The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 11, 1884, Image 4

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Ki^SIQN, ^O^LS AND VH^LOSO^HV7 B*L e C. BROVW, Bdfcor. JLKD WITHHOLDING. as l*e *kj*H? bynhega?fe, ?_?e%abaR(tb? Deacon vent bank stock and r?il estate, You are better on\ Deactm, than I. *|e both prowing old, and the end's taring near. , i^ Wlrssof the'worWYo rtwjrn, ^Xlffi******* Wraisai your asst-fc^ J fear, , ly ham rko>, inrt Tm feel m g so poor, ?J^^?M 1 couH swap- whb> you-eren Ta*i*Dt?nds i have lire* for and laid np in ; For Ibe shillings and peDee- yo? have gir en.*< |^ Squire,' "sflt?-ttw'^&Mcea, with shrewd common sens*. - WS?le bia eye bad aiwmkfe 6ffon, ^ ?*t your pounds take the way or ?y^i??rfs: -and pence, . Aw? tba thing; ca? be easily dtmei' ? ? * ' ' T?iw?if?4 ?rr' Spurgeon. '??H - >:?..??,. ss.Vi | ^ ITtarSasie Spfrirgeon has bews an i ?WP^ ^ fifteen years, but has been '-% |?eymj?tbetic wife to her busy hus 'Ijtodand tfire %ht and joy of his home, and.** ?VeU, has trained two sons, Charles and Thomas, who are both **?rves? ministers. p -Ja. ;Tf^5, wbeiK Mr. Spurgeon ?s "V .?ct?res tb Stmlettts" were first . ^ffmhe?/be ?aid 4&> her, ivSow do josi nfe5"?^^ H?^ljDswer was, *'f wish I could pla?ait in the liands of . elfcrjJ^?Bterr ?n_.Eng?aDd.'?, ,-Theu w?jnRait?^o f How muck will you . For some years she lins been caie illly gathering silver half-crowns, an counted them, and lound exactly .??jangh to pay lor one hundred vol? ?mes. These she gave to poor pas? ito*, whose income was less than $750 the "boofc-fuiid," which has come to imjBae_ef the precious works in Eu ?f?S? ?way^S?^W booka to miu isters <^aH ., ^fascinations. The letters 4ft$ftch bave come to her after these tebjk? and her many other gifts have - . *e& ireeerred/are enough to melt any tort into doing good. ; A Methodist minister wrote h er from Ireland: many loom weavers are working twelve boors a day for less ?f?an $1.25 a week ! I have no means, and I am neither abie, ou the one hand* &> get my salary, nor yet. am 1 disposed, on the other, to leave these poor people ; buying books is ont of ??? tbe-qaestia? f". Another wrote a letter f;^ftl?nkii, who, for twenty yeats, had : "&?dm& $200 or $300 a year, asd whose wife had been an invalid for jr?^yeaas.- ? third had been pn* ihte? for two years by bronchial trouble. Theiwel?b child has jost \^)tr rem? wt? the home, eleven now Jiv ;^ ^8* **d.?oe were. u?derfive year? of The kalka are Mrs. Sporgeon's. jjheir income was $250 yearly. The , ;;V^; wrote*: ? My poor heart is sn r ?cl**g*?l with grief; while I write the* * times I can scarcely see for ts' * :. >leam.^ ; Ai*.vbervvi twenty ?ne years had' .^ed * ^ ifc^O a year, and yet he: **w*Dfe : ' ^y^ather ' gives that-wbicb ' ?-tort- tha ^ compensates for poverty, I %we hak 7* peace m |be Church, and '?e Wesses fi^crwu Wir?-.- - We nev ler wereso ? ita%btened as now ; my ' income lett o. ^ 1^ year more than" 25 . percent., ano1 ^ sssore you we have wanted tba com mon necessaries of life, ?nd I have come * to my last pair of trousers. When I pot yon? note into ?- trtfe's band al ^ ^nrs* ?Bto tears, ]f ?i embraced me, and > ?A; ' What a mer ey 6oi has raised i.'P friends lo be so kia<i and good to at I have bad many a battre to fight with the devil, for he tempts me to gi .7e up the work s t?hich pay? so1)adly ; int thank God, I conh? not live without>'re?cnin?tIie ' gospel, though at the san >e time my. ; . heart often bleeds that I c.tnnot pro- 1 - .vide myself with the boo.^s which "* would give me. a greater Bfiess for .. the discharge of my sacred dories. J j had been asking God to sejid me a " pair of new shoes .and a pair of trous? er?. Our hearts were so filled with gratitude ht seeing your kind gift that we ??ved our meal, for all a ppetite tied iv the excitement. The children skipped and clapped their hana's for 5 very glee, and roy wife got fidgety in r " thinking of her new dress. The , clothes fit me beautifully, aud you : ia will know know I needed them when ! I tell yon that those I am now wear- : ^itf?t? m their fifth year." AjBOther had had but one suit in nia? year?. - Another preaches in a seeotkl-ftsneVcoat of bottle-green, and - although Mrs. Spurgeon naively says, - abe doe? not suppose that his sermons are deteriorated by his bottle-green j garments, she thinks he would have . modest share of self-respect if he had ybeeoming apparel and a five-pound note in his pocket. Some write her that they have not * nada religous periodical or a book in five years, and are "tired of contin? ually poring over the same pages " A good lady in Scotland bethought herself that a soft woollen shawl would be accepfab?e along with books for the ministers. After the first shawl bid been sent a letter came stating that Mrs. G. had cnt up her only . .bawl to make a wrap for her husband in the cold weather, and now, when the winter came again, there was no money to buy one for the self sacrific? ing wife. How thankfully, then, did they receive Mrs. Spurgeon's unex? pected gift. Two lonely widows spend all their time in making dozens of flannel un? dergarments to be sent with the books. On Mrs. Spurgeon's birth? day, sometimes a bank-note is wrap? ped around the card of good w isl iee. On her .silver wedding day, Nellie, ? eleven year? oil, and the daughter of a minister, sent ali she had, a silver halfcrown, hoping that she could .end more on Mr. Spurgeon's golden wedding day. A nother sent twenty Bind ?tamps. A touching letter came febar recently upon the death of a i poor sewing woman. It contained an order for $10.27 and a little soiled .lip of paper with these words, in a trembling band : "Silver threepenny piece? coming in, in the way of busi sean, Dedicated to the Lord's work, ander lae hand of Mrs. Spurgeon, tado*/* . ?rs. Spurgeon ?aves most econom ??aJjy for the work she has at heart. fySmg, sometime since;<?ome rings ^^?f?tooebes in a drawer, site *> id I ? hits :V?V.J\ ,-,? Xv ?dav .'??I wl?)?-!: a bil! ft M v???D *.V-'U?i in ft?; t.?.'uks. &?2C ?"?' ???*ii??i .iW^r?* ti>;s? hau l'tHi in <V1>1. a i?icmi Caiicti and ? handed her $500. Money has come j {rom New Zealand and Australia, j some from her son Thomas, who went j to that for-off reg hm for In's health. 1 H?? alway? signs -^lis letters to her, j "Mother's Sea Gull," because he is a j bird of passasjfH. A friend sent her six reams of pa- ! per, knowing she would need it in ? lier correspondence. She writes. ! "When it came the sweetest voice in all the world said; 'May you live to use it all, dear wife.'" A letter from her. "with loving Christian greeting," lies before me, with a tiny bird flying, and tfte pretty motto, * *Je retiendrai" (I wilt come again,) bi fng^lgryi eptyr- v.^^,--v., . Last" year Mr?. ?Spurgeon gave away^,298 Volumes,'-2,500 of these the "Treasury of David," by her hus? band. ;Why Ii go to Church on Rainy Sundays. ? attend Gburch on rainy Sundays because I. -<ro44taa blessed the Lord's day. and haTIowediETntakitfg no exceptions for rainy SumJays. JL ~ 1 : expect my minister to be there. I should be surprised, if he were to stay at home for the weather. 3. If his bands fall through weak? ness, I shall have great reason to blame myself, unless I sustain him by my prayers and roy presence. 4. By staying away I may lose the prayers which bring God's bless? ing, and tiie sermon that would have done me great good. 5. ? My .presence is more needful on Sundays when there are few, than j on those days when the church is crowded. 6. ^. Whatever station I Iwld in the Choreo, my example roost influence others. If ? stay away, why may not they r ^ {. /1 >; \ 7. On any important business rainy weather does not keep me at home; and.Church attendance is, in God's sight, very important. 8. Among ihe crowds of pleasure seekers, J see that no weather keeps the delicate female from the ball, the party, or the concert. 9. Among other blessings, such weather will show me on what foun? dation my faith is built, lt will prove how much I love Christ;? - True- love rarely fails to meet an appointment. - hO. Those wlio-sfay from Church beca ase ot is too wami or too cold, or too rainy, frequently absent them selves on fair/Sundays. IL Though my excuses satisfy myself, they still must undergo God's scrutiny ; and they must be well grounded to bear that. (St. Luke xiv. 18.) 12. There is a special promise, that where two or three meet togeth? er in God's name, he will be iu the midst of them. *13. An avoidable absence from the Church is an infallible evidence of spiritual decay. Disciples first follow Christ at a distance, and then, likedPeter,' do not know him. ??, My faith is to - be shown by my se?f- deny mg Christian life, and not by rise^r fall of the thermom? eter. r 15. Such yielding to surmounta? ble iliffi cul ties prepares, for yielding to those rmerely ?imaginary, until thousands never enter a church, and yetr?h?jsk they ha$ve good reason for such neglect. J 6, By a suitable arrangement on Saturday, I shall be able to attend Church without exhaustion; other? wise, orv" Jate work on Saturday night must tend to unfit me tor the Sunday enjoymec t of Christian privileges. 1?. I .know not how many more Sundays G od may give me ; and it would be a jK>or preparation for my ?rst &ndaj-4jiUieaveji to have slight ed?y last Sit oday on earth.-?ranees j Ridley HavesgaL TUT1PS w il IL TORPID BOWELS. DISORDER SD LSVER, ~ ?id MALARIA. From ?ese sources ; rise thrcc-?cur?bs OJ toe dishes of tb? Li man race. Tiles? symptom:* irvlicate int ii existence : Lou o Appetite, Bowel* eot Uve, Sick Head, ?ehe, fullness aller co tins, nversion tc exertion of body or ;>. ind, Eructation of food, Irritability cf temper, Low spirits, A i?eliii? or n tving neglected some detr, IHzxluesr, t lette ring at tbc Heart, i>ots before tho*. hichiy col? ored irriue, COJ?STII end de? mand the use of a remoc? r 13at acts directly ou tho Liver.- As aLiver -ax dicinc TUTT'S IPILES lia ve no equal. Th- ?r actiou on thc Sidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing: all impurities through thc sc three ?* scav? engers of tho system,** pix><\ ucinsr appe? tite, soartd digestion, regula- stools, a clear skin and a vigorous bod}-. T LTT'S PU, LS cause no nausea or griping- nor Interfere "with dally work and are a pe-Ject ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEELS LIKE A J?E \ V KLAN, "I have had Dyspepsia, wt:h Constisa tion.two years, and have tried tea different kinds of pills, and TUTTIS are the first that nave done me any good. They have deaned me out nicely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, and I now lowe natural passages. I feel like a new man.? W.I). EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. Soldevery^heTe.aSc. Office,44 Murray St. JC.Y. TUTTS mm OYT GRAT HAIE oa WHISKERS changed in? stantly to a GLOSSY BiacE by a single ap? plication of this DYE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of S L> Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTTS MANOAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE, J.F. W, DELORJHE, Agent? -DEALER IN DRUGS & MIDI, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY. AND ALL KINDS OF Druggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT IN \ FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Tobacco, Snuff ?and Segars, GARDEN SEEDS, &C, Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. The pnblic will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genu? ine, and of the best quality. ?all and see for y oursei ves. i - Sumter. S. C-, Jaa. 20, Sa. Disease is sm effect, not ii cause. Its origin is within; its muni festal io n s without. Henee. ? to cure thethe disease the cause must tie re i moved, ?nd in no other war can a cure ever he effected WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CUR ii is established on just this pajoeip'e. It realizes 1 hilt 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys and liver, and it. strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The elements of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs, both as a food and restorer^ and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the system. For the in numerable troubles caused by un? healthy Kidneys^ Liver and Urinary Organs; for th?"distiessing Disorders of Women ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements gen? erally, this great remedy has no equal. Be? ware ofImpostera, imitations and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester. N. Y. Which, while acting as a stimulant of the kidneys, neither excites nor irritates them, was long since supplied by Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters. This line medicine exerts the requisite degree of stimulation upon j these organs, without producing irritation, and is. therefore far better adapted for the purpose man unmedicated excitants often resorted to Dyspepsia. f**rer and ague, and kindred diseases, are all cured by IT For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. THEES 'TEES FI3E IS OUT. Magic No More a Mystery-Seen Prom Across the World. Haroun of Aleppo,' said Sir Philip Derra!, Miad mastered every secret in nature which the nobler mugil seeks to fathom. Ee dis? covered that the true art of healing is lo assist Nature to throw off the disease-to summon, as it were, the whole system to eject the enemy that ha* fastened on a part. His processes all included the reinvigoration of the principle Oflfr.' Ju this the.Eas?ern sag? merely anticipated fhe'practice of the best physicians of to-day. What life itself is, nobody knew then-no? body, knows now. B::t we hare learned something of the reasons why the mysterious tide rises and falls. Provided the great or? gans of the body are not irreparably destroy? ed, medical science can always relieve, and often save. Yet <no reputable physician now adheres to the barbarous and stupid processes of depletion, such ns bleeding, by which it was attempted to cure disease by reducing the patient's ability to resist it Now-a clays we do not tear down tue fort to help the gar? rison-we strengthen it. In this intelligent and beneficent work, it is conceded that Parker's Tonic leads all other ! medicines. As an inrigorant it acts im- J mediately and powerfully upou the circula- j tien and the organs of digestion, thus giving Nature the assistance she calls for. It follows ? that all ailments of the stomach, kidneys and liver are at once relieved or cured. No other preparation embodies thes-me qualities or produces similar results. It is delicious to usev and the best .known anti-iutoxicaiit. Price 50c and Sf. HISCOX k CO., New York. CONSUMPTION CURED. 0 OQ 0 BREWER'S LUN RESTORER / BRONCHITIS ASTHMA. ALL DR?CG1GV3. AGRICULTURAL LAME and BUILDING LSrYIE. Also C?RBO-PH?SPKA?EcrPHOSPH?TICLIME Send for Circular. Address FRENCH BROS ? NORTH CA ROL'A OP IVKA7 XTJRD CHEAPER TEAK ETES. P.Lfle>?, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni? tion, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Neta, Knives, Razors, Skates, Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WFSTERN GUN WORKS, r\ITSBUBQ?B, FA. J. M. CRAIG'S! v FCJRMT?K? A FULL ASSORTMENT OF JF1 IX HOL i U XX e embracing all the styles and qualities usually found in a First Class Furniture Store. PARLOR SUITES, RED ROOM SETTS, WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Safes, Sideboard?, Looking Glasses, What Not?, Wall Brackets, Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Matresses, &c., &c. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, IS FULL AND COMPLETE. COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descrip? tions and sizes constantly in store at prices ranging For Adults-from So to 125. For Children-from $3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is given to this business, in all its depart? ments, and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Oct. 9 SOLID SHOT AGAINST Blood Poison! ATLANTA, GA., April 17,1S83. In 1S73 T wai the victim of a terrible Blood Poison, a-d after bein*; treated by three physician*, wa* con? fined to my bed. not able to raise my band to my head, spitting up clots of blood, and reduced in weight from ?S3 to 130 pounds. I then beean the nse of Swift's Specific, and in less than three months I was entirely well, weighed Ifti, and have never had a symptom of the dise?e pince. If it had not been for Swift's Specific I believe I would have been in my grave. JOHN V. BISHOP. We have for twelve months been prescribing Swift's Specific in the treatment of the diseases for which it is recommended, and have not been disap? pointed in a f ingle instance. Wc think, for all dis? eases it is recommended to enre, it stands withont a peer, and that the medical profession will sooner or later be forced to acknowledge it, in thc treatment of Blood Diseases, a sine qua non. N. L. GALLOWAY, M. D. J. T. ROBINSON, M. D. Monroe, Ga. <bl AAA REWARD will be paid to any ?pA*.V/VJv/ chemist who will find, on analysis of 100 bottles of S. S. S., one particle of mercury, iodide potassium, or anv mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atiaota, Ga. Price: Small size, $1-00 per bottle, (holding double quantity) $1.73 bottle, gists sell it. Our little book mailed free to applicants. Large size, All Drag THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MS AUS BEAST. For more than a third of a cenferrthe Mexican MnstangTJnfmeathasDeen known to millions all over the world as the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents and pain. It is a medicine above price and praise-the best of its ic ind* For every form of external pain ~ MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is -without an equal. It penetrates flesh and muscle to the very bone-making the continu? ance of pain and inflammation impos? sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh, and thc Brute Creation are equally wonder? liol. The Mexican MUSTANG Liniment is needed by somebody in every house. Every day brings news of the agony of an awful scald or burn subdued, of rheumatic martyrs re* stored, or a valuable hone or ox saved by tho healing power of thia LINIMENT which speedily cures snell ailments of the HUMAN FLESH as Rheumatism. Swellings* Stiff Joints* Contracted Muscles* Burns nnd Scald?, Cuts* Bruises and Sprains) Poisonous Bites and Stings* Stiffness, Lameness, Old Sores, ricers, Frostbites, Chilblains. Sore Nipples, Caked Breast, and Indeed every form of external dis ass? It heals without scars* For the BEUTE CR?ATION it cures ISprains, S winny, Stiff Joints, Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Bis cases, Foot Rot, Screw Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wind 8alls, Spavin, Thrush, Ringbone, ld Sores, Foll Evil, Film upon tlie Sight and every other ailment to which the occupants of the Stable and Stock Tard are liable. The mexican Mustang Liniment always cures and never disappoints; and it is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS POS HAN OS LS AST, Cut Shows No. 3, Ready to (jct Into. C Spring Cart Co., Rushville, Ind. -Wholesale Manufacturers of Two-Wheeled Vehicles* THE ONLY thing on two wheels tbat RIDES AS EASY AS A CARRIAGE. Goods made of the best materials and war? ranted. Weight from 90 to 150 pounds. Prices Low. Ask your merchant to get prices for you. C SPRING ?ART CO. Nov 6 3-6 IffiNRY L. B.~WELLSrr NOTARY PUBLIC? * SUMTER, 8. C. Apr 24 Ashley Phosphate Company, CHARLESTON, S. C SMALL GRAIN SPECIFIC, a highly aramoniated and complete Fertilizer for Wheat, Oats, Rye and all small grain crops. . ASHLEY ASH ELEMENT, of superior activity and efficiency; a very cheap and excellent fertilizer for small grain, use with cotton seed or stable manure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY ACID PHOSPHATE. ASHLEY DISSOLVED BONES. GENUINE LEOPOLDSHALL KAINIT. FLOATS, of highest grade, product of the Due Atomizer. COTTON SEED MEAL, sound and fresh. JEST FOR TERMS, Illustrated Hand Books, Agricultural Primers and good articles on Ash Element, Kainit, Floatsand Peas, address. THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Charleston, S. C. The Largest and Most Complets Establishment South. Established 1842. GEO. S. HACKER & SON, Office and Warerooms, King, opposite Cannon Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. Manufacturers of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, AND BUILDING MATERIAL. g^?^ FARM ??RIS T M ILLS FSKsSr AND SHELLERS. ^WKgk OVER 30,000 NOW IN USE. ?"Ss^JP^B^^ Every machine is fully warranted to suit, or '^c'i?ijsM?if^ money refunded. Price of .Milis, ?20 to ??833a $40 * SneI,e"> ?5- Do not b?ja Min L^ljP^rjraL or Sheller until you have seen our ^SBBH^5&?" terms and illustrated circular. IP^^* LIVINGSTON ^CO^PITTSBURGH, PA, WILSON, CHILDS & CO PHILADELPHIA WAGON WORKS, PHILADELPHIA. FA 3^1 00 co PS < co MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Plantation, Business, Express & Spring Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks and Wheelbarrows. H. HARBY., Agent, Sumter and Kingstree, S. C. April 10_Iv BICYCLES -ON E A SF TERMS. I have the agency in this County for the CELEBRATED IDEAL BICYCLE, THE BEST BICYCLE MADE FOR THE MONEY. ?SST For particulars, call on me at the WATCHMAN AND SOUTHRON OFFICE, where I will take pleasure in exhibit? ing the machine. O. P. OSTEEN. PL??CS AOT FAIS, DS?LI2TG WIKS. THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY INSURES SATISFACTION. BULTMANN & BRO. SUMTER, S, C. Take pleasnre in announcing to their friends and the public generally that they have added to their business an assort? ment of FINE HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, and in their regular line of BOOTS AND SHOES, they have the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK THEY HAVE EVER HAD. AU of which they will sell at the same LOW PRICES which has made them the LEADERS 1ST THEIR LISTE for quality and price. The BOOT, SHOE, AND HAT TRADE OF SUMTER has not before witnessed so complete a line of SOLID AND DURABLE GOODS, AT SUCH LOW PRICES, As are now offered at their store. All goods warranted as heretofore. Do not fail to call and examine stock before buying. Sept 18 STANDARD LAUNDRY WAX Preserves Linen, gives a beau? tiful finish, prevents the iron from sticking, saves labor. 5 CENTS A CAKE. ASK YOUR STOREKEEPER FUR IT. MADE BY STANDARD OIL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. A ns 1 PATENTS MUNN & CO., of. tho Scientific Asrxmcxsr. con? tinua to ucl ns Solicitors for latents. Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, for the United States. Canada, England, Franco, Germany, otc Hand Book about Patenta wnt fiv^ Thirty-? ren rears*experience. PatentKobtained through MUNN A CO. ar? not iced tn tho SCIENTIFIC AMKBICA.%*, the largest, hes., and nwst. widely circulated scientific paper. $5.20 a yavr. Weekly. Splendid engravings and Interesting in? formation Specimen copy o? the Scient i fie A incr icnn sent free. Address M CNN & CO., SctEXXOTO A ii um CAN' Office. Jft?l Broadway, Nc* York. Also grinds cc culars and Tes Address WI| July 24 Ja week 'absolu t^ required. Red which persons) can make with absolute to H. HALLE3 GRIM YOUR OWN HONE MEAL AND OYS ER SHELLS in the Frank 'ilson Pat. $5 Hand Mill, ind cob. Illustrated Cir [onials sent on application. )N BROS., Easton, Pa. lome, S5.00 outfit tree. Pay kure. No risk. Capital not if you want business at Uber sex, young or old, ail the time troy work, linty, write for particulars CO, Portland, Maine. MY DEAR: LO YOU KNOW THE SEASON WHY PEOPLE WANT TO BUY THE WILSON LIGHTNING SEWER in preference to any other SEWING MACHETE? We will tell rou. BECAUSE it has no Cogs, Cams or Gears. BECAUSE it has no Rawhide or Felt Packing. BECAUSE it has no Cast-iron Parts paint? ed over to corer its defects. BECAUSE it does not shake, rattle or dance all over the floor when run at a high rate of speed. BECAUSE it has twe speeds-one for fine work or a delicate operator, and the other for fast speed, so that you can do one-third more work in a day than can be done on any other Sewing Machine. BECAUSE it runs Light and Easy. BECAUSE lost motion can be be taken up after years of wear without changing or put? ting in new parts, which cannot be done with any other Sewing .Machine. BECAUSE it darns rips and tears. BECAUSE it does the most elegant designs in embroidering without an attachment. BECAUSE it does not break the thread or needle when run backwards. We could tell you for hoursof its Superiority orerall other Sewing Machines. We think this is sufficient reason why people should bur the WILSON. It is sold on very easy terms. BlJLTilIAN N & BRO?, BOOT AND SHOE STORE, SUMTER, S. C. Aug 21 CONTINENTAL OINTMENT -CURES Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratches and Sores -IX HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. Ask your Storekeeper for it, or write direct to thc manufacturers. AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Aug 7 CARPETS. Carpets and House Furnishing Gonds. Tlie l.nrgest Stock South of Baltimore. Moquet, i?russels. 5-Ply and Ingrain Oar- I pets, Bugs, Muts and Crumb Cloths Win? dow Shade*, Wall Papera, Borders, Lace Curtains, Cornices and Poles, Cocoa and Canton Mattings. Upholstery, Engravings, Chromos, Picture Frames. Write tor Samples and Prices. BAILI K & COSKREY, AUGUSTA, GA. June 26 o | i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ K?aiiQ Easy Cii-M^ n Thousands of women over t.!i??:.iud tesl!- a 9 fy to the wonderful effects of thia croat rem- 9 H edyiit will not only shorten laborand lessen fl I the intensity of pain and sullorin-x beyond I fl expression, but netter thnn a??, it thereby B fl greatly diminishes thc darurer to life of both I H mother and child. Thia grerit bonn tosuf- H fl fermg woman is Ifolmes' Liniment, cr I fl Matter"8 Friend. Prepared and r-old br J. fl fl BBADFIZLO, Atlanta, Ga. Sold bv ali 9 fl. Dragaste. Price $t.50 bottle. Sent , fl ?fe. by Express on receipt of price. >n W?LBERN & PIEPER; WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Provisions, Lipors, Maceo, k 167 and 169 East- Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 XJ JSL FL 3D 33 3>J 353 -OR LARD SUBSTITUTE. UNDER THE BRAND OF LARDENE we offer an Oil refined expressiv for our trade from Selected Cotton Seed, and which we guarantee free from Acids, Alkalies or Adulterants of auy kind. LARDENE is a perfectly pure Vegetable Oil, and can be used in place of Butter for Cakes and Pastry, in place of Lard for all Culinary purposes, and in place of Olive Oil for Salads. A trial will insure its constant use and prove a great saving to housekeepers. Where directions are followed we guarantee satisfaction in every instance. WM. M. BIRD & GO., CHARLESTON, S. C., DEALERS IN OILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Feb 12_5_ CHAS. C. LESLIE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FISH, LOBSTERS, TERRAPINS, GAME, TURTLES, OYSTERS, ??c. ?fcc. ?fcc. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Having made large additions to my busi? ness, I am prepared to furnish Fish, Game, Ac, at short notice. ?ll Orders Promptly Attended To. Terms Cash or City Acceptance. July 24 % SEND FOR PRICE LI$T. .M?ELREE'S^ #^ PALACE CHARLESTON.S.C; LARGEST STOCK. ' LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. Repairing -a (Specialty. SEND ME YOUR WATCHES. W. C, FHRSYTKE & SON, DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, 406 & 408 Kins: Street. CHARLESTON, S. March 21 If S. B. THOMAS, Agt No. 320 KING STREET, Opposite Liberty, Mes, Paper Haiipp, LACE? CURTA?XS, CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec ll_o LYON&HEALY State & Monroe Sis.. Chicago. Will nend prepai.l to .viv address their BAND CATALOGUE, Ifor l?sS. ?OO p?-'c. '?10 tncraviujj of instrument-, SuiU, Ci ps Belo, Pompons. Epaulet*. Cap-Lanjpi, Stands. Drum Major? Staff?, ?nd "Hats Son.lrv B-vid Ouints, Repairing ?Material), aKo includes In>truction and Er >erri-*s for Amateur UauUi, astl a Ca of Cboio* Latid .ou NERVOUS _ AND LACK VITAL EVERCY? THE HOWARD GALVAM C SHTEXD jfXf?&i i* * SI UK C I KK r r mwMm EhoSnaSSml .Nuanna, OR I Sciatica, Spinal Ailments, fl ?y NERVOUS DEBILITY, ^?8 gN Fever s nd Ague, Malaria, *WP^S KIDNEY DISEASE, /? KvvSkia and Blood Disease, s?' Torpid Liver and Indigestion .^^mW ^S^. Paralysis, Epilepsy WEAX BACK. Mr It Flt? over the M THE LIFE OF THE f 3 gi -es a mild sooth ?RESTOBEDBYTHEI ff fiK^C^AR^f^*^ i lt is different from , if^j^l J IS1 H [Patented Feb. 25,1879.] pinose*fo*r MEN gBBEgg" Care Seminal Weakness, Impotency, and I*OST MANHOOD, speedily restoring the lackof \ Itality and Lost Vigor in a natural way.'without Drugging the Stomach. We lUrnish Absolute Proof of what we sav in Our Illustrated Pamphlet, Three Types Of Men, sent free, or when sealed, 6 cents postage. Our appliances arc Adapted to all Ages. IJAPISS Suffering from Lame Back, Weakn.*s* of the Spine with a tired, languid, or bearing down feeling, who are Nervous and Weak or suffer from Lcucorrhoa, Chronic Inflammation; or Falling of the Womb, Suppressed or Irregular Menstruation, Hemorrhage, Barrenness, Change of Ufe or DeMlitv, the Shield is a speedy and permanent cure SPE?f AL CIKCFLAR FOE LA2>I>:? .-ont free. fXKCTRlC I To warru the Feet, enrich the Blood, ISSOLES > prevent Colds and Rheumatism, Price, $1.00 per pair. Send size of shoe worn. Price of Shield, Xo. A ??.00: Na 2 ?10.C0: >o. C $20.00. Sent C. O. D. or hy mail ir. plain packages, on receipt of price (no measure needed). Remittance! can be sent in letter, at our risk. AMERICAN GALVANIC CO. OFFICES \nGi CHESTN?T ST" PHILA- s** In writing us. mease name mis paper. ~ ft BARNES" S/jt\ Patent Foot anti Steam ^Qrojfcjf Power M;tch in erv. Complete QE^pSj?a ""tfits f??r Actual Work-.-hup ^?muW?? ^U?iinesi- Lathes for Wood V *? rf "r Meta'- Circular Saws. =rJS^j?L KS Scroll Saws. Formers, Mor ^???5'-^S"^Js tisers. Tenoners, ere, etc. ^Sf?lsi^JSBfcjp Machines on trial if desired. Descriptive Catalogue an.l Prie?* List Free. TV. F. & JOHN BARNES, No. 2116 Main St. RoCK??>Rn. Ir.n. Will bc mailed EDEE*0 a" applicants and to customers of last ? "CC year without ordering it. | It contains illustrations, pri?es, <!e>*:riptions r.nd dir? t:ons for planting all Vegetable an-'. Flower | Seeds; Plants etc Invaluable to all. D.M.FERRY5C0?_| SEEDS ! SEEDS! SEEDS! j ("^ RDWN, not in the short Summers of the j X North and then brought eight to fifteen ' hundred miles, hut grown on the tortile hills , of our own SUNNY SOUTH, and of course j adapted to our soil and climate. I want | Gardeners and Planters, to try a few of my SEEPS, nv way of experiment.. Catalogue of varieties and prices sent on application. Truly, &c, J. W. VAXDIVER, Seed Producer, Jan 8 TVeaverville. N. C. A fiCMTCwanted for The Lives of all the MUI. 91 I Wpresidentsof theC S. The largest handsomest, best book ever sold for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits to agents. Allintel ligeot people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALLETT BOOS CO., Portland Maine. B. F. MITCHELL tfSON, PROPRIETORS OF Merchant Flour Mills AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, Ii. C. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES Choice grades FLOUR, own manT frc -ALSO, Fresh Ground MEAL, HOMINY. CRACKED CORN. &c. ; Selected S^RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Selected North Carolina and Maryland SEED RYE. All ur Goods guaranteed best quali? ty and at lowest prices. Ne charge for delivery to Railroad. B. F. MITCHELL jgjOg. THE PURCELL H?USE Wilmington, N. C. . UNDER NEW . NANA GEME&T First Class Hotel? Board $2 50 to $3 00 per day-Merchants $2 W B. L. PERRY Proprietor. UNABRIDGED. In Sheep, Russia and Turkey Bindings. WCTIONAk WJTM THE STAND ABB. /N T'TP' Webster-it has 118,000Words, \7Xl X 3000 Engravings, and a Kew Biographical Dictionary. FJflW?TPI Standard in Gov't Printing Office. 1 Q fi 32.000 copies in Public &hook. Sale 20 to 1 of any other s?ries. ^>THC?f57aidtomak?aFamlly intelligent JSJU?S JL Kost help for SCHOLABS, TEACH?KS and SCHOOLS. Webster is Standard Authority with the rj. fl. Saprem e Cou rt. Recommended bj the Stats; .Sup'ts of Schools in 36 States. "A LIBRARY IN ITSELF." The latest edition, in the quantity of matter li contains, is believed to be the largest volume published. It has3000more Words and nearly three times the number of Engravings in any other Ameri? can Dictionary. Itis an ever-present and reliable school* master to the whole family.-& & Hervid. '. WARMLY INDORSED BT such high authorities as Geo. Bancroft, R. W. Emerson. Wm. H. Prescott, John O. Whittier, John L. Motley, W. D. Howells, FiU-G. Halleck, J. G. Holland, B. H. Smart, James T. Fields? Ezra Abbot, Geo. F. Marsh, Wm. T. Harris, Kemp P. Battle. " It has all along kept a leading place, and the New Edition brings it fairly up to ?ate."-London Times, June, 1882. The Unabridged is now suppli?e! at a small ad? ditional cost, with BENISOITS PATENT REFERENCE INDEX, a valuable and time-saving invention. " The greatest improvement in book-making that has been made m a hundred years." 6. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mas? A WEEK'S READING FREE I FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send yonr name and the name and address of fir? c! your neighbors or friends on a postal ?ri and get free for yourself and each of them a specimen copy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, . He lilla M?M OUR / "UNCLE REMUS'S" worid-fenoes ^Sketches of the old Plantation Darkey. THREE i ?BiUARP'$?Ho?ofo?Letto?fcr HUMOROUS j the Home and Hearth Stow.' WRlTFo* ( "BETSY HAMILTON'S" advertir?? WimtK* " told in the "Cracker" dialect Wsr Stori*?, Shttch?* ot TrmvtL AW foemi, fun, Jtdttttturv*, (?TA? TA? Mou$*hotd, Cwr4*pon?*m?*t A World of Instruction and EstertsJamest ' Twelve Pages. The Brightest and Beat Weekly. H cases every member of the Family. ? SENO A POSTAL FOR A SPECIMEN COPY, FREE Address "THE Covstmm<zstn Atlanta* Gul ** GR?^mrS~ST?BIJ^ J REPUBLICAN-STREET, fl WM ifi WS. Good Driving Horses. -AND Farm and Timber Mules, Also, on hand, a fine assortment BUGGIES, OF ALL STYLES AND GRADES. At pi ices to suit the times CELEBRATED Old Hickory Wagons, Manufactured by the Kentucky Wagon Manu? facturing Company, of Louisville, Ky. -ALSO TENNESSEE WAGONS. March 20 W. M. GRAHAM. _ FOUTZ'S HORSE ANO CATTLE POWDER8 No HORS* wHI dj.? o:'Oour. P-OTSorLr>c Fr.rxa.if F??it/."s r<>\v>!.Ts arc nse.! in time. Ft>ntz's l\?wd*r? will eur* anil nrewit HocCSOUSA. F??acc*.s IVw-tors vi?? wvvi?nt <?*I*K.? I> FOWW, Fount's P??w.h?ri? will ?tu*re??e the ijnsntiiy oftnilk aivl rream iwcr.ty per cen:..and nm*** the batter ann an.! sw.?.*t. Flute's P..wii<?r- will nire or pr#-v?nt almort aviar t DISK\SP tn which ?? nn.? <"i*t> ar?% subject. Forrz"!? Pnwnrj&i wit.:, CIVIC SATIS?MCTIOX. Sold everywhere. DAVID E. FOT7T2. Proprietor, _PALTrWORE. KP. P?YN E'S 10 Horse Spark-Arresting j Portable Engine has cat 10.000 ft. of Michigan Pine Boards in 10 hon?, barning slabs from the taw in j eight-foot lengths. Our 10 TLrrfr- ice Gi/orcnfee to famish power to saw $.000 fe-1 of Hemlock Boards in 10 boura- Our IS lion* iciU cut. WMO feet m same rime. O r Elimines arc ??AIUNTEKD to f !tl>h a horse-power on *? les? feel ?nd water tlian any other En pne not fined wirh an Automatic Oat Oft, If von want a Stationary or Portable Engine. Boiler. Circu? lar Saw-Mill. Shafting or Pulleys, !<-ithcr ca>t ??r Meddart's Patent 'Wrought-iron Pnlloy. send for barj ilhi>trat;-d catalogu?; No. 12, for Z information and prices*. B. W. PAYNE & SON'S. Corn inc, N. Y. Box 1487. RUBBER STAMPS NAME STAMPS FOR MARKING CLOTHING with iiulcllible ink, or for printing visitiof cards, and STAMPS OF ANY KIND for stamping BUSINESS CARDS, ENVEL? OPES or anything else. Specimens of variousj styles on hand, which will he shown with pleas? ure. The LOWEST PRICES possible, orders filled promptly? _ Call?n C. P. OSTBEK, At tho Watchman and Southron 00?.