*>. ? __ ?H"M f i| I"l"! I I'M ! 1 I'M! 1 MM"! |K;| We have a few p Straw IjHATS I I left over from F :: past season that ' :: we will sell at 1-2 Off :: Regular Price! I McGill (:: Stori ;; Kingstree, ? ! ill 111111 111! Ill H"I"M sasinckrk'a.H; ri tit krnmnhi I it I' The Peop COLD STC Dealers in Beef, I on P* BEST MARKET TURKEYS, GEESE, H. A. MIL Kingstree, Our prices for job Greatest sport yo to pull out your n papers and some Albert and roll up A mt < ? rette x inat sDecaui is so delightfully gc refreshing in a ciga just like it is in a pipe! You never s get your fill ? P. joy'usly friendl] appetizing. A mi i 1 iiltc X11UC11 W1 revelation to your tai other tobacco at any; in its class! And, it i fytlNI the [ M .I M I I I 11 1 1H I M **********4 ?? Brothers I ' 3 For Men South Carolina i mamaammmmmaaamaaaamMmcmk m * le's Market S (RAGE PLANT | >ork, Mutton, Veal and | tusages a PRICE PAID FOR I CHICKENS & DUCKS ] ,LER, Prop. 3 South Carolina | i printmg are reasonable. fjtinS Come < \m Fill up yoi ^ papers wil u know easily because it's cri lakin's and it stays put. Prince jfs the best bet yc a CI?a" laid that you 11 like se P. A. Albert better than an iod and re^e yQU ever rone(i rette? jimmy And listen! If yo eem to a jimmy pipe hanke A?" so by all means know I a n d Prince Albert can < you! It's a revelatit pipe as well as in a II be a rette! P. A. can't 1 ste! No parch. Both are ci price is by our exclusive pa rolls up process. ;e Albef national joy smoke I * \ Watch Your Step! An exchange, the Dillon Herah calls attention to an amendment to th school law wich might easily be ovei looked and cause trouble for William? burg parents. The Herald says: "Several thousand South Carol in fathers and mothers are likely to be come innocent law breakers afte August 15th. "It is not generally known that a the last session of the general asseni hlv the school law was amgpded b imposing a penalty on parents \vh neglected to register with the chaii man of the board of trustees on o before August 15 the names of thei children between the ages of 7 an 14 years. "Failure to comply with the lu\ makes the parent subject to a fin of not less than $5 nor more tha $10 or imprisonment for not less tha 5 nor more than 10 days. "The law applies to those countie which abolished the office of truan officer, but as this office was abol ished in many counties last year, th J law is almost state-wide in its appli j cation. I "If you do not want to come i conflict with the law you had betto see that your child's name and ag are registered with the chairman o your board of trustees on or befor the 15th of this month." 16hininta rbhaisp tao taoi et eeee o The Lean Times. In the Old Testament we are tol of the seven fat years and the seve lean years. They had flush times an hard times away back yonder befor the flood just as we do now. But with this difference: Our har times, our lean times never last for s long as seven years. We have fat times for about seve years, as a rule, and then comes lea times which last for si xmonths or year, or two years at the most. No body now living can recall seven year of hard times in succession. It would be well to keep this i ~;~J nonnln rtro tnlVirvc Jihotl II I illU > III |'V.V^IV M?V 0 ? dull times. Just ivmember that th people in the days of Abraham ha sevenlong years of leanness, whil curs will be measured by months ir stead of years. As a matter of fact, the times no\ are not as bad as 'hey might be, an they are not as bad as they have of ten been before.?Selected. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims agains 'the Estate of Maltie C. Burney, de ceased, will please file the same dul; attested with Messrs. Kelley & Hinds Attorneys for the undersigned, at the: o.Tice in Kingstree, S. C., and all per sons indebted to the said Estate wi! make payment to the undersignec Lela Burney at her home in Heming way, S. C. LELA BURNEY, Administratrix of the Estate of Mat tie C. Burney. deceased. 8-4-3t I on along! ir makin's th P. A. mp cut >u ever Prinff* Prince Albert Is r-imce goId {n toppy rud V rifra- bas*' tidy red tins. J handsome pound and half pound tin I humidors and in the . pound crystal glass t humidor with U QaV6 sponge moistener top. ring?F W Copyright 1921 I by R. J. Reynold# b I Tobacco Co. ^ Wlsatoo-Salao^ It. c* m 111 M i H t ?. 11! 1111! 1 j Hj t! tj * 111 f IHH V*W 11 t il l 44 I I Wilkins' V siy In the Lead rif n . A 11 ;| rrices, /vn 11 ing better. C "I co selling wel 1 see us. Belo :jj of our averag 1 day: ? ft II s -: C. H. Lesesne, one pile at 33c f! < X I n : 1 C. H. Lesesne, one pile at 15voc i g . e t| Charley & Fairey, one pile 201/?c ! Charlie & Fairey, one pile I8V2C n ::: Charlie & Fairey, one pile at 10c ! a ;;;; D. L. Smith, one pile at 41c . * D. L. Smith, one pile at.... .55c n::: Lesesne & Moore, one pile at 39c e ;;; | Lesesne & Moore, one pile at 36c | WILKINS & JOI lij t i1 i f ri 111111111111111111111111111111 M M t ' n 11111 n n 1111 n n 11 n i m 1111 n 11 n 1111 i V ????? ill SPECIAI I Friday and atCH.Mil HAMPTON Where you get the Lar Quality for the Least Mone Now is the time for housewives to fill their sewing baskets. i Pearl Btutons, one dozen to the card, per card zc Ball Thread, per ball lc Spool Thread, all Nos. 6 for 25c Needles, per paper 5c Snaps, per card 3c TV- Ra Eest 15rass 1.111s, per paper... uu Cable Elastic, all colors, yd. 10c I Ladies white Handkerchiefs 3c Birdseye, 10 yard bolt, 27 ins. wide, per bolt $1.60 Mercerized table Damask, 2 yards wide, bleached, yd. 75c Men's Neckties, .. 10c, 15c, 25c Mouse on Highest ii! arcirlpQ SP11_ I: Jood Tobac-1 11. Come to | w are a few I e sales Tues-1 . Charley Fulton, one pile at 28c H Charley Fulton, one pile at 171/) XX R. B. Keels, one pile at 35c 8 R. B. Keels, one pile at 25c j [; / i i i ? R. B. Keels, one pile at... 201/?c ! jj1 R. B. Keels, one pile at... 14%c j; j 1 R. B. Keels, one pile at.. .1314c ::: 3. H. Lessesne, one pile at . .37c j J! 3. H. Lesesne, one pile at.. .59c j ;;; HNSON, Prims. \ I! ' I I I a | C FAD II jo run. 1 Saturday ler & Co's AVENUE ' gest Quantity of the Be& j iy. ! ' -:-g Boy's Union Pajama check, 25c Boys' Overalls, pair, 75c . Dress Ginghams, per yard.. 10c Children's Overalls, pair 50c Silk Shirting, per yard 50c Boy's Razzle-Dazzle Caps... 10c Bovs' and Men's Belts, 10c-25c r 7 / 1 Afon'o frnnrl liTro'raHc Qfif? 1T1.V 11 o v/ ? VI VWV Men's Suspenders, . 15c and 25c Men's army Hose 5c ' Boy's and Children's unionall all sizes and colors 98c Our September patterns are now in, stop in and get a fashion sheet free. We are also agents for the Mc11. -m r 1 /+!-. AA Call s Magame at $i.uu a year. ;<*i? v . ***' * '