? A NEW TREATMENT For Conswntwn, ^Asthma, Bronchitis; Dyspepsia, Catarrh. Headache, Debili ty,'Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and aU Chronic and Nervous Disorders. A CARD. We, the undersigned; having received great and permanent benefit from the use-of "COM POUND OXYGEN," prepared and adminis tered by Das. Stabkey & Palbh, of Philadel phia, and being satisfied that it is a new dis covery in medical science, and all that is claimed for it, consider it a duty which we owe to the many thousands who are suffering from chronic and so-called "incurable" dis eases to do ail that we can to make its virtues known and to inspire the public with confi dence. We have personal knowledge of Drs. Star key 4 Palen. They are educated, intelligent, and conscientious physicians, who will not, we are sure, make any statement, which they do not know or believe to be tree, "nor pub lish any testimonials or reports of cases which are not genuine. WM. D. KELLY, Member of Congress from Pli?adelphia. T. S. ARTHUR, Editor and- Publisher u Arthur's Some Magazine," Philadelphia. t:%. CONEAD, ? * Editor of * Lutheran Observer," Philadelphia. Philaoilpeia, Pa., Jote 1, 1882. In order to meet a natural inquiry in re gard to ourprofessional and personal stand ing, and to give increased confidence in our f tatemen ts and in the genuraess of our testi monials and reports of cases, we print the above card from gentlemen well and widely known and of the highest personal character. Our u Treatise on Compound Oxygen,11 con taining a history of the discovery of and mode of action of this remarkable curative agent, and a large rec?rd of surprising cures in Consumption, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Bronchi tis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range of Chron ic diseases, will be sent free. Address Drs. STARKEY k PALEN. 1139 & 1111 Girard Street, Philadelpnia., Pa. J?. H. Folaoro, ~L. . Fokom. -ESTAB'D 18d8.-; F. H. FOLSOM & BR?. Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, Main- Street, opposite John Retaos, S?MTER; S.C, WALTH&M ?9 o o C9 - s? o .Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Spectacles, Cu?ery, Fishing Tackle. Violin "' ' ^Strings, Machine Needles, Oils, &c. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. A FAMILY AFFAIR BY HUGH CONWAT, Author of'Called Back" and "Dark Days." CHAPTER X THE FRACTIONAL COTTSDT. >fj?? Clanson showed very little interest in che approaching -isit. To this curious and? at times, almost apathetic young woman it seemed as if all young men wera>-alike, al though we have seen that she was capable of - showing strong feeling and emotion, as when she rejected Mr.. Morale's love. The only sentiments Miss Clanson felt about Frank Carruthers were these: She was rather glad ho was not a clergyman, and rather sorry ha was a sort of cousin. She was not very partial ta clergymen, and she thought that male cousins were apt to presume on their relationship. Perhaps they do. - She had not even the interest which falls to the lot of hostess in preparing for the ar rival of a guest. Herbert himself had seen that the large feather bed in the chintz room had been carried down and aired at the kitchen re. He had with his own hands given out the needful blankets, counterpanes, sheets and pillow cases; had even looked to the match box and. pin cushion. So, with something akin to indifference, Beatrice saw the lodge gate open and Horace bring the horses and large wagonette up to the door. She noticed that the young man who sat beside hiaa looked rather pale and washed out. She saw several portmanteaus handed out, and so came to the conclusion he intended making a long stay. Then she re sumed the book she was reading. It was far more interesting than any young man. Kor was sho disturbed for some tune. It was close upon the dinner?indeed, Beatrice was already dressed; so the Talberts took their guest to his room, and left him to make his evening toilet. Just before the gong sounded the three men entered the drawing room, and Frank was duly presented to Hiss Clausen. When a young man and woman know it is their fate to spend several Weeks together in a country house, and when there is a family connection between them, it is no use com mencing by being distant to one another. At least, so thought Frank Carruthers, for he shook hands with Miss Clanson, and began talking to her as if he had known her all his life. Beatrice felt sure he meant to presume on his relationship. .. . - "Stai she was very civil and kind to him and welcomed him to Oakbury. By and by, in "the course of his easy conversation, he kjMMfr-what. stiuck-harts^being an onginaT" remark. What it was is not recorded, but, as original remarks grow, scarcer every day* any young man who makes one a minute after his first introduction to a young lady is 1 something out of the common run. So Beatrice for the first time really looked to see what he was ?ke. You may depend he I had made up his mind about her looks at once. He was pale and appeared thin and over worked. " By the side of Horace and Herbert he seemed a short, slight man, although he was quite middle height, and if thin had plenty of muscle. He was very handsome in bis own style and had a -clever, intellectual look in Ins face. His eyes were dark and keen, not restless eyes, yet seemed to glance at everything quickly and enable him in a second to make up his mind about the object at which he looked. There was an expression hovering about his month which a physiog nomist would have told yon hinted at sar casm, and his chin proclaimed that he had a will of his own. By the timo Beatrice had finished her sur vey, and before she had come to any decision, except that be Was by no means ill-looking, the gong sounded. Horace offered his arm to his niece, and led her to the dining-room, fol lowed by Herbert and Frank. They dined at a round table, pulled almost trp to the window. It was pleasant at this time of year to be able to look ont on the gar den.. If everybody knew the comfort of a round table when the party is small, the whole stock in the country would beat once bought up. After all, in spite of his pale face, there . seemed little the matter with Mr. Carruthers. His appetite was a fair one; but if a man could not make a good dinner at Hazlewood House his interior organi Tation mu? t be in astate past redemption. So he ate like a hale man and talked like one whose brain was in full working order. "It's very good o? yon to take chaTfe of an invalid like me," he said across the table to Beatrice. "Yon must thank my uncles. I am only a visitor like yourself, Mr. Carruthers." ?And both very welcome," said Horace, courteously. "Exactly so," said Herbert "By ti? by," said Frank, turning to Hor ace, "tell me what I shall call you and your brother. Mr. Talbert seems too stiff?Horace and Herbert too familiar. I could, like Miss Clanson, call you uncle, if you liked; but you are not old enough." They dined at a round tabfe. "I think, as wo are cousins, we had better use the Christian name simply." This was a great concession on their part. Only persons like Lady Bowker, who had known them from boys, called the Talberts by their Christian names. "Thank you,*' said Frank. "Now enlighten jne as to my relationship to Miss Clauson." Herbert explained the matter. "Half first cousin once removed. An un known quantity. If I were a mathematician I would try to express it in figures. It doesn't ?eem much, but it's better than nothing." Beatrice felt suro this young man meant to include her in the arrangement just made with her uncles. She was wrong; it was many days before he called her anything except Miss Clauson. Love always should begin in a most respectful manner. Then the Talberts, who had the knack of always interesting themselves in their guests' affairs, and who were, moreover, capital listeners, asked him questions about his lifo at Oxford. "Life!" he said; "it can scarcely be called life. Ail tenu timo from nine in tbo morning to nine at night I try to fill up a vacuum? created by nature, but which nature does not seem to abhor?in young fellows' brains. You look upon a tutor's ' ailing as rather an intel lectual one, don t you?" "Naturally wo do." "Then be undeceived. A man who keeps a shop requires far greater gif ts. He has a variety of things to sell, and a variety of customers to send away equipped with what they want. My customers are all the same? my wares don't vary. I assure you, Miss Clausou, the dull, level stupidity of the typi cal undergraduate is appalling." "Then it needs a clever man to improve them." "Perhaps so?but dover in what? Not in learning. Clever in knowing what they are likely to be asked in apaminatfon. Clever in cutting off all superfluous work. As for the learning, the tutor need only be a page ahead of his pupil, and that does not constitute a ? supreme effort. Did you ever see a firework manufactory?" He asked Beatrice this. It seemed a sudden departure from the subject. Of course she had never seen a firework manufactory. "Well, they ram this and that into the empty cases. So do 1 Saltpetre?Latin. Sulphur?Greek. Charcoal?history. Balls of colored fire?various information. I and ram. The case is full and in place. The examiner applies the match and looks for the result. Then-" "They burst in the wrong place," said Beatrice slyly. She was amused. "Yes?many of them?burst and scatter the unburned charge to the winds in a ludic rous manner. Some, of course, fly straight and only come down like sticks after fulfill ing their appointed tasks." "But soma succeed like yourself," said Horace. . "My dear Horace!" Frank fell into the Christian name arrangement with the great est ease. "The more I see of undergraduates the humbler I grow. I was successful but if my competitors were like those I coach it's nothing to be proud of." "Yet your learning brings these pupils to you." "Not a bit of it I have a knack of bring ing dull fellows on, that's alL" "And perhaps the reason why you get all the dull fellows," said Beatrice. "There's something in that," said Car ruthers, laughing. "You read Latin," said Frank, suddenly turning to Beatrice. "Yes, How could you tell?" - He laughed and gave her one of his quick glances. . "There is a little line between your brows? a very little one. Young ladies always knit their brows when they study hard. Latin for a lady is hard study." "Other things besides study bring lines," said Beatrice, rather coldly. "Yes?trouble. But you can have had none. Pride may bring them. You are proud, but not severely proud. So I am right." Certainly this young man was presuming. Beatrice, half displeased, said nothing. "Wont you have some more champagne, Frank?" said Horace, noticing the young man declined vTiittaker's mute offer of refilling his glass. "No, thank you. I drink very little, al though your wine is enough to shake the sternness of an anchorite. "' "That is Byron, is it not?" asked Herbert. "Byron misquoted," said Beatrice quietly. Frank gave her a quick glance. "Are you sure?" he said, "Certain. Hooked it up last week. It is %aintship' not 'sternness.' " ^? "I looked it up some monthsago^fljfc; I to^ymemory^ I^WfW<^^^seems." "Homer sometimes nods," said Horace. Beatrice was looking rather inquisitively at Frank. "What did you want the quota tion for?" she asked. "For?something or another?I forget now. As soon as I am allowed to work my brain P1I try and remember." "Dont trouble?I know. I saw the mis quotation last week." Frank shrugged his shoulders. "Of course, you wrote the paper," contin ued Beatrice. "You are provokmgly acute, "Mm CTvu son." "What did Frank writer asked Horac* Beatrice smiled. She felt she was now go ~>g to take her revenge for Mr. Carrathers' i*emark about the Latin. "That paper in The Latterchyy Review on landowners' responsibilities," she de? m^'^ely. ,cNonsense, Beatrice! Frank couldn't have Trafitteti that Did you?" continued Horace, more doubtfully, seeing his guest manifested no horror at the accusation. *'Young ladies should not read The Latter day," said Frank. "Anonymous writers should not misquote," retorted Beatrice. "But did you write it, Frank?" asked Her bert The two brothers looked the picture of anx iety. Frank laughed. "Miss Clauson is horribly acute," he said. Therefore they all understood that Mr. Oarruthers was the author of the. article in question, an article which, from the bold and original views it ventilated, had attracted a great deal of attention. Horace and Herbert looked aghast "Frank," said the former in a solemn voice, "you must be a radical." "You must," said Herbert sorrowfully. Even the respectable Whittaker, who had listened to the conversation, pulled a long. face, and seemed to say to himself "he must be a radi?-aL" That his masters* cousin should so disgrace the family was very dis tressing. "Ob dear, no," said the culprit "I'm not ?are you, Horace?" The utter absurdity of the question made them all laugh. Horace and Herbert thanked Heaven they were not radicals. "But there are respectable radicals, are there not?' asked Frank innocently. "A few," said Horace. Sad as the truth was he was obliged to confess that there were one or two radicals of his acquaintance whose social position raised them above considera tion of their political creed. It was a fault in what was otherwise a fairly well-organized world. It was a satisfaction to have Frank's word that ho was not a radical. They told bjm so gravely. "I fancy Mr. Carruthersis a communist," said Beatrice mischievously. "Then my expressed opinion of your shrewd ness suffers." *'But what are your views, Frank?" asked Horace. "I have none in particular. I am willing to be guided by the best authorities?your selves, for instance. Tell me why you bate radicals so?" "They aro so?so?un-English." "Ah. Then I detest them. Now you know what I am. I am English. Are you English, Horace?" They told him solemnly they hoped and be lieved they were English to tho backbone; but they told themselves they were English men with insular excrescences rubbed off by foreign travel. "Yes," said Frank, "it's a great thing to be English. Few people realize what it means. I do most thoroughly." "That's right," said Horace. In spite of the landowner article, ho was growing quito easy about his guest. "I would pass a law," said Frank gravely, "making it penal for any Englishman to i^arn a word of a foreign tongue. Every time an English child conjugates a French or German verb he retards tho millennium." "The millennium T.s?iid Beatrice, astonished. "Yes?my idea of the millennium?which is when tho whole civilized world speaks English. If we could only converso in our own tongue, every nation would l>o forced to learn it, and so hasten tho happy day. Wherever tho English language gets a good footing, it conquers." "Of course you speak only your own lan guage?"' said Beatrice. She was by now get ting quite interested. "In my ignorance of what was right I learned one or two ethers. I am trying to forget them, but I can't do so." "Well, in what other way would you show your patriotism?" asked Horace, who was amused. "I would cling to every bit of foreign land we acquired, whether gained by force, fraut?, purchase, or discovery. I wouldn't think whether it paid to keep it or not It must benefit tho original owners to become Angli cised ; nnd whatever place it is, it is sure to com? in useful some day." "No wonder you hate radicals," said Her bert, approvingly. "Well, what else asked Beatrice. He had been for the most part addressing his remarks to her, so she had a right to ask. "Lots more. But, as wo aro all so English, let mo ask yon a question. Doesn't it some times jar upon your mind to think that we aro obhged to anoint full-blooded Germans as our kings and queens? How much English blood has tho prince in his veins?" That was a very startling question. The Talberts immediately began to run down the royal family tree. Frank took a piece of bread. "I'll ehow you by an illustration," he said. "You'll be frightened. Hero's James tho First," he pointed to tho bread, "i?ere is Ids daughter Sophia," ho cut tho bread iu half. "Here's George tho First,'' he cut the bread again. "Here's Georgo the Second," cutting again. "Here's George the Third," cutting again. "Here's Edward, Duke of Kent, " cut ting again. "Here's the Queen, God blessherl" cutting again. ? "Here's Albert Edward, heaven preserve him !" He cut the bread for the last time, and sticking the tiny morsel that remained on a fork, gravely handed it to Beatrice. "It's a mortifying state of things, isn't it," he said, "for those who are so thoroughly English as ourselves? Don't you sympathize with the Jacobites, Miss Clauson ' "I think you are talking rank treason," said Beatrice. Sho scarcely knew whether he was in jest or earnest. Perhaps he didn't know himself. The dinner proper was just over. "Whit taker came in with the crumb brush and swept away James I. and his descendants througb the. female side. As soon as the wine was placed on tho table the door was opened and little Harry trotted into the room. He was allowed to make his ap pearance for a few minutes at this time whenever there was no company. The Tal berts, remembering their theory, put up their eye glasses to note the paternal instinct their guest might display. "Halloo!" he cried, "another pleasant sur prise." No doubt he meant to imply that Mfcs Clausou's presence at Hazle wood House was the first "Now, who is this?" he asked as the boy ran to Beatrice's side. ' 'Will he come to me? I am really fond of children." Tempted by the irresistible bribe of grapes the boy trotted round the table. Frank picked him up, kissed him, tickled him, stroked his golden hair, and admired him greatly, but showed none of those emotions which the Talberts imagined they would de tect In fact, the way in which he met the boy removed their base suspicions entirely. They were glad of this, although it plunged them back into darkness. They felt very friendl?y disposed towards their cousin and were glad to be able to think him as honor able a man as themselves. Probably they never really doubted this. So in reply to his question as to whose child this merry, laughing boy was, they told him the history of his appearance, and how Beatrice had begged that he might be kept at Hazlewood House. "I dont wonder at it," said Frank. ' wish someone would send me another jus' hkehim." Beatrice gave him a look vf gratitude, Every word that confirmed heV in possession of the child was welcome to her. She had not yet looked at Mr. 'Carruthers in any way which .carried, emotion, witbit? Ht- . ;. K*w"?s a revelation. Till then he had no Ide?, of what dark gray eyes could express. FranJc piefoed him up and kissed him. She soon left the men, but to rejoin them when they took a strolT round the grounds. Frank was here shown many clever little de vices by which tho Talberts perfected the out-of-door arrangements. He learned how they checked tho consumption of corn and hay in the stables; how they regulated the amount of coko used for tho hothouse. In deed, as ho was quick-of comprehension and in detecting peculiarities of character, he was not so very much surprised when, having re turned to the drawing-room, he greatly ad mired a fine piece of knotted lace, to heai that the uncompleted piece of work was not Miss Clausou's, but wrought by that accom plished artist, Uncle Herbert. CHAPTER XL "morbed's the wosd!" Thanks to the remarkably fine air of Oak bury, and to an absolute cessation of any thing like hard work, Mr. Carruthers soon lost his jaded appearance. At tho end of ten days he declared himself to be in rude health, and his looks did not belie his words. Cer tainly those worthy housewives, his cousins, had taken great caro of him. They fed and fattened him ; insisting that he should take beef tea at intervals, and that his cure should be hastened by his drinking plenty of that old '47 port for which their father's cellar had been noted. Close as the "Tabbies" were ir their housekeeping arrangements, they grudged the stranger within iheir gates noth ing. In less than a week Frank had taken the measure of bis cousine?of his male cousins. at least. He had even ceased to bo seized with an almost irresistible desire to go into a secluded corner and chuckle when he saw these great men engaged in some duty which is supposed to appertain peculiarly to women kind; or when ho heard their simple consul tations on the price of meat, groceries, 01 other household commodities. Being, like Mr. Mordle, gifted with a vein of humor, he found tho Talborts most interesting char acters; but had he found thoir eccentricities wearisome, the kindness they showed hirr would have compensated for the discomfort. For in spite of the exclusiveness which they were compelled by circumstances to adopt, they were amiable, lovable men. So Mr. Carruthers took them as they were, and liked the two brothers better and better the more ho really understood them. But Beatrice "was another matter. Ho had studied her with even more attention, but felt that the result of his studies was unsatis factory. So far as sho was concerned hi knew ho had got at nothing like the ti-uth. except on ono self-evident point, that she wo* very beautiful. When first they met bei beauty struck him, but it u as days before he finished finding now and fresh personal charms; perhaps he never ceased finding them. Under certain circumstances such discoveries are endless. Frank Carruthers' studies of Miss Clauson'* outward shell should therefore Lave been very pleasing to that young lady, had tbc result been made known to her, and had she cared twopence to find favor in tho students eyes. For the rest ho was in a puzzle, which he spent many horns trying to solve. Miss Clausou little thought, as she looked out oJ tho window and saw Mr. Carruthers lying on the turf with his straw hat tilted over hit oyes and a thin blue stream of smoke curling up from his cigarette, that he was neither sleeping nor projecting a new political arti- '< ci? for Tho Latter?ay, but thiukiug entirely j of her own sweet si-lf. They had seen great deal of ono another I during tho lust week. Frank was not man ' who loved twenty-mil ; walks, or cared te j rush from one end of a county to another tc look at a rock or a waterfall. His idea of a holiday ho summed up in the word ' loafing." "A good loafer 13 a groat rarity,"lie told Miss Clauson. "Loafing proper is an art which can not fc acquired. I have met with many spurious imitations, but the real artiele is hard to find. Show 7110 tho man who'caii spend a whole day like this, and you show me ono who can get very near to happiness.*' "Like this1* meant lying on his back as do scribed. "But you do something?you smoke," said Beatrice. "Yes, for tho sake of appearances. In these days of hard work a ?aan mustn't be absolutely i?le.*' Of course she ousdit to have laughed at the feeble joke. But sbe did riot. She looked down at him from her chair, and her gray eyes were annoyingly serious. In glorious August weather, when the sky is a cloudless blue, when all the trees, except the spend thrift chestnuts, are in full beauty, when roses are still budding, breaking into bloom, and succeeding their fallen fellows, a young lady has no right to look seriously at the man by her side. Certainly not Beatrice Clauson, with her beauty and fortune. Yet she looked and spoke gravely. "You wrong yourself talking such nonsense, Mr. Carruthers." Ee raised himself on his elbow. "I don't talk nonsense. I am speaking of my idea of enjoying a holiday. When I work it is another matter. I trust I work to the best of my ability. When I idle, I idle to the best o? my ability." "Your idea of human happiness is a hum* ble one." "Is it? Then give me yours in exchange.,: Beatrice was silent. She even turned her head away. "Well, I am waiting for the definition." There was no trace of levity in Frank's voice as he spoke. His manner was as serious as her own. "I have none to give," said Beatrice. "None?at your age I Are your dreams all gone? Young ladies do dream, I believe. They dream of being queens of society, of marrying rich men; if they are romantic, of marrying poor men ; they dream of a life ol religion; of having a mission to perform. Which Is your particular dream?" "I have none," she said coldly. "You must dream. You are sleeping now, and all sleepers dream at times. Only in th? wide-awake, bustling world do people forget their dreams. They work on and cn, e: d to some the day comes on which one of their old dreams is realized. Alas, by that time they have almost forgotten that they ever dreamed it, or they find it. realized too late." Beatrice sat silent with her eyes cast down. "Perhaps I have not guessed the right dream for you," continued Carruthers. "I forgot you were such a learned young lady. Your dream may be the fame of the scholar or the writer." "I have no dreams," she repeated. He looked her full in the face. "Can you say also have had no dreams?'* She made no answer. As he looked at hex he thought that even at this moment she seemed far away in dreamland. He told himself that if Miss Clauson brought herself to assert that she had never dreamed she would be breaking the?he couldn't remem ber which commandment?the one about lying. By tho by, is there any command ! ment to refrain from falsehood, except the in direct oiio^a&to "faJse^itaess* '' s,_,_ "Not even of rank, riches, fame, power ? >. he said in a lighter tone. "Miss Clauson, you ? are ^compr?hensible." She choso to turn the subject. "Iam going to the village now," sho said. "With your permission I will accompany you." She made no objection. It is a curious fact, that in spite of his glorification of tho noble art of loafing, Mr. Carruthers- wa3 always ready to go walking with Miss Clauson wher ever and whenever she permitted it. Butn? man is consistent for twenty-four hours at e stretch. Mr. Carruthers, in his attempted study o? Beatrice's disposition, found it very hard tc hit upon tho word which would, so far as he as yet knew, describe its chief characteristics. That a strong element of sadness was mixed up in it ho felt sure. It was just possible that this was introduced by the unfortunate dif ferences between herself andher father. Hav ing learnt that she had been a guest at Oak bury for eight months ho was shrewd enough to make a pretty correct guess at tho true stato of affairs. But there was more than sad ness to account for. There was apathy. How ever the Talberts viewed it?whatever high bred charm they fancied was vouchsafed tc Miss Clauson by the bestowal of that reserved calm manner of hers, Frank knew its true nature was apathetic. It seemed strange that an intellectual girl like this had no desire, or no revealed desire, in life?no ambition, social or otherwise. From tho very first he judged her character by a high standard?quite as high as that by which ho judged her beauty. As their intercourse grew more familiar he found ho had no reason to abate either. Nat urally, Frank Carruthers, fellow of -col lege, Oxford, was a clever man, and aftei taking so much trouble about tho matter, should have been able to sum up a weak woman's character correctly. So, after a great deal of reasoning, he came to tho conclusion that ho had found the word to suit her. Beatrice was morbid. Everyone knows that the best cure for morbidness is tc awaken the patient's interest in his or her fel low-creatures?in even one fellow-creature will sometimes do. Therefore, it was very kind cf Dr. Carru thers, after such an exhaustive diagnosis, tc set about endeavoring to effect a cure. A good action will sometimes bring its own re ward. His view of the case was greatly strength ened by noticing that Beatrice never np 'pcared to better advantage than when she had her little boy with her. It was tho in terest she cook in this tiny fellow-creature which made her for tho timo display those qualities which all unmarried men, with ' right ideas, so exalt in a woman?affection, 1 kindness and forbearanco with children. Single meu, if they arc good and poetical synonymous terms, I hope?aro apt to think that a woman never k>oks more charming than when she has a child or children with her. Sometimes, after marriage, they have been known to express a wish that tbc asso ciation n?od i!< t lu so eternal. But although Lir. Carni?hers deduedthat [ Beatrice was morbid, be had still to aecomil j 1 for the appearaueo of the disenso in a mental | constitution which ought to have been the ! , last to have succumbed to it. The mora he tried to account for it the j more ho was forced to accept, as tho primary j cause, one tiling?a thing, even in theso early } days, most unpleasant aud unpalatable tc \ him. But ho could not ignore the fact ihat ! young ladies who are victims to what is called an unfortunate attachment do Some times grow morbid and try to make t?eir \ friends believe that life for them is ct an end. So one evening, .shortly after his arrival at Hazlewood House, Frank asked his hosts, o? course in tho most casual, disinterested way, many leading questions about M i.ss Clausen? 1 why she was not married, or at least cn- ! ; gaged, and so forth, 'i'lui Talberts returned their old answer that it was time- she thought about it, but perhaps ?he took after them selves, and was not of a marrying disposi tion. This Mr. Carruthers ventured doubt. "Sbe may have been disappointed in 1> >v(>,": ( he said, carelessly. All tho same ho iv31Ied from the claret jug the glass from which he . had been drinking 1.S47 port. "My deai* Frank," said Horace, with grave dignity, "Miss Clausen would never permit , such a thing to happen." "Certainly not," said Herbert. "Permit what? Permit herself to fall in ? 1 love?" I "No; permit herself to bo disappointed in ? love. She is far too?too well bred for such j a thing to occur. When she makes her choice j it will bo one of which we all approve; se j disappointment is out of the question." "That's highly satisfactory," said Frank. ; ; "A well regulated young woman is the no- j ? blest work ?if?well, of modern times." Thev were uv now getting accustomed tc biza, and although rather shocked at Bea- j trice's being called a young woman did not j show it. "Then her choice is not yet made!" con tinued Frank. "Not to our knowledge, and, I may add, not to Sir Maingay's." Mr. Carruthers asked no more questions. He strolled out iutothe garden and talked quietly to Miss Clauson until thestarr.showed themselves in the sky. Having ascertained that Miss Ciaf tson wai under tho charge of no other amateur doc tor, Mr. Carruthers could, of course, set aboul cming her disease without any fear of out raging professional etiquette. |"to be continued ] What Our Editors Say. Sentiment and Fact. jtV. Y. Sun. The Ohio Republicans have taken the countersign from Mr. Blaine. Ever since Mr. Blaioe's speech at Augusta after the election it has been evident that a return to the old sentimental de nunciation of the South was to be the Republican policy until something new turned up. Nothing new has turned up since then to help the Republicans, and nothing new is likely to turn up till Congress meets. The enthusiasm of the more ardent tariff reformers in Con gress is perhaps the chief hope of the Republicans in their search for a real issue. The mistakes of the Adminis tration have not been serious enough from a Republican point of view to be used with any effect against it, and its appointment of 'rebels' and the alleged 'crimes' against the suffrage in the Southern States must be the mainstays of the Republicans in the elections nest fall. It is not necessary to underrate the distrust of the South, still unreasonably felt by a large part of the older Re publicans of the North, to doubt if it is still an effective weapon against the Democrats. It may serve in Ohio, al though the result there is much more likely to be determined by local issues ; but will it be of much use to the Re publicans in the up bill work of win ning back New York or Indiana or New Jersey or Connecticut? Even if this SouthenPissmr ted ..not been worn threadbare by confirm! *???7^ &-4^?^ most unfavorable time to bring it out again. It is now an exploded buga boo, a detected scarecrow. The South was never more orderly and more pros perous than it is to-day under a Demo cratic Administration, and the North, recovering slowly but steadily from a period of commercial and ? industrial de pression, is in no mood to join in a crusade against the South, with which its relations are growing every day more intimate and important. The older Republicans do not seem to understand that their idea of the Re publican party as a sort of sacrosanct institution for the conversion of the Southern States is not shared or eren comprehended by the great generation of young voters to whom the-fierce pas sions of the war are noT a matter of liv ing memory. But if all the sons of Republicans inherited a bitter preju dice against the South, the Southern issue would still be far from formidable in the absence of Democratic follies and dissensions not now to be expected. What will a threadbare, second-hand, unreasonable sentiment-, which has been used time and time again as an apology and cloak for Republican villaiuies, avail against the unimpeachable evi dence which the Democrats will be able to use in the coming elections ? All the-clamor of the Republicans against the wickednesf of the Southern Demo crats will not keep from men's minds the terrible fact which, hitherto hidden or only half revealed, are now being clearly disclosed. What answer can the Republicans bring to the long in dictments which the Democrats can frame against them from the investiga tions of Secretary Whitney and Secre tary Manning? And in all depart ments of the Government the corrup tion and extravagance of the Republi cans will be shown. The Democrats can appeal to the country on these facts, and they can show that tbey have not contented themselves with the mere in vestigation of Republican abuses, but are introducing measures of positive re form. The Republicans may be successful on other grounds, but in a contest be tween a half make-believe sentiment and tangible, easily apprehended facts, the facts will win. JMr, Davis and the Constitution. Augusta Chronicle. Not long ago flon. Jefferson Davis uttered a great truth?a truth not con fined to himself or originally discovered by him?that the present generation of Americans had lost much reverence for the Constitution and that a full knowl edge of it was not common among so called statesmen. Whereupon certain editors, who are no doubt shining ex amples of the fact presented, proceeded to fire their paper broadsides at this old man from Beauvoir. Some of these ed itors went so far as to hint to the Al mighty that Mr. Davis was not fit to live any longer, etc., etc. Now, it so happens that the recent Ohio Republican Convention has furn ished a timely and striking illustration ! of Mr. Davis' veracity. That eon ve u- j Lion, as the New York World shows, proclaimed : The right to vote accorded by the Constitution of the United States is the j concern of the whole people. The Republican Judges of the Su ! preme Court declare : The right or privilege of voting is one arising under the Constitution of the State aod not under the Constitution of the United States. ? United States vs. Susan B. Anthony. Neither the Constitution nor the | fourteenth amendment, made citizens voters.?United States vs. Cruikshank j The fifteenth a mend in cut does not confer tho right of suffrage ; that comes i from the States.?United States vs j Reese. The delegates to that convention were j ostensibly the most, prominent men in ! the active political life of the great State ! of Ohio, and yet they were so ignorant ; of the Constitution, or so defiant of it. or both, that they deliberately involved themselves in a ridiculous or rebellious , attitude. Wherefore, when Jefferson Davis said that the Constitution of the United States was not properly regarded, at this time, and patriotically upheld or ; understood, he proclaimed a splendid, if lamentable fact. To be stoned for telling the truth is a hard fate ; but Mr. Davis could Dot and will not be injured by men who assail him igno raotly aud maliciously. He stands erect, as a man and Truth stands beside him. - Justice. Wilmington Star. 'The following sentences were passed by the Recorder of Liverpool on the same day at the late sessions : 1. Eu gene Quinn, for stealing from his em ployer ?862, eight montbs' imprison ment. 2. Bridget C. Thompson, for stealing a pair of booti, twelve months' imprisonment S. Samuel Purcell, for stealing a fowl, twelve months."?Bos ton Post We supposed Eoglish justice, even in Liverpool, was abovesuch an exhibitionof folly and injustice. A rascal steals about ?-?000 and gets only eight months' imprisonment; while a poor, hungry fellow who captured a chicken, goes up for twelve months. Such an administration of law is beneath con tempt. If we .remember aright there has been now and then something of the kind in court circles in North Car olina. We have some recollection of Na discrimination in favor of the big rascal not unlike the above that occurred at Charlotte several montbs ago. if the Courts are to be held in proper respect the decisions must not be whim sical, or betray favoritism or prejudice. Even-handed justice is what the peo ple demand and have a right to expect. The press should be careful in critici sing particular acts of those dispensing justice. It should get the exact facts before attempting to apply a corrective. But when there is a clear abuse of pow er, or an unjust and unfair administra tion of law, it is proper that criticism should be applied, and that those who sit as judges executing law should find that they are not above frank .and fair comment. An independent, honest press should not stand in awe of even Judges or Magistrates when they do wrong. - Grant's Book. ?Yorkv?le Enquirer. Tho~po?isgD the war by Gen. Grant, which has been "efctgpsjvely advertised by constant allusion to it In^fctrS^ily dispatches in reference to his au?? 4 dangerous sickness, is in press and will soon be issued. The work will com prise two volumes of 500 pages each. Some extracts from this history of the war have been sent to the press for publication, and on the first page of this issue we print Gen. Grant's account of his first interview with Gen. Lee at Appomattox, which gira^-air??lusira tion of the style inlfhich the narrative is written. He adroitly makes himself appear a "bigger man" than Lee, though younger. The author does not make the pretensions of Macauly, nor in point of graceful diction does he ap proach the Peter Parley style of history familiar to the schoolboy of forty years ago. He is positive and dogmatical in bis statements, however, and if he fails to give to posterity his own actions in the great struggle, and his criticism on other generals, it will not be through the lack of effort on bis part. At this late day he has not forgotten the asperities of 1861, and to the disgust of any dis passionate reader, be interlards all bis statements with such expressions as "the so-called Confederato States," "rebels," "the war of rebellion," etc. This, however, will please a large ma jority of his readers, for the history will have an immense sale in the North, and of course it is prepared with the special view of pleasing that class of readers, who, "invincible in peace and invisible in war," would wave the bloody shirt until doomsday. Several gross and inaccurate state ments have already been detected in the advance sheets. Among others, Grant repeats the old worn-out false hood, of Mr. Davis being found in fe male costume when captured. This would not be expected from a dignified writer occupying the exalted position to which Gen. Graut aspires; but passing to more serious matters, it is said by those who have read the first volume, that Graut, in order to save his reputa tion in the campaign of 1864, puts Lee's force at the opening of the campaign at 80,000 men instead of 55,000, and to this he adds the gross fiction that Lee's reinforcements in the compaign were about equal to bis own. Such mis statements are extraordinary, to say the least ; but they are only in keeping with all the histories .of the war written from a Northern standpoint. The Two Civilizations. Wilmington Star. The race of "Pecksniffs" has Dot died out in the North or South. You will find rbeni in the papers almost any day. A tacit admission that the South is be hind in everything is too common among Southern born people. It is not true. In many great essentials of a high civilization the South has always led the North. Both George Wash ington and Robert E. Lee were born in the South. And so was Stonewall Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. We do uot believe iu the game of "brag," and in setting up claims for the South to which it is not entitled. But, North ern witnesses being heard, the civiliza tion in the South before the war was quite equal to that of the' North and the men of the South domiuated the land. We referred the other day to the admission of Charles Sumncr in the United States Senate as to the superior breed of statesmen in the South, to their control of tho country for seventy years and" to their unsullied honor. ??ut how has it been since the war when politicians of altogether another breed came into >wer and "ran the machine?'' How has it fared with the people since Northern statesmanship j held the reins? Everybody knows the answer. Only last year an important element in the Republican party revolt ed, aud because of the wide-spread cor ruption in the old Republican party Since the advent of Northern ideas and statesmanship it has been a common thing to see Northern Senators and Representatives becoming millionaires upon a saiaiy of $5,000 a year. The "Lobby" has become a* third House in Washington: Candidates for the Pres idency like Garfield aud Biainc were all I stained and- tattooed with corruption [ and bribery. A President like Grant was deeply - involved in Black/Friday and whiskey rings.- Hayes stele the Presidency by fraud and corruption. Thank God, when the Souri? w.ae to the front none of these .things happened or could have happened. : ; ' The civilization of the South before the war was incomparably the grandest**, purest, simplest that-.this -joourUry ha? known and he is a very 'ignorant man who does not know it. Let us -beware, of Northern ideas-asocial equality, Freedmen's Bureaux, Blair Pedagogic bills and Paternalism generally. Let tur. have no "new South" among jus, for the dear old South is good enough fox the loyal and true people of the South. What the States Pay. ?.-. . ?.. . ? ... i The internal revenue receipts, of last year were ?121,000,000 ;sthis-year they, will probably be about $110,000,000*, distributed as follows :. Alabama, $35,?. 000; Arizona, $2,750; - Arkansas,; ?90,000 ; California, $3,300,000 j ' Colorado, $200,000 ; Connecticut^ $425,000; Dakota, $10,000 ; Dela< ware, $200,000; Florida, $173.000 j Georgia, $375,000; Idaho, $2,500 Illinois, $25,000,000 \ Indiana, $5^ 600,000 ; Iowa, $2,750,000 ; Kansas* $167,000 ; Kentucky, $15,000,000 j: Louisiana, $560,000 ; Maine, $50,000^ Maryland, $3,150,000 ; Massachusetts* $2,400,000; Michigan, $l,500,000'j Minnesota, $500,000; Mississippi $50,000 ;|Missour:, $6,500,000 ; Moo* tina, $125,000; Nebraska, $1,500,? 000; Nevada, $5,000; New Hamp shire. $375,000; New Jersey, $3, 475,000; New Mexico, $70,000; Nef York, $13,500,000; North Cardio?; $1,600.000; Ohio, $13,600,000; Or^ egon, $125,000 ; Pennsylvania, $7,-~ 500,000; Rhode Island, $130,000; South Carolina, $93,000; Tennessee; $1,250,000; Texas, $225,000; ?taii? $4,500; Vermont. $30,000; Virginia; $3,000,000; WashSgton, "$7,000 ; West Virgiaia, $550,000 ; Wisconsin, $3,000,000; Wyoming; $1,500. ' A Slight Misunderstanding* A lady employed a young girl about fifteen years old, to assist her about bet housework, and one day she was mak ing some cake, and wished to put some kind of plums in it ; so she set a dish Ho^n on the the table with some plains, andlola'ti^idjo^fitone them, and to show her how, she to^?r^ a i>lnm and. took the stone out, with That is the way.' Then, thinking the girl un< what she meant, she put the had into her month, instead^ ^d_w^jit._away. _J??bat was her sur prise a short time after, to have the girl come into the room where she was and tell her she had eaten all ehe could. ? When the lady went into the room where she had been at work, she found she had put all the stones into the ?i bj and eaten all she could of the plums ; ? she thinking that the bard pieces-^ meaning the ston es?would soften op when baked in the cake. . - >. Marriage in Arizona.. 'Do you take this woman whose hasd you're a squeezin' to be yonr lawful wife in flush times an' skimp?' reckon that's about the size of it; Squire.' 'Do you take this man you've j'ined fists with to be jour pard th rough thick an' tbin V .. Well, you're abont right for once',, old man.' 'All right, then. Kiss in court, an' I reckon you're married about as tight as the law kin j'ine you. I guess four bits'll do, Bill, if I don't have to kiss the bride. If I do, it's six bits extra.' ?Chicago Ledger, His Injunction. There used to be an old gentleman who lived in one of the parishes in Loa* isiana, who was noted for his tremend ous deportment and punctuality. Ar riving in the city for the first time, he accosted a young man about town who was standing on the corner. wish my young friend,' said he, taking out bis watch, 'to go to the St. Charles Hotel..' . 'Well,' said the gilded youth, 'you may go, but don't stay but half ari hour.'?New Orleans Times. Too Original. Two rival country editors, while at a political meeting, were importuning an old farmer to take their papers. 'Gentlemen I don't want both,' said he. 'Well take mine,' replied one of the editors. 'Mine has twice as much' original matter as bis.' 'That so ? Well, I bTeve I'll take his, I always want the best.*??rJca? saw Traveler. 'Can you direet rae the way to tire Water Department Y inquired a strang er in Louisville. The which V asked a native, in ? daze. The Water Department?the place where the officials in charge of the city water supply can be found.' Oh, yes, yes; I know now. It's just around the corner. Got some wa ter rent to pay ? 'No, I am an engineer, and wish to submit a plan to make the water of Louisville fit to drink.' 'See, here, stranger, if you don't' want to be mobbed you'd better get out of here purty quick.' -Ill -? ' - 'Pa,' said a little boy, who had been reading the newspaper, 'what is a mi nority report A minority report, my son? inquiringly repeated the father. 'Yes, sir.* ?Well, my son,' he answer ed, scratching his head, *a minority re-.: port i*?is?is?well, my son, where I.; say I won't and your mother says I had^. better ; that's a minority report.' Which; , one, pa?yours or mother's?' 'Rauf, out and play, my s?d ; you arc too young to understand such matters... When yea are older you won't bave to_ ask so many questions '?Merchant Traveler, "Do yon," said Bessie t'other day,' "In earnest love mo, as you say, .? Or are those tender words applied Alike to fifty girls beside?" ' Dear, cruel etri." cried I ''forbear, For by those rosy Iii?? I swear"? S'.ip sti>)tp' d ine :is ih? ojitb I took, -*; \:~ And cned, *-You've'sworn?now kiss lh? . r -'. 7