9** Items of Local Interest THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921 Mr. Chas. Boyd of Lane was in town Monday. ?? ?? Miss Dordie McGill is at home after a weeks stay in Sumter. * w 31 r. J. M. Rodgers of Cades, was in town Monday on business. Mr. LeRoy Lee visited his mother lats Sunday, in Florence county. * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Brown, Friday August 5tn, a nine pound boy. Misses Shuler nnd Nexsen were the guests of Mrs. Alex Rodgers last week. * Proceeds from sales at the community market last Friday amounted to $13.38. * Mr. L. E. McCants, of Andrews, route 1, was a caller at The Record office Tuesday. * * * Miss Flora Kennedy spent several days this week here as the guest of Miss Louise Epps. * k Master Louis, little Misses Cornelia and Annie Bunch are spending awhile on Pawley's Islana. Miss Lizzie Gordon is at home after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. Ellis, at Gilliconville. * Miss Mabel Bowie of Georgetown, is the guest of Misses Etta and Florence Jacobs, this week. ? m Mrs. A. M. Gordon of Gourdins, spent the week-end here as the guest of Miss Emma Gordon. * Mr. Mary- Stutts, who has been quite sick for the past three weeks, is still confined to her bed. Mrs. Martha Wolff and children of Salters, are visiting Mrs. M. H. Plowden and Mrs. W. G. Gamble. Mr. Ernest Evans of Bennettsville spent several days here this week, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans. f, S. B. Timmons, Salters, Route 3, ? v;??of?aa TSiocrfav and called was in ivju^obi^v A to renew his subscription to The , County Record. ? * , Miss Irene Dick, fre attractive guest of Miss Elizabeth Epps for the ** past two weeks, returned to her home in Sumter Friday. Mrs. LeRoy Lee has as her guests this week, Mrs. J. M. Symnes and childrqp of Greenwood. Mrs. Symnes is a sister of Mrs. Lee. Mrs. W. E. Andrews and Miss Mamie Brockington, of Charleston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Alsbrook, here this week. Mr. J. P. Cromer of Clinton, brother of Mr. L. H. Cromer, Jr., of this place, has accepted a position in The County Record's office. - .... Mrs. T. E. Baggett and children returned Monday afternoon from Sullivan's Island, where they have occupied a cottage for the past six weeks. Mr. Joel Davis and family and Mr Robert Plowden and wife and Miss Maggie Lou White of Sumter, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Plowden this week. Mrs. Waldo Palmer and daughter, Mary Helen, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tolley, will leave this afternoon for their home in Toledo, Ohio. * ? Wom/wac \foccaKpan who has ^UlOO X AMUVVO MMWWWWW, been the guest of Miss Marian McFadden for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Johnsonville Tuesday afternoon. * * Mr. W. E. Hanna of Cades was in #-* Kingstree yesterday to look over the tobacco market. While here he call-1 ed at The Record office to renew his subscription to the paper. Friday evening, Miss Mandaline Holliday was the guest of honor at a chicken supper g)ven by the yoijng men of the town. The feast was served at Mr. Mr. W. R. Scott's farm. * Miss Lydia Dixon, who presented "The Microbe of ix>ve" here on Monday evening; left Tuesday morning for Lake City, where she will present the same shew sometime next week. Miss Elear.or Rodgers has returned to her home in Lake City, after a weeks visit here with Miss Ruby Joy. Miss Mary Webster of Lake City, spent last week here as the guest of Miss Louise Joy. * ? Mrs. E. T. Kelley and children are spending some time in Hamlet, N .C., \\ ith Mrs. Kelley's sister, Mrs. Hudnal. Miss Lula Kortjohn of Orangeburg kis spending the week here with her sister, Mrs. Harry Britton. * The Rev. John W. Davis is enjoyirg a month's vacation which he is spending with friends and relatives ^ in Columbia. Dunng his absence regular Sunday sendees at the Presbyterian church will be suspended. t Tobacco sales have been very heavy this week. Prices for good grades have been very satisfactory. A large quantity of the leaf has come from cuite a distance which would indicate that prices on the Kingstree market are just a little better than they are j at some other markets. * Miss Martha Gordon is spending sometime in Charleston with her sister, Mrs. S. K. Brockir.gton. Miss Martha was called to Charleston on account of the illness of her sister, Pauline, who was paying Mrs. Brock? wcit Mice Pauline, is doing II a * lOlb. AIA.WW ? ? , ? w nicely, we are glad to report. The contract for upkeep of the new Kingstree-Manning road and the Kingstree-Florence road has been let to Mr. Clarence Alsbrook. Mr. Albrook will have charge of the upkeep of the Kingstree-Florence road from the cemetery to W. E. Nexsen's store, and on the ether road from the river bridge to the Clarendon county line, a total of about seventeen miles. * * Rev. E. A. McDowell, who is spending the month of August in the mountains with his family, spent last weekend here. Rev. McDowell came to conduct the special service which was held in the Baptist church on Sunday morning, in honor of Miss Hannah Plowden. Miss I'lowden sails September 1st for Shanghai, China, where she is to teach in a Baptist Mission school. Saturday moning, Mrs. B. V. Singleton entertained for Miss Serena Lee's guest, Miss Mandaline Holliday, of Greenville, with two tables of bridge. After the games Mrs. Singleton assisted by Miss Ruby Thorn, served a salad course. The invited guests were: Misses Serena Lee, Mandaline Holliday, Sarah Holland Hester, Frances Massabeau, Madge Blakley, Ruby Thorne, Marian McFadden. * ? The "Microbe of Love," presented at thet school auditorium here Monday night by local talent under the direction of Miss Lydia Dixon for the Kingstree post of the American Legion, was a decided success in spit*1 oi the severe electric storm and down ; ? of rain which prevailed and prevented many from attending. The comedy was well rendered and much praise of it is heard. The local talent employed and Miss Lydia Dixon each coming in for a share of commendadation. The net pioceeds amounted to $40.00. o Miss Plowden Showered. Friday morning, the Ladies Missionary Society of the Kingstree Baptist church entertained, at the home of Miss Belle Harper, for Miss Hannah Plowden. Miss Plowden is tc leave in a few weeks for Shanghai, China, to teach ir. a Baptist Missionary school. The guests took the words, "Baptist Missionary Society" and wrote notes of good wishes to Miss Plowden. Then each guest wrote a receipt for Miss Plowden, which were bound in * ** an attractive booklet; on me cover ui this booklet was a picture of the Baptist church. This book will be most helpful to Miss Plowden as she is to keep house with s everal other missionaries. The guest of honor was then escorted into an adjoining room where she was showered with some lovely and useful gifts. Miss Harper, assisted by her sister, then served the gucts with sandwiches and iced tea. About thirty ladies were present. o Death of Mrs. Jemigan. Mrs. S. W. Jem:gan, of this county died last week at the home of her son, Mr. J. J. Jernigan, at Roland, N. C. The remains were brought here Friday and taken to Mt Vernon cemetery for interment. Mrs. Jernigan was about 60 yeas of age and had been in declining health for some time. o??? TAMTVr. WTI.nTATS Georgetown Man Has Two Under Discipline on His Motor Boat. One day last week while going through a portion of Santee swamp, P. R. Lambert, a well known woodsman, of Georgetown, came across a wild cat's liar. His dog gave the first alarm and as he came to the spot the dog seized an object which Mr. Lambert i-ecognized as a baby wild cat. The little fellow had bravely shown fight, although not more than two weeks old, it was soon killed by the dog. Just then Mr. Lambert saw two other little wild cats making away through the bushes. He gave chase and caught them. The mother wild cat had evidently siunK away at the approach of danger, leaving the little ones to their fate. Signs of her bed were there and the spot was still warm where she had been with the kittens playing about her. The baby wild cats are now in possession of Arthur Lambert ,son of the fmder, who says they will not be wild cats long, as they are already getting quite tame. He has them on his motor boat. ^'hey are pretty little things, a male and a female of the species, with dun brown b^ks, spottcJ - bellies and brindle faces. One wou take them for sturdy kittens of house cat until the bob tails sugge tive of the belligerent breed are see standing out stiffly behind in fightin. mood or stuck tight between their leg as they attempt to get away. The fac> i.; that of a tiger, striped like a tige from the nose back: and the paws an< claws are much more formidable tha those of the kitten of the tame ca* Young as they we e when first caugh' they were feirce feeders and woul fight over a piece of ray* meat, s they had to be fed apart. They seei quite domestic on the boat and ru around playfully when no one j aboard except Capt. Lambert and hi mate. For safekeeping, however, the are confined most of the time in scap box which is arranged for thei accomodation Capt. Lambert say lie expects to take them to Charlesto on his next trip, where he may mak come disposai of *hem, as it is likel the wild cat nature may develop troi ble for him on the boat when the grow larger, notwithstanding the goo dicipline he is now exacting of th little varmints. o IN MEMORIAM i COOPER?In loving remembrance j of my dear husband, Thomas Br.rros ' Cooper, who depa -ted this life one year ago, August 14th, 1920. ( Dearest Burros, thou hast left us, And our loss we deeply feel, ! But 'tis God that hast bereft us i He can all our sorrows heal. How I miss thee, Burros darling, j God in heaven alone doth know, How our home is lonely without thee, ; And the tears (f sorrow flow. ? - ? *---j * Ulij now naici we uitu iu ^avc u, % Tears and prayers were all in vain, >, But God, who knowest all things best, > Did ease your poin and give you f rest. Wife. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS i FOUND?Saturday night one week j ago, coat and pants belonging to P. ; Cooper. Party may secure same by j applying to David Nexsen, Kings- j tree, S. C., and paying charges of ; this advertisement. ltc J FOR SALE?Pointer puppies from ! the famous bird-dog "Patsy". Ready to take away. See or write J. H. j Epps, Kingstree, at once. 7-28-tfe ONE GASOLINE TANK and pump, 550 gallons. One oil tank and pump, 65 gallons. Have been in use about j two years. Now in good condition Very cheap for cash. Steele Fur- ! niture Co. 7-28-irfc PLUMBING-When in the market for ; a first-class Plumbing job drop us jg a card and if you need light ask ; i- -1?? ?? ? 1in>M mliiW I US to snow JUU a i/aw 11*111 .T is the standard of the world Carter Electric Service Co.,'Lake City, S. C. 3-17-tf. WANTED?$1,600 at 8 per cent for j one to three years on five room bungalow with large lot in Greelvville. First mortgage. Reliable | party. Write XYZ, care Record if you have meney to lend. 6-9-tf For Mayor: W. R. SCOTT. i For Commissioner* of Public Works: W. H. CARR. | Candidates For Alderman. The blowing named gentlemen announce their candidacy for election to membership on the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Kingstree: THOS. McCUTCHEN. F. W. FAIREY. H. A. MILLER, L. D. RODGERS. W. K. McINTOSH, C. H. SINGLETON, W. E. JENKINSON, T. E. ARROWSMITH, A. C. SWAILS, LeROY CATES. E. F. MARTIN. 8-11-tde NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that purs u-1 ? ant to an order of the County Board 8 of Education of Williamsburg County,. ? State of South Carolina, the under-1 ? signed as Trustees of Spring Gully, g School District No. 60 in said County, 5 will hold and conduct an election at ? the School. House in the said Spring Gully School District on Saturday, the 20th . day of Augt st, 1921, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said district residing therein, the question of levy ng and collecting an annual tax of four I (4) additional mills on the property [ in said district subject to taxation, which said tax shall be used to sap- 2 plement the taxes now collected in said school district for school purposes; that for the purpose of said 8 election the polls will be opened at I eight o'clock in the forenoon and closed at four o'clock in the afternoon, by the undersigned Trustees, ^ho shall act and serve as managers of said election; at said election only qualified electors who return real or personal property for taxation and ! j 1 1 M xon/1 r^cns- ' a wno exmou utx .ctci^to mm * tration certificates as required in gen-! 8 eral elections shall be allowed to vote, ifi and each elector favoring the prop osed i jj levy shall cast a ballot containing the ; word "YES" printed or written thereon, and eacii elector opposing said levy shall cast a ballot containing the word "NO" printed or written thereon; and that said election will be h,eld and conducted in the manner proscribed by Section 1742 of the Code of i Laws of South Carolina, Volume I, 1912. and amendments thereto. W. T. EVANS, M. L. BOYD, A. C. BOYD. ' 19 Trustee? Spring Gully School District, ? No. 60. 8-ll-2tp. 3 1 Tnciircn I111JU1 Ul Which 5 I I WW KINGSTREE. ai PRODUCTS at low buy as much LUMBE] TERIAL as they wo at higher prices. RS SUPPLY ' Hampton Avenue and i nee or Do Yo I III 11IIIHIIIIMHIH MMMMMMMMMMM / PFIRE BANKE H FARM Z FRIEN] ' CHANT MAST. LIFE LOVE'S IT IS Ar 9 THAT AFTER LET YOUR NESS. EVERY -L-?| HONES' COUNT N main in 11 ini inn i in n-wir L W. BO - - SO' ^ I * 9 I I er prices this J Rand BUILD- \ ~^"J uld this time * LU COMPANY | Railroad Eg / orry ? r! u Carry? | IrTiW oqo? n6R INSURANCE IS A 1 IR'S BEST BET, A ? [ER'.S FAITHFUL I [), AND A MER- I 'S MIGHTY MAIN- | \ ajSS INSURANCE IS I LASTING LEGACY. 1 r LEAST ONE THING 1 YOU CANNOT BUY I YOU NEED IT. I , ALE DO SOME OF 1 INSURANCE BUSI- 1 I WANT TO INSURE ? THING FOR EVERY I | T MAN IN THE 1 . v M I'~IT TI"I" TTTT iDDIE, UTH CAROLINA 1 >S I :; . is.