?|e^att|man at? foul RELIGION. MORALS AND PHILO! Rev. C. C. BROWN, Edite GIVING AND LIVING -o Forever the sun is pouring its gold On a hundred worlds that beg and I His warmth he squanders on summits His wealth on the bornes of want and To withhold his largess of precious lig Is to bury himself in eternal night. To give . Is to ?ive. The flower shines not for itself at all, Its joy is the joy it freely diffuses, Of beauty and balm it is prodigal, And it lives ?n the light it freely ic No choice for the rose bot glory or doo To exhale or smother, to wither or bio To deny Is to die. The seas lend silvery rays to the land. The land its sapphire streams to the The heart sends blood to the brain ol maod, The brain to the heart its lightning tn And over and over we yield our breath Till the mirror is dry and images death To live Is to give. He is dead whose hand is noi open wid< To help the deed of a human brother : He doubles the length of his lifelong ric Who gives his fortunate place to e cheapest. New goods constantly arriving-Clerks polite and attentive-and every honorable inducement is hcrebr offvred. Sept 13 Expert Penmanship. At tbe Omaha National Batik may be seen a ?20 bill executed entirely with a pen by sonic expert penman and forger, It is very skillfully done, and not one person out of a hundred would detect it without the dosest examina? tion, and even then the chances are that the detection would bc purely ac? cidental. lt is executed in all the various colored inks used on bank nott s, and even the paper itself is made to look like bank note paper by little strokes of the pen. This bili is really a wonderful curiosity. It was paid to the bank by a Government official, through whose hands it passed without detection. It was received at the bank, but its true character was soon afterwards discovered. Tbe execution of the bill probably required two days' hard work, which would give the forger ?10 a day for his labor. He has probably set a?oat many of these bills, as well as bills of ? larger denomination, and it is likely j that the twenty-dollar bill above men- j ttoned has passed through hundreds of hands without detection. An observer who considers kissing an aesthetic pleasure, says the negroes as a ! rule, never indulge in it, has heard j that Indians never do, and says that among the lower classes of white women it is a rarity. The leading Scientists of to-day agree rhai most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys < r Liver. If therefore, tue Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the result. This truth h is only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without nein? able to frnd relief- The3 discovery of Warner's Safe Kiiiney and Liver Cure marks a new era in tbe treat meut of these tr.-ubles Ma _ _ _ _ " ^. - _ Sale, read \FOR PROFIT. If von wish to he- ) PRACTICAL !om?Vp\????,da1 j" FLOR IC ULTU RE If you wish to Gar- GARDENING den tor Amusement r u or for li?me Cse j" FOR PLEASURE. only, rca?! All t>y PETElt nEXl>KRSO!V. Price $1.5(1 each, postpaid by mail. Our Combined Catalogue pt For 1SS2, <=vnt free on application. PETER HENDERSON ?fe CO. 35 Cortlandt St., New York. THE. HOUSE AND TUE OWNER. KNOW THYSELF. Every man should know how he is made md what he is made for, both to enjoy this ire and the next. 'What's a home, or land, or "Kine, or moat, Tone can't rest for pain, nor sleep, nor eat, Xor go about in comfort? Here's the ques :ion : What's all tbc world without a good Ideation ?" HEINITSH'S STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINES The reputation of Dr. HEINJTSR'S MEDI? CINES is becoming world-wide as the best medicines for the Blood and Liver. This is ??hat everybody says. Thc Blood and Liver ['ills for the Liver, Queen's Delight for the 31ood, Rose Cordial for Bowel Complaint, Quaker Liniment for Pains and Aches, luna Shill Cure for Chills and Fever. Are for sale by Druggists, and at Beiniish's Family Drug Store COLUMBIA, S. C. ST-AJSTLEY'S CELEBRATED COUGH SYRUP ! FOR THE.CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS, In? fluenza. Catarrh, Whooping Cough, Bron? chitis, Asthma, and all affections of the Lungs. A. valuable Expectorant and SoelhiDg Cough Hemed v. -o ROSE CORDIAL For tbe cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bowel Complaint. Pains, Cramps, Cholera, Cholera Morons; Sick Stomach, Sour Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headache, Wind in thc Stomach, Hysterics, Paintings. Low Spirits, Melancholy. For Infants-one of the best Sooth lng Med ici nes for Teething. Belly Ache, Looseness of Bowels, Fretfulness, Restlessness, md all complaints incident to Children. MOTHER DARLING'S INFANT CORDIAL, Soothing for Children Teething. A wonderful medicine for children of all ages and conditions-it improves their health and regulates their bowels. Mothers may have full confidence in this preparation as being the very best medicine for softening the? Gums, and rendering the process of Dentition easy. For Teething, Infiammation of the Gnms, Spasms, Fits, Bellyache, Wind on the Stom? ach, Griping Pains. Sour Stomach, Looseness, Bowel Complaint, Wind Colic, Cholera Morbus Vomiting, Fretfulness, Restlessness, and all complaints incident to Children. RTCORD'S TRUE SPECIFIC, (The French Remedy.) For the permanent cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Stricture, and affections of the Kidneys and Urethra, Swelling of the Glands, Seminal Weakness, Obstruction aod Incontinence of Urine. Extract from a Letter. "The Queen's "Delight" is beginning to awaken the attention of our physicians. Its remarkable curative powers arc seen in its wonderful effect upon disease. As a blood* purifier there is no medicine like it known to the profession. A gentleman told me that his son had been taking the Queen's Delight, ano: is more henel; ted by it than by any other medicine. He wants a dozen bottles.-" :;Dr. E. Heinitsh :-Your medicine for Chills and Fever is a sure remedy. I have been suffering for several months past, and one bottle ofyour Chill and Fever Cure has entirely cured the disease. I have not had a chill since, and J regard mv health restored." Yours, Respectfully, * M. D. WADE. "I have used two bottles of ?Queen;s De? light' and one box pills. The pain in my back and side have left me ; my liver is acting well : my appetite better and my headache gone. I feel like a young man; I shall use yoSV valuable medicine as long as I continue to improve." Yours, Respectfully, J. L. B. "Mr. E. Heinitsh-Dear Sir :-Mrs. Rials was suffering with Liver Complaint and pains in the side and heart, nervousness, could not sleep, bad appetite, and general bad health. I procured one bottle ofyour 'Queen's Delight' and Blood Pills. J regard her case as cured. She is looking as well as she ever did. Your 'Queen's Delight' is a blessing to the afflicted. I give this certificate cheerfully." Yours, Respectfully, J. D. J. Febrnarv 15 V v> w il? \ Eas boen in constant w^; / two bv ilio jubile J?-~'f-': ].f^$^ < \ ~\Z i-W-t-i*-./ -.. i for ever twenty years, \v?V#?^V and ?3 tho ?jr>st preparation .-.vcr invented for II2SXOR- \ Tb.9 ?:W-; G??AT HAT:: TO IT:: j State rouTHFUL COLO:: AND I Assayer. VHF*. A v of Mas: It. supplies the natural j foci a:i:l color tc t?io hair ! jrlauda without staimutj IAND?tAKE, y ??AN??E?.it?x; t% ....,._.". f. rv i \v *.??? .:.>!!.!>!?-\ I. QfA 1.1 '? ' " .-.:.!. In i ric;:.-. Yn :.r?.!rs'.y?:illy i i Mu?'' '. ??fa?>?ui??ti?; sicco m COLD. WIM ?>?? voit f?r :.. ?l^-y v.::i ?iof r-.irn or u',-'" or ?-?r:i?y?iu:m ?i'j|*i:vc er injurious '" imitai ?-i t!:t-::U Ask-vm.r tlniw? i-f !:i?.-:t :>!'>..!'H-?>.).! Srr?- * 1 ?r ti)? !v?:: = i-f.---5. I.-;?* ..!' ?.;*HNti, 11?t?a, rii :uui 1.:I?V..;I.-<. r. N. > .. A T.nto.0.,1. OQ/A/T ?S WHAT o very nintliei needs fo ?^.jyj't hpr ob?bL when it is troubled witb worms: Sol I hy drniici-it<. Hardware Merchants, SOLE AGENTS FOR WHEELER & MELICK COMPANY'S THRESHERS, CLEANERS AND SEPARATERS, THE I TH AK A HORSE RAKE, BALDWIN'S FEED CUTTERS. BUFFALO STANDARD SCALES. AMERICAN BARBED WIRE FENC? ING. L T. GRANT'S PATENT FAN MILLS. Schofield's Cotton Press. THE CENTENIAL COTTON GIN, CONDENSERS and FEEDERS; ALSO AGENTS FOR The Brown Cotton Gin, For Sale : GIN BRISTLES, SMUT MACHINES, MILL PICKS, BOLTING CLOTH, BOLTING WIRE, RUBBER BELTING, BABBITT METAL, MILL STONES, MILL SCREWS, CORN SHELLERS, COTTON BEAMS, SUGAR CANE MILLS, HUBS, SPOKES, RIMS, AXLES AND SPRINGS. A Full linc of Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. HART & COMPANY, Charleston, 8. C. May ai, ISSI. ly. & CALDER BROS., COTTON FACTORS -AND WHOLESALE GROCERS WILMINGTON, N. C. BAGGING, SALT, COFFEE, TIES, BACON, TWIN MOLASSES, CHEESE, &c, &c. Wilson Childs" &~Co^WAGONTS, at manufacturer's prices. Liberal advances on Consignments, and prompt returns at highest market prices._Supt. 2 O li?TCHELL & ? WILMINGTON, W. C. OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES Choice grades FLOUR, own manufac?nr -ALSO, Fresh Ground MEAL, HOMINY. CRACKED CORN. PEA MEAL, &c. -ALSO, Selected RED RUST PROOF SEED OATS. Selected BLACK SEED OATS. Selected North Carolina and Maryland SEED RYE. Selected White & Red SEED WHEAT. All our Goods guaranteed best quality and at lowest prices. No charge for de? livery to Railroad. - B. F. MITCHELL & SON. WULBERN & PIEPER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN Irais, .Liprs, Tota, k 167 and 169 East-Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 Elp &0LBS1TS & SC?, Wholesale Merchants. PURCHASERS AND DEALERS IN Iron and Metals, of aH Kinds. HIDES, FURS AND SKINS. WOOL, WAXj RAGS, PAP ER STOCK AND COTTON, Cotton Ties, New and Spliced. Circulars of Prices furnished on application. P. ?. BOX 549, CHARLESTON, S. C. February 10 lr ROBERT HOUGH & SONS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Brandies, Vines an? Whiskies 44 Sauth-Street, Baltimore, Md. December 9_ J. D. CRAIG'S PUKNITUEE AND UNDERTAKING ESTABLISHMENT, Sumter, SC A (ESTABLISHED IN 1856.) FULL ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE constantly in store, at prices to suit the times. BED ROOM SETTS, WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Safes, Sideboards, Looking Glasses, What Nets, Wall Brackets, Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Mattresses, ?tc, &c. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, IS FULL ?.KD COMPLETE, COFFINS AND CASKETS of all descrip? tions and sizes constantly in store at prices ranging For Adults-from $5 to 125. For Children-from ?3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is giren to this business, in all its departments,, and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Nov 10 ) *THEM0ST POPULAR |j? ORDER I f??r\ LIFET1 M E t* I X . SUAPASSESj^OTHERS !| ?soippl^go. % H 30 UNION SQfNEW YORK A CHICAGO ILU^-- g 3 c^9Q RANGE MASS. j| T. IJ. BISSF.LL, Charleston. July 1 S2 Watche*. Stem-wlnJer8$3 50. Whiti?m?t?i nnnt'..-;t. Imitation j:old|G. SolU^oMJIi Cheap??-;-. : f.: a!o?u?r.-ec. l?I?XP?OAtO., 13'J\astauSuX? . l?ete