RELieiON, MORAtS:?N?T^jUSOPHY.. Rev-; C. C. -BROWN, Editor. KEEP SOTT. This wor?dj with4iH~?its?'beabiy, its- sunshine, ?ad^t&sho.wer^\' Wire madejfor nighest duty, -and not:for idle hc^?S^^'^r-. ** ^ .; ""^S?^*?:"? * ^ -, J - Eac?t?Jeaflet"' "has its ?'mission-, eacii blade o^ > grass its place?; 2 Each life, spite of position, bears fruitage for the race. ?nly_one spring is sent.ns, to sow the, golden grain; Only one summer lent us, to reap in joy or pa?. * ." ? The autumn dawns not slowiy ; white hair too soon ba3 come ; We lay ns with the lowly, and all life's work is done. ~ "What mattersif life's measure be long" or short - -? on earth, So we fulfill His pleasure, for which the soul had birth ? So we keep sunny ever, though clouds mav '-?1 _-d?m tbe way, Making the-darkest .weather a bright, perpet? ual day. A smile bas beaven within it, if hearts be warm and true, A sweet voice is akin it, and both are but His due. Who^spoke us into being, blest immortal Where boping tarns to seeing, and faith to ? things that be. . ?b* life hut has its sorrow ; tell it to God alone; Looking for golden morrow, keep ever near the Throne. Prayer-Its Answer. All trse prayers do move the will of t*r thought? while bestowing his favors ?upon us. He w?tholds the im iperfect that he may give tbe perfect, it -does -cot enter into our hearts how ?gyeert-things be prepares for us. If we .dwelt: ?in bim and he in ns, and our souls -were fully conscious of such in? dwelling, we should see that he more than ?grants all our petitions; that which ^we in oar blindness deem a with? holding of blessing would be opened to our eyes what we ask for, not stinted in measure, but shaken together and run? ning over. We forget, in our doubts upca this subject, that man liveth not fey-bread-alon e. We too often choose *tbe lower form ; it is well for us some? times that God chooses only the higher -form in which to answer our prayers. David said, *Tne Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want/ But if his comfort depended wholly on temporal things, he did not speak the truth ; for he was brought down more than once into^. great straits of worldly mtsforj&ne^ Only so far as he was a msja-aner God's j own heart, longing fojr^spiritual bless- j ings, keeping ^^rnf??l in accord with | the Divine.did his cup overflow j and ncirg^of his hope perish. The j pr^rf?r of St. Paul for the removal of ^Tne thorn in his flesh was answered be? yond his thought in the words, 'My grace is sufficient for thee.* Our bless? ed Lord was once faint, and sat thus by the well while his disciples were gone away to buy meat. Yet when they re? turned he gave them to understand that be had j^rcady eaten. But no one had suppHed him with physical, sustenance. Then he announced to his wondering friends the great truth that there are spiritual supplies for our wants with which no temporal supplies are worthy to be compared. 'T have meat to eat that yo know not of. My meat is to do the will- of him that sent me, and to finish bis work.' The agreement of desire between God and the believer who "truly prays is such That God is said to pray in the believer. God worketh in us to will and to do. and hence in answering our prayers he fulfills his own pleasure. Christ formed within our hearts by faith is, m the prayer we offer, inter? ceding for us berore the throne. .Him the Father heareth always. He pre? sents the golden vials from which the sweet incense is ever rising. He in whom we live is one with the Father, and his prayer must be heard? since God cannot deny himself.-J M Man f- ning. D. D~ ---..?> Gigglers in Church. Giggling is described in the diction? ary as the act of laughing with short catches of the breath,' as 'laughing idly, j tittering, grinning. ' It is gil ly and j childish enough anywhere, but in church it is abominable, and yet there ts no place where giggling is more com? mon. It is natural to school girls, but when met in young women of nineteen or twenty it is unpardonable. It. is frequently a characteristic of young men with incipient moustaches, who think they.qualify themselves for man? hood by affecting contempt for what their elders revere. They giggle at. anything. If they catch the eye of an acquaintance, they giggle ; if an old woman rises too soorTfor a hymn, they j giggle; if some one drops a book, they giggle ; if a baby cries, they giggle ; if the clergyman coughs, they giggle ; if thc plate is handed to some one who j puts nothing in, they giggle ; if the ? choir makes a mistake, they giggle, j In fact nothiug is too small or ?nsigii?fi- j cant to arrest their notice aud produce j a giggle. j Begin Boldly. Many a man would like to begin ' the Christian life if he could begin ! it somewhere in the middle. If he j could only turn about when nobody j was looking ; if, when all the world j was asleep or away, he could slip quiet- I ly into the kingdom of God, and take j his seat with the air of a man who had ! Leen seated there all time ! It is "turn- ; ing "over, of the leaf when everybody is j -reading it-it is the right about face on ! the crowded street wh>n everybody will i see the act and what it means-that it ; is" which makes it easier to pat ir off till : to-raorrow the supreme duty which i ought to be doue to-day.-Christian at Work. --- ' ?!?' - fl? -? - If you devote your time to >tuiy. you will avoid ail thc irksomcce?s of lite ; nor will you losg fer t?:c approach of. night, being tired of the d:-y ; nor will j you be a burden to yourself; nor your society unsupportable to oilers. Proud hearts and lofty mountains ; swe always barren. "Nineteen Reasons. A great many people cannot under stand why the female portion of the I community prefer sober men. Th?: j matter is simple enough : ~1. Wives like sober husbands be? cause- ?they can reason wita a sober ! man. [ 2. The sober man is more compan j ?onable. I 3. Sober men have pride, and pride ? is a woman's main bold. 4. Sobriety means a comfortable home. 5. Good clothes for mother and the children. 6. A bouse, lot and furniture of yon own. 7. Evening at home instead of in a bar-room. 8. Better health and the enjoyment of life. 9. An elevated view of life and a sound sense of your responsibility of manhood. 10 You ?are a credit to your wife and children. 11. People who once despised wl'l now bless you. 12. Your word will be gauged : s you resist the tempter. 13. Young meo will pattern after you. 14. You will be an ornament to so? ciety and the whole town in which yon live. 15. The whole community will take pride in you. 16. Your family and friends trill ap? preciate you. 17. Your enemies will admire your path of sobriety. 18. Scoffers will be disarmed by your works. . . 19. Your many qualities will grow with your years. A little boy being asked, 'How many Gods are there ?' 'One/ 'How do you know that?' -Because,' said the boy, 'there is only room for one, for he fills beaven and earth.'" One of the best things in the world to give a* horse,after he has been driven is a quart of oatmeal stirred in a pail of water. It refreshes and strengthens j him, relieves his immediate thirst;, and prepares his stomach for more solid food. So says Joseph Harris, after twenty years' trial of it. Disease is an effect, not a cause. Iis origin ls within; its manifestations without. Hence, to cure the*the disease the cause must be re? moved, *nd in no other wav can a cure ever be effected. WARNER'S" SAFE KIDNEY : AND LIVER CURE is established on just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arise from deranged kidneys j and liver," and it strikes at oiJce at the root of j the difficulty. The elements of which it is j composed act directly upon these great organs, I 1'Oth as a food and restorer, and, by placing them in a healthy condition, drive disease and pain from the system. Fer the innumerable troubles caused by un? healthy Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs; for the distressing Disorders of Women ; for Malana, ?nd for physical derangements, gen? erally, this great remedy has no equal. Be? ware of imposters, imitations and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes, ask for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE, For sale bv all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. | Old fashionable remedies are rapidly giving ground before the advance o? this conquering specific, and old fashioned ideas in regard to depletion as a means o? cure, have been quite exploded by the success of the great r?novant -which tones the system, tranquilizes the nerve?, neu? tralizes malaria, depurates and enriches the blood, rouses the liver when dormant, and promotes a regular habit of body. ? For sale by all Druggists and Dealers ? generally. . .* . A DISORDERED LEVER BS THE BANE of the present generation. It is for the Cure of thi3 disease and its attendants, SICS-HEADACHS. BILIOtlSffSSS, DY? FSPSLA, CONSTIPATION. PIXES" etc., that TUTT'S PILLS have gained a world-wida reputation. discovered No Bemcdy has over been that acts so gently on the digestive organs, giving thens vigor to as? similate food. As a natural result, the Nervous System is Braced, the Muscles aro Developed, and the Body Bobust. Ola-llls and T"o"K7"oar? E. RIVAL, a Planter at Bayou Sara. La., says : My plantation ls in a malarial district. For several yeart? I could not maka half a crop on account of bili out? diseases and chills. I s-as nearly discouraged when Z began tho use of TUTT'3 PILLS. The result was marvelous: my laborers soon became beatty and robust, and I have had no further trouble. Tfcitf reitere lb? encorare* Mver, cleanse the B.' sod from polnoncas humor?, and raus? the bowels to ?ct nataraUy, with? out r/h ich no one can feel well. Try tb 1? remedy fairly, and yon will jain a healthy Digestion, VlgorousBody, Pore Blood. Strong Xervefl. and a Sound Liver. Price. 25 Cv n ts. Office. 35 Murray St., >. Y. ?BAY HATTI cr WHISKERS ' banded to a GLOSSY BLACK bv a single applicar'm cf this OYE. IS , imparts a natural color,and acts InstJ?ntu.uepup!y. Sold bv Druggists, or sent by expresa on receipt of One ?ollar. Of?oe, SS Murrav Street, >Tew York, (Err. TPTTS MAXVAJL nf FalttoWe\ Information and Useful Jceegfef* I ititi oe tn ailed FREE on. application,^ PLAIN TRUTHS Thc blood is the foundation of life, it circulates through every part of the body, and unless it is pure and rich, good health is impossible. If disease has entered the system the only sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts are well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that nothing but iron will restore the blood^to its natural condition; and aao that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause head? ache, and are otherwise injurious. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will thor? oughly and quickly assimilate w;th the blood, purifying and strengthen? ing it, and thu? drive disease from amy .part of the system, and it will not blacken the teeth, cause head? ache or constipation, and is pos tively not injurious. Saved his Child. 17 N. Eutaw Su, Baltimore, Md. Feb. 12,1SS0. Gents:-Upon the recommenda? tion of a friend I tried BROWN'S IRON BITTERS as a tonic and re? storative for my daughter, whom I was thoroughly convinced was wasting away with Consumption. Having lost three daughters hy the terrible disease, under die care of eminent physicians. I was loth to believe that anything could arrest the progress of the disease, but, to my great surprise, before my daugh ' ter had taken one bottle of BROWN'S IXON BITTERS, she began to mend and now is quite restored to former health. A fifth daughter began to slrow signs of Consumption, and ?hen the physician was consulted kc quickly said "Tonics were re Sui red ;" and when informed that ie elder sister was taking BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, responded "that is a good tonic, take it." ADORAM PHELPS. B?TOWN'S IRON BITTERS effectual? ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con? sumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. TUE PEARL. THE BEST BAKING POWDER IN THE WORLD. WARRAK TED STRICTLY PURE. Manufactured by S. H. WILSON, Grocer, 306 King, and 53 Society Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. And for sale at Dr. A. J. CHINA'S DRUG STORE, Feb 14o Sumter, S. C. W. C. FORSYTHS & SON, DRY GOODS -AND CLiOTH?NG-, 406 & 408 King Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 ly A.McCOBB, Jr. GENERAL . COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Lime, Cen3?Bt3 Piaster Paris And Other Building Material. -ALSO Land Plaster and Eastern Hay. NO. 130 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 ly WULBERN & PIEPER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Mm, Lips, Toteo, k 167 and 169 East- Bay , CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 * . 6 BRIDAL PRESENTS, STJEKXOG SILVER -AND Rich Jewelry. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO JAMES ALLAN'S, 307 KING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sep 20 ly IPG P HT TlOM?? & Wholesale Merchants. PURCHASERS AND DEALERS IN Iron and Metals, of all Kinds. 1 HIDES, FURS AND SKINS. WOOL, WAX, RAGS, PAPER STOCK AND COTTON. Cotton Ties, New and Spliced. Circulars of Prices furnished on application. 1*. OTBOXILSG? CHARLESTON, S. C. February IO ly aili raii ii THK fi RE AT ll KM EDY FOK PULMONARY DISEASES, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, &c, -AND GENERAL DEBILITY. SURE (-URE FOR Malaria anti Dyspepsia j IN ALL ITS STAGES. For sale by all Grocers and Drug gisrs. m BISCHOFF & co., CHARLESTON, S. C., Sole Manufacturers ami Proprietors. I A un 28 6ra j OHAS. 0. LESLIE, j Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FISK, LOBSTERS, TERRAPINS, j GAME, TURTLES, OYSTERS ?iii. ?fcc. ?fcc. Stalls Xos. 1 md 2 Fish Market, CHARLESTON, S. C. IJuririir nijitlt ?a.'^-'.- additions io va v. busi- ! ness, ? ?vi?! prepared 'o fur::-I?h Fish. Game, ! ?c., at short notice. All Orders Promptly Attended TO. Terms Cash or City Acceptance. Oct 17 3m j F. W. WAGENER. ** GEO. A. WAGENER. ? ? F W. W?GENER & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers and Cotton Factors. i DEALERS IN LIQUORS, RICE, TURPENTINE -AND ROSINS. We keep one of the largest STOCKS that has ever been offered in the South, and it is complete in every respect: We are prepared to fill sample orders for LIQUORS and WINES, and -will send samples of any Goods we have in Stock. -o-'? We solicit consignments of COTTON and NAVAL STORES. We have also added to our establishment a special PRODUCE DEPARTMENT, For which we solicit consignments of COUNTRY PRODUCE. We are agents for and have control of the following articles in this market : GEM IMPROVED COTTON GIN, GULLET'S IMPROVED COTTON GTN, L. H. MILLER'S FIRE PROOF SAFES, FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ELECTRIFYING SOAP, BROOKLYN S. R. FLOUR, ARBUCKLE'S PARCHED COFFEE, STANDARD OIL TANKS, ORIENTAL GUNPOWDER, JULES MUMM CHAMPAGNE, ECLIPSE EX DRY CHAMPAGNE, IMPORTED GINGER ALE, ' SWAN'S CIDER, TOLU ROCK AND RYE, OLD CROW WHISKEY, KNICKERBOCKER GIN, CUTE CIGARS. LIME PAINT. Sept. 20, )y. SAM'L R. MARSHALL & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO J. E. ADGER & Co.) HARDWARE DEALERS, 139 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. AGENTS FOR LUMMUS IMP. TAYLOR COTTON GIN. GULLETT'S STEEL BRUSH COTTON GIN. LIGHT DRAFT "COTTON BLOOM" COTTON GIN. VAN WINKLE'S COTTON GIN, CONDENSERS AND FEEDERS. VAN WINKLE'S COTTON PRESS. NISBET WROUGHT IRON COTTON PRESS. SOUTHERN STANDARD COTTON PRESS. ILLION HORSE RAKE, COTTON SEED HULLER. FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ELLERBEE'S TRANSPLANTERS. WASHBURN & MOEN'S* ARBED FENCE WIRE. SCUTT'S BARBI? FENCE WIRE. PLANET IMP. HORSE HOE AND CUL? TIVATOR. IRON AGE HORSE HOE AND CULTI? VATOR. IRON AGE HARROWS CHAMPION MOWER AND REAPER. FOR SALE: BROWN'S COTTON GINS. FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. ROTARY HARROWS, FAN MILLS. CORN SHELLERS, CORN MILLS. MILL STONES. MILL PICKS.' RUBBER BELTING. GIN BRISTLES, NAILS, CULTIVATORS, SPADES, SHOVELS, HOOP IKON, GRINDSTONES, GLUE, BALDWIN'S FEED CUTTERS. Prices furnished on application. Aug 22 3ra ISAAC V. BAP.DIN. ~ J. H. MURDOCH. Formerly with F. W. Wagener k Co. BARDIE & MURDOCH, Cotton and Naval Store FACTORS, General Commission Merchants, Cor. Broicris Wharf, and Priolean St., CHARLESTON, S. C. References. First National Bank. Bank of Charleston, N. B. A. Aug 22 3m N. A. HUNT & CO., ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes. Nos. 161 and 163 MEETING STREET, ' CHARLESTON, S. C. Aug 22 3m HATTER. October IO 3m BRIDAL PRESENTS, STERLING SILVER,. -AND RICH JEWELRY. Orders Promptly Attended to S. THOMAS^, & BRO., 273 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. December 6. L IL f H0MLI?S0N, MANUFACTURER OF HAENES8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Army McClellan Saddles, English Somerset Saddles, j Large and Handsome Assortment of LAP-ROBES, HORS^-EL?KK?TS, I Etc., Etc., Etc. Largest and Host Complete Eslab- j lisiiniftnt of the Kind in the i STATE. Factory and Salesroom 137 Ks?ting-st; CHARLESTON S. C. 'ADAMSj DAMON & GO., | No. 18 UKO AD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., I>KALKKS IN j GR A TES, MASELS AND SLATS MANTELS, ! ? Pumps. Lend and Iron Pipe. S.'icet lead, ! Fire Bricks, Tiles, Terra Cotta Drain Pipes, j and Chimney Tops. Scp 20 ly J. MILTON MAYHEW. COLUMBIA, S. C. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF AMERICAN ? ITALIAN MARBLE WORK, MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TABLETS and IRON RAILING FURNISHED IN ANY DESIGN AT LOWEST PRICES POLISHED GRANITE WORK, EITHER NATIVE OR FOREIGN, TO ORDER. Correspondence Solicited icith those in want of any icork in the above line. Oct 24 The Largest and^Itfost Completo Establishment South. -o 6E0. S. HACKER & SON. Established 1842. CHARLESTON, S. C. Office and Warerooms. King, opposite Cannon Street. Yards Wolfe Street and Railroad Avenue. MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, AND BUILDING MATERIAL. Sep 20 ly DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, OF ALL GRADES, Piec? Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Cottonades, Jeans, &c? IN GREAT VARIETY, HATS, TIES AND SCARFS, SH?RT& COLLARS. HOSIERY, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND UNDERWEAR. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK JUST RECEIYKD. WE SELL AT IL OW HST PRICES. THE IMPROVED WHEELER AND WILSON, IMPROVED WEED, IMPROVED VICTOR, HOWE "B," AND NEW AVERY ?ewing Machines, -ALSO The Celebrated. Preston's Fertilizers. PERSONS CONTEMPLATING BUYING ^ pp ES JIL UM: ESNO-I?^S?S. Will save money by calling on us. WE SELL A FIRST CLASS ENGINE AND BOILER, Made by the New York Safety Steam Power Company. Satisfaction Gtinranfeed in Every P?rchase. Send for Circulars ?nd Prices. Anril 15 I ?5*g PHILADELPHIA WAGOE WORKS, F H ? Zs A Ci 00 sd zn < MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Plantation, Business, Express & Spring Wagons, Carts, Dra}rs, Timber Wheels, Trucks and Wheelbarrows. April ID ly Use Lawrence & ffiartln's For COUCHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEU? MONIA CONSUMPTION!, Diseases Of THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. ra A S ? s * a ra sap ? 2 au Has alwavs teen one of the most important <.* fi I %T ?ra st? Is?TTi?a ii weapons wielded bv thc MEDICAL FACULTY {TB ai B u BM* 836" I Bis II against the encroachments of COUGHS.COLDS, Ein bi?fl 6*1 if 8 1 ll la U BRONCHITIS; ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, CONS UHPTION in its incipient and advanced stages, and all diseases of the THROAT. CHEST and LUNGS; but it has never been so advantaseoiislv compounded as in the TO LU, ROCK amt RYE. Its soothing Balsamic properties affoma diffusive stimulant and tonic to build up tue system after t;:e cough has been relieved, (?uart size bottles, Price $1.00. C?M^I^E,!? Do not bc deceived by dealers who try to palm off Rock aad?l?y* 3 iSJsS i in place of our TOLD; ROCK AND RYE, which is the ON L t MEDICATED article-the genuine has a Private Die Proprietary Stamp on each bottle, whicu permits is to be Sold by 2>rng-?-istR. Grocers and Stealers Everywhere, ?3- ITHQDT SPECIAL TAX OR LICENSE. The TOL?, ROOK ABD STE CO., Proprietors, 4! River St., Chicago, UL F. W. WAGENER & CO., Wholesale Agts., Charleston, S. C. WE Mo BIM) & CO., 201 EAST BAY, CHAKLESTON, S. C. DE ALERS IX Measly Mixed Faints. WHITE LEAD AND PAINTERS1 MATERIALS. -ALSO FAINT OILS, MACHINE OILS AND BURNING OILS, GLUE AND SPIRIT 15AURELS* HOWE'S SCALES, MARVIN'S SAFES. THE ABOVE SOLD AT MANUFACT?RERS' PRICES Nov 8 ENDELSSOHN PIANO GO. Grand Oller for the next 60 days only. 8350 SQUARE GRAND PIANO FOR ONLY PIANO STYLE Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly finished, 3 string?. Ti Octaves, lull patent cantate agraffes, our ne?' patent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpentine aird large taney moulding, ft iii irou frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact, cw. improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, has been added. . ?EST Our price for this instrument; boxed anil delivered on board ears at New York, with line Piano Cover. Stool and Kook, only $2?15.00. Just reduced iVoro our late wholesale fac tory'price, S'JO.". for i>o ?ays ?nh-. 1 his is now. by far, thc greatest bargain ever offered the musical public. Unprecedented success ! Tremendous demand tur this style ! Send iu your order at once. Do not lose .':is rare opportunity. Tltis r*iano"wili bc sent on 15 days rost trial. Please send reference if you d i :;ot send :r mey willi order. (' rent with order will be refunded amt freight charges paid hy us bot!- Ways if Piaco is n^t just as rep resented. Several other speciul l?argainsj Pianos S160 "p. Over in usc. and dissaiissieVl purchaser. Don't fail to write us before buying. H.-inn ??mc Illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed free, giving ;he highest testimonials ever awards] any ;:i:irto manufacturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. SHEET MUSIC at one-third price. Catalogue of 3.0*00 choice pieces of popular Music sent for 3c. stamp. Jone 13 MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., P. 0. Box 2058, New York City. asi, t SUTH i m WILMINGTON, N. C., Cotton Commission Merchants, MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Fertilizers, IMPORTERS OF Genuine Peruvian Guano and German gjtinit. Liberal advances made on consignments of Cotton, to which special attention is given. Correspondence solicited. Special induce? ments to large buyers of fertilizers. References.-E. E. Burrus, President First National Bank, Wilmington, N. C.; A. B. Gibbs & Co., 172 Pearl Street, Ne* York. Oct 3 o FRESH FISH. SALT FISH. OYSTERS. BUY FROM GEO. W. DOYLE & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. We catch and pack our own Fish. All good and guaranteed as represented. Lower end of Fish Market between Dock and Qran ge. GEO. W. DOYLE ?fe CO., Oct 3-3m WILMINGTON, N. C. H. BRUNHILD & SRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND IMPORTERS OP LIQUORS. PROPRIETORS OF ?le tap Ciar Factory, No 2 Granite Row, South Front St., WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct 3 An Invigorating Medicine that Ksver Intoxicates This delicious combination of Ginger. Buchu, Mandrake, Stiliingia. and many o;hcr of the best vegetable remedies known, cures all disorders of | the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, &is Tiie Cast and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are supering from Female Complaints, Nervousness, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep? sia, age or any distase or infirmity, take Parker's Ginger Tonic. I: will strengthen brain and body and give you new life ar.d vigor. lOO DOLLABS Paie for anything injurious found ix Cingcr Tonic or for a ? ti ure to help or cure. Wc. un.i i 1 z\zr* ?t .| Proprietor. REMOVAL. TUE BARBER SHOP OF . _ . 5~ LAVAN AND EDWARDS HAS been removed to tbe reonl OVER SCHEWHRiN'S GROCERY/ where, j any work iti their line-Hair Cutting, Sbar j ing, Shaiupociag, Hair and Moustache Dying J -will be attended to in the most approved styles of the art. Razor Sharpening a specially. - . Particular attention paid .to Ladies and Children's Hair Cutting, and Ladies waited ! on at their homes. Ayer's Ha ir Vigor , , FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS | NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. IT is a most agreeable dressing, which j ? is at once harmless and effectual, for pre* i serving the hair. It restores, with the j ! gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray. ; j light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep j black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness Often though not always cured. It chcclts falling of the hair immediately, and causes a-new growth in all cases -where the glands are not decayed: while to brashy, weak,* or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. ': ! The YIGOS cleanses the scalp, cures and j prevents the .formation of dandruff; and, j by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing j properties, it heais most if not all ofthe; j humors and diseases peculiar tothescalp, * j keeping it cool, clean, and soft, .under i which conditions diseases of the scalp and ? bair are impossible. . As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color? less, contains neither oil nor dye, and w?l not soil white cambric. It imparts aa agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is-economic?-r'and unsurpassed in its excellence. - Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer lc Practical and Analytical Chemist*. Lowe!!, Mass. SOLD EY ALL DRLCGISTS EVERYWHERE ! A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN ON THE LOSS OP I ? LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT. j usent arm Radical cure of Seminal Weak, j ness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self-Abu??, j Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous i Debility, ?nd Impediments to Marriage getter j ally: Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Wen ? tal and Phv?ical I nen pac? tv, ?c.-By ROB ' ERT J. CULVER WELL, M '. D., author of the "Green Rook." *c. Tho won d-ren owned author, in this admir? able Leeturc, clearly proves from his rown ex? perience that tho awful consequences of Serf. j Abuse may b> effectually removed without da?' j gerous surgical operations, bougies insfruraenti? I rings or cordial? : nMnting ont a mode of cure j ot once cer-iin ?r.l effectual, by. which every i sufferer, no matter what his condition may rb?, i mny eura himself cbcp -?y, privately and radi, i cally. " ^S^ThN Vrtnre will prove a boon to thoa* ? sands and thousands. : j Sent, under soi. in ft pi?in envelope, to aay I addres, on receipt o'sii cents, or two pbstag* 'stamps* Address THE CULVFKWELL MEDICAL CO-. 41 Ass St. NEW ?OBK; Post Office Box, 4?0. April 4 o ? ?.T ' . ?ly*