The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 14, 1922, Image 7

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Let! ' From i Kingstrce. Dear Santa Clause, I am ailttle girl 8 yea s old, in B thp uprnnH crade. I like to JTO to school and I love my teacher. Now, I want to tell you what I want for I Xmas. I already have a large doll you brought me last Xmas. Bring 1 me a doll bed-stead for my doll to sleep on, and a teddy bear, and fruits, candy and nuts. I won't ask for much this time. I know you will have to divide with all, also remember Mam*4 ma and papa, and Aunt Travis. I will be glad when Xmas comes. Louis Gibbons. Kingstree. Dear Santa Clause, I am a little girls six years old. I am in the first grade. I sure like to go to school and love my teacher. T am lrina wfm fnr B fow f/lVR I know it is hud time with you Santie, yon cant afford to give as as much aa we want this time. I want a large doll that can sleep and walk and long curly hair, and a doll carriage, and fruits of all kinds, candy and nuts too. Please remember my little brother. He is too little to write, he ] is only four yeam old. He wants i you to bring him a tri-cycle, roman j candles, fireworks, a toy train, fruits, candy and nuts. Thelma Gibbons. Cades. Dear Santa Clause, I am a little boy six years old. I am going to school. I like to go to ' school and love my teacher. Her name is Miss Gaskey. I'm in the first grade. I want you to bring me a tricycle to ride to school and a toy train, some roman candles, fire crack ers, fruit of ail kinds, nuts and candy. HI be glad when Xmas comes so I can hang up my stocking. Edward Canty., Cades. Dear Santa Clause, , I am a little boy six years old, in the first grade. I sure like to go to school and love my teacher. Her name is Miss Gaskey. Santa I want you to bring me a tricycle to ride to school, a little wagon, I want to drive r. my goat when I come from school in the evening; some fireworks, fruits, nuts and candy. Well Santa you must not forget mamma and papa. IH be giad when Xmas comes?111 sure hang up my stocking. Vernon Canty. Kingstree. Dear Santa. As I am the baby girl 1 will tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want a sleepy do a and . soxpe fruit and candy. Won't ask for much this time; and a doll carriage, too. ' Mattie Stewart. Kingstree. Dear Sant. Here comes two little boys asking for a tricycle, a little gun, some fruit and candy, and a knife. TTT 1 J r\ wesiey ttuu uscai ovc?ai i ??? Lake City. Dear Santa Clause, I am a little boy seven years old, and as Christmas is almost here I want to write and let you know what I would like for you to bring me. I want a toy gun, a toy train and a little trunk, if you can bring that too. And be sure to bring me some oranges, apples, candy and nuts. Your little friend. J. S. Langley, Jr. (Greelyville. Dear Santa Clause, I want you to go to Mr. Taylor's and get me a doll. Please bring a dol lcarriage. jjg Harry said, please bHng him a w knife and a wagon, and a alamblai bama and a monkey that will climb a string. And I want a alamblabama. Mary said, please bring her a doll from Mr. Taylor's and a doll carriage. And please bring Mary and me a monkey that will climb a string. Eida Heins. Klngstree. Dear Old Santa Clause, I want you to please bring me a big, pretty doll and carriage, and some apples, bananas and a box or raisins, and a pair of beads, a table and cha-'rs.' I will be mighty proud of what you bring me as times are very dull. Your little girl, Edith Wilson. ters t the Littl Cades. Dear Santa, Christmas will soon be here. I ar [writing to you, I want you to biin; me a sleepy doll and a butter disi also some nuts, candy and fruit, have a litle sister 4 years old, and want you to bring her a doll an some fruit. I have a little brothe 2 years old. He wants a little hors and wagon, and fruit. I have a littl baby sister one year old. You mus bring her a little doll, too, from, t Elerene Colter. Cades. Dear Santa, Christmas is most here. I am writ ing you as I want you to bring; me i doll, a cream pitcher, some handker chief* and fruit. Please dont forge mother and father. Dora Coker. Cades. Dear Santa, Christmas is one month off. I an writing to you for you to bring m< a mouth-organ and some fireworks and some candy and fruit , Earl Coker. Cades. Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a sleeping doll, carriage, stove, raisins, apples oranges and candy. My two litth sisters want two sleeping dolls,' raisin; and all kinds of fruity Bring mj teacher all kinds of good things. I will close, Fonza Baker. Cades. Dear Santa Clause, I want you to bring me a sleep] doll, carriage, doll bed, stove and al kind* of fruit. My little sister want: a sleeping doll, rattle, stove, doll bed carriage, and apples, candy, oranges raisins, and all kinds of fruit Bring my teacher all kinds of things. Ruby Smith. Kangstree. Dear Santa Clause, You have been very nice to me and I won't ask for much. So please bring me some candy, nuts, grapes and a big pretty doll that can open and shut her eyes and have long ourlj hair, and some fireworks, then a carriage to roll her in. I am in the 4th grade and like my teacher verj mucn. From your little friend, Mary Agnes Coward. Kingstree. Dear Santa Clause. ; Billy King wants a punching bag Jack King wants a car, Edward King wants a car, our cook wants a tease t Bring us some candy and apples and some oranges too. Billy King. Johnsonville. Dear Santa. I am seven years old and going tc scnool. Please bring me an automo bile, a train, a rifle and anything a little boy of my age would appreciate Would like to have a pony and cart and a set of carpenters tools. William Frost' Cannon, Jr. Johnsonville. Dear Santa Clause, I am six years old. Please bring me a big doll, a doll bed and carriage, and lots of little things to plaj with. Pllease bring my little brother Mills, some blocks, picture books anc a doll. He is three years old. Rosamond Cannon. Kingstree. Dear Santa Clause, As times are hard I won't ask foi much. We all know how the boll weevil punctured the cotton boll anc I hope he did not puncture yonr to> shop. Please bring me a knife, a boa of 12 gauge shells, fruit of all kinds nuts of all kinds, candy of all kinds and some fireworks. I am going tc school and in the 7th grade, and 1 like my teacher very much. Your little friend, Peden Coward. Kingstree. My Dear Santa Clause, I am a little boy eight years ok and going to school. 4th grade. I want you t^PRse bring me a foot ball, air riflle^ roman cand'es, fire crackers, fruit and nuts ol all kinds. I won't ask for anything more this time. Your little friend. Herman McElveen. oOl e Tots c ill 4Si*_ 1 1> r ' Kingstret Dear Santa Clause. ' I know you cant bring me all ' things I want, but please bring ' some of them. I would like a doll that can go to sleep and a c riage with little windows. I wan tea set, a new Master Goose Bo some other books, some hair ribb I and fruit and candy. I Please be rood to Britton. Jo Percy, Archie, and Jack. And dt | forget any little orphans' and E r gians. I love you Santa Clause Your little friend, s Frank Oliver Britton r Kingstree Dear Santa, I want you to please bring m< doll and a buggy and horse with doll in it, and I want you to bring a rubber ball and some apples i , some butternuts and some candy : Your friend, . ' Agnes Guerry [ Hemingwaj Dear Santa, I am writing you to let you km that we are three little children sa as fatherless. Our father is sick i k our mother is not able to work i support us as she ought to and 1 would thank you very much if ; ' will remember us on Christmas c ' Yours truly, George, Walter and Docia Watts Salten Dear Santa S la use. : I am a little girl three years < . I have a little sister two months < r I want you to bring her a rati and rubber doll, and me a baby < I that can walk also a little bed, t set, stove, candy, fruit and ni We will have a light burning so j can see as I am going to bed eai Wishing for Xmas to come soon i for vou ay merry one. Your little friends. [ Nell and Marie Foxworth I ' Oaki : Dear Santa Clause. , I am a little boy ten years < , I'm in the fifth grade. I'm writ > this letter before going to school s [ the moon and stars are still in sky. I have two brothers and < sister younger than I am. Please Santa Clause bring m< thirty-six gauge gun, I have a tw ty-tw<J rifle but I want someth that^f can kill partridges with. L^^^ery careful with it around : little brothers and sisters. Sa r Clause if you don't bring me my { I'll sure be disappointed. I won't i f for anything else for I know a g ' even a cheap one, would cost a wh lot. Your friend. John W. DuRant / d Sar rf Willian i mhiii ii ii nun hw t?nt f i. Trio. Dear Santa Clause, the Please bring me a big doll with me eyes that can open and shut and also big a doll baby trunk and a doll baby ar- bed, candy and fruit of all kinds, t a also all kinds of nuts, ok, Your little friend, on, - Lvlis Mae Boyd. > Kingstree. * My Dear Santa Clause, I am a little boy six years old, and going to school. I am in the first grade . I want you to please u bring me a cap pistol, a little auto, little dancing man, fire crackers and !? roman candles. I want you to be sure and bring me some caps for my > a pistol and some candy and fruit of the all lands. me I have two little sisters. ' Please md bring them something nice. I won't ask for anything more this time. Your little friend, James McElveen. r. luu^abnx. Dear Santa, l0w Please bring me a cow boy suit, jrie big rubber ball, bugle, lots of fire ind works and plenty of fruit md Your little friend, we Roy Dennis. ; pou ?-??? :ve. Morrisville. Dear Santa Clauses, i. ' I am a little boy five years old, and I want to tell you what. I want , for Xmas. I want a little play horse and lots of candies and fruits, and jjj some fire works. My little Jbrother is three years old and he wants a train jer and some fruits and candies. Good loll byea_ Frank Copeland, Jr. jts. ^ou Kjngstree. rly. Dear Santa, und I b??n ? real nice little girl. - I want you to bring me a doll, ring, lots of fruit and candy. Please remember papa and mamma. Theresa Mims. (. Kingstree. jld. Dear Santa. ing Please bring me a mouth- organ, | md automobile, some fruit, nuts and ?).. candv. one Thomas LeRoy Mims. . i a Morrisville; en- Dear Old Santa, ing I am a little girl nine years old I'll and I am in the second grade, and I i my try to mind my teacher and study i nta my lessons. I want you to bring me a < run pair of bedroom slippers and kimona, ask and a little sewing machine and lit-11 un, tie doll to sew for. ard vou can bring [ ole me some fruit vr ' ?es. Hoping : you won't have such a cold trip Xmas. i Your little friend, Daisy Tart. itaCl isburg C Morrisville. Dear Old Santa, I am a little deaf and dumb boy, and I want you to bring me a train and lots of fruits and candies and some fireworks. Your little friend, Luke Tart. Hemingway. Dear Old Santa Clause, I willl be glad for you to come Christmas. I want yo to bring me a pop-pistol and some fireworks, i candy, apples and oranges, too. And I hope you will reach many other little children, for they will be looking for you. George Watts. I Kingstree. Dear Santa Clause, I would like a small doll, and 1 want a bcycle awful bad, but I guess times are too hard. I want you to remember all the poor children. Will thank you for anything. With love from, ' Marjjaret Theresa Allen. Kingstree. Dear Santa, I want a doll with dark curly hair that can go to sleep, a wagon that will do to ride my little pup in, a few clothes for my doll. Good bye, Eudora Burgess. Cades. Dear Old Santa, I am a little boy six years old, and I am going to school and I like it fine and like my teacher too. Dear Santa I want you to bring me a wagon and a pop-gun, knife, j all kinds of fruit , and Dear Santa, dont forget papa and mamma. Now Santa, I live five miles from Cades, R. F. D. No. 1, box 13. From your friend, W. D. Coker, Jr. Cades. | Dear Old Santa. ) 1 am a little girl five years old < and am going to school and I like < my teacher fine. I am writing you this morning. I want you to bring me a doll and carriage and fruit ax all kinds. Now Santa, dont forget ] papa and mamma. Helen Coker. < ? i Cades. 1 rtaa. Cant* Plan oa 1 I am a little boy eight years old. I want you to bring me an air rifle, some shot, a foot ball and some Are works of all kinds. With love, r Jade Elmer McFadden. 1 Kingstree. 1 Dear Santa, ] I want you to bring me a doll and J carriage, some fruit and candy and 1 anything else you want to. May Belle Mims. Kingstree. Dear Santa, Please bring me a toy airplane , and an ever sharp pencil, also some j fruit and candy. I am in tne tmru grade and like my teacher flne^ so please remember her for me. ' Hazel Mims. ( Cades, j Dear Santa Clause, Wonder if you will think of a little girl eight years old at our home j this Xmas. I would like for you to i bring me a doll, doll carriage, rib- ] bAn and tea set. I have a little sister four years old and please bring her a doll, ball, picture-book, piano, ] and all kinds of fruit. Evelyn Williamson. j i 1 Cades. 2 Dear Santa Clause, j I am a little boy six years old and j am going to school. I want you to x bring me a tricycle, fire crackers, j tie, watch, candy and all kinds of j fruit. George Williamson. Kingstree. Dear Santa, 1 I ?m a little boy just seven years old. Please bring me a little gun, ? some apples, oranges, bananas and \ candy. I've got two little brothers, j three and five years old. I want you f to bring them a littlle gun and some ? fru;t too. Please don't forget to bring ] something good for my teacher. Re- c member grandma too. v Sincerely, R. 0. Smith. laus bounty Trio. Dear Santa, ? I am a little boy nine years old and in the fourth grade, and like my teacher fine. Her name is Miss Owens. Santa I want you to bring me a knife, Daisy pump gun and some fruit. Don't forget mamma ana papa ana my teacner. Your little friend, ? Clifton Moore. \ Trio. Dear Santa, I am a litle girl six years old and in the first grade and like my teacher fine. Santa r want you to bring me a ring, a doll carriage and some fruit. Don't forget mamma and papa and my teacher. Your little friend, Hazel Moore. Trio. Dear Santa, I am a little boy three years okL I want you to bring me a wagon, a horn and some fruit. Good bye Santa. i Your little friend, *" J, D. Moore. . / Cades. Dear Santa Clause, I am a little girl three years old. I want you to bring me a doll, doll trunk full of clothes, and a rocking chair, some candy, fruit and nuts. Florence Marguerite Price. / Cades. Dear Santa Clause, I want you to please bring me a toy automobile, a gun and caps, and a bag of marbles, candy fruit and fireworks. Your friend, J. M. Price, Jr. Cades. Dear Santa Clause, I am a little girl nine years old. ? t til I go to SCHOOL X rate my kxkuci One. I want you to bring me a doll, loll carriage, a toy piano, toy lamp, candy and nuts. Jessie Price. >? Cades. Dear Old St. Nick, I am a little boy not quite two years ? eld. I want you to please bring me i horn, Alabama coon jigger, rocking horse, a rubber bail and a little> teagon, some candy and fruit. Your little friend, Newsome Price. Cades. Dear Santa Clause, Please bring me a big doll baby that can sleep and a little bed and t some fruit and candy. Dear Santa, please don't forget my little sister, Mildred. My age is three years and r my name is little Mattie Cade. Kingstree. Dear Santa, I am a little girl in the second / yrade and like my teacher very much. I wish you would please bring me i ring, a tea set, doll baby, kitchen :abinet, little sewing machine, stove, iron, wash board, stencil outfit, rolling pin, boaird and sifter for my lolls, also paper dolls, game, book, drawing book and crayons, string of pearls, fire works, handkerchiefs and stationery. Virginia Tolley. Note: (We are gratified to note ;hat this young lady did not include in automobile and a wrist watch.)? Ed. . ; Kingstree. Dear Santa, I have tried to be good all the rear so you would remember me this ;ime too. I want you to bring me i doll, a rubber ball, some candy, tuits and nuts. I won't ask for too nuch for I know you will have so nuch to remember. I will kill all he fire so you won't get burned when rou come down the chimney. Tir;?v: ? Tmao ? iailing jrvu c* iuvai; Florence Cantley. KJngstree, Rt 1. Dear Santa, I know you will visit the children igain this Christmas. I want you to >ring me a doll, a doll carriage, a )in, a ring, a doll trunk, and some ruit, and a box of handkerchiefs, ind please dont forget my teacher, ler name is Miss Maude Allene Kinler. I like her very much. She telle is Christmas stories often. Your little girl, Marian Brown. r- * . -