The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 11, 1921, Image 6

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SOgood cigarettes tor lUc from one sack of GENUINE "BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO + T 1 Home Demonstration Notes I t | J D.. \yf_Y1 t A Dy iviiss nwic i?n.muua> |? Chrystalized Citron, Water and Musk Melon. Gather citron when the little curl irst turns brown, gather cantalope when they first net all over, white itate. Cut in quarters or eights, cut iff peeling scrape out seed and pulp, joak in lime water over night (1 cup f lime to 1 gallon of water) . Rins? and cook in clear water until they can ae pierced with fork. Drain on platter or wire rack until they look frosty, veigh. use equal parts of sugar and nnd. Divide sugar in half, make two syrups, in one vessel put one cup to three cups sugar until all of the sugar :s used, stir until sugar is dissolved. When syrup first comes to a violent boil, add citron and boil violently for twenty minutes then pvu it into second syrup which should be boiling violently, cook until transparent, take 3ut put on platter and dry in the sun. This will take up all the syrup. When dry, pack in coffee cans lined with paraffin papei. u-e for fruit cake or pther confections. Grape Mince Meat. One quart grapes, 1 orange or two demons, o- ' pint sugar, one p.nt chip ?ed apple- ci pears, one teuspoonful powdered cinnamon, one teaspoonfu! grated nutmeg. Separati pulp and hulls, cover hulls vu'th wat< rnd boil until tender. Boil pulp in ti eir own juice until tender ami strain through potato ricer to remove seed. Grate yellow from orange or lemon and cut in small pieces removing seed mix .'.11 with liquid from boiled hulls, iook until a thick consistency. Seal in sterilized jars, process ten minutes. Add meat when you op n in the winter to make pies. o 4 V A<VI/\M V /? <tc .IKiniLaii .wiw, Because he believes married men make better citizens, Rev. John W. Inzer, national chaplain of the American Legion, has announced that he will perform without cost marriage ceremonies for members of the Legion attending the national convention of the organization at Kansas City this fall. The convention committee believes the chaplain's inducement will result in 5t> many marriages during convention that it has appointed a special rewlyweds committee to look after the comforts of bridal parties. '"The American Legion is one of the bulwarks of the world," said Marshal Ferdinand Fcch in a recent interview rith an American newspaper correspondent. Referri* g to the Paris ]>ost a; the Legion, the marshal said it was "the American heait of France." Citizens of Seattle were amazed recently at the sight of Lemuel Holies, national adjutant of the American Legion; Hugh M. Caldwell, mayor of Seattle; Prig. General Maurice Thompson, and other prominent members of die American Legion in chains and rearing the army fatigue uniforms with the familiar "P. G." < prisoner of war) on their hacks, being led through the streets. It was only a part of the initiation of the "40 and V society, the piny organization of the Legion. "The greater portion of solid, rightthinking. right-living young Ameri rans got i:ito service during the war, onl/ the dreg.- were left in civil life," declared Chief of Police Pendegrast. of IjO> Angeles, Cal.. to officials of the American Legion. The police chief said that he had never yet found a criminal who could show a good service record. Formal demand has heen made to Mayor Thompson of Chicago ??y Theodore Roo-ewlt Po.-t of the American i>-gion for an investigation of the cop.icct of city ofTic'ais who served on a -: < option cooimi'tec to weu me Jack Johnson. the negro pugilist. hack t . ( hicago for:., the ! oderal p *r.It? t'.w.y v.: Fort Leavenwoith. At e\p c - - t- d ' n th ' r i:;'< ovi : - I .- us, wa- realized by M.s. John .Johan>on, Sr., i f Davenport, la., who died a few minutes before the train bearing her son's body reached Davenport. Mrs. Johansen had been ill lever since the shock caused by the news of her son's death. It was a strange fate that brought about the double funeral. The American Legion was in charge of the burial. Roy Albert of St. Louis, Mo., said to have been the smallest man who served with Anier can anriy overseas, was killed by a train at Caspar, Wyo. He weighed 93 pounds. The American Legion took charge of the body and arranged funeral plans. REGISTRATION NOTICE The office of the Supervisor of Registration will be open on the 1st Monday in each month for the purpose of registering any person who is qualified as follows: Vtofa Konn o V> I1U duail no? c wvvu M .?v ? of the State for two years, and of the county one year, and of the poll.' ; precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of elction, and shall have paid, six months before, any poll tax then due and payable, and who can both read and write any section to him by the Supervisors of Registration. or who can show that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectible on during the present year, prop- | erty in this State assessed at three; hundred dollars or ^re. R E. CI ' RKSON, n Clerk of Board. ! n i . Rub-My-Tism for Rheumatism. 11 ^ \ ^ 4rr"rt: p? I j? J -J V i "''iffl VTA* >1 " [ r r ' ' I l KMM|fln| x&mm Motor I |0) 4 |] j 1 I for i?ia.>or Friends of Mr. W. R. Scott anounce him as their candidate for layor in the coming municipal elecon. i 2^ - i M ^fficienc) jfhy Star THERE is a point be efficiency of a mot cannot be guaranteed turer. Thousand dollai known to render Ion satisfactory service tin were valued at two 01 much. Mechanically your 6 feet when it came to factory. The best of i inensurate with the pi were used in its constri was as nearly ready for __ ii.? e?? . as mc luuuuiuciui ti 3 * How do you select From this point the for efficient operation lies largely with vou (' an<l purchase fuel a and with the refiners. STAND ARI ??? Hill Mill mil III &< r* Arrival and Departure of Trains Southbound: Xo. 83, 10:58 a. m. \'o. 78, 11:21 a. m.. Xo. 47. 6:17 p. m., j S'o. 89. 9:22 p. m. L Xorthbound.?Xo. 80. 7:16. Xo. 40, ; 11:45, Xo. 78. 5:58 Rub-My-Tism kills pain. "THE MONEY YOU DO ? " Cypress Averts You don't like repair you have a job of new ? << ? ?a c? ?ii?? : . d UllUC-dllU-lUl "dii J Insist on "Tide Water" Cypress?you can identify it by this mark. "Cyprc The true "Wood Ete GET IT. Identify firs insisting if necessary? Write us for list of FREE I and no substitutes" from yi SOUTHERN CYP) 251 GRrl YOUR LOCAL DEALER WILL SI JL kill m^^B* r vs. Gas< idard Oil Comp Great Exp yond which I he Your or car or truck good gas bv its manufac- to it, am r cars have been to see th iger and more up to sta in others which can get three times as pleasure by the ? 4ir?!?"' uns nor- improve you from the efforts o materials, com- ment De ice of the car, . action. The car roll efficient service Our d joulcl make it. seeking i Motor Fuel ? ; responsibility iness an i of vour motor property who must select which h ml lubricantsj facts. v o their gtj" ) OIL COM rrs of the best i>'<i The Record carries the ing papers ever carried in and select your stationery. See The County Reco cards and invitations. N'T HAVE TO SPEND ON REPA V Repair Bills?Lasts Practic bills, do you? Neither does any r building or sure-enough "must-b< oh of it bv using CYPRESS "THE WOOD ETERNAL" ;ss Lasts Practically Forei :rnal" is your "one best bet." 1 >t-class lumber by the above trade -for your complete quality-assura 'LANS for farm buildings?but in the meantime i our local lumber dealer?no matter for what purp RESS MANUFACTURERS' LHAM BUILDING, JACKSONVILLE, FL. JPPLY YOU. ir HE HAS PPT ENOUGH CYPRESS jjj| i ji| K ! oline Effi< any (New Jersey) ~J \ " / / ntal Department task is to find a consistently oline, adjust your carburetor 1 use no other. Our work is at this gasoline is constantly udard ; to make sure that you it wherever your business or takes vou in the field served Standard Oil Co. (IV. J.); to it when possible through the f specialists in our Developpartment. oiv Expert Guidance evelopment men are at work still further to improve our . These experts have devoted s to study of the refining busd the relation between the i\s of the oils and the service ev render. They deal only in )' -a?rt go wrong in following c* o ~ dance. DAiVTV /lVT^.r X ill! 1 V11lcn fsoline obtainable i * JN4 i largest line of printKingstree. Come in rd's line of engraved. n 4 S IS ALL PROFIT" :ally Forever." one else, so, when e" repairing, make 1 I Insist on "Tide Water" j Cypress?you can identify it by this mark. rer" SEE THAT YOU mark. (Do a little nee.) insist on "CYPRESS ose you buy. Address ASSOCIATION t\. 4 ^ LET US KNOW AT ONCE. CO ifir ''Hi : ' \ u? "U h t ff LJ nency [(prspv) 1/ ~ ~ / ; /