A\KINGSTREEi P0t:\ A.F.M.: Meets the second Thursday .light '' in each nonth. Visiting bretheren cordially invited. H. U. Kinder, W. M., Donald iMontgomery, Secretary. nil in h i lhm?i ii Mm* ; iiAuto Livery i| NEW FORD ;; j J J Prompt and Safe Service. I 1 Reasonable Rates j ii phone 132 ::1 ii C. J. Thompson ii ] ' niiHiiniininii nnif . Some Facts About the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery ?It's the only battery with Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation between the plates. j ?It's the only battery that can be shipped and stocked in absolutely bonedry condition. ?More than two and a quarter million Willard Threaded Rubber Batteries have been put into service. ?Builders of 194 cars and trucks have selected the Willard Threaded Rub -x 1--J oct cattery as stanaara ' original equipment. Kmgstree Battery Co R. E. Donnelly, Mgr. at W. M. Vause & Sons Shop. Representing WHaid Batteries (THltZADEDBDBBERlNSULATKBr) end fy Batteries (WD0D8EMXA3OSS) ijjlii ONE-THI : 1;; ONLY, BEGINNE i|ii TRICOTINE ANE iiii OUT AT 1/3 OFF I : ||:; $9.75 dresses reduc : 5|:; $14.50 dresses redu : II:: $15.00 dresses redu : || k $21.50 dresses redu I $22.50 dresses redu $25.00 dresses redu DURING SIERES WE ARE FREE. SHOULD ANY ONE WANT SET OR BRASS13 APPROVAL. HOW AB( PRICES, ALSO. KINGSTREE, twww DR. FRANK 0. LENTZ DENTIST Office Over Baggett's Jewelry Store. Main Street OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. 666 cures Malarial Fever. 11 i i it i ii n 1111 n m 1111 u wood yard; ! Phone 125 or 64 i! : Stove Wood, Pine $4.50 i: : Fire Wood, Oak - 5.00:: ; DELIVERED \ J ; TERMS?CASH ;; MIHIIII 1 lllllllltllllll nssHHBEHBB V) | 8 Queer i 1 Feelings | R3 "Some time ago, I was very gfl Kfl irregular," writes Mrs. Cora &gj Robie, of Pikeville, Ky. "I B? ^ suffered a great deal, and knew K2 gH 1 must do something for this w\ %\ condition. I suffered mostly W m with my back and a weakness in gj ^ ray lim6s. 1 would have dread- Jgj ^ ful headaches. 1 had hot flashes ? and very queer feelings, and oh, vjt how my head hurt 1 1 read of ^ C/UM I Hie Woman's Tonic | ^ and of others, who* seemed to Ijg gj have the same troubles 1 had, 00 being benefited, so 1 began to Eg ZJ use it I found it most bene- Eg Zt ficial. I took several bottles ^ Zj .... and was made so much Eg Zj better I didn't have anymore Eg ZZ trouble of this kind. It reg- Eg ^ ulated me." ^ ^ Cardui has been found very yfr gj helpful in the correction of many ^ ^ cases of painful female dis- ^ Z] orders, such as Mrs. Robie % 2? mentions above. If vou suffer 123 i50 as she did, take Cardui?a Kg purely vegetable, medicinal ^ tonic, in use for more than 40 years. It should help you. [gj Sold Everywhere. Yd A Ra RD REDUCTION ON A TO MONDAY MORNIN i SERGE SUITS AND IATHER THAN CARR HE] :ed to $6.50 ced to $9.67 ced to $10.00 ced to $14.34 ced to $15.00 ced to $16.67 THIS SALE, AND IN < i GOING TO GIVE YOI YOIJ PREFER ONE < ED. WE DO THIS, B. CRE YOU WILL WEA] )UT A PRETTY PAIR < McG NOTICE All claims against the county to J receive attention of the County Board of Commissioners must be filed in the office, properly verified and itemized, not later than Saturday before the reg-1 ular meeting on the first Tuesday in each month. S. J. SINGLETARY, County Supervisor Williamsburg Co.; 8-18-21-tf. | TRESPASS NOTICE. Pursuant to provisions of Section j 241 Criminal Code of Soufh Carolina, all persons are hereby warned against! trespassing on lands of the undersign-! ed in King township in any man- i nor oitVton Ktr o? Uouli'iwr iivi | CJUICI u\ V.UVUJI^ KJI Iiauiin^ wood, hunting or allowing stock to run at large on same. Violators will be dealt with according to law. MRS. M. A. BROCKINGTON. ll-23-4tc. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned will make application tc Hon. W. E. Snowden, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, S. C. at his office in Kingstree, S. C., at 12 o'clock m., on Monday, the 18th day of December, 1922, for her final discharge and letters dismissory a? administratrix of the estate of John M. Brown, deceased, and at said time will make full accounting for her actings and doings as such administratrix ' MRS. FLORENCE E. BROWN, Administratrix of John M. Brown, deceased. ll-16-5t REGISTRATION NOTICE The office of the Supervise " Registration will be open on the I Monday in each month for the put r\Ar a r\4 vAmofAvinff onit nnccAn vi ?Vi. pvoc VI IC5IOVCIIU5 ttUJ pvi own " ??' is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of th< poll* j precinct in which the electo. offers to vote four months before the day of elction, and shal1 have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section to him by the Supervisors of Registration, or who can show that h< owns, and has paid all taxes collectible on during the present year, property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or -"-e. R E. CI RKSON, Clerk of Board. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER KINGSTREE HARDWARE CO, Day Phone 35 Night Phone 126 Typewriter Supplies. Users of Typewriters will find a full stock of ribbons, corbon paper, second sheets and typewriters paper at The County Record Office. tf. ductio LL COAT SUITS, DRES G THE 18TH AT 10 O'C POIRET TWILL, SERG Y THEM OVER FOR A *E IS HOW $28.50 dresses reduced $32.50 dresses reduced $35.00 dresses reduced $17.50 Coat Suits reduc $19.50 Coat Suits reduc $28.50 Coat Suits reduc ORDER TO GET YOU T 17 WITH EACH CORSE OF OUR BETTER BRA ECAUSE WE KNOW W Et NO OTHER KIND. I ( OF SHOES FOR THE H ILL B1 STORE FOF tt ? mi urn m i uni imii ;: Milk and Cream li ? \ Let me furnish your Milk, !! \ \ Butter and Cream. Pure Milk and prompt delivery, twice dai\ly, including Sundays. !! I Phone 79. 7-6-tf. I; Kellahan Dairy j; llllll M-HIM I 11 HlllillH P---1 CYPRESS I . SASH \ DOORS | BLINDS * . ! ; I Ho MOULDINGS ^ I: AND IH ^ MILLWORK | get rid of that i tired feeling" \ DO you feel run down and half- j sick all the time? Are you thin, , pale, easily tired?no energy, no < ambition, no "pep"? ; Now is the time to take Gude's ? Pepto-Mangan. It will brace you up, ' give you a delightful feeling of vigor \ and ambition, enrich your blood, build ? firm, solid flesh, and bring the healthy J color back to your skin. Your druggist has Glide's?Liquid | or solid, as you prefer. , Gude's Uento-Man?an : A "J %F Tonic and Blood Enricher \ To prevent a cold, take 666 J in In 1 5SES, SKIRTS AND SII LOCK. WE HAVE SC E, AND SILK DRESSE! NOTHER SEASON. THEY Rl? to $19.00 $31 to $21.67 ? to $23.34 J2.J jed to $11.67 $8.< iedto ..$13.00 $6.1 ied to $19.00 $5.' 0 WEAR "GOSSARD" ( ;t purchased from ssieres you can 01 "hen we get youtc hiring this reduct olidays? we have ROTHE I LADIES ^ * niHuminHMHintiiMi' j Christmas \ j Diamonds, Watches, Silve ; Goods and Leather Nove : Make your gift this : | membrance. ; Any article you sele< : for you. ! T. E. BA JEWELER and OF Kingstree, hi Toys For C : Be Sure to See < toi ant FIREWi for the holidays. \ complete line of thes People's Grocer Kingstree, ll-30-4t. BeBSffiS Prices! ,K & WOOL HOSE FOR < )ME BEAUTIFUL GAR S THAT WE ARE GOINC 1.50 Coat Suits reduced to . 85 Silk and Wool Hose 85 Skirts reduced to 50 Skirts reduced to 75 Skirts reduced to CORSETS AND "GOSSA : US ONE OF OUR $1.00 I 5T THE BENEFIT OF TB ?WEAR THE FIRST "GOS rON SALE NOTHING GO THEM AT VERT AT tTi n JK.3 SOUTH CA > IHIIMHItllHIIIIIH*I Jewelry j jrware, China, Ivory j | ijties. ;; season a lalsting* re- ;: !! ct will be put aside :' :: :: GGETT TOMETRIST, South Carolina i:0 IHI limiHHIIHIIHM IHIHIIHIHIIIIIIIOt t !hrishnas! i! - . :: Our Line of i (S i I! . ORKS |! r 7e will have a jj I ie goods Xmas. jj MtW VMM y umipdiiy i: South Carolina l ^ ^ IIIIUMUMIUMMIIII . ' 1 ONE WEEK ijlji * rrrvTmn ATI IIS11 IVlJliiN xo ur TM ; J-TO CLOSE iili. $21.00 : I: $1.90 ijl: $5.90 ilij $4.37 :1: $3.83 Mi -4 RD" BRAS- : ii 1RASSIERS : :1: [IS $1.00 ON SARD" COR- : I: ESOITTON f TRACTIVE it; * U iROLINA ill IIIII III I l"i III I. / J