/ ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*. Deaths. Hrs. W. James Fullwood, daughter of I A. B. Friersoo of Lynchbug, died last F rid at her father's residence. We extend oar sympathies to oar neighbi Mr. John Reid, for the loss of his infant chi! It was buried yesterday. Frances, youngest daughter of Mr. a Mrs. Barney Pollock, of Columbia, died last Thursday from congestion of the In nj The Greenville News of the 9th contain the fuueral notice of Julius Clarence, infa son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cresswell. Mr. William Glaze of Columbia, w known to many of our readers in connecti? with thc jewelry establishment so long co trolled by him, died from paralysis a fe days ago. He has long been identified wi the business interests of Columbia, and in f the relations of life was honored with tl respect and love of friends aud associate He was born in Chester Co., March 1815, ai has spent most of bis long life in Columbia. Court. Court was in session all last week, engage on the civil docket. The docket may ha' been civil, but some of the proceedings, mo especially the speeches, were mach to tl contrary. The suit for slander} Bradbam vs. Penninj ton, occupied several days last week and r suited iu a verdict for damages to the amoui of $5000. On the question of an appeal fe * new trial, the Judge decided to grant tl motion unless the plaintiff would consent 1 reduce ibe damages to $1000. Judge Cothran made a most favorable In pression upon the bar and people of Sumu during the late session of court. A terror t evil-doers, learned in the law, and an nona gentleman-what more could we want? Accidents. We were inst congratulating ourself that no gin accident would be chronicled thi week, when the following was told us: * colored boy named Simon was badly ginne up a short time ago at Mr. Moran's gin net) rocksville. His right arm was badly cm and several fingers taken completely off. B is recovering. Peter Wilder an employee at Epperson1 saw mill got his left arm badly cut by tfa saw last week. Wild Shooting. LastTueday about mid-night, a colore policeman was sitting on a barrel at Eoerhai & Wrotep's fruit stand, when be saw a ma cross the street from Mr. Lowry 's corner, an after looking around, apparently to see if an, one was in sight, walked to the Messrs. Fol soms' jewelry, establishment and tried tb doors and windows. The policeman baile bim, and asked "who he was," and receivioj no answer, commenced firing on the suspect ed party, who turned and ran. Three shot were fired in all ; bnt with no harm done. It is said that there are suspected parties ii I Sumter and the police have been on the look out for them, but if Council wish to succeei in catching them, they had better replace tb valiant policeman who did so much shooting Tuesday night with one who can exhibit J Httie common sense in bis efforts to arrest i I thief. The idea of a man sitting on a barrel fifty yards away and shooting at a thief ii order to catch him, and that too with a eros street running near by, offering a read.' means of escape, is so preposterous, that hat not the man told it himself, it would not b< credible. Military Hop. After the performance of the Comedy a j Music Hall on the 18th, there will be a Ho] i under the auspices of the Sumter Light In fat* j try. The public, already know how enjoya I ble tie S. L. I. Hops are, and all that is ne cessary is a notification of the time and place Prices of admission to the Hall : reserve* seats 75 cts ; general admission 50 cts ; re served seats and hop tickets $1.00. I. O.'G. T. G. W. C. T., Cbreitzberg, assisted by Rev J. C. Chandler and C. M. Hurst, Jr., organ ized another Lodge of Good Templars witt twenty nine charter members at Providence Sumter Co., S. C., on the 15th October. Th? following officers were elected and duly in installed, after which the Lodge set out to d< noble and true work for Prohibition. James R. Phillips, W. C T. Miss Eva McLeod, W. V. T. Miss Anna Miles, W. R. H. S. Miss Susie V. Folk, W. L. H. S. J. Edwin Kember t. W. Secretary Mrs. Lula Kingman, W. A. S. Willie A. Wright, W. F. S. Mrs. Lizzie Phillips, W. Treasurer. Joseph Miles, W. M. Miss Mariah F. Spann, W. D. M. Willie B. McLeod, W. I. G. E. Allen Moreland, W. O. 6. Wm. Boykin, W. Chaplain. Mm. W. Moreland, P. W. C. T. and L. D. Frank Evans Acme Comedy Co. AU lovers of a good comedy should not fail to see the performance of Joaquin Miller's "Silent Man" at Music Hall on next Thursday night the 18tb. The correspondent of the New York Dramatic Newt says : "The Frank Evans Comedy Co., closed a suc? cessful engagement at the Academy ot Music, New Orleans, on Sept. 19th. Our theatre goers appreciated the acting of this excellent company, each member performing bis or ber respective part in a way that was all that con ld be desired." The Company plays in Charleston to-night. Boy Cigarette Smokers. It is a rare thing to find a fast boy who will listen to ? word of advice, but still we hope thatsomeof our boys will be induced to take warning from the fete of a young Brook \f nite about fifteen years of age who recently died from nicotine poisoning caused by smoking cigarettes. Just about the time when they ought tobe at work diligently, learning something that will be of use to them in life, too many of oor boys are trying to ape the habits of grown men and think it's an indication o< smartness to do so. But as they strut along the street pnffing their little cigarettes they don't excite as much admiration as they think they do. When a lecturer bas worked the ladies of his audience so near to the weeping point that they have gotton ont their handkerchiefs, and then suddenly changes his tone and speaks of the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup he is bound to rouse a feeling of indig? nation. For Fine Overcoats, D. J. Winn & Co.'s Store can't be beat. Their stock of clothing in eeneral is large, and consists of the finest styles. The American hog should feel flattered. A national commission to examine into the state of his health will commence sitting in Chica? go on Nov. 15. Mrs. J. W. Campbell, Smoaks, S. C., says : 'I never found anything that relieved my neuralgia so much as Brown's Iron Bi ; ters.' Dr. Casper recommends Kendall's Spavin Cure in the highest terms, and thousands of eminent physicians do the same. See advt. Among other troubles inflicted upon the poor world are men who ought to be in pet? ticoats and women who ought to be in breeches._ Tba health and beauty of children can be restored by giving them Shriner's Indian Ver? mifuge ta kill the worms that darken their completion. GRAND DISPLAY OF AT THE LATE J. T. SOLOMONS' STAND, -CONSISTING OF Foreign! Domestic Dry Goods 9 I YOUTHS' MD BUS'S' CLOTHING, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, Of all Kinds and Qualities, HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY-WARE, TIN WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, .GROCERIES, &c. A DEATH BLOW TO HIGH PRICES. KOW IS TUB Til TO mi BJRGMS. Our Goods have been bought at the Lowest Gash Prices, and have been marked down to rock bottom figures, to sell. We propose to sell goods at their Beal Value, and have tacked on no fancy price to any single article in our Store. Seeing is Believing. Money Saved is Money Made. WE EXTEND TO ALL A MOST CORDIAL LWITATIOK COME AND BE CONVINCED. HIGHEST PRICES PAID -FOR Cotton, Hides, Beeswax and all CountryProduce, M. ISEMAN. September 18 1883. FALL AND WINTER 1883. ONOESSENT -OF WE HAVE NOW OPEN Tl LARGEST Al BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN ALL OUR DEPARTMENTS EVER BEFORE SHOWN IN SUMTER, AND, OWING TO THE SHORT CROP, -HAVE Marked all Our Goods at Such Exceedingly Low Figures AS TO BE IN THE REACH OF ALL. OUR LINE OF DRESS GOODS . -CONSISTS OF Black and Colored Cashmeres, Ottomaos, Armures, Plaids and Brocades, Brocaded and Plain Velveteens and all thc Latest Novelties for Trimmings. WE DESIRE TO CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks, Dolmans, Circulars, Patelots and Jerseys, ranging in price from ?125 to ?25.00. BLANKETS AT RUINOUS PRICES. Having bought a Large Line at the recent Auction Sale of the Manufacturers in New York will give our customers benefit of same. Large Variety of Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and Neck Wear. S. D. SOLLERS & CO.'S PHILADELPHIA SHOES FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Every pair Warranted. Also Full Line of Gents Hand and Machine Sewed Shoes, All of which have been marked at a Very Low and Strictly One Price. IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT -WILL BE FOUND All the Latest and Nobby Styles for Gents, Youths and Boys at Prices that Defy Competition, and all Goods Guaranteed to be as Represented. Our $5 Knockabout and Wear-Resister Suits for Boys, from 4 to 10 years, beata anything ever sold for the money. STILL AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. THE CELEBRATED PEARL SHIRTS, FOR WHICH WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. -Immense Variety of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS. OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Is now Complete with a Full Line of Shelf and Staple Goods, including Wagon and Buggy Material. Also agents for Watt Plows and Castings. LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, COMES OUR LARGE GROCERY DEPARTMENT, Where we have made immense Reductions in both Staple and Fancy Goods. New Arrow Ties Seduced to $150 per Bundle, Bagging to IO cents per Yard. t&T All Orders by Mail Promptly Filled. Samples sent on ajyplication, J. RYTTENBERG & SONS, Sept 25 N. W. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. THE SUMTER BANK. It is a settled fact that the Bank is coming, bot as yet, the officers of this Bank are not ready to re? ceive any money on deposit. Therefore, be it known to all concerned, that THE SAFEST AND BEST PLACE TO DE? POSIT MONEY is at the popu? lar store of DUCKER & BULTMAN. At this store you will get value received for all you deposit, and you can rest assured that your mon? ey will be invested in the very best of Stock, and the chances are that soon you will become rich, provid? ing you continue to trust us with your funds. Bo they ever so small, they will we promise you, receive our very best attention. DUCKER & BULTMAN. When Our Friends Come to Town or read thc papers at home, they will hear some cry, FIRE ! FIRE ! Some holler DROUGHT! and some to say that the TIMES ARE HARD, but all we ask is to come and sec us and we will show you a FINE STOCK OF * STANDARD GOODS, and when you get ready to buy, we will sell you everything AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. DUCKER & BULTMAN. Our Stock of Fancy Groceries Is now complete, and our prices, we are sure, will compare favora? ble with any house in Sumter or in the "City by thc Sea." Hoping lo receive a trial order from you, wc are, Very respectfully, DUCKER & BULTMAN. Oct 2 CHARLESTON IBM WORKS & SALES ROOMS. ^ PLAIN SLIDE VALVE and CUT-OFF ENGINES, MARINE, STATIONARY and PORTABLE J| BOILERS, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, COTTON GINS and PRESSES, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, COG o GEARING, Steam and Hand PUMPS, PORTABLE FORGES and BLOWERS, BELTING, PACKING, tl OILS, FILES, and General Mill Supplies. HUGHES' AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINES, for Electric 7?? Lights and other purposes requiring steady, reliable and economical power. This is the simplest J? Automatic Engine in the market. t Repairs by Competent Workmen. Charges moderate. ? GEO- W- ^TILXJIA.^S SC SON, fe - ?3 Write for Prices and mention this paper. Charleston, S. C* .-C3 tr-? cr? =s| CP <=> o oo *?Z3 T; SE* THE T ft Vb j KEEPS on hand a full and com? plete assortment of STOVES, TIX - WARE, IRON - WARE, WILLOW and WOOD-WARE, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CUT? LERY, POTS, KETTLES, and everything in the ine of a general hardware dealer. PUMPS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, REPAIRING NEATLY DONE TO STOVES, PUMPS, GUNS AND PISTOLS. , Tin Roofing Done in any Part of the Country. Call and see nie at my old stand on Main Street, and I will give satisfaction in every bargain. I October 24 J. D. CHAM'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT, S HITIT EK, C. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF embracing all the styles and qualities usually found in a First Class Furniture Store. PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SETTS, WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedstead?, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Safes, Sideboar ds, Cooking Glasses, Whatnots, Wall Brackets, Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Matresses, &c, &c. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, IS F?LL AND COMPLKTE. COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descrip? tions and sizes constantly in store at prices ranging For Adults-from $5 to 123. For Children-from $3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is given to this business, in all its depart? ments, and satisfaction guaranteed iu every case. Oct. 9_ SUMTER PARK -AXD AGRICULTURAL ASSUCiATiON. IN ADDITION to the regular premiums published in the Premium Lis^ior 1883, thc following revised and enlarged list ot Special Prizes is offered : First Day, Tuesday, Qth November. TOURNAMENT ; at 2 P. M. Prizes; First $25, Second $15, Third $10. Entrance fee j $1.00 Second Day, Wednesday. 1th November. FOOT RACE, FOR WHITES : at ll A.M.; 200 yards, prize $10. Entrance fee 50 cents; not less than icu to etUer. FOOT RACE, Foil COLORED; at 12 M.; 200 yards, prize $10. Entrance fee 50 I cents-; not less than ten to enter. PRIZE DRILL FOR INFANTR7 ; at 2 P. j M. Prize $50, not lesa t!::i:i twp Com pa-j nies to compete. Each Company m?:?? have not less than 24 men in linc. Compa? nies in uniform will be passed over thc "Chcraw & Darlington," "North Eastern," "Wilmington. Columbia ?fe Augusta," the "Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta," the "Columbia and Greenville," and the "Centrai" Railroads at three cents per mile for thc round trip, and will be admitted free to the Fuir Grounds on the day of thc drill. Third Doy. Thursday, S(h November. PLOUGHING MATCH, FOR WHITES; at 11 A.M.; prize $5. PLOUGHING .MATCH.. FOR COLORED; at 12 M. ; prize $5. Fourth Day, Friday, Otk Xuvember. GLASS BALL SHOOTING; at 12 M. ; j ?.rizc $5. RIFLE SHOOTING ; at 1 P. M. ; prize $5. j Entrance Ice for shooting $1, Cheap excursion rates on all Rail? roads leading to Sumter. Admission to thc Fair fir Minds has been reduced to 25 cents ; no half tickets. THOMAS O. SANDERS, CHAS. H. MOISK, President. Secretanuind Treasurer. Oct 2 * THE irs mu STOR? FINE GOODS, LOW PRICES. A FULL LINE -OF ID T sr CS- ood SUITABLE FOR EVERYBODY. READY MADE CLOTHING FOR MEX AND DO YS. A F?NE STOCK OF JEANS, AT BOTTOM PRICKS. HOSIERY, NOTIONS, CORSETS. UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, MERINO U>* ER WEAR, FANCY ARTICLES. -AND GENERAL HOUSE-KEEPING DRY GOODS, TRUNKS. BASKETS AND VALISES. BEING ABLE TO BUY MY GOODS FOR CASH, ENABLES ME TO SSLL AT LOWEST FIGURES. Special Attention Giveu to ?TOBBING. Jobbers are requested to c;-.!l und examine niv Stock and Prices. I would respectfully announce to roy - friends and thc public gener? ally, that about thc FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, I intend to combiuc thc Dry Goods ; and Grocery Business and will there-i after keep A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES,! and will be pleased to bec them. H. A. LOWRY, I Corner Main and Republican Streets, > SUMTER, S. C. Aug H_! SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, COLUMBIA, S. C. JOHN ll. MCBRYDE, President. I Session begins October 2d. Vacation June j IStb. TUITION FREE. Ar uuni fee for re-? pairs $10. Board at Steward's Hall $10 ; in | private fami?es $12 to $15 per month. Ex- j penses should not exceed $150 to $175. For ; requirements of admission and courses of' study address JOHN M. MCBRYDE, j Sept la President. . ^Specific Remedies for Woman's Woes. SEASHELL'S .F?m<3 Isa result, of ,\ skillful nv.-i scier.:: fie combination op in?t .special class <>f ir.: .;: :r??^Vnowii toaet spe? cifically on thc womb anti uterine orssrt:*; .anti is therefore & special remedy f?.?r all . J. AULD. Sept 25_ RISLErS PHTLOTOKEN. " A tried, and reliable Cure fer ailments of Lid irs. Will aid Nature, prevents Nausen, and Ne-vousness. and should be taken during the critical period. Has saved many live*. Endorsed by thousands of Indies as the i?e*t remedv of its kind. Anr Druggist, $1.00. RISLEY'S B?CEU, The best diuretic and tonic. Cures met Kidney and Bladder troubles, Weakness Wi) i tes, and pain in back. Sepersedes ?ll other kid nev remedies. All druggists. $1.00 a bottle " CHARLES F. RISLEY, Sept 25 New York. THE BEST SHOE -IS TEE PENITENTIARY MADE, SOLD AT A SMALL MARGIN BY E. P. KICKER & CO. -ALSO ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE -SOLO AT A VERY SMALL. PROFIT. E. P. RICKEK & CO., OPPOSITE THE RED PUMP. Sept 18