. " TIEBSPAY, HQVBMSEB 25.; ISiUeredattkePost Office at Sumter, S. Q.r as Second Class Matter. EXAMINE YOUB DATES. -o ^ We request each of our subscribers to ex? amine the address on his paper, and parties* ' lady;toobserve the date upon it. This date shows the time up to which the paper bas bewapefjfoc Many of oar subscribers will "^^'?s?ee that they have paid in advance; ^.rfWtttera are many others who *rill discover 'Vv--4feat they h?ve not 3JBW ADVBBTISEMENTS. G. W. Steffins^WhoTesale Grocer. % D. Banding-Estate A. W. Brown. ? I). Bentschuer & Co.-Clothing, Hats, te. j . T. V. Walsh, a CC.-Railroad Election. lg T. Yw Walsh, J J?.-Citation Est. S. J. Hill. " V. 9. Blending-Estate Mrs. M. L. Brown. SS: T. Camphell-The Old Reliable Stove 1^1^. Cain, Sec'y-Somter Agricnltnral .^Schiadaressi k Bros.-Fruits, Confec ;: ^tiooerT, 4c; . Personal. ?H? "fer. By S. Kath is off again. First here >r-: than there. ^ rff^ilr.i. W?H?nson from Charleston S. C., r^ipiwnsa call last week. j^j^??r. P. ?- Benbow of Manning with his ? W?& and daughter were in Sumter last week. Pli":~ Mr?. W. D. Bice, after a pleasant visit to feSamter, returned to Barnwell Thursday inri. Joel E. Branson has moved his family ~ ?BUfclown.-- W?Ukmsbttrg Herald. "Wo a? torry to know the above. Were gre* the loss of Ur. Branson and family from Br oar town, and live in hopes of his coming K$eck at some future tim s. t_ KI? Clara M. Olsen of Charleston, who bas p?een visiting Ber. D. X. LaFar's family has WT returned borne. Pit Col. J. J- Dargan WBS in onr office yester Iplp^r. Be says he is feeling quite well again. > We congratulate both the Colonel and the ^^?fokty. Ohr tanners need Just such a man. > Senator Earle and Representative Lee, both of whom are on the committee to examine J the Sute Treasurer's boots, left for Columbia to attend to that duty last Thursday morning. An old subscriber to the Watchman and "S?tiro*, Mr. W. A. Nelson, formerly of V- Statebarg, but now of John's Island, was in ."'?c-town last week, and made ns a pleasant call. Ber. CL C. Brown, Mr. W. M. Graham and %Je4. T. y. Walsh attended the. meeting of the |?S*Beotist Convention which was at Marion l.i ,C<-H. last Thursday^ m??'- Mr*.W. M. Jones, Editor of the Spartan ~ burs Herald was in Sumter last week, visit ? ? lag Mr .-J. B. Roach's family. We enjoyed ? ? pleasant call from him, and were delighted ^'to^make his acquaintance. Remember that town taxes must be paid ia Xbvember. , Sheriff Sanders expects to take possession ?ff??C his office, the 1st December, v V Don't finget the Farmers meeting next . Moaday. Every farmer who can, should -The Council has been putting np signs on the Street corners, and folks can now tell t?? ?ames ofcstreets they Uve on. v... . The attention of ear readers is called to the ;^'"?ea?&Vf onri?arieston friend, which will be .^inticid more folly next week. ^^ ' ^0 election for Representative in the 4th .^^i?rici, j^rrday, was very light. As there ? |?.rwas no- opposition of course Gen. Bretton j, >-.wa? elected. .' Ju oat notice of Premiums at the State %. ?air last week, we omitted to mention that f?f&F.-T. E>^chardson received the first Pre ttom fot best bushel white wheat. Si - Tho advertised sale of the Estate of Eliza - :A^d?rson has hem changed to December 6tb. when all the property, both personal and real ~ will be disposed bf at the Conrt House. :^^W?'h*d a little shower, a tiny little show last Wednesday afternoon, but alas it is I all gone. . And since writing the above, we have had another sfcower Saturday night, hut that is all gone too. I - Tba Pittsburgh, Pa., Daffy Post has been ^js&ting our oSce lately, thanks to the kind ^*j|j?iT'a inend, with the largest assortment ; ot roosters we ever saw outside a State Fair. Mr. A. A. Solomons keeps canned goods ' - that would tickle the palate of an epicure. Just tqr his frai ts, his succotash, bis mack erel- oh well I be has everything. We can't ? go through the list. Tho Oyster Sapper given by the Ladies' Ai? Itociety -fast. ThersdaT- evening was a peasant occa??on. Wc saw some of onr ; friends in the 7tb heaven of happiness, where ever that may be, and we have no idea what desperate resolves that occasion kindled in tho hearts of some who were present. We hear from a friend living near Bishop . viHe that there is good deal of excitement and ' ?' 90 little indignation because of the presence ia that neighborhood oPseverai outlaws, the principal one of whom is Eli Mack, for whose arrest there was a reward offered some time ago. Some one ought to arrest these daring rascals, who seem to be putting the entire community at defiance. Oar neighbor Dick Reed has sold out, and his old stand in front of the Conrt House, 'which knew him so long and witnessed so many otins forensic efforts, is now a howl? ing wilderness, especially howling since Dave BeR holds forth there, and awakens the echoes through all the day br bis cry of " JUkf?tkf Didi faae obtained a situation with Beary Mackey, where he mili be delighted to see bis friends. The Register, published st Lagrange, indiana, copies from the Watchman and Southron its ac? count of fha week in Sumter jest after the ?lection, and prints Col Bland? ag's remarks ' ia italics to show that we are unreconstructed reboileveo yet. And we warn the Colonel that if a war results as a consequence from his Speech, that1 he must lead in the 6rst charge. We think that if tbe Register intended to do jtbe fair thing, it should baye published our editorial in the same issue. Married. : On the.nth instant, by Rev. W. A Greg?, Mr. J. Calhoun DuRant,*to Miss Harriet A. Kelly, both of Bishop ville, S. C. Dime Beading. The Dime Reading wili.be held at Mr. C. . M. 8tubbsr residence io- morr? w ( Wed nesday ) night-exercises to commence at 8 o'clock. Tbe^ervices of the best readers and mosicans ia-1own have bees seen red. - BeligiOUSi The Rev. A. Mciver Fraser, of the Synod* cf Kentucky, vs expected to occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church next Sunday? Service may be expected in tbe Presbyterian Church on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday 27th instant, at 12 o'clock M X Centenary Service for Sumter Circuit M. E. Cames South will be held at'Bethel Church, Sanday> 30th November. Dr. W. W. Duncan .^?frer ti? Serjaon^ The Pat tor being absent,-* there was>o ssr T4*L?i the Baptist Church. Sunday. B?ae Ball. We have received a" plate, entitled : Rep? resentatives of Professional Base Ball in America, it being the likeness of a niimber of professionals in that game. We are mncb obliged to Messrs. Lorillard k Ck)., thc givers. The White Public School. The Public School is getting on well. There are 91 pupils on the roll and the num? ber will probably increase to 100 before Christmas._ Piano Taning. Prof. Wm. Baker of London, piano tuner and repairer, will be in Sumter about the 27tb instant, and any one wishing his services either in town or country will be served if they w^l leave their orders with ?Dr. Auld. The Electoral Vote in S C. Col. J. D. Blanding and Gen Prince receiv jed the highest vote for Presidential Elector, each having 69:890. The lowest vote was G9.690. The average majority of Democratic electors was 48,150. Good Templars. Wednesday night, the Lodge in Sumter will install its officers for the ensuing quarter. The arrrngements for the County Lodge, J which meets next day, will also be completed. We are requested to ask the members to turn out ia force, so as to make the meeting a suc? cess - i > -- Big Organ. Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. Church has afine, new organ, and the largest possibly in the town. Wednesday night there will be a musical contest in which it will play a conspicuous part, at the Planters' Ware House, and prizes will be given to the best Church Choir, the best Sunday School Choir, and to the person selling the greatest number of tickets. Doors open at 6, performance at 7. Ad? mission, adults, 15 cents, children, 10 cents. County Commissioners' Report. That paper takes up a large amount of our space, and crowd out some* of the favors of our correspondents. However, it is well worth reading, and our patrons can form an idea, after perusing its columns, as to where the money goes. We believe the Board has conscientiously endeavored to do its whole duty to the people. We differ widely from it in some things, but believe, if mistakes have bern made, that they were from the head and not the heart. The Clerk of the Board has made up the Report in his usually careful manner. His intimate acquaintance with the workings of the office is a guarantee of efficient services. - ? ? ? mt A Happy Event. STATBBURG, S. C., November 20, 1884. Mr. Editor: On Tuesday night a charm? ing dance was given at the palatial mansion of Mr. H. L. Finckney, by the Stateburg Glide Club. The ball opened at nine o'clock, after a prelude of bewitching harmony from the well known band of the fair town of Sum? ter; then the lofty rooms rang with the sound of merry voices and tripping feet. Among the fairest of the fair gathered there ?were-two of Sumter's lovliest daughters who added greatly to the enjoyment of all present by their gentle grace and winning ways. The Statebnrg ladies were out in full force, but the evening was marred by the absence of one of her fairest flowers ; or, we might say a faint shadow was thrown across the other? wise brilliant and charming scene. The cos? tumes of the ladies as usual were simple but charming. *Twas a scene worthy of an artist's pencil, with the bright lights and brighter eyes, rosy cheeks and laughing lips on every side. We can hardly thank our courtly host and gentle hostess enough for their warris reception aud kind hospitality. The gav scene closed at a late hour, and on the early morning air was borne the voices of the tired but happy dancers wending their homeward wav. STATEBURG. Mayesvilie Items. MAYESVILLE, S. C., November 24, 1884. Mr. Editor: At last the rains have come, and* now our farmers can begin putting in their oats, and let them remember to broad, cast plenty of cotton seed or fertilizers. The hot supper passed of finely notwith? standing the threatening rain. About $100 were realized. The President of the Aid Society intimates that another will be given at an early day, so look out foran invitation. Mrs. Dickson has returned to ber home in Marion. Those venerable gentlemen Ladson Fraser and George Mu?drow were in town Saturday. The Presbyterian Church is nearly closed in. It will be very pretty when complete. Our town is very quiet (how about those "fightings within" last week? Ed.) and we hold out a welcoming hand to new comers. Good investments can be made here, and there are several vacant houses for sale. Cotton is still coming in. Our big cotton buyer, Mr. J, E. Majes, has bis lot always covered. Price 8 to 9 7-16. DUGGAN. Cleveland and Hendricks Ball. On Thnrscay night, the 27th inst., after the performance of the Kittie Rboades Com? edy Company, a Grand Ball and Supper will be given. The music for dancing wis! be furnished by Prof. F. L. Thomas' Orchestra of severi"pieces, which accompanies the Kittie Rboades Company. Supper will be served at 1 o'clock. Tickets for gentlemen can be pur? chased at Auld s Drug Store-price S2.00. Ladies admitted free ; and a cordial invita? tion is hereby extended to the ladies of Sum? ter or adjoining counties to grace the occa? sion with their presence. No other invita? tions will be sent out. The Sumter Post Office. The citizens of Sumter and vicinity are earnestly requested to assemble in Music Hall on Thursday night, 27th inst:, and night fol? lowing, not to decide who shall be Postmaster of Sumte-, but to witness the performance of the Kittie Rboades Comedy Company. This may be the only company in our town this winter and is one of the best on the road. Prot. F. L. Thomas' Orchestra of seven pieces accompanies the troupe, and the Wil? mington Review says they make superb music. M ?ss Rhoades will appear in M'Liss on Thursday night, and in Confusion on Fri? day night, supported by a first class compa? ny. All lovers of comedy and fine music should not miss this chance. Admission : Reserved Seats one night $1.00, two nights $1.50 ; General Admission one night 75 cts., two nights $1.00. Tickets for sale at D. J. Auld's. mm ' * * mm Clever. Our New Brighion, Pa. correspondent who intimated some timeagothathehad something nice for us, has come to time with J barrel of oat J meal, made by people who understand the divine art of its manufacture. ?Our friend in speaking of thc political situation in Pennsylvania says: "We sulfere?^inder the tin horns and gas of the Republicans for two days, 5th and 6?h, but on Friday night, we bad a Democratic parade, tic itoro? and all; and we had an? other on Wednesday night. WeJiave had a hs?? time h^re, but are getting settled down to business again. A j good many are feeling awful bitd over the . returns for rumor says they had bet all they , had on Blaine. I suppose they had an idea that these U. S. belonged to the Republican j party. Well they are mistaken. Your paper has not come to hand yet this week, but { have read of the doings of you Sumter crazy loons it? the New? and Courier, and am satisfied that you are still good Democrats. Good bye. Yours kc, CHAS. B. PORTEOUS. No man knows what a ministering angel his wife is until be comes home one day, suffering with a dreadful cold and she hnppcus to have a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup tn the house. -mr> ? jw Splendid Chance. """Write to Messrs. Kingsland k Heath and get prices of aoything you want-China, Crockery, Tin-ware, Wood and Willow-ware, Spoons, Castors, Knives and Forks, Goblets, Tumblers, Lamps of all kinds, Picture Frames, Chromos, Mottoes, Vases, Baskets, Kerosene Stoves, Bread trays, Waitu?, Bowls and Pitchers, Horses and Cats-no Dogs, i- i i - 'Shriuer's Indian Vermifuge will destroy and expel worms. It is reliable. It is cheap. ?0trff 35 cctrts a Iwttte. Tc the Farmers. It is the desire of many farmers of Sumter County that a permanent organization of an Agricultural Association of some character should be had in this County. Therefore with a view to making a start io this direc? tion, the undersigned earnestly call upon all farmers of the County to meet with them in Music Hall, at 10 o'clock, on the 1st Mooday in December. next, when this matter will be considered and discussed, and au organization probably effected. R. J. BROWNFIELD, H. R. THOMAS, W. A. COOPER, JOHN J. DARGAN, JOHN S. RICHARDSON, J. MAXCY, T. 0. SANDERS, A. S. BROWN, R. M. COOPER, A. C. DURANT. THE MARKETS. SUMTER, S. C., Nor. 25, 1884. COTTON.-About 700 bales have been sold during the week ending the 25tb. The mar? ket closed steady. We quote: Ordinary 7f @8; Good Ordinary 8i@8|; Strict Good Ordinary 8j|@9; Low" Middling 9l@9?: Middling 9?@9| ; Good Middling 9f?9$. CHARLESTON, S. C., Nov. 24, 1884. COTTON.-Market quiet. Sales about 1,500 bales. Quotations., are : Low Middling, 9| ; Middling 10; Good"Middling 10 3-16. FOR SALE, 5,000 bushels selected Rust Proof Seed Oats. A. BEQUEST, No 4-v 23 Queen St., Charleston, S. C. Mer Apital AMEETING of the Sumter Agricultural Association is called for Monday nest, Salesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in Music Hall. By direction of the Piesident of the Associa? tion. W.O.CAIN, Secretary. GEO. W. STEFFENS, SUCCESSOR TO Steffens & Werner, WHOLESALE GROCER, Auction and Commission Merchant , and Liquor Sealer. 197 EAST BAY ANO 50 AND 52 STATE Sra., (Auction Room State Street.) CHARLESTON, S. C. . Consignments Solicited. ^ | Nov tt^n State of South Carolins? COUNTY OF SUMTER. * By T. V. Walsh, Esq., Probate Judge. TT7HEREAS, MRS. MARTHA J. HILL, W (widow,) made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration, of the Estate and effects of REV. SAMUEL J. HILL, de? ceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Rev. Sam'l J. Hill, late of said Coun? ty in said State, deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Sumter, on December 10th, 1884, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to shew canse, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, ?his 24th day of November, Anno Domini, 1884. T. V. WALSH, [L. SJ Nov 25-2t_Judge of Probate. Estate of Mrs. Martha L. Brown, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having claims against said Estate will present the same duly attest? ed, and all persons in any way indebted to said Estate will make immediate pavment to W. I). BLANDING, Administrator (C. T. A.) De Bonis Non. Nov 25 3t Estate of A? W. Brown, Dee-'d. ALL PERSONS holding claims against J said Estate will present same duly at tesied, and all persons in any way indebted to said Estate, will make immediate payment to W. I). BLANDING, Nov 25-3t Qualified Administrator. Estate of At Flynn Wilsen, Dee* IWILL APPLY TO THE JUDGE OF Probate for Sumter County on the 27th day of Nov., 18S4, for a final discharge as Executor of aforesaid Estate. R. BRADLEY WILSON, Nov 4-4t Executor. Estate of Hary W. Wilson, Dec. ALL PERSONS holdiDg claims against the said Estate will present the same duly attested, and all persons in any way indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment to R. BRADLEY WILSON, Nov 4-3t v Qualified Executor. NOTICE." Having purchased from Messrs. GREEN BROS., of New York Citv, all of the Debts due to late Firms of GREEN, WATSON & WALSH, GREEN k WALSH, GREEN, WALSH k CO., WALSH k CO., and E. C. GREEN, I am desirous of making satisfactory settlements, with all who may desire to pay me something, and will be at Sumter from December 1st to January 15th next, for that purpose. A very large portion of above indebtedness, consists of Sealed Notes, execu? ted before passage of the Six Year Exemption Law, and if not satisfactorily arranged by 15th January next, I will be compelled to put same in Judgment, E. C. GREEN. Sumter. Oct 14, 1884. 3 NOTICE. THE numerous patrons of the DAYTON STAR NURSERIES, in this communi? ty, will take notice that the trees, plants, &c, they have ordered, will be delivered in Sum? teron Saturday, Nov. 29th. Please come promptly. Do not keep us waiting as we have other deliveries to make. Respectfully, No 18 THE HOOVER k GAINES CO. NOTICE. WHEN I LEFT SUMTER, some small debts were left unpaid. Since then, I have bren paving them up. but some I have forgotten. If any one in Sumter has a claim against raf, they will please write to me at once, and I will consider it a great favor, and pay them immediately. W. J.'LOWRANCE, Nov 18 Gilbert Hollow, S. C. SITUATION WANTED. ALADY wishes a situation in a good family as houskeeper, and is willing to tanke herself useful. References can he-given. Address HOUSEKEEPER. Care of the WatcJiman and Southron, Sum? ter, S. C. Nov- is FOR SALE" DWELLING in Town of Sumter at inter? section of Church ?nd Republican Sts., fronting on Church and measuring thereon 197 feet, jtnd measuring on Republican 294 feet. Residence contains five rooms, two piazzas, and two pantries all i ti good repair. Fine well of water on premises, also kitchen and a two-room servant's house, barn, stables and carriage house. -ALSO PLANTATION Z\ miles from town of Sumter, known as the "Watson Place," con? taining 481 acres-about 250 acres arable. There is upon place dwelling house contain? ing four rooms and piazzas; barn, stables and other out houses adjacent, aud six tenant houses. For prices and terms applv to BLANDING & BLANDING, 0<-t 7 Attorneys at Law. FOB SALE OR RENT. MY DWELLING auJ the laud around it, about 5 acres, in the town of Sumter, known as the '-Francis Farm." ALSO 25 ACRES adjoining lands of Col. J. J. Dargan and J. N. Corbett. ALSv> MY PLANTATION known as "Rocky Pine," containing 520 acres, 100 of which are cleared, balance well timbered. Above property will be sold reasonably and on 5 vears time. Apply to W. A. BROWN, Nov 18-1 - Sumter, S, C. ESTATE SALE. UNDER THE WILL OF ELIZA AN DERSON, deceased, I will sell at Sum? ter Court House, on Saturday, December 6th, next, at 12 o'clock, the following Real and Personal Property of said Estate, to pay debts and for division to heirs-the farm produce to be delivered on Monday following, at the premises : NINETY" ACHES OF LAND, more or less, bounded on the South by Aaron Flem? ing, on the North and West by Isaac Holmes, on the North-East by John Prescott, and on the East by Mary Anderson and Emma Gregg, with a good dwelling house contain? ing five rooms and kitchen, also smoke houee, barn, stable and gin house. A good orchard is on the place. TWO HORSES, one 2 Horse Wagon and Gear, Lot of Hay, Lot of Fodder, Lot of Shacks, Lot of Peas, Lot of Corn and Rice, one Bank of Potatoes and 150 Bushels Cotton Seed, more or less. Terras Cash-Purchaser to pay for papers. Nov 17 H. W. MACKEY, Executor. Master's Sa e. The State of South Carolina, SUMTER COUNTY. m THE COURT COMMON PLEAS. Mrs. Placidia Duncan, Plaintiffs vs. Ravenel S. Brad well. Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in th', above stated case and dated Feb. 1G 1884, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the town of Sumter, in said State, on Monday, Decem? ber 1st 188-1, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises : All that lot or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Sumter, County and State aforesaid, containing ore a Y VIRTUE of a Decretal order made in _Ti the above entitled cause, and dated fcfcer 18th 1884, I will sell at public Auc P^^in front of the Court House in the Town pt Sumter in said State, on Monday, De? cember 1st, 1884, (or day following, ) be? tween the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow? ing premises : "Ali that tract of land situate in said County and State, containing five hundred acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Mack Frieison, East by lands of Player, South by lands ol' Josephine Cloud and West by lands formerly of R. H. Fullwood." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov. 4, 18S4._Master. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Harriet R. Sanders, Assignee, Plain? tiff, TS. Esther Allston and others, j Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order ? made in the above stated case and dated ; October IS, 1884, I will sell at public ano ? tion in front of the Court House in the i Town of Sumter in said state, on Monday, J December 1 (or da j' following,) between the j hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 ; o'clock in the afternoon, the following*; premises : "AU that tract of land situate in said j County and. Stat?, containing thirty acres j more or less, bounded North by lands of j Anderson Nunnery, East by Luids cf Tait ! Allston, South by lands of Lahuo Sunders ; and West bj- lands of Dr. E. J. Rimbert." j Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay j for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON. Nov. 4, 1884,_Master. Master's Sale The State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. J. B. Lanier, Plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Epperson, Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a Decretal order made, in the above suited case and dated October 18,1884,1 will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said State, on Monday, Decem? ber 1, 1884, (or day following,) between the ! hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 i o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises : "All that lot of land, situate in the Town of Sumter, in the Conn ty and State afore? said, containing one acre, more or less, bounded North by a street of said Town, known as Liberty street, on the East by other lands of the defendant, on the South by lands of J. S. Bozzard and on the West by lands now or formerly of Susan S. Tindall." Terms of Sale- Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers; JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov. 4, 18S4. Master. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. J. B. Laurier, Assignee. Plaintiff, vs. Isabella Ross, Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above stated case and dated Octeber 18, 1884, I will sell at public auc? tion in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said State, on Monday. December 1, 18S4, (or day following.) be? tween the hours of ll o'clock in the fore? noon and ? o'clock in the afternoon, tho fol? lowing premises: "All that lot of land with the buildings thereon, situate in the,Town of Sumter in said County and State, North of the Wil? mington, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road, the same being its Southern boundary, bounded West by lot of Abc Morris and lying on the left hand side of road leading to residence of W. H. Phillips, said lot j having been formerly owned by Samuel Witherspoon." Terms of Sale - Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. * l ' Nov 4, 1831-tt Master. - FALL AND WINTER 1884. I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC generally that I have returned from New York, having bought the largest and finest astort mentof MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOV'S' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ever offered by me in this market, and have marked them dozen low for cash, consisting of FINE ENGLISH AND FRENCH WORSTEDS, CORKSCREW AND DIAGONALS in Blue, Black and Dahlia, all of which we warrant in fit and make to be the equal of any tailor's goods made to order. Also a fine lot of BUSINESS SUITS ranging in price from $6 to $25. A NICE LOT OF EXTRA PANTS CHEAP. A full and complete line of OVERCOATS all style? and qualities, from $2.50 to $21.00. GENTS' UNDERWEAR. The best unlaundrled shirt in the market. The COSMOPOLITAN B. B. ??UND. Al] sizes. Buy no other. A fine lot of all wool and mixed UNDERVEST at all prices. COMPLETE LOT OF HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. PIECE GOODS, Consisting of fine Cassimeres, Dickey Kerseys in all colorp, Salem an I Kentnckv Jeans, and the attention of the ladies is invited to our superior REPELLANT OR WATERPROOF CLOTHS in Blue-black, Steel-grey and Green, all double width. Very cheap. A large lot of ODD COATS, VESTS AND PANTS for sale at half the regular price and in perfect condition. I would simply say that, as heretofore, I shall spare no pains to sell you the best goods for the least possible money and guarantee in the fit and wear perfect satisfaction in our goods. Sep 9 33. ?T. ARE NOW PREPARED TO SHOW THEIR ??i WILL OF FOREIGN A?D DOMESTIC DRESS GOODS, INCLUDING NEW AND CHOICE NOVELTIES IN Cashimeres, Cheviots, Camel's Hair, French and Scotch Wool Plaids Io all the new shades and combinations, also large assortment of BROCADED AND PLAIN VELVETS, To all of which they invite an early inspection. An elegant assortment of LADIES' AND MISSES' WRAPS in all the latest styles, also full line of JERSEYS in all colors. Largest variety of L ADIES'/MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSI?RY, GLOVES AND NECK WEAR we have ever shown, both as to styles and prices. We now have a. much larger variety of- styles of Soller's Philadelphia made SHOES FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN than we ever had be fore and guarantee every pair to give satisfaction, and sold at strictly one price. Io our GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT will be found an elegant Three Ply Linen Bosom ?NLA?NDRIED SHIRT called "RYTTEtfBERGS' FAVORITE,*' which we sell Six for Five Dollars, and guarantee it to be the best shirt sold anywhere for the money. We also have a good shirt that we sell at bi cents, whilst the CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRT for $1.00 is still the King of Shirts and is even better than it was formerly. -O We invite special attention to our large and well selected stock of CIJOTHINGT -FOR KEEN, YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN*, where will be found all the latest and nobbiest styles of the season and which we guarantee to sell at such prices as will defy competition. All the leading shapes and styles of HATS FOR GENTS AND BOYS will be found here a-lso. We carry a line of machine and band sewed SHOES FOR MEN AND DO YS which are sold at strictly one price, and that an exceedingly low one. Every pair of which arc guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT As usual, is ?lled with the CHOICEST FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, to all of which we invite your attention, and only ask an inspection of styles and prices to convince ell that wc intend to heep up our well earned repu? tation for QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Samples cheerfully sent on application. N. W. Cor* Main and Liberty Streets. Sept 16 AT THE OL? STAND AGAIN ! T. GAFFE 5 TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO HIS OLD FRIENDS AND THE P?3?G GENERALLY, THAT HE IS AGAIN AT HIS OLD STAND, AND Invites them to Call and See His New Stock, WHICH EMBRACES STOVES, I3 xi. na-ps, bod and Willow-wares, Crockery and Queen's Ware, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, TIN AND GRANITE IRON WARE, PAPER BUCKETS AND WASH BASINS, BATH TUBS WITH HEATING ATTACHMENT, FEATHER DUSTERS, SHOE, WHIST, STOVE, PAINT AND WHITE WASH BRUSHES. LAP BOARDS, LADIES' WORK BASKETS, CLOTHES PINS, CURRY COMBS, HORSE BRUSHES, Poclcct auch Talle Cutlery. Steam Engine Eittings. Gas pipe cut and threaded from I to 2 inches. Gunsmith material on hand. Gunsmith mg done neatly and promptly. Sept 16 _ *~_ H. BISCHOFF & CO.J CHARLESTON, S. C.. Cotton s,nt?L Rice Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Oct 28 ?&- ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. ^ A B. MULLIGAN, CHARLESTON. S. C. I Will HOLD COTTON For any specified time, at LOW RATES OF STORAGE AND INSURANCE, And will make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, On same at REASONABLE RATES OF INTEREST. A. B. MULLIGAN, v Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, & C. GOOD SUGAR 16 Lbs. for $i.OO. S LB, CA! At 10 Cents: FLOUR $5.00 A BARREL. FULL STOCK -OF GROCERIES* DRY GOODS; NOTIONS, ETC., ?AT BOTTOM mm. GLASSWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. ALTAMONT HOSES N. E. Corner Y;ftin and Liberty Streets. E. P. RIDKER & CO., -HAVE . Largest and Hast Selected Stock -OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS EVER BROUGHT TO SUMTER1." TRY OUR Pure N. C. Com Whiskey --AND APPLE BR?5D?;. . ? . ... * Remember thai icc guarantee all of our goods. Give us a call befur? purchasing elsewhere. MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S C. Sign of the Red Pump. Oct 21_ _ ? GRAHAM'S STABLES,' REPUBLICAN-STB?Sii Specially selected for this market', STYLISH AND RELIABLE DRIVERS/ SUBSTANTIAL WORKERS, EASY RIDERS. Also, on hand, a fine assortment BUGGIES, OF ALL STYLES AND GRADES* Ai prices to suit thc times. CELEBRATED Old Hickory Wagons; Manufactured by the Kentncky Wagon Manu? facturing Company, of Louisville, Ky. -ALSO TENNESSEE WAGONS. Sept 23 W_M. GRAUAM. Are voa faina*, try WELLS* HEALTH Rr " - jtswEB, a pure, clean, wholesome For Brain. Nerves. Stoma?a, I?Ter,!CMnc??, Longa. An Unequaled Invigoraat. Cores Headache, Fever, Asue, Chills, DEBILITY & WEAKNESS. Nice to take, true merit, unequaled ?