/ ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*. u o o ^?blish&d every Tu.cs5.ay, - HY TUE Watchman and Southron Pahlhuhig SUMTER, S. C. THUMS : Two Dollars per annum-in advance. A 3> V K R T . S S Y r. S T S . (?ac .Sqnan*. Hrs: insertion.Si Cf? Sverv ?mbse^ueui insert?or!. '")!" Coa tracts for three moutfiS, or longer will bc made at reduced rates: AU covoKiniili.itioni! which sub; TTC private interests will b? charged for as advertisements. Obk-aries and tributes of respect wit! be chargeai for. Murri r.orice? and notices of deaths pub? lished free. For job vr<\rk or contracts for ndverttsms address Waic7,i:tu set I'^e jrrown to tove The wrinkles more thau rees : artb's winter Sowers ar?* sweeter f?r Than ail Spring's drwy . : h; y*?j' carry us through yonder htr.e *hat looks sc :.;!? and glassy, kS down the lane ? used ' ? go. W?en Marv ivas a lassie. "Lishl in Dark Places" Under tuts head-the A" Y. ..< 2Sth, prints some her-'-wfs-re ?uub-ished letters written by tho te James A. Gatue?d, in the (.:::?:. of 18^'>. Commenting edit ? . iv upon ther?i thc Strn says : Tiic loiters, from Gen. GarneM, rts. G. Blaine. Thotiiats C. Platt and then?, printeti elsewhere, corroborate much thut lias hoon revealed hy sen? ator Dorsey. ?t. s**cms i inst ?i?*:?. . .Gar?e id esteemed the c-r-Senator so ; highly that be w:;s unwilling lu wrte his l"ttor of acceptance without conns* Hug with !ii:??. .The tetters also throw new li^i.t "?i p<-Ti lite e. mpai^:: i "i i mirana ia Gen. Garfield wrote t-? Gov .i.--I1 onJn?y 10t!? of that year l.h-; i '.V;r. New had lande an imp'>t.tan! .<>?!> : the italics are the (venera) s arr internent with reference to the eampaijrh :!:.-!<..' .Garfield strongly endorse?i it. V?' at the side arrangement" iw ts '??'I - cate? in Mr New*?? co; " ..- :>?? nd'. I:i wilting to Gov. Jewt.4! on A ?jr. -30. he says : 'That Wabash road matter isof v<>ry great ?ora.? tm?:o. ami i ant glad yoti accomplis: od so mach, i hope that v<-.; can be e<|?ai- . Ty successful in :Ur l^tf-g:' and K -it Way::??, won 1er ii he would help ns Gould can con-i tro! a couple (< t railroads. ?, and t'ne Cleveland parties, MX 3??u'burt, tvT" trthors. '?ai::';!; an norh thc ?fr.crhtnd ...?.-.I-.' These Trords are si^nifieaat in v?c*?7 ol t! .. car loads cf ivp-*ate?s sec;- i>y rf i tor Ecciesine and others en rou*o t?> vari?os points in I nt]-;.: ?a. Thev- ns :n-?.?ie more sigtttticaut hy Senator ? Thomas G. Platt, win* wn>te t?< i' S"V : 'I will iincl??sc? ":i'>> r t ? i>nt ?er (now Pros:.;.-nt of the New lV.fe Gentral Railroad), a?;d yon can. S:M? ; him. If he refuses, e;*'! :i Blar?chard of UM Erie, v.i, ? wi!! d?j u\l you ask." Tiies?; e::oressions ee::-j tainly iro.lii::*!" that ii."- iiepnblicau candidate for !*re?ident, as w-ll a th? National iiepabHcan ..x- rnixo C?.:o- . mittee, ?:n. w how a portion of ..ne j $400,000 thrown into induna was lo be spent. ; 'There seen*" {.> have !>'.<.:; a P'.nig? gle for the va-t sums ol r.. ?.y raised to buy the success <-\ ,! S"at??.iial ? Republican ticket. Steward L Yv*<><..{ ford and fii?? Rev. -I. Iv. Tl)??:- is wanted g?O,O?0 i.. West Vir-.??ia; Senator Joh:: V. J.?-v.-:-, ?d v ireinii, appealed for $00,0 oO f r the State.; Mr. Blain?-? ma ' p?aintiv . . ;.,t Maine, and ?i ?v. Poster ;<.; ! Uichard j Smith asked f??r s.*?o/; ?.. i., iv.',.,. Mr Smith ad vis? ;t.:?i i ? ; -i-- f>! iii ?um bc tes ?rved ? >r :.>.<. : t ino o dis on election day. J-' y i. ;" . . ly asserted t!;at tiiis was 1 .y. ? .j ana. Whiie thc wpvnters wi h mi at work,othei vo?*-is -.ver" i" ...;.? at the p . ? ? ? R like sho??p in a : .?i That Gen ilanrook wr:s .;. '. by the use .d ?a? tr-- sa.'.. . ! rn i He ?/al ly expeiid?? i in Lndi^.n an ! elsewhere with thok::?o i ' ' Garfield an? the eonr. r?trie rings in the cross-seett???: :J ' : its age oeed u??: i,.- >',.>:.. ?... .:. ;.. argument r?? tho contrarv aco '?? an Ohio law-,- rs letter a: thc >r 'In (he trial of a lar^e nu'?vb r d' it:.a grant cases,' ho say*, 'ir v? . fr o-i -nf ly became importan* to show ttie af the survey. T!?i- was shown hv the enatavia. Java. s;?ys j the towns of Arji -r. ?'ienugi?ic ami T'dakbelonjr have i?ecc destroyed hy volcanic eruptions I: also says tl.?-it all the tight-houses in Sendo Sr rn iii have disappeared, and that where thc mountain of Krama** formerly stood ' . he so:* now fio ws. The-aspect of San? do Strait is much chance J and naviga- : tien is dangerous. Another dispatch. dated the 21?th. says : 'Arida! wave completely destroy.- ! ed Anjier. Many persons there were killed. The los? of life among b-..th ? EiirOT . "ii!s and natives at North Banian was enormous. Since noon yesterday . cvt ry : iii:; ic has been quiet. The sky is 1 clear and communication '-with Serong has beet) restored Thc temperature ' feilten degrees ^donday, but ir is n??w : nt irs normal height. The town is cov? ered with a ti:!;: laver of ashes, w!;:..!; wa? sc hot when fal linc that it killed birds. Telegraph linemen report that whiie. they were nt work repairing a line near Anjier c.i'ly Monday morning they saw a high column of s .a approach- ' in^r, with a roaring noise. They fled ' immediately-, without learning the tate ofthe 'inhabitants. Quarries at. Merak hove disappeared, and ali the : ecple of that piace have perished. A Soaking dock at the Island of Ueronst, near Batavia, is adrift uiei is badly dam? aged.' Picking: up Broker* Cables. Tho laying of telegraphic eabh s is now so c ... :)".: ti;.: the description, as given lu some d?tail, o? thc ??J cUhterv for picking ep a b'r< ken < ne wili bo read wiso interest li consists of a rope aboil* aa ineh and a C[tiarier in diameter, rttadc from thc strung st hemp, with ?.?^TW-V.-? wires -?: line st?--i. Thc grapnel at thc end is merely a Solid si;;;!; t?i iron, some s/w . &et tong, Weighing ai;;.ni IOU pounds, and prolonged int') six blunt ho.?ks, which Etneli scsembie Ino yart ?y closed liageis of the ionano Land, in picking up tho Cidde I?! ClOep wai? v. lite vessel, tifter i**-..*-i. ?;'_T the waters noa: the br?ale, tots out tier grupitei-, i.ir'.i taM- s a O ''.::' .* at ttjiit an.j:'-s it? thc eabfe. a id a* some ?rs taitee fro::- ? he f:" : ;ture, so that the br<>k"tt e:.:ls may n i through *.::o eu ?*. .: dy*'a::.otaet'.;j\ wh?ch exactly aie*eircs tne strata on ts ie ??.<*?''. sis :\vs ?i:.-:r'rr.v'y wlem ?oe ?.":it>:-. has .jeen Caiurei. ii in?.* if : a * *.'*: j ?nts ? rock the sLrnin rises very siUebx:i y lu a high ];?.?!:.? ; but ii;;- e?acl wcigl:: ol the e.d>o< beinir know:*, the d van >;?.. meier sigasds by the st eade rare of '..'*t(\;s<' i.s L'slvl i>r. the cab!'' fur be tow. Th-- ease and certainly v:l\. which cables are pi eked np in . ;:?.>> days ts .? naz'i! r. A while ago ene .i tn** !:nes o? the A nglo-A morcan ! oin pany was caught without Uamble ;! a J? -un .-i' two and x enar![er miles-. ] .-;..?. the rniddle of the Atlantic. Uap tain Trott, td rh? Minia, wh ; has w:;n -:o:'t Jam.-- (or Iiis sk:i! ar d :-=g.-..s?ity in **:tble matters, l>o? recente, :>::<...! tip ; he Fi-n.'O: cable I>" rniies otl>t. Preire, atfi lu f?tir i.'-nis !'..?n: the tmiC t'nr ^;a<-:;--? was Iel go ha ? Cfabte splice*! ao-i in w;?iK?ng e?eid:-' titer, "i o?- sjdieie ?: is a w.ri k of e'rout de':eae\ -.-..??l su;::, v?"t;on acn?s: piishf?d by tiaine-? nngr-rs the Splieeo j;.-:-: can scareeiy -be a tr:rt bin ir that v. : . or d'.nu ?i?: \\: \ ea us f.* aim i" [..ugh in spire??* i.sa; . :?? 1 was ?..:?.?. running a frcigL engi-ie ?.a ...y Valley li li a heavy rain, we Wiro : i?n-i:\ s 1 oi^'-r r. v\ aten ne cai (.. :. nar; ; * v\ hew ! ? tie .'? i ;n r. be? n . i denscd ?i"ie?i. ? ?isrn?e ?.:..;" a ca-r-i ?'.-r ri .ii if. i ?uppo mitiga te ' !;<; acidity of t he eran berrie?. j 'JLhm't sell half a erm 06 nulk ll : srides if I did let yo 5 hare hall a . un. what would yon nat ir in ?' ','i-e.v: i the j grocer. looking savagely, as he clanpc i ' the cove: on tie' sngar barr"?. j "Put it in ? I'd take my half in tue jean of course. You could pour half of i tOC 't:llL ?-?>>^-^i^MM^r. r.,,n- fjlQ? g^^if?***^ .... r ^ -, . ? . t?HTKRWATCHMAN? Established April, 1850. Aus.,?, 1S81.1 I , I ?I i lBe Just and Fear not-Lst all the Ends tbott Ains't at, be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established Jone, 1866. SUMTER, S. G., TUESDAY, AUOTST 14, .1833. Sew Series-Vol. ill. No. 2. / ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*. 'I:' ">'w: cu): .ii:ni.tu?n ol' :.:?*, ?.. ''. ?> iii ! L'i'iioti Siatos ... >so fr? ?M li,0?vt00v ii? j 1370 to iOH.OOQ.O?O in ibb?. / ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*. / ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*. / ? 'n A .0 lp ! m M :K V> il I ; ll I 1/ ? i? : S f? V1 Pi 'fl " ? ? J / > i ri iv I *V / ?0m / 6' c THE Sl'MTK"; WATCR3?AX, Kstal>?i>?ied April. 2S50. ^eo?soIidatert Aiur. 2. ISS!.] Nev. :v*rl*5* WI. lil, Xo. J*.