t\t Sisman ar?Soiii TUESDAY, APHIL 14. The Sumter Watchman was fo iu-1850 and th's True Southr 1866. The Watchman and So now has the eombiued circnlatioi inSuence of both of the old paper is manifestly the best advei mediata-io Sumter. EDITORIAL ITEMS. The signs of war in Europe are omin?os than they were two weeks A battle was {bogot last week be Kassian and Afghan troops io the former were victorious; aod may be bat the beginning. Engl: still busily preparing for the worst fcarif'hfows will be given and recei the war begins va earnest. The French Government havi ceeded in organising a new Minist take the place of Minister Ferry's, Brisson is the new chief, and h> succeeded tn calling around him so th? strongest men among the cons lives. The war with China is, i probability over, and late news Pekin declare that a treaty of peac heen formally signed by representa of the contending powers. Xhe News and Courier strong!; voca tes the necessity of calling an < session of Congress; to legislate . the probable needs of the American Tjr iu case of war between England Kassia. That paper thinks that wi derive some benefit from such a : but we can not see how. The Sont people vas a defaulter to a considerable ame and was notorious for neglecting business. President Cleveland \ ' wisely removed this specimen Repu - can, who then writes a letter to - President protesting against his rea al, and refusing to consent to sue summary transaction. His letter . doubtless be copied by the Repu bli press generally, with words of syn - tbetic condolence for the grace rogue. DYE STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY, $c. Price's Cream Bating Powder, Which for purity, strength aod healthfulness stands alone. Ne? Patent Star Lamp, Giving a light equal to 3 or 4 ordinary lamps and is perfectly safe. Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces, For ladies and gents. Ensily adjusted and worn with comfort. Full suppig of Fresh Garden Seeds. April 9 _ The Misses McElhose Would call the attention of their Customers and the public generally, to their large ?ind varied assoitmcnl of SPRIAG AND SUMMER MILI NBR Y GOODS, -CONSISTING IN PART OF Hats and Bonnets, (Trimmed and Untrimmed,} FEATHERS. FLOWERS, RUCHTNGS AND LACE NECK WEAR. HAIR GOODS- CORSETS, BUSTLES, HOUP SKIRTS, ETC . INFANT'S CAPS, DRESSES? And Ladies' Underwear always on hand. Prompt attention given to Country Orders. SEED PEAS. FIFTY BUSHELS SPECKLED SEED PEAS for sale by Apr T A. WHITE k SON. J. B. CARR, NEXT DOOR NORTH OF MONAGHAN'S, Main Street, Sumter* S. C. OFFERS A CHOICE STOCK, EMBRACING DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, EOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, CANNED GOODS, TIN-WARE, WOODEN-WARE, &c, &c &c. All of which will he sold at the same low prices, that have made this store popular with cash buyers. The patronage of the public is hwtited. J. B. CARR. 1 1 SOLOMONS HAS IN STORE One of the finest stocks and some of the prettiest goods eyer shown in Sum ter, and will hare more to say of them hereafter* Come and see them? ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM! I HAVE OPENED MT ICE CREAM GAR? DEN, NICELY FITTED UP Especially for Ladies, And respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. I trust that my efforts to keep open a FIRST CLASS ICE CREAM GARDEN will he appreciated by tbe public. My long experieuce in tbe business is a guarantee that I will gire satisfaction. Orders for family parties, weddings or pic? nics will be filled at short notice and deliver? ed io any part of town. Price, 50 to 60 cts. per quart. ICE! ICE! I will deliver daily from ice wagon to cus? tomers, ice in any quantity, at the followiog prices : less than 50 pounds, 2 cenft; from 50 to 100 pounds, l? cents; over 100 pounds, l? cents per poaud. Special rates to regular customers. Remember that I am the only one in town who keeps ice at all cimes, and I ask tbe pat? ronage of the citizens to enable me to keep my ice bouse open all the season W. J. ANDREWS. April 14 _ MUTUAL SELF-ENDOWMENT -AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. ATLANTIC DEPARTMENT. (Embracing Virginia, N. and S.Carolina.) OFFICE, GREENVILLE, S. C. W. D. MAYFIELD, D. D.. Superintendent and Department President. J. D. MAYFIELD, Department Secretarv. T. T. EARLE, M. D., Department Medical Director. HOME OFFICE, FORT WORTH, TEX. SAM CUNDIFF, President. E. M. MACY, Secretary. A. tV. MORRISON, Treasurer. Zn other jdttns of Insurance Men have to die : in ours they have to live to get their money This Association is now a strong and mighty organization, and well organized all the way across the Continent. It has passed the period of experiment and peril. It has a membership, Feb 1st, 1S85, of about 15,000, and is growing more rapidly, perhaps, than any association in America. We pay insurance during life. We pay all our death benefits in full, and pay them promptly. Our coupons are paid as they mature* Our reserve fond, loaned to our members,.? will sufiite to pay our maturing coupons for twelve months to come. N. G. OSTEEN, LOCAL AGENT, Sumter, S. C. TWO PAIRS FINE BLACK PIGS from a blooded Essex Sow by a pure bred Berkshire Boar. Price $5.00 each or $10.00 per pair. Seren ? Berkshire and ? Essex Sow Pigs from good breeders, by same sire. Apply to E. W. DABBS, March 31 Sumter, S. C. J. B. CARR, Contractor and Builder. Plans and. Specifications furnished on short notice.s_ The undersigned has on band a large and fine assortment of lumber, comprising WELL SEASONED FLOORING, DRESSED, TONGUED AND GROOVED, A fine lot of DRESSED CYPRESS PLANK, A large lot of Cypress Palings, trimmed and dressed, besides a large assortment of UNDRESSED PINE LUMBER Of all sizes. Anything not on hand will be promptly ordered. Feb 24 " J. B. CARR. C. I. HOYT & BRO, -Watches, docks, Jewalry, SpecUcltt, &C, ?EC REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. SPORTING MATERIALj Shells, Wads and "Everything Pertain? iog to Breech-Loading Goos. Dec 16 I NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED gires notice that those indebted to bim by note, account or otherwise most settle promptly. He most have mouev to meet bis bills. Jan 6 T. C. SCAFFE. SPECIAL NOTICE. EPPERSONS' STABLES IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR NICE. CHEAP SOGGY HARNESS -ALSO Saddles, Bridles, &c. March 10 . '_ more money than at anything els? by taking an agency for tbs bett selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly* None fail. Terms free. Hallett Book Co., Portland, Maine.