The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 13, 1881, Image 1

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fifk pi s I I m* 4 sr 7 / ^ i%1r%T|fr-1r*ff\** M is m 1 ? ? ?8 I ?a 1 gi ?5 i a I ?fi iH M ig , 111 1 I ? THE SUMTER WAT^nTJAN, Estab?-shci! Apr??, IS30. Consolidated Ans;. 2, ?SSL] "Bs Just and Fear not-I*et ail the Ends thor. Aims't r.t. be thy Country's, thy God's. SUMTER. S. C.. TUESDAY, DECEMBRE 13. li TJ??; TllVV: SCUTK?:0>'. K.>T:d>J?.she? .ir./jc-, 1856. .(v ii ?~LS?*..**- V ?/2- i* ~? v/e ...V? I I Published S?ssda^ I ? - ^^^WatcJiman and Southron PuhUsJiing Compart?/, W? SUMTER, S. G. TERMS : Two Dollars per annora -in advance. Gae Square, first insertion.Si 00 E /erj subsequent i nsertieu. 50 Contracts for three mouths, or longer will be made al reduced mies. Al! conaracn?cal?ons w%icfc subserve private nterests wi'I be charged for as advertisements. Obitoaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. Marriage notices and notices cf deaths pub? lished free. For job vc-ork or contracts fer advertising j address Watchman and Southron, or apply at ; the Office, to S. G. OSTEEN, Business Manager, j FOR^S?WS?L?. j THE PLANTATION KNOWN AS AN- j DERSONYILLE. in Charleston Go?::ir, 1 eighteen mLes above Mooni Pic-as^ot. most j desirably and beautifully situated on See j "Wee Bay, v. iib a good landing for ves- j sels of 4 to 6 feet draft. The place is quite i healthy, wi.h fish and garas ir? abundance, j and the soil quite productive, tiing adapted ! to both Cotton and previsions. The finest j quality of Long Staple Cotton has been grown upon it*. It contains between eight and nine j hundred acres, a large-pa?t of which is well j brooded and tinkered. The place is ia need 1 of repairs : but it has on it a dwelling house. : in good condition, and son- out-buildings. . To a good tenant; trho ?viii obligate to put ! the place in order, a favorable lease win be : given ; or if preferred it will bs sold for a . fair pries. For farther particulars apoly to N. G. OSXFBN, Surr.ter. S. C. j ADESIRABLY S ?TUA TED FARM, about \ .? sevsn tniies from Sa na ter. Will be : let to a good tenant at a reasonable rent. Forfur-rer information applv at this office, j Oct. '4 Q m a M (J < EH VI Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, Main-Street, opposite John ReicTs, nEALKr?s ix Watches, Oloc^S: GOLD ASD PLATED JEVv'bLlxY. "Spectacles, Site? aa? F?t?? Wc"?. FISFI1NG TACX1-H. Seizing Machine Needles, Gils, Etc ' General Repairing uouv at Cons-, Prices. Give as a cai! cud bc- convinced. Oct 25_ iAPT XJ -SL. B*r "3? j?h SOOTH um?h Mimm Special Excursion Tickets to Atlanta will j be sold at the'ow ra*e o?8.&25 for the Round . Trip, from al! Ticket Stations on ike Road as : follows: On each MONDAY, ti!; Bec. 2??h inclusive, j from Charleston and :::! Stations on 1-\ tit: ; Line ?nd Attgns'a D'.vi.-ic::. Tick'-:? -yod going only on Train leaving Charleston at 10 p. m., and arri vj r.g ar August? 7.?o a. rr,., good to return within F1YE L'AY?Sfrom date of issue. Oaeach TUESDAY, till December 27ih. j inclusive, from ail Tickei Sb-.tivus yr. Cor? m.- ! bia Division and ?aocen Brunei:. Tickets I good going on'y on Train arriving at Angus- ! ta 3.20 p. m.. or 7.40 a. m.. good to return i within FIVE DAYS from date of issue Tickets are sold at Camden and Claremont. :' on Camden Brunch. Parties can leave Cam- ! den at 3.50 P. M.. Camden Junction. 5.37 P. j M., arrive ?J Augusta 7.40 A. M.. Atlanta: 5.45 P. M., on evening of nest day from Cam- j den-say on Wednesday. They can stav in Atlanta till Friday night, and leave at 8:301 P. M., arrive at Augusta 6 39 A. .'I . leave at i 7 55 A. M.j arrive at Camden Junction T.49 i P. M., Camden S.4o P. M., on Saturday. Thus giving them 2 s hole dys in Atlanta,;.! or if they desire to stay i: Atlanta cac- day ! longer, they can leave Atlant on Sat a rda v . at 8.30 A. M.. arrive at Augusta4;0C P. M". leave A ogtrr ta at 7 P.M.. arrive ai Cam dim Junction 11.10 A. M.. Culaden Lt-'; p. on Monday, as ticke.s are ?roo-? t?i Mond ty, inclusive to return. Should a s:;?;??; party wish to go up to Atlanta, it xviii pay them ?" take our Poad and Mr. Jas. Jonis, cur Ar?;., at Camden or R. M. Canley Agent Cbire montj will be pleased to "nruish tickets on . appHcatio; . * B. C. ALLEN, General pr?ss. and Ticket Agt. i CHERAVV~AND !DSSSG ! G: A?? ~ OH ESA'A' , ANO SALISBURY ?riihdm, Pl. i>J.:-KN ;"S OFFICE. SOC?FTV nt:.?.. S. C: M.iv ?t. I ?it I. ON AN!) A FT it lb :S i>A'iL, ?K/.IXS j on those [toads wad a? i\ ?i o tvs.-every ? except SumPy. Leave ?VadesWo. .... S i'' n Leave iieTmutPs. 'J 00 a :., Leave Morr?n. '.' I? :: ::: Laave 2fi cFar?an .-.. ?' it ? . ::: Lta;e Cnerav. . 1'' I ? :: Le:?ve Society ?! ill . 1" ' ^ s Leave Dartir.gtoa . i i '?'-?> :< ni Arrivent Florence.?.. i'2 i:> p ai cr-. Leave Florence. :2 j. ru . Leuve I>arliugto:i. I 2'i n ::J - Leav?; 5'ici'Jty lilli . 1' ?- :?i Arrire at Cberatv. 2 ?>:> j. ::i Arrive at Wadesboro. 4 ?? j, it. The freight fraia vi ?il ?enve f lor?- ice a* J i* _M every day except Sunday : ::;*fcitig the round , trip i<j Cheraw ?v-.-ry day. and to Wit':t,??>;.-c. a. ofti.-a as rna; be necessary-keeping oat ol t?ie : way ol" pasic-ap?r ">t h ?'i' '''' S'SND? Pn :. PAVILION HOTEI CKARI,jESTt>N3 S. C. THIS POPULAR A.Ni- t.ENTiiALi located HOTEL btv!:;- bri, eatirt renovated during th" past :'';:r;nier is nc ready for the reception <d" .h-?travelir:^ pabli Po'puiar prices S2 arv* s.j > per day Special rates for Co: .-..j- rei a i Travelers. Kl ?. CAILLARD; C?ct25^ ^_ _ . P TEE SMS? ??SS?S? n^r:;^ COLU dur \. Si c. HAYING rensv.-e.i my Le-s: f--The?>: Central Hotel Ibf :? :< rei o! yw beg leave to inform the Public .ha* the has been tborougi ly ; .. ? .. . furnished with : w and i apr^v: ^ b: .t Walnut Furniture, wire Spring best Hair Mattress*^; Y?dyet and Carpets. Electric A. ?to j: ia tor; ?? every room, and tuc I!-.* .! U ? ;?? through the Co!umb:;-. ?\d<: P . dc with every promioeat :P .. throughout the City. Tb' . v;r competent atiendan t?, r..:.: *o .. the travclin-' I'n'.dic a--..'.--d ace :..::?'. ?..?! > as the Sentit afford. JOHN T, WILLEY, Proprietor. Sept 20 3tn WILMIN'UTOX. COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA R: K. ON aaa after Nov. Otb. ISSI, ;i.e ion-wing schedule v.-i i I i:e r*"i mi this Hoad: NIGH! KXlMtVSS ANT- VAIL TRAIN. ( l'a l'y ; (NaS. tl \V*S?t MBU -S Eil. . ) Leave WHrainj'torj.l? 40 p m A:r'.o a: ?'ivreacc. 3 O?? :t r.: Leave F' r nea. .. .. o 20 -\ m Leave Sa LI ?.er. . A ?? a m ArrT*."c o t G.?>I.uc:bia. <""--??; a ia Leave Cputrnbia.10 00 .> n; Leave S::ait:-r. .ii OS :t ta A ?rive nt Fl-rence. I 36* a ns Leay? Florence. t ;.;"> a ::: Arrive sit Wilmington. 5 20 >. ra iii:.-- Trahi stops e-r.h a* BHakiey's, V?htte v:]ic.T?ciiii:\trtor:. .{'uiF. Marion. Florence; T:U!UV-???\?'.ie., Sa tater, Camden Junction ana Kastover. THR<?UGn FREIGHT TRAIS. Daily, except Sundays. Leave Florence.ll 40 p ia Leave Suxrer . 2 2S a io Arrive at Columbia. 5 30 a m I.cavo Columbia. 5 00 p m Leave Sumter. S 20 p ta Arr;vc at J: brenco ..ll 10 n ta LoCvL FUEtcsT-(Daily except Sunday.) Leave Florence. 6 00 a DI Arrive at Samtec. 10 lb rt :a Leave Sua ter.,.l t 40 ra A.rive ai Culuiabia A.. 1 00 p ia LestVe Columbia. 7 00 a ai Arrive at Stunter.Il 15 a ir. Leave Sumter...12 15 p o Arrive at I l^rcaje. 5 10 0 m A. POPE. G. ?. A. JOHN F. DIVINE. Monera i Sup't. ColtimHa and greenville Hail Scad. PASS LIN li E li D EPA KIM EXT. COLUXBTA. S. C., August 31, ISSI ON A S D A FT Kit TUUilSDAV, Septe-iibcr 1st, lc'S:. Passenger Tra?na wi."; run as herewith in:i> ?n'c?, upon this ro.i.i and its fcraaches-"Daily except Sundays : N-i. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Columbia (A).ll 2C a ta Leave Aist-. n.-.12 2C : m Leave Newberry. 1 21 p ra Leave L!?'??ges. 3 bl p io Liave l'ctiva . . i? ,!5 p ai Arrive Kt'Green ville... 6 27 p ci No. 43 Dawn Passenger. Leave ft rec a vi. le at.10 ';?. a tu Leave i*'U<.u. . .11 ;<7 :. rn Lea-e Ko?!? s...... 1 ?2 p tn Le:, ve Newberry.*.... 3 ?7 p ru LoaV? Alston. . 4 40 p to Arri ve.-i?: Co?ysubi.M (F). ? all pia Si'At:rAXc::r.c. U>.:?S ?fc Con:: v.: A li. lt. N.J. 42 Up Passenger. Leavo Alston.!. 12 10 p ai Leave Sparraabur^. S U ?fc O Depot {:'?} 4 i?3 p ai Arrive Spitrtai-burg It ? D Dc-p'-it (K) 4 12 p lu Nc. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Spnrtaabarg K ? D Depot (il) 12 4S p tn LeaveSpartanbar^S U & CDepot(G.,) I 07 ;? ai Leave Va io*?. . 2 i. ia Arrive ui, Alston. 4 3? p vc LAPTIESS KAIL R'?A??. Leave Newberry. 3 55 p :? Arrive at L:?are:^ C !!. G 45 p in Li ve LaTirens C. it. S ?/.: a ;:i Arrive at Newberry.?? 30 a ss ACSSVILLS Lr.AXcii. Leave Ilotes. . S 50 p ai Arrive at Abbeville. ?* 4-3 p m i..:nvc Abbeville.12 ' 5 \, ai Arrive Hodges. ! '?5 p :u J?: CS P.:*>?E ft'. II. ? AXD:-:?:S??? B.TS v^c;: T.- avc: j], it-n. 5 i1^ ;. :M . e:tv ; Aa.i-;?i-n. .. .... 5 -i s? t,:-'?v.;: Pc::?i?:?'i-?. !.. li' :. ?:l ..rave Se?piCfl ?4.')..'.... .... 7 ?(? ;. :.: Arr?i . *V.:!i:::!?.i. 1 45 r Leave Wssliiaiu:. i? 2-^ a tu Lv-avc S rac-i. (Dj. {J 3 : u :.: Leave-Petidietou. 'vJ a .;: Lvuve A i:,:?-"S.. ? 12 :; On :: ' er n.e.?ve -ir-.iv ;!;;*-?i;;^> :. r ?: wii: oe rcji I: vt; Cvls?tvia uad ?frii'tUiwav?lJc v. :;'.. ou:; ^.;:?.;-. Coysccrrf?^ A-*-;":-: S..-:: r;:-.. Jr:,;j ?..?;..? fr. ;.; Cha-'e:;;: : .: V.'ll-.:^ <...}wA:..i ?' g?:;.:; !l 'A \V::-.! :t-:.? a - :! th : ? ? C"?t:a:bi;: ?c Aup.??? it :ll fri-ra vi:::r?o:r.e ;::.? ;.wir?ts t?: tl?tre-:'. :;_^':<v Araevi:!c ? Sp rtutibur-? lia ii Cor ?t??.a?? "i: ^V-j:er:: N. Ci C-'V ;:, A. ? C. i--v. ll ? D. It. H; -ur ni! p.'trr: S ".:iii n:>i U^?s?. D-With' A;.'?,'J; Div. K i. D. ?v. ?L fri ta Ai !:;ar r-niisl b:y?>*>'.L ii- V. i i: A k C. Div. R. ^ D. lt. !t f.r:i! j :-.t.- S :::;ii ;::..{ r. F-V.'i:ii S'.afh Cs? ; T? is tl :?- a;? f.?r Char !i:>- >:-: .-it ; ^'i.:-.:.i^:o:-. C ..i:;:ai.ia ?fc AiJ';-??:a .?;t;. ic -.i i for Wi ?.a i:, rx. ?ja ats i ICort': : \?i ii v -Iii rc. C--i-:;::hi:: A Vii?:r:a h.?il U-...:?.i t:;. Gi.ariatte :;'?-i ri)-. .Tor:!.. t/ - 'A*;-! A"?hcvil!e &:.Sparr?t!ib?-rjj.Hail 5oa"3 ; ii r.?er.-isitv?:!-^ si.- Vs:!. .?..?0. Div. It. ? D. R. il. fron? Ci.;.?- ?'..?.v ? beyond. Stais?ta?a time tisf.? is Vv*a.v:,".:;r;:<.r:. p: Ch, nbich ii- li'iu II t:-.:^u:?.-s fsrsfer iliaa Col am Usa. J. W. F KY. Sup':. A. POrE. General Passe.'.^er A?c'.ar. A ??us! Sn issi ----- ?; South Carolina Railroad: CHASTE Oe SCHEDULE M<n AF'.rF:? 0;*T;::;i i: IS :. Passeisi'or Tr.ri::? ?ia Catiaieii Era neil will ?"ari ;.? foilv'.V?-, ar.tis 'arther rm?iee': S?ST Ti) COL-UXSIA-DALLY l?XCCIT >r.M>AVS. Leave Gair.'Iefs . 7 ?DI :< . Le:v- C.-saalcrs .lanetioti.... . '> :5 ?? ii: A iii ve at C?>I?tai?>?;::...'1 'C'-> a rt' v, :: T ; cs.' vu: .. - JT.V ?.:C. -::-? ..?:.?..?.,..?. "...-ive C-4i:s-n;ia. 5 L5 a as... p as ^ !':.!?<IIT. t:. 1 ! IO a ai..: " -I:1 ?. ::. Arrive a! C^tsil-n. i :a : ta... S -i" p ir, CRAKL::S~ON A>'D A'(.tsr.v. tDaisy e:;i.v| I Sasi ?ays;J t.-.-ave Catadea. 3 i.!- p ;SJ E?a-Ve Catsstleti .i?;ne'. 5 \? Arrive :.t C??ar:csi a.!!! .> ?. A ? rive at Au ?ts.?':?. 7 a as WEST V"-r ca.Vi?LLSf?N ASli At'C'STA. i except Mtis-Ltys ; Leave Ch:.-!?.-.-... t . ti 2? a m i '..v ? Ai?jr:is?--s. 7 WO p i-s ^::ive Ca aueri Jane'.!1 D' .. ta r ri v.- at Caa.iltr?. 1 IO p us '.'?.NSKCIi'.X-:. Co?atnb?a rt o il Grecnviiic tiai!r?;r:'( h.'?a way?. ?'?I tili p'.ta-S i!l ':..::! il>>a t a%,.?l ?Tl T--!ft S:.;r taa?isivjf. Fsrii.?; I Coiuashia ;'.!!.' Spar: riiouvp aa-1 AiL*:tte Eniir-i-i.i<. sil.-o wi:.. :!:.. Char s-'t-'e. :' ..'?ar'ii i i Ao^as?s !l.ii'r--.? ;.. ai ?s fr as ai! poi .:s X>.r::i Ly rv-tisss i:-.* f.*:tiii i-.-!j ;:t 7 l:> :: si :?I arriver.;r nf S p tts. C ir ae .:i- ri^ fi.s-ic as A'ii:'j-'a nil points i;-"c>; aa i ^..!^.:l : also s.f Ci-, ir'--"vi vi:.1, >r.o'?ai?.-rs f'-:- New V?>rk ::n-! F.ior:?'.?.-. oa \.v? ECMiavs a*. ! ?::turtJ:;t s 0:. S .! ir irtys Ey UND T?-?P TiCKTvTS axe :;?>: i to a?i'I fr?>.bi als r;:..t:-,r:~ at ?KSV li rs t els ss fare ?or the rvu-.<I trip--tickets ?LI.? Xiernlay s. -ai. re*i:r?. Exeur>r- a tickets ^...i-i fax ! ?I :l:iys sire l'ft^'i?ar?y ?-r: s:, e t-i :. ii. ? friatii all s ta* i as ut o coats per mile t'r rouri'i tri--. Ti: ItC!'GU TICKETS to ail points, cap bc prnvhase'l by applyi^S tu James-Jores. A?3:11 Cata-?er?. '-j !>. C. A JJ.KV. :i.e.i..fcK:i Pas-' o p-r ao i T?eVct A^rot: JOHN ii. PECK, 'Jeaciat Sus: Charleston. .-? 0 nmM&smn n. & rn, jVri:7<JJ:7:Tti'$BSr3 ?'S OFFICE, 5 N-?uHHAS?K?N IIAJLROAI) Ct?. GffAKLKST.dX, S. C.. Nov. 26. IS?1. ';>:; atii? utter t?us das? lae f-.iiti? ?Sx-h-o !.?e '.vif; ta- : a a j futida? -. ?.?^.istfit--: : .. av ? .'i:.:i':e?!?u. Arr.v : Ivlv :"r. ;:-.o A. M.1 .r. w : : 1-. y..V- ."-"> e >:. P. ?.. i* 2 5 A. T.?. -' A . ... ;\ .1: F hit?.. . at l? A. ?5. V, : : ? op scr wry pas^ .J . ! '. . ? . Y ! > K. fie;-* ! -UpTi ... ?.. OLnAPOE. <;<::..;. j":, :;;-! Atitlit. ?**(. ?. rivi STA PS :>F A is V ?i :D ru;? ?>r- C. P. OS?Ei N. At the Watchman ai>d Southron Ulric. ? [For the Watch man and Southron.] Messrs. Fallers : l?as. genius prophetic foresight? It would seem so from thc following free translation of j Horace's XXX Ode, Ii. Ill : 1 Xot enduring brass, nor pyramidal pile, Could so fix r.;c on thc role of never-dying fame, As the fadeless glories that entwine my poet's name : For these, like their own immortal mind, Yield m^t to ruthless time, nor beating rain, nor driviug wind, Son orunix mr-riar! Oblivion's stream. Whatever else it claims, must-leave untouched thc poet's dream. When you Capitol shall fail to own her priest and silent virgin train, My glory thc.' may cease to weave its ever lengthening, ever-b nigh ten f?g chain. Xor shall he who first taught Talia's mas? to warbie Grecia's songs. Though low of birth, be without a name j Where wiid AufidJS plays its game, j And thirsty Daun us seeks thc rustic hordes to tame. Indulge 0, Muse, my merit's boastful claim, And crown me with Apollo's lasting fame. NEMO. LIFE OF k mmm EIMIOIL -0- " A Story rrii.h a Powerful "Kora"". Let 35veryboc?y Read. Once upon a time, about tho bo^-;:: ning ofthe year ISSI, th ero lived a j lean and hung-!y cou;.try editor; Ail through iiic year I-SSO he liad worked hard, and had lived for the most part on turnips, dried apples and herrings. Thanksgiving day and Christmas clay had come and gone, and on those oc? casions the editor had worked off the best Jukes Le could getup as to turkics and cranberry sauce, lie got up these jokes mainly for the purpose of making the general public believe that lie din? ed sumptuously on those occasions. But the fact of the matter is, the only change of diet thc editor had on each of th ose days, was that he mixed his turnips and dried apples together, and called ihe mixture by a beautiful French name. It is true that tiie editor was not able to eat much of his new dish, even after he hud given it a beautiful name. But this did not matter much. Ile calmly atc his her? ring and congratulated himself that this French delicacy of his was a dish that few of 'his acquaintances had ever tat do "vii io. But we must go on with our story. A.s we have remarked before, our nar? rative c?mi?ences within.; beginn foi* of tue yea? ISSI. Of oy-u-rs?, ii-at is arloj'g.. lo::g orne ago; and of coursed th? editor aboU'.s win,m wo arc now lei!- : inti has long since died and gone to ! hoavt:n. But perdiaps some am-org: our oldest readers may' have h ear? i j the i- grandfathers speak . ! the vd* tirer : of Le'SO uno ISSI. Hov. ii snowed : - and btowcu a::d frozed, and then took ! j a f. oh start and frozed and blowed ; j and suowedi How boats were frozen j ap iti the rivers'-, and railroad trains j blocked in Lite mi Jule of ioresls by in?- j penetrable banks of snow, and the ; ' c:-Ltie upon a thousand hills compelled j to -rai straw under the shed,-and yet; it kept on snowing and blowing and . freezing. There lived about tins thnc i a weather prophet by name Ycnuor. Many peuple, including the editor, be? lieved that Vennor had rn-ti'tin".to; -do-j wi.ih creating the miserable state o??? ' weather. V? nether Ven nor was re- j sponsible for tho weather, or whether : it might have more" properly been ; j ascribed to Herbert Spencer's **ii::ici- ; j eiiiiatiotsSiOf dciiuite, -Coherent bete ru j 1 genieixy* ' we are not able at this time ? j to determine. Whatever may hayo ; ; been tho cause of the winier, we wiii simply state that it was alt ?jost as bat! as any that had ever occurred within ? the memory of the oldesf inhabitant. ? On the morning on which our story j commences, the enlim was nilling ! moodily in his sanctum. The devil j was endeavoring to make tv: are burn, just as a weil int educed devil should;: But the editor was mcdltu?hig. He was thinking of the past, ol' the pres? en}: and of ?lie future. lie had just ??niciied making out a long list of bills, ! and lie was thinking sweetly of ali ; there blessed subscribers who had : paid him in a iyancc, and ?-gatnst i whom ile had no bids. And ko wa- ; thinking mournfully, regreifnuy, ai-; most bitterly of those who hadn't < -I squared up. ' And y-A he was think? ing hopefully of this i a Uer class, ibr it j was principally upon them that he ? depended for hr future rations. lie ; knew there were lots and lots of good ! n Hows among them, who would not j itt IJim starve to death while they could raise one dollar and fifty cents. The editor had spent all his advance subscriptions keeping up his rent, in buying his dried apples, his turnips and his herrings, in paying for tho material und other cost o? running his paper and in feeding and clot h inn- his devil. On this morning .as the editor sat in nis sanctum, he was completely bankrupted. That is; he was not, completely bankrupted,-he had Iii' j teen cents left. But all his turnips j were gone, and he only had four ; pounds ol dried apples and nine her- ? rings remaining in [?is larder. Tho editor took his pencil and made a cal? culation. These four pounds oy apples ho calculated, when boiled would ; amount lo just lour bushels. A i low- ' mg bi msc M to eat a peck, these four bushels would inst him just thirty two da\*s. But as t ;e?ok him a her? ring a day, the niue herrings would only last him nine deys. T: is was a gloomy outlook. The editor ;/..e . .'! at his ?'.'?? an ! -a e ("t:;f his !??es .rere <aviuuing io s.iow, ;..-d as ho ih.mgh; o?" ?he cold \v-lh?'i .: ..!;). r.ubc-i :.. teat im ought fo have a :?>::< pair of shoes, id:ii I. :??;< 4h--r pair of "?' "! '-gs, . a;- ester overcoat. As the editor thought upon these th; ?es to r * grow desperate. Jiejnu ; . ' r-p b tn hm vivi, ? I "tu ck a thoa?ri'*a! attitude, shed one eye and shook in's list at tho devi! rP'?;-: scared the devi! almos i-, .{fath, for ire thought ilse edi! - had discovered atioJtci lyp'! errt#r in ib.- \-.t<\ issue. !*et v.hen he b.ued ?Ita: Ho; editor was ? hiv aia-n? 'o t:--e;c ;> ppr-ech; he stood and lisl e .< tl-, ius? as a well oonduel'*d devil shouhl. Snid thc editor- "llave ? not worked flirt i?" fully .varirrg thc past V j to collect all il:u news of iii'- con and to COM'Jci?.?.'; into brief iori.3 prlncipn! newsof tho wiriitr-j for be ii oil ? o? on:* readers ': *' Thu devil said. "To the best of knowledge and belief, 3*011 have." '.Have I not,'*7 said the editor; "v locals wore scarce., have; ? not sot 1 upon ibis venerable chair and invei acc'deiits, md created leonis or misty nothing V} "The devil said that ho would his chewing gum that the editor the truth. .'.'Have I not/' continued the edi "used my utmost exertions to k patent medicine advertisements on omi; paper, and have I not alway? fused to put in personal pulls un they were paid for in advance?" The devi! said, that ho was not 6 upon this last point that the editor made. Ile thought the staten: sounded very beautiful and very quent, and he had no doubt but tim was poetically correct,- out only p i cal ly so. '.iiave ? not/' said tho edi "hunted up tit-bits o? scandal ? II I nd prit-'d as much as possible ? people's private a?fuirs for tile ben of tho general public I-' The devil grinned, and win" knowingly at thc editor and said i all this was tot.? true to be denied. "And finally," sud the edi! "have I not during t ? cold : sleety weather, stood upon thc slr corner, with my pencil in one In and note-book in the other; and h: I not watched the beautiful, beaut: damsels, the airy, dainty damsels, rollicking, jovial damsels, as ti jauntily tripped over thc icy pa merits. And when the dainty heel; these jovial damsels had flown np ii the air, and those beautiful dams have come down hard upon the pa mont, 'nave 1 not given a picturesr and minute account of the scene i": Thc d< "il was so much impress with this part of the speech that called the journeymen, and got 1 editor to say it over again. T editor s.*id it over again word word, and the devil and the joman men said it was the finest piece eloquence they had ever listened They furthermore said that th would swear before a court and ju that ii was every word true. Tiiis served to calm down the edil very considerably, and he again to his seat and engaged in coi J ter? pl at i o! Iiis subscription bills. There wc a gr?a* many fer only one year, a these were si 50. There wore a lar number .\>r two y^ars, and these wo ?3.00, and liiere were some that h eve-! rna for three years, and th ;:i!!?i! io r-kJ^J - that is supposii ...?.a ..1 al1 xii'. :'.= re cases, only advan raies ..eie chargrd Then he cast! eye <iver his books, and in:ted tho biassed subscribers who had paid advance. T?rese .ho found to be mo than twice as many as a!! the otho together: bur, as we li we before ? marked, the editor had already Spe tiiese. Thomd; lu; gave them t! best a??eci'ons of iris heart, he lui appreciated that Ire could not look them for his supply dried appl and turnips through tho coming yea iS ow ernies the iragie part of 01 story. The editor afterworking av? ilis bilis al! day. we:.-: home io suppo lt was nine o'clock when he sat dow lr) his evening's moa!. This was h osea! 'imo for sopping*. As we ha* said before,'his turnips were al! gon. and he had eaten his day's herring ft ilnmer, so that iie only had Ihre quarts of dried apples left i or jj: Slipper. These ho peacefully au seronely ate. [Some may be incline I to think (li quantity of food tire editor consume is overstated-that three quarts < dried apples was too much for Iii supper. In reply lu i]>\?, we simp] state, that editors have lo eat a gre:: deal more than other people in ordo tu supply their brain power.] Having finished his supper he pullo his chair up to the lire. Ho ha borrowed two bushels of coal th:: day, and therefore ?mia-' aa?o?cmoj ly good lire. Having p dieu his chai to tire ii re, he turned his lamp lo;, down to save oih The turned dow huon east a twilight shadow over th room, and the weil filled lire east oe.t comforting glow of heat. Tiiese twi conditions, togetherwith the fret tba tin; editor had ..mie-: a hearty supper made 1 im foe) a Iii lie drowsy, rjo-m he lapsed into {mst state which ma* bc described as not asleep, and no awake-a kind of nall-and-half con dicion. The clock struck icu and eleven and still the editor sat in the darkenet room and enjoyed tie comforting glow of the lire. The clock strucl twelve-and as the mst chime die away, there was a mysterious chang? that came over the editor's surround iugs. His lamp wont out and he we.; left in total darkness. His stove ex pamied ::ud son ad until it became 1 mighty iurnaee of glowing fire. Tin ilames roared and blazed and fiashe?'. until the editor trembled in dread .Suddenly there sprang from the iii''; ; mysterious personage; It was lin devil. X'd tin- editor's own devil, not tim individual who did ail tin dirty work in the oilier, and who lia-i ; to bear all the blame fur bad epcli'njj ? and uiher mistakes that occurred i the paper,---no, no, not this devil, bul i tiie real, simon pure, bona lido devil, j -flic same tim! held intercourse will 1 I>r. Kaust, sonm three hu nd red yearf ago. I Thc ;-,-':;li:r's devi!, it will IN understood. ;? o:!!y nu lui v.-.tor \JY thc ; iv:: i dev;:.] rh-- e?Ktior gmi.ecd al : hi.-; eh/VVi foot, and mr med lately re ' cognized him " \\ i. .t ai?... " pirase von want V j askr-d il.-.- ,..f: ! *:Y< a ato :?... .." - aid th'4 du vii. " i ?c.:, said th'- ed il ui". j " Von have subscribers wini! won"! : Day np,'* said lin* dr;vj. "1 have,"" said the edi.:;-. ! '.'"Some ow( you $Hi>0. some, ow: von mi am some owe you ? I I sai-I tin: devil: "Von slate 4 tie vase correctly,''' sait! the editor .''Yul would iii:-, to have all these subscrip:ions.'" said l.!iO (b-yil. "[ woUid/' said thc editor. j Mou tvojld like to be rich.'J t?a:d ? i!:0 dov;!. : "I v mid,'5 sait? tho editor. I "My ?iiond,55 said tim devi?, "I : will make you as ric!: as Jim Guidon j Bennett, on one condition.5' i "And weat is the Condition :asked j thc editor. j "Simply that yon will serve nie . here, and hercatier/5 said ibo devil. "Can't do it," said the edito:-. Tho devil frowned al uhr. for throw ; mg- away such a good chance, bat carne forward with another propo? sition. "Give mo tho influence of your : paper during your lifetime,'7 said the devil, "and I will guarantee you ten : thousand subscribers who shall pay ' you np promptly the first Saturday in j every January. j The editor 1 evolved the proposition j in his mind. He wondered whether j the devil might desire to go to Cou . gres-, or to the Slate legislature or ? whether he might desire to run for i C'erk of the County or Sheriff. For j one of l?jese positions he concluded j that he would not be willing to sup- ? ; port him. Ile therefore respectfully j . declined his offer. > "Well," suid the devil T seo yon do ! i not know when 3*011 are well off. But . I will make you a third and final prop ; osirion.'5 i "Go ahead with your proposition," I said the editor. j "I will collect all these subscription ; bills on this condition"/7 suid thc devi}. ? i "Yon are to put. thee; in a bag, ? ; shake them thoroughly, and draw out ! one at a time, lavery tenth bili is to i be mine and the other nine i wit] col j lect for you. You transfer one tenth I of your bills to nae,-J coiiect the I other nine tenths for you. Do you ! understand V asked trie devil, j "I do,55 said the editor. ; j "Do you accept thc proposition ?" '? asked the devil. j Tue editor reflected ""What do you propose le de with your ten.h o?'j ; the subscribers!''7 ho asked. "Ah. what,55 replied the devi!, j "that's thc question. But chat's none : of your business.,J I can't accept,'5 said the editor. '. You're a fool," said tho devil with i which he disappeared in the furnace The furnace faded away, The edi j tor rubbed his eyes and there was his ! own stove, glowing willi a white bet', j The clock struck one. ?le turtled tim ; heat off his stove, relit his lamp, and j went to bed. riionai.. i Of course al! t;:is occurred a long, j long time ago -in the beginning of j the year ISSI, but editors are pretty i mucli the same ref of dish-rrogs now ; that -hey were linn:, anti lim ab.;"?v's- i , stury therefore teaches several ihn ga i lt i/'aeims msi'y-that art edi.! .: ! would not sell his see] to the dov;: : ! for $20.000,000. it teaches secondiy | ; -tl tat he would not sm'! Ula innaerice No the devil fir lon Durand e -.d. ; i Soi^ciibcrs a yeal", ii teacm.-s tni-d I ; ly-thai tie would not !..-O:M"-.- om j tenth of his back subscription bi!ht to I ; the devil, even though the tie vi; i should collect the oilier ?nueoen'J.-s. j i Should such a man as ties he :?l?.:.::?}. \ j to live on dried apph-s and ?n-.a ! i and to go all winter without a ne-j j pair of shoes, a new shirt, and ta - j ulster overcoats Can any subset*:b i 1 er who owes ti . ewsp-vper .man one ? year's subscription or three yea'r?' ! Kubsciipil o hs have tao hardness of heart to withhold tho ann.nut :' His Sn?vr.3 Story. Fron: the Salt hake Tribune, j 'I hate a mau who lies about snakes.' i said au old fellow who has Hen listen ; ing for nearly au hour to snake stories j around thc store at tim Overland b?nase, i 'Perhaps you moan that wc all arc j liars,5 said ono of thc mos-: loquacious ; of thc yarn spinners. .Oh, no: I haven't, h es rd anything \ from you fellows that astonished tac," i continued the stranger. 'Perhaps you know a fe tv snake sto? ries yourself,' said ene of the group. 'Well, I do recollect a curious cir I eu instance connected with snake--:-. l>p : at Malad la>t summer 1 saw a ra ttl e ! snake going alona" the read '.-it!; ;!::.-y ; six* young snakes io tow.' '?iust have been a polyg,' remarked . a bystander. j "Oh. that wasn't anything ; but when ; the big snake sav? mc coming it j st I swallowed ?hose thirty-si>: young snakes i cue after thc -'dhar.5 .Ob, be's a good one himsoif." saki oue of the crowd. '? don't seo anything surprising in that,' continued th~ Malad man. 'But what struck me so curions was that ; when ? came to kill 'hat snake, about ! two minutes afterwards, I could net : ind a solitary young snake inside tho ; big one after cuiiibg it open'. ; "Holy 5??S8S ! what a whopper*?' they I exclaimed Tn admiration. 'But still.' responded the story-teller, ' .] afterwards figured oat what Srst seewt : ed almost inexplicable, iou see, after I thc family began to realize its danger, : eighteen of those young ones swallowed : an equal number of tbL: others : there is ; so many out of the way, theu niue cf those remaining swailc-wcd nine of : the rest. You se it s no trouble to ex? plain things, if you only light np . the mysteries of nature with tim I imp of rca.- '0 and intelligence- Tiley kept ? right on di:nint>hiug the number in reg ; ular arithmetical porportion, un'll there i was but one left.5 'What in tho d- uee oe ame of th.:' ; one V tfocried ono -d'ila g .up. 'Ol), nov? you've got ? it's win:! ' makes my story sa? renia, kan! \ 1 dm I not iud err opt you wit h u ;:.:.::> s.a. dc. . (pierio:-, and ri-ink it \*< : imprdiu i?* cross-fj nest in?i >. 'ha v.:u a audre any shew ed a .-mire ry if ie - int? r-.'od Here bc waile d away, ' .'aviug the common":']?lace. lbw. ?aie o? ali the snake stories 'her ' The Kev .1. ll Fee], an Aim rh afc missionary who was sent to a .nc":v?irial to King dehn of Ai r. i d . r,.:..,|-is his journey from Suakta Hi"! Sea, to thc Ahvab.h u fr-eeior. with twenty-three came!.-- la-kn ?! . \ with Bi bl es ia th- Ara'?'-- h-ag-a:: tie gives an uni: . :. -dd?; tho ?lalo et tue Country. "Ifyoa won't be paney i : ino. I WOM> bo saucy to yon/' said little Pb :':>.; w: ...! ?el mother reproved !:er ?br raaeiuess. Fanny'- mother, per? haps liiid ?ever thought a parent C/'?h: !" g?.'.?l'j?y sauciness, but I often bm;: < f ibo eb i'd's remark \vh."in ekiidh-ii sp; ai?: disrespeetiuliy to their parents, i '-an usually ; >.-?? that they iiave brought it upon tnernseives that more patience and gentleness OM the parent's part vouid have pre? vented ti:'1 hasty reply. JL-areirts ccrtam'y sh-mid treat their : children with respect. cv.-t as though : thc children er o re their superiors, bat ; as though they had rights xv!;?cn ail \xmre bound to respect, a:::' feelings . which the parents should regard, and j tastes and preferences worthy nfl reasonable consideration. Children so treated will not be tempted to seri.-us impudence. I bo not say that they will never spank words that sound smicy. Tin- only way io prevent that, is to bring, them up in a state of con? stant fear, so that they never speak at all except bi wet'-considered weirds: ; j J i" children iee! bee and easy a<id con- j ildentia! with their parents, they xviii j be apt to address thom sometimes . ; very much ns they do thmr playmates ! of their own ago, and sometimes tiiis ? wiii seem disrespectful when no dis I res peu i is intended. Of coimso we j should try to boich them good mam | ?ors. and this inc!ados gentle and re i spectra: behavior, but lt' we send ibmo I lo solead, or allow them to play willi j (heir Mule -neighbors, they wiii proba? bly pick up expressions that we cannot ad uri rc, and usc them in the family. Fexv children of natural inde? pendence or spontaneity have never said won't*' to tin ir p.armiis. ?iii often this means nothing moro than an expression of preference-br too vehement expnissnui, which should certainly bo modbiad. But the child expresses, the momentary feeling, and \ immediately repents, and intends no I disobedience-FAITH ROCHESTER, in ! American Agriculturist ?w Novena ber. __ Take the Pork. A Quater, having been disturbed j by footsteps aro ti nd his dwelling one j night, arose bom his bed and cautious? ly opened the back door to reemmoi j tie. Close by xva,; au out-house, and i under it a Ce o or; men' a window of i winch was a man busily engaged in ' roccivina* the eOnicuts of his pork j barrel from am Iber i : fib- ?-ein?", i Tho (Quaker opp- act. .!, and ?he i mae on ibo outside ii; d.i. ile stepped ' op tv the c.* ila" jew and r<;.:eiud : tile p- rk fr-.;::: '.be rb.ief within, who ! aft "?- ?. I j ti le time ida supposed ? \ uccom: bee ia a "nhisner i ?<\>\ we nd-:- ii -J' V The own- j ; - v . d'ibo pork said, s-a'.ly : j i '-V-s. kakv il ab;,; avril the il?:..-: j . ne: ?tm cn tho b dam a through lue j : xe:;: ' xv. and llrva Came =..> bmiseiL-j I I nmg;.?o bi-- co.- tier.; tcion wb.ea, in-1 sk'ad jf grce tina ids companiop. in j crime, ho coubie-icd ile* Quaker, ii o t?? xv?, re asl-.; dsimd, -br tho thief ! prov ai to be a nv..;' mbahb-.r, ob whom j none w?-uid have suspected such co:> ; duet, ile pleaded bo- morey, begged j him :-:>i to expose bin:, spoke ci the j : bec?'.*> io?"noveriv, and promised I i / .. .. * !;r!? = fi- ?y :;VL i?- slea' again ? I ""Jf thou hadst is... I mt: i*. r mee-, ? it would Ivi.yc btCii ;;:x"e;i ?hee. ii pity thy poverty and thy v .-akoess. ann ma lbj ''amby, Thou arl for? given.'' Tim thief was greatly ;:ej<>:eodF and was about to d- part, when the (bucker ? san!: 4iTake the pork, neighbor." j '.No. nob' said the thiel*. "I don't! waist, the polk."' ''Thy necessity was so great that it I fed thee to steal. ?.ol' ibo pork ; thou must take with ti.ia-." Tim thief in isted bait ia, cona: not I eat a ?varself of it. The thought ?-fj the crime w abd m.dre it choke ibm. j Ile begged tim privilege (d'lei ting it ? alone. But tin; Quaker was inflexible, j and furnished tim mau eui: a bag, put ? ?all the ptjik therein and laying it ? upon his back, semi: hin- home with it. I Ho met his neighbor daily for see- ; oral yea::, amerward their iambics ; visited toge'!'?;.-; but tee matter wn-mj kepi a secret, hed ib.aurm in arter' years tia' circumstance was mcnthu: j ed. the mum? of ino d-.; limine::*, wan j never made known. The punishment wa : svvt-r" and effectual. It proba? bly was his first-- it was certainly his last-attempt to steal. Had the mem been arraigned before a court of justice and. imp riso neueibr J die petty theo, 'now ?lift?rent might j have been the result-his family dis-j graced, their peace destroyed, trie: man's character rubied and bis spirit ? broken. - American Birds. Severn! spciumer.s ot native Aim rican ' hirds arc duding friends and purchasers ! across the A ri a ri Ci-in (.romany, ; France, and ev? a &a gland, 'ibo ' pareil, far instance, one of car vcry | !iar.d??cai?j>t bird-, ?*.*?'S so:!i. over to ' Kurcro last yaar lo tin; number of three ' thousanJ iiv:> ii andrej by oat- single i liOUSO. Tile car-:i-.;a!, -V \'irj.'::da ririgiu ingale. er \ irginni red bira, is li kew is: malting thc grand :.-ar. Ov; r five thoa- j sand of thc. <? e:irdiTia;s v.-ero vs p<)rtcd . last ycr r fro a. the city ot* 2? aw i erk . ile; l.:t* a. ?. or Am-??- an ide . I ir?i. is likewise eu hi- W:Vvb- .b-. a.!. xvj^rre au American . da ibo ivaiic :n-- ar?t mir. . bl a xv? :dd - .bb- ! Kn-dar. . :: : tire j rb-h. a rew.-.--baa y han! p,- .pl, :o ; COUvb. . . !::,".. '.r.u'-i: . :5*e {;?.;. '. ?; a bali. '.."tiuMlgli sile iii ii thru h is ibo b-.u. ;ae -x, :?i.-r:.v i lr--xva tb.* ash is ]:.*. as g- "d . - -?>--<-- .; i vs tm : :*??!-i. * .'? ..tb-.nnn ?.?.: h cd x.,rb b, p?evleew a.. . :.:.b n-rj a e-w -ureai. e r : a-b dd .: . aa b . ly xv ls er. da bis r*. g:: i Ii; au; ana-mac- a;.n.; nr.; : *;{' \a ri ?; tam a trait y?u ar?: k-b :!;reat.. nea tub. si '". nm.;; < \ b.a br::ki. .?ta:, thrown : T: V'-ur poebe:-:.?...-.;: into von- \v;''"'s lan ' Start fer JV-. -d :l :i bebb v.v, EcoDcmy in Brc?,3. A dress that is io poee?:ar as to bo Strking, eithci from iis brilliancy of color any .other cause, should be adoptede-dy by a woman who bas many chau?res of ? raiment, and so may wear it only ceca- j atonally, or tho thought et ir becomes a i boro, oven i: ar grst ir is interesting ?"roa: its novelty. Tho werna a who has many dresses can a?T-rd also io givo ir. away or ' con vat it. to some other usc before it is worn, wiela rho u nobs tra? i ve dross j easily leads itself" io some different ad- : justmect, which gives it an entirety new j aspect. A woman who has hut ono best gown can "wear it with a diSerence." like the rue Ophelia cf.'ers to ber broth? er. ..? . . as to make ir. suitable to many occasions, especially if the have two waists, er "bodies,'' as the Khg \Uh cali them. One skirt will easily outlast two waists, and therefore is a real r aving But suppose that there be out one waist, or tho dress he made ? all in one piece (than which there is no | prettier fashion.) and it should he worn j one day higa in the neck, with collar j and cutis, on another day with the neck 1 turned in, and a lace or muslin fichu ' gracefully adjusted with bows or Saw? ers -it'd a bit v': lace ;?L tee wrists, a pair of long glove?, and a more elaborate dressing of the hair, ic will bo scarce? ly recognizable. 32ut the dress mast ba of a Very genera; character, like black silk, or some dark color, or the pleasure cf the new impression is lost. The wise person with a small capital never buys any but a good aad lasting thing. Each year she adds one cr twu reully solid possessions to her wardrobe, which, treated with care last her macy years. Thus ou a really sinai! sum she may dress very beautifully. With? out a copitul one is often obliged to hr.y w!;r* eau last but for a few months; but lhere is choice even herc. There is certainly a groat economy in a woman's adopting fer occasions of ceremony cue dress from which she never diverges. It becomes her ehar acteri.-tie. and there is even a kimi of style aad beauty in the idea. The changing fashions in color and material pass without eifccling her. She is heyer induced to buy anything because it is new. She is always thc same. The dress in this case must have a cer? tain simplicity. It costs her little thought and little time, and when the ??!<] edition, becoming worn, ?rives way te ike new, ibo eua ugo is not per? ceived, oor is ir noticed when the mew ir, its trna become? md. Such dre.- ", as this must of course lio whela co rta ir limits. Suppose lt to be .i black velvet, ic would last, with euro, at leas: ?ve or six years. Sonrose it to oe a wi:ito cashmere-a dies:: c! -ned; east: it could, with caro, last twu seasons : and then, clean e. last anoth? er season or two* and the::, dyed, bc turned ta tr- a v-Iking dress to la: t two seasons mere. If a dress is pat cn with grace. It:; owner nar:o :s aware its defects, and ir rs :-. t.:'o]noss te tia; spe-ite?er if she ill V- op her own secret. In "Fiance, and I believe also in Laly, they hare a poetic faskiou of dedication j for a certain rumker of ea;?> (ii ve, ten, or twenty years, according to tho parents' taney) young giris to the Vir? gin. Icon ot li o o w i a w hat way '. h ey demonstrare t!;is dedieardon except in tie; cider of tb ir dress, which is al? ways, for al! occasions, summer or win no-, blue, or white, or white and bbre mixed. Ties alfords more variety thar; at srst thought it would seem to be cap? able of, for any ?bade of blue may be used. There is a great economy ie deciding on a few becoming eolors in their several shades, and confiniijg one's dress to Leese. Choosing colors that harmonize eaeii other, like gray. bh:ek, pur? ple, blue, yellow, white, and never buy tag any other colors, one may, in mrking overgarments, usc one with another so thar nothing is wasted. it ls r.-so important to know what r.alzt of dress to emphasise. For in '.tanec. one may expend a largo fen cn a gown, ned if thc tamp s are shabby; or ill-made, the gloves worm and the bon? nor lacks style, the gown is .er.-'Tcly thrown awn}*. But thc gown may be no longer new ; it nor-.* n >w be care? fully brushed and well put on. ?ho collar and cuds, or other reek rta.i wris* t-i'Qimings. must he in pc-rfec* order, thc boers well made and well blacked, even if not new. li:? gh-e faultle.-s. and the bennet neat and styl? ish. The effect is of a welt dressed woman t no man. and very few women, perceive that Lhe dress is nota new ocr. A Deceitful Burglar. A Brooklyn young man. returning home early in the morning-probably from a meeting cf the Young Men's Christian Association, or something of timi sert-met a burglar, who was ;ust on i he point (d' braving the tmese. lie seized him by tie: threat; when the retiring burglar hogged for ids life, dcclaiing that unable longer to .?nar his starving chijdre!* cry for.! brea.l. he had entered the iemse. in- ' tending it) steal the silver: that he had never been guilty of crime before, and that he would lead au honest iib: j if released. Touched by his repent-j ance and his want, lue young man j not .ody n leased him. imf ?ulero 1 ( bim a silver dollar, which the burglar j at i: st refused, on tie- ground that he j Could not bea: ;.i iouc's Ike moue j cd' One whom he rind in!,m ted te rob. ! lie: wa-; tinnily ?w-rsaa led ami went : his way Thc next, moine.g the b :e [ eve! eat v-aing man's fath r d s coy- , : ina! .; l'ait ?' had walked away j with Sr.* A vvs.uti. of silver, with which j ids p ..e!:ei ; were stn HW! v. hen ha ; r.-ves'-a ti:e dollar, lie probably h.. '.nd r?ioru for ii. n was already so heavy h .? bal a; to ?3 - ai ra td ?lia? no e add.i t walk. Th; w?id; d' teclaiuimg tier .?; \cr :..*:.> le:- of I'! aida is being c?.c;i:-<- en with rgy. cunt with a ike;.;mg pros? per cfs eee--s. A atoan-e.- is working the heado?hi 0ri -vr- a. :a kt .. Uiver, ..?..-ut-.'g a oil I from Lake Flirt te Lal; : LJieiipoche. A drodge boat is rapiddv ::?i;;i*t.av:" completion at (V-hir *Vevs. widen ??! lia ve ;.? eaoacUy IT E W S ?T?MS. -0 There wore 2^, OOO negro slaves in England ia i70 :, .-ind lacy wore collars like those put urana dogs Widower Smith of ida. Iowa, married' his stepdaughter, and hts disarproving neighbors tarred : :.b feathered him. Secretary Blaine has received a dis? patch frota Baron von Steuben, "-hieb says he has camed .his son, born last Friday, ""iJiaiae Steuben." Passengers can ride twelve miles in' a Loudon underground railway for two' cents :'o 'ess than H'0,OM,*00 pas? senger;; were moved last year. Two girls at Greenwich, Eci:., climb-" cd ?ve fences, wrenched off a loci:, and' plundered a house lately. If ibis goes' on, mate burglars will have to su ike, Viki the cigar men. The voung lady attendants at the' Court Theatre, London, are nov/ clad" in a yellow waistcoat, navy blue swal? low-tailed dress coat, erect collar, acd black silk evening tic. A minister preached an Lour; then' he remarked : 'Another wide field opens, from the subject in another direction.' bast th er an obi colored saint ejacala-. ted : 'Please. Lord, shut up de bars.' A ?irting belle ot* Akron, Caio, bas' caused a social excitement by having ail tho love tetters she has received' ; bound bco'?soateiy in a morocco volume' ! for her parlor table, in place of ar. ordi? nary autograph al bam. The cen tour, ry cf iee abolition of .'croom iu ?781 by tba Emperor Joseph1 ?Ii. h* to be celebrated shortly with* [ popular rejoicing throughout Austria, j In particular, grand feres on a large' *cam are bein? prepared in" Vienna. 'rOV Critter, len of Missouri employs' convict labor in his household, a number of men and women being detailed from' thc penitentiary for that service. The' Ge vernor ba?! a silver wedding, a few days ago, and two of the f?lons very nearly tueeeedod irr escaping with the gifts. The pulpit was set outside tbsichdrclr at Wiuslow, Texas, in order to give I room for a stage on which to perform .pinafore,' audi whoa again needed for use it was missing. Several weeks of search elapsed before it waa found in a' gambling house, where it bad been al? tered into a faro table. Al a recent wedding at St. George's,.' Hanover genaro, in "London, uve out of six bridesmaids v;ore coherent colors. This novelty was slight]? suggestive of ? a rainbow One wore blue, another ? red, a third violet, and a forth bronze. j The two others, who were eh;!'"*en, wore cream color. A bulldog walked icio a colored church in Memphis dering services, marched quietly up tbs main aisle, as? cended the pulpit, .''"light held of the" ministe ami dragged Liai ?own stairs. There was r.othhm: to account for tbs dog's behavior, unless it was that tho tuinbior was a visitor. When a Tcxa.-; couple stood up to bc married, tho m'mis'er saw the handle cf v. pistol pro-reding from the bridegroom's pocket and suggested that cat of respect to the solemn ceremony, it belaid aside. Thc advice was heeded. Then the bride demnreh drew a dagger from ber bosom au J tossed it beside the otlmr weapon Some idea of tho wealth of the mice;, on the Pacific coast may bo obtained from the fact that in 1877 there was $76,000,000 on deposit in the savings banks of California. This is tho largest amount cf money ever held by the banks of the State at cae time, ami its accu? mulation was thc result of the mining prosperity that had prevailed for some time previous. The famous big trees of California, 359 to 400 feet high, and proportionate? ly thick are on public land, subject rc ? i?try at ?i.2? an acre, and. may bc bought up and destroyed by whoever wishes to make such usc of them. The bark has already been peeled from the batt of one for a showman, who sots it un at fairs asan exhibition, and another ha3 been cut down in order io make a dancing platform cf the stump. Notwithstanding, tbs namerous disas? ters to Alpine tourists which have taken place of hue. thc aseect of 3Iont "Blanc appears, according to statistics which have just h-en published, to be a more popular feat than .ever. More ascents have, in fact, been made this seasoo ?han in any previous year. From July to October se vcr.'.y-four tourists succeed? ed in gaining 'he sim.toit. Ol' these, seventeen were of English nationality, one cf them being a lacy. Very few people have any idea ef the slowness the Austin street car is capable of. Only yesterday a lady with a 2-year old bey got in tho Car. She paid lier own fare, sud asked what was ibo charge for the infant. ''Ne charge. We only charge for thc / adults.*" "Then i might a's well pay. Ho w:_U-be grown up before he gets therm Ibo going nve blocks.7' ! Terms Siftings. The export movement of domestic r-roduee from this country during the past week shows no improvement as com? pared with thc past, few weeks. The tomi is ?0,090,074, compared with ?$,424.715 for thc same week last year. Since January I<t, the aggre? gate is rj;Ur?,2iO,7S.> against p?l, t'21'.OoG tar the corresponding period of ?SSC -a decrease ot ?:2.C?0l xor ior.y thrce weeks. A Sharper i< m? thc way South tee ''Ninety-five cents game.'" Iiis m etliod of .toing-; business 'i's . s o enter a store and ask for five re;.tb worth of aa article; on rec wh.g it hctcader"a two ."ellar bi i in [ry...ea- : the change given hie? by the st -rckct-per - en. vally e.M'.sis'in-rrt -c a d liar tal ur s:?ver 'pieces cad nkm*v-tivc cents ?a sui's li vein, he ?l'a<uls : b- bar b: his pocket, and sm" ?adina a five caa: la that rc-eptaele. apel.fe- making trou i-b- o; v 'bag t'"C ieb ne:4, aa.) mae :i:igib,eSvi cents ea he n i ne. y-ft ve rents ; :. i; towards - .c s;ore-keeper asking for a dellar hill, savs he dislikes to esr rv s ? much silver: upon thc unsus? pecting storekeeper placing a dollar ou ?he evan ter tee sharper engages him iu talking until he rae place Mb 'he elm: ce tied the bib iogtubor. eben he a? thc -b!::n to er., barr': thc - w< dclhrbs-e.?i . .. e meer tor the two ? dellars ho had Originally given bim.