TTJTS3DAY, NOVEMBER 18. ^BUertd at the Post O?ce at Sumter, S. H C., as Second Class Matter. YOUB DATES. -rr-O We request each of oar subscribers |p ex : amine the address on hts paper, and particu? larly to observe the date upon it. This date v abo wt the time np to which the paper has *~ For. Many of our subscribers will that they have paid in advance ; there are many others who will discover they have not. s % HBW ADVEBTISBMENTS. '/ W. J. Lowrance-Notice. ^ H. A. towry-To the Public. : Dayton Star Nurseries-Notice. W. A. Brown-For Sale or Rent. Kreation Wanted-"Housekeeper." * ^; ' cJ&r. Jas, McDowell-Lands for Sale. !?|^2BBterprise Manuf g Co.-Meat Chopper. ^Seary W. Mackey, Executor-Estate Sale. ^H^K?t?onal Bank of Sumter-Quarterly t. Ife - Personal. gS^^rrt. W. D? Bice is in Sumter ou a visit, ^^"llrft. Lapsey is visiting her mother, Mrs. ^ptfcA^BBOvrne. family, w?f~ Kiss Eva Cordes, who bas been the guest of Ital Niaa Graham for several weeks, has ES returned lo Colombia, on her way home - to SI-* ?r. T.T.^Upsoor returned to- Sumter Sat jp? vrday ?i?gSt." He expects to move bis family gs^^Ae?rter? Shore in Maryland, and will Jets*Wednesday night. ?sf*?J stl^'W. S. Smith, whom we mentioned fA tot week as being seriously burned, is ira proving, and is now considered out of danger, : .; though, still suffering. ?fc^Arthar fi?rvin met ns yesterday morn pihkg,?k?^coarse gave ns a pleasant word *and amile. There is nothing strange in Arthur Harrinbeingelected to the Legislature, ^r, Who amid vote against'- such a good fellow ? g*^.v?rr C. Sv Bartlett, the popular Cashier of tte Bank, has taken a holiday and gone to |1 -'Texas: and there are grave rumors that he ^rwj&i?emmit .matrimony while absent. We wft was so carried away by his good luck PTq&to wis* to stay all night. J^JL McLeod and John Craig got into a this morning and soon came to blows. ^?jH?ter is being adjusted in the Trial l^'J?ifegJGe??* as we go- to- press. monthly journal, edited by "teachers and scholars of Williams toa Fe nas mnde us a visit.' We like ifc^TT'wiU continue its visits, for we Ithat Prof. Lander,.the. editor in w^Srfgive ^h& readers a delightful . melange of literary attractions each month. W'JBtfar'Z?- eta. Four subscriptions for one %4e3ar. /_ v lae Enterprise Meat Chopper bas been y: tesied and endorsed by over one hundred s;_ Agrkttftaral Journals. The Farm & Fireside * aays: "After testing, each Editor immedi ordered an Enterprise Meat Chopper Scents family ase." The American Agricul aaya: These Choppers excel anything the kind made in either Hemisphere. See large advertisement in another column. Death. Sr. J. Timothy Jackson died at his home Cain Savannah, the ll tb instant. Miss Kittie Ehoades. The Kittie Rboades Combination will ap? ia Music Bail on Thursday and Friday, 2Tth and 28 th ins ts., in comedy. .. ? M> li Elocution. < ||ip#r?f. J. H.Bayhill, of Illinois College, who lr djttiroo* of organizing a reading class :u ?, wifi give a reading at the Music Hall, vening next. AH who propose class can get free tickets by calling erg, G. W.C. T. of I. 0. G. T. of S. C. requested to act as Secretary. A resolution offered by Rev. A. Coke Smith, that a roll be made of the delegates present according to bounties, was carried and it was found that ten Counties were represented by 33 delegates. A number of letters from absent friends who could not be present, were read and received as information. The following resolution was offered by Mr. K D. Stanley, reciting the necessity for a State temperance organization : Resolved, That such an organization be now made for the State, with a central com? mittee of five, with headquarters at Columbia, whose duty it shall be to effect such plans as ?vii! insure a permanent State and County organization. After much discussion the resolution was idopted. Rev. A. C. Smith moved that a Committee of three consisting of J H. Elkins, W. F. Rhameand T. B. Denton bc appointed to nominate said committee; and the Com? mittee reported the following gentlemen for :be State Executive Committee: Rev. A. j >ke Smith, J. A. Elkins, C. !>. Stanley, W. j 3. Cuttioo and Col. Jas. McCollough. Rev. AL. Coke Smith offered the following resolu ions which were adopted : Resolved, That it is the sense of this Con? vention that we ought to have a County Local Option Law in this State, by which he people of the whole Country may have tn opportunity to vote for the expulsion of be Liquor traffic from among them. That the Executive Comroi'iee be charged frith the drafting of a bill granting this priv lege to the counties, said bill to be presented :o the next session of our State Legislature. Rev. W. C. Power moved that the Execu? tive Committee be allowed to supply all va ;ancies in said committee which may ocenr. The objects for which the Convention had issembled having been accomplished it ad ourned subject to the call of the State Execu? tive Committee. Fair Notes. Miss Susie Rembert who received a pre nium for a tidy is, as* many of our readers know, totally blind. Capt. and Mrs. Delgar received eight pre niums, though the Captain got only oue >f them. Mrs. Delgar sends a number of her ir tides on to New Orleans. Mr. W. M. Graham keeps up the reputation of Sumter's horses. Talk about Blaine's mag? netism, we think as soon as friend Graham ;ets behind a horse that animal is thoroughly nagnetized. Mr. T. 0. Sanders is a first class farmer, as &j ooe could ?ee by his premiums. The Mayesville Liquor Controver? sy-Finis. MAYESVILLE, S. C., Nov. 15, 1884. Mr. Editor: I would not thus consume your valuable space with a subject, purely of local interest but fora letter io your issue of the 4th inst, signed by one of the members of our Town Council. First allow me to express ray appreciation of the Press, and also gratification that my article (signed Kube) in your issue of the 21st ult. has accomplished its aim. I regret that private reasons demanded that for that article I should use what the member terms a "non deplume." (Perhaps he meant a norn deplume.) I regret it because my signature would have prevented his feeble insinuations concerning my use of whiskey. In his at? tempted defense, the member contends that Council most wait for the performance of its duty, till definite charges are preferred before it. Concerning this there is a difference of opinion among those who have studied the subject, and as far as I can learn, the afore? said councilman is one among a very small minority. Now, Mr. Editor, I say let us have no more newspaper letters on this subject. I, for one, ara done with lt. My purpose has been accomplished. Let the good work go on. If there be any more to be said, we who are interested all live in the same Town and can get t)gether some day and talk it over in a friendly way, and even if my friend, the member of Council, has not the influence sufficient to secure me the position of "adviser and counsellor" to the Board, my services to bim individually arc alwavs at his command. L. G. CORBETT. [We agree with our correspondent that the discussion in reference to violations of the No-Licedse law in Mayesville need no longer be discussed io the County papers. The error in Mr. Strauss' letter which Dr. C. refers to, was we think made in this office, and oar devil is responsible, and not Mr. S.] Mayesville Items. MAYESVILLE, S. C., November ll, 1884. Mr. Editor : The election passed off very quietly; our town is exceedingly quiet, for Marshal J. C. Rhame keeps a sharp lookout and has brought everything to the joint fi act ion of a confunctionary (What is that? -Ed.) The U. S. flag is floating in the breezes of Heaven and looks ten times more lovely no?v that we have a Democratic President. Mrs. T. D. Foxwortb has returned home from her visit to Wedgefield. Mrs. Dixon of Marion, is here visiting relatives and friends. Rev. J. Howard Carpenter has moved into the house recently vacated by Mr. S. D. Pierson, rn the Eastern end of town. Mr. Pierson has moved to the parsonage of the Brick Church, one mile and a halt away. The Ladies' Aid Society will give a hot supper for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, next Thursday. It will be an ex? ceedingly tony affair, and Duggan asks that all his friends participate in the enjoyment of the occasion. Come and both recieve and do good. ? Cotton is looking up, and so is the dust. "Fightings without and fears within Sioce we assembled last." _ DUGGAN. Count us In. Kingsland & Heath keep a nice line of Silver Plated Goods, so cheap that it is a shame to use the old rusty spoons and knives. Nice Crockery and China; Dice goods for weddings; mighty nice Baby Carriages cheaper than ever brought out before. Bas? kets, Lamps, Hanging Lamps, extra cheap. ---crnmm "Sleeping Love." A fine steel engraving cf Peranlt's charm? ing pictme, ''Sleeping Love," has been offered by the publishers of Godey's Lady's Book to every new subscriber to the magazine for the year 1885. The plate is a very artistic one, beautifully printed on thick paper of size suitable for handsome framing. The subject, a little dimpled Love, adorned with nothing but his baby charms, is lying on a soft grassy couch, fast asleep among the wild flowers, his ronnd white limbs approaching the coo? umbrage of a pond of water-lilies. One little chubby hand rests lightly on his unstrung bow, which is lying under bim, while the other hand ?3 softly pressed upon his cheek, the plump, fingers threading the wavy masses of his floating hair. Under the right arm and shoulder one little downy wing is snugly tucked away, while the other peeps up from the back with pretty suggestiveness. Over? head are drooping, shadowy boughs covered with rich foliage, and the background reveals a deep perspective of cool forest stfade. The picture is one of striking simplicity, yet admirable composition, and the figure of the "Sleeping Love" himself, with drooping eyelids and softly parted lips that offsett the rounded beauty of babyhood, is one of the prettiest you could well conceive of. Messrs. J. H. Haulenbeek k Co., proprietors of Godfry's Lady's Book, have produced this charming picture most successfully. It is much admired by some of the most fastidious connoisseurs. "The Lion in Love." The Premium Engraving issued by Peter? son's Magaziae, for 1885, like eveything else from that quarter, is of rare excellence and beauty. It is not one of the cheap colored lithographs with which the country is flood? ed, but a first-class line and stipple engraving, executed in the highest style of art. The artists are Illman Brothers, and they have engraved it-size, 21 inches by 27-expressly for Peterson's Magazine, in their most brilliant manner. The picture is called "The Lion in Love," and is a capital affair: sure to raise a smile. In artistic merit, it is, we think, one of the finest "Peterson" has ever issued. Another of the premiums is the "Pearl of Price," an illustrated volume of the American poets. Another is an extra copy of the magazine, etc., etc. You cac get any of them, gratis, by raising a club for "Peterson" for 1885. This is a rare chance. Specimens of the magazine sent, gratis, with full particulars, to those wishing to get up clubs, if written for. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 'Rough on Rats' clears out Rat.-. Mice. 15c. 'Rough on Corns,'for Corns, Bunions. 15c. Thin people. 'Wells' Health Renewer' re? stores heal lb and vigor, cures dyspepsia, &c. S1. 'Rough on Toothace,' iustaBt relief. 15c. L .dies who would retain freshnessand vivac? ity don'? fail to try 'Wells' Health Renewer.' 'Buchu-paiba,'great kidney and urinarycure. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, cleared out by 'Rough on Rats.' *15c. 'Rough on Coughs,' troches 15c; liquid 25c. For children, slow in development, puny and delicate, use 'Wells' Health Renewer. 'Rough on Dentist' Tooth Powder. Try it. 15c. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Sexual De? bility cured by 'Wells' Health Renewer.' $1. Mother Swan's Worm Syrup, for feverish? ness, worms, constipation : tasteless. 25c. Slinging, irritation, al! Kidney and Urinary complaints cured by 'Buchu-paina.' Si. Night sweats, fever, chills; malaria, dyspep? sia, cured by 'Wells' Health Renewer.' My husband(wriipsalady)is three times the man since using 'Wells' Health Renewer.' If you are failing; hroken, worn out and nervous, use 'Wells' Health Renewer.' Si. Prevalence of Kidney complaint in America; 'Buchu-paiba' is a quick, complete cure. Si. Estate ol' !. FIjna Wilson, Dec# IWILL APPLY TO THE JUDGE OF Probate for Sumter County on the 27th day of Nov., 1884. for a final discharge as Executor ot' aforesaid Estate. R. BRADLEY WILSON, Nov 4-4t Executor. ' Estate of Wary Wi Wilson, Dec. AI T PERSONS holding claims against tb? said Estate will present thc same duly attested, and all parsons in an}" way indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment to R. BRADLEY WILSON, Nov 4-3t Qualified Executor. MULE STOLEN. STOLEN from R. P. Monaghan's lot last Friday, a DUN COLORED HORSE MULE, in good condition aud medium size. I He bas a dark streak across his shoulders and j is 10 or 12 years old. He was carried to- j wards the depot by a boy who turned him | over to a negro dressed in a brown suit of clothes. Any information leading to his re? covery will bc thankfully received and liberal? ly rewarded. Nov Il 2s W. C. BROUGHTON. A druggist in New Richmond, 0., Mr. E. J. Donham, writes us the following : "I consider Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup one of the very best things made. I use it altogether in my own family and can therefore recom? mend it._ An Army of Worms, Gnawing. Gnawing, night and day, eating the vitals away, is Frequently the cause of convulsions and fits. Shriner's Indian Vermifuge is the remedy. Brewer's Lung Restorer, the great lung aud throat remedy, is for ?ale by Dr. D. J. Au'd, Agent FOR SAL?T 5,000 bushels selected Rust Proof Seed Oats. A. BEQUEST, No 4-v 23 Queen St., Charleston, S. C. FOR SALE, AND TO BE SEEN at Graham's Stables, a neat jump-seat Buggy, nearly new. (Jost SI25.00. Offered now at S90.00. Used but very little._C. C. BROWN. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina, SUMTER COUNT Y. IN THE COURT COMMON PLEAS. Mrs. Placidia Duncan, Plaintiffs vs. Ravenel S. BradwelL Defendant BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above stated case and dated Feb. 1G 1884, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the town of Sumter, in said State, on Monday, Decem? ber 1st ISSi, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises : All that lot or parcel of land, situate in the Town of Sumter, County and State aforesaid, containing one aere, and bound? ed as follows : North by lot of Mrs. Anna Wilson and bv lot of Julins T. Edwards ; East by Washington street, "West by lot of Selina B. Walker, and South by lot former? ly of H. W. Gardner." Terms of Sale- Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov. 4, 1884._Master. Master's Sale. State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Joseph E. Wilson, Assignee, Plaintiff, vs. Emma B. Fullwood, et al De? fendants. BY VIRTUE of a Decretal order made in the above entitled cause, and dated October 18th 1884, I will sell at public Auc? tion in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said State, on Monday, De? cember 1st, 1S84, (or day following, ) be? tween the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the follow? ing premises : "All that tract of land situate in sard County and State, containing five hundred acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Mack Fri?ison, East by lands of Player, South by lands of Josephine Cloud and West by lands formerly of ll. H. Fullwood." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN Sf RICHARDSON, Nov. 4, 1884._Master. Master's Sale. The State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Harriet R. Sanders, Assignee, Plain? tiff, vs. Esther Allston and others, Defendant BY VIRTUE of a decretal order! made in the above stated case and dated j October 18, 18S4, I will sell at public auc? tion in front of the Court House in the ? Town of Sumter in said state, on Monday, December 1 (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the lorenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises : "All that tract of land situate in said ! County and State, containing thirty acres more or less, bounded North by lands of Anderson Nunnery, East by lauds of Taft Allston, South by lands of Laboo Sanders j and West by lands of Dr. E. J. Rein bert." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay j for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON. Nov. 4, 1884,_;_Master. Master's Sale The State of South Carolina, SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. J. B. Lanier, Plaintiff, vs. Mary A. Epperson, Defendant BY VIRTUE of a Decretal order made in the above stated case and dated October 18,18vS4,1 will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the Town j of Sumter in said State, on Monday, Decem- j ber 1, 1S84, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises : "All that lot of land, situate in the Town of Sumter, in the County and State afore? said, containing one acre, more or less, bounded North by a street of said Town, known as Liberty street, on the East by other land'- of th* defendant, on the South by lands of J. S. Bozzard and on the West by lands now or formerly of Susan S. Tindall." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov. 4, 1884. Master. MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina. SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. J. B. Laurier, Assignee, Plaintiff, vs. Isabella Ross, Defendant BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above stated case and dated Octebcr 18, 1884, I will sell at public auc? tion in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said Stito, on Monday. December 1, ISSI, (or day following.) be? tween the horns of 11 o'clock in the fore? noon and 5 o'clock in thc afternoon, the fol? lowing premises: "All that lot of land with the buildings thereon, situate in the Town of Sumter in said County and State, North of the Wil? mington, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road, thc same being its Southern bonn dary, bounded West by lot of Abc Morris and lying on tho left hand side of road leading to residence of W. H. Phillips, said lot having been formerly owned by Samuel Witherspoon." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARQSON, Nov. 4, 18S4, Master. MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. William Bugin, Assignee, Plaintiff, vs. Jane Congers, Defendant. BY VIRTUE ot a decretal order made in the above entitled cause and dated Mny 29th, 1S34, I will sell at public auction in iront of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said Stufe, on Monday, December 1st, 188-i, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in thc afternoon, the following prem? ises : "All that piece, parcel or tract of land sit uite, lying and being in Sumter County in the State aforesaid, containing Sixty Acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of James Webb, on the East by land of D. J. Winn, on the South by lands of Carolina Brown and on the West by lands of the Estate of Cornelius London, being the land purchased by Jane Conyers from Cornelius London." Terms of Sale-Cash on day of sale. Purchasers to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, No? 4 Master. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of Sundry Executions, to me directed, will be sold at Sumter C. H., on the first MONDAY and day following in December next, 1884, and as many days thereafter as may be necessary, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property : Lot of Land with Store-house thereon, on the North side of and fronting on Liberty street, in the Town of Sumter, in Sumter County, said lot measuring 24 feet, 10 inches front, and 62 feet deep, both of said dimen? sions a little more or less, adjoining lands now of Mary Adeline Brunson and others and lands of ilrs. Mary Harney, levied upon as the property of James P. Brennan, under execution of J. D. Sampson ? Co., against the said James P. Brennan. 106 aod 2-10 Acres of Land, more or less, in Sumter County and bounded as follows : on the North. East and South by lands of James Booth, on the Westby lands of F. G. Jenkins, R. W. Jenkins and lands of the Estate of G. W, Lee. ALSO, 2 Dark Bay Mules, 2 Mouse Colored Mules, 1 Bay Mare, 2 Bay Mare Colts, 1 Bay Horse Mule, 1 Sett Double Harness, 3 Wagons, Plow Gear, 1 Saddle, 1 Sulky, 1 Cow and Calf, 7 Head Hogs, 1 Buggy and Harness, 10 Bushels Corn, 1500 Lbs. Fodder, 1,000 Bushels Cotton Seed, 400 Lbs. Seed Cotton, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Planta? tion Tools, Plantation Gear, Lot of General Merchandise, both levied upon as the property R. Maxwell Jenkins, under Executions of Wm. Neely & Co., H. Cone & Sons and Tabb Bros., Maslin & Co., against the said R. Maxwell Jenkins. 600 Lbs. Seed Cotton, 2400 Lb3. Fodder and Rice Straw, 75 Bushels Corn, 30 Bushels Cotton Seed, all more or less, seized and to be sold as the property of H. W. Baker, under Warrant of Attachment of M. C. Wal? lace vs. H. W. Baker. 15 Bbls. Crude Turpentine, 25 Bbls. Scrape, 26 Bbls. Rosin, Lot Staves and Head? ings, contents of 100,000, Turpentine Boxes unfathered, levied upon as the property of Jesse E. Pierce, under Execution of C. N. Humphries, against the said Jesse E. Pierce. R W. DURANT, S.S. C. Sheriff's Office, Nov. 7, 1884. MASTER'S SALE. The State of South Callina COUNTY OF SUMTER. IN THE COURT OF COM VON PLEAS. P elzer Podgers & Co., Assignees, Plaintiffs, vs Arthur McDaniel. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above entitled cause, and dated May 29th, 1884,1 will sell atpublicauction'in front of theConr t House in the Town of Sumter in said State, on Monday, December 1st 188 i, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following prem? ises : I "All that tract of land in Spring Hill Township in Sumter County in the State aforesaid containing thirty-five and one half (35j) acres more or less, bounded on the North by lands now or formerly of the Estate of Robert L. Heriot, on the South by lands now or lately of A. C. H. Kopff, on the East by the public road from Providence to Bishop ville, and West by lands of J. W. Wesberry." Terms of Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pr.y for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov 3 Master. MASTER'S MLE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Augustus A. Solomons, Plaintiff, vs. Ormsby Blanding and James D. Blandivg, Defendants. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above stated cause and dated .May 31st, 1884, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said Stute, on Monday, December 1, 1884, (or day following, ) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following premises: "All that parcel of land in the County and State aforesaid containing eighty-five (85) acres more or less, bounded on the North by lands of J. M. Pitts, North-east by the track of the Wilmingion, Columbia and Augusta Rail Road, East by a parcel of twenty-five acres of L D. Moan, Sonth by lands of D. Robinson acd on the West hy lands now or lately of J. S. Richardson and Dr. A. J. China." -ALSO Two brown Mare Mules named Molly and Dolly and a two horse wagon, Terms of -Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JU?IN S. RICHARDSON, Nov 3 Master. MASTER'S SALE. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COMMON PLEAS. Robt. Hough cc Sons, Plaintiffs, vs. James L. Epperson, Defendant. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above entitled-cause and dated Octo? ber 16th, 1884, I will sell at public auction in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said S?tate, on Monday, December 1st, 1884, (or day following,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the following prem? ises : "All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being in the Town and Coun? ty of Sumter in the State aforesaid, which is bounded on the North and West by hinds of Louisa Harrison, on the East by Council Street, and measuring thereon fifty feet, and on the South by hinds now or lately of Julius Edwards and measuring thereon one hundred and forty feet-the said Northern and Western lines being parallel respectively to the said Southern and Eastern lines." Terras of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for necessary papers. JOHN S, RICHARDSON, Nov 4 Master. MASTEfi'S SALE, State of South Carolina, SUMTER COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Robert C. McFaddln, Executory Trus? tee, wider order of thc Court and the Last Will and Testament of Henry Spann, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah A. Mellctt, Martha M. Moore, E. Bland Mvllctt and Jos. Rytten berg i? Sons, Defendants. BY VIRTUE of a decretal order made in the above enticed cause and dated Uct. 13th, 1883, I will ;iell at public auction in front of the Court House in the Town of Sumter in said State, OG Monday; December 1st, 1884, (or day folbv.ijg,) between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, The life Estate of Sarah A. Mellett in and to the following tracts of land, to wit : The life Estate of the said Sarah A. Hellet "of, in or to that certain piece, parcel, tract or plantation of land, situate, lying and being in the County and State aforesaid, containing two hundred and thirty acres, more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Estate of Dinkios, uo the East by lands of Wash Allen and land;* of Elizabeth Thompson and of Thomas Richardson, on the South by lands of Murray and of Estate of Burrell Moody, and on the West bv lands of the Estate of Burrell Moody and ot' ihe Estate of Moore; also the life Estate of the said Sarah A. Mel? lett of, in and to all that other tract, or par? cel ofland, situate in stud County and State, containing eighty-four acres, mot?' or less, and bounded on the North by lands of the Estates of Moore and of .Moody, on the East by lands of the Estates of Moore and of Moody, on the South by lands of thc Estate of James A. Moody, and on the West hy lands of the Estate of Dr. W. W. Anderson-the said two tracts being the same devised under the will of William Wheeler." Also the interest in remainder belonging to the Defendant, Martha M. Moore of, in and to the two said described trac's of land. Also the interest in remainder, belonging to the Defendant, E. Bland Mellett of, in and j to the two said described tracts of land Terms of sale-Cash. Purchasers to pav for necessary papers. JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Nov 4? 1881-4t Master. FALL AND WINTER 1884. I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO MY FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC generally that I have returned from New York, having bought the largest and- finest assort? ment ot MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ever offered bj me io this market, and have marked them down low jcr cash, consisting of FINE ENG LISH! AND FRENCH WORSTEDS, CORKSCREW AND DIAGONALS in Blue, Black and Dahlia, all of which we warrant in fit and make to be the equal of any tailor's goods made to order. Also a fine lot of BUSINESS SUITS ranging in price from 56 to ?25. A NICE LOT OF EXTRA PANTS CHEAP. A full and complete line of OVERCOATS all styles and qualities, from $2.50 to $21.00. GENTS' UNDERWEAR. The best unlaundried shirt in the market. The COSMOPOLITAN B. B. BRAND. Ail sizes. Buy no otber. A fine lot of all wool and mixed UNDERVE8T at all prices. COMPLETE LOT OF HATS, CAPS AND UMBRELLAS. PIECE GOODS, Consisting of fine Cassiraeres, Dickey Kerseys in all color?, Salem an 1 Kentnckv Jeans, and the attention of the ladies is invited to our superior REPELLANT OR WATERPROOF CLOTHS in Blue-black, Steel-grey and Green, all double width. Very cheap. A large lot of ODD COATS, VESTS AND PANTS for sale at half the regular price and in perfect condition. I would simply say that, as heretofore, I shall spare no pains to sell you the best goods for the least possible money and guarantee in the fit and wear perfect satisfaction in our goods. Sep9 ID. tT, A7\TTJ>?"lNr. ARE mw PREPARED TO SHOW THEIR .OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRESS GOODS, INCLUDING NEW AND CHOICE NOVELTIES IN Cashmeres, Cheviots, Camel's Hair, French and Scotch Wool Plaids Io all the new shades and combinations, also large assortment of BROCADED AND PLAIN VELVETS, To all of which they invite an early inspection. An elegant assortment of LADIES' AND.MISSES' WRAPS in ali the latest styles, also full line of JERSEYS io all colors. Largest variety of LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, GLOVES AND NECK WEAR we have ever shown, both as to styles anc^ in the forenoon, to shew cause, if ?ny .the/ have, why the saidAdmini: iration should aol be granted. ;. : ? ? ? tJiven under my hand, tH* TI h day of: November, A. D., 1SS4. TL v. WALSH, Nov II-2t. Judge of Probat?. State of South Carolina,' COUNTY OF SUMTER. Bg T. V. Walsh, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, J'J Ll CS GIBS(?V. of the Goan ty of M arion, ;n said ; 'te. made suit to me. to erf nt !.ir. etters <'. Admin-. istration. of the Ts . .nd effects of BETSY GIBSON, decease-i, . . These are therefore to cite ard admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Betsy Gibson, late of said County? in said State, deceased, that