The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 15, 1881, Image 1

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THE SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April, IS50. Consolidated Aug\ 2, ISSI.] 'Be Just and Fear not-Let ail tas Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's." SUMTER, S. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1881. TJLIK TUX K SOETIIKOX, Established June, J 866* Nev?* Series-Vol. I. No. ?6. Published erery Tuesday, -BY TUE fWatckman and Southron Puhltshing Company, SUMTER, S. C. TERMS : Two Dollars per annum-in advance. A o v a R t i s E M E x TS . One Square . ?z*.i insertion.Si 00 Every subsea '.er.t insertion. 50 Contracts *:\>r three months, or longer will I be made at reduced rates. i Ali communications which subserve private . interests will be charged for as advertisements, j Obituaries and tributes of respect will be j charged for. Marriage notices and notices of deaths pub- ; ??shed free. For job work or contracts for advertising j address Watchman and Southron, or apply at | the Office, to N. G. OSTBEN, Business Manager, j FOB LEASE OR S?LE. THE PLANTATION KNOWN AS AN- j DSRSON VILLE, io Charleston County, ; eighteen miles above Mount Pleasant, most desirably and beautifully situated on See i Wee Bay, with a good landing for ves- j sels of 4 to 6 feet draft. The place is quite i healthy, with fish and game in abundance, j and the soil quite productive, being adapted j to both Cotton and provisions. The Snest ] quality of Long Staple Cotton has been grown j upon it. It contains between eight and nine i hundred acres, a iarge part of which is well | wooded and timbered. The place is in need j . ?_ y : but it has on it a dwelling house, j rn good condition, and som- out-buildings. ! To a good tenant, who will obligate to put the place in order, a favorable lease will be i given ; or if preferred it will be sold for a fair price. For further particulars arWv to N.G/OSTEEN, _Sumter, S. C. | FARfci FOB RENT. ADESIRABLY SITUATED FARM, about j seven miles from Sumter. Wiil be \ let to a good tenant at a reasonable rent. For further information appTv at this office. Oct. 4 ?. H. FOLSOM, L. W. FOLSOM F. H. FOLSOM ? BRO Kative-lorn Sumtonians. a . W 3 00 03 Practical Watchmakers and Jewelers, ; Main-Street, opposite John Reid's, \ DEA'i-?RS IS Watches, Clocks, GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY, j Spectacles, Silver and Plated "E"are, FISHING TACKLE, Sevang Machine Needles, Oils, Etc. I Geeeral Repairing done at Conscientious Prices. Give us a call and be con vi aced. Oct 25_3m GIBSON'S BRAIN TRillfflR. inn WM. This Remedy offers a Safe Cure for Epilepsy, Fits, Convulsions, Incipient Coma Paralyssi, Nervous Debility, Brai:. Ex? citement, Insanity in many forms, and in all cases where the Brain or Nervous System has been Disturbed. It tranquilizes the Brain, and removes dis- i orders of obstinate standing. It restores the ; mind, removes Nervousness, feeds new pow- . er, tones up the Brain, invigorates Digestion ! and the Gecerai Health, and imparts strengt ii j to the exhausted Mental and Physical Ur- ! gans. Manufactured only by WM. A. GIBSON. DRUGGIST, Corner of King and Queen Streets, CHARLESTON, S- C. PRICE PER BOTTLE, 82.00 W. A. Gibson, Esq.. Druggist, Cheleston, j S.C.-Dear Sir: Since my daughter tock; the first dose of your medicine you cent her ? she has not had one fit. Bes'ore that she used j to have them every day. at le;:st one, v.? as I many as two, three, sis and nine a dav, for the past eight years. Words cannot express; our joy and delight over the wonderful action of your medicine on her whole system; We cheerfullv recommend those afflicted to trv it. MRS. C. HASELDEN, Adams Run, S. C. Mr. Wm. A. Gibson, Druggist, Charleston. '? S.C.-Dear Sir: Your mc-itcice has acted likea-charm on my son, who has been afl?ict- ' ed with Epileptic Fits fer over six years. The ' medicinal effect has been a source of joy ar d ? happiness, as he has not had one in eight! months. " H. M. MACWOOD. j No. 4 Franklin st., Charleston, S.C. j Mr. Wm. A. Gibson, Druggist, Cor. King j and Cu -. .^ts.: This is to certify that my ! wife has been suffering for years with Epilep? j tic fits to such an extent that I could never ? leave her alone without a great deal of an x ie- i ty. Many times I had to leave her iu charge j of my store, but not until I would administer tb her a dose of your medicine, that I would j feel safe. tp_Jcax*rhcr. And now she is perfect- j ly w*?il, haviug had no roturo cf fits since, i An3? while I use the remedy T consider it a j ita> ''vaim to her, and advise- any one who suffers \ from Nervousness or Epileptic Fits to used it j At once and be restored ;o health. j GUSTAV JACOBY, j Oct 25 King St.. Charleston, S. C. ] PAVILION HOTEL, ? CHARLESTON, S. C. THIS POPULAR ANLv CENTRALLY j located HOTEL having been entirely j renovated during the past Summer is now : ready for the reception of the traveling public. ; Popular prices ?2 and 2.5o ?/C-r day. Special rates for Commercial Travelers. E. T. GAILLARD, Oct 25 Proprietor. SUPERINTENDENTES OFFICE, NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD CO. CHARLESTON. S. C., Nov. t?, 1881.SJ On and after this date the following Sche? dule will be run. Leave Charleston. Arrive Florence. 8 00 A. M.l'? 5.r> i?. 4 50 p. M.11 5? i? 8 15 P. M.I 30 A. M. Leave Florence. Arrive Charleston. 3 20 A. M.: ::o A. M. 12 01 A. M.7 50 A :>t. 1 05 p. M.5 v. M. Train leaving Floreuce at J 2u A. M. will not stop for way passe agers. J. F. DlVTNEj Cen*: Supt. P. L. CLEA BOB. Genl. Ticket Agent. "Nov 15. WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND . AUGUSTA R. ?. ON and if ter Nov. 6th, ISSI. the foHombg schedule will be run on this Road: NIGH? EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN. (Daily ) (Nos; 47 West -ind -IS EaVtb Leave Wilmington.10 40 p m Arrive ai Florence. 3 00 a in Leave Florence.3 -? a ir. Leave Sumter. 4 52 a m Arrive at Columbia. 6 40 a m Leave Columbia Leave Sumter. Arrive at Florence. Leave Florence. Arrive nt Wilmington. o 20 a m This Train stop; only at Brinkley*:?. V.'blte v??le. Flemington. Fair TViu?*, Marion. Florence, Titnmonsv^ye. Maycsvillc. Sumter, Camden Junction and Eastover. THROUGH FREIGHT THAIN. Daily, except Sundays. Leave Florence. _.ll 40 p ni Leave Sumter . 2 25 a ia Arrive at Columbia. 5 30 a m Leave Columbia.... - 5 00 p io Leave Sumter-._ S 20 p ax Arrive at Florence.ll 10 p m LOCAL FREIGHT-(Daily except Sunday.) Leave Florence. ......... 6 00 a m Arrive at Sumter.. 10 55 a m Leave Sumter.ll 40 a m Arrive at Columbia . 4 00 p in Leave Columbia. 7 00 a m Arrive at Sumter.ll 15 a m Lea vc -Sumter.-.12 15 pm Arrive at Florence.. 5 10 n ra A. POPS. G. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup't._ CHERAW AMD DARLINGTON AND CHERAW AND SALISBURY RAILROADS. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. SOCFTY HILL. S. C., May 23, ISSI. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, TRAINS on thc?e Roads will run as follows,-every except Sunday. Leave Wad?sboro. S 40 a m Leave Bennett's. 9 00 a m Leave Morren. 9 15 a. m Leave .VcFarlan._. y 35 a m Leave Cberaw. 10 15 am Leave Society Hiil. l? 50 a ni Leave Darlington . ? 1 So a :u Arrive at Florence. 12 lu p m up. Leave Florence. 12 ?0 p ai Le.'tve Darlington. 1 20 p va Leave aociecy Hill. 2 10pm Arrive at Ghera or. 2 50 p m Arrive at Wa desdoro. 4 15 p m The freight train v. ill leave Florence at 6 30 A M every day except Sunday : making the round trip to Cberaw every day. and to Wadesboro a? often as may bc necessary-keeping out o', the way of passenger train. B D TOWNSEND. President. South Carolina Railroad, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 16th. IS^I. Passenger Trains oa Ca moen Branch wiii run as follows, until furtrrcr notice: EAST TO rot. UMBI A-DAILY KXC2PT SUNDAYS. Leave Camden.-..-. 7 40 a rn Leave Camden Junction.S 15 am ?mve ?? Columbia.M 00 a tn WEST FR"*! COLUMBIA-DAILY EXCEPT SCSDAYS. Leave Columbia. 5 15 a m... C. Ci; p ts .Arrive Camdsn Junction. II 19 a rn... 7 40 p m Arrive at Camden. ? 30 p m... S 45 p tu EAST TO CSA RLESTON AND AUGUSTA. (Daily except Sundays.) Lcr vo Ct roden.? 3 ?0 p m Leave Camden June'.... 5 37 p m Arrive at Charleston..!. 10 30 p m Arrive at Augusta. 7 40 am STCST FI?OX CHARLESTON AND AUGUSTA. (Daily except Sundays.) Leave Charleston. 6 30 a tn Lc;?.ve Augusta. 7 00 p si Arrive Camden June'.ll 1U a m Arrive at Camden. 1 10 p m COSSSCHoNS. Columbia and Greenville Ra-1 roadwork tray.?, for all points on that Road and on ihe Spar tanburg. Union ar- i Columbia and Spartanhurg and Ashville Railroads, also with thc Char? lotte. Columbia and Augusta Railroad to and from at: points North by trains leaving Camden at 7 4J> a zs. ard arrivh g at S 45 p m. C"nne::t:i?G* made at Augas'a to ?ll points West and Soutii : also at Charleston with Steamers for New York and Florida-on Wed hesdays and Sa tarda vs On Saturdays ROUND TRIP TICKETS are sold tc and from all Stations at one first class fare for the round trip-tickers being good til! Monday coon; to re* urn. Excursion tickets good f??- l? days ar-: regularly on sale to and irom ai: stations at C cents per uiiie f r round trip. THROUGH TICKETS to all points, can Ka pur?-l??<?ed bv anni vi ?-5 to Ja:?'.-.-: Jones. Ager.; a: Camden. ' " * D. 0. ALLEN, General Pas 'enger and Ticket Agent. JOHN ST PECK, yv::?i:;:; ?un't, Charleston:. S. C Cplxmf?i? and Crreenviiie Hail Head, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, COLUMBIA, S. C.. Auj-ust -'ll. 1?S1 ON AND AFTER XltUItSDAYi S-pterabcr ist, ISSI. Passenger Trains will run as herewith m/lieatcd. 0;? >n this road and its branches-Daily except Sundays : Ni>. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Columbia (A). ll 20 .-, m Leave Alston. -.12 20 p m Leave Nv wberry. 1 2 i p tu Leave Hodges. ?. 52 p m Lsave Belton . . 5 v,', p tn Arrive at Greenville. ? 27 p m No. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Greenville at.W 33 n m Leave Belton.ll 57 a tn Leave Hodg..-s. 1 12 p ta Leave Newberry. 3 ?7 p tn Leave Alston. 4 4 it p m Arrive at Columbia (Fj. 5 50 p ul SPA RTA NBC RG , UNION & COLUMBIA R. R. No. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Alston.12 -?0 p m Leve Spartaal.urg.S U & C Oe: ot(B) 4 03 p nj Arrive Spnrtanburg t?. ? D Dc? "t ( Ej 4 12 p tn No. .43 Down Passenger. Leave ?;-.r.rra:.burK R & D Depot ( II) 12 4? p m Leave Sprfi.M.bu'g S U & C Depot (G ) I 07 p in Leave Union. 2 3?5 p m .Arrive at Alston. 4 So p tu L \ ?"LEX? RAIL ROAD. Leave Ncwb-rry. 3 55 p ru Arrive at Laurens C. il. G 45 j. t.i LcaVe Laurens C- ll . S 30 a tn Arrive at Newbery.ll 30 a tu ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Leave liodit'.-s. 3 f.t? p m Arrive at Abbeville. 4 -lo j? nj Leave Abbeville.L2 ?5 p tn Arrive at Hodges. 1 05 p m BLUE RIDGE R. R- & ANDERSON BRANCH. Leave Beliou. 5 OS [i m Leave Andersen.- - 5 41 >. m Leave Pendleton. 0 20 p in Lsave Senaca IO). ..... 7 2?" p m Arrive at Walhalla. 7 45 p . ui Leave '.Valhalla. . '?> 2:; u m Leave Seneca (b). 'J 5-1 a tn Leave Pendleton . . ' 0 a ?i< Leave Anderson.ll 13 a ut Arrive at Be:t > -1>* a ?a On and after above date through car* will be nm beiwecu Columbia .:nd H?u?crsoriv.iiic wiih. out ? bange. COS-SEGTIOJCS. A-V?'ith South Carolina Raii R->ad from ?....?rle<:..:: : with W-laiington C--:ut:.:i':a t .-..: it lt frb'?U Wilmington ;>:.?! al! ; ' i:.;- :. tn;-ru' f: with Charlotte. Columbi;; Ahgtist;: Rai! lioad fr?m Charlotte >l : . - nor:! th-re.;f. li-Wit:; Asheville ? Sp.-rtanburg Rail Road for points In Western N. C. C-V. irh A. ? c. Div. lt ? D. IL. R. for ail points .v!-?utb and West; D-With A. ,v I/iv. R. ? D. ll. lt. irom At? lanta .-md bev nd. E-Wiii, ? & C. Div. R. .1 D. R. K. for a!! points S'Hith and We.-t. F- With South Canfina Rail Road for Char, lesion : with Wi?m?trgtr.n, ?i.?ti'ubia 'c Augusta Rail tt-.a-l fvr.Wilf.tingfoii arid th? North ; ivi'b Charlotte, CcJumbtn A Augusta Rail Rf-ad foi Charlotte and rh-: North. G-With Asheville it Spartanbuig R.iil libad from Heudefsonviiie. ll-With A. .'? C. Div. R. ct D. K. lt. fr-iti Charlotte ii !ic> end. Standard time usr'l is V/aVtiih'gt'oii, D. ('.. which is iifteen minutes faster than C dutn'oia. J. W. ERV, Sup't. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. Au 'os? SO, ISSI. if. SAVED FRO? THE SHIRKS. j Five "Days ami Nights of Agony on a Spar in Mid-Ocean-Crazed by Suffering. James Ii. Harris., the sh ip recked mariner from Philadelphia who tras placed in St Joseph's infirman* a ferr days ago, has recovered from hts de? lirium, and by request he has prepar ; ed for the JNews a narrative of his ! miraculous escape, ile writes : Wc s loft Philadelphia with a cargo consist ? lng of 210 tons of coal, bound to YVil : mlnglon, N 0. Our crew consisted of five men-twp seamen, one cook, the captain aud mate ; the oldest man on board was only twenty-three years of age. Aller wc rounded Hatteras we were struck by a hurricane. Thc J vessel was wrecked almost instantly, and all of as went into the rigging. I had made up my mind to die. I did I i not think it was possible that I could ! j be saved. The thought never once j crossed my mind. I thought my time i ! had come and made up my mind to j j die like a man. I shook hands with | the captain and bade him good-bye, j asked God to bless us and save us, and j ! then a sea swept over, and the vessel j began to sink. I was under the wa? ter some time before ? discovered the j vessel was sinking. When I did, ? j let go of the rigging and commenced i swimming towards the surface and ; came near suffocating before I reach- j ed it. The first thing I did on reach- ! ing the surface was to get out of my j clothes, so 1 could swim better. Then ? I saw apiece of white pine scantling j floating off. I succeeded in getting j hold of that and managed to keep my- j j self ailoat with it. lt was about four ? j inches square and fifteen feet long. | ! Shortly after I get hold of this, the j ! captain came up. He was nearly gone and did not have life enough hardly to keep his head out of the i water. He soon sank and I never j saw him more. His name was Enoch ? Camp, a native of Philadelphia, aged ! about twenty-one. He was very baud S some. I have been sailing with him I since January 1, ISSI, and we were I like two brothers. Thus the vessel j and all on board perished except my ! self who, through the providence of j God, was saved. j My dog was clinging to the piece j of timber with me. When the ves ! sci went over he was in the cabin ; ! how lie managed to get out I do not I know. -Sometimes the seas would ! : strike us, knocking us away from the j ! piece and nearly drowning us. When t I it would pass away we would swim j back io it again. The poor dog was nearly drowned, and ir's master uot much belier. He would swim up tc me and put his head on nie and whine so piteously, asking me tho best ho could to save him, and to end his suf? ferings I killed him and pushed him away from mc. And then (God for? give me) I tried to drown myself, as i expected every moment to be cut by a shark, and I knew I could net I live much longer that way nohow, so 1 let go and sunk. With eyes and ; mouth open, I drank salt water by the j pint. 1 could stay under very well j unli! I would go to draw i;< my breath ; j then the water won d rush up my i nose, suffocating rue. Then 1 would ; have to conic up again. I made two attempts to drown myself, and then gave it up and awaited until God saw ? fit to lake me. I ofter! sit and think j how it was possible for me to be ? saved, and how I was saved I do not know. I was on that piece of timber about six hours. Sometimes the sea would j wash me off and throw it frome dis-j lance from me ; then I would swim ! ? i back and get hold of it again. After j a long time, or just before night, 11 discovered a larger piece of timber j ! floating ahead of me. After trying : I very hard 1 .finally reached it and j crawled upon it. 1 (bund it to be a ! i piece of the cabin about four feet wide j j and twelve feet long, with titree small ' j windows along one side about 12 by I j IS inches. 1 never had any hope of. j being saved until I got on this piece. I I began lo have some hope then of j ? being saved if I did not starve to j j death. I wished then for my poor i dog I had killed. I was laying at j j full length on my raft, clinging on [ ? each side with my hands, when 1 j ! happened to look over the side, and, ! j oh, heavens and earth \ t?tere ? was j j followed by a pack of hungry sharks ' j swimming all around me. You can ' ?just imagine how 1 feb, and how I j I clung to that raft. Why it was they j I never interfered with mc while I was I j in the water 1 do not know, unless it I j was because I kept in motion all thc i ? time. j Sometimes the sea would break j over my raft and capsize it. Then I j would crawl on top of it again as soon \ j as possible, thinking all thu while of i tho sharks around me and expecting : ! every moment tu be seized by then:, j j ll was now very dark, and the wind j was moderating in a measure and the j sea was going down somewhat, lt j was reit 111 squally and continued so all j night, with rain. Naked and the ! tain beating down upon nie, I felt as j though some one were pelting me j with gravel. I was cold, too, slink-! ing all over, and my teeth knocked j together all night. lluw 1 prayed | 1er nunning. lt was the longest night 1 over spent in my life. Final- ! ly day caine and the squalls blew harder, but I did not think thc seas ; were so high, which was a good sign. ! I was now beginning to fell thirsty : and hungry, and when it would min ', { would hold my heat! tip, upcti my mouth and try to catch some rain water, bul the salt spray would ijy in my mouth. The sharks still kept watch about my tait. Throughout thc (lay i kept a lookout for vessels, though i knew if one should sierht mu : il could not rescue me in that gah;. ; The day (Thursday) passed away and I darkness settled down again upon tho face of the deep. Tito wind inodora-j ted considerably during the night, ; and the sea grew quite smooth, it was calm nearly ail day Friday. 1 , had trot seen a single sail, timi was so [ thirsty 1 ooah! have chunk my own : blood. Thc sharks were still about. Friday and Saturday passed without ! anything t<? mark timm. My mouth and throat were parched. < I wa* exposed lo tuc sun long encngh Saturday to burn my body. Saturday liiffht I did not feel r?crlit in inv hoad, ? Trap growing delirious, and knew it, and tried to shake it off, but could net. Just about dark 1 saw a vessel five or six miles efl", in the direction of which 1 was drifting, and another off to thc right. I soon saw that the o;;e to the right was a light-ship: I imagined that I was close to land, so close that I could sec it plainly, and cried aloud for help. Then 1 would listen to li car some one answer. 1 thought I had some one with me and I sent him in a small boat to ?et mc s^me water and I waited for him to return. Then I would imagine sonic one was handing me a pitcher of ice water I would grab it and drink, only to find it salt. I would try to stand up and would fail overboard, I was so weak. Then I thought my raft waa on land. 1 could see thetrccs and bushes plainly. Then I would jump off ibo raft, thinking I was on land, and would go t?vo or three feet under water. I made scveial attempts during the night to get off on land, but always found waler. At times 1 would think 1 was about to inn into a tree and would put out my hands to stop myself and would go overboard. Then 1 imagined I W;?S OU land, about ! 12 mile? from Wilmington, N. C., and ' I saw men at work, a white and color- j ed roan and a woman. I asked them [ f r waler and they sent me to their j boss. I went to him and he showed ! me a lighthouse and told me I would j have to go there before I got water. 1 Then he put me in a flat-car1 that ran on a railroad, and 1 had j io propel Hie car along with my j feet. I could net get any closer ? to the lighthouse, let me work . hard as I could. Neither could I es- ; cape from the man who sent mc there, ; then I would think the windows in j my raft were beautiful springs of i water, and would get on my hands and knees to drink only to find it salt. Sundav morning the sun rose out j of a clear horizon, not a cloud visible j in the heavens. I discoveied I wa- i on my raft again, but could not think j how I got there. That is the last I thing 1 remember until Monday even- j ing. What I suffered and went j through with ? can never tell. Cant, i S. E. Foote of the steamship Santiago j de Cuba says he picked me up Mon j day morning, somewhere about Bull's j Bay, delirious, and from that kind j gentleman's hands and his' crew I rc- ! coi ved the very best of treatment.- j Savannah, (lia.,) Times. Ancient and Modern Pro-! v* *\ ry KEW STYLE. I JJer eys shone a beautiful joyous j light when he leaned forward and i said : "Julia. I have something confider! bal to tell you. "What is it, Augustus ?" she asked j in a low silvery voice-a kind of Ger- j man silvery voice. "Well Julia, to bc frank with yon, | I think"-and thou he seemed tc? be | thinking. "I think," he said, "that j under the circumstances T mi^-ht love i you. Now do you love me :" "Yes. Augustus, I do love yon- j you know I do ; and she flung her i alabaster arms around his neck. "i am very glad, Julia," he said, j "for I like to be loved." "Well, Augustus." But Augustus never said another j word. Fashinable fellows never say j more than that nowadays. They were 2;ever married. OLD STYLE "May I call you Paula ?" he asked j modestly. "Yes," she said foi at ly. "Dear Paula, may 1 call you ! that ?" "I suppose so." j "Do you know I love 3*011 ?" "Yes"." "And shall I love you al wa vs?" "If you wish to." "And will you love me ?" Paula did not reply. '.Will you Paula?" he repeated. ''You may love me," she said : i agai n. "But don't 3*011 love me in return ?" ! "I love yon to love me." " Won't vou say anvthiug more ex- ? pi;cit?;j ."I would rather not. T.hey were married and happy j within three months. Moral.-Girls, never tell a fellow j that you love him till he asks you to ! be his wife. A correspondent of the Columbia ! Register, writing from Ba tesl? 11 rg, ! says: Captain Bales obtained one; dozen carp from Commissioner Buller i two years ago, winch he pul into a : small, muddy pond live or six foot \ deep, about 40 x 60 yards, surround-j ed by weeds and shrubbeiy*. This ; afternoon he determined to drain off; thc pond and invited several of bis j friends to witness the failure or sue- ' cess ol' his carp enterprise, as he : never knew alter he put them in ! whether 1)103* lived or not. The re ali- j zation of Iiis success exceeded his most sanguine hopes. Ile got eight of the carp first put in, and about a hundred young on~s averaging about ; one pound, lt seems the first twelve : spawned in IT. o Spring of 1SS.0 and j last spring, and the young ones, two : sizes, are eighteen and six months old. When she dozen wea; put in two yu rs :vgo, they wen1 only two or three inches lung : bul the, ei -ht of them lo.aini to-day average twenty* five-inches long and wei-', an average ; of .seven and a liai J* j.?.:., si: is. and they ' are said to be only hall grown. As : our own eyes beheld those monsters of the finir.* tribe, we could not doubt I the story ol Jonah and tue big fish of Ivinevah. it is said thirty persons in a small town in Michigan were re? cently by eating sausages. This, comos fi oin I cavil J brass collars on I the A receipe for lemon pie vaguely a ids ; . The?i si:, on a stove and stir : Constantly;" ' Prehistoric Phosphate. A Valuable Minc of it Discovered in 2\cw Orleans. One of our New Orleans exchanges says: 'The fire, which labt nigh? cou sumed the residence of Patrick Clarke, Esq., on St. Charles street, corner of Constantinople, uncovered a deposit of guano and phosphates which, it is pre? dicted, will prove MU important factor in the fertilization cf the wornout hill lands of the South. Wc are informed tba* a gentleman who is familiar wi;h th.: phosphate beds of South Carolina, wu'^n are worth millions, thinks this an outcropping of thc same stratum. Thu main guan^ deposit is said to lie directly on the top of -lr. Cinrkc's cis? tern. Of course much of it has been washed into thc cistern by thc rains of the last two decades, but thc supply ir;* fight is still ampio. The character of this deposit was not known until the arrival of the Babcock engine ?t thc fire, but as soon as the engine began to play upo'i it the acid acted directly up? on the gua-io, and liberated such vol? umes ol'ammonia as for a time to drive back our brave fir: boys. The phosphate bed covers thc entire premises, is elevated four or (ive feet above thc street, and is of unknown depth. Tho matter is being investiga? ted by a scion ti.le ger.-r. lom an who has bored in?o tho deposit a considerable depth. On withdrawing the auger there was a rash of fetid gas. which was re? nounced to be sulphureted hydrogen, and it readily took Gre from a lighted match and is burning at this writing. Tho auger brought up fossil shells, sharks' teeth, thin plates of oxide of iron, the bones of a malacopterygious Ssh. which clearly indicates the silurian strata, and bones, scales, hair and hoefs, supposed to belong to Ichthyosauri, and prehistoric river horses a?d sea cows. [From Eh rich's Fasiiion Quarterly.] Flashes of Fashion. Basques of moire, in black and in dark colors, in blue, plum, bottle-green and maroon, will be worn with skirts of various kinds. Over-dresses and all draperies arc looped high giving the panier effect around the hips, and thc rooster tail effect, in the back. Among other fashionable pendant ornaments for rooms are quaint, odd shaped little baskets of split bamboo Japanese, of course. Wall papers are now brought out in imitation of tapestries, including even the famous Gobelins, which are admi? rably imitated. Large., very large bonnets arc the most fashionable, bu! small and medium sizes and cottage and turban shapes con? tinue in vogue. Neck kerchiefs of foulard and Surah have lace borders appliqucd on with gold thread chain-s^jteh embroidery, inclosing floral designs. New stockings come in heather mix? tures, in stripes hair-liccd with gold threads, and also plain in the new and fashionable c tors. Lace is used tc an enormous extent in trimming all sorts of winter gar? ments-dresses, wraps, fichus for house wear, basques aud jackets. Buckles, clasps, slides and ail sorts of ornaments in ahaloue or compressed mother-of-pearl, jct, silver and Rhine j crystal, silver, steel and gilt will bc much worn. The new woolen goods, striped with lines of plush, make very handsome accessory paris-culis, collars revers, pockets add bands for plain, self-colored all-wool suits. A fashionable bride is now attended to thc altar by from eight to twelve bridesmaids half of whom are little girls in short dresses, the other half young j ladies in society. New velvet and plush brocades on satiu grounds derive their shaded effect- in the flowers and figures from cu: and uncut pile, and from graded lengths of the pile, aiso from embossing or preying. Japanese lanterns of all styles and qualities, fr'om simple paper to elegant .silk and colored glass ones, are hung in tiic nooks and corners of the hall, drawing rooms and boudoirs of all fash? ionable houses. Large double-pronged gilt, silver and metallic pins resembling hair or bonnet pins, with an ornamented head, are used to loop the draperies of skirts, and to fasten ti)-.; fro?;-; ol' basques on many imported dresses A ni cn g ether millinery novelties is a feit hat, with a deep brim and square crown, called the accordion crown. This consists cf a four-cornered piece, sillily Hued and resting upon f<>ld.< of velvet or plush, which give the accor? dion effect. Here is a good way to make an old dress almost as good as new: Get enough of new striped or plaided novel? ty material, thc gayer the better and be sure to select one with metallic threads, and add this to the material of your old dress, if of piain stuff, in thc way of cuffs, collar, revers, pockets, bands and loops ; or if thc old. material is striped or plaided, get plush of an in? expensive quality, and of such a color as will harmonize or harmoniously con? trast with the old plaids or stripes. Herc arc some of the hat ornaments of thc season-shrimps of colored meta!, tiny silver and gold mic;.:, cov-ks' heads, er entire bird in colored metal, enamel, and feathers of thc ?urkeyan bird, metal and boac wolves' heads with the mouth wide open, showing thc red 1 tongue and sharp white teeth, daggers ! and pispjls of gold, silver and other metals, sometimes adorned with jewels, gilt and silver snails, boar.-* tusks cap? ped with gold at the base, turtles; octo? puses, basters ami crabs in enamel and am! gilt. and spider.- of y :. of malachite; anti of ?:;?it;:ibm opal, with gilt claws. A Scrap of liistoiy. Just before Blucher came to thc as? sistance of Wellington, aa aid-de-eamp rode up.and saluting the Iron Duke, said : 'What is your grace's opinion of-advertisingT '? think" repiiod tho conquerer of the little Corsican, 'thal an advertisement is a good thing, andi its value is greatly enhanced by an oc easiona! notice ia the ior-al columns; u'et tho burilo go on." Tin: batik did go on, and Napoleon was defeated.- - [Vide Great Battk?elds vf tho World. COUNTY OOMMISSISNE?S OF SUMTER COUNTY, FOR TUB riscal Year Ending October 31, ISSI. -0 APPROVED ACCOUNTS, Thc following A ceo UD ts have bren npprov cd aud audited since October 31st. ISS?. ISSO. Roads and Bridges. Nov. 1-1 ion rv Huiler, tor Build? ing bridge*, at Old Ford, $60 CC Nov. 2-Nelson Smothers, tor re? pairing bridge at McRae's Mill, 22 Ot Nov. 4-J. IL Wilson, lumber ior two bridges. i.:tfayctie Hoad, ?.ynchb?rt: Township; 2 G." Nov. 4-'A'. H. Epperson, lamber and repairing Pocotaligo Bridge, " 7 SO Nov.-'.-S.-.M. Jenkins, repairing bridges ac Roekv liluit; &c. 15 00 Nov. ir>-W. v.. Dennis, building bridcre across Three .Mile branch, Shiloh Township. 90 00 Nov. IC-\Y. A. Cooper, repairing bridges over Scape O'er S wain p, 20 OG Nov. 25-Alfred Kennedy, building bridge and causeway across Puddin" Swamp, 240 00 Dec. 12- Thos. O. Sanders, re? building and rep'g bridges, Raftou Crock Township, ' 76 50 Dec. 23-Jas. H. Bracy, repairing bridge over Rafton Creek, and on Camden Road. 25 00 ISSI. Jan. 20-Wm. R. Dixon, remov? ing obstructionsfrotuDuBose's Bridge, 9 00 ian. 31-11. H. Wilson, repairing bridge, 9 37 Feb. 5-W. A. Spat.n. repairing causeway at Rafton Creek, 25 00 Feb. 28-Joseph Waters, repairs on DuBose's Bridge, one half of account. 42 00 March 2-W. l-l.Epperson.lumber fur bridges, and hauling s?me Rocky Bluff, 11 93 March 5-Jacob Keels; building four bridges tit V,*; "zerspjoa's Crossing, Black River, 273 7G March lo-R. S. Mellett. repairing bridge at Dinkius' Mill, Kaffca Creek Township, 14 00 March 20-W. J. Croswell, tim? bers for bridge at Cain Savan? nah Mill, and hauling, 6 00 March 26-D. E. Keels, repairing five bridges, three on Black River and two ott Scape O'er Swamp, 20 CO March 2S-Oliver E. Hodge, build? ing seven bridges on Pocotali? go Swamp. 60 00 March 31-J. Ryttenberg k Sons, building and repairing bridge at Beaver Dam, 50 00 Mareil 31-Jas H. Bracey, build? ing new bridge at Canal. Din? kum' Mill. GO 00 March 31-Gentry Holmes, build? ing bridge?t McCutchen's Mill Dam. 24 50 April 2-Jos. E. Wilson, building bridge aer ss public highway near residence, 15 00 April 4-Westley James, cutting and cleaning ditches. Moses' Road, to Turkey Creek, 15 7." April 4-D. E. Keels, building bridge across Church Branch, 30 00 April 4-Dick Henderson, cutting ditch on public highway, and building two bridges, 14 25 April 10- T. S. Watts, repairs oa bridge at DeSchamps'Mill, 150 April IS-W. A. Spann, repairing bridge on road near Tirzah Church, 8 00 April IS-W. W. D. Chandler, building nev.- bridgeaud hand rails, BUxn?ir.g's Mill. 35 00 May IC-W. A. Spann, building * footway at Turkey Ford. Lit? tle "afton Crock." 20 00 May 19-D. W. Chandler, repair? ing bri.lg.- Scape O'er, 5 00 May 27-W. II. Epperson lumber for bridges Cain's MilL Poco? taligo. etc. 37 31 May 27-W. A. Spann, building three bridges, public highway fr?;;: ?LSclnaW Mil;/ 25 00 June 1-L B Heiler, bridge Bish oi'.viiic Township, 5 00 June 1-Sonic M ellet, hauling bridge lumber, 3 00 June 4-S. J. Bradford, building otu-, and repairing tv/o bridges at Cain's Mil!. 50 00 June 6-W. Ii. Epperson., hauling Limber for Pocotaligo bridge, 4 00 June 27-Alfred JJ ainsworth, building bridge at Cain Sa? vannah Mill. ~ 12 5: .Jun'::)'-"ii. [>. Phillips, material arid ifhuiidihg bri ci ge at Meir 's Mil!. 43 9 July -W. K. Orossv/e:!, mat err? ai and building, and repairing ten br;<t.rt s in . C. T. 91 0( July 2:;-Joan C. Dial, ioo;s tor ' reads, 3 2; July 2-W. W. Mv-Cenzie, bridge Garter's Crossing, L. iii ver. 12 5( Aug. 1-E. T. Windham, repair? ing bridge at Turkey Creek, and material. ? 12 5C Aug. 5-John C. Dial, tools for roads, 10 5C Aug. 8-S. M. Jenkins, bridge Swimming Pens. 15 0C Aug. 13-0. C. Scarborough, re paring Carters Crossing, over Lynch's River, oue half account, 13 50 Aug. 13-N. S. McLeod, lumber etc. for bridges, ll 00 Aug 16-J. Ryttenbcrg & SJOS, spades, shovels, etc 26 00 Aug. 26-A. W. Baker, bridges, Green Swamp, i 1 35 Aug. 25-Jacob Keels, bridges, Stony Run, 50 00 Sept. 2- A. W. Baker, bridges, Groen Swamp, 14 55 Sept. G-T IL McLeod, Bridges, Radon Creek Township. 40 Cu Sept. 30-Freaa Mellett, bridges, Sumter Town-.hip. 53 oo Oct. ll-E. T. Windham, nmteri a: fur bri :r-es. 1 75 Oct. 25-Frean Mullett, repairing bridge. Rocky Binti'Swamp, 10 00 Oct. 25-J. A. Manoucy, repair? ing bridge Rocky Blufl'svamp, 4 73 Oct. 28-W. IL Epperson, lum? ber for bridges, 19 00 Total, $1,921 21 2 S30. Trial Justices* .Accounts. Dec. 31-T. V. Walsh, October, November and December. 18S0. $93 34 Dec. Mi-M. B. Moses, October; November and December ISSo, 100 00 Dec. -R. E. Carnes. October, November and December; 'SO, 50 00 Dec. 31- F. M. Mei lett, October, November and December. "80, 46 67 Dec. 31-L. L, Fraser. Jr., Octo? ber. November aud Lvecembt?, ISS?. Dec. 31-Marim. Sanders. October. Nov. ruber an?! December, '80, Dec. 33.-L: L Carro! :. (Jctober, November :Vnd December, 'SO, Dec. 31-!>aiiivl Kce!^ UcroWr. Nb.vepib?r und December. 'S??, Dec. ::!- IL L. Pi ?ck ney, Octo? ber. November and Decemberj ISSO, issi-. j March 31-M. E. McDonald, Jan? uary. Kel?; and March. '81, ; Murd) 31- Daniel Keels. January, Februarv and March. "SI. ; March ::l-1;. P. Gaillard; Janua? ry. Feb ti a ry and March, TSi. ; March 31-T. Richardson, Jaa i;:fy , " unary aud March, 'Si, . M uv.!? '.?-\j Fraser, Jr., Jan? uary; Fehuaryn.idMarch, 'tSl, f Mareh ?'. ! - M. ir. .'.. <'.-e.-'. January, , F'4> u.vity an 1 March. 'S '.. ; March .:! -L. L. Carroll. January, j February aud March "Si; February ami .March. '81, 43 75 March 31-li. L.Pinckoey.Jain:* ry. February raid -March. 'SI, -13 75 June 20-L. L. Carroll, April, May and June. fS?, * 43 ?5 Jun? SO-Daniel Keels, April, May and June, 'fil, 43 75 JUI?'J 30-L. !.. Fraser. Jr.. April, M ty and June. "-Si, 43 75 June 30-Tl E. Richardson, April, May ami June. '81. 43 1 June 30-M. ii. Moses. April. May and June. 'SJ. 125 00 June 30-P. P. Gaillard, April, May and June, '?1. 43 75 June 30-M. E. McDonald, April, May. and Ju ne, '51, 43 75 June 30-I!. E. Carnes, April, May and June, :S1. 43 75 June 30-11. E. Pinckney, April May and June, '81. 43 75 Sept 30-L. L. Carroll. July, Aug. and September 'SI, 43 75 Sept. SJ-Daniel Keels, July, Aug and S^tember, 'SI. 43 75 Sept. 30-L. L. Fraser, Jr.. July; Aug. and September. '81 43 75 Sept. 3>j-T. E. Richardson, July, Aug. and September,'81 43 75 Sept. 30-M. B. Moses/.July. Aug. and September. Si. ?25 00 Sept 30-P. P. paillard. July, Aug. and September, 'SI 43 75 Sept. 30-M. E. McDonald, July, Aug. and September. '$} 43 75 Sept. 30-R. E., July, Aug. and September, '81, ' 43 75 Sept. 30-ii. L. Piuckney, July, Aug. and September, '81. 43 75 Oct. 31-L. L. Carroll. Oct. ISSI, 14 5S Oct. 31-M. ?. Moses, Oct. ISSI, 41 60 Oct. 31-Daniel Keels, Cot ISSI, 14 58 $2:085 70 ISSI Constable Accounts. Nov. -A. J. McLeod, Sr-ecial, $20 SO Dec. 31-R. C. Johuson. October, "November and December, 'SO, 25 00 Dec. 31-J. ri. Anderson, October, November and December^ 'SO, 25 CO Dec. 31-J. M. Wilder. (Shdi??f.) October. November and De? cember, 'Sn, 62 50 Dec. 31-G. W. Drown, October, November and December,'80, 25 00 Dec. 31-Frean Mellet. October, November and December, '80, 25 00 Dec. 31-R. C. Westbery, October, November and December, :S0, 25 00 Dec. 31-D. R. DuRant. October, November and December, 'SO, 25 00 Dec. 31-J. M. Nelson, October, November and December, '80, 25 00 Dec. 31-W. R. Du Bose, Special, 10 40 ISSI Jan. 2-W. P. Singleton, Special, 6 90 March 31-J. M. Wilder, (Sheriff,) January, Feb. and March. '81, 50 00 March. 31-J. H. Anderson, Jan? uary, Feb. and March, 'SI, 25 CO March 31-R. C. Westbery. Janua? ry February and March, '81, 25 00 March 31-W. P. Weldon, Janua? ry. February and March. 'SI. 23 62 March 31- J. J. McLeod, January, February and March, '81, 25 00 March 31-L. I. Keels, January, February and March, '81, 25 00 March SI-J. M. Nelson, January, February and March. ?81, 25 00 March 31-J. A. Carnes, Januarv, February and March, 'SI, * 25 00 April S-W. J. Graham, Janua? rv. Februarv and March. '81, 25 00 Anr!f2S-W. J."Graham. Special, 1 20 Max 31-W. P. Singleton, Special, 9 C5 June 31-J. M. Wilder, Sheriff, April. May and J::ne, '81, 50 00 June 31-L. I * Keels, April. May and June, 'SI, 25 00 June31-J. M. Nelson, April, May and June, 'SI, 25 CO June 31-J. A. Carnes. April, May and June, 'SI, 25 CO JuncSi-W. P. Weldon, April, May and June, '81, 25 CO June 31-R. C. Westbery, April, May and June. 'SI, *' 25 00 June 31-J. FL Anderson. April, Mav and June, '31, ' 25 00 June 31-J. J. McLeod. April, May find June. '81. 25 CO Sept. 30-J. M. Wilder. Sheriff, Juiy, August and Sept: ISSI. 50 00 Sept. 30-L I Keels. Jule, August and September,' ?S8?- 25 00 Sent. 30-J. M. Nelson. Jul v. Aug. and September, ISSI, " 25 00 Sept. 30-Jas. A. Carnes. July, Aug. and Sen'etaher, 1S8L* 25 00 Sept. 30-W. P.* W.idou, July, August and September,1 ISSI, 25 00 Sept. 30-R. C. Westbury, July, August and September, ISSI, 25 00 Sept. 3*;-J. li. Anderson, Juiy, August "?id September; ISSI. 25 00 Sept. 30.-J. J. McLeod, July, August and Septem ?1er, ISSI, 25 00 Sept. 30-W. IL Singleton, June, Jul w August and Sept. ISSI, 33 33 Oct. 5-J. M. Wilder, Sberi?F, five days as Constable; 2 76 Oct. 31-J. T. Edwards, Acting Sheriff, services as Constable, 14 45 Total, . $1.035 GI ? SSC. Poor House and Poor. Nov. I-J. Ryitenberg & Sons. s::?-plics for F ;or. 24 00 Nov. i-V,'. J. McLeod, supplies for Poor, 6 00 Nov. 5-Dr. J. S. Jiughson. Medi? cal ..itentiuc to Puer. 2 50 Nov. 20-J. D Craig, coffin for Pauper, 5 00 Nov. 2y-A. A. Solomons, sup? plies for Poor, 12 00 Nov. SO-Julius IL Boyd, feeding P001 at Poor House. - 98 20 Dec. I-J. Rvttenberg k Sous, sup? plies tb/Pour, ' 24 25 Dec. IS-Dr. J. G. Hainsworth, medical attention io Poor, 5 00 Dec. 22-Dr. J. C. Haynsworth, medical attenticr. to Poor, 10 00 Dec. 31-Julius II. Boyd, feeding Poor at Poo. House, kc, 79 10 1S?1. Jan. 1-J. D. Craig, codas for two Paupers. 5 C C January -J. !>. Mell wain, sur v;- lng Poor House Lauds, 20 50 Jan. 20-Edmund Scarborough, convevi?jg sick Panier to Poor Hous:, .- 2 GO Jan. 29-J. F. W. DeLormc, Ag t, medicines for Paupers. 6 25 Jan. 3i-Julius Ii. Boyd,'feeding Poor at Poor House, 62 00 Feb. 4-Dr. A. J. China, medicines for Paupers, 31 33 Feb. S-Dr. J. S. Hughson. medi? cal attention to Paupers, 8 CO Feb. ll-J. Ryttenbcrg k Sens, supplies for Poor. 23 29 Feb. ll-J. Oliver DaRant. coffin for Pauper, 5 00 Feb. 18-V,". C. Stencil!, work on Wagon for Poor House. 24 55 F?b. 22-J. D. Craig, collins for Pauper;;, icc, 15 00 Feb. 2S-Julius IL Boyd, feeding Poor at Poor House. 57 SO March I-John V. Dullanr, sup? plies for Puer. 3 U0 Mareil 5-James Caldwell j convey? ing sick pauper to Poor House, 2 00 Marchs-L Purtteuburg. blankets etc. for Poor House. 22 95 March 17-1 D. Craig. Collins, H ??'-ur.ds. etc . Poer House, 22 00 March 29-J. D. Craig, CoP'ns. t.:.- . for Poor House. 13 00 Marsh - Pr. .1. S. LI ughs/) n. phvsiclau to Fwr House. Jail etc. 25 00 March 31-J. Ky.;? nb(rg Sons, cioHiiug e , for Poor House au ! Poor. 71 03 March 31-Jugurtha Cato, sup plies, tor Poor. S 0C March S!-Town Council Seni? ler, burial expenses Panpe^r, A 75 March 31-Julius ?I. Boyd, feed? ing poor a: Poor House: etc. 117 2u March Si-S. D: Pierson, sup? plies ? . Poer. 3 00 Apr. I-F. li. McEaoheru & Co., iuppli.-s for Poor, 3 00 Apr. '- -J. R. nenberg ? Sons, supplies !'.."r Poor. 6 50 Ar>r: ;.'? -W. S. Scarborough sup? plies tv,.- P.-?cr. 4 0C AIM-. 3O-S. 1". Pierson, Supol?es foi I'.j."., . 3 OC s co ? Poor at Poor house,' 107 CO ? Mav ]-b. i. Moore, supplies for " Poor, 12 00 ? Mar-]- F. il. McEacben?& Cc. supplies for Poor, 6 00 ? May 15-W. S. Scarborough. Sup* lilies for Poor. 4 00 Mav ?3-P. J. O'Donnell, supplies ' for Poor. . 10 00 ! May-31-J. (.Uiver Durant, sup * plies for Poor; 24 00 May ::l-D. W. (Jhar..'1er. supplies * for Poor, 9 CO i May 31 - W. .0. Scarborough, sup j plies for Poor. 15 00 ! May ru-J. Rettenberg k Sons, supplies for Poor, kc, i May 31-Julius II. Boyd, feeding Poor al Poor Honse. ' 85 00 j .May 31-Dr. A. J. China, medi? cines, visits, -Sec , to Paupers, 27 25 j May 31- Jugurtha Cato, supplies for Poor. 8 00 j May 31- S. D. Pierson, supplies for Poor, 3 00 May 31-John Ii. Hill, supplies for Poor. 9 00 June!-K. II. McEachern & Co., supplies for Poor, 6 00 June 5-Dr. J. J. Bossard, medical attention to Poor, 4 00 June io-W. 8. Scarborough, sop pi .es for Poor, 4 00 June 15-Barnabas Hamilton, dig? ging grave for Pauper, 1 00 June 30-J. Ryttcnberg k Sons, supplies for Poor, 8 95 June 30-J. F. \V. DeLorme, Ag't medicines for Poor, 13 C5 j June 30-Julius il. Boyd, feeding Poor at Poor House, 60 00 June 30-Dr. John S. iiughson, medical attention at Poor Uo>:se and Jail, 25 00 j June 30-S. D. Pierson, supplies for Poor. . 3 00 j July i-F. H. McEachern, k Co , 1 supplies for Poor, G 00 I Ja ly 12-J. Iv vi ?enborg k Sons, ? :pt,:r.>;- f.,r Poor. 13 75 .July I J-W. S. Scarborough, sup? pl ?es for Poor, 4 0O I July 15-J. D. Craig, coffins for Paupers. 23 00 ! July 10-P. J. O'Donnell, supplies for Poor, ll 00 j July 16-F, S- Hearnes, sopn??cs I for Poor, 8 00 j July IC-J. A. Osteen, scpplies for Peor. 6 00 July 30-Willis J Brown, supplies for Poor. 5 0O July 30-Julius IL Boyd, feeding Poor at Poor House, 63 40 July 30-S. D. Pierson, snpplies for Poor, 3 60 August I-F. H. McEachern k Co. snpplies for Poor, 6 0O August 8-Dr. John S. Hughson, medical attendance to tran? sient Pauper. 2 00 August 15-W. S. Scarborough, supplies for Poor, 4 00 August 16-J. A. Osteen, supplies for Poor, 3 00 August 18-J. Kyttenberg&Sons. Supplies for Poor, 37 48 August 29-P. J. O'Donnell, snp? plies for Poor, 14 00 August 31-John H. ??ill, supplies for Poor, 9 00 August 3L-Jugurtha Cato, sup? plies for Poor, 12' 00 August 31-W. J. McLeod, snp? plies for Poor, 3 00 Aagast 31-Willis J. Brown, sup? plies for Poor, 6 00 August SI-Julius II. Boyd, feed? ing Poor at Poor House. 52 20 Sept. 1-F. H. McEachern & Cc supplies for Poor, 6*00 Sept. 15-W. S. Scarborough, sup? plies for Poor, 4 00 Sept. 15-J. Ryttcnberg k Sons, supplies for Poor, 13 50 Sept. 16-J. F. W. DeLorme, Ag't, supplies for Poor. 2 70 Sept. 27-P. J. O'Donnell, sup? plies for Poor, ?3 27 Sept. 30-Willis J. Brown, sup? plies for Poor, 3 00 Sept. 30-W. J. McLeod, supplies for Poor, 3 00 Sept. 30-J. IL Boyd, feeding Pau? pers at Poor House, 66 40 Sept. 30-Dr. John S. Hughson. Physician to Poor House and Jail; 25 00 Sept. 30-J. H. Boyd", conveying Paupers to Poor House, 5 50 Sept. 30-J. H. Stuckey supplies for Poor, ?7 00 Oct. I-F. II. McEachern k Co . supplies for Poor. 6 00 Oct. 3-P. J. O'Donnell, supplies for Poor. 6 00 Oct. 14-Dr. R. S- Mellet, medical attendance to Pauper, 4 00 Oct. 15-W.'S.Scarborough, sup? plies for Poor, 4 00 Oct. 30-W. D. Scarborough sup? plies for Poor, 15 00 Oct. 31-Jugurtha Cato, supplies for Poer, 8 00 Oct. 31-J. II. Boyd, feeding Faa? pers at Poor House, 69 00 Total $1,861 91 Coroner s Inquest*., Post Morien Examinations and Lunatic Accounts. 1SS0. Dec. 13-Dr. R. M. Moore, Post Mortem Examinations, $23 00 Doc. 13-H. L. Pinckney inquest, 8 50 Dec. 17-R. C. Westberry, Con I stable, Inquests, 19 55 j Dec. 17-L. L. Fraser, Jr.. Inquests, 17 CO Dec. 18-T. V. Walsh, proceedings in Lunacy, 3 00 Dec. IS-Dr. J. S. Hughson Exam? ination Lunatic. 10 00 Dec. -^0-Limas Ba?ifcs, conveying dead Boil v. 20 00 r>ec ?I-Dr. il.' Y. Dubcse, Post Mortem Examinations 75 CO Dec 21-J. 51. Wilder, Sheriff Iscscrt; 13 72 Dec. 21-L.' L. Fraser. Jr., Inquest, 8 50 Dec. 29-Dr. J. C. Hanysworth, Examination Lunatics, 12 00 Dtrc. 30-T. E. Richardson, Inquest, 8 50 ! Dec. 31-Dr. li. J. Mclaurin, Post Morten: Examination. IO 00 ! Dec. 31-J. M. Xetaoo, Constable, Inquest.. 10 70 j ISSI. Jan. 17-Dr. J. J Bossard, Ezam' nation Lunatic, 10 00 J J.'.n. 17-Tr. Jno. S. Hughson, Exami?.?ttioB Lunatic. 10 00 Jaa, ZC-Dr. J. J. Bossard, Ex? amination Lunatic; 10 00 Jan. 20-Daniel Seels, Inquest, 8 50 Jan. 2G-R. C. Johnson. Constable Inquest, 3 00 Jan. 28-T. V. Walsh, J. P. Pro? ceedings in Lunacy, (2) 6 00 Jan. 28-Dr. A. J. China. Exami? nation Lunatic, 10 00 Jan. 30-Frcan Mellctt, Constable Inquest 4 40 Feb. 1-G- W.Brown, Constable, inquest, 6 00 Feb. 1-P. P. Gaillard. Inquests 25 50 Feb. 3-J. M. Wilder, Sheriff, Con? veying Lunatics to \svlum, 50 60 Feb. U>-M. E. McDonu.j. Inquest 8 50 .March. 2-Dr R. Y. McLeod, Post Mortem Examinations, 20 50 Mardi 2-R. E. Inquest, 8 50 March 2-J. A. Carnes, Constable, Inquest 4 SO I Maren -il-J. J. McLeod, Constable Inquest, 4 4C j Apri: 8- Dr. J. S. Iiughson, ex? amination Lanai.c, 10 00 j April S-Dr. Isaac N. Boyd, ex i ' aiv.imuion Lunatic, 10 00 j A,>r.? <-). M. Wilder. Sheriff, conveying Lunatic to Asvh,m. 2160 ! April 15-Dr. J. S 'Highton Post Mortem Examination. 6 00 j April 15-Dr. J.S. Hughson, Test Mortem Examination. 6 00 j April 15-Julius T. Edwards, Cor? oner, Inquest, etc. ll 00 1 April 16- J M. Wilder, Sueriff. Sheriff s Inquest. 6 80 j April 25-T. V. Waish, proced ! ia;is ia Lunatic, 4 00 1 June 3-Dr. A. J. China, exami? nation Lunatic, 10 CC 1 j June 3-Dr. -1. cv Hughson, exam? ination, Lunatic. 10 00 ? j Jun:-3-Julius T. Edwards, Cor? oner, Inquest, etc. ' I [ CopJ'mncd on nert ?>'t(,c.\ 21 20