RELIGION, rrfOUALS AND mpSOPHY? Rev.C. C. BROWN, E?itor. ALV?At? A BTVT5R TO C?08S. There's always a river to trossj Always an effort to make If there'sanything good to win, 'inj rieb> prise to take, Yooder's the fruit we crate, ~: Yonder the charming scene; Batdeep and wide, with a troubled tide, *Is the river that lies between. For the treasures of precious worth We must patiently dig and dive; For the place* we long to fill *W? pjlsh and straggle and strive; . And always and everywhere We'll find in our onward coarse Thorns for the feet, and trials to meet, And a difficult river to cross. The rougher the way that we take The stouter the heart and the nerve, The atones in our path we break, Nor e'er from our impulse swerve, r For the glory we hope to win. Our labors we count no lots; 'Tis folly to pause and murmur because : Of the river we hare to cross. So* ready to do and to dare, Sboald w?in our place staod, . . Folfilliog the Master's will, ' : FalBlliog the soul's demand. For tho' as the mountains high The billows may roar and toss, They'll rot overwhelm if the Lord's at the hel? When the difficult rirer we cross. Sgns?f the Times, - "The Kgfct lkv. Bishop Samuel Fal .?Sowa> of Chicago; preached in the St. Paul Beformed Episcopul Church there, last Sunday night, upon the to8?gna of the Times." He said it was a remarkable fact that the great mass of intelligent, far-seeing business men, politicians, and worldly-wise -people generally could not or would ; not read the signs of the times in their bearing upon that far more im portant matter?the second: coming of Christ. A great ma% of the im portant events wiych. have happened in modern times were foretold, the speaker thought, centuries ago. lie believed the events of to-day were as pregnant of indications as those of % 18M years ago. The present condi * _tion of Egypt was, to the preacher, a Sign and an evidence of the coming fulfilment of the prophecy that Egypt would be ruled by^ the . Jews. He considered the domination of England equivalent to that, as it would be a control ki the interest of the Jewish bondholders. Earthquakes, pesti lence and famines were probesied *as I signs to be seen before th? advance of Christ.. The earthquakes in Italy, I theapproaching cholera pestilence, % and the famines which have prevailed * : ?d Asia were the *^ns to meet these ?prophecies. It had been prophesied' that iniquity would abound, and the Bishop thought the full measure of this prophecy had been fulfilled. Why Children Stay Away From Meeting. The principal fault lies with parents themselves. There is too little home discipline of any sort nowadays. A child who does not want to go to "meeting is permitted to stay at home j without any go?d reason. He I "dosen't want to go/* He "does not I see the use." He " will not go. " And so parents allow their children to do as they please. ! IRot, indeed, in reference to public schools are they permitted to choose for themselves. Ta that they most ""go; whether they wish t? or not. And ao they go on. Parents are not afraid to precjndice their children in regard to aecultar studies, but when the at tendance at preaching is in question there Is no parental authority, or at least there is the largest degree of laxity.' Parents are responsible for the ab ence of the children from the pews on Sunday morning. Let a man re solve tl tat his family shall be at church and they will be there. My father, an active worker in the church, al ways took his children with him. They never thought of neglecting *ny ' of the church services with w~ich thjey were connected. It is not merely authority that is needed at home, but appeal to the child's conscience. If a boy expresses disinclination to attend divine service, show him that be owes all that he has to his Heavenly Father; show him the pro priety of keeping np the public recog* nition of God; show him the divine commands that calls us to the House of God. In ninety-nine cases ont of -one hundred, the boy will see the duty in a clear light, and his con science will lead him to the house of prayer.?Lutheran St^tndard. Islam's Death Struggle. "In the last days," said Mahammed, unconsciously echoing almost the very words of Scripture, "there shall come great trouble and distress, and many wars." The grim prophecy is now fulfilling itself in the progressive downfall of his empire and the terrific convulsions attending it. This it is which gives such a formidable signifi cance to the Mahdi's present crusade and other Mussel man outbreaks. All alike are single combats in that world wide battle which is the death strug gle of Islam. Of the 110,000.000 ax>ols peopling the Moslem world? i. e., 40,000,000 in British India, 10, 000,000 in Central Asia, 6,000,000 in Afghanistan, 8,000,000 in Persia, 5,000,000 in European Turkey, 2, 000,000 in Algeria, 1,750,000 in Tu nis and the rest in Arabia, Asiatic Turkey and Equatorial Africa?fully one-half are already either directly or indirectly under Christian control, and the remainder, dreading a simi lar fate, are girding themselves for the gteal conflict upon which hangs the destiny of their race and their religion. It ?s a grievous error to suppose, n s many do, that these scattered mil lions have no power of combination. Mohammedanism possesses five se cret societies of propagandists, as thoroughly organized and disciplined as any Nihilist association. Every pilgrim caravan to Mecca bears with . it the emissaries* of one or the other of these gloomy brotherhoods, and Mecca hioflf is and has long been as fully recognized a place of meeting for Mussuhnen plottors as Paris fut conspirators of anolher kind. These stern apostles preach incessant ly that Islam is in danger and that its disci ples most rise as one man to defend it, while the formidable "Darfcawi Soci ety" of Morocco?which, from its savage seal and persistent advocacy of the most violent measures, may be neld to represent the "dynamite par ty" of Mohammedanism?goes so far as to roerfiuce openly the Sultan of | Turkey and other Mussmlmar^Princes who have allowed themselves to be swayed by tbe influence of the accur sed "Kafirs of Fiangistan,,( European unbelievers.) Through the action of this great re ligious Freeraasonry-?-which is stijfc very imperfectly understood by. most Europeau statesmen, and pooh poohe& as absolutely mythical by not a3ewr^ not one fibre of Islam can be jarred without the shock being felt through* I out the'whole body. Russia's over throw of Turkey, France's annexation of Tunis, England s pressure -upon Afghanistan, Italy 's Red Sea crusade, are texts which these fierce missiona ries to improve to the ut most. At this very moment the latest news from the Soudan is being dis cussed in the rice fields of Bengal, in the bazaars of Candahar, on the boundless steppes of Central Asia, be neath the clustering palms that over hang tbe Euphrates, by swartijy, wild-looking men, who mutter with set teeth and Bashing eyes that the green standard of the Prophet will soon be unfurled once more and the spars of the faithful be red with infi del blood. Islam is: indeed doomed to die, but its death struggle will make the whole earth tremble.?New Fork Times. What a Boy Accomplished. A boy who attends one of our Sun day Schools went oat in the country, the last; sommer, to spend his vacation ?a visit he had long looked forward to with pleasure. He went out to help the men harvest. One of the men was an inveterate swearer. The boy, having stood it as long^ as he could, said to the man, "Well, I guess PH go home to-morrow." The swearer, who had taken a great liking io him, said, "I thought you were going to stay all the summer." "1 was," said the boy, "but I can't stay where anybody swears so;- one of us must go, I will leave." The raati felt the rebuke, and said: "If you will slay, I won't swear." And he kept bis word. Boys, take a bold stand for. the right; throw your influence on the side of Christ, and you will sow the seed, the harvest of which you will reap, both in this world and that which is to come.?Sunday School Visitor. Trudie's- First Patient. Trudie was looking very sober?that is, as so 1er as Trudie's jolly little face could ever look. You see, she loved Nero; and Nero, I am sorry to say, had been fighting, and like AuDt Rbody's goose, had a- 4'hole in his head." And he was now lying oo his mat as peni tent as any little dog could be. He had lain there for two whole days because the boys said that be would take cold if he went cut. It was a bright, sunny day, and little Trudie felt that the air would do poor Nero good. This was what Trndie was thinking' so bard about. Finally she went and asked mamma for a handker chief. "A very old one, please, mamma, that I can bave toJkeep." So mamma gave*'her little girl a large handkerchief that bad seen much ser vice. What do*yon tbiuk Trodie did? Well, she foldeoMtbe handkerchief care fully .and tied it around Nero ssore head. Nero wagged his tail very hard. "Now, Nero," said she, "you most eotne out and take tbe air. Bot?0 yon naughty boy! You'll shake tbe bandage off!" . Trndie sat right. down oo tbe floor, and thought very hard for five long minutes. Theo sbe jumped op, and ran up into tbe attic as fsst as ber little feet coud ron. Poor Neros tail stopped wagging. Pretty soon it be gan to wag agaio. What for, do you suppose? Trudie was tying on to bis bead one of grandma's best night caps? Pretty soon a little girl might be seen leading a nigbftatpped doggy around the front yard. How the peo ple laughed when they went by, and saw tbe funny picture? After this Nero walked out for bis health every day. When Trodie grew up, what do yoc suppose sbe did? Sbe srudied to be a doctor, and learned all about bandaging? Then she remembered her first patient, Nero Vernon Bigby Wagtail.?Oar Little Ones. Education Pays. Education pays. It pays in dollars and cents. It pays in knowledge and power It pays in "satisfaction and happiness. It pays in position and influence. It pays in usefulness ai'd moral good. It pays in social, mental and moral culture. It pays parents; it pays children; it pays young men and women; it pays Church, State ami Society.?Bishop Warren. It having been reported that ex-Sen ator Thuruian bad fallen into bard drinking, that distinguished geotleruao j was interviewed the other day, and said: "I used to drink wine and occasionally 8 ?metbing stronger. But. as a matter of fact, I have been an absolute teetotaler for a long time, not even drinking wine with my dinner." IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-parifying medicine is made, or lus ever been prepared, which so cowl pleteiy. meets the wants of physicians and the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scientific pr?para, tion for all blood diseases. If there is a iurk Qnnnnn ft ingtaint of Scrofula about von. ?bnUrUUi Avek's Sarsaimkicla will dislodge tt and expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrof?ious 'Catarrh, PftTADDU Av>;H's Saksapauilla. is tue Vftlnnnii true remedy, it has cured numberless cases. It will stop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken ing odor of the breath, which are indications of scrofulous origin. HiprnfiiiA "Hatto, Tex., Sept. 2?, 1SS2. yLuCliyUO "At the age of two years one. of xADCQ my children was terriSly afflicted UvaLJ with ulcerous running sores on its face and neck. At the same time its eyes were swollen, ranch inflamed, and very sore. QnDC EVEG Physicians told us that a pow dUnX Llfcd erful alterative medicine must be employed. They united in recommeiidiHg Aykb's $AR?APABit.r,A. A few doses pr<.* dnced a perceptible improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, r?as contin ued to a complete and permanent cure. Xo evidence has since appeared of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no treat ment c? any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, B. F. Johxsox." prepabkd BY Dr.J.C.Ayerc* Co.. Lowell, Mas?. Sold by all Druggists; 31, six bottles for $3. J. D CRA?G'S F?RKIT?RE akd UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT, STJMTER, >. C. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF m Furniture embracing nil the styles and qualities usually found in a First Class Furniture Store. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SETTS, WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Safes, Sideboards, Looking Glasses, What Nots, Wall Brackets, Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Matressea, &c, 4c. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, IS F?LL AND COMPLETE. COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descrip tions and sizes constantly in store at prices ranging? For Adults?from $5 to 125. For Children?from $3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is given to tbL easiness, in all its depart ments, and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Oct. 9 B. 1 MITCHELL WIRE, 118 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 16 o Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, ADGER'S NORTH WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. * Cash advances made on Consignments. Jan G-Y BICYCLES -ON EASY TERMS, I have the agency in this County for the celebrated IDEAL BICYCLE, THE BEST mCrCLE MADE (FOR THE MONEY. For particulars, call on me at the Watchman and Soutiikon Office, where [ will take pleasure in exhibit ing the machine. C. P.-OSTEEN. David Bentschxer. Jacob L. Jacobi DAVID BENTSCKNER & CO. 244 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C/ Clothing, Furnishing Goods AND HATS, FOR Men, Youths, and Boys. ??f Mr. E. B. NEWMAN and Mr. J. ZIM. MIMMS are with us and will be pleased to serre their friends of Sumter arid Darling ton. Nov 25-v, BLANKS LIENS, TITLES, MORTGAGES, BILLS OF SALE, BONDS, And Other Blanks in Variety, FOR SALB AT THIS OFFICE. TTPT p for working people. Send 10 cents JlljJji postage, and we wiU mail yon free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of making more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not requir ed. You can live at borne and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful, 50 cents to $5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may tpst the business, we make this unparalleled offer : To all who are not well satisfied we will send SI to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sore for ail who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stimon k Co., Portland, Maine. GEO. W. STEFFENS, SUCCESSOR TO Steffens & Werner, WHOLESALE GROCER, Auction and Commission Merchant and Liqnor Dealer. 197 EAST BAY and 50 akd 52 STATE Sts., (Auction Room Statte Street.) CHARLESTON. S. ?. ?S?~ Consignments Solicited. Nov 25 o PATENT WATER CLOSET SEAT FOR THE CURE OF Piles and Prolapsus, Without Medicine. Price $5. FOR SALE AT China's 'Drug Store, May be returoed in 30 days if they do not cure or greatly relieve. These seats are valuable as a preventive as well as for their curative prop erties. Needful in every family. Feb 17 A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens snd beautifies. FRANK I ?EU, Portrait Photographer, 263 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. The best of work at fair prices. Jan 6 T. St. NIPSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, . Bags, &c. No. 233 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Particular attention given to Filling of Orders, and all Goods guaranteed as represented. Jan 6 ? x T. SCHIADARESSI & BROS,, DEALERS IN FBTJXTS, CONFECTIONS, CANARY BIBBS, CASES, &c. Large Assortment of Tobacco and Cigars. Candy, Nuts, &c. Prices as low as to be found in the City. Corner King and Society Streets, and 125 Meeting Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. Nov 25_ t THE OLD RELIABLE STOVE HOUSE. T. CAMPBELL, 142 Zfteetta? Street, Oharleitoa, S. C. Still Solds the Lead as Dealer in First Class Cooking Stoves, Heating Stoves, Ranges and Grates, Lead and Iron Pipes, Pumps, &c, &c, &C. A full line of Repairs kept for all Stoves-we sell. The attention of the people of Sum ter and adjoining Counties is'asked. Send for prices oo anything in oor line. Not 25 _ KID ' GLOVES. Foster's "Tr?s Bon" New Hook Real French Kid Gloves. 5-books, $1.50 ; 7-books, Si.75; 10-hocks, $2.00 per pair. FANCY GOODS, CHRISTMAS CARDS, STATIONERY and a variety of articles for Christmas Presents. STAMPING AND EMBROIDERY and a full assortment of all necessary mate rials. Lessons in Embroidery at reasonable rales. Batterick's Fashionable Dress Pat terns at PHIL. SCHUCKMANJTt 271 IvING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec 16 t THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC HORSE FACTS BECAMINC Hi, Ssta'i Iron M; Tt Trill purify and enrich the BLOOD, reflate the LIVER and KIDNEYS,andteSTOKK.tub HEALTH and VIGOB of YOUTH! In all those diseases reoulrlnjr h certain and etncten-TONIC, especially Dyspepsia,Wantof Appelite.Indlaes. tlon. Lack * red it to hooks which cost $5 and $10. This valuable book will be presented free to all new subscribers to the Watchman, and SouOiron who pay for one year in advance, and'also to old subscribers who pay all arrears and a year in advance. THE CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. o THE UNDERSIGNED represents the above Company, and if prepared to insure stores, poods, dwellings, furniture, barns, and stables. The Continental is- one among the best in the Country, and its rates t,he same as the other first class companies. He calls especial attention to its five-year install ment plan. W. F. RHAME. March 4_tf_ "rubber Stamps. NAME STAMPS FOR MARKING CLOTHING with indellible ink, or for printing visiting cards, and STAMPS OF ANY KIND for stamping BUSINESS CARDS, ENVEL OPES or anything elee. Specimens of various styles on hand, which will be shown w?h pleas ure. The LOWEST PRICES possible, and orders filled promptly. Call on * C. P. OSTEEN, At the Watchman and Soatbron Office. GONGAREE NURSERIES. GRAPE VINES -AND SMALL FRUITS IN GREAT VARIETY For sale at lowest prices. Address R. M. SIMS, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct21_ FIRST MS JOB WORK AT BOTTOM PRICES* WATCHMAN AND SOUTHRON JOB OFFICE. -o CALL UP AND SEE SAMPLES. WULBERN & PIEPER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Provisions, Lipon Tooacco, k 167 and 169 East-Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 THE AIMAR HOUSE, CORNER OF Vanderhorst and King St? HAVING BEEN LEASED BY Miss ZZeiriotr (Formerly of 190 Meeting^*.,) IS N?W OPEN for tbe accommodation of Boarders. Parties visiting Charleston will find this House conveniently situated for busi ness, and directly on tbe line of Street Rai! w?*. Terms, per day, $1 50. Feb 18 S. B. THOMAS, Agt. No. 320 KING STREET, Opposite Liberty, ?Mo? Mes, Paper Haiipp, LACE CURTAINS* CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. CHARLESTON S. C. Dec 11_o CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES* A new feature in the retail grocery business. Send postal card for oar MONTHLY PRICE LIST, and SATE MONEY in pur chasing jour FAMILY SUPPLIES. WELCH & EASON, 127 and 129 Meeting, S. W. Cor. Market St. CHARLESTON, S. C. \ Nov 4" t GOTO S, THOMM, JR., & 6R0*9 * ; - \ , 273 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S, . -FOR Fine Diamonds, Watches, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES AND ETE GLASSES. Large assortment of WEDDING PRESENTS always on band. Orders prompdy filed, Watches and jewelry carefully repaired by expert workmen. 273 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 23_ o OHAS, C. LESLIE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Wholesale and Retail Commission Dealer in Bf SH, OYSTERS, GAME A5D POULTRY, Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market, Office No. 18 and 20 Market Street, East of East Bay. Consignments of Country Produce are re spectfully solicited. POULTRY, EGGS, sc., Ac. ?&- Perishable goods at owner's risk afftr delivery to Southern Express Co. Sept 16 1 _ x PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. First Glass in all its Appointments. Supplied with all Modern Improvements. Excellent Cuisine, Large Airy Rooms, Otis Passenger Elerator. Elec tric Bells and Lights. Heat ed Rotunda. RATES {2 00, $2.50 AND $3.00. Rooms Reserved by Mail or Telegraph. Sept 16_ THE WAVERLY, . CHARLESTON, S. C. : The above House having been NEWLY FURNISHED throughout, in a FIRST CLASS MANNER, is without exception the most completely furnished House in the City, and is under the Sole Proprietorship and management of the Public's ob?rent serrant, 0 JOS. FBX02, Jr. RATES?$2 and S2.50 per day. Sept 16 o . r Q/~devoted to science, mechanics, ensnn'eerin?, dis-* ?ovcrics, inventions and patents ?ver published. Every aumber illustrated -with splendid engraving*. This publication, furnishes a most valuable encyclopedia of * information which no person should be without. The popularity of the Scnarnnc Amebjcan is auch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, $3.20 a year. Discount to Clnbs. Sold by all newsdealers. Mfc??N & CO* Pub lishers, T?o. 361 Broadway. N. Y. , fti w g% Mnnn * Co.have also ATpN IS kfld Thirty-Seven #% hll I Wl Years* practice bc mmmmm^^^m?^ fore the Patent Office, and hare prepared more than One Hun dred Thousand application* for pat Sita in the TJnited States *nd foreign countries. Caveat*, Trade-Marks. Copy w nehm, Assignment*, ana all other pap?w _ rfor securing to inventors their nghtsm the United States, Canada, England. France, Germany and other foreign eonutms. prepared at short notice and on reasonable terms. Information ss to obtair.m* patente cheerfully ?ivea without charce. Band-books of infonwa iou sent fr?e. Patents obtained through a?uira | 4 Co. are noticed in the Scientific Am?ne? e tree. The advantage of such notice is well understood fty ail personswbo wish to dispose ot their patenta Address MUNN A CO., Office acaaranc Americas, 3G1 Broadway, New ?ork._ z_ PIANOS AND ORGANS' BY THE BEST MAKERS, NE IV PIANOS, $210, S225 and upwards. NEW ORGANS, $24, $55 and upwards. Easiest terms and lowest prices ever known on standard and reliable instruments. DELIVERED FREIGHT PAID. Don't fail to get our prices and terms be fore purchasing. Remember we pay all freight without increase of prices. Address, C. GILL* Se SON, 213 Stag Strut, Charleston, S. 0. Sept 6 Mmore money than at anything else by taking an agency for tbe best selling book ont. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Terms free. Halle? Book Co., Portland, Maine. . I 55 I I 57 I [ AND I | 59 [ MARKET STBEET, CHABLESTON, S*~C. i The Largest Fruit and Produce Boose in tbe South. Import and keep constantly on band Bananas, Cocoannts, Oranges, Pineapples, Apples, Lemons, Nuts, Raisins, Po tatoes, Cabbages, Onions, v N. C. and Ya. Peanuts. Oct28 / x 1 nils PUT OUT INSTANTLY?; BT TBS "STAR" HAND GRENADE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. The jBBggrJMg and only Fibe Extinuuishisg Oke sade," that ghonld be in EYERYL OFFICE, STORE, FACTORY AJCP HOME IN THE COUNTRY. Any Kan, Woman or Child cm ira *(fcw A FIRE Always Heaet. "Keteb Can Ggr Out of Okdeb-1 Never Freezes; Hos $10 per d?, SetCaiL - i 1 Ir^ors?d br Fire Hsrsha?s, In surance Men and everyone vrho has seen tfces?. Hcstobeds or FBBM Aj.ktcapt Per Ost with The*. Send fox pamphlet ?on taming foil proofs. Immmm m 1111 Hardt? Baad GrerwuieFir*-Exfegwlw Ct. ?5 VaatA Avant, CCGlOa' SEW YORK Office, | BOSTOU Ofie?, ?WtsttoaaVnr?, f lOOthwStrMt. , PATENTS v Obtained, and all business in the V. S. Pate? Office, attended to for ODBBATE PEES. Our oftce is opposite the V. S. Paten t Office, ~ and we ean obtain patent? in less that than thoseremote from WASHINGTON. : . ' : - Send ODEL OB DRAWING. Weadviso as to patentability free'of -charge; and wo make NO CHARGE UNLESS WS OBTAIN PATENT. . ' We refer, here, to tbe Postmaster, tbe S apt. of Money Order Dir.r and to offcials of tho % U. .S. Patent Office. For chrca?ar,: adrie*, terms and reference to actual etiests ,5a your ewn Slate, or county address . C A. SF&W4C0., Opposite Patent O&ey Washington,1D. C??0 v. ??ARE TOIT-?g ; ATTBT VTi Witha0J IiWUI)li&U^ sex? If so, to yon we bring, tidings of, comfort and great joy. You can BE CURED and restored to perfect health by using BradfieldV Female Regulator ! It is a special remedy for all disease per- ? taining to the won?bj and any intelligent woman can cure herself by following the directions. -It is especially efficacious in cases of suppressed or painful menstruation, in ~^ whites and partial prolapsus. It affords im mediate relief and permently restores the menstrual function. As a be used during that criticalperiod known as "Change* of Life," this invaluable preparation has no rirai. . > : Saved Her Life ! Brass, McfcrrosH Co., Ga. Dr. j. Bbadfisld?Dear Sin I hare take* ; several boules of your Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases com- - bined, of sixteen years standing, and 1 really believe I am cored entirely, for wbtea- . please accept my heartfelt thanks and most profound gratitude. I know your medicine saved my life, so you see I cannot speak too highly in its favor. I bare recommended it to several of my friends who art- saSering I was. Yours-very respeetfblJy. MRS.'W.?.STEBBINS. Oer Treatise on the "EeaUk aad Bappiness of Woman" mailed free. Bradfixld Regulato* Co.. Atlasta Ga. " BARNES' Patent foot and Steak Power Machinery. Complete outfits for Actwal Wo7k*snop> Business. Lathes for Wood or Metal.- Crreemr Sawav Scroll Saw*, formers, Mor timer?, Teaoners, .etc., ete. Machines on trial if desired Descriptive'Cataloeuc and Price List Free. W. F. A JOHN SARVES) No. 2116 Main Sr. RocKman. Im? HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED! Just pub??he?i. n new edition of Dr. CTJL VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cere of Spermatorrhoea or-Seminal weak ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, ?mpotency, Mental and Physical incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc. ; also. Consomption, Epilep/y and fits, induced by self>iad*lgeaee or sessal * extraraganee, Ac. . The celebrated a?taor. ia tais admirable Essay, cleariy demonstrates, from a thirty years*^" successful practice, that the ammiag eoate* quenees of seif-abase may be radically eared; pointing out a mode ot cure at once certain and effectual, by which erery sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may eure himself cheaply. privately ??d radically. y^?TThis lecture will prore ? boon to thoa* sand? and thousands. Sent, under sea), in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of four cents, or two postage stamps- Address THE CULYERWELL MEDICAL CO* 41 Air? St. Nkw York: Post Office Box, 45fl. GUNS XVHT OD eBBARBTXiX KTO. Blflea, Shot Guns, Revolver*, AuamvsttV ' tien, Fiahin?; Tackle, Seines, Nets, XniTes, Razors, Skates, Hars mocks, ete. Large Illustrated Catalogue FRRK. <5REAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PITTSBURGH, PA. The Manning TimeSe PUBLISHED BY & L. DARR, Jr., AT Manning, South Carolina. . Vi-,:' - Only $1 50 per annum, in advance. Cheap advertising medium. . COLLEGE, NEWARK, HstW JERSEY. Occupies three Buildings. .Largest and Bstt. Xore DinedV .'Life ecaotarsiiiPi. write for 'elrculmra ^ SliSaX. PA^^OO^lTuiaSetora. s