TUESDAY, AUGUST 1. Jthdered at the Post Office at Sumter, S C.,as Secchid Class Matter. POSTAL DIRECTORY. -o Mall for Manning, Oakland, Foresten, and ' Greelyville,. closes at 12.30, P. M. Opens '';?t 2o'clock, P. M. Southern and Northern Mails close 9 P. M. -.Bothjiaiis Open 8 A. M. ys-Both Mails close at 6 P.M. General Delivesy Open from 8 to 9 A. M. The Money Order Department is open every 3ay during the week, from 8 A. il. to 4 P. ?f., except on Saturday, S A. M. to 12 M. Arrivals and Departures of County.Mails. BishopvilleMails leave on Mondays, Wednes? days and Fridays, 6 A. M., and arrive at 7 JP. M. same days. Smithville and Providence Mails arrive on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 12 M., a id leave 2 P.. M. the same days. . JNO. A. WHiTTEMORE, P. M. EXAMINE YOUS DATES. -o-. Ve request each of our subscribers to ex? amine the address on his paper, and particu? larly to observe the date upon it. This date ! Shows the time up to which the paper has been paid for. Many.of our subscribers will "^thussee that they have-paid in advance; bat there are many others who will discover that they have not. Candidates. J. W. Wesberry, of Mecba?icsville, the well-known member of the "Wallace House," ia nominated by bis Democratic friends, for the Legislature. Mr. Jake Ryttenberg has returned from his * trip North. . The picturesque portion of Sumter County, Stateburg, is now made more beautiful by being the temporary retreat of two visitors, - the fairest of the fair. : Mr. M. G. Ryttenbnrg left last night for ?New York where, after enjoying himself for a ' while, he will proceed to boy his fall stock. Several of the clerks are now ont sniffing ' fresh air, and they are in for anything from leap-frog to a genuine old game of mumble i^l Hon. J.S. Richardson'has obtained leave ?of absence, and is at home. Congress has : Couponed until December, the further consid? eration of the contest case for bis seat. t. :| Mr. Patrick Cusick, who .was carried to the ? lAsylum a short time age, bas returned home, naviog been, we are pleased to learn, corn? ie ?letely restored. I airs. Porcher wiil give another of ber en t-~|oyabIe Soirees at M nsic Hall on Thursday : evening* Those who delight io "keeping time to music's chime," will l^eep it in miud. itPic Nics and barbecues are now the order if the day. We hear of one to be at or near ? T-^tateburg to-morrow, and another rn Salem, i>*ear Capt. Keels,' on the 4th. ^| Fine rains have within the past few days j ?visited several portions of the County, aud \ ^fcfreports as to the crops are still cheering, j ^withstanding there arc still a few dry j A frieo?*from the country remarked to us j & few days ego that the country people are j now about independent of 'the town people,! aa they are eating peas and feeding their j -horses on oats. ' B. J. Simmons, of Baltimore, the wittiest j commercial tourist on the road, will soon be ? on the war path again. He represents one of ? - the best houses in his line in the United States -Robert Hough and Sons, of Baltimore. During the last three days we have received bree papers bearing the postmark * Glissent," "rom which it would appear that Uncle Sam some incompetent or careless mail agents, r that there is something else out of joint. Mr. W. J. Corbett who has been living io j "zona Territory for several years, bas re- j urned home on a short visit. He is looking j ell,-and expresses himself as well pleased I ith his. new home. He left his brother, ! noi, ont there, in charge of his business j ling bi? absence. i Last week Mr. Jimmie Dick brought to our j 'ce a lot of the finest and largest potatoes j e have ever seen so early in the season. We J re pleased to record the fact that oar friend j one of the young men who is coming to | front, if not in politics, surely in agricul Mrs. E. H. Jervey, mother'of onr townsman R. Jervey, died on last Saturday morning, funeral was held at the Methodist Church yesterday, after which the remains were taken in the country and interred in the family burial groond, near Mr. Mason Reames, where j several of her family had been buried. A hen belonging to a gentleman in town, it her nest a short time ago, after setting wo weeks, and the cook upon finding it out athered up the eggs, and kept them in the itcben by the stove for a week, where ten oung chicks hatched out, which at last ac? asta were thriving. Quite a number of our citizens left this morning'on the train, among whom we have i ascertained the following: Mrs. D. J. Winn, j Misses McCallcm, Herbert, Fleming, James, j Raffle]d, McLeod, Hurst and Jennings, and J Gen. G. Richardson, some for health, some I for pleasure, and others to attend the Normal j Institute. - ! A match game of baseball will be played J this afternoon between a colored club of this j place and a club from Camden. The Camden club accompanied by a band of music and a number of friends, arrived this morning by I private conveyances, and attracted attention ? by driving through Main Street with the band j playing. We hear of a proposition mooted to form a j stock company of the owners of the property on Main Street from Bogiu's new store up to the corner, together with others who have the capital, the object being to build a brick ! with stores underneath and a hotel ! - So mote it be. A new comer to j Sumter, who knows a thing or two abont the j business has already offered to "keep the hotel." A communication in this issue, signed "No Candidate," presents from his standpoint, some thoughts worth thinking about. We cheerfully give them place, as we believe in free speech and a free press, and do not bold ourselves responsible for other people's opin? ions. If his remarks are applicable, it will be well for those to whom they apply, to apply them. In attempting io subdue his dog, which ? had suddenly developed a propensity to chase j the calves and chickens in the yard, Moses | Harrison was bit several tiroes last Friday. The next morning the dog recommenced his j attack upon tbe occupants of the yard, and j after killing some chickens, Moses concluded i to act upon the advice of his neighbors, who thought the dog mad, an d killed him. - Mr. F. H. Mitchell of the well known firm of B~F. Mitchell & Sons, of Wilmington, N. C. was in Sumter last Thursday, and called to Beens. Mr. Mitchell had been to Glenn's Springs where he left bis family for the som? mer, and was on his way home,. when arri? ving at this point he coacloded to stop for a dav in order to see the many friends he made r refugee here daring the war, and, tchatteBd\tO:Somehujiues8 matters. Open Cotton. We have In our .office an open boll of cotton, apparently fully matured, sent us on last Monday morning by Mrs. A- M. Feriter. from her farm near town. We see by the Clarendon Erderprise that Maj. H. B. Richardson has been brought out by bis friends for the Legislature. Maj. Rich? ardson is a solid businessman who looks at things in a practical way, and Clarendon County could not do better than by sending such men to,represent ber. Everj* reflecting miud knows that the local newspaper adds much to the general wealth and prosperity o? the place, as well as in? creases the reputation of the town abroad. It benefits all who have business in the place, enhanches the value of property, besides being a public convenience, even if coodncted in the interest of the ruling political power. Its columns are not filled with brilliant edi? torials, still it benefits you in every way. It increases your trade; it cautions against imposition ; it saves you from loss ; it warns I you of danger; it points out different ad? vantages and increases your profits. If you want such a paper, you must not consider it aa act of charity to support it, but as a means to increase your own wealth as well as that of tho place in which you live. I would'ntbe a candidate. Now I tell you the reason why ; To every body I must bow and scrape For a little vote to compensate. I wouldn't be a candidate. Because I have got to treat and blow, And spout abont eternal principles To make believe I am solid-you know. Concord Democratic Club. A combined meeting of the Zoar and Con? cord Democratic Clubs was held at the meet? ing house of the latter on Saturday the 29th ult., and the following officers were elected: President, Dr. W. J. Pringle. First Vice President, R. M. Jones. Second Vice President, J. J. Branson. Secretary, S. S. Davi3. Member of Executive Committee, Dr. W. J. Pringle; Alternate, W. T. Brogdon. The following were elected as Delegates to the Convention to be held in Sumter on the 14th: Dr. J. W. Pringle, J. D. Wilder, J. J. Brunson, L. B. Yates and Howard Jones. The Club decided in favor of thePrimary system. _ Anniversary of the Eichland Vol? unteers. To-day week the Sumter Light Infantry will leave for Columbia to join, wita the Wionsboro' Company, the Volunteers in celebrating their anniversary. It is charac? teristic of our Game Cock County that what? ever ber citizens participate in, at home or abroad, she likes to see them do their best and come out second best to none. We are afraid the Smithville trip and the extreme warm weather will not act as stimulants to the "flagging elements" of the S. L. I., and con? sequently, unless every man turns out to drill this week and makes up his mind to go to Columbia, Sumter might be poorly represent? ed on the 8th. The following is the pro? gramme fur that occasion : Meet Companies at Depot and escort them to breakfast. S a. m. Companies assemble at armory; 9.30 form and march down Main Street to State House, return up Main Street to Boundry Street and take wagons to theScheutzeh Platz. Shooting for Prizes-10.30 a. m. by the Company ; 11.30 by visiting Companies ; 12.30 p. m. by Battalion officers; 1 a. m. by Hon? orary and contributing members. 2.30 p. m. Barbecue Dinner, toasts &c. 4 p. m. Distribution of prizes. 5 Return to the city. 6 Dress parade. ?.30 Escort Companies to supper. C??^??^CAT??KS. [Fer the Watchman and Southron.] A Word or Two in Favor of Modera? tion. The excitement atteuding every political contest is more or less harmful to the country. At present there is nothing to justify it. The people have the right to assemble and dis? cuss public affairs and to advocate any poli- j tical platform they prefer. And-they ace not ? now in the mood to have this right "ia ter- j fered with. And nothing now is to be gain- ! ed by fri tolerance which cannot be accom- j plished without it. Without goiDg into de- | tails, it is clear that as the election laws and j machinery now stand, ihenegro ca.'UOt be a material, much less a controlling factor in politics. If any change is made, if the pre? sent regime is to be overthrown it must be by tite wiatt men of the country. If no change is made, and ail hopes of a more liberal ad? ministration has to be abandoned, the worst immediate result will be the emigration of j < large numbers of both races, whom the writer j thinks the State can ill afford to spare, but ?: who are known to be quietly preparing for j such a result. Some will say, let them go. A better judgment says, let reason and justice j prevail and keep them here. Denuding the j 1 country of stock is bad enough. Stripping it j 1 of its population will be a still greater blun- ? der, only .to be realized when too late to remedy. NO CANDIDATE. Messrs. Editors: I am a young unmarried roan 25 years of age, and of pretty fair moral habits. I am a farmer by training, and for several years past have made my living by ?aid occupation ; but some how or other the prospects are gloomy with me. I ask foryonr advice publicly. Q. Whoever "Q" is, we think from the tone of j. his letter that he is-lonely, and all that is ne? cessary to restore him toa happy fameof mind is for him to get a help-mate (as well as a help-eat.) Now young man, we would ad- J vise you to marry some widow who has about j nine sons and a farm ! and, after the honey- j moon has been spent iu going round visiting j all the relatives, to go right to work with ! those boys and make a success at faru.ing. I For gooduess sake don't come to town ! For j we have a good many fellows here who are I now wearing out shoe-leather, pressing bricks "free gratis for nothing." -mm?~ ????^ - [For the Watchman and Southron."] A young man-a Sumter boy-away from j home, hears of the death of a favorite pointer (Snipe.) and writes: 'Dead did you say ? Let it be. A friend and a lover less in my route ! Only a dog? Lacking humanity? Better still ; He left no soul to oe anxious abont ! WILLIE. The August Vennor Promises. Vennor makes the following predic- j, iions for August. He is evidently dc- ! J termined to keep people at home this j Saintlier: "I cannot but think that ! August will bc another month of stomps i j and unvsual rainfall, with oncer two re- j ? markably low curves of temperature, j . I expect snowfalls will be recorded in ! ' extreme western and northwesieru sec- !, lions, and cold rains at more southernly j i stations shortly after the middle of the j ' month. October will be very similar, j bat of course colder." j j What use is there to leave home when Ven- 1 nor talks about snow in August ? Vennor j1 is a bold fellow, but he struck it right on j $ July. . DEMOCRATIC EX. COM. ROOM, V SCMTER; July 24, 1SS2. J In pursuance of the request of the late Democratic Convention, it is ordered : 1st. That the Democratic Clubs re-organize, and after such re-organization, elect delegates to the Convention hereby called, upon the basis of one delegate at large, and one dele? gate to every twenty-fire (25) members. 2nd. A Convention of the Democratic party of Sumter County is called to meet in the Opera House ic Sumter, on Monday, August 14th, next, at ll A. M., for the following pur? poses, and none other : ist. To elect a County Chairman and Executive Commiite ; 2nd. To determine the mode of making nominations of the candidates of the Party for Legisla? tive and County offices. By order of Dem. Ex. Com. J. D. BL AN DING, Chairman. F. J. Mayes, Secretary. Do not be deceived. Insist on having the genuine Brown's Iron Bitters, made only by the Brown Chemical Co., and take nothing else. A Delightful Novelty. Ladies prefer Florestoa Cologne because they find this lasting combination of exquis? ite perfumes a delightful novelty. TTJTT'S PILLS A SUGAR PLUM. Tutt's Pills are now covered with a vanilla sugar coating, making them as pleasant to swallow as a little sugar plum, and rendering them agreeable to the most delicate stomach. They cure sick headache and bilious colic. They give appetite and flesh to the body. They cure dyspepsia and nourish the sys? tem. They cure fever and ague, costiveness, ete. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a box. July 18 ' 5m j Worth Remembering. j Now that good times are again upon us. it \ is worth remembering that no one can enjoy j the pleasantest surroundings if in bad health. There are hundreds of miserable people going about to-day with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic would do them more good than all the medicines they have ever tried. . Complete, SAVANNAH Ga., Feb. 21, 1881. H. H. WARNER & Co. : Sirs-I have been completely cured of stone in the bladder and kidney difficulty by your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. J. D. ACDUS. If you are troubled with a smarting erup? tion on the surface of the body, you can rest assured that you have a clearly defined case of Eczema, and if let alone will give you great trouble. A few bottles of S. S. S., by furnishing new power, and purifying the blood, removes all traces of the eruption. Price, $1.00 and $1.75 per bottle. Dr. Moffett'sTeethina (Teething Powders,) will cure your child. For sale hy all drug- 1 gists and country merchants. CANDIDATES. FOB TH3LE&SLATUBE. THE FRIENDS OF MR. J. W. WES BERRY, of the "Wallace House" of Repre? sentatives, appreciating his past services to the Democratic Party, and believing that the ? colored people of the County should have representation, beg to place his name in nom? ination for the Legislature. JUSTICE Messrs. Editors : We are not authorized ?o j announce the name of JAS. II. AYCOCK as a j candidate for the Legislature, from this Conn- j ty, but do so. knowing that he will represent j truly our people, and we believe that if elected ! he would serve. Julv 18 SOME VOTERS. ! Messrs. Editors: We fully endorse the ? nomination of Mr. F. J. MAYES, for the Legislature. He is the r:p;lit mao for the place, and if elected will reflect much honor upon the Country. Jane 27 MAYES TILLE. Messrs. Editors : To insure success in the coming Election il is necessary to present our very best men. Let only those of broad prac? tical minds be brought to the front. As such we name Mn. R. D. LEE. feeling confideut he will receive the support of all PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS. June 27. CAPT. E. M. COOPER. 3fessrs. Editors: Among the many good men whose names will be oSTered to the public Eit the coming election, noue will be more j capaMe or worthy of the trust than thc gen- ? lleman whose name heads this caid. June 20 MANY VOTERS. FOE JUDGE 0F_PB0BATE. RETAIN COMPETENT MEN IN OFFICE. We respectfully nominate the present eu :umbent, COL. T. V. WALSH, for re-electica is Judge of Probate. He is grateful for the suffrages of his fellow citizens. June 27 MANY FRIENDS. FOE COUNTY COMMISSIONS?*. The many friends of DR. D. J. AULD, Qow present his name as a candidate for County Commissioner, believing that in bira the requisite qualities are combined to make x useful and faithful officer. Joly 25 MANY FRIENDS. Messrs. Editors: Please anuounce Mr. ROBERT E. MULDROW as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner for Sumter County at the next election and oblige July 18_MANY VOTERS. Messrs Editors : We confidently present the name of COL. F. M. MELLET, for re-election to the above office. He is a working officer, awl has the welfare of the County fully at heart, as his works show. July 4. WORKING DEMOCRAT. FOE SCHOOL COMMISSIONS. Messrs. Editors: Please announce through your widely circulated journal, the name of Du. W. IV. ANDERSON, JR., as a candidate for the olfice of School Commissioner, subject to the ac:ion of the Democratic part}- of the County. July 18 SUMTER. Messrs. Editors : Please announce Mu. J. DIGGS WILDER asa candidate for the of? fice of School Commissioner of Sumter Coun? ty at the ensuing election and oblige, MANY FRIENDS. P?BSHEEIFF. The right man in the right place is Sheriff ! R. W. DURANT, who is hereby nominated j for continuation in office. In Mm we have a j good aud efficient officer. June 27. MAXY VOTERS. j Messrs. Editors : If there ii a tendency o:i thc j part of our Democrats to lay aside old fogy notions io politics and an earnest desire lo :asi their votes for a man, not because he is a ^ood, quiet and h ?onible citizen, but bec-.v^c lie is the rigldman fur the place, then it is with patriotic pleasure that we nominate Mr. MARION-SANDERSXor Sheriff. Although Mr. Sanders has been a most zealous Demo :rat, working with might and maiu Lu every campaign, in whatever t? i rec lion, he could oest serve Sumter County, and further the j ;ause of the democracy, it is not tur this rea? son that he is now endorsed by the best and most influential citizens for Sheriff, bm by reason of his qualifications and peculiar tact br the office. His extensive acquaintance with Lhe people and knowledge of the affairs of the ?ounty make him a candidate likely to be j mstained by the entire Democratic Party. MANY VOTERS. H ARD WAS. MERCHANTS. AGhNTS FOR DAN5L PRATT GOTTGN GIN FEEDERS AND CONDENSERS. SOLE AGENTS FOR SCHOFIELD COTTON PRESS THOS. BRADFORD & CO. MILLS, WHEELER & MELICK COMPA? NY'S THRESHERS, CLEANERS AND SEPARATORS, THE ITHACA HORSE RAKE, BALDWIN FEED CUTTERS, AMERICAN BARBED WIRE, BUFFALO STANDARD SCALES. FOB smm GIN BRISTLES, BABBIT METAL, BOLTING CLOTH, MILL STONES, MILL PICKS, FEED CUTTERS, CORN SHELLERS, CANE MILLS, FAIRBANKS SCALES, MUZZLE AND BREECH LOAD? ING GUNS, SPORTING MATERIAL, AND GENERAL HARDWARE. STATE AGENTS -FOR KEMP'S MANURE AND COTTON SEED SPREADER* A PULVERIZER AND CART COMBINED. DISTRIBUTES IN DRILLS AND RROAD C AST-EV E RY M A O' Ii IN E WARRANTED. HART & CO., CHARLESTON. S * G, MBHD?LSSOHN PIANO GO. Grand G?fer for the next 60 days only. $350 SQUASH- GEA?TD PIANO FOR OiKXY $245. PIANO STYLE Si Magnificent rosewood case, elegantly finished, 3 strings, 7? Octaves, ful! pateui cantate agraffes, our new patent overstrung.scale; beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpee tine aud large fancy moulding, fa?? iron frarae^ Frerieli Gr?nd Action. Grand Hammers, ir. inc!, cverv improvement which can in any way teni to the perfection of the iusiriiment. has been added :?:-?J- Our price for ibis instrument, boxed and duivered on board ears at New York, with fine Piano Cover, Sic - M and Book, only S245.00. Just red aced frcm our late wholesale fac? tory price. $253. for GO Jays only. '! ivis is now. by far, the greatest bargain ever offered the inii.*ical public. Unprecedented success^! Tremendous demand for lins style! Send in your orrler at once. Dc? not lose (his tare opportunity. This Piano will'bc sent on 15 days fest trial. Please send refrrence if you do not send money with order. Cash sent wit!', order will be refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is. not just as represented. Several other special Bargains7: Pianos $160 ap. Over 15,000 tn use. and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Don't fail to write us before buying. Handsome illustrated Piano Catalogue, mailed free; giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any piano manufacturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 years. Sil RET MUSIC at occ-third price. Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces of popular Music sent for 3c. stamn. Jur.c 13 MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., P. 0. Bo:: 205S, New York City. 1 iii THE UNDERSIGNED BEING EXCLUSIVELY ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF THE TOZER ENGINE, beg to call the attention of all who contemplate purchasing en? gines to tbe advantage you secure in making your purchases from your own Manufacturers at home. You get. the best that is made, (all Yankee manufacturers acknowledge this fact), adapted to thc class of work for which they are needed. They will do more work with the same amount of fuel than any other engine. They are made outright at your own beautiful Capital. They are more simple and less liable to get out of repair than any other, and if any? thing gets broken we are within a few hours of you to replace what is wrons. We guaran? tee satisfaction to all. Engines made from SIX to FIFTY HOF.SE POWER. Repairing done at short notice. Fittings, Belting, Hose, Hancock Inspirators, etc., for sale. We refer you to a few who are using our Engines. References-Geo. John Bratton, Col. James Jone;, W. B. Estes, D. P. Crosby, Calvin Brice, Russell Black, Ii. J. McKeown. For prices, Ste. address, TOZER & DIAL, April ll ? COLUMBIA S. C. w casa egan-mao pmc-ead /^^^^^^s^^^^^^^^^ Largest and Most Complete j ^^BSUf^^^S0^^^i^ ^^^3 Establishment South. ' ^d^pft^^^ 6E0j Sl HACKER Sc SON, i ^^^S^-^H^ ?^?^? Established 1842. j J^^^^?^^^^^?' CHARLESTON, S. C. i O?ce ami Wcrerooms, King, opposite ? -? - Wrr-c? '4i-t^.' ???i '?^??:rZ*?-:-:~-t??~? a?^S?2 Turds Wolfe Street and Railroad Avenue. MANUFACTURERS OF 201 EAST BAY, CH^LRLESTOJST, S. C. DEALERS IN Mixed Paliii?9 WHITE LEAD AND PAINTERS' MATERIALS ALSO PAINT OILS, MACHINE OILS AND BURNING OILS, GLU3 AND SPIRIT BARRELS. AGENTS FOR HOWE'S SCALES, MARVIN'S SAFES. THE ABOVE SOLD AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Nov 8 o GRAHAM'S STABLES, REL3 UBLIGA JV- AS TREE 1\ TO ARRIVE? OX SATURDAY, APRIL 15TH, ONE CAR LOAD -or H?SI IB 111 Farm and Timber Mules, -AND Good Driving Horses. Also, on band, a fine assortment of BUGGIES, OF ALL STYLES AND G HA DES, At mices to suit the times. CELEBRATED Old Hickory Wagons, Manufactured by the Kentucky Wagon Manu? facturing Cumpanv, of Louisville, Kv. April 4 " W\ M. GUAHA'M. SADDLERY AHB HARNESS. UK FINEST LEATHER ON HAND Ready to b? w.orkcu up ut the lowest living HARNESS of the latest style and of my own workmanship, at my shop to sell. 1 ?un prepared to do all kinds of Jobs in my line of business. All Orders received will be promptly attended to, and with thc .greatest care. -A full line of REA DY-M ADI-: HA RN ESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS, MARTIN CALKS, and EYE itv TH INO ELSE j pertaining to a First-cluss Harness Shop. OLD HARNESS made to look as goud ? ;,s N;;\V. COVERING and REPAIRING Cid TRUNKS -A SPECIALTY. All WORK in my une GUARANTEED ' to give SATISFACTION. *T' f* VT71C ?H '"^?^TU" Corner of Main and Renublican Streets. Marci] 15, ISSI. *_ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE SOUTH SIDE DUGAN ST., . C. ? j my ocrcs'ain-Iined Pumps are manufactured I sr-dar ?icc.-:se,and beyers areguarant&ed against j gny md a?? claims from the Company holding tho patent Don't fail to make a not? of this jpoin? Carefully made of Best Selected Timber. The BLATCH LEY PUMPS are formals by the best houses in th9 traie( Name of my nearest agent will be furnished cn application to C. 6. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, S08 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. BRIDAL PRESENTS, STERLING SILVER, RICH JEWELRY. Orders Promptly Attended to S. THOMAS, Jr., & BRO, 273 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. December 6. THE PALMETTO LAGER BEER BREWERY, -is CHARLESTON, S. C., Has of late doubled their capacity, to suit the dem au d, wi lu all modern improve? men ts, und man?faclures DOW a very superior article. Eager Beer of ??ch anatme that it is always best where it can be had fresh from the Brew cry, and is then the finest, most harmless aud healthiest tonic for family use. For particulars and prices write to CLAUSSEX BREWING CO.. March 21 Charlcsrou, S. C. & Odo &. J^^?&J? Til ii BEST EASlNe PQW2NSSS. IX THE WOULD. WARRANTED STRICTLY PURE. Manufactured by \ S. H. WILSON, Grocer, SCO King, and 53 Society Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. And for sale at m Gi FORSYTKf & SON, DRY GOODS 40G & 408 King Street. CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 Iv Importer and Manufacturer of BASKETS, AXD DEALER IX Toys and Fancy Goods, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, ?fcc. 304 Ku.g Street, 4 Doors above Wentworth, Sign of the Big Basket. CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 l y A.McC?BB7Jr. GENERAL G0MM?SS?0N MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Lime, Cement! Plaster Paris And Other Building Material. -ALSO Land Plaster and Eastern Hay. NO. 130 EAST BAY", CHARLESTON, S. C. March 21 Iv PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. j X^^^^^W F?orestcn C?lague. | Ap^^^^^T?'^r A ntw ""^ ?ceedir.-?ly ir?. H PABKER'S . I IA Pure Family Medicine that Hevsr intoxicates. I If you are a mechanic or fanner, vorn oat with f overwork, or a mather rnn down by family or house- r hold duties try PAKKEK'S GIXGEK TONIC. ?j If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex-g haustcd by mental strain or anxious cares do not | take intoxicating stimulants, but use PARKER'S ? GINGER TONIC S Tfyo'J hive Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or 1 ?j Urinnry Complaints, ot if you arc rroi:i>!ed v/it?any P 9 disorder of thc i:mgs. stomach, beweis, biood or nerves ?J you can bc cured by PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. ? 8It you arc wasting away from age, dissipation or^ .my ciscare or weakness s nd require?, stimulant v?:c u GIN"GKR Tox:c at once : it will invigorate and build a you up from the tirst dose but will never intoxicare. ? It has saved hundreds of lives it may save yours. Sj HISO)X A CO., 153 Vi! Ha? St.. Neir Vori. 50c acd I Ci? dv?ar ?iiei, it ait denim in niciijiino. GREAT SAVING UL'YING DOLLAR SIZE. fi BULTMANN & BRO. ^' SUMTER, S. C. L?3 Invite the attention of (heir friends and thc public generally to the .LABGEST ST?G!: THEY HAYS EVER Ii AD, Which bas been purchased with ?re;it care, with the vicvr of .-<:??:?:!? all eb'.Mics of buy^r?, both ia quality and price. Th os? who w:int THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY, are invired lo call and be convinced that the the place to get theta ts at the store of BULTMANN ? BROTHER. Those who have not settled their old accounts ?vii! please do so at once. April S iii & wmm YOU CAN GET CHOICE MESS SALMON, CHOICE No. 1 MESS MACKEREL, CHOICE SMOKED HALIBUT, BONELESS CODFISH, CHOICE MESS MACKEREL IN 51b TINS, 31 AILLA RD'S COCOA, BROMA, AND CHOCOLATE, ROAST BEEF IN CANS, SHRIMPS, BRAWN, TURKEY AND MACARONI IN CANS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, IN CANS, CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES, THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF CRACKERS AND CANDIES, CALL AND SEE OCR Complete Stock of GROCERIES, WHICH WE ARE Selling at Bottom Prices. Cull early and often, and oblige. DOCKER & BULTMAN. Nov. 15 Of EVESY KIND CHEAPER THAN EVES. Rifles, Shot Gun?, Revolvers, Ammunl 4ion, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets, Knives, Razors, Skates, Hammocks, eic. Xarjre illustrated Catalogue FREE GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, PIXTSBTJRGH, PA. WANTED ! Ladies and Gentlemen, to engage , with us to* sell sever.il tuneful Household j Articles. B.'ro?U? larj?e. Labor is ?igrStt. Exclusive' territory Viven. No competi? tion. Ternis liberal. Circulars FJREE. Address, "levitt ?aaafect'T Co., Box ??S^l'itt-sburch, Fa. A NEW CURE FOR t^CTATy ll If OS m ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN, fif?, sure, c?^u?v and c>ie?p. Satnpt* Package, Post Faid, so cts. ?G-ESTS WAN . 21?. Address, oT. tTo'xMHton, I :it?buc7Tth. Pa. ?i?SI?IT ?S?E3MEHTSI Bigge of a;i kinds for ca?e very cheap, j % %'8 Catakr?ues free. Address, RICKARD ; WM HULL * CO.. Box 068, Pittsburgh, Pa. ? REGKLINS3S ART ST?Df?, IlOi MAIN STREET, . COLUMBIA, S. C. Worh?at Lowest Prices. HORSES! MULES!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ HARBY BROS. FEED ANO SALE STABLES, THIS 2ND OF MAY, OJVE CAR OF STOCK Consisting of FARM MULES, TURPENTINE MULES, GOOD DRIVING AND WORK IIORSES. This being probably our last shipment for the spring season, they will be sold on close margaius. ON HAND FEED OATS, CORN (white and mixed.) FINK FEED (for cows and horses.) TIMOTHY HAY. AU of zckich are cash goods. May 9-tf HARBY BROS. ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM i DOXT FORGET IT! THAT ? can furnish the CHEAPEST and BEST ICE CREAM in Town. Price from fifty to sixty-five cents per qnart, deliv? ered in a nv part of the Town. I will also FREEZE ICE CREAM for any party at the lowest price. ICE for sale at all times; price two and two and a-half cents a pound. W. J. ANDREWS, May 2_CATERER. A. J. CHINA, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, -AND O liemicals. FI2TE TOILET SOAPS, HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES. PERFUMERY AND FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, ?c., Ac. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, DYE STUFFS. GLASS, PUTTY, M Physicians' prescriptions accurately compounded. - March 18-ly JAS. D. BLAXDIXG, WM. D. BANDING. BUNDING & BUNDING, A ttorneys at Law, Sumter, S. C. June 21 tf. ? THE SUMTER jTOVE MAW. ' T. ?. SC AFFE STOVES. PL7MPS, TINWARE, STOVE CASTINGS, WIL LOW WARE, DRIV? EN PUMPS, GAS PIPES AND ELBOWS. ALSO LAMP FIXINGS AND CROCKERY. Gas Pipe Cut and Threaded. Water Works Put Up. Pumps Put Down. Stoves Rebuilt. Tin Ware Repaired. Guns Put in Order. Houses Roofed. May 12_lyr I F. W. DELORME, Agent* -DEALER IN 111 i DIV TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY. AND ALL KINDS OF Druggist's Sundries USUALLY KEPT IN K FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Tobacco, Snuff and Segare, GARDEN SEEDS, &C, --o Physician's Prescriptions carefully cont pou tided, and orders answered with care and dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted geuu ine; and of the best quality. Call and see for yourselves. Stn* tor. S. C, Jan. 20, ISSI. 3m. ~EARS FOB THE MILLION! Foo Choo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Positively Restore? the Hearing* and is the Only Absolute Core for Deafness Known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small WHITE SHARK, caught in tue Yel? low Sea, known as Carcharodon Rondeleth. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its vir? tues as a restorative of hearing were discover td by a Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and MANY SO SEEMINGLY MIRACULOUS, that the rem? edy was ofScially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal that for OYER 300 YEARS NO DEAFNESS HAS EXISTED AMONG THE CHINESE PEOPLE. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at . Jl.00 per bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say ! II has performed a miracle in my case, I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better. I hare been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal-think another bouie will cure me. " Its virtues are unuqesiionable and its curative character absolute, as the writer can personally testify, both lrom exp?rience and observation. Write at once to Haylock & Jcnr.ry, 7 Dey Stree:, New York, enclosing S LOO, and you will receive by return a rem? edy that will enable you to hear like anybody else, and .whose curative effects will be perma? nent. You will never regret doing so."-Ed? itor of JiercaTitile Hevieic. To avoid loss in the Mails, pleasestad . i_-o_T Mt..