The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 04, 1884, Image 4

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*^?Ue?? C. C BROWN, Editor -PT--- - ..---_ Si; :^:?^TOR3>SB. WHY. H wtHrfer why th? world's good things 3??tVunequal shares ; t?^^me^t^d ?^evof ?Il the joys >->A R?-others ?illy olahe^car?s ? ?;$ti?$?r: woy 'the snn?hiue bright r2:SW^? la"^aths some people tread, Wb??;et berat shiser i o .the sh adv . Of dottds that gather overhead ? - ' - ^ - -> the trees that hang ttoas Trait should grow v ' teach and eat it ?nifr thirsty go ? Sowers bloom for some, thoms be found ? rtch ?a fruit of earth, rt?l Bot barren grouud ? 'v sSfcj tbe hearts of some Bow with joy and happiness, ?Wnrgo their lonely way willi aught of tenderness ! ShooW ?Verbe moistened with a tear, \t?fie>.ot&er?:vre?p from morn 'ti?l night ^?>-^^^1t??fteWcfnsh?d with sorrow-here? C *?Sffily iSJ^aw indeed jp^Wjby?, the wherefores of.each life ! . Bot^ikifcwe know-there's One who sees -^iBSftyatebes us through joy or strife. ?only HeV?ay k??w' t?ve end? ' J?ft^itgi?t^B?a we may be strong *? ^^teas^?tonn,?r sunshine He may send !' WISTS VfflVES MD G2AY A: little gr?l plainly^nd quite unfash- j joiably dressed, entered a Sonday-? *?^SMP i? ew Yorkone crisp au tu rn- j nit *a?b?T?bon: Every tiring about j ber was very neat, and: showed that shearer eared lor by. ? mother whose ts&fiNs-wcre -refined tim ugh her means might be .small. Her doak was of quilted meri?o, and her hat, of the softest/felt, trimmed with a single r band bTgray verv?C A.?,artist, entering the room, wonbT have been very mach pleased with th? child, all-in simple, modest gray; *i*ifh delicate peach bloom on her cneek, ?ie?ovti?st brown eyes, and golden curb falling to her shotilders. Boothe*children who al tended this SatSay-sebool were not painters, and % I aja sorry to say that some of the g?^gSr?r? ?wt ladies. Of coarse, yon . fctrtft'lbai a real "lady never judges of pcH^saiby the mere outside appear? ance, and tnat she cares a great deal sore about qualities such as truthful? ness, courage, gentleness aird unsel fisbsess, than about the way a Sou ti c c - hangs, or the' tint of a feather . A ny: body who ba? alFttle money may buy and wear a coally dress ; but the dress docs not n?atler, if the wearer of it happens to be rude, disdainly or ?iHy-.V. And, after all, my dear little % Gertrude Fechter was as well dressed ss the daughters of the Princess of ' Wales, thongh that is a puzzle to ? 8^a?of-our- dainty little American -j?erirnde sat, her eyes full of quiet ^Jba?idence and pleasure, during tho impelling exercises, tu the place which - the superintendent had given her. Af? ter they were finished, and lie had ?a?td "Teachers may take their clas? ses," he came and seated himself be ?de her, and asked her a few ques? tions, and finally led her to a semi-cir? cle of girls whose bent heads and mpjmaring voices were proofs that bai^ good teacher, ?nd tiiat tbay were trying to lean?. -?J$Iisa May bin, Will yon make room j pra^/ibr^his Tittle girl, who is a! new scholar ?" Miss Maybiu did so very pleasantly. But Carrie Fletcher nudged Rose Van JBuskiik, and made a scornful I little face ; and Lula Pi ice drew her silk dress and plush jacket away as though afraid of their touching the qajted merino. It takes very little j le Jairt the feelings of a sensitive child ; and Miss Maybin, when she presently turned around again, was surprised and sorry to see tears in the dark eyes. * What is the matter, dear?" she j The lips quivered, but Gertruda did soi reply. Elsie Pomcry, however Spoke low, but distinctly : "We don't want a Dutch girl iu our class, Miss Mayan*," j l^obr title Gertrude sprang up, with j en impulse to run away anywhere, j home to, any where, so that ! she would be safe out of this dreadful ! schcol room ; with the beautiful lov? ing mettoes all around oti the walls, and snell unkind, unloving faces among the scholars. Miss Maybin gently detained her. "I am very sorry, and very, very sstfch ashamed, too, that any of my little-, pris eau speak as Elsie has. -And4*fcnew some One who is sorry and w?tinded, too, more sorry than I am,, more wounded than this little Gertrude, lt is the dear Lord J esus, our master, who has been hurt-oh ! so much this afternoon." A- bash iel! upon the class, and El? sie**- cheeks grew very red. Lula looked uncom fort able ; and Carrie and Bose wished they had been kind, but dod not know how to express their penitence. A clear voice spoke. There was a beautiful girl at the extreme corner of tbe~tl|0nch, and she had been so deep? ly"interested iii the lesson that she Irafl'hardlybooked up when Gert ade was presented, by the superintendent. She was arl brue and white : blue and white velvet, soft and shining, com? posed her dress; a snowy ostrich plome wound around her white velvet hat, with its shirred facing of blue ; and her eyes were like wax-flowers, so large and so lustrous. She was Marjorie Dana ; and being the best scholar and the most amiable girl in the class, and the grand-daughter of old Dr. Dana, who with his white bair and his gold headed cane was so splendid-looking arid so venerable, everybody followed Marjorie's lead. Even among children there are lead? ers, to whom the rest look up and pay ayjmton. "Miss Maybin/' said Marjorie, "please let the new scholar sit by me. 1 aflpfevht would look over on my boot?^fW let me be her friend." W?M BiM^t^Ie Marjorie ! Site slipped an a^^aj$nd Gertrude, gave lier band ??fe-gfrst charming squeeze, and when school was over, walked all the way: home with her, and promised to call for her next Sunday. A? few weeks later, there came a nwn^ day.^ The lady who played the jnaw> was absent, and the su perin len? ient inquired if somebody would not vofonteer to take her place at the in I perform brilliant show pieces on the piano, a great many who had spent several hours iii laboiions practice. But lhere were (inly two or three who could play easy hymn-tunes at sight, and I hey were kept at home by the storm. Miss May bin was not musi? cal. . The superintedent waited, and, no "one ofFerinrr, he asked again if there was not some teacher or scholar who could give this help ? Up went a small hand, and little Gertrude, on being asked^, said very modestly (hat she would try. Marjo? rie, not in her whitevelvet hat to-day, but looking just as- sweet in lier everyday one, walked down the aisle with her, and stood at her side, while Gertrude Fechter, the "little German girl, who had been studding music since she was four years^id, and who' had been taught to. be very acenrate and thorough, played every piece she saw precisely as If she were reading from a printed page Her voice-, a ringiug contralto, helped the leader j ever so much ; and when school was j over, and she went home, he said j "That wonderfully clever child is a j rare genius." And so jihe is, and better still, she j is a sweet Christian child ; arid her j playing and singing will "always and j only*7 be for her King Jesus. One of these days, if I am not mis- j taken, some people will be very proud I to.kjtow Gertrude Fechter ; but Ger-j trude will always hold very dear in j her ra?m?r?one true friend, and she] will never forget-thc afternoon when j while velvet took gray felt under her protection.-S S. l?mes. Story For.Little Folks. Mamma was having her afternoon j ! chat with the little ones, and each j one was telling what they were going j to be when they grew up. Charley said he was.going to be a farmer,.'and have -fine horses and cat? tle, and a plow upon which he could ride. John would be a lawyer. Ile did not want the sweat to be running down his back, and the dirt to be getr ting into his boots ; he would have nice rooms, and sit in the shade and ! be at ease. "Well, Mary?" said mamma, as the sweet blue eyes sought hers. will be a teacher, mamma, ard j I won't^t'ever, never, puUlittle girls* ? ears. I'll help them to get the mul? tiplication table, and let them make pictures on their slates." "And what will Bertie be ?" asked mamma. Now, Bertie was the four-year-old ! boy, and that very morning he had ? walked down town with papa, and | stood awhile in front of the black- ? stuitl/s shop. Ile had seen the flam* tug forge, and the big bellows, and tho j red-hot iron beat into many shapes. I So, walking up to his mother, and "j looking rather down on the farmer, i the lawyer, and the school teacher, j he said, "Tse agoin* tobe a black-smifI shop." Quarreling. If any thing in "the world will make ? a mah feel badly, except pinching ! his fingers iu the crack of a door, it l is a quarrel. No man fails to think j less of himself after than he did be-j fore ; it degrades him in the eyes of others, and what is worse, tends to I blunt his sensibilities, and increase ; his iritability. The truth is., the more j peaceably and quietly we get on, the j better for our neighbors. In nine ca- j ses out of ten, the course is, if the ! man cheats you, to quit dealing with \ him ; if he slanders you, take care to ? live down his slanders. Let such j persons alone, for there is no tiling i better than this way of dealing with : those who injure you. The Christian Advocate relates an ! amusing incident ??fa cornetist eu; ploy- | ed in a Baptist church, who was re- j quested to piny the cornet at the baptism j of a meaiber of converts, aud applied to j [ a sparkling lady friend of musical taste to liclp him in the selection of a proper ; piece. She in?mediately suggested j 'Pull for the shore Tho unfortunate j musician took thc suggestion in earnest, ! ; 3nd actually safu-'ed the ears of the pas- j i tor and candidates in his baptistry with j ! the notes of that well-known melody. ! j indignation ran high, and thc cornetist. ! lost his place. _._i ?ga rsV.^.VJJJ-. . Pg r.: gggj AMT^1 I i:.-^'?JjLL-^u . COMPTROLLEH GENERAL'S OFFICE, * ATLANTA, GA., Juli 9lh, ?S83. ! Dr. P. It. Holt, Ei'faula. Ala. I ' i I Dear Sir : I ara pleased to report that'l l j have been entirely cured-ot indigestion by the i ! u?e of your vD \spepiic Elixir/ 1 was indue- i ? ed by a friend to try it after lu%*in<r tried til- ! j most every remedy know!? for mv disease, j I without t!ie slightest eSect. I took oaiy three ? j small Potties of your medicine- before I was j ; entirely well-. I suffered several years, and j although it has been three years si:;ce I used ! vour preparation 1 have had no return of it. | Yours truly, Vi. A. WRIGHT, Com;?. Gen. State ot Ga. j For sale by D. J. Auld. Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir will cn re any ! case of Dyspepsia Constipation or Asthma, ; complicated with Indigestion. Fur sale at ?. J Auld, Apt. Mr. C. S. Thoma?, Henry Co., Ala., says ? Hoit"s Dyspeptic Elixir cured him of Dy s pcp- ! ?ia complicated with Heart Disease. Get :t 1 of D. J. Auld, apt., at 73c. Ty. i ?3 f ' U te ?S j aftd ES AL A RSA, Froni these sources arise t?icc-'c:;r?!.~o5 tho C^cadu-? of mc Uaaaa nae. 'i :a? syiaptoins indicate their oz^ I*:*s o Appciit?i, Jiowcla cost?re, Kick ac?c,:a'in.; s alter c-t?j:p-, irrer: Son to exertion o?* hotly or r^iati, i -i?c" - ;v>r of food, Irritability of tents; rr," i,ovv spirits, A Scell?g of JIUV???.; Kerf? z?-A eomc Caty, ^izsincsa, Z&attesin?: ?i *. c Heart, jr?ots "*c?crc fae ey<-y. Mirlilr c"' ored Ursu*, C&ttSTiPA'iiO^f 7{... maud tho use Cf arcinedy t?ir.t ac ts directly on thc Liver., Asal<27eripc<r?e?nc TCTl -s PI Lr LS have no cornal. Their action ontbc Ki.lncys?ir.dSkin. is also pretapt; removing all impurities thresh those three ** *tr,v eu^crs of the system," producinc ;?noe with daily work and arc a perfect TO .?I havo hat! Dyspeosin, with Co:.stipa tion.two years, and hiivo t:- 5* ci ter. diirer?.:it kinds of piUs, and T?/TT'S are tho first that havo done nie any good. The j' have cleaned mo cut nicely. *iy appetite is splendid, food digests readily, aad I now huve natural passais. I feel Jiko a new man." Vf. D. EDWARDS, Palmj-ra, O. Soideverrwh(?re,g5e. Offire,44 Murray SUN. Y. ia G EAT JIAIB OK V/HISKEE3 changed in? stantly to aGTx>s<nr BLACK by a single ap. plication of this DYE. Sold by Druggists, cc sena; by express ou receipt of SU . ?ffioe, 44 Murray Scre?t, New York. Disease is a? effect, not a cause. Its origin ?swithin; its manifestation^ without. Hence, to cure thaine dise.ise the cause must be re? moved. ?nd in no other wu j can a cure *rer be effected WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CCRE is established on just this principle, it realizes that 95 Per Cent. of. all diseases aris<? from deranged kidneys and liver, strikes at once at the rout of the difficult Vi The elements of which it is composed act directly upon those great organs, both as a food and restorer, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the system. For the innumerable troubles Rinsed by un .henlthy Kidneys, U ver, ? ^Urinary Organs: for the dist lessing Disorders of Wowierj ; for Malaria, and for physical derangements gen? erally, this great"femedylTas no^ eqna!. tte? wvare; of impostors, imitations a rwl concoct io BS said to be just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CjJREj^ For sale bv all dealers. .H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester. N V. T??O "?T.-IT:? cf :i Reliable Pfcrretsc Whiel?, willie :;c:iag ss a s!::::::! ;nt of the k:daeVii, neither excites aor irr?tete? them, Was long .-isco supplied by Kostetter's Stomach Daters. This fine medicine exerts thc requisite degree of stimulation uj?on tlicse or? ms. without producing irritation, amt is. therefore far better adapted tor the purpose man nuniedicarcti excitums often resorted to Dyspepsia. lev? r ano agte and koHireti disease?, nre ail cured by ?? Vor sale by -il Druggists aad Dealers generally. ~ 'TTHBES ; IS 0??T. Magic No More a Mystery-Seen j F:cm Across the World. 'Haroun of Aleppo,' said .Sir Philip Dcrval, 'bad mastered every secret in r.arure which the nobler magi] seeks to fathom. Ile dis? covered ?hat the true art of healing is to assis' Nature to throw off the disease-to summon, as i: were, the whole system to eject theenemy that has fastened on a part. His processes ail included the reinvigoration of the principle of life.' lu this the Eastern sage merely anticipated the prac: ice of thc best physicians of to-day. Whit life itself is, uobody knew then-no? body knows now. But we have learned something of tue reasons why the mysterious tide rises and falls. Provided the great or? gans of the body are hot irreparably destroy? ed, medica] science can ai ways relieve, and often save. Yet no reputable physician now. ad?heres to the barbarous and stupid processes of depletion, such as bleeding, by winch it was attempted to cure disease by teducing the patient's ability to resist it ?ow-a days we do not tear down the foti tu help the gar? rison-we strengthen it. In this intelligent and beneficent work, it is conceded that Parker's Tunic leads all oll?-r medicines. As an in vigoran t it acta im? mediately and powerfully upon the circala <ion and the organs of digestion, thus giv?ui: Nature the assistance she calls for. lt follow? thal all ailments of the stomach, kidneys and liver ?re at once relieved or cured. Nu other ? pr?paration embodies the same qualities or j produces similar results, lt is delicious to I use, and tia* best known htiti-ititbxicant. i Price 50c and $1. HISCOX A CO.. New York. ! ? ;>:= z??? f^ss^s^^ij Cut Shows No. Ready to Get Into. C Spring Cart Co., Rushville, Ind. - Wholesale Manufacturers of Two-W?ieeled Vehicles. THE ONLY thing on two wheels that RIDES AS EASY AS A CARRIAGE, Goods made of the hest materials nnil war? ranted. Weight from 00 to 150 pounds. Prices Low. Ask year merchant to <ret prices for yon. C SPRING CART CO. 'LIME! LIMEf AG ft 5 CULTURAL U?SE ar.d B?a'LDSKC Also G?RB?-PHSSPHATE c. PHOSPHATI? LIME Soiid for Circular. A?dresM BENCH BROS SNORTH CAROL'A Wk T^? _ mmm^ ii %? 0? EVXSr KTXD CHEAPER THAU EVER. Rifles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni? tion, Fishi??^ Tackle, Sebies, Nrote, Knives, Razor!*, S'..:s;es, Hammocks, etr. Large Illustrated Catalogne FRES. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, FITTS nv itnn. VA. -o LTENS, TITLES, MORTGAGES, BILLS OF SALE, EOXDS, And Other Blanks in Variety, AT THIS OFFICE. HENRY L. B. WELLS NOTARY Pf7B*??t . i ' SUMTER, S. C. Apr 24 i fi J? KS ! "_ ^ FURMTiT??E ? v.v..^;vv ?s rrj "ND ? ; ?ii-ryX ?: '-il UNDERTAKING jS'-fflj ESTABLISHMENT, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Furniture embracing all the styles and qualities usually found in a First Class Furniture Store. PARLOR SUITES, RED ROOM SETTS. WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stand?, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas; Lounges, Sates, Sideboards, Looking Classes, WhatNots, Wall Brackets, Chromos, . Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture*Flames. Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Matresses, ?fcc, ?tc. IS FULL AND COMPLKTK. COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descrip? tions and jSiae^-con^tjantly in ?lore at prices j ranging-^ - | For Adults-from Sa to 125. For Children-from $3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is given to this business, in all its depart- j men ts. and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. ' Oer. 9 . pfw WW i TELEGRAPH OPERATOR'S WONDER? FUL CURE. Daring the last five rears I have hern troubled greatly with Blood Poisoning. Had t-cii'p Fores, sores "in ray nostrils and cars. I tried everytidng kno\vn to the medical inm-mity. without relief. By accident I heard of S. S. S. and conunciicccl t?king it, eradnaily increasing thc dos?. Alter taking f:?ar and a half bottle*, an eruption appeared ou my f tee and body. Where thc ol<i ?ores were t!ic skin all pcc>dcif nnd inc sores disciwrgcl freely for three g?y* or more, after tfi?** *cv healed nicely, leaving thc skin sn?oolb. Ia two weeks ; ?a'..' twenty Uve Eonnds, and hoarfcel like a now mau; Three m"-tl; ! ave passent since I quit Laking S. S. S_, ar:<L t:,?rc 1-5 no symptom of the disuse, rctaaicisg. I :un cor<.. " ' that 1 am permanently cured, und tP.**. S. s. S. <*M it. lt stands unequaled a? a remedy, an ? \* a biot? in:; to those unfortunate cases ci* I wa-) wi: > -..iii take iL jy.O. S. TA GOA Tl i\ Salamanca, Y. Remarkable Results. I have had remarkable snccesswith SwirtV ctfic : ha^v cured Several cases perraaneat!" very siiort time. One case \v:ii-.;!i 1 ;::n ii rx i.-. was riven up to di.-;, and lifter r.sing t!ir<-.: h .;. so far recovered th\t I think ono morcb.c:! cure her. The in;><t remark::?>1-J c?*e o? ah ladv with mc.Ialary cancer of tho womb. ? ir wi bad no hopc-W'iatever. After using UJ b-.--f.Ie satisied sue will HK>:\ bi> cured. J. WYLIE QU1LLIAN, ?T. ?X. Easltti s, S l- KS Iii C. $1000 32eivard will bo paid to any who wal Cad, on the analysis of !;") bottles S>. S. S.. one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. TILE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawers, A : ;..\NTA, GA Write for a copy of thc little book-free. I THE BBS? jp ? OF ?LL i I roa nw MO owL I , For mor* than a third of a ccntnrv thc Plerxican ?Xnstang Xi?.atiinen? has been 1 knotvn to millions ail ever thc ^orl? as S ?the only sate reliance for tho relief ci?g I accidents and pain. It is a medicino a above price anet praise-tlie bent of ?ts kind? l or every iona of external pain Sie &5 Mnstang Liniment is without an eqaal. M ?*? lt penetrates flesh and muscle to-*] pg the very bone-making the continu- "j? Sanco of pain and inflammation impos-gjl sible. Its effects upon Human Flesh ami gi jggthe Bruie Creation aro equally wonder-H f?ful. Tho i?cxicaa Bj [^Liniment is nc-eclcd by somebody in ra jj every '?very day brings news of jg .sd the s?gony of un r.wful scald, or burn SJ S< subdued, bf rheumatic martyrs re? Ba stored, cr a valiisble horse or oi3 ft saved by thc healing poTver ofthis " ? S which F^ccdilv cures Bach ailments of H gthe BUHAS ?LESH as H Bhoaaiatisia. S'.vellings, Stiffra ?Joisiis. < ontrcctcd Bltisclcs? Barnsra *?nnd ?-V.alds, Cuts, ISruiscs aiid^ g8pritins| Poisonox?s Bites ?ndll ?lfiii?igSt P???iirs?J, J^amcness, Oia^ g Sores, tllcci s. Frostbites? i.'b?lbla?iis. |g ?j Sore PPIpp?es, CaUed Breant. and Bj o Indeed every i*o?.m of external dis- CT S case? It beals Triibout scars. W O For the BRUTS CBEAXION it cures ga K Sprains, ?3-.rin?y, Sti?T Joints, ra Kl Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof Dis- jg race.aes, Foot Itot, Screw Worm, Scab,? Kollow Horn, ?ici-atcbcs, '?Vind-H S fr?" 3, Spavin. Thru vii, H!ngbone,H S Old Bores, Poll iEvil, Fibax upon H at?te Sis^ht and every o?hcr ailment?9 ^io wb?cb ine occupants of ibera a Stable and fc?ock Yard are liable. Bj S The ??eriran lifustang Uniment H always cures and nuver disappoiata ; H ^| and it is, positively, ?] I. THS HS^^ 1 ?P ALL i p ir 9t ? r. . 2- 1-5 ?. ? S * ?> Ageist. -DEALEK IN TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY. AND Abb LINDS OF Druggist's Sundries USTJALLY KEPT IN V FIi:ST-Cl;A<S [>K?T(? . s ro lt IC. Tobacco, Suuiraui] Scgars, GARDEN mm, &c, Physrclati-s Prescript ions carefully compounded, an;l orders answered willi care and dispatch. The public will find my stock <;f Medicines c?nvp?ele, warranted genu? ine, and of the best qualil}'. Call and flfee for yourselves. Sumter. S. C., Jan. 20, 3m. Ashley Phosphate Company, CHARLESTON, S. C SMALL GRAIN SPECIFIC, a bigblj armnon?ate? and complete Fertilizer for Wheat, Oats, l!ye and all small grain crops. ASHLEY ASH KLEMENT, of superior activity and efficiency ; a very cheap and excellent fertilizer for small grain, use with cotton seed or stable maa ure to supply Ammonia. ASHLEY ACID PHOSPHATE. ASH LEV DISSOLVED BOX?S. GENUINE LEOPOLDSHALL KAIXIT. FLOATS, of highest grade, product of the Due Atomizer. COTTON SE KI) MEAL, sound and fresh. FOR TE KM S. Ii Inst rated Hand Books, Agricultural Primers and good articles on Ash Element. Kainit. Floatsand Peas, address. THE ASHLEY PHOSPHATE CO. Charleston, S. C. ! s&m-f?^?j^'^^^ T3w Largest and Most Complete "-^f-pi Establishment South. J, -0 lill Established 1842. - ?_J SEO. So HACKER & SON, ! l^S^^^-?j WfMw^iSr^m ?$ce and U!,rerr'ows- At/?y, oposite ?!*&r^?^k\mm\ "^.^^gg M MWm Camion Street. it^?^^^a^? C?TAIILESTON, S. C. >?S&H fei feg ^f^p^?t^m Manufacturers of B?MllilHi? SOORS, SASH, BLINDS, FS^^Si^sS-?^fS^^-^^^^^ MOULDINGS, * 1^^^^^^^^: . m^m^)^ BUILDING- MATERIAL. F ? R M GRIS T M ? L LS AND SHELLERS. OVER 30,000 NOW IX USE. Every machine is fully warranted to suit, or f money refunded. Price of Mills, $20 to v $40 : Shel ?ere, S5. Do not buy a Mill or Sheller until you have seen our terms and illustrated circular. Address, with stamp, LIVINGSTON & CO,} PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA WAGON WORKS, PHILABS3LPH?A, PA -^1 co M A N U FACTURE RS OF ALL KINDS OF Plantation, Business, Express & Spring Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks and Wheelbarrows. H. HARBY., Agent, Sumter and Kingstree, S. C. April ?fl Iv -.-T|-^-Tlr-fl | ^ | H| m , g mi li.-iiin IT III i.n i im IIUJMII'I n I lia ve the agency in /<N\ \ ]|. | /^Vf? this County for the /NNA Vlf '4/ f/^MX CELEBRATED p IDEAL BICYCLE, I-i^l?g^t TI1K BEST BICYCLE 31 ADE [.---"i'^^^^^^^?5Si?!fc?^~ If IV FOI: TUE MONEY. ^-^^^^^?^^^^^^ *W For particulars, call V\^-^/^^''2^> VV^ST^^^^A^, wi mo at the WATCHMAN AND \\ / ?A !\ ?\\ % SOUTHRON OFFICE, where I //j / '/ ?X \\ \S^|3wO will take pleasure iii exhibit- . _ \>/ /'/ // /J |\ i\ \\ V? G. P. OSTEEN. p^?t.ijU?? ' " 3HL?Cf?? ?tfD PAIS, DEALING WIKS. THE BLST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEt INSURES SATISFACTION. BUL SUMTER, S. C. pleasure in an n on n ri og to tlu-ir friends ] hud the public generally that they have added to their husiuess an assort? ment of FINE HATS, TRUNKS. VALISES AND SATCHELS, and in their regular line of BOOTS AND SHOSS, thev have the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK THEY HAVE EVER HAD. All of which they will sell fit the same LOW PRICES which has made them the LEASES IN ?E3IS for rjuality and price. The BOOT, SHOE, AND HAT TRADE OF SUMTER j has not before witnessed 3o complete a line of : SOLID AND DURABLE GOODS, AT SUCH LOW PRICES, As are now offered ?t their store. All ? goods warranted as heretofore. Do not fail . to call and examine stock before buying. Sept 1? ;"'STANDARD LAUNDRY UK Preserves Linen, gives a beau tifiil finish, prevents the iron from sticking, saves labor. 5 CENTS A CAKE. ASK VOCE STOREKEEPER FOR IT. MADE BY - STANDARD OIL CO., Cleveland. Ohio. A nc 7 esp ?pa H?rx\" ft co .<.? t:?e ScrEN-rtprc .v.v-;.-\\-. con? ti .. : ;-..;.V.-TS f< : .'Vt- nts. < Tta?lO }.... . .. ; ts. for U:o !:.!:;/..:..?..:-. Can?kl?, J-' ;.!. Germany. (?:<:. Uumi ?vv-kr.'oout *'.! ' * *. ? ?. 'i !...- ? ... . .-a v . { ?.,. renee. Pr.:: r:-J 1 - r-..~i tl?r.b J't'.VN' : <..>. f?,...,i t! i ic A?: BTCAN;the fc: :.--r.inal *?; v . * ? ::....? ?ciei I i tic nr? ."IT. ? ;.. ?,i vtv.r. ) ': .' ??:??..! entfj-ax':..?: ?.-.-j :; t . ???r? in? I'.rv.'"- r\ : iiiif-TT ci ;i v !".t."?'e'!*('?i,?:t?"i?{? A*ttCl> i-i;.:..:- ff. ... A<?:I?Ys.s?s 5 .NN'? ?..'.. :-t ;i;.\"ntlO /..:.;:.-:it.A.v . M?lcc, ?roas -ay, Kew York. IB YOUR OWii SF^^^NB H(,XK MKAI' AND ovs W<'W*) M TER SHELLS in the Frank Vai3>W Wilson Pat. S5 Rand Mill. Also grinds corn and cob. Illustrated t*it culars and Testimonials sent on application. Address WILSON BROS., Easton, Pa. July 24 1 WC(?k :lt home, SiuOO outfit tree. Pay vv.ihsolntdy sure. No risk. Capital not required. Readers, if you i?ant business at which persons of either sex, young or old, can make great pay all t Ive time they work, with absolute certain ty .jj?i?CT?br particulars to H. HALLETT &^?t?7Portland, Maine. MY BEAR: DO YOU KNOW THE SEASON WHY PEOPLE WANT TO BUY THE WILSON LIGHTNING SEWER in preference to any other We will tell you. BECAUSE it has no Cogs, Cams or Gears; BECAUSE it has no Rawhide or Felt ! Packing. BECAUSE it has no Cast-iron Parts paint- j ed over tn cover tis defects. BECAUSE it does not shake, rattle or dance all over the floor when ruu at a high j rate of speed. BECAUSE it ii:is two speeds-one for line j work or a delicate operator; and the other! for last speed, so that you can do one-third j more work in n day than can be done on any other Sewing Machine. BECAUSE it nins Light and Easy. BECAUSE lost motion can he be taken ti]) niter years of wear without changing or put i:tins in new [tarts, which cannot he done with any oilier Sewing Machine. BECAUSE it darns rips and tears. * ~m j BECAUSE it does the most elegant designs j in embroidering without an attachment, i BECAUSE it does not break the thread ot i ! noodle when nm backwards. I ? We could tell yo? for honrsofitsSuperiority j over all oilier Sewing .Machines. We think I this is sufficient reason v.-hy people should j ; buy the WILSON. It is sold ou very easy j terms. BOOT AND SliOK STOKE, SUMTER, S. C. Aug 21 CONTINENTAL HOOP 011ST T ]\ i K X T -CUKES 'Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratches ana Sores IIORSES, C ATTLH AND SIIKE??. Ask your Storekeeper for it, or write direct to ihe manufacturers. AMERICAN LUBRICATING OJL CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Aug 7 CARPETS. Carpets and House Furn felling Gooda* Thc I.insist Stock South of Italtimorc. Moquet, Kr?ssels, ??-Ply amt Engrain ( ar pcts, lings, r?i:?t> and Crumb Cloths, "\"\*in? flow Shades, Wall leapers. Borders, Lace Curtains. Cornices and Poles, Cocoa and Canton ."?lat i in;r>. Upholstery, Kugraviugs, Chromos, 'Picture Kraincs. Write lor Samples an<l Prices. I?.V1I.?K & CO.SKRKY, AUGUSTA, HA. ! June 2t> o ! ?TAV.? v?V S ir ILL I HEMORBHOTDS, ; JBTTHENT j^lff* j r this annoying trouble it has been iii popular use . ;..r rnany years, and is very favorably known as a ! S??CIFIC CUKE. It is nlso the verv best remedy known for SORE NIPPLES, FELONS. CORKS, , OLD SORES, SCALD HEAD, TETTEK, ULCERS and ; kindred diseases. , From Montgomery, Ala., acenilomanwrites: "I j had been sorely afflicted icii/i l'?le*for ten years, and ; obtained immediate relief and a permanent cure by i using I'rvor's Ointment.1' ? A gentleman writes from Cnsseta, Ala.: " I used i Pryor'a Ointment in an aggravated case of Pile" of I eight years standing, and in an incredibly 6hort time it made a complete cure.'* Sent by mau on receipt of the price-50c. a bor Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Prepared only by the sole Proprietor, J. BRADFIELD, No. 108 S. Pryor St., ATLANTA, GA. WUL8EBN ? PSEPEB3 WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN ii??iiii??iij Liuuui?, lUUaliuu, au. 16 7 and 10 9 East-Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 liz J^, JFL ID USS -LXT DES -OR LAB3 SUBSTITUTE. UNDER THF! BRAND OF LARDENE we offer an Oil refined expressly for our trade from Selected Cotton Seed, and which we guarantee free from Acids, Alkalies or Adulterants of any kind. LARDENE is a perfectly pure Vegetable Oil. and can be used in place of Butter for Cakes and Pastry, tn place of Lard for all Culinary purposes, and in place of Olive Oil for Salads. A trial will insure its constant use and prove a greatsaving to housekeepers. Where directions are followed we guarantee satisfaction in every instance. WM. M. BIRD & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C., DEALERS IN OILS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Feb .12_5_ CHAS. C. LESLIE, ! I Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FISH, LOBSTERS, TERRAPINS, GAME, TURTLES, OYSTERS, ?fcc. ?fcc. ?fcc. Stalls Nos. 1 and 2 Fish Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. Having made large additions to ray busi? ness, 1 ara prepared to furnish Fish, Game, &c, at short notice. ?ll Orders Promptly Attended To. Terms Cash or City Acceptaiice. Julv 24 SEND-FOR?PM??iitST.. ,? 1 L?W?&TJ?RI&ES W. 0. FORSYTHE ? SON, 13 R Y GOODS -AND CtOTHIHO, 406 & 408 King Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 ly S. B. THOMAS, Agi No. 820 KING STREET, Opposite Liberty, Hoi ia?, Paper Kipp, LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS, WINDOW AWNINGS MADE TO ORDER. CEfARLESTO^, fe. C. Dec 11 o ^ALYON&HEALYf ? State? Monroe Sts-.Chiwno^^j^^a , k"4 BAND CATALOC (it^f o^xll? f'fMi'f in?troment*. S'?U.s Caps Keiis,^ V&A Suri*. Prii.i Map*** SM"-, and f i \A , / \o"llats Saa?ry ?< ir. i Oolfcts, K*ptfcias // \B ' ' .-.\fl:M-?terMs ft'.-o Inrfu?!?? Instruction ?nd Ex- /f^\B' '? ^J??<:'. \.-~, f'.r Anaur a-J: a O4i*l0?uewt*!,Tflj j AND LACK VITAL EMERCV? THE HO WAK? ?AZiVASTI C S??IEI.D I? a XfRK COW for Encunjanau; Neuralgia, Sciatica, Spinal Ailments, KERV0?S DEBILITY, Fever and Ague, Malaria, Ki DM g Y P:SgaSE. .. ?n und Blood Disease, Torpid Liver and Indigestion Paralvsfe, Epilepsy Wg?K ,B*?K. Ii Fits over the Kidney?, Stomach, Spleen, Liver or A>"Y part of Thc BOZ5Y. and gives a mild sooth tng CURRENT of ELECTRICITY, Without Acids In construction i: U different from any appliance marie, and WAR? RANTED as re [Patented Feb. 25,1S79.] r Ttose for Cure Seminal Weak nc??. Impotency, and I>OST )HAVHO<l 5>, speedily restoring tliC lack of Vitality and L>st Vigor ia a natural way, without I> ragging? thc Stomach. We furnish Absolute Froofof what we sav in Our Illustrated Pamphlet. Three Tvpe? ot 3it*n, sent tree, ur when scaled, 6 cents postage. Our appliancesareA?iapte4. to all Ages. Xi? ?LDZSS SniTMng from Lame Back. Weakness of tho Spine with a tired, languid, or bearing; down feeling, who aie Servons and Weak or suffer from Tj?acorrhoaa. Chronic Ictlamma?on, or Faning or t?ie ?VoB?b, Suppressed <>r Irregular Menstrasaon^ Hemorrhage, Barrenness; Chango of ??ie or Dehilirv thc Shield is a speedv and permanent cure "SPECIAL CIRCULATE FOR" tAOTES seat free. F.LWTR?C (To wann Feet, cnrl? M the Blood, Ih"<?s>r.Ki* v prevent ('..ids sad Rheumatism, Price, $1.00 per pair. Send ?ze of shoe vron?. Price of sWl?,>: So- 2 iiV.Q?: >o.? $20.01 Sent C. o. I), or by mail in plain packages, cn receipt of pri?e ino n?easnre needed?. Remittance! cia be sent ia letter, at our ri-k. AMEfflCAN 8?l??M!0 so. OFFICES ii:0s CHESTXUT ^ riIILA-PA 2gr" in writiug 'is, picase name nus paper. BARNES' Tai?:.? Foo; and Steam wer Machinery. Complete ?>u::':ts t\.r Actual Work-shop Business. Lathes for Wood or Metal. Circular Saws. Scroll Saws. Formers, Mor risers, Xenoners, etc , cte. Machines on trial if desired. Descriptive Catalogue and Price List Free. AV. F. A JOHN BARNES, No. 21 lo Main St. RocK^an. I? ' ?.'.^.;S*> ^ <:/?}$. V iii tna:'!ed ST?CC ?o ail applicants ?n? io < ? ;:?;n>ers of 'as? e d?i*G year without ordering ic. !; ,..;i;;.:t.< iloisU'Aious, prices, descriptioss and directions for planting .-ill Vegetable and F' -"" r is Pian:s. etc Invaluable to ???. D. M. FERRY & G0.?V3& SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS! fl RO.WN, not in t!>.e sh ^rt Summers of the ]J" North and then brought eight to fifteen hundred miles, but grown on the fertile hills of our own SUNNY SOUTH, and of course adapted to our soil and climate. I want Gardenersaud Planier?, to try a ivw of my SKEDS, by way of experiment. Catalogue of varieties and prior? sent on application. Truly, ?tc, J. Y7. YANDI VICK. Seed producer, Jan 8 Wcaverville. N. C. A?CMTOwanipdfor The hives of all the *??CM I O presiden ts of the G 8. The largest handsomest, best book ever solfl for less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in America. Immense profits lo agents. Allintel ligeot people want it. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALLETT BOOK CO., Pottlaad Maine. B: F. MITCHELL & SON, PROPniETORS OF The Merchant Flour Mills ] AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF COTTON AND NAVAL STORES. WILMINGTON, ?T. C. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES Choice grades FLOUR, own man'fYre. -AL?O, Fresh Ground MEAL, HOMINY. CRACKED CORN. &c. ?-ALSO, - Selected RED RUST PROOF SEE?T OATS. Selected North Carolina and Mary?aa?l SEED RYE. All our Goods guaranteed best qualin ty and at lowest prices. No charge for^| delivery to Railroad. | B. F. MITCHELL & SON. ' 1 THE PURCELL HOUSE Wilmington, N. C. UNDER NEW NA N? GEMEN? First Class Hotel. B.-ard $2 50 to $3 00 per day-Merchants $2 08' B. !.. PERRY . Proprietor. ?TES'S _THE STAKDARB. G?3J5?f1 Webster-it has USjOCOWord?, Jg* iL 3000 Engraving*, and a 2few Biograpliioal dictionary. TX5"^ Standard in Gov'tirrintine Office. XJSZE? 32,000 copies in public Schoolg. Sale SO to 1 of any other series. JSflS ? Best heir? tor SCHOLARS, TEACUPS and SCHOOLS. TVohptoris^tiindar.l Authority with rbe.U. S. Supreme Court. ?.;v?onmcn<?e? by tho Stete Sup'ts of Schools in 36 Siafc??. . "A LIBKASY IK ITSEIJEV. The latest edition, in tie quantity of matter it contains, is believed to im the largest volume published. Ith^30<>OmoreWordfir.ndnearfrthrec times - the number of Engrav??gsTi?" any oilier Ameri? can Dictionary. Itis ac evpr-present and reliable school? master to the whole family.- S.'S. Herald. WARMLY INDORSED BY such high authorities as. Geo. Bancroft, ' ISL. W. Emerson, "Wm. H. Prescott, John G. Whittier, ? ' John i.. Motley, W. I). Howells, Fitz-G. Halleck. J. G. Holland, : - B. H. Smart, James T. Fields* Ezra Abbot, Geo. P. Marsh, Wm. T. Harris, Kemp P. Battle. " It has ail along kept a leading piare, and the New Edition brings it fairly co to date."-London Times, June, 1882. The Unabridged is now supplied, ata small ad-' ditional cost, with DENISO^S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX, a valuable and time-saving invention. '.The greatest improvement in book-making that has been made ia a hundred years." 6. & C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mart. I WEEK'S READING FREE! FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name and the r ame and address of five ol your neighbors or friends on a postal card, and get free for yourself and each ; ^gfl of them a specimen copy of ? THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, ^ ls "All* G?l8lfcfl 0L,A / "UNCLE REMUS'S" werid-famooj ^Sketches of the cid Plantation Darkey? THREE t "BILL AR P'S" Humorous letters fer HUMOROUS )tk Home and Hearth Stone, WPITFRC I "BETSY HAMILTON'S" adventures ? v told in the "Cracker" dialect . Ti'ar Stories, Sketchen of Travel, JVMTC, J'arme, Fun, jidtentmreet, ?'Th* Fmrm,** The Household, Correepondence, A World of Instruction and Entertainment TWP ive Psges. The Brightest and Best Weekly. Oleases every member oi inc Family. SE??D A POSTAL FOR A SPECIMEN COPY, FREE Address "THE COSSTITUTIO??," Atlanta, G^ j GRAHAM'S STABLES; REPUBLICAN-STREET, In Sheep. Russia and Turkey Bindings. Iii AKD MULES. Good Driving ??or?es. -AND Farm and Timber Mules, Also, on hand, a fine assors ment BUGGIES, OF ALL STYLES AND GRADES. At pi ices to suit the times. CELEBRATED ? ^^^^ Old Hickory Wagons, Manufactured by the Kentucky W a ?ron Manu teetering Company, ot" Louisville, Ky. -ALSO TENNESSEE WAGONS. ^~F"OU ar z ' s HORSE AMD CATTLE POWDERS Ko norene ?vni die of COT.-,-. TOTS or T.CNC FSVKR. if Font/'s Tow.i^r?. jir^ us<\i in tim*. K'?!tz"s Powders ? ?il <*nr? snd prevont Ho<: CnnvsRX. Foocft: Powders will pr?*v<-?t GAPES IN KOXVI?. F?>utz*s Powders will innren?* tiio quantity of milk aniiiToam twenty j ?r cent., sud make tl:?- t-uttcr firm and sweet, Foutz's P<>wd<?r< viii eur* or rr?-v<n? almost ETFRT DISEASE to which H>r*i?> atn? i'.i?r?.? ar* suhjeet. KOI-T2 S PowrV.KS WILL CiVK SjTisrACiiON. Sold everywhere. DAVID E. F0TJT2. Proprietor, BALTIC-TORE. MD._. PAYNE'S JO Horse Spark-Arresting Ponatte Engine has cut Irt.OOO ft. of Michigan Pin? Boards in lu liorna, burning slabs from the saw ia ?..'.^?t-foo: lengths. Cur K> J?^rff ice OuararJee to furnish power to Ssw S.??O fe t vf jTfin'oek l>o:ircl< in 10 hours. Our j??lorin iriU < '/. V>X*)0 frH in s ?nie rime. , O r Engines aro UV\KA\TT.T.T> to ^?sr ^{ur^ f ..'.ii-h ;i hoRse-power on >j !e<s $0:. ^ Jii f-< '? ?ud \v:t:cr than any other En W? ry"? u:n? ?ot ?litc-1 witfc an Automatic ^^'"?isi1^? Our Off. If von Avant a Stationary K:'f"ffi cr "cnable Enyhie, l?oiK-r, Circa .^T^!s: S?w-Mai. Mtafttne or l?nllevK. '%^:&'Xj$L.\"t<lor <-a-t ' r Meddaris l'ar?ne ??&*?i?T?3?i? Wronght-Inm Pull??v. s-nd for our l^^J^ltY .,:,?-t?-?tfd c:ir;il?>g!it'. >"o. 12, for ^^r-v**v-St35? information and prices. B. W. PAYNE & SONS. Cominff. N. Y. Box 1427. RUBBER STAMPS. NAME STAMPS FOR MARKIN6 CLOTHI . with indellible ink, or for printing vjj : cards, nnd j STAMPS OF AX Y ! for stamping BUSINESS CAKDS, i OPES or anything else. Specimen* ' styles on hand, which will Ceshowni i ure. The LOWEST PRICES pos i orders filled promptly. Calton ^ ?.K At tho Watchman anti