TOTSSDAY, OCTOBEB-31. Entered at the Post Office at Sumter, S. C., as Second Class Matter. EXAMINE YOra DATES. cr We request each of our subscribers to ex amine tbe address op his paper, and particu larly tc observe tbe date apon it. This date 'shows tbe time up to which the paper has [b*ic paid fo^. Man j of our subscribers will is seeHfbat they have paid in advance; are many others who will discover that they have not. BBBg??a??? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hart k Co., Charleston?Hard ware, kc. Harby Bros-? Horses and Moles. "^W.J. Pringio?Concord Democratic Club. Bayoswortbs k Cooper?Notice to Absent Defendants. -": r *T '-'Jtr.. Jas. ft/'Watson is keeping books for Messrs. Thomas k McCutcban, at Wedgefield. ?:^r. .W. C. Doncan is severely ill with Jkjr.JP- P. Stobbs of Marlboro* has been spending several days with his relatives here. : W. M. Graham's horses are in demand, - and are winning a name. The Public School,-under Prof. Durham, > will opW next Monday morning. - The Saute* Baptist Association will con rit&lbe Baptist Church of tbir place on /tbsjUth, 15th, and 16tb of November. 7 *^BeV. DUt?ce; ofBarn well County, and formerly a pastor here, filled tbe Baptist pul pit on. Sunday morning last, in the absence of the pastor.^ The ladles of Pisgab Presbyterian Church, will give a supper, on tbe night of the 14tb tost., st tbe residence of Capt. Jas. M-: Carson, ?od request die patronage of their friends. Messrs. Harby Bros, have imported a lot of Texas poniee which sie offered for. sale. Rotice> their advertisement which is render ed additionally attractive this week by a new " cot.'-. Tbe Democratic meeting which had been to be held here to day has been call . - Much otitnplaiutisuiade-of tbe delay in re- | coifing tbe Sews and Courier of late. If tbe j publishers,would send it by the regular mails J instead of the present way, some inconve-1 nience would be obi vated. Samuel Lee, the Independent candidate, for Cpwgfrf* from this district, addressed a small rd, from the steps of the Court House on i last. rou gotyoar registration, ticket just can put jour ha ud on it on the' iber? Remember, you cannot j you takeit to the .polls with ! :yo?ttv.^ Mr. Mark Reynolds, of Stateburg, sent us v on last Saturday tbe finest specimen of a '-potato wo ever saw. It was of tbe variety called Queen of the South and weighed be-! tweeo six and seven pounds. *v . A Republican County Convention was held i bare on jesterdvy and we anderstand the fol- j lowing ticket was nominated : For Senate? j T. J. Cogblan; House Representatives?J. G. j White, R. R. Richardson, (colored,) H* T. A*ant, B. W. Baker; Probate Judge?Jesse HV Brown; School Commissioner?W. P. i i Smith; Connty Commissioner?Jas. A.Burns, j G. W. Murray, (colored,) Jas. Griffin. - j - A: new paper tbe Marlboro* Monitor has been s'arted in Bennettsv?le, published* by C. B. Brady, and edited by W. L. Thomas. It is a very creditable sheet and will doubtless succeed. Democratic in principle and filled with interesting matter, tbe first issue was welcomed among our exchanges on Tburs -day. I A. race ha* been arranged to come off at tbe Fair Grounds on tbe afternoon of Nov. 10th between the winning horses at the Fair Races. The race will be* half mile dash, and tbe j horseaare'^orch by Night," "Maud," and | Capt. Delgar'tyoung horse "Roderick Dhu." j . lame Sulibacber, a gentleman with whom some of us are, or may be acquainted, is run- j Snog* -first-class jewelry store. Isaac is a j lineal descendant of tbe patriarch of that ! name whose wife was named Rebekah, and if | you want to strike a bargain, give bim a call , with cash in hand. ; Wo hope some one will open up the oyster i ^business in Snmter this season, and keep a ! c?Staflt supply on hand. The pittances that are dealt out so uncertainly now, are not satisfactory. Go to work, and let tbe people know that you will h?ve them every day. j There's money in it. The Black River Baptist Union held a meet ing with the Home Branch Church on Friday Saturday and Sunday of last week, and among other good works, raised $80 to aid in building a Baptist Church in the town of Wedgefieid. T. C Scaffe's new supply of goods has run -bis store over, and be is now filling the loft. Be has just received several crates of g! ass ware, such as toys, vases, pitchers and tum blers, and boys can all now be supplied with drums, hammers and hatchets. Ohas. C. Leslie at the foot of Market St., .Charleston, keeps on band a full and fresh supply of all manner of fish and game. Send your orders to him, and tbe goods will be de livered to yon on short notice. Mr. C. T. Mason has lately obtained a very complete galvanic battery. It occupies a small spactand is very powerful, generating sufficient electricity to run light machinery, vaizrs??:5cg machines. It makes a bril liant electric light and furnishes tbe means for many interesting and brilliant experi ments. . Counterfeit, ten dollar U. S. Treasury notes were found in circulation here last week and created - considerable uneasiness on the part of some who were wealthy enough to have bills of that denomination. It is a* small matter however, as tbe imitation, so fur as these specimens are concerned, is not sufficiently good to deceive a careful ob server. There is no better nor more trustworthy sign of tbe reliability and business tact of a firm than long-continued and increased pros perity. These indications are fulfilled in tbe bouse of Hart k Co., of Charleston, whose high position in tbe hardware trade has been Jong established. Their advertisement ap pears in another column to which we call at tention. Tbe Southern Express Company has just Issued a reduced money tariff, which will be most agreeable informaiiou to business men generally. The rates are es follows: On $20, 25 cents; between $20 and $40, 20 cents; between $40 and.$50, 25 cents ; be tween $50 and $75, 40 cents. These rates, of course, applj only to tbe transmission of notes and. jwmtrtbat o( coin, on which the rates remain the same. Sumter Park and Agricultural Abso ciation. Premiums Awarded at the Third Annual Pair, held on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th, instant: Samples of Field Crops and Vegetables.? Half dozen stalks cotton, Thos. E. Richard son ; bushel corn, E. W. Moise; bushel .sweet potatoes, Mrs. E. H. Hoi man ; bushel pinders, E. W. Moise bale upland cotton, Thos E. Richardson ; bale native hay, E. J. Dunne; bale pea vine bay, E. W. Moise; pumpkin, F. J. O'Connor ; winter collards, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; quart Lima beans, Mrs. Isbam Moore; half bushel turnips, J. W. Hodge; celery. E. W. Moise; best and largest exhibition of vegetables, E. W. Moise. Household.?Butter, Mrs. 0. H. Sanders; Lard, E. W. Moise; Tallow, Mrs. C. H. San ders ; raw ham, Mrs. C. H. Sanders ; cooked bain, E. W. Moise; domestic soap, Mrs. B. F. Wilson0- honey in comb, J. \V. Cooper; home made candy, Miss Addie Chandler; vinegar, J. W. Cooper; wheat bread, William Wilson ; rusks, William Wilson ; rolls, William Wil son; Jelly cake, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; iced poundcake, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; iced fruit cake, Mrs. M. T. Delgar ; pies, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; pickled onions, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; plain pickles, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; mixed pick les, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; Sweet pickles, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; atz-jar pickles, Mrs. M. T. Delgar ; hermetically sealed fruit, Mrs. A. M. Chand ler; preserves, first premium, Mrs. Isham Moore; preserves, second premium, Mrs. C. H. Sanders; jelly, first premium, Mrs. Marion Sanders; jelly, second premium, Mrs. H.H. Wilson; marmalade, first premium, Mrs. C. H. Sanders; marmalade, second premium, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; tomato catsup, Mrs. J.D.Wilder; pepper catsup, E. W. Moise: walnut catsup, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; brandy peaches, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; crystahzedfruit, Miss Sue Anderson. Special Premiums, not ton List.?Biscuits, E. W. Moise; fish in jelljv E. W. Moise; neat's foot oil, Mrs'. N. G. Osteen : preserved pine apple, E. W. Moise; almond cordial, E. W. : Moise; peach beandy,-E. W. Moise; plum sauce, Abraham H. Moise ; ornamental cakes, F. J. O'Connor. Wines.?Scuppernong (1879) Wm. E. j Mills; cultivated bunch grapes, Mrs. N. G. Osteen. Fruits.?Apples, Mrs- C. H. Sanders; pears, J. W. Hodge; watermelon, E. W. Tisdale. Special Premiums, not on List.?Pome granates, Mrs S. E. Furman. Needle and Fancy Work.?Patch work, quilt, silk, Miss Dulce Moise; patch work quilt, worsted, Mrs. E. H. Holmao; patch work quilt, cotton, Mrs. L. G. Pate; crochet quilt, Mrs D. J. Winn, Sr; best made infants dress, Mrs. _ Isbam Moore; best made child's dress, Mrs. A. "J. Moses ; best made petticoat, Mrs. Marion Moise; crochet tidy, cotton, MissE. Yenning; crochet mats, Mrs. A. J. Moses; embroidered, hdk'f, Miss Annie Loryea; embroidery in silk, Miss Carrie Moses; embroidery in worsted, Miss Dulce Moise; embroidery in cotton,-Mrs. Isham Moore; tatting, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; braiding, Mrs. Z. P. Moses; tufted work, Miss Agnes B. Heriot; sofa cushion, Miss Dulce Moise; toilet cushion, W. H. Yates; afgban, W. H. rates; miscellaneous fancy, Miss H. B. Rurfin ; wax work, Miss Lila Edmunds; hair work, Miss Susan Ridgill; plain needle j work, Mrs. Marion Moise; fancy needle work,.j Miss Agnes B. Heriot; home made lace, Miss | Dulce Moise; carving in wood, John Wilson; i scroll saw work, F. J. O'Connor. Special Premiums, not on List?Laid quilt, Mrs. C. H. Sanders; crochet work basket, ; Miss M. E. Richardson. Mechanical.?Two horse turning plough, L?rick & Low ranee, Columbia; one horse ! turning plough, L?rick & Lowrance, sulky plough, L?rick it Lowrance; Crowell grain j drill, Chieftain hay rake, mower, L?rick & Lowrance, Columbia, S. C; seed planter h ' fertilizer distributor, D. L. McKay White, j ! Clarendon County; harrow, Peuo Harrow Co. I Camdeo, N. J; marble works, C. Mav hew & I Son, Colombia, S. C. Domestic Manufacture.?Komt made rug, Mrs. A. M. Chandler ; cotton sock?, Mrs. M. j T. "Delgar; cotton yarn, Bellemoot Mfg Co; i feather fly brnsh, Winfield W. Wilder; feath- I er duster, Miss Hal lie Cooper; feather fan, J. D. Wilder. Horses and M?les.?2 year colt, W. R. Del gar ; 3 year colt, H. H. Wilson; mare and colt, D. B. Sanders. muie colt, H. W. Brad- j ley ; matched horses, first premium, W. M. ! Graham; matched horses, second premium, ! John C Manning; single harness horse, first j premium, W. M. Graham: single harness; I horse, second premium, Marion Moise ; sad- ! ! die horse, H. B. Richardson ; County raised I horse, Wm. E. Mills. j Riding.?Man, S. Yeadoo Delgar; boy un- j ! der 15, Albert Moise. Cattle? Jersey cow, W. R. Delgar; tram in i [ cow, E. W. Moise; grade cow, H. W. Bradley; > native bull, John Lynch ; native cow, H. W. j [ Bradley ; milch cow, E. W. Moise ; berkshire j I Boar, E. W. Moise ; berkshire sow, E. W. ! Moise; pair berkshire pigs under 6 months, [W.J.Andrews; grade sow, E. W. Moise; j pen grade pigs, 2 months old, E. W. Moise. j Poultry.?Geese, Mrs. M. T. Delgar; mos covy ducks, W. M. Dobson , English ducks, J.F. Pate; turkeys, E. W. Moise; games, Frank B. Stafford ; R B. Games, Frank B. ! Stafford; bramas, Mrs. Marion Sanders; cochins, E. Y. Green; white leghorns, Joseph H. Earle; Brown Leghorns, Mrs. M. T. Del- ! gar; plymouth rocks, Mrs. S. W. Wilson; improved barn yard fowls, J. F. Pate; Special Premiums.-?Plymouth rocks, W. B. Peebles ' j Dogs.?Pointer, E. W. Moise; setter, E. W. ! Moise. Floriculture.?Best and largest collection green house plants, Mrs. M. T. Delgar ; best specimen bcuse plants, Mrs. M. T. Delgar ; cut flowers, Mrs. S. E. Furman ; roses, Mrs. j Isbam Moore. Paintings and Drawings.?Oil painting, E. W. Moise; crayon drawing, Miss Mary i Childs; water colors, Miss Mary M. Darr*; j pencil drawing, Miss Mary M. Darr ; Photo- ! graph, Chas. ft. Moise ; portrait, Charles H. j Moise. Tournament, 24th October.?First prize, John A. Black well; second prize, W. A. James ; third prize, C. W. Sanders; Tournament, 21th October.--.First prize, | 'John A. Blackwell; second prize, C. W. j j Sanders ; third, G. W. Couliette ; I Glass Ball Shooting.?Premium, E. W. ! Moise. I A large number of premiums have been al ready paid. Persons who have not received theirs, will please call for them. CHAS. H. MOISE, Secretary and Treasurer, A Seasonable Publication. The Fall number of Ehrichs' Fashion Quar terly will be found particularly useful to all ladies who contemplate that most delightful of feminine occupations?shopping. Within j the compass of its one hnndred and twenty pages, it contains a compendium of the whole art and mastery of retail purchasing, giving descriptions of the latese styles in every de^ partment, with a complete list of prices, and j a really bewildering array of illustrations. I Toe Fashion Quarterly is published by t Ehrich Bros., Eighth Avenue, New York, at j I 50 cents a year, or 15 cents a copy. It is] ! amply worth its price. If yon need Sash, Doors and Blinds, Build ers' Hardware and Paints, all sizes of Window Glass or Cooking Stoves, you will find it to your interest to write to X. Jacobi, Wilming ton, N. C, and get his ffcices before you make your purchases. Don't Waste Money On trashy extracts when you can buy a lasting perfume so delightfully fragrant and refreshing as Floreston Cologne. A Beneficent Action. The miserable looks and feelings of those confined at desks or work tables, are caused by weak Stomach, Kidneys or Bowels. Parker's Ginger Tonic without intoxicating has such a beneficent action on these organs and so cleanses the poisonous matters from the sys tem, that rosy cheeks and good health are soon brought back again.?Express. As a purifier of the blood Ayer's Sarsapa rilla has no equal. It wonderfully improves the complexion and gives to old and young the bloom of health. Dr. Moffett'a Teetbina (Teething PowdersJ will cure your child. For sale by all drug gists and country merchants. TTJTT'S FILLS A SUGAR PLUM. Tutt's Pills are now covered with a vanilla sugar coating, making them as pleasant to swallow as a little sugar plum, and rendering tbem agreeable to the most delicate stomach. They cure sick headache and bilious colic. They give appetite and flesh to the body. They cure dyspepsia and nourish the sys tem. Tbey cure fever and ague, costiveness, etc. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box. July 1$ 9m 1 In China they vaccinate ou the nose in stead of on the arm. Here one wouldn't be able to distinguish the vaccinated from the topers. If you are sick and troubled with dyspep sia, Brown's Iron Bitters will cure you. Ooe of the mysterious things in this life is, that when a man goes around with bis bands outstretched, hunting for a door in the dark he generally strikes it with his nose. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS are wasted on physicians', fees by the dyspeptic, the rheumatic, the hillioas, and the nervous, when a dollar eroded on that unapproacha ble vegetable *unic and alterative, DR. SIM MONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND, or LIVER AND KIDNEY CURE, would in every case effect a radical cure. NO REMEDY IN THE WORLD EVER SO FULLY WON THE CONFIDENCE OF MANKIND AS SIMMONS' HEPATIC COMPOUND OR LITER AND KIDNEY CURE, For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and all Troubles arising from the Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Taken two or three times a day it prevents Fever and Ague, Malarial Fever, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever and Cholera. ?& OH, WOMAN! Why will you allow yourself to be prostra ted, your system enervated, your health com pletely destroyed by the gaunt strides of those insidious and oft times fatal diseases called "Female Weaknesses," when you can be entirelv cured by using SIMMONS' HE PATIC COMPOUND. It will remove Pimples and Blotches, purify your Blood, and make your Skin clear and healthy. , For sale everywhere. In Sumter by Dr. A. J. CHINA, In Mayesville by Dr. F. J. MA YES. DOWIE & MOISE, Proprietors, Wholesale Druggists, Charleston, S. C. Oct 17 T. C. SC AFFE. LEADER OF THE TRADE, Keeps on hand a full and com plete assortment of STOYES, TIN -WARE, IRON - WARE, WILLOW and WOOD-WARE, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CUT LERY, POTS, KETTLES, and everything in the line of a general hardware dealer. PUMPS A SPECIALTY. ALSO, Call and October 24. Tin see me REPAIRING NEATLY DONE TO STOVES, PUMPS, GUNS AND PISTOLS. Roofing Done in any Part of the Country. at my old stand on Main Street, and I will give satisfaction in every bargain. ANOTHER ARRIVAL!! STILL THEY COME! A CAR LOAD OF FRESH HORSES ?AT Harby Bros. Feed and Sale Stables, ARRIVED OCTOBER 21st. . All good single drivers and good workers. All stock guaranteed as represented. Buyers are invited to examine stock. No charge for showing. Bran $1.25 per 100 pounds. Rust Proof Oats 65c. per bushel. HARBY BROS. HORACE HARBY. HENRY J. HARBY. SUMTER, S. C. .*_. KINGSTREE, S, C. 18 NOW OPEN 82 R E I D S9 A LARGE AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF Ladies' Fall and Vinter Dress Goods and Notions IN ALL THE NEW SHADES AND COMBINATIONS. Our Stock of Ladies' Shawls and Cloaks la "Very Large and Varied. We Keep the Largest Line of Kid Gloves in this Market, A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GBfiAL DBF GOODS, WHIG, SHOES, HATS, TO WHICH THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC IS INVITED. These Goods will be sold at the Lowest Possible Figures. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION, AND ALL ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED. September 19 JOHN REID. LAWDRFTHS PEDigreeseeds CCCnCIPorthe MERCHANT00 gg OEEftSd For the MARKET GARDEN SEEDSFor the PR,VATE FAM|LY I Crown Ky oursetves on our own Fafrn> SEEDS SEEDS &r Handsome Illustrated Catalogue and Rural Register FREE TO ALL. MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE, LIST. DAVID LANDRETH &S0NS.SEED GROWERS, PHILADELPHIA Mrs. WHITE ?AND? Miss MILLER, O?LD INVITE the attention of the ladies generally to their stock of Fall and Winter MILLINERY, CONSISTING OF BONNETS, FLOWERS, HATS* FEATHERS AED NECKWEAR In Variety. LADIES AND MISSES CORSETS* ZEPHYR AND CANVAS. Orders from the country will receive our careful attention. Agents for Universal Fashion Co's. perfect fitting patterns. Oct 17 State of South Carolina SUMTER COUNTY. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hannah P. DeLorme, an Infant by William, M. DeLorme, her Guardian ad Litern, Martha A. Dent, Mar the C. Rentiert, James H. Bracey and James R. Bracey, Plairitiffs, against Sallie G. Bracey and William Dent Bracey, Defendants?Sumrnons for Relief? Complaint not Served. TO THE DEFENDANTS, SALLIE G BRA CEY AND WILLIAM DENT BRACEY. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of tbe Court of Common Pleas, for the said County and State, on tbe nineteenth day of October A. D. 1882; and to serve a cupy of your an swer to the said complaint on the subscribers, tbe attorneys for said plaintiffs, at their office, at Sumter, in the said County and State within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of tbe day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint witbiu the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the complaint. Witness William H. Cuttino, Esquire, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for said County and State, at Sumter this nineteenth day of October, A. D. 1882. (Signed) WM. H. CUTTINO, [L. S.J C. C P. HAYNSWORTHS & COOPER, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Oct 24 6t F. H. Foleora, I~ W. Folsom. F. H. FOLSOM & BRO. {Native-born and Raised.) Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, Main-Street, opposite John ReioVs, DEALERS IX Watches. Clocks. GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY, i Spectacles, Silver and Plated "Ware, Sewing Machine Needle's, Oils, Etc. General Repairing done at Conscientious Prices. Give us a call and be convinced. Oct 17_ THOMPSON & ENGLISH, BLACKSMITHS. We have opened our Shop on Liberty Street, next door to Harby Bros. and arc prepared to s.hoe borse3 and mules, do wagon work aud all classes of wood work, iu first class style. We can put on shoes from 50 cents to $2 per pair. We have on hand fine steel plates for race horses; All work guaranteed Prices always satis factory. No delay in getting out work. R. THOMPSON, Oct 24_0. M. ENGLISH. I State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUALTER. ] ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AS ADMINISTRATOR, (C. T. A.) of the Estate of Alfred Clark, late of said County and State, deceased by order from Judge of Probate for said County, I will offer for sale at public outcry, for cash at Surnter C. H., on November 9th, 1882, the personal property of said deceased, consisting of one Sorrel Mare, lot of Old Harness ke. J. A. MOOD, Oct 24?3t Administrator, C. T. A, HART a]\d COMPANY, HARDWARE MERCHANTS, FOR SALE, 11 AM ES, TRACE CHAINS, BRA DES STEEL, ELWELLS AND H-VN? DLED HOES, AXES. PICKS, MATTOCKS, GBUB HOES. SOCKET SPADES, SWEDES IRON. REFINED IRON, PLOW STEEL, BACK BANDS, BAME STRINGS, PLOW LINES. AGENTS FOR Chicago Screw Pulverizer ?nti In Cropi at Half t&a Cost ofthe Plow. Over 100,000 Acres have been put into Crops by these Machines. PAMPHLETS FREE-CUTS dt LETTERS. B0LTINQ CT'0Tn MILL ROCKS, Address. * 1 ^ POT WARE, FOR SALE, SADDLES, ?LIND AND RIDING BRIDLES, H ARN ESS, W 0 0 D W A R E, TL\T WARE, CUTLERY, HUBS, SPOKES, RIMS, AXLES, GRAIN MILLS, HART & CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. TURPENTINE AND COOPERS' TOOLS. STATE AGENTS FOR KEMP'S MANTOE AOT COTTON SEED SPBEA3EB. THIS CUT SHOWS THE SPREADER WHILE DRILLING. IT ALSO BROADCASTS. AGKNT3 FOR WEST'S GUANO DISTRIBUTORS. IMPROVED COTTON PLANTERS, GENUINE FARMER'S FRIEND PLOWS. PLOW STOCKS, CULTIVATORS. THOMAS SMOOTHING AND PULVERIZING HARROWS, LA DOW DISC PULVERIZING HARROW, CHICAGO SCREW PULVERIZER. FOR SALE FULL LINES OF STEEL BLADES, BOLTS, ORDER PLOW BLADES, Ac., BY NUMBERS. CHARLESTON, S. C, C. MAYHEW J. MILTON MAYHEW. C. MAYHEW & SON, * COLUMBIA, S. C. JXLl MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE WORK, MANTELS, MONUMENTS, TABLETS and IRON RAILING FURNISHED IN ANY DESIGN AT LOWEST-PRICES. POLISHED GRANITE WOKK, EITHER NATIVE OR FOREIGN, TO ORDER. Correspondence Solicited with thosf in ,icant of any work in the above line. Oct 24 GROCERIES! GROCERIES! SPANN & RUSSELL, Main Street, Near Liberty, Eave just received a large and well assorted stock of Groceries, and are prepared to sell them as cheap as any store in town. Quick Sales and Small Profits. Fair and Honest Dealing Highest Prices Paid for Cotton* MURRAY & MURRAY, Agents, DEALERS IN DRESS GOODS, ?Sil MST, RATS, IN ANY DEPARTMENT They are able to Compete WITH ANY HOUSE IN TOWN AND They beg a Share of Public Patronage, Guaranteeing to give satisfaction both io quality and price. K EM EMBER They glee to every customer a chance at their Prize Sewing Machine, for Every Dollars Purchase. Oct 3 GRAHAM'S STABLES, REP UBLICAN-STREET, FRESH ARRIVAL, OX MONDAY, OCTOBER 24th, ONE CAR. LOAD ?of? Good Driving Horses. -and Farm aod Timber Males, Also, oo band, a fine assortment of BUGGIES, OF ALL STYLES AND GRADES, At pi ices to suit the times. CELEBRATED Old Hickory Wagons, Manufactured by the Kentucky Wagon Manu* facturing Company, of Louisville, Ky. -ALSO TENNESSEE WAGONS. Oct 24_W. M. GRAHAM. THE LADIES! Before Buying, Call aod Examine my CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND WALK ING JACKETS. They are from the Manufacturers, and are guaranteed 88 to style, quality and price. I have a nice and well selected Stock of DRESS GOODS, Shaws, Neck Wear, Kid Gloves, Hoisery, Undervests, Hoop Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Glass, Tin and Crockery Ware, all of which is guaranteed as to prices aod quality. Attention is called to our 8 and 10 cts. Long-Cloth. ALTAIONT MOSES, North-East Corner of Main and _Liberty Streets._ HOW IS IT That ALTAMONT MOSES sells a i Box containing Three Cakes of Fine Toilet Soap for Five Cents ? To the Men and Boys! I have the Best Assortment, Latest styles and lowest prices of Men's and i Boys* CLOTHING, fit, make and pri ces guaranteed. A very large Stock of first-slass UL STERS and OVERCOATS. Largest Stock of HATS, ever in town at marvelous low figures. - These com prise all the latest Styles. BOOTS AND SHOES, of every kind, size and condition. Fits for all. SHIRTS and UNDERSHIRTS, Col lars, Cuffs, Cravats and Silk ndkfs., in endless variety and at bottom prices. ALTAMONT MOSES. The Fact is Undisputed THAT for BAGGING AND TIES, FLOUR and other GROCERIES, the place to Buy the Best Goods for the Least Money is at ALTAMONT MOSES'. Fine Guns, Fine Pistols, TRUNKS, of all kinds, LAMPS, of every size, at ALTAMONT MOSES'. liilipliL I represent the following fikst-class Fire Insurance Companies: n Commercial Union of London. Fire Association of Philadelphia. Niagara Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. Manhattan Fire Ins. Co. of N. Y. ALTAMONT MOSES, S?MTER, S. C. I Oct 3_ TELEPHONES. We have just received the agency for selling HOLCOMB'S MECHANICAL and can supply them to purchasers at the * FACTORY PRICES. The AMPLIFYING TELEPHONES, ($10 per set and 3cts. per rod for wire,) will work two miles. The AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES, ($5 per set,) will work from two to four hundred yards. . . ABMr AT THIS OFFICE. [ BULTMANN & BEO. ?5 -. SUMTERf 8? C Invite the attention of their friends and th? public generally to the LARGEST STOCK THEY HAVE EVER HAD, Wbjch has been parch*#ed vr'uh great care with the view of tatting all classes of buyers, both in quality and price. Those who want THE BEST GWS Fffft THE LEAST M0PHY, are invited to eall and he-convinced that the the place to get them is at the * tore of BULTMANN A BROTHER. 7?3- Those wbo have not settled their old accounts * ill please do tfo at onee. April 8 A. J. CHINA, DE ALES'i5 DRUGS, MEDICINES, -axd FINK TOILET SOAPS, HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, Ac, Ac. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, DYE STUFFS. GLASS, PUTTY, &c. ^Sf Physician*' prescriptions accurately compounded.- March 18?Ijr *. Jar. D. Blasdisr, Wm. D. Baxdixo. BLANDIN6 & BLANDIN8, Attorneys at Law, Sumter, S. C. June 21 tf. J. F. W. DeLOSMB TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY. AND ALL KINDS W Bruggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, GARDEN SEEDS, &C, Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genu ine, and of the best quality. Call and see for yourselves. Sumter. S. C? Jan. 20, 3m. ? F. HOYT, AGENT FOR SUMTER AND KERSHAW COUNTIES -FOB?? The Peerie*,.. Steam Engine, The Acme Harrow, GRIST MILLS, SAW MILLS, ?and? AH Kinds of MACHINERY. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to eon suit him before purchasing August 22 PHffiNK ffi0N~W0RKS, COLUMBIA, S. C. P. KIND, G- DIERCKS, Superintendent. Proprietor. MAS UTA CTZTRER OT Steam Engines, WATER AND HOUSE POWERS, SAW AND GRIST MILLS, Columns for Store Fronts, Railings for Balconies. All kinds of Castings dorn at short no tice and low prices. Work done in good, workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds Machinery and Engines. GEORGE DIERCKS, Ang 15 Columbia, S. C. SADDLERY AND HARNESS, THE FINEST LEATHER ON HAND Ready to hi worked up at the lowest li??ng figures. HARNESS of the Tatest style and of ray own workmanship, at my shop to sell. I am prepared* to do all kinds of Jobs im my line of business. All Orders received will be promptly attended to, and with the greatest care. -A full line of r? READY-MADE HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, MARTIN GALES, and EVERYTHING ELSE pertaining to a First-class Harness Shop. OLD HARNESS made to look as food as NEW. COVERING and REPAIRING Old TRUNKS -A SPECIALTY. All WORK in my Hoe GUARANTEED to give SATISFACTION. T. 0. WROTEN, Corner of Main and Republican Street*. March 15, 1881. Iy%