The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, September 25, 1883, Image 3

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M the Post O?ce at Sumter % & : ?s Secenel Cfess Matter. ?AJtotE YOUB DATES. ? o I p^cst e?.ch of ?ur subscribers to ex Re address on his paper, aod partie? I m observe tfce date upon it. This date j^he ti aw to which, the paper bas Ben paid tor. Many of oar subscribers vii] ^?t?s^fte*fcai they hare' paid in advance; tei\toere ?re nany others -w bo will discover that tfeey have not. ?QTSW ADVERTISEMENTS. . JL A. Solomons-Fall anti Winter Open J. Ryitenberg k Sons-Fall and Winter Aonouncemen t. Wood? Odoatioe-W. C. Fisher, Columbia, Wholesale Agent. Risley's Philo token-Charles F. Risley, B. *\ Milch?? &Son, Wilmington, N. C. Offer for Sale. Personal. i Itt. Wi M. DeLorme is quite ill. \ Bo?, and Mrs. Jobo S. Richardson are ^bonm ?gain from Glenn Springs. 3? Miss M. A. Brennan bas left Sam :er to at :te?nd school at Washington, Ga. g?jjSash is home again, after a trip the sooth-west. B. Johnston has returned to Sumter fromhts travels. Sr. C W. Kicgraan is with Mr. W. ?Hesy T. A. Porter who ha? been spending ?me time at Asheville, K. C., is improving 1? health and will probably he able to return boam in a few weeks. \ Mr^Cbae. H. Singleton can be fon nd in the ?tot* of Mr. M. Iseman, where be has located -forthopreeenL Mr. Knox Corbett, who bas been sojourn? ing: m Aritona for some liam, ?sin Sumter on _a visit. Be is much pleased with his western home. . -ilr. and Mrs. McKinnon returned home a .lew days ago. Mrs. McKinnon and children :?*ave bcea pending the Sommer with rela? tives in North Carolina. Ifc L. W. Joje has a child quite ill with -Mr. Moran's bou^ np the street asas&airs pace. It will get there after * while-pi f it keeps on. Rain, raia, rain, and still it rains. Oar - neting " friends will get impatient after ;jawj^?'';_. Cotjon bas bee? injured hsdlj hv- the con trouas* bad weather. Mach of it has been beaten oat and completely lost. CSdwesayit was raining? Never was ^ ?ore mistaken. it is as bright as a new tin t?**?: fire bell rang out its alarm last Fri? day night. A lamp in Mr. A. Moses store set fire to some clothing. The loss was about $3oov rf Geo. Moise is hauling brick and lamber to nbc vacant lot near the Court Rouse. We su re? pose that a nice building will soon 51! that unsightly gap. \The ladies of Privateer, dear good souls, knowing that we do not see such things very .^ofteo. aect ns some nice cake ?8 a ''sweet re - minder!* of the hot supper, which came off at .Btthel Church week. ?WK.V;' '?"> '.'-' Kon away-two ?nales with a wagon at? tached. Sra *sn ap?-over Geo. Moise's pile of bricks - .- TbejcoIoi?d brother, who had the smash ?np over thurick pile, seemed more uncon -cerned than many of the spectators. He ?a?ntered up the street .19 if be bad the whole day before him. and the mules seemed as in dinerent.aboetyettiog away. - Oar sporting friends should go to Messrs. C. I. Hoyt & Bro. f?r bunting suppl ies. They j haven nice assortment cf silverware, jewelry and all the ot ne r pretty things belong tug tu n well-kept jewelry establishment. We hope our readers have read thc address of Mr. T. O- Sanders, President of the S. P. j & A. Association, which we published Inst week, and that the next Fair, will be a . success both in attendance and exhibits. We . understand that horse racing bas been sept raJedeotirely from tho legitimate business ^ot the Association, and there is no reason why our County should not give a helping hand n> so important an enterprise. .. Mt. A. A. Solomons asks the public to call and examine his new stock, lt comprises al? most every thing you may need either for use or ornament, and at prices to suit the times. clerks are just right. Young ladies eau always find an interesting young man bowing behind the counter ; those of maturer yeais ena have gentlemen of staid demeanor at their Mr. S. has a model set of sales We have received from A. C. Mever & Co., *of Bal timor?, a copy of the New York Graphic, .containing a description of the "Oriole" cele? bration in Baltimore. It also contains elabo . rate cuts of the Dew buildings used in the .manu^aicreof Boll's Cough Syrup, which our friras all know is a standard remedy for .coughs and colds. We have received an invitation to the Vir . gioia State Fa ir, to be held nt Richmond, Vir? ginia, Oct, 31 st and Nov. lat and 2nd, from Geo. W. Mayo, Secretary. All life mern be rs as well as invited goests, who pay for coupon tickets of .admission will have the money refunded at ?the secretary's office. Those ladies who have not seen Scafie's co 1 - Jection of Baskets? Willow and Palmetto -ware, have a rare trent ia store for them. ?Bebas work-baskets, card-baskets, fruit-bas Jcetf, clothes-baskets, and baskets for every - > thiog. And they are all built with au eye to .beauty ns well as usefulness. We know of a ; ?lady now luxuriating in a neat work-basket .from Scvffe's. lt's a good thing to have ? \wsfejost to be able to give hera nice present. *Qt> to Scaffe's to get it. Messrs. D. J. Winn & Co., own the oldest .clothing boase in town. Mr. Wino lias bad ?nany years experience in tbeclotbing busi? ness. The Co., who is Mr. L. W. Joye, is al? ways-ready to sell you a good suit or a good joke, whichever you prefer. Their stock has bad large additions, chosen by the experi? enced teste of the Senior Partner, and with Musis. Chandler and Shaw to aid in doing abe honors, we have no doubt that bis goods ?ill ?0 ?ke hot cakes. Messrs. J. Ry ttenberg & Sons are astonish? ing themselves and neighbors with their Fall ?Gjpeaiag. You caa see more pretty things ?bene ia an hour than you can pay for ina jew, and oh ! so cheap. Those gentlemen added considerably to their store during the sommer months, and now have a complete hardware department ?nder charge of our young friend, Richard Hood, who bas been a fixture in tbateftablish ment far i number of years. Sells' Circus. Wif-fcr .ve received a call from Mr. Peter Sells, 'Jr., Jfeese Agent for Sells' Circus, which is to exhibit in this town on Wednesday, 3d Octo? ber. Mr. Sells is n pleasant gentleman and he assures ns that his show is one of the finest co'-foe?Dad anywhere, and thjmit is the best etr? that has erer ?eared in the Bodtborc States. Appointment. Mr. G. H. Reid, of Bishopville, has been appointed Trial Jostice, vice R. E. Carnes, who resigned a short time ago. We com? mend Mr. Carnes for his action. There were certain duties connected with his office that I he would not perform, and rather than em ! barras3 the wheels of government, he stepped I down and ont. I We take it to be the duty of any official, who either cannot or will not perform the i duties appertaining to the office he holds, and which are made incombent upon bim Ky bis oath, or by the wishes of his constituents, to resign. _ Just opened, 50 pieces of Armure and Bro? caded Dress Goods at 12 J cents, same as formerly soid at20 cents, at J. Rvttenberg & Sons._ School Figures. Our School Commissioner, Mr. J. D. Wil? der, has completed his report to the State Superintendent, and we extract some items : Number of schools 100 ; Pupils, white 1449, colored 4239, total 5688 ; average at? tendance 3127. Of the above, 408 were in the alphabet, 4035 in spelling and 3811 read? ing. There are about 1800*in arithmetic and geography, 1100 in grammar and 170 in higher branches. The public owns 38 houses, the remainder are private property. There are 106 teachers, SO of whom are white and 46 colored, 48 are males, 58 females. For the school year jost ended $10,703.45 were paid teachers, and ?67.50 were paid for rent The average monthly salary of males was $24.50, females $20. 1 Thc above figures are not what we would like them to be. It makes a satisfactory showing for colored children, but not for the whites. If there were private schools scattered overonr County, the picture would not look so darfc, but ontside the towns of Sumter and MayesviNe, we doubt if there are half dozen private schools in tbe county. There is an average attendauce of 960 white children attending the public schools, and perhaps three times that number at home growing up io ignorance. This is a serious matter and one ibat demands the earnest at? tention of every lover of his country. Bask. An informal meeting of the subscribers to the Sumter Bauk was held to-day, with Major Moise presiding. Fifty thousand dol? lars ia bona ?de subscriptions were reported, and ?tis well assured that the requisite 50 j per cent, will be paid in, so there need be no : doubt of the organization, the first of October Messrs. J. H. Ebernart and Waiter Wroten bare opened a Green Grocery, in the store next to Messrs. Ricker <fc Co., and keep a sup- ? ply of fresh and salt Fisb, Vegetables, Fruits, j &c, which will be a great convenience to 1 housekeepers. Fifty pieces Brocaded Dress Goods, at I0? ! cents, same formerly sold at 25 cents, at J. ! Ryttenberg k Sons. I. O. G- T. A Lodge of Good Templars was organized at St. James Church, Clarendon County, S. i C., by G. W. C. T., Chreitzberg on the 22nd Sept., named Carolina Lodge. No. 173. It \ has 23 charter meta hers. The following officers were elected and duly installed : James M. Barwick, W C. T. Miss Anna E. Childers, W. R. H. S. Miss Leila E.Connors. W. V. T. Jessie M. Brown, \V. Secretary. Thos. H.Osteen, W. A. S. J. N. Connors. W. F. S. Miss Virginia H. Osteen, W. Treasurer. Lawrence B. McLeod, W. M. Miss Augusta U. Harwick, W. D. M. Rev. Henry A. Connors. W I. G. Milton M. Graham, W.O. G.. Rev. Nelson J. Brown, W. Chap. Wm. J. Ardis, P. W. C. T. Richard B. McRov. L. D. The celebrated Juno and Corduroy Corset, now sold a 90 cents, at J. Ry t leo berg k Son*. Six hutton Mousquitaire Gloves, at Si.50 j and five-hook Kid Glows, o::ly $1 00, ? at J. Rvttenberg k Sons. Hot Supper. The ladies of Rpmbert's Church, Swimming | j Pens Township, will give a Hot Supper at the j ! residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Heriot, on the j night of Thursday, October 18th, to raise I fonda for the repair of their Church. The pa- I tronage of the public is solicited. Large variety of Fancy Baskets, Work j Stands, and Albums, at J. Ryttenberg k j ? Sons. Value of Cotton Seed. j - Attention is directed to the advertisement j "Cotton Seed Wanted" in another column. ? It is now well known that Cotton Seed meal is more valuable for fertilizing than the seed | itself. Paroplets on the subject can be ob- j I tained from the Charleston Oi! Manufacturing j Company. Have you seen the elegant all wool Diag- i ona! Suit forSI6, at J. Ryttenberg & Sons? ? Large- variety of Ladies' and Misses' Bal mo- j j ral Skirts, from 50 cents up, at J. Ryttenberg and Sons. A French lion tamer quarreled with his wife, a powerful virago, and was chased by j her alt round his tent. Ou being sorely press- j ed he took refuge in the cage among the Hons. 'Oh, yon contemptible coward !' she shouted, 'come out if von dare V Great variety of Zephyr Shawls, Sacques and Nubias for ladies, misses and children at J. Ryttenberg k Sons. Advent of the Colossus of Ko ads. By which is Meant the United Enormous Rail? road Shows of the Sells Brothers. Hereafter, Sells Brothers'name will be as j good oo a show-bill ns Vanderbilt's is on a i bank cheek.-Binghamton [Ar. J".] Daily Re \ publican. Sells Brothers'great exbibittonal venture, which is to unfold its canopied treasure houses at Sumter Wednesday, Oct. 3, has finally solved for us thc much discussed, so j called 'problem of life.' That problem, here I ana now, has resolved itself into the oue great I question, not of who is going to the big show. ! but who can possibly be lett at borne on the j great day of its appearance. Having j thoroughly convinced the public that it is an I honestly advertised exhibit ion, and that it.s [ promises are as good as old Vanderbilt's, or j any other mao's, there is going lo be many a j domestic mutiny of 'irrepressible conflict' dimensions, when it comes to deciding who j are not to be permitted to feast amazement ? with wonder-io?nded eyes, by gazing upon ! its huge pair ot' full-grown Hippopotami, i strange Woolly Elephants, maje$;i<- Giraffes, rare Midget Dwarf Elephant, Arctic Amphi? bia performing Colorado Cattle, tremendous Tigers, roaring Sea Lions, gigantic Felines. Monster Two-horned White Rhinoceros, fifty tons of performing animals. Tn the Circus department will bf found a ! hundred of the very best nrtists in the world, j who will daily appear at each performance. Then all should witness the magnificent free I street paarade, with its enormous caravan of I Asiatic and African Elephants, its SulUn j like army of Camels, its three Bands, Levia J than Locomotive Steam Orchestra, and living avalanche of dazzling sensations, which the average boy would walk ten miles on his hands to see. For the sake ot peace, and in the name of universal enjoyment, spare no effort so to arrange it that all muy take in the best show of their life-times, and ono vvliose mem? ory will bc a continual pleasure. Dr. J. G. McGuire, Auamosa, Ia.,says; 'I know Brown Iron BiUers is a good tonic and gives general satisfaction.' Attention ! every one. Have you heard of Kendall's Spaviu Cnre? See advertisement. [For the. Watchman and Southron.J SUMTER, S. C., SEPT. 25, 1883. Mr. Editor: It is my honest conviction, and I think it universally conceded hy both the white and colored voters of Sumter, that Capt. L. P. Loring is the man for our next Warden. He is broad-minded and conserva? tive, and well understands the duties of that office, and I hope he will get the entire vote of the town. Yours respectfully, M. H. FIELDS. OBITUARY. DIED-In San Francisco, Cal. September 10th, 1883, THOMAS CHESTER, infant son of WM. E. and MARY C. DuBois, a native of San Francisco, aged 9 months and 25 days. THE BABY" IS DEAD. And is it true? The baby dead ? "No ;" gone before-the Spirit fled To Him-a loving Father sent It for a season-yes, only lent To draw onr heart a little nearer, To render selves a little dearer. Unmindful of the burial day, Unfeeling strangers turn away, 'Tis not their child, but raine instead, Whose name is registered-as dead. This little coffin, narrow, small, Contains-Oh, God-contains my all. A precious little piece of clay, Reminder of a Summer day. But all my hopes, forever hid Beneath that little ccffio lid. Forgetful of His mercies-dare I raise my heart to bim. in prayer ? When he has sent by angel call For one so loved-my life, my all? I kiss the cheek, the lips, the brow, Baby mine not longer now. The toys with which he used to play, The garments lay them all away, They only make me sad again And fill my very soul with pain. What's left for rae in future years, To compensate for all these tears? Oh, give me hack my child instead, I can't believe it. Is he dead? [From the Southern Presbyterian.] Died, September 6th, 1883, after an illness of fifty-two days, at the home of her brother in-law, H. Lide Law, Esq., Hartsville, Dar? lington County, S. C., ELIZA HIBBEN, second daughter of Rev. N. W. and Mary Claudia Edmunds, aged twenty-one years. It almost breaks our hearts, dear "Lila," to give you up, so young, so loving, and so beloved. But we are comforted by theassur ance that the beauty and fragrance of your few years of life, and the impress of the pa? tient sufferirfg of your many days of languish? ing Imve left a sweet savor of Christ which tells us that you did not live in vain. Miss J. I. Smith. Winusboro, S. C., says: 'I have felt decided benefit usiug Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility.' COLOMA. MICH., NOV. 4, 1880. DR. B. J. KENDALL & Co.-Gents :-Accept thanks for circulars, which helps us consider? able. We are selling a large amount of your Kendall's Spavin Cure, which gives greatsat. isfaction. We are authorized to say for Mr. A. H. Sutton, a farmer near here, 'I have used six bottles of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and I cured as many spavins (well marked) on dif- ! ferent hordes. 1 consider it a remedy never equalled for spavins or ringbones,' Yours truly, RYXO & GILSOX. I have beeu using Swift's Specific (S.S. S ) ? and find it to be the best remedy of the kind ? that I have ever been ?ble to get, and I have j tried them all. JOHN* TISCHER, 3d U. S. Cavalry, j No Grease for Him. "When Greece her knees-Greece her knees ! -Greece her knees," stammered an embar- j rassed school-boy, forgetting the next line cf ! his recitation "There is no occasion to | grease anybody's knees," shouted his teach-', er "Go and study your piece." Neither is there occasion to grease your hair. Parker's j Hair Balsam is ail the dressing you want.) Restores the oiiginal gloss and color to gray j or faded hair. Does not soil the liuen , not j a dye; good for the scalp; preveuu falling! out. In the Pilot House. "Yes, sir; this kind of work obliges a man j to keep sober as a judge. Of all men in the ! world, steamboat pilots and railroad cn- ! gineers shun Id let liquor alone. For on their : clearness of sight and coolucss of head de? pends the safety of" life and properly." Keeping his hand on the wheel as he said this, Mr. A. Brockman, of No. 2??? Silver street. Chicago, noded : "Of course, some of 'em drink ; but the sober oms have the ??est positions a^id the best pay. Yes, the work and exposure sometimes tells on us; but for, my part, I find Parker's Tonic to be all the in vigora ut 1 need. I've got a bottle aboard here now ; never go ou a trip without it. When I haven't any appetite, or am io any way out of sorts, it sets me up in no timi-. lt drinking men would" use the Ton ic, it would I help 'en? to break off. (No, that isn't a light ! house; it's a star, low down near the water. ) ! As I was saying, The Tonic is new 1 ?fe bot I tied up. You sec that Sag-staff? Well, with j a bottle of Parker's Tonic in the locker I can ! keep malaria as far from me as that, all the I time. My wife has used it for three years for i summer complaints and colic, and as an in j vigorant when she's tired out from overwork. I She says the Tonic is a daisy. Goad-bye! j Don't break your neck going below." I This preparation, which has been known as i Parker's Ginger Tonic, will hereafter be ad I \eriised and sold simply under the name of j Parker's Tonic. As unprincipled dealers are j constantly deceiving their customers by sub j suturing inferior articles under the name .of j ginger, and as ginger is really an uniiupor? ' lani ingredient, wc drop the misleading I word. There is no change, however, in the prc I panition itself, and all bottles remaining in ' the hands of dealers, wrapped under the ! name of Parker's Ginger Tonic contain the genuine medicine if the facsimile signature of Iltscox & Co. is at the bottom of the outside wrapper: Success. Whatever you do, by all means try and do it weil. The best preacher is he who saves the most souls. The best lawyer takes the best care of his client's interest. The best farmer makes the largest amount ol bread, i The best and most reliable medicines are ! those that will do just ic/i'it theil uri: recom ! taetided for. '*I)r. Boykin's Worm Killer" j will destroy ami remove worms. "Every I body's Tills" will act gently, mildly, and j with certainty, on the liter and bowels. Try I ti lem Your druggist has, or ought to have I them. _ JelOv. j SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, COLUMBIA, S. C. j JOHN M. McBSYDB, President. I Session bejzins October 'IA. Vacation June ! 18th. TUITION FREE. Annual fee for re ? pairs $10 Board at Steward's Hall SlO ; in ? privait* families SJ a to $U> f>er month. Ex j penses simula not exceed $150 tr> Si75. For j requi temen ts of admission and courses of i study address JOHN M. McBRYDE, Sept IK President.. TO THE PUBLIC.; SUMTER, S. C.. SKJT. Iii. 1833. j OWING To THE PECULIAR CARE with which we .>ndcavore.d to select (?ur first car load of stock, thc shipment ! winch was advertised to arrive on September 5th will not be upon the market before the ! 17th or 18th. ! At that time, however, I will present to the public view a LOT 9F SUCH HORSES as cannot fail to tne^t the views of ever, class of bu;, ers. ON HAND. FEED (?ATS, COHN, MAY, WHEAT BRAN, LIMP;, CEMENT, PLASTER, COW 1IA.?R, AG. Ii. HARBY. ON SAVED! During the dull Summer Months I have determined to ! make things LIVELY by giv- j ing rare bargains. -EXAMINE MY 5 Cents, 10 Cents and 25 Cents STRAW HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, -AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. ELEGANT CLOTHING MARKED WAY DOWN. FIT AS WELL AS PRICE GUARANTEED. BAE G-AIXS -IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT; -ALSO IN EVERY OTHER. I KEEP THE SAME 'GOOD GROCERIES" -FOR WHICH I HAYS .BEEN LONG- NOTED. REMEMBER MY MOTTO "FIRST CUSS Bil -AT JJ TRY MY CHOICE BUTTER, 3 lbs. for a DOLLAR. TRY MY KA BABAS CIGARS, 50 in a box lor a DOLLAR. TRY MY BEST CIGAR, 'TUNCH," ouly j 5 cents. I FOR SALE ONLY BY ALTAMONT MOSES, IS?1 Iii THE BEST. I REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING FIRE IS??MGE C?MIS, ALL OF THEM FIRST CLASS : Commercial UD?OU of Loudon. Fire Association of Philadelphia. Staudard Fito of Loudon. Niagra Fire of New York. ?3f Rates ns low as any First Cla=s Company. ALTAMONT MOSES. June 12 THE DIAMOND SHIRT i FOR SALE KY HURRAY & lilli?, Agents. Au?; 21 "DeLorme's Baum De Vie,55 THE MANUFACTURE of the above well known preparation has been recom | nicnced by the undersigned. Its valuable ? properties have omi known aud appreciated j by til? public for Forty Years. It ii- un anti j dote for Dyspepsia, Headache, Jaundice, j Chilisaud Fever, deranged Liver, und a per : feet antidote for ail Malarial Diseases, und, in j fnc-t, tor diseases arising from a disordered I liver, stomach or in tost ines, j It was ??.-ed over ;"?0 years ago in Cu'na for i Yellow Fever, uith the most flattering re ! su Iis. It ran Oe had in any quantity at ! DeLornie's Drug Store. CHARLES DKLORME, Proprietor. Sept 18 I THE BEST SHOE -IS THE I PENITENTIARY MADE, SOLD AT A SMALL MARGIN BY E. P. KICKER & CO. -ALSO I ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE ?-S?U> AT ? A V?0KY SMALL PROFIT, E. P. KICKER & CO., OPPOSITE TUE KED PUMP. ! Sept ly i LANDS FOR SALE. ? rT^HE UNDERSIGNED li?? several tract? I i_ from 230 to 40o acres each, of GOOD j COTTON LAND FOR SA LE. willi good ! buildings, spring waler; convenient tosclioois and churches and good society Apply to S. A. NORRIS, Sherill's Office, Sumter, S. C. Sept 11 ?state o? Ezra Tu GreT, Sf. D., DECEASED. 4 LL PERSONS holding claims against J\ thc said Estate will present the same duly attested, and all persons in any way indebted tn said Estate will make imm?diate payment to LEIGHTON C. MILLS, Sept ?8-3t* Onaiified Executor. & J\. XJ?3ES, Es?afe oi Janies M. Epperson, DECEASED. ?>Y ORDER OF TUE PRODATE COURT 2> fer Sumter County, I will offer t>>r sale, ?it ti;" l:te residence of said deceased, on MONDAY, OCTOBER ls:, F8S3, (Sale-day,) th.! Household and Kuchen F II ru itu rc^belong? ing to saul Estate, con-i ?.!ing of PAR LOK SETT. BED-ROOM SETTS, BEDS. M A TRESSES, kc., C< (OKING STOVE, TABLES, and sundry NECESSARY AR? TICLES. All in good order. This sale is worthy of the notice of any one wishing to buy such arti? cles. Terms cash on dav of sale. JA M ES L. ND EL, Sept 18 Admti&tnttor (..'??. bonis non.) T EC E S T O H Ji H.A.L?WMY. FINE OOODS, LOW PRICES. A FULL LISE 3D Qr oods! SUITABLE FOR EVERYBODY. READY MADE CLOTHING FOR MEX AND BOYS. A FINE STOCK OF JEANS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. HOSIERY, NOTION'S, CORSETS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, MERINO UNDERWEAR, FANCY ARTICLES. -AND GENERAL HOUSE-KEEPING DRY GOODS-, TRUNKS. BASKETS AND VALISES. ! . BEING ABLE TO S??Y GOODS PO?- CASS, ENABLES ME TO SELL AT LOWEST PIGTOES. Special Attention Given to JOBBING. Jobbers ure requested to call and examine UV Stuck aud Prices. NOTIC: I would respectfully an nos ncc to rov ? friends aud the public gener? ally, that about the ! FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, j I intend to combine thc Dry G.ooZ* . i *?ud Grocery Business and wii! there ;ttcr keep A FULL L:NE OF " &OC?R1ESJ ! and will be pleased to see them. H. A. LOWRY, j : Corner Main awi Republican Streets, j SUMTER, S. 0. I ) _A?gj4_! IPLXJCS A27D PAIS DEALING I THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY INSURES SATISFACTION. BULTMANN & BRO. V ^^^^^^^^^^^^ i j SUMTER. S. C. ] J j Take pleasure :n annonneing to t^eir friends j and the public generally thur they have added to their business an assort? ment of I FINE HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS, # i and ic their regular line of j BOOTS ?ND SHOES. they have the LARGEST AND BEST STOCK THEY j HAVE EVER HAD. All of which they will sell at the same LOW PRICES which ha? made them the LEADERS 127 THEIR LINE for quality and price. The BOOT. SHOE, AND HAT TRADE OF SUMTER has not before witnessed so complete a line of SOLID AND DURABLE GOODS, AT SUCH LOW PRICES, As are now ottered at their store. Ail <;oods warranted as heretofore. Do not fail I to cyll and examine stock before buying. I Sept 18_*_j j WAGON ""WORK! -AND j Gm REPAIRING j -AT MAYE S VILLE. S. C., I t C. O. WHEELER. I ! Having competent workmen i nm pre;.? .ed j Ito BUILD WAGONS TO ORDER and do j I general repairing ami wheel wright wc:k. ! GIN-REPAIRING done tu best manner ai j i short notice. Patronage solicited. C. 0. WHEELER, \ II LT ? ? Mayesv iUe, S. C. ! GEO. A. SHIELDS. I MANUFACTURER OF j Steam Engines, Boilers, ! Saw Mills, Grist Hills, Cano S?lls, j COTTON PEKSSK.S, kc J [rou anti Brass t astiu-js V- to Order, j PALMETTO iP.0NW0P.K5, COLt M BIA, S. C. Aug zs WANTED, j COTTON SEB? 3?TC5N SEED! ! I will pay cents) sixteen and one-half! cents cash per bushel for j 10,000 SU2HSLS SOUND, SBY j Cotton Seed, delivered to rac at this place before the first of next November. Will exchange I coMon seed meal for cotton seed. T. E. RICHARDSON, WEDGEFIELD, S. C. Sept IS 3 j HENRY L. B, WEHS, NOTARY PUBLIC, SUMTER, S. C. Mr 24 THAT '.FILL VISIT THE SOUTHERN STATES THIS YEAR COMING M ALL ITS OVERSHADOWING MAGNITUDE ! AS SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER SHOW THAT EVER CAME SOUTH AS AN EE EC TRIG LIGHT TS TO A TALLOW CANDLE. OCTOBER 3. BRINGING THREE TRAINS LOADED WITH THE WORLD'S WONDERS. USES ALL ITS OWN BAGGAGE, STOCK, PLATFORM AND PALACE SLEEPING CARS. EVERYTHING BRIGHT, NEW, ELEGANT ANO CHEERFUL. NO OLD ACTS, OLD FEATURES, OLD CAGES. OLD ANIMALS, YOU HAVE SEEN HERE BEFORE. 3 SHOWS ! ALL UNITED IN ONE VAST WORLD-EMBRACING CONSOLIDA? TION. INFINITELY THE ONE AND ONLY ADMITTED GREATEST SHOW ON THE FACE OF THE GLOBE. EXHBI?TING FOR THE FIRST TIME SOUTH. 3 LARGE MENAGERIES COMBINED. 3 HERDS OF ELEPHANTS GSTs MOKSTSS TA?TQ-EQRISBD aanrocsacs. Tho only LIVING Gi RAFFE that has been seen ir. the SOUTH FOR TWENTY YEARS. ONLY LIV?N8 P.4IB OF HIPPOPOTAMI Ever ?xh?Mted in orv trajine Mf-nn^-eri? in any part of th? World. A huge mah- and ft tremendous female 11 ?pw? turn!!* alone forming the greatest attraction in America, ?nd really north a hundred miIe.Jon.rney to s*?**. WE II AVK THEM SURE ?nd will refnnd the price of an*mif?!on to every visitor if we dr>tvt introduce them loose in the ring at every performance. The above rare an ?mais are ?he roost va i ti able, costly and wonderful features ev?r brought lo the land of theMiijmniia and Orange Blossoms : but rare as they are, they fenn but a tithe of the many extraordinary features weactual?y exhibit. ("::t this advertisement out. carry it with you and try and nod. one single thing here advertised that is not actually exhibited. SOME MOBS STERLING PS ATURES WE EXHIBIT: THE ONLY LION SLAVER IN AMERICA. THE ONLY NTL CH AU IN AMERICA. THE LARGEST BENGAL TIGER IN AMERICA. THE ONLY AMERICAN BORN CAMELS IN AMERICA. THE ONLY BURDEN-BEARING DROMEDARIES and more of them than you have ever soon before. The first genuine Burche! Zebra ever seen South. The largest Hyena?, Aj?es, Bahboons*. Maud ri Is. Tigers. Lions. Leopards, Wart Hoir, Hemed rias, aud the first srenuine Virginia Panther seat in maur rears, beside a Multitude of Animals not here mentioned. rp UT? f^rDf^TTC is THE BEST YOU EVER SAW. XJTI JIJ VyXXiVy U ?3 Includes for the first time seen South THE WONDERFUL STIRK FAMILY OF BICYCLE RIDERS. MISS VIOLA RIVERS, the Handsomest and Best Bareback Equestrienne in the World. ORRIN HOLLIS, Champion Trick Hi,1er. WILLIE SELLS, the Great Jockey ar-d Four Horse Rider. THE FRENCH FAMILY CARON. Best Acrobats. PROFESSOR WHITE'S Reason-Gtftcd School of Dogs. DON A Li.'SON BROTHERS. Joint!*? Phenomenons. HERR DR AYTON, the German Hercules. The best Clowns the best Leapers, the best Tumblers. Wire Walkers, Trapeze Artist?, Gym? nasts, and General Performers, ever seen South, and more of them NEWSPAPERS, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. PRONOUNCE THIS SHOW TO BE THE BEST EVER SEEN. The Louisville, Ky.. Courier Journal contained an editorial, written by Hon. Henry Wat tetson, which said : ''The peopleof the South will have an opportunity of visiting Sells Brothers' Grear Show, which is. without exception, the most honorably conducted and thc verv best Show in America.*' .ure for a Genuine Holiday, be ia town early to See the many free sights. Get good j ' ices to set th? aues.t street procession ever seen in anj American city. 5 Bauds o? Music. 42 Groat Solo Musicians in the Orchestra. See : ut iransccioleuily beautiful, nth. gorgeous, startling, Wonderful Taradi-. A plutue lop< . ? tidal ivave ..; splendor introducing 5 Bands of Music, 3$ Gold-Covered Cages,20great (?'f.:. .:. ? :?.:;?..:-. YA Huge Lie-!: 'fits ia Ko val Housings. Tho beautiful Allegorical Tableau ot vciaiuO:.; a:;d he;-Cour! o? i?eauty, introducta-*-thc FOUR HANDSOMEST Wt ?MEN IN AM.?R?GA ? : ?._ ?';-t:fi iot:i cars as large as houses, drawn through the streets. Telescope Chariots 20 feel hfgh/carryiag ?loft high ?a mid-air, a living Elephant, ami upon tts baek a beaaiitu! lady ;.: lesentini; Lala Rookh departing from Delhi. Thc Friitccss tit ludia ?ndher Royal Es?- ?rt*. Knights : solid siii'er armor, and more sensational features tIMO ever before. Ii :..< ?vorlb huud":*< i mil:: journey to see. Excursions oar ll Kail roads at greatly Tcduccd. rate?. Prepare for a joyful j::td!ce. A:! avetiueS of travel -ile crowded, schools close, work suspends, and a Gala Day, W?E5 i^HLLS BttOS.' BIG SS?OWS COME Prepare to seo the Biggest Show and the Biggest Crowds yoi: haw cur scr.-u ir. al. jour !.v EXHIBITIONS AT TUE USUAL Bein town eat iv. Bring thc old folks, bring the bah?. bring tba a::.I?. ?a:slns. wive?, daughters, sweethearts, boys and al!. Ifyou see nothing hut the .parade, '.'lents and th" immense railroad trains, you will hr paid for thc journey . ptr U\\ ing to thc enormous expense attending so vast an exhibition, the pri>o of ?vi mi? sion will Le the same in every place which thjs show visits. ADMISSION for all over 10 years of age, 75 cents. " for all under 10 years of age, 50 cents. POSITIVELY NO PERSONS ADMITTED FREE. I Regulator t osafipccial Remedy forall diseases pertaining to ras WOMB, and any intelligent woman can cure herseli fcy following the directions- It is especially c?licv clous in cases of SUPPRESSED OR PAINFUL MENSTRU? ATION, THE WHITia, and PARTIAL PROLAPSUS, lt affords immediate relief and permanently rcAtore3 the Menstrual Function. A? a remedy to be u?c 1 during that critical period known fa ?'Change ot Life," this Invaluable preparation has no rival 1 Holmes' Liniment ls an INESTIMABLE BOOK to allehild-bearin;; jvomen : a real blessing to suffering females; a true MOTHER'S FRIEND. When applied two or th?oe months before confine? ment it will produce a safe and quick delivery, control pain, and alleviate the Uiual agonizing suf :2rii:g beyond the power of language lo express ! Pryer's Ointment; j a sure and speedy cure for Blind or Bleed? ing Mles, Sore*, Ulcers, Tumors, Fistula, Bums, Corns, Felons, Sore Nipples, etc. Its effects arc simply marvelous, ?ad it Is an inexpressible blessing VJ all afflicted with either of the above complaints. Try it! For circulars, testimonial;, and full particc ;, address Sole Proprietor and Manufaetuxcr of these THREE GREAT REWED ES . 4 J. BRADFIELD,k .' Ko 103 South-Pryor St, ATLANTA, GA. I. F. H. DELORMI , Age?i-, Noni.iiicia G R BradMd's Female ITOIUI SOAPS, PERFUMERY, A.\!) ALL KINDS OF Druggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT UR K FIKS'l-CLASS bl. Ul STOP. E. Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, GARDEN SEEDS, &C" Physician's Prescriptions carefn^y J c<??:ipou-mied, and orders answer*"! j wit!) can* and dispatch. ! Tfct? public will find ury stock ?if j Medicines complete, warranted-gcun j ?ne. at?d of the best quality, i Call and se<? for yourselves. I Sumter. S. C . Jan. 20. 3m. LOOK OvJT FOR THE WAGON vTEEIT THE BELL SINES W. J. ANDREWS' FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. MEALS AT ALL SOTOS. ? FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, FRUITS i ' -AND I VEGETABLES IN VARIETY, ; Iii< ceiied Daily and K?? he Deliver"*}. to Customers from Wagon-. ' " Prompt attention given to order*. I Fi NE STUCK OF FAMILY* GROCERIES. j Liberty Street-Next Dcor to Ryttei. berg's*- Sumter, C. j . A nsf 21 'a I $100.00 A WEEK ? I We can guaranteed the above amount !.-> i good, active, energetic O AGENTS! i L-adies as well as fcntlemeu, make a sucrr-s ! in the business. Very little capital requit?-.: We liave a household article as saleg?le KS j flour. I It Sells Itself ? I lt is used every day in every family. Von do j not ue*d to explain its merits. There is * I rich harvest for all who embrace this golden j opportunity. It costs you only ??ne cent I l?trn what our business is. Buy a postal c?:d amt wriie to us and we will send you our ' prospectus aud full particulars FREE! ; And we know you will derive merewood j than you have any idea of. Our reputation as a manufacturing company is such thai wa I cannot afford to deceive. Write to us a ! postal and give your address plain!}- aud rr . ceive full nnrlieulars. ] BUCKEYE JPF'.G CO.. ; Sept ?8-o Marion. Ohio. C. I. HOYT & BRO.. Watches, Clocks. Jeweliy, Spectacles, &C ?fcc. REP AIRING A SPECIALTY. SPOUTING MATERIAL, Shells, Wads and Everything Pertain? ing to I>reech-Loadi?g GUDS. S.?pt 2<5 _'<: CLAUSSEr^ BREWING COMPANY, "PALMETTO BSEWE8F3 SOD5; W??ES FASTORY, CHARLESTON, S. C. GOODS WARE \NTEI) STRICTLY FC RE. lieer fresh and cool put up in CHSCS of 2 4. ?nd ? dozen in shipping order. Also i ; Kegs ot about cations ul $2.25 and about -i gal? lons at $1.-5 per i??g. Soda Waler: Lemon, Sarsaparilla and Ginger, .-*-p.-.i\;:. or assorted, ?) dozen in <.::<:. :tt S-'-00 per case. Helles, case keg to be returned. Kxpori Beer of very finest onality ?tsd to keep ?ny leugtli of time, a? Sl.?? \>nr >iwr-. 15 cents! per dozen allowed for bottles if re? turned ivre. Jtilv 2-i 3?' EPPEBSOH'S LiV'EBYj SALE FEED STABLES: WHEN Yoi VISIT OUR TOWNY CALL v.-.r hare vour HORSE ni.- ly cleaned ??fl". well fed ario .v-tiered, ali tor TWENTV-PiVE CENTS. BS WOOS Constantly on hand at ihe Wi,]. Orders re? ceived at the Stables, will receive prompt at u inion. yulJ 17